​Assignment Writing Assignment Help

​Assignment Writing Assignment Help. ​Assignment Writing Assignment Help.

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Assignment 15

Nicomachean Ethics, Book 4

The Fragility of Goodness, Chapter 8

(Explain the difference between theoretical and practical wisdom and how they effect ethical life using examples in an essay of between 450 and 500 words.)

Assignment 16

Nicomachean Ethics, Book 5

The Fragility of Goodness, Chapter 9

(In Chapter 11 Nussbaum quotes Aristotle’s Rhetoric to discuss how average people lose the virtues of youth as the age. Explain how this happens.) Explain in a essay of between 450 and 500 words

Assignment 17

Nicomachean Ethics, Book 5

The Fragility of Goodness, Chapter 9

(Explain in a essay of between 450 and 500 words what the function of pleasure is in human life and why and how this function can be dangerous.)

Assignment 18

Nicomachean Ethics, Book 5

The Fragility of Goodness, Chapter 10

(Why does Aristotle feel that friendship is so important for the good life?) Explain in a essay of between 450 and 500 words

each one Separate

​Assignment Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

drosophila lab report Science Assignment Help

Fly Lab Report Guide


APA Style will be used in the Fly Lab Report. Both running head and in-text citations are needed. The font should be uniform. Choose either Times New Roman or Calibri as the font of your document. The font size can be 12 or 13. The title can be bolded on the same font sizes. Paragraph spacing should be double.Margins on all sides are necessary. The alignment should be justified. Page numbers should be present on the main section of the report.

Cover Page:

The cover page should be double spaced, centered, and include the following information: a title, your name, instructor’s name, class name, and date.

Sections to the report:

There will be four sections in the report:

  • Introduction:
  • Materials/Methodology:
  • Results:
  • Discussion

Write a short background on fruit flies and introduce the theories that is necessary for the project. DO NOT list them out, discuss them in detail. Be sure to have correct in-text citations. You may include pictures or figures to further explain information. If pictures or figures are used, there must be a figure/picture number and a caption.

All materials used in project should be included. In methodology, you should discuss how the experiment was set up and performed. This is where you should introduce the different crosses used in the project.

Form tables and charts to display data collected in the experiment. You should be able to show observed values for your theories. YOU CANNOT HAVE RAW DATA AS YOUR RESULTS! The raw data should be included in an annex after the References page. All tables in Results Section should have a proper table number and title. After each table, there should be a short summary of the information presented in the table.

In the discussion, you should analyze the results from the experiment. You can refer to specific table numbers from the Results section and compare it with expected theoretical values for the theories introduced in the Introduction.

You can add a conclusion section to wrap up the conclusions of your report. Acknowledgement is another section that can be included.


Your references should be on a separate page. At least five references (all from valid and reliable sources), at least two should be peer- reviewed articles.

An annex is required to include your raw data.

I also uploaded a sample for you ( the type of cross may different between this report )

the data in the link

the picture is parental genotype


Research proposal Writing Assignment Help

I want to write a research proposal. In that I want to change a delivery system of any drug that is already available in the market. For example, anti-epileptic drug Lorazepam is available in the tablet, Intravenous and Intramuscular dosage form, but I want to suggest a proposal for trans-dermal patch system. The proposal should include a strong argument regarding the selection of new delivery system. The paper should include procedure used in the new delivery system. The procedure could be hypothetical but should strongly support the cause. the paper should be of 6 pages long with at least 10 peer-reviewed references. It should also contains in-text citations. It should be free from plagiarism.


Assignment Mathematics Assignment Help


Spring 2018


  • You may use data from the internet, data that you’ve collected yourself, or data that you may have used for another class. However, this project is meant to be different than anything you’ve done before.


  • RMarkdown
  • Data cleaning and manipulation
  • Data visualization
  • Statistical analysis
  • Interpretation of data visualizations and statisical analysis


  • 2 to 4 high quality plots. At least 1 of the plots needs to include at least 2 variables.
  • A statistical analysis appropriate to answer your question of interest.
  • You are encouraged to try new graphics or analyses that we didn’t cover in class!


  • Overall presentation
  • Visualization details
  • Depth/appropriateness of visualization
  • Statistical analysis details
  • Depth/appropriateness of statistical analysis
  • Accuracy of conclusions regarding visualization
  • Accuracy of conclusions regarding statistical analysis


  1. Introduction (1 page).
  • What is your question of interest and why is it important
  • What other work has been done?
  • What do your data look like? Where do they come from? How were they obtained? What are the variable types and units? What were the steps you took in cleaning the data?
  1. Descriptions of visualizations (page length will vary). A summary of each graphic should contain
  • the graphic itself
  • one paragraph (3-5 sentences) summarizing the key takeaways of graphic and any interesting features / associations / relationships / etc. that the reader should understand
  • one paragraph (3-5 sentences) describing the tools used to create the graphic (e.g., ggplot features, other plotting tools, etc.), the coding techniques necessary to manipulate the data in order to create the graphic (e.g., subsetting, etc.), and any graphical choices that were made (e.g., bandwidth / bin width choices, etc.)
  1. Description of the statistical analysis (page length will vary).
  • the analysis itself
  • one paragraph (3-5 sentences) describing the type of analysis, tools used to conduct the analysis (e.g., lm, etc.), the coding techniques necessary to manipulate the data in order to conduct the analysis (e.g., subsetting, etc.), and any choices that were made regarding missing data and complex survey weights (if applicable)
  • one paragraph (3-5 sentences) summarizing the key takeaways of the analysis and any interesting features / associations / relationships / etc. that the reader should understand
  1. Conclusions (no more than 1 page). Practical findings and conclusions. Weaknesses in design. Other variables that you’d want to look at?

This is a formal report. Your writing should be professional and free of spelling/grammar errors. Your graphs should be high-quality, with titles, axis labels, legends, etc.


  • You should show all code for your technical report.
  • Please cite your sources, either using traditional format (Lopez, 2013) or links to URLs. See the Markdown cheatsheet for how to use URLs in Markdown.
  • Consider the project requirements when thinking about what data you’d like to use. If you have a data set with 2 or 3 variables, it is likely insufficient for meeting the requirements above. However, you can certainly merge existing data sets together.
  • You should submit a single .Rmd file and a single .html file containing the report.


Discuss and brief Business Finance Assignment Help

Discuss and brief the alternative dispute resolution case of Nitro-Lift Technologies, LLC v. Eddie Lee Howard 133 S.Ct. 500, 184 L.Ed.2d 328, 568 U.S. ___ (US 2012). In my paper book it is on p 528 of chapter 14. It appears to be online. Try to find it via a web search for 133 S.Ct. 500. Or by a web search for 184 L.Ed.2d 328. Because it is a US Supreme Court case, you might also find info on Oyez. Please attempt to incorporate or reference issues from chapters 8, 11, 14 into your case analysis if possible. ( the book is called Introduction to law and the legal system and criminal procedure )



Phil exam 3 Humanities Assignment Help

Each question must be answered with 250-300 words. Make sure to write as clearly and specifically as possible. Use your own words.

Question 1: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of Divine Command Theory. Give a strong, well-supported argument in favor of (or opposed to) DCT for ethical decision-making.

Question 2: Explain the ethical theory of Thomas Hobbes, David Hume, or Immanuel Kant, primarily concerning morality and justice. Include contextual/background factors that shaped the theory. Also, tell why you agree or disagree with it, providing a present-day illustration to support your position.

Question 3: Compare and contrast existential philosopher-ethicists Soren Kierkegaard and Friedrich Nietzsche, discussing both areas of agreement and disagreement. Include in your analysis their backgrounds/contexts and worldviews, and the subsequent impact of their thought on ethical thinking and moral practice.

Use and cite Part 3 and Part 4 in The Story of Ethics: Fulfilling Our Human Nature.


Phil exam 3 Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

peer reviews Humanities Assignment Help


1) In this case I would chose family but my definition may be a bit more loose than most. I believe everyone sharing my species is family and like a village any individual action had a great effect on who we all become. From brothers to bullies and friends and foes every encounter became a lesson shaping my mindset as I progressed through life.
With that being said my friends were definitely the most impactful by far. The things we liked to do together became the things I do now. Even now in the new friendships that I make I gain perspective and I change just a little bit every time


2) Cash basis. Revenue is recorded when cash is received from customers, and expenses are recorded when cash is paid to suppliers and employees.

Accrual basis. Revenue is recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when consumed.

Both income statements for December and August are calculated by figuring the net income which is by subtracting revenues and expenses. Thus, paying ahead will leave a balance of 1550 per month in rent which was paid in advance.


very easy italian work Writing Assignment Help

please answer the questions of the practice paper.

please answer the questions of the practice paper.

please answer the questions of the practice paper.

please answer the questions of the practice paper.

please answer the questions of the practice paper.

please answer the questions of the practice paper.

please answer the questions of the practice paper.

please answer the questions of the practice paper.


Describe HR Management as it fits within the scope of the larger discipline of business? Writing Assignment Help

Write a 9-10 page paper describing how HR Management as a
discipline fits within the scope of the larger discipline of business. The business is Starbucks Coffee Shop.

Should incorporate information on how an HR department
interacts with a minimum of 3 other functions in one or more organization(s),
including, but not limited to: Accounting, Finance, Information Systems,
Manufacturing, Distribution, Marketing, PR, Sales, Service, R&D, or

The paper must include a 1-page Executive Summary detailing
which organization(s) and which functions are examined in the body of the paper
(which does not count as part of the page requirement).

The body of the paper should include concrete examples of
best practices from recognizable organizations. Examples may be from the same
organization, or multiple organizations. Examples may be taken from current
events, and/or from organizational analysis found in sources such as textbooks,
journals, trade publications, and reliable business, government, and HR related
websites (e.g., BLS, DOL, EEOC, SHRM, Forbes, Bloomberg, CNN Money, WSJ, NYT,
etc.). Any citations must be cited consistent with APA format.

Please make a page like the page 4-43, I have attached it in the files.

Power Point Presentation

Major Case Analysis PowerPoint or Prezi Presentation: Complete a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation (or presentation that uses another appropriate technology) highlighting their findings. This is a follow-up to the Major Case Analysis. The recommended length of the presentation is 8-10 slides with audio commentary included. The presentation must be appropriate to college-level work, demonstrate critical analysis of the case, and be free of spelling and grammar errors.

There are two items on this request, one is a paper and the other is a power point presentation.


English 101 Response writing Required text: Approaching Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing, 3rd ed. (ISBN: 0312640994) Humanities Assignment Help

Response Writing 4:

Though you do not have to memorize meter and rhyme, I do want you to get a feel for it. Therefore, for this assignment, I want you to write your own English (or Shakespearean) sonnet. Review pages 679-681 to help with the structure.

  • 14 lines
  • Iambic pentameter (each line has 10 syllables–not words, syllables–unstressed, stressed pattern)
  • End rhyme for each line is generally abab cdcd efef gg
  • A good example is on page 680, Shakespeare’s “That Time of Year Thou Mayst in Me Behold.” The rhyme is clear and easy to follow.


English 101 Rubric

English 101 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAudience Awareness: Essay demonstrates a willingness to engage readers in an academic environment, one characterized in content, tone, and inquiry.

2.0 pts

Clear audience awareness

1.0 pts

Some audience awareness

0.0 pts

No audience awareness

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis: Essay has a clear point to it, a claim about the topic that challenges readers to think and to understand more than they already know about the topic.

2.0 pts

Clear, strong thesis

1.0 pts

Thesis, but needs work

0.0 pts

Thesis is unclear or confusing

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopment: Essay responds not only in focus, but also in length and scope, t the assignment. Paragraphs are fully developed, making ides clear, interesting, and convincing. Clear support is offered for the essay’s main point.

2.0 pts

Clear essay development

1.0 pts

Some development

0.0 pts

Needs further development

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Structure: Essay is well-organized, demonstrating attention to structure: it flows easily and logically, using transitions, signal phrases, and formal planning.

1.0 pts

Well organized

0.0 pts

Needs work on organization and structure

1.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiction, Syntax, and Grammar: Word choice is appropriate, word order is effective, and the spelling, punctuation, and sentence boundary choices all contribute to persuasive meaning.

2.0 pts

Clear use of language and grammar

1.0 pts

Word choice average, some grammar difficulties

0.0 pts

Word choice and/or grammar needs improvement

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Conventions: Current MLA format is required for quoting and citation of sources, as well as for document design.

1.0 pts

Follows MLA format

0.0 pts

Does not cite or format correctly

1.0 pts

Total Points: 10.0









​Assignment Writing Assignment Help

​Assignment Writing Assignment Help

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