​Calculate the solubility of PbBr2 (a) in pure water Science Assignment Help

​Calculate the solubility of PbBr2 (a) in pure water Science Assignment Help. ​Calculate the solubility of PbBr2 (a) in pure water Science Assignment Help.

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Calculate the solubility of PbBr2 (a) in pure water and (b) in a solution in which [Br] = 0.296 M.

    Solubility in pure water =    M
    Solubility in 0.296 M Br =    M

​Calculate the solubility of PbBr2 (a) in pure water Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Solid barium acetate is slowly added to 175 mL Science Assignment Help

Solid barium acetate is slowly added to 175 mL of a 0.0580 M ammonium fluoride solution. The concentration of barium ion required to just initiate precipitation is  M.


​Without doing any calculations (just compare the correct Ksp values) complete t Science Assignment Help

Without doing any calculations (just compare the correct Ksp values) complete the following statements:

1. lead carbonate is MORE soluble than
2. lead carbonate is LESS soluble than
A. CoCO3
B. CrPO4
C. Mn(OH)2
D. PbI2


​Determine the relative solubilities of the following compounds: lowest, highe Science Assignment Help

Determine the relative solubilities of the following compounds:   lowest, highest intermediate

Compound Ksp Relative Solubility, M
BaF2 1.7×10-6 _________lowestintermediatehighest
AgBr 3.3×10-13 _________lowestintermediatehighest
Pb3(PO4)2 3.0×10-44 _________lowestintermediatehighest


does a precipitate form Science Assignment Help

When 15.0 mL of a 7.29×10-4 M iron(III) fluoride solution is combined with 12.0 mL of a 6.13×10-4 M ammonium sulfide solution does a precipitate form?  (yes or no)

For these conditions the Reaction Quotient, Q, is equal to .



he maximum amount of copper(II) sulfide that will dissolve in a 0.217 M sodium s Science Assignment Help

he maximum amount of copper(II) sulfide that will dissolve in a 0.217 M sodium sulfide solution is  M.
Submit Answer

the maximum amount of copper(II) sulfide that will dissolve in a 0.217 M sodium sulfide solution is  M.

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he maximum amount of copper(II) sulfide that will dissolve in a 0.217 M sodium s Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Help with communication question Business Finance Assignment Help

Describe to classmates two different roles that you play. Two might be employee and parent. Then explain which of the “four selves” from the Johari Window that you tend to display more in each role. Why is this? Example: Your hidden self is much more prominent at work as an employee; your open self comes out with your children. (Explain why.)


law of diminishing marginal productivity Economics Assignment Help

The law of diminishing marginal productivity implies that the marginal product of a variable input:

  • Is constant

  • Eventually declines

  • Never declines

  • Always declines


When 18 mL of a 3.43×10-4 M potassium carbonate solution Science Assignment Help

Use the References to access important values if needed for this question.

When 18.0 mL of a 3.43×10-4 potassium carbonate solution is combined with 22.0 mL of a 5.50×10-4 nickel(II) sulfate solution does a precipitate form?  (yes or no)

For these conditions the Reaction Quotient, Q, is equal to .


​Determine the relative solubilities of the following cobalt(II) compounds Science Assignment Help

Determine the relative solubilities of the following cobalt(II) compounds:  lowest highest intermidiate.

Compound Ksp Relative Solubility, M
Co(OH)2 2.5×10-16 _________lowestintermediatehighest
CoS 5.9×10-21 _________lowestintermediatehighest
CoCO3 8.0×10-13 _________lowestintermediatehighest


​Calculate the solubility of PbBr2 (a) in pure water Science Assignment Help

​Calculate the solubility of PbBr2 (a) in pure water Science Assignment Help

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