Module 6—Services, Pricing and Distribution (Chapters 14-18) Business Finance Assignment Help. Module 6—Services, Pricing and Distribution (Chapters 14-18) Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Module 6—Services, Pricing and Distribution (Chapters 14-18)
Q1. Describe the support services needed by buyers of the product/service. Describe the support services offered by the firm’s main competitor. How are they different? (Ch. 14)
Q2. Describe post-sale service arrangements the firm does or should provide. How does the firm’s repair/service efforts impact customer satisfaction? (Ch.14)
Q3. Discuss the firm’s new product screening process. Discuss possible sources of new product ideas. (Ch. 15)
Q4. Discuss the firm’s pricing method or methods. Explain the price adaptations (discounts, promotions, etc.) the firm should use. (Ch. 16)
Q5. Discuss the firm’s distribution strategy. Explain the channels used to distribute the product. (Ch. 17)
Module 6—Services, Pricing and Distribution (Chapters 14-18) Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
The University of South Florida HTML Project Programming Assignment Help
You’ll create 2 web pages. The first will be a resume and the second will be a first page to an online business.
• Please use HTML and notepad or textedit – don’t use a Word, blog, webpage wizard, or any FrontPage/Dreamweaver type of
software. Just use a simple text editor.
MAC USERS! Be sure that your TextEdit preferences are set correctly – or your web pages will not work correctly. Refer to the HTML 1
project instructions and the HTML overview video for information on this. This is really important!
Part 1: Create two web pages
• Both Pages:
o Be sure that both web pages are G-rated and have content/images that you would want a prospective employer to view.
You’ll be graded on the assignment components completed as well as having an attractive, appropriate website. Don’t
forget to review your grammar and spelling.
o Do not cut and paste any text from a Word or PDF file or embed an image of text in the web page. In other words, all text
should be formatted by you using HTML Tags. All content should be your own words.
o Your content as well as design must be original – again, do not copy and paste text / content from any other web site or
project. You may download and use images from other websites.
• Page 1 – resume.html:
o The first page should be named ‘resume.html’ and should display your resume information in an attractive format and be
interesting enough that someone would want to call you for an interview.
o Do not use any cascading style sheets, CSS, commands in the resume.html page. See HTML 1 assignment for more on this.
o Your resume page should link to your second ‘biz.html’ page.
o HTML Details – include the following skills and tags. All of these required tags should be on your resume.html page
a) Correct HTML structure tags (html, head, title, body & ending tags) on both web pages
b) A comment tag
c) A tag that link let you go to your biz.html page
d) At least 2 image tags – besides any background images. Use an image you have or have downloaded to your computer,
not a link to an image on another site and don’t use the image files from the HTML 1 project.
e) Tag or tag attributes that display a background image or color
f) Tags to create a useful ordered or unordered list (with 3 list items in at least one of your ordered / unordered list). NOTE:
if you center your unordered or ordered list and view it in Chrome or IE or Safari, the bullets may not center. Try viewing
it in Firefox – that’s what we use to grade projects.
g) A tag that displays a colored (not black/grey) horizontal line
h) Two different size heading tags (for example, <h1>)
i) Font tags that demonstrate two different text colors (these should be separate from the heading and link tags)
j) Tags that format text so that it is bold or strong, underlined, and italicized or emphasized (can be used separately or
k) A paragraph tag and a break tag
l) A tag that creates a useful table containing at least 3 rows and 3 columns with relevant content in all cells.
m) If you are unsure about any of these tags use our TIPS page or do a little Google-ing. You can use additional tags.
In the interest of a sane grading process, please keep to the basics of this assignment. Please do not use inline, internal or
external CSS for this resume.html page (see for info on this). If you are using
a command that includes the word ‘style’ you are using CSS – please don’t. Web gurus…. If you feel like your web prowess is
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not being fully appreciated (I totally get this!), you can use CSS in your biz.html page (see below). We’ll check them out and be
• Page 2 – biz.html:
o This second page should be named ‘biz.html’ and the first page for an online business you might create. You’ll be graded on
the effort, thought and how well it illustrates and details your products or services.
o Required:
• Correct HTML structure tags (html, head, title, body & ending tags) on both web pages
• A tag that links you go to your resume.html page
o And 8 of the tags listed these bullet points
• A comment tag
• At least 2 image tags – besides any background images. Use an image you have or have downloaded to your computer,
not a link to an image on another site and don’t use the image files from the HTML 1 project.
• Tag or tag attributes that display a background image or color
• Tags to create a useful ordered or unordered list (with 3 list items in at least one of your ordered / unordered list). NOTE:
if you center your unordered or ordered list and view it in Chrome or IE or Safari, the bullets may not center. Try viewing
it in Firefox – that’s what we use to grade projects.
• A tag that displays a colored (not black/grey) horizontal line
• Two different size heading tags (for example,
• Font tags that demonstrate two different text colors (these should be separate from the heading and link tags)
• Tags that format text so that it is bold or strong, underlined, and italicized or emphasized (can be used separately or
• A paragraph tag and a break tag
• A tag that creates a useful table containing at least 3 rows and 3 columns with relevant content in all cells.
• If you are unsure about any of these tags use our TIPS page or do a little Google-ing. You can use additional tags.
• On this page (biz.html only), you can add some Cascading style sheet commands (CSS), but if you use them, include a
comment above each one with details of what the CSS commands do.
Part 2: Upload your project files and image files to the USF Server using the correct version of FileZilla
• **Do not delete or modify your HTML 1 project files.
• Upload your HTML 2 webpages and image files to the USF Server (INSIDE the public_html folder) using the correct version of
FileZilla (see our HTML overview page for the correct FileZilla download)
• The URL to your first page will be The resume.html page should contain a link to
your biz.html page.
• Check your URL / project on a different computer using Firefox to be sure it looks good, all images display and links work
• There are upload instructions in our HTML overview and tips page.
• Start early and get help from the TAs or myself if you have any issues with this part. Uploading to the server is worth a large
percentage of the total project points.
Part 3: Submit your project HTML Files and URL to Canvas ** This is different from the HTML 1 project
1. Upload your two HTML files and any image files used to Canvas.
2. Enter the URL in the comment area of the assignment. Your URL should be your
You don’t have to submit the URL to the biz page, we should be able to click a link on your resume to view the biz page.
3. DO NOT modify your project on the server after the due date. If you change it after the due date, it will be considered late
even if it was originally submitted on-time. If you modify it on the server after the late date, we won’t be able to grade it.
Additional Notes:
• Refer to your HTML 1 project overview and tips page as needed. Another good resource is
• *Some of these tags may be deprecated (obsolete), but we are just using these simple tags to get an idea of what HTML /
coding is all about.
• Use images that have been downloaded to your computer and are in your working HTML 2 folder. You will upload these
images and your web pages to the USF server. Don’t directly link to images on other web sites.
• Only use tags/code that you understand – don’t copy/paste tags/code from other web pages or tutorials or get complex code
from friends, etc. Tags/code questions will be included on exams.
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• Again, Please do not use inline, internal or external CSS for the resume page of your assignment (see for info on this). If you are using a command that includes the word ‘style’
you are using CSS – please don’t use this on your resume web page.
• Start Early! If you wait until the last minute, you may lose many points on this project.
• Keep all of your web pages and image files in the same folder on your computer.
• It’s often easier if all of your web pages and image files are named with small letters (no capitals) only.
If you have a problem, please check our Home page for common questions as well as the HTML Overview page / video (Modules area).
Currrent Business Problems: Case Studies: Lehman Brothers, British Petroleum, Monsanto, Merck Writing Assignment Help
To prepare for your selection of the current problem in business, look at the list of required articles and multimedia which are divided in the six case-categories as follows:
- Banking (Lehman Brothers)
- Environment (BP)
- GMOs (Monsanto)
- Pharmaceuticals (Merck)
- Gender Discrimination (Goodyear)
- Factory Farms (Perdue)
Choose the case-category that you find the most interesting and note that each category also corresponds to one particular case. Please choose carefully because your choice for this discussion will establish the case that will be central to your argumentative essay this week as well as your Final Project in Week 5. It is recommended that you leaf through all the required resources indicated for the possible case-categories that you identify as possible contenders before making your final choice.
Reflect: Once you have selected your ethical theory and your case category, articulate the characteristics of the economic system (or combination of both systems) that serves as the setting for the case presented in the case category sources. Given this context, examine how the nation’s laws affect the operations of the business.
Next, identify the characteristics of your chosen ethical theory and its notion of the moral good. For the latter, you will need to review again the PowerPoint that was introduced in Week 1, which is also listed in this week’s Required Resources and it is titled The Moral Good in Three Traditional Ethical Theories. Then, think how you would apply the ethical theory to the specific problem presented in the case category sources.
Write: Start your post by (a) identifying the issue or problem that you want to address in the case that you have selected and providing an impartial presentation of the controversy, (b) articulating briefly the characteristics of the economic system that serves as the setting, and (c) examining the laws that affect the operations of the business.
The following illustration should help. Consider, for example, the case of Uber that we examined in Week 2. If the California decision establishes a precedent for similar claims, then Uber would have to do business as an employer and not merely as a service that pairs consumers with ride sharing services by means of a unique phone app. Accordingly, the law would require Uber to reimburse its drivers for certain costs and perhaps offer benefits. Take in consideration, then, the legal setting for the case that you have chosen. Does the case take place in the United States or another country? What are the laws that are relevant to the problem under examination? Keep in mind that all laws are constraints on our actions, whether those by individuals or corporations. The relevant laws, then, will be (a) any laws that present not only a constraint on the company’s operations, (b) any laws that are being violated by the corporation, or (c) any laws that unfairly limit the goods and services that can be offered to and are demanded by consumers.
In a second paragraph, formulate a sentence that presents the moral position that you want to defend in regard to the issue or problem introduced in the previous paragraph.
In the same paragraph, present the ethical theory that you choose to employ. Your choices are utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics, and the necessary material is included in the required readings and media. Make sure to identify the characteristics of the ethical theory, and include in-text citations and full references in APA form at the end of the post. Once you have done this, apply the ethical theory to your selected case by explaining how it lends itself to the moral position that you are defending.
Acid-Base Extractions and Isolation of Caffeine Science Assignment Help
Hello this lab report is for organic chemistry 1
I have posted the instructions below and I will be uploading some files below for the data please take a deep look at them because this lab report worth a lot of grade so please it needs to be done carefully
If any thing is missed regarding the lab report please let me know
This lab report will probably have a longer page count than normal (Intro and Discussion shouldn’t be particularly lengthy, but the other sections will take up extra space this week).
Acid-Base and Caffeine Extraction Postlab Report
Same Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2+hypothesis format. P1 is background info (definition of extraction, solubility to selectively extract compounds, properties of acidity/basicity to separate compounds during extraction, different types of extraction).
P2 starts with “In this experiment” (then a summary of what will be performed). Include the significant techniques, chemicals, and instruments and describe what the experiment involves. If you choose, P2 can be about the acid-base extraction and you can add a P3 about the caffeine extraction. Do what you need to do to stay organized and clear.
Hypotheses are tricky here, I suggest two (unless you can come up with a way to make it one statement). Some ideas to get you going:
For the acid-base extraction hypothesis, if you think the order of extraction could impact yield, you might predict which products will have higher or lower yields (think about possibilities for mass loss or retaining trace impurities). You might predict that all yields will be over 100% (and why) or that all yields will experience mass loss (and why).
For the caffeine hypothesis, you could focus on the melting point of the recrystallized product compared to the literature MP of caffeine (look it up, cite your source), and address purity. Or you could make a prediction about how the recovered mass will match up to the manufacturer specifications on the amount of caffeine per bag (support with reasoning). Just do your best to find the main purpose of each experiment and attempt to write a hypothesis to answer the question it’s asking. Choose an approach and give it a try (I’m not going to be super picky about these because this is a difficult hypothesis to write). The most important thing is to make the prediction testable and provide a supporting reason.
All compounds, tools, and equipment from both parts of the experiment. Include chemical safety notes.
Breaking this down into Part A, Part B (etc.) would be the best approach.
Photo of experiment notes in lab notebook (name, date, and experiment title at the top). Please don’t shrink the image too much – I need to be able to read it). We will discuss what should be in your notes during the Blackboard session.
Results and Calculations
Table 1: Solubility table from the data in your experiment notes (3 solids, 4 solvents). Same approach as last week (discussed in the Blackboard session for Module 4).
Table 2. All 3 solid compounds (benzoic acid, naphthalene, 4-chloroaniline), starting masses (assume mixture contained equal mass of each compound), mass of recovered compounds, and percent yield of each (theoretical yield here is the initial mass).
Table 3. Theoretical yield of caffeine (per manufacturer: 35mg per bag, and we used 2 bags), mass of recrystallized caffeine, percent yield of caffeine (recovered divided by theoretical).
Table 4. Experimental melting point of recrystallized caffeine, literature melting point of caffeine (cite a source).
NOTE: melting point is given as a single temperature in the experiment video. Experimental melting points should be recorded as a range, so let the temperature from the video be the top of the MP range and start it 1°C lower so you can report a range in Table 4.
Include the formula for percent yield (typed using the Word equation building feature).
Figures 1, 2, and 3. Line structure image of each compound (benzoic acid, naphthalene, 4-chloroaniline), and identify them in the captions by name and as the acid, base, or neutral compound. No hand drawings, and don’t photograph them from the lab manual – do a Google search to find the images and cite your source.
Figure 4. Line structure image of caffeine (Google search and cite your source).
Figure 5 BONUS (up to +5 points). Line structure of caffeine again, and identify at least 3 different functional groups by circling and naming them. This can be done on computer, tablet, or NEATLY hand drawn, photographed/scanned, and pasted into the report.
Make sure all tables and figures have a name/number and caption. Remember that it goes above a table, below for a figure.
Keep it simple. Each of the 3 compounds from the acid-base extraction should have its own brief paragraph that addresses the effectiveness of each extraction based on percent yield from Table 2. Were any of the extractions significantly more or less successful than the others? If percent yields were over 100% (can we end up with more than we started with?), suggest what impurities could be present in the products to result in the artificially high yield. How would you test for impurities? If mass loss occurred, suggest how/where mass may have been lost during the procedure.
The caffeine extraction should also have its own paragraph. Consider percent yields from Table 3 and melting point from Table 4, and comment on the success of the extraction and recrystallization of caffeine. What does the experimental melting point suggest about purity (compared to the literature melting point)? Did the tea bags yield the amount of caffeine per tea bag as reported by the manufacturer? If mass loss occurred, was it significant enough to suggest that the caffeine composition was below manufacturer specifications, or is it more likely that mass loss occurred during the procedure? Suggest specific ways mass may have been lost during the procedure (experiment error may be a factor here). What error took place during this experiment?
Remember to refer your reader to tables instead of repeating values. Numbers in the discussion should be part of the analysis. For example: An experimental melting point showed a 7°C range that began 15°C below the literature melting point (Table #), indicating presence of substantial impurities. Or one compound experienced 12% mass loss while another experienced 50% mass loss (Table #), suggesting that the first process was significantly more efficient than the second. Those numbers aren’t pulled directly from the tables; they are analyzing (comparing and drawing conclusions about) what was interesting from the data in the tables.
Postlab Questions
Questions are at the end of the lab manual handout. The formula for calculating the partition coefficient is on page 2 of the lab manual handout. The partition coefficient (distribution coefficient) question requires only simple algebra,
As always, at least 1 reference besides the lab manual (you’ll have multiple refs here since the figures need citations).
Read PDF on Amazon Study and Answer The Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Anchored in the digital with increasing physical sales modality ambitions, Amazon needed to continue to build, test, and deliver a series of strategic bridges to link the digital and physical domains.
- Would the fusion of digital and physical retail worlds make customers feel uncomfortable with the degree of control Amazon would have over their buying intentions and choices?
- Do you believe Amazon’s strategy of increased modality (more channels of distribution and sales) is smart? Why?
- If you were CEO of Amazon, what other brick and mortar strategies might you deploy?
- Is Amazon handling the COV 19 crisis well? Would you do something different if you were Amazon CEO?
caan you do this in less 6 hours please kindly help me out Writing Assignment Help
You are to present a 15 minutes voice-over report (use any medium of your choice, example; voice over power point, loom etc) on a subject of your choice. You may pick an article about anything you find interesting and that is related to your major, your work, your hobby, your sports interest, etc. Some ideas for topics that may lead to articles containing statistics information are:This report will be a write up from Cybersecurity major student.
Cybersecurity on the Global Economy and its job Opportunities:
This list is by no means all encompassing – this is just a starting point for you to generate ideas. You certainly can find articles that do not relate to any of the above topics.
Grading Rubric
1. Appropriateness of the topic (type of study discussed)
2. Statistics involved in the topic (be clear)
3. Technical details or fine points about the topic
4. Conclusion, including your opinions about the study and why this article is important to you
caan you do this in less 6 hours please kindly help me out Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
English 1102-Essay about Drama Play-analysis- 750 words Humanities Assignment Help
The majority of your grade in this course comes from a sequence of papers based on the assigned literature. This assignment should use at least 2 sources. One source should be a scholarly book or article (secondary source) published within the last ten years. One source will be your textbook. This means your Works Cited page should have at least 2 sources altogether. Use quotes from the textbook and your other source to support your thesis. Note: you may not use online sources such as Wikipedia, Gradesaver, Shmoop, eNotes, 123helpme, and etc.
Write a short essay (750 words) that defends a thesis you developed through a close critical reading/analysis of one (or two) literary works listed in this week’s module and supported by at least two secondary sources. Do not confuse “critical analysis” with “plot summary”; the goal is to develop, sustain, and advance a thesis based on a critique of the primary text but supported in part by at least two secondary source. A list of potential topics is below.
- Analyze key characters from one or more plays in this book. What motivates these characters? Point to specific moments in the play to make your case.
- Write an analysis essay in which you single out an element of one or more plays for examination- character, plot, setting, theme, dramatic irony, tone, language, symbolism, conventions, or any other element. Try to relate this element to the play as a whole. For example, “The Function of Teiresias in Oedipus the King,” “Imagery of Poison in Othello,” etc.
- From a play you have enjoyed, choose a passage that strikes you as difficult, worth reading closely. Try to pick a passage not longer than about 20 lines. Explicate it- give it a close, sentence-by sentence reading- and explain how this small part of the play relates to the whole. For instance, any of the following passages might be considered memorable (and essential to their plays):
- Othello’s soliloquy beginning “It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul” (Othello, 5.2.1-22)
- Oedipus to Teiresias, speech beginning “Wealth, power, craft of statesmanship!” (Oedipus the King, 1.163-86)
Instructions for Memo on US Federalism – Policy Issue Instructions: Identify a current public policy issue related to federalism and intergovernmental relations (national-state-local-tribal)that has resulted in conflicts and/or challenges among levels Writing Assignment Help
Instructions for Memo on US Federalism – Policy Issue
Instructions:Identify a current public policy issue related to federalism and intergovernmental relations (national-state-local-tribal)that has resulted in conflicts and/or challenges among levels of government. The memo should discuss the following items:
• Describe and explain the issue
i. What makes it a federalism or intergovernmental issue? (Is there a conflict between federal action and state/local/tribal action? Is the federal government overstepping its authority to act? Are the states/localities failing to comply with federal law? Are states/localities overstepping their authority to act? Is there debate over which level of government should have control and responsibility? Are there issues with implementation, such as lack of federal funding, state or local resistance to implementation, etc.?)
• Identify the current status of the issue (proposed federal/state/local legislation, law, court decision, regulation, public debate, etc.)
• Identify and discuss the political dimensions of the issue. In other words, how do Republicans and Democrats view the issue? Are there liberal/conservative dimensions as well? What arguments does each side use in the debate? Identify organizations, special interest groups, advocacy groups, etc. that are lined up for or against the issue.
• Identify any judicial actions regarding the issue. Are there court rulings? What is the legal rationale for the ruling?
Format:Students will prepare a Memorandum. See Moodle (Assignments) for Memo Template. The memo should rangefrom 8-10 pages. A MINIMUM of 8 outside references from REPUTABLE sources is required. The memo should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, with each page numbered.The memo should be in narrative form using headings and subheadings to organize the paper. All direct quotes and close paraphrases should be appropriately cited both within the text and in a reference page at the end of the memo. SEE Legitimate Sources for the Memo on US Federalism at the end of these directions.
If you need assistance in selecting a topic, I can help. The following topics are particularly hot right now in federalism and intergovernmental relations:
1) Health care policy: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and the role of states in implementation such as the creation of health insurance exchanges and the expansion of Medicaid.
2) Immigration policy: State immigration laws (Arizona, Alabama, etc.) and how they may conflict with federal policy; local regulations regarding immigration such as sanctuary laws.
3) Environmental policy: Climate change, fracking laws and regulations and the role of the EPA and state and local governments.
4) Civil Rights policy: Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) and the authority to define marriage and state/local resistance to the U.S. Supreme Court decision.
5) Education policy: Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and Obama’s Race to the Top and the challenges of implementation for state and local governments.
6) Drug policy: State medical marijuana and recreational marijuana laws, how they conflict with federal drug laws, and the Obama Administration’s enforcement of such laws.
Legitimate Sources for the Memo on US Federalism:
A) NO Wikipedia!
B) Peer-reviewed scholarly journals: A peer-reviewed scholarly journal refers only to those journals where the author submits her manuscript to several other scholars, experts, or academics (peers) in the field for review and comment. These reviewers must agree that the article represents properly conducted original research or writing before it can be published. What to look for:
• Scholarly journal articles often have an abstract, a descriptive summary of the article contents, before the main text of the article.
• Scholarly journals always cite their sources in the form of parenthetical references, footnotes, and bibliographies. These bibliographies are generally lengthy and cite other scholarly writings.
• Articles are written by a scholar in the field or by someone who has done research in the field. The affiliations of the authors are listed, usually at the bottom of the first page or at the end of the article—universities and research institutions.
• The language of scholarly journals is that of the discipline covered. It assumes some technical background on the part of the reader.
• The main purpose of a scholarly journal is to report on original research or experimentation in order to make such information available to the rest of the scholarly world.
Here are some examples of peer-reviewed scholarly journals in public administration and public policy:
• Public Administration Review
• State and Local Government Review
• American Review of Public Administration
• Policy Studies Journal
• Public Budgeting and Finance
• Publius: The Journal of Federalism
C) Research Organizations-Policy Think Tanks
There are many organizations that engage in research on a wide variety of topics. These organizations can be a valuable source of information. However, do your research. SOME of these organizations may have a particular ideological perspective. There is nothing wrong with this, but be aware of this perspective when using the information. Examples of research organizations or think tanks:
• Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
• Brookings Institute
• Heritage Foundation
• Urban Institute
• Progressive Policy Institute
• CATO Institute
D) Professional Associations
There are many organizations that represent specific professions or elected officials. These organizations also provide good information on a variety of policy topics. Examples of professional organizations:
• National Conference of State Legislatures
• National Governors Association
• Council of State Governments
E) Newspapers
• New York Times
• Wall Street Journal
• Washington Post
F) News Magazines
• Time
• Newsweek
G) Journals of Professional Organizations
• Governing
• State Legislatures
THE 1130 Mask #1 Playwright Writing Assignment Help
Here’s what you need to do:
STEP 1- View the photos in this module. Photo page. Choose one to use as your inspiration for your monologue.
Step two: Using one of the photos as inspiration develop a character then write a short monologue (no more than 1 page) A Monologue is one actor speaking. Shakespeare used these often. You might of even had to memorize a monologue in your high school English or Drama class. Some ideas-You should know your characters wants likes fears, After your rough draft edit your monologue- no need for repeats. See the example of a monologue I attached from a new play called Cicada. View in Module page Monologue.
If you get stuck- there are lots of websites even videos online giving their insights into writing a monologue. I find though starting out, it is easier for me to think as though I am the character telling a story to friends or trying to persuade someone to do something.
Please keep your monologue PG. Remember that most of the scene needs to be about your character TALKING…scripts are about what the characters are SAYING. You can write some actions or stage directions, but you really need to concentrate on the dialogue
CIS333 Strayer University Test Out Security PRO Final Certification Exam Programming Assignment Help
Each student gets ONE free attempt to take this final exam. Once you start the final exam in TestOut, your one free opportunity starts. Make sure you are in a quiet place and have a few hours blocked off to take the exam. As in most industry-standard exams, you will not be allowed to return to previous questions. Once you have answered the question you will not be able to revisit and change your response. Be sure to read the instructions carefully. Your instructor cannot reset this exam.
TAKE THE PRACTICE EXAM A FEW TIMES BEFORE ATTEMPTING THE FINAL. NOTE: A 68% is all that is needed to earn the certification. Your actual score will be converted to 20% of the points in this class by your instructor.
I have attempted to take this exam and I there was a computer error, so it has been hard for me to complete. I am currently at the hospital with very young very ill family member and and unable to successfully start and complete this test. Thank you in advance.
[supanova_question] for info on this). If you are using a command that includes the word ‘style’
you are using CSS – please don’t use this on your resume web page.
• Start Early! If you wait until the last minute, you may lose many points on this project.
• Keep all of your web pages and image files in the same folder on your computer.
• It’s often easier if all of your web pages and image files are named with small letters (no capitals) only.
If you have a problem, please check our Home page for common questions as well as the HTML Overview page / video (Modules area).
Currrent Business Problems: Case Studies: Lehman Brothers, British Petroleum, Monsanto, Merck Writing Assignment Help
To prepare for your selection of the current problem in business, look at the list of required articles and multimedia which are divided in the six case-categories as follows:
- Banking (Lehman Brothers)
- Environment (BP)
- GMOs (Monsanto)
- Pharmaceuticals (Merck)
- Gender Discrimination (Goodyear)
- Factory Farms (Perdue)
Choose the case-category that you find the most interesting and note that each category also corresponds to one particular case. Please choose carefully because your choice for this discussion will establish the case that will be central to your argumentative essay this week as well as your Final Project in Week 5. It is recommended that you leaf through all the required resources indicated for the possible case-categories that you identify as possible contenders before making your final choice.
Reflect: Once you have selected your ethical theory and your case category, articulate the characteristics of the economic system (or combination of both systems) that serves as the setting for the case presented in the case category sources. Given this context, examine how the nation’s laws affect the operations of the business.
Next, identify the characteristics of your chosen ethical theory and its notion of the moral good. For the latter, you will need to review again the PowerPoint that was introduced in Week 1, which is also listed in this week’s Required Resources and it is titled The Moral Good in Three Traditional Ethical Theories. Then, think how you would apply the ethical theory to the specific problem presented in the case category sources.
Write: Start your post by (a) identifying the issue or problem that you want to address in the case that you have selected and providing an impartial presentation of the controversy, (b) articulating briefly the characteristics of the economic system that serves as the setting, and (c) examining the laws that affect the operations of the business.
The following illustration should help. Consider, for example, the case of Uber that we examined in Week 2. If the California decision establishes a precedent for similar claims, then Uber would have to do business as an employer and not merely as a service that pairs consumers with ride sharing services by means of a unique phone app. Accordingly, the law would require Uber to reimburse its drivers for certain costs and perhaps offer benefits. Take in consideration, then, the legal setting for the case that you have chosen. Does the case take place in the United States or another country? What are the laws that are relevant to the problem under examination? Keep in mind that all laws are constraints on our actions, whether those by individuals or corporations. The relevant laws, then, will be (a) any laws that present not only a constraint on the company’s operations, (b) any laws that are being violated by the corporation, or (c) any laws that unfairly limit the goods and services that can be offered to and are demanded by consumers.
In a second paragraph, formulate a sentence that presents the moral position that you want to defend in regard to the issue or problem introduced in the previous paragraph.
In the same paragraph, present the ethical theory that you choose to employ. Your choices are utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics, and the necessary material is included in the required readings and media. Make sure to identify the characteristics of the ethical theory, and include in-text citations and full references in APA form at the end of the post. Once you have done this, apply the ethical theory to your selected case by explaining how it lends itself to the moral position that you are defending.
Acid-Base Extractions and Isolation of Caffeine Science Assignment Help
Hello this lab report is for organic chemistry 1
I have posted the instructions below and I will be uploading some files below for the data please take a deep look at them because this lab report worth a lot of grade so please it needs to be done carefully
If any thing is missed regarding the lab report please let me know
This lab report will probably have a longer page count than normal (Intro and Discussion shouldn’t be particularly lengthy, but the other sections will take up extra space this week).
Acid-Base and Caffeine Extraction Postlab Report
Same Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2+hypothesis format. P1 is background info (definition of extraction, solubility to selectively extract compounds, properties of acidity/basicity to separate compounds during extraction, different types of extraction).
P2 starts with “In this experiment” (then a summary of what will be performed). Include the significant techniques, chemicals, and instruments and describe what the experiment involves. If you choose, P2 can be about the acid-base extraction and you can add a P3 about the caffeine extraction. Do what you need to do to stay organized and clear.
Hypotheses are tricky here, I suggest two (unless you can come up with a way to make it one statement). Some ideas to get you going:
For the acid-base extraction hypothesis, if you think the order of extraction could impact yield, you might predict which products will have higher or lower yields (think about possibilities for mass loss or retaining trace impurities). You might predict that all yields will be over 100% (and why) or that all yields will experience mass loss (and why).
For the caffeine hypothesis, you could focus on the melting point of the recrystallized product compared to the literature MP of caffeine (look it up, cite your source), and address purity. Or you could make a prediction about how the recovered mass will match up to the manufacturer specifications on the amount of caffeine per bag (support with reasoning). Just do your best to find the main purpose of each experiment and attempt to write a hypothesis to answer the question it’s asking. Choose an approach and give it a try (I’m not going to be super picky about these because this is a difficult hypothesis to write). The most important thing is to make the prediction testable and provide a supporting reason.
All compounds, tools, and equipment from both parts of the experiment. Include chemical safety notes.
Breaking this down into Part A, Part B (etc.) would be the best approach.
Photo of experiment notes in lab notebook (name, date, and experiment title at the top). Please don’t shrink the image too much – I need to be able to read it). We will discuss what should be in your notes during the Blackboard session.
Results and Calculations
Table 1: Solubility table from the data in your experiment notes (3 solids, 4 solvents). Same approach as last week (discussed in the Blackboard session for Module 4).
Table 2. All 3 solid compounds (benzoic acid, naphthalene, 4-chloroaniline), starting masses (assume mixture contained equal mass of each compound), mass of recovered compounds, and percent yield of each (theoretical yield here is the initial mass).
Table 3. Theoretical yield of caffeine (per manufacturer: 35mg per bag, and we used 2 bags), mass of recrystallized caffeine, percent yield of caffeine (recovered divided by theoretical).
Table 4. Experimental melting point of recrystallized caffeine, literature melting point of caffeine (cite a source).
NOTE: melting point is given as a single temperature in the experiment video. Experimental melting points should be recorded as a range, so let the temperature from the video be the top of the MP range and start it 1°C lower so you can report a range in Table 4.
Include the formula for percent yield (typed using the Word equation building feature).
Figures 1, 2, and 3. Line structure image of each compound (benzoic acid, naphthalene, 4-chloroaniline), and identify them in the captions by name and as the acid, base, or neutral compound. No hand drawings, and don’t photograph them from the lab manual – do a Google search to find the images and cite your source.
Figure 4. Line structure image of caffeine (Google search and cite your source).
Figure 5 BONUS (up to +5 points). Line structure of caffeine again, and identify at least 3 different functional groups by circling and naming them. This can be done on computer, tablet, or NEATLY hand drawn, photographed/scanned, and pasted into the report.
Make sure all tables and figures have a name/number and caption. Remember that it goes above a table, below for a figure.
Keep it simple. Each of the 3 compounds from the acid-base extraction should have its own brief paragraph that addresses the effectiveness of each extraction based on percent yield from Table 2. Were any of the extractions significantly more or less successful than the others? If percent yields were over 100% (can we end up with more than we started with?), suggest what impurities could be present in the products to result in the artificially high yield. How would you test for impurities? If mass loss occurred, suggest how/where mass may have been lost during the procedure.
The caffeine extraction should also have its own paragraph. Consider percent yields from Table 3 and melting point from Table 4, and comment on the success of the extraction and recrystallization of caffeine. What does the experimental melting point suggest about purity (compared to the literature melting point)? Did the tea bags yield the amount of caffeine per tea bag as reported by the manufacturer? If mass loss occurred, was it significant enough to suggest that the caffeine composition was below manufacturer specifications, or is it more likely that mass loss occurred during the procedure? Suggest specific ways mass may have been lost during the procedure (experiment error may be a factor here). What error took place during this experiment?
Remember to refer your reader to tables instead of repeating values. Numbers in the discussion should be part of the analysis. For example: An experimental melting point showed a 7°C range that began 15°C below the literature melting point (Table #), indicating presence of substantial impurities. Or one compound experienced 12% mass loss while another experienced 50% mass loss (Table #), suggesting that the first process was significantly more efficient than the second. Those numbers aren’t pulled directly from the tables; they are analyzing (comparing and drawing conclusions about) what was interesting from the data in the tables.
Postlab Questions
Questions are at the end of the lab manual handout. The formula for calculating the partition coefficient is on page 2 of the lab manual handout. The partition coefficient (distribution coefficient) question requires only simple algebra,
As always, at least 1 reference besides the lab manual (you’ll have multiple refs here since the figures need citations).
Read PDF on Amazon Study and Answer The Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Anchored in the digital with increasing physical sales modality ambitions, Amazon needed to continue to build, test, and deliver a series of strategic bridges to link the digital and physical domains.
- Would the fusion of digital and physical retail worlds make customers feel uncomfortable with the degree of control Amazon would have over their buying intentions and choices?
- Do you believe Amazon’s strategy of increased modality (more channels of distribution and sales) is smart? Why?
- If you were CEO of Amazon, what other brick and mortar strategies might you deploy?
- Is Amazon handling the COV 19 crisis well? Would you do something different if you were Amazon CEO?
caan you do this in less 6 hours please kindly help me out Writing Assignment Help
You are to present a 15 minutes voice-over report (use any medium of your choice, example; voice over power point, loom etc) on a subject of your choice. You may pick an article about anything you find interesting and that is related to your major, your work, your hobby, your sports interest, etc. Some ideas for topics that may lead to articles containing statistics information are:This report will be a write up from Cybersecurity major student.
Cybersecurity on the Global Economy and its job Opportunities:
This list is by no means all encompassing – this is just a starting point for you to generate ideas. You certainly can find articles that do not relate to any of the above topics.
Grading Rubric
1. Appropriateness of the topic (type of study discussed)
2. Statistics involved in the topic (be clear)
3. Technical details or fine points about the topic
4. Conclusion, including your opinions about the study and why this article is important to you
caan you do this in less 6 hours please kindly help me out Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
English 1102-Essay about Drama Play-analysis- 750 words Humanities Assignment Help
The majority of your grade in this course comes from a sequence of papers based on the assigned literature. This assignment should use at least 2 sources. One source should be a scholarly book or article (secondary source) published within the last ten years. One source will be your textbook. This means your Works Cited page should have at least 2 sources altogether. Use quotes from the textbook and your other source to support your thesis. Note: you may not use online sources such as Wikipedia, Gradesaver, Shmoop, eNotes, 123helpme, and etc.
Write a short essay (750 words) that defends a thesis you developed through a close critical reading/analysis of one (or two) literary works listed in this week’s module and supported by at least two secondary sources. Do not confuse “critical analysis” with “plot summary”; the goal is to develop, sustain, and advance a thesis based on a critique of the primary text but supported in part by at least two secondary source. A list of potential topics is below.
- Analyze key characters from one or more plays in this book. What motivates these characters? Point to specific moments in the play to make your case.
- Write an analysis essay in which you single out an element of one or more plays for examination- character, plot, setting, theme, dramatic irony, tone, language, symbolism, conventions, or any other element. Try to relate this element to the play as a whole. For example, “The Function of Teiresias in Oedipus the King,” “Imagery of Poison in Othello,” etc.
- From a play you have enjoyed, choose a passage that strikes you as difficult, worth reading closely. Try to pick a passage not longer than about 20 lines. Explicate it- give it a close, sentence-by sentence reading- and explain how this small part of the play relates to the whole. For instance, any of the following passages might be considered memorable (and essential to their plays):
- Othello’s soliloquy beginning “It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul” (Othello, 5.2.1-22)
- Oedipus to Teiresias, speech beginning “Wealth, power, craft of statesmanship!” (Oedipus the King, 1.163-86)
Instructions for Memo on US Federalism – Policy Issue Instructions: Identify a current public policy issue related to federalism and intergovernmental relations (national-state-local-tribal)that has resulted in conflicts and/or challenges among levels Writing Assignment Help
Instructions for Memo on US Federalism – Policy Issue
Instructions:Identify a current public policy issue related to federalism and intergovernmental relations (national-state-local-tribal)that has resulted in conflicts and/or challenges among levels of government. The memo should discuss the following items:
• Describe and explain the issue
i. What makes it a federalism or intergovernmental issue? (Is there a conflict between federal action and state/local/tribal action? Is the federal government overstepping its authority to act? Are the states/localities failing to comply with federal law? Are states/localities overstepping their authority to act? Is there debate over which level of government should have control and responsibility? Are there issues with implementation, such as lack of federal funding, state or local resistance to implementation, etc.?)
• Identify the current status of the issue (proposed federal/state/local legislation, law, court decision, regulation, public debate, etc.)
• Identify and discuss the political dimensions of the issue. In other words, how do Republicans and Democrats view the issue? Are there liberal/conservative dimensions as well? What arguments does each side use in the debate? Identify organizations, special interest groups, advocacy groups, etc. that are lined up for or against the issue.
• Identify any judicial actions regarding the issue. Are there court rulings? What is the legal rationale for the ruling?
Format:Students will prepare a Memorandum. See Moodle (Assignments) for Memo Template. The memo should rangefrom 8-10 pages. A MINIMUM of 8 outside references from REPUTABLE sources is required. The memo should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, with each page numbered.The memo should be in narrative form using headings and subheadings to organize the paper. All direct quotes and close paraphrases should be appropriately cited both within the text and in a reference page at the end of the memo. SEE Legitimate Sources for the Memo on US Federalism at the end of these directions.
If you need assistance in selecting a topic, I can help. The following topics are particularly hot right now in federalism and intergovernmental relations:
1) Health care policy: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and the role of states in implementation such as the creation of health insurance exchanges and the expansion of Medicaid.
2) Immigration policy: State immigration laws (Arizona, Alabama, etc.) and how they may conflict with federal policy; local regulations regarding immigration such as sanctuary laws.
3) Environmental policy: Climate change, fracking laws and regulations and the role of the EPA and state and local governments.
4) Civil Rights policy: Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) and the authority to define marriage and state/local resistance to the U.S. Supreme Court decision.
5) Education policy: Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and Obama’s Race to the Top and the challenges of implementation for state and local governments.
6) Drug policy: State medical marijuana and recreational marijuana laws, how they conflict with federal drug laws, and the Obama Administration’s enforcement of such laws.
Legitimate Sources for the Memo on US Federalism:
A) NO Wikipedia!
B) Peer-reviewed scholarly journals: A peer-reviewed scholarly journal refers only to those journals where the author submits her manuscript to several other scholars, experts, or academics (peers) in the field for review and comment. These reviewers must agree that the article represents properly conducted original research or writing before it can be published. What to look for:
• Scholarly journal articles often have an abstract, a descriptive summary of the article contents, before the main text of the article.
• Scholarly journals always cite their sources in the form of parenthetical references, footnotes, and bibliographies. These bibliographies are generally lengthy and cite other scholarly writings.
• Articles are written by a scholar in the field or by someone who has done research in the field. The affiliations of the authors are listed, usually at the bottom of the first page or at the end of the article—universities and research institutions.
• The language of scholarly journals is that of the discipline covered. It assumes some technical background on the part of the reader.
• The main purpose of a scholarly journal is to report on original research or experimentation in order to make such information available to the rest of the scholarly world.
Here are some examples of peer-reviewed scholarly journals in public administration and public policy:
• Public Administration Review
• State and Local Government Review
• American Review of Public Administration
• Policy Studies Journal
• Public Budgeting and Finance
• Publius: The Journal of Federalism
C) Research Organizations-Policy Think Tanks
There are many organizations that engage in research on a wide variety of topics. These organizations can be a valuable source of information. However, do your research. SOME of these organizations may have a particular ideological perspective. There is nothing wrong with this, but be aware of this perspective when using the information. Examples of research organizations or think tanks:
• Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
• Brookings Institute
• Heritage Foundation
• Urban Institute
• Progressive Policy Institute
• CATO Institute
D) Professional Associations
There are many organizations that represent specific professions or elected officials. These organizations also provide good information on a variety of policy topics. Examples of professional organizations:
• National Conference of State Legislatures
• National Governors Association
• Council of State Governments
E) Newspapers
• New York Times
• Wall Street Journal
• Washington Post
F) News Magazines
• Time
• Newsweek
G) Journals of Professional Organizations
• Governing
• State Legislatures
THE 1130 Mask #1 Playwright Writing Assignment Help
Here’s what you need to do:
STEP 1- View the photos in this module. Photo page. Choose one to use as your inspiration for your monologue.
Step two: Using one of the photos as inspiration develop a character then write a short monologue (no more than 1 page) A Monologue is one actor speaking. Shakespeare used these often. You might of even had to memorize a monologue in your high school English or Drama class. Some ideas-You should know your characters wants likes fears, After your rough draft edit your monologue- no need for repeats. See the example of a monologue I attached from a new play called Cicada. View in Module page Monologue.
If you get stuck- there are lots of websites even videos online giving their insights into writing a monologue. I find though starting out, it is easier for me to think as though I am the character telling a story to friends or trying to persuade someone to do something.
Please keep your monologue PG. Remember that most of the scene needs to be about your character TALKING…scripts are about what the characters are SAYING. You can write some actions or stage directions, but you really need to concentrate on the dialogue
CIS333 Strayer University Test Out Security PRO Final Certification Exam Programming Assignment Help
Each student gets ONE free attempt to take this final exam. Once you start the final exam in TestOut, your one free opportunity starts. Make sure you are in a quiet place and have a few hours blocked off to take the exam. As in most industry-standard exams, you will not be allowed to return to previous questions. Once you have answered the question you will not be able to revisit and change your response. Be sure to read the instructions carefully. Your instructor cannot reset this exam.
TAKE THE PRACTICE EXAM A FEW TIMES BEFORE ATTEMPTING THE FINAL. NOTE: A 68% is all that is needed to earn the certification. Your actual score will be converted to 20% of the points in this class by your instructor.
I have attempted to take this exam and I there was a computer error, so it has been hard for me to complete. I am currently at the hospital with very young very ill family member and and unable to successfully start and complete this test. Thank you in advance.
[supanova_question] for info on this). If you are using a command that includes the word ‘style’
you are using CSS – please don’t use this on your resume web page.
• Start Early! If you wait until the last minute, you may lose many points on this project.
• Keep all of your web pages and image files in the same folder on your computer.
• It’s often easier if all of your web pages and image files are named with small letters (no capitals) only.
If you have a problem, please check our Home page for common questions as well as the HTML Overview page / video (Modules area).
Currrent Business Problems: Case Studies: Lehman Brothers, British Petroleum, Monsanto, Merck Writing Assignment Help
To prepare for your selection of the current problem in business, look at the list of required articles and multimedia which are divided in the six case-categories as follows:
- Banking (Lehman Brothers)
- Environment (BP)
- GMOs (Monsanto)
- Pharmaceuticals (Merck)
- Gender Discrimination (Goodyear)
- Factory Farms (Perdue)
Choose the case-category that you find the most interesting and note that each category also corresponds to one particular case. Please choose carefully because your choice for this discussion will establish the case that will be central to your argumentative essay this week as well as your Final Project in Week 5. It is recommended that you leaf through all the required resources indicated for the possible case-categories that you identify as possible contenders before making your final choice.
Reflect: Once you have selected your ethical theory and your case category, articulate the characteristics of the economic system (or combination of both systems) that serves as the setting for the case presented in the case category sources. Given this context, examine how the nation’s laws affect the operations of the business.
Next, identify the characteristics of your chosen ethical theory and its notion of the moral good. For the latter, you will need to review again the PowerPoint that was introduced in Week 1, which is also listed in this week’s Required Resources and it is titled The Moral Good in Three Traditional Ethical Theories. Then, think how you would apply the ethical theory to the specific problem presented in the case category sources.
Write: Start your post by (a) identifying the issue or problem that you want to address in the case that you have selected and providing an impartial presentation of the controversy, (b) articulating briefly the characteristics of the economic system that serves as the setting, and (c) examining the laws that affect the operations of the business.
The following illustration should help. Consider, for example, the case of Uber that we examined in Week 2. If the California decision establishes a precedent for similar claims, then Uber would have to do business as an employer and not merely as a service that pairs consumers with ride sharing services by means of a unique phone app. Accordingly, the law would require Uber to reimburse its drivers for certain costs and perhaps offer benefits. Take in consideration, then, the legal setting for the case that you have chosen. Does the case take place in the United States or another country? What are the laws that are relevant to the problem under examination? Keep in mind that all laws are constraints on our actions, whether those by individuals or corporations. The relevant laws, then, will be (a) any laws that present not only a constraint on the company’s operations, (b) any laws that are being violated by the corporation, or (c) any laws that unfairly limit the goods and services that can be offered to and are demanded by consumers.
In a second paragraph, formulate a sentence that presents the moral position that you want to defend in regard to the issue or problem introduced in the previous paragraph.
In the same paragraph, present the ethical theory that you choose to employ. Your choices are utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics, and the necessary material is included in the required readings and media. Make sure to identify the characteristics of the ethical theory, and include in-text citations and full references in APA form at the end of the post. Once you have done this, apply the ethical theory to your selected case by explaining how it lends itself to the moral position that you are defending.
Acid-Base Extractions and Isolation of Caffeine Science Assignment Help
Hello this lab report is for organic chemistry 1
I have posted the instructions below and I will be uploading some files below for the data please take a deep look at them because this lab report worth a lot of grade so please it needs to be done carefully
If any thing is missed regarding the lab report please let me know
This lab report will probably have a longer page count than normal (Intro and Discussion shouldn’t be particularly lengthy, but the other sections will take up extra space this week).
Acid-Base and Caffeine Extraction Postlab Report
Same Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2+hypothesis format. P1 is background info (definition of extraction, solubility to selectively extract compounds, properties of acidity/basicity to separate compounds during extraction, different types of extraction).
P2 starts with “In this experiment” (then a summary of what will be performed). Include the significant techniques, chemicals, and instruments and describe what the experiment involves. If you choose, P2 can be about the acid-base extraction and you can add a P3 about the caffeine extraction. Do what you need to do to stay organized and clear.
Hypotheses are tricky here, I suggest two (unless you can come up with a way to make it one statement). Some ideas to get you going:
For the acid-base extraction hypothesis, if you think the order of extraction could impact yield, you might predict which products will have higher or lower yields (think about possibilities for mass loss or retaining trace impurities). You might predict that all yields will be over 100% (and why) or that all yields will experience mass loss (and why).
For the caffeine hypothesis, you could focus on the melting point of the recrystallized product compared to the literature MP of caffeine (look it up, cite your source), and address purity. Or you could make a prediction about how the recovered mass will match up to the manufacturer specifications on the amount of caffeine per bag (support with reasoning). Just do your best to find the main purpose of each experiment and attempt to write a hypothesis to answer the question it’s asking. Choose an approach and give it a try (I’m not going to be super picky about these because this is a difficult hypothesis to write). The most important thing is to make the prediction testable and provide a supporting reason.
All compounds, tools, and equipment from both parts of the experiment. Include chemical safety notes.
Breaking this down into Part A, Part B (etc.) would be the best approach.
Photo of experiment notes in lab notebook (name, date, and experiment title at the top). Please don’t shrink the image too much – I need to be able to read it). We will discuss what should be in your notes during the Blackboard session.
Results and Calculations
Table 1: Solubility table from the data in your experiment notes (3 solids, 4 solvents). Same approach as last week (discussed in the Blackboard session for Module 4).
Table 2. All 3 solid compounds (benzoic acid, naphthalene, 4-chloroaniline), starting masses (assume mixture contained equal mass of each compound), mass of recovered compounds, and percent yield of each (theoretical yield here is the initial mass).
Table 3. Theoretical yield of caffeine (per manufacturer: 35mg per bag, and we used 2 bags), mass of recrystallized caffeine, percent yield of caffeine (recovered divided by theoretical).
Table 4. Experimental melting point of recrystallized caffeine, literature melting point of caffeine (cite a source).
NOTE: melting point is given as a single temperature in the experiment video. Experimental melting points should be recorded as a range, so let the temperature from the video be the top of the MP range and start it 1°C lower so you can report a range in Table 4.
Include the formula for percent yield (typed using the Word equation building feature).
Figures 1, 2, and 3. Line structure image of each compound (benzoic acid, naphthalene, 4-chloroaniline), and identify them in the captions by name and as the acid, base, or neutral compound. No hand drawings, and don’t photograph them from the lab manual – do a Google search to find the images and cite your source.
Figure 4. Line structure image of caffeine (Google search and cite your source).
Figure 5 BONUS (up to +5 points). Line structure of caffeine again, and identify at least 3 different functional groups by circling and naming them. This can be done on computer, tablet, or NEATLY hand drawn, photographed/scanned, and pasted into the report.
Make sure all tables and figures have a name/number and caption. Remember that it goes above a table, below for a figure.
Keep it simple. Each of the 3 compounds from the acid-base extraction should have its own brief paragraph that addresses the effectiveness of each extraction based on percent yield from Table 2. Were any of the extractions significantly more or less successful than the others? If percent yields were over 100% (can we end up with more than we started with?), suggest what impurities could be present in the products to result in the artificially high yield. How would you test for impurities? If mass loss occurred, suggest how/where mass may have been lost during the procedure.
The caffeine extraction should also have its own paragraph. Consider percent yields from Table 3 and melting point from Table 4, and comment on the success of the extraction and recrystallization of caffeine. What does the experimental melting point suggest about purity (compared to the literature melting point)? Did the tea bags yield the amount of caffeine per tea bag as reported by the manufacturer? If mass loss occurred, was it significant enough to suggest that the caffeine composition was below manufacturer specifications, or is it more likely that mass loss occurred during the procedure? Suggest specific ways mass may have been lost during the procedure (experiment error may be a factor here). What error took place during this experiment?
Remember to refer your reader to tables instead of repeating values. Numbers in the discussion should be part of the analysis. For example: An experimental melting point showed a 7°C range that began 15°C below the literature melting point (Table #), indicating presence of substantial impurities. Or one compound experienced 12% mass loss while another experienced 50% mass loss (Table #), suggesting that the first process was significantly more efficient than the second. Those numbers aren’t pulled directly from the tables; they are analyzing (comparing and drawing conclusions about) what was interesting from the data in the tables.
Postlab Questions
Questions are at the end of the lab manual handout. The formula for calculating the partition coefficient is on page 2 of the lab manual handout. The partition coefficient (distribution coefficient) question requires only simple algebra,
As always, at least 1 reference besides the lab manual (you’ll have multiple refs here since the figures need citations).
Read PDF on Amazon Study and Answer The Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Anchored in the digital with increasing physical sales modality ambitions, Amazon needed to continue to build, test, and deliver a series of strategic bridges to link the digital and physical domains.
- Would the fusion of digital and physical retail worlds make customers feel uncomfortable with the degree of control Amazon would have over their buying intentions and choices?
- Do you believe Amazon’s strategy of increased modality (more channels of distribution and sales) is smart? Why?
- If you were CEO of Amazon, what other brick and mortar strategies might you deploy?
- Is Amazon handling the COV 19 crisis well? Would you do something different if you were Amazon CEO?
caan you do this in less 6 hours please kindly help me out Writing Assignment Help
You are to present a 15 minutes voice-over report (use any medium of your choice, example; voice over power point, loom etc) on a subject of your choice. You may pick an article about anything you find interesting and that is related to your major, your work, your hobby, your sports interest, etc. Some ideas for topics that may lead to articles containing statistics information are:This report will be a write up from Cybersecurity major student.
Cybersecurity on the Global Economy and its job Opportunities:
This list is by no means all encompassing – this is just a starting point for you to generate ideas. You certainly can find articles that do not relate to any of the above topics.
Grading Rubric
1. Appropriateness of the topic (type of study discussed)
2. Statistics involved in the topic (be clear)
3. Technical details or fine points about the topic
4. Conclusion, including your opinions about the study and why this article is important to you
caan you do this in less 6 hours please kindly help me out Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
English 1102-Essay about Drama Play-analysis- 750 words Humanities Assignment Help
The majority of your grade in this course comes from a sequence of papers based on the assigned literature. This assignment should use at least 2 sources. One source should be a scholarly book or article (secondary source) published within the last ten years. One source will be your textbook. This means your Works Cited page should have at least 2 sources altogether. Use quotes from the textbook and your other source to support your thesis. Note: you may not use online sources such as Wikipedia, Gradesaver, Shmoop, eNotes, 123helpme, and etc.
Write a short essay (750 words) that defends a thesis you developed through a close critical reading/analysis of one (or two) literary works listed in this week’s module and supported by at least two secondary sources. Do not confuse “critical analysis” with “plot summary”; the goal is to develop, sustain, and advance a thesis based on a critique of the primary text but supported in part by at least two secondary source. A list of potential topics is below.
- Analyze key characters from one or more plays in this book. What motivates these characters? Point to specific moments in the play to make your case.
- Write an analysis essay in which you single out an element of one or more plays for examination- character, plot, setting, theme, dramatic irony, tone, language, symbolism, conventions, or any other element. Try to relate this element to the play as a whole. For example, “The Function of Teiresias in Oedipus the King,” “Imagery of Poison in Othello,” etc.
- From a play you have enjoyed, choose a passage that strikes you as difficult, worth reading closely. Try to pick a passage not longer than about 20 lines. Explicate it- give it a close, sentence-by sentence reading- and explain how this small part of the play relates to the whole. For instance, any of the following passages might be considered memorable (and essential to their plays):
- Othello’s soliloquy beginning “It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul” (Othello, 5.2.1-22)
- Oedipus to Teiresias, speech beginning “Wealth, power, craft of statesmanship!” (Oedipus the King, 1.163-86)
Instructions for Memo on US Federalism – Policy Issue Instructions: Identify a current public policy issue related to federalism and intergovernmental relations (national-state-local-tribal)that has resulted in conflicts and/or challenges among levels Writing Assignment Help
Instructions for Memo on US Federalism – Policy Issue
Instructions:Identify a current public policy issue related to federalism and intergovernmental relations (national-state-local-tribal)that has resulted in conflicts and/or challenges among levels of government. The memo should discuss the following items:
• Describe and explain the issue
i. What makes it a federalism or intergovernmental issue? (Is there a conflict between federal action and state/local/tribal action? Is the federal government overstepping its authority to act? Are the states/localities failing to comply with federal law? Are states/localities overstepping their authority to act? Is there debate over which level of government should have control and responsibility? Are there issues with implementation, such as lack of federal funding, state or local resistance to implementation, etc.?)
• Identify the current status of the issue (proposed federal/state/local legislation, law, court decision, regulation, public debate, etc.)
• Identify and discuss the political dimensions of the issue. In other words, how do Republicans and Democrats view the issue? Are there liberal/conservative dimensions as well? What arguments does each side use in the debate? Identify organizations, special interest groups, advocacy groups, etc. that are lined up for or against the issue.
• Identify any judicial actions regarding the issue. Are there court rulings? What is the legal rationale for the ruling?
Format:Students will prepare a Memorandum. See Moodle (Assignments) for Memo Template. The memo should rangefrom 8-10 pages. A MINIMUM of 8 outside references from REPUTABLE sources is required. The memo should be typed, double-spaced, 12 point font, with each page numbered.The memo should be in narrative form using headings and subheadings to organize the paper. All direct quotes and close paraphrases should be appropriately cited both within the text and in a reference page at the end of the memo. SEE Legitimate Sources for the Memo on US Federalism at the end of these directions.
If you need assistance in selecting a topic, I can help. The following topics are particularly hot right now in federalism and intergovernmental relations:
1) Health care policy: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 and the role of states in implementation such as the creation of health insurance exchanges and the expansion of Medicaid.
2) Immigration policy: State immigration laws (Arizona, Alabama, etc.) and how they may conflict with federal policy; local regulations regarding immigration such as sanctuary laws.
3) Environmental policy: Climate change, fracking laws and regulations and the role of the EPA and state and local governments.
4) Civil Rights policy: Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) and the authority to define marriage and state/local resistance to the U.S. Supreme Court decision.
5) Education policy: Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and Obama’s Race to the Top and the challenges of implementation for state and local governments.
6) Drug policy: State medical marijuana and recreational marijuana laws, how they conflict with federal drug laws, and the Obama Administration’s enforcement of such laws.
Legitimate Sources for the Memo on US Federalism:
A) NO Wikipedia!
B) Peer-reviewed scholarly journals: A peer-reviewed scholarly journal refers only to those journals where the author submits her manuscript to several other scholars, experts, or academics (peers) in the field for review and comment. These reviewers must agree that the article represents properly conducted original research or writing before it can be published. What to look for:
• Scholarly journal articles often have an abstract, a descriptive summary of the article contents, before the main text of the article.
• Scholarly journals always cite their sources in the form of parenthetical references, footnotes, and bibliographies. These bibliographies are generally lengthy and cite other scholarly writings.
• Articles are written by a scholar in the field or by someone who has done research in the field. The affiliations of the authors are listed, usually at the bottom of the first page or at the end of the article—universities and research institutions.
• The language of scholarly journals is that of the discipline covered. It assumes some technical background on the part of the reader.
• The main purpose of a scholarly journal is to report on original research or experimentation in order to make such information available to the rest of the scholarly world.
Here are some examples of peer-reviewed scholarly journals in public administration and public policy:
• Public Administration Review
• State and Local Government Review
• American Review of Public Administration
• Policy Studies Journal
• Public Budgeting and Finance
• Publius: The Journal of Federalism
C) Research Organizations-Policy Think Tanks
There are many organizations that engage in research on a wide variety of topics. These organizations can be a valuable source of information. However, do your research. SOME of these organizations may have a particular ideological perspective. There is nothing wrong with this, but be aware of this perspective when using the information. Examples of research organizations or think tanks:
• Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
• Brookings Institute
• Heritage Foundation
• Urban Institute
• Progressive Policy Institute
• CATO Institute
D) Professional Associations
There are many organizations that represent specific professions or elected officials. These organizations also provide good information on a variety of policy topics. Examples of professional organizations:
• National Conference of State Legislatures
• National Governors Association
• Council of State Governments
E) Newspapers
• New York Times
• Wall Street Journal
• Washington Post
F) News Magazines
• Time
• Newsweek
G) Journals of Professional Organizations
• Governing
• State Legislatures
THE 1130 Mask #1 Playwright Writing Assignment Help
Here’s what you need to do:
STEP 1- View the photos in this module. Photo page. Choose one to use as your inspiration for your monologue.
Step two: Using one of the photos as inspiration develop a character then write a short monologue (no more than 1 page) A Monologue is one actor speaking. Shakespeare used these often. You might of even had to memorize a monologue in your high school English or Drama class. Some ideas-You should know your characters wants likes fears, After your rough draft edit your monologue- no need for repeats. See the example of a monologue I attached from a new play called Cicada. View in Module page Monologue.
If you get stuck- there are lots of websites even videos online giving their insights into writing a monologue. I find though starting out, it is easier for me to think as though I am the character telling a story to friends or trying to persuade someone to do something.
Please keep your monologue PG. Remember that most of the scene needs to be about your character TALKING…scripts are about what the characters are SAYING. You can write some actions or stage directions, but you really need to concentrate on the dialogue
CIS333 Strayer University Test Out Security PRO Final Certification Exam Programming Assignment Help
Each student gets ONE free attempt to take this final exam. Once you start the final exam in TestOut, your one free opportunity starts. Make sure you are in a quiet place and have a few hours blocked off to take the exam. As in most industry-standard exams, you will not be allowed to return to previous questions. Once you have answered the question you will not be able to revisit and change your response. Be sure to read the instructions carefully. Your instructor cannot reset this exam.
TAKE THE PRACTICE EXAM A FEW TIMES BEFORE ATTEMPTING THE FINAL. NOTE: A 68% is all that is needed to earn the certification. Your actual score will be converted to 20% of the points in this class by your instructor.
I have attempted to take this exam and I there was a computer error, so it has been hard for me to complete. I am currently at the hospital with very young very ill family member and and unable to successfully start and complete this test. Thank you in advance.
[supanova_question] for info on this). If you are using a command that includes the word ‘style’
you are using CSS – please don’t use this on your resume web page.
• Start Early! If you wait until the last minute, you may lose many points on this project.
• Keep all of your web pages and image files in the same folder on your computer.
• It’s often easier if all of your web pages and image files are named with small letters (no capitals) only.
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