​Read over this handout and complete the lab Science Assignment Help

​Read over this handout and complete the lab Science Assignment Help. ​Read over this handout and complete the lab Science Assignment Help.

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Read over this handout and complete the lab. You will enter in all data into this data tables document. You will then need to save and upload the data tables/pictures/questions, when finished, here. Don’t forget to insert the required images inside the document – do not upload the images here! Remember, each lab may be done with a lab partner, but your calculations and post-lab questions must be done individually!

Note: The link may not work in the handout, so follow this link (or copy and paste this into the url bar: http://astro.unl.edu/naap/motion1/animations/seasons_ecliptic.html). Also, it doesn’t like to run on anything other than Internet Explorer, so if it doesn’t work in your current browser, try IE.

​Read over this handout and complete the lab Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Sociology writing research paper-02 Writing Assignment Help

Write a paper answering ONE of the following Research questions. You are allowed to but are not required to use this topic for future assignments in the course.

  • What explains why some college students binge drink and others do not?
  • What explains why school shootings occur when and where they do?
  • What explains why some types of youth vape and some do not?
  • What explains variation in voter turnout across different demographic categories?


Word count at least 950

I. Use the question you chose to create your own, more SPECIFIC research question. Explicitly state your question in your opening paragraph and answer it in your thesis statement. For example, here are two different versions (with silly date/country to ensure you create your OWN specific version):

  • What explains why school shootings have become more common since 1902 in the United States?
  • What explains why school shootings are more common in the United States than on Mars?

II. Using the ProQuest databaseLinks to an external site.

    1. Identify three peer-reviewed social science journal articles that discuss your research question.
    2. You MUST use this database and no others, because it ensures you have reliable sources. Other websites, newspaper/magazine articles, blogs, etc. are NOT acceptable. 5 points deducted for each article not from ProQuest.
    3. Ensure one (and preferably all 3) articles includes theoretical claims and describes evidence related to your research question (e.g., an experiment, survey, quantitative analysis, case study, etc.).
    4. Do NOT use more than three articles.

III. Read the three articles you have identified.

IV. Write at least one paragraph that discusses the dependent variable (DV) and what values it varies between.

  • Example of one sentence in such a paragraph: School shootings in the US vary between X per year in 19XX and Y per year in 20XX. [Then, provide more detail of the facts about school shootings that need explanation.]

V. Write three paragraphs, one for each of your three independent variables (IVs) that the articles you are using argue influence the dependent variable (DV). Address the following:

  • Identify EACH of your 3 IVs and the values EACH can have.
    • Example: Articles by Wesson (2014) and Baretta (2018) argue that increases in school shootings are due to increased gun sales. The variable “gun sales” can have possible valuesof “none,” “some,” and “lots.” This made-up example is for one IV, you need 3.
  • Describe the LOGIC in the articles about how EACH IV influences (causes variation in) the DV.
    • Example: These authors say that increases in the sales of guns lead to increased school shootings because people with knives can kill fewer people. Be careful and make sure your IV explains the DV you selected.
  • Discuss agreements and disagreements across articles about the influence of your three IVs.
    • Example: Smith (2012) disagrees with Wesson (2014) and Baretta (2018) that more guns lead to more school shootings. She argues that a study from a Martian town (no guns are sold on Mars) showed that school knife attacks occur at similar rates to those in the US.

VI. Write at least one paragraph about how you could conduct research to help us better understand the dependent variable (DV) you chose.

  • Example: To better understand why school shootings occur, I would compare 50 US states in terms of number of gun stores and number of school shootings.

VII. Review your research question and edit your paper to make sure the 3 articles you use address the research question you are asking.

VIII. Write a conclusion.

IX. PLEASE DO NOT use ANY of my examples here in your essay. First, these examples are made up and wrong! Second, doing so would be plagiarism.

Citations: If you need a format for citations (you can used your preferred option if you have one) is available HERE. Regardless of the citation style you choose, make sure all your citations have the same elements in the same order, that is, be consistent.


Thinking Like a Social Scientist

Thinking Like a Social Scientist

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeJournal Articles*Paper incorporates 3 articles (from ProQuest).

100.0 pts

Max Points

0.0 pts

No Marks

100.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearch Question*Restates the question in their own words. *Reinterprets research question back through sources

100.0 pts

Max Points

0.0 pts

No Marks

100.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDependent Variable*Identifies the dependent variable you are researching; gives at least one paragraph of explanation. *Tells us how the dependent variable varies over time and context. *Makes sure dependent variable matches what you are trying to explain

300.0 pts

Max Points

0.0 pts

No Marks

300.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIndependent Variable (A)*One paragraph on each of the (at least) 3 independent variables specified. *Identifies values each independent variable can have, and how these values vary with dependent variable.

200.0 pts

Max Points

0.0 pts

No Marks

200.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIndependent Variable (B)*Identifies and maps logic that leads authors to believe each IV influences DV

200.0 pts

Max Points

0.0 pts

No Marks

200.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverview of the Discussion in the Literature*Discuss if and how the articles you have selected disagree on the IVs’ relations to the DV

50.0 pts

Max Points

0.0 pts

No Marks

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFuture Research*Writes at least one paragraph on conducting research to generate new understanding of DV *Identifies where your potential research would ‘fit’ in the literature on your dependent variable

50.0 pts

Max Points

0.0 pts

No Marks

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCurveThese are the points added to your score to achieve a fair curve

0.0 pts

No Marks

0.0 pts


0.0 pts

Total Points: 1,000.0


SOC205, Discussion 4 Business Finance Assignment Help

“President’s Effect in Appointing Federal Judges and Analysis of the 2013 Decision Regarding DOMA” Please respond to the following:

  • Referring to the study regarding the effect of presidential philosophy on the selection of judges in chapter 7, determine two (2) ways in which presidential philosophy can impact judicial decision making. Draw three (3) conclusions from the study. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.
  • From the e-Activity, summarize three (3) key issues that the DOMA decision of 2013 addressed that fall under the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Indicate which of the three (3) issues you believe will have the greatest overall impact on society in the future. Justify your response.
  • Very detailed (more screenshots of chapter 7’s study and the e- activity will be placed in attachments)

Respond to a peer (can be brief):

Peer’s Post to respond to:

“Hi Classmate and Prof

T1. here should be an outsized range of vacancies accessible so as for the president to be able to guarantee those spots get crammed by people that share like-mindedness because of the president. The people to be selected quite seemingly share the same viewpoint or philosophy as what the president likes.

2. The president will fill vacancies within the Court of Appeals with potential future nominees, this can provide the folks he desires area unit setup to slip into judiciary spots regardless if he’s still president or not and still pursue deciding helpful to his party.

conclusions that I draw from the study

1. Additional legal, personal, philosophic, and political influences can sadden the Supreme Court and its decision-making method.

2. Decision-making power can have supported or appeal from alternative branches of the government

3. Co-equal branches that interpret the law, and policymakers to increasing equality in the higher cognitive process from the e-Activity, summarize 3 (3) key problems that the DOMA call of 2013 addressed that represent the amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Indicate that of the 3 (3) problems you think can have the best overall impact on society within the future. Justify your response.

1.legally married same-sex couples are currently entitled to identical federal advantages as married opposite-sex couples

2. Spousal consent currently additionally applies to same-sex marriages

3. Same-sex spouses are entitled to use put aside funding to buy out-of-pocket expenses I feel that of the three problems addressed, federal advantages to opposite-sex couples can have the best impact on society within the future. Same-sex partners will currently file federal work as one or two as opposition people and additionally able to file taxes along. Being a member of the military, same-sex marriages mean that a relationship may be recognized and receive medical and dental advantages moreover because of the insurance policy.-act.”



Stabilization of a natural embankment for an apartment building Engineering Assignment Help

Civil engineering question

please do all the requirements

Stabilization of a natural embankment for an apartment building

A safer slope has to be constructed for an almost vertical embankment of height 20.5 feet that carries a very long (into the paper) three-story wooden apartment building of width 50 feet (Figure 2). The outer wall of the building is to be at a minimum distance of 10.25 feet from the edge of the finished embankment.

Soil properties of embankment

Use the posted SPT profiles

Groundwater conditions to be considered:

(1) Dry

(2) Submerged

Use an Excel spreadsheet to program the Bishop’s simplified method of slices (with 5 slices) for analysis of slope, toe and base failures.

Verify the safety factor with

1.Taylor’s chart with assumptions

2.Commercial software (GEOSLOPE – student version).

Other requirements:

Cost estimate

Method of construction

Figure 2 Perspective view of the building


Cover letter and Introduction of the design problem (0.5 point)

Data used in the analysis using the format adopted by Geotech. companies (0.5 point)

Stability analysis for

oSlope failure (1 point)

oToe failure (1 point)

oBase failure (1 point)

Verification with Taylor’s chart (2 points)

Verification with commercial software (2 points)

Drainage provisions (0.5 point)

Cost of estimate (0.5 point)

Method of construction (0.5 point)

Design conclusion (0.5 points)


Follow the instructions and complete the work. Writing Assignment Help

This is your final assignment.

Lots of directions. Read them carefully.

Your final paper due the Monday of finals week will include the following:

Look at the attached studies. Notice their formats. You are going to produce such a study though obviously without findings or discussion of findings.

Your assignment is to propose a study that will analyze the effects of media violence on a group or groups. Media can include any media, online, movies, television, books, graphic novels, etc.

Use the attached studies as examples.

Your assignment will include:

1. a definition of media violence from the powerpoint presented in class OR prepare your own definition of media violence.. You must explain why your definition is the most logical to use explaining this point through RESEARCH.

I included the powerpoint “media criticism” which offered some definitions of violence.

2. an abstract–a 100-200 word summary of your proposed research including an explanation of its relevence.

Read the attached powerpoint about research types to define the type of study you will do.

3. a means of testing your variables. What will you measure and how will you measure it. In class, I gave examples of the tools I used to measure loneliness, depression, parasocial interaction, social desirability, uses and gratifications. I found those tools the same way you will: researching articles that examined the variables you are examining.

4. a literature review. A thorough review of academic studies that defined and analyzed the variables you are studying. My dissertation had entire sections defining EACH of these: loneliness, depression, parasocial interaction, social desirability, uses and gratifications including recent research on those variables. Recency is important in such research and narrowing your research to academic studies is important. You will find that once you find one or two relevant articles, you can use the works cited as a beginning point of finding your research.

Remember JSTOR, Academic search elite, etc. are search engines and not sources. I want the journal, author, title, year, etc all put forward in APA, MLA or other means of formatting (your choice).

I presented my research variables as examples of my dissertation. I expect to see other variables used in your research.

Make sure you include hypotheses. Examples of hypotheses from the attached studies are below. The hypotheses will predict, based on previous research, the results you expect to get from your study.

Hypothesis 3:

Spokesperson type will interact with viewer weight, whereby overweight viewers who watch a PSA featuring a real person will have the highest (a) diet intention and (b) exercise intention.

H3. Parasocial identification with a celebrity endorser will mod- erate the effect of celebrity-product congruence on (a) attitude toward the e-cigarette ad in social media, (b) eWOM intention, and (c) intention to use e-cigarettes.

H4. Parasocial identification with a celebrity endorser will mod- erate the effect of congruence between a consumer’s risk-oriented possible self and a celebrity endorser’s image on (a) attitude toward the e-cigarette ad in social media, (b) eWOM intention, and (c) intention to use e-cigarettes.

Make sure you explain your methodology for your study.

If you have a study in mind that does not involve media violence, you must get that project approved by me before you proceed.

This paper will be approximately 13 pages. Most of it will be the literature review.

Any questions, let me know. Do good work. Stay healthy.



Process Recording of a case scenario VIDEO (4 minute) (Narrative Model) Writing Assignment Help

Attached to this note you will find templates for this week’s assignment, please use it as a guide. Begin by viewing the case scenario video listed below.

  • Using the attached Process Recording Narrative Template
    • process a 4-minute portion of the interaction in Case Scenario #1

*If you find yourself stuck on social work “values & ethical principles” section of the Narrative Recording, I have also attached a copy of the NASW’s Ethical Principles and Values. You can quickly review to jump-start some connections within your narrative.

Case Scenarios:

  1. Conducting a Quick Screen for Trauma – Child Interview: https://youtu.be/rKTYOAI65zE

Process Recording of a case scenario VIDEO (4 minute) (Narrative Model) Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

data science report Mathematics Assignment Help

i can provide the graphic or code, and i need sb. to analysis the data for me

there are two datasets that you need to analysis for, here are the link where you can find the data

Seed data:https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/seeds

Automobile data:https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Automobile

Topics for project:

1) How to compare multiple labels with respect to one single feature? Each label is attached to a 1-dim dataset of feature measurements. Datasets: Seed.

2) How to see intrinsic differences among multiple labels with respect to multiple features? Each label is attached to a K-dim dataset of feature measurements. Datasets: Seed.

3) How to deal with categorical features? Dataset: Automobile.

4) How to measure associative relations between a categorical response variable and multiple covariate features. Datasets: Seedand Automobile datasets.

here are the code: you may run this in JupyterLab in order to see the graphic

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF

import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib.pyplot import cm

from pyitlib import discrete_random_variable as drv

from plotnine import *

from statistics import *

from collections import Counter

import warnings


seed_df = pd.read_csv(‘seeds_dataset.txt’, delim_whitespace=True, header = None)

seed_df.columns = [“area”, “perimeter”, “compactness”, “length of kernel”, ” width of kernel”, “asymmetry coefficient”, “length of kernel groove”, “wheat”]




fig, axs = plt.subplots(7, 3, figsize=(15, 10))

fig.subplots_adjust(top = 2.5, bottom = 0.5, wspace = 0.3)

axs = axs.ravel()

for i in range(1, len(seed_df.columns)):

ecdf = ECDF(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1])

x = np.linspace(min(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1]), max(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1]))

y = ecdf(x)

axs[3*i-3].step(x, y)

axs[3*i-3].set_title(f”Empirical CDF for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)

seed_df.pivot_table(values=seed_df.columns[i-1], index=seed_df.index, columns=[‘wheat’]).plot.hist(bins=50, stacked=True, ax=axs[3*i-2])

axs[3*i-2].set_title(f”Gapped Histogram for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)


axs[3*i-1].set_title(f”Line plot for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)

sns.pairplot(seed_df, hue = “wheat”)

def entropy(Y):

unique, count = np.unique(Y, return_counts=True, axis=0)

prob = count/len(Y)

en = np.sum((-1)*prob*np.log2(prob))

return en

#Joint Entropy

# H(Y;X)

def jEntropy(Y,X):

YX = np.c_[Y,X]

return entropy(YX)

#Conditional Entropy

## conditional entropy = Joint Entropy – Entropy of X

## H(Y|X) = H(Y;X) – H(X)

def cEntropy(Y, X):

return jEntropy(Y, X) – entropy(X)

#Mutual Information

#Mutual Information, I(Y;X) = H(Y) – H(Y|X)

def mutual_info(Y, X):

return entropy(Y) – cEntropy(Y,X)

feature_selection.mutual_info_classif(seed_df.iloc[:,0:7], seed_df.iloc[:,-1], discrete_features=’auto’)

def mutualy_table(df):

n = len(df.columns) – 1

ce_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((n, n)))

for i in range(0, n):

for j in range(0, n):

ce_df[i][j] = mutual_info(seed_df.iloc[:, i], seed_df.iloc[:, j])

ce_df.columns = df.columns[:-1]

ce_df.index = df.columns[:-1]

return ce_df

print(“Mutual Information table is:”)


auto_df = pd.read_csv(‘imports-85.data’, header = None)

auto_df.columns =[“symboling”, “normalized-losses”, “make”, “fuel-type”, “aspiration”, “num-of-doors”, “body-style”, “drive-wheels”,

“engine-location”, “wheel-base”, “length”, “width”, “height”, “curb-weight”, “engine-type”, “num-of-cylinders”,

“engine-size”, “fuel-system”, “bore”, “stroke”, “compression-ratio”, “horsepower”, “peak-rpm”, “city-mpg”, “highway-mpg”, “price”]

def count_na(df):

for col in df.columns:

l = df[df[col] == “?”].shape[0]

if l != 0:

print(f”{col} has {l} missing value”)

# which is same as the document said


def replace_na(df):

df_new = df.copy()

for col in [“normalized-losses”, “bore”, “stroke”, “horsepower”, “peak-rpm”, “price”]:

i = df[df[col] == “?”].index

j = list(set(range(0, df[col].shape[0])) – set(i))

df_new.loc[i, col] = mean(pd.to_numeric(df.loc[j, col]))

for col in [“num-of-doors”]:

i = df[df[col] == “?”].index

j = list(set(range(0, df[col].shape[0])) – set(i))

df_new.loc[i, col] = max(Counter(df.loc[j, col]))


auto_df_new = replace_na(auto_df)


def change_dtype(df):

l1 = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18]

for i in l1:

df.iloc[:, i-1] = pd.Categorical(df.iloc[:, i-1])

l2 = list(set(range(1, 27)) – set(l1) – set([1]))

for j in l2:

df.iloc[:, j-1] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, j-1])

return df


auto_df_new_dummy = pd.get_dummies(auto_df_new)

sns.pairplot(auto_df, hue = “symboling”)

the attachments are the reference report example and the project template


intervention project (West Nile Virus) Science Assignment Help

Individual write-up intervention project of a public education/awareness campaign to be completed. This brief, written paper should include the following elements:

  1. Introduction/Recap and Outreach Description – Describe your topic (West Nile Virus) and what you propose for your community outreach/education campaign.
  2. Goals and Objectives – Being as specific as possible identify the three main Goals of your project and the Objectives you will use to accomplish them, for example:
      1. Goal: Increase Recycling in the Dormitories by 20%

i. Objective 1: Education campaign with flyers

ii. Objective 2: Pizza night competition

iii. Objective 3: Change collection bin location and size

  1. Personal Engagement – Reflecting on what you learn from researching the issue and analyzing it from a systems analysis perspective, develop some type of personal engagement effort around this topic. Encouraging personal engagement in the target audience could take a variety of forms:
    1. Personal actions
    2. Group actions
    3. Policy changes
      1. The more specific you can make the suggestions, the more points you will receive. For example, provide some information on clearinghouses that help people take action, actual websites were they can write to policy makers, numerical examples of the impacts their behavior changes could have, etc.
  2. Funding Needs –Provide an estimate of the funding that would be required to complete your project. Almost all projects will have at least the following budget categories:
    1. Salaries/Benefits
    2. Equipment
    3. Supplies and Services
    4. Travel

The Semester Project Will Be Evaluated On These Criteria

Intellectual Content – How well researched and referenced is this effort? Is a systems analysis approach clearly utilized to both analyze the problem and develop a solution? How creative was the systems analysis of the issues and was this analysis used to offer potential solutions that could bring about meaningful change? Was the effort well-written and clear?

Integration of system thinking and climate change topic with health outcomes.

Professional, Accessible, and Clear Explanations and Writing – Were the final products delivered in an effective and professional manner? Is the content clear? Were all of the required content areas addressed?

Meaningful Personal Engagement – Was the project meaningfully engaging? Is it apparent that some effort and care went into the development and delivery of the project? In other words, was the effort genuine and meaningful?

Timeliness of Completion and Delivery – Is the project on time? This will impact all other evaluation areas.


Annual Report is attached-General Motors (Need Part 2=>Financial Results 1 single spaced) Business Finance Assignment Help

The results in Table 1 are key amounts from the SEC 10-K of (your company’s name).

b.Balance Sheet Results. Using the results from the Balance Sheet items, comment on your company’s results. You should discuss and compare at least three of the items from your balance sheet results. Before presenting your analysis, define the terms you are discussing and cite a source like your textbook, to demonstrate that you know the meaning of the terms you are discussing. For instance, if you discuss current liabilities, you should explain what that term means. You can also discuss other balance sheet items like non-current assets or long-term liabilities if you want to, but you should also define any additional terms.

c.Income Statement Results. Using the results from the Income Statement items, comment on your company’s results. As mentioned above, define the terms you discuss, cite a source, and discuss at least three of the items.


Health Informatics Website Project Health Medical Assignment Help

Health Informatics is a rapidly evolving field with a wealth of rich, current, credible and helpful resources on the Internet and accessible via mobile health apps. So, have fun some fun with this assignment by browsing and learning about health informatics-enabled resources. Then, select several web sites and develop a review of what you find helpful content in each selected site. Include a blending of credible government, non-profit, for profit, educational, and consumer-driven sites to provide a rich diversity of perspectives. Additionally, include reviews of mobile heath apps and other healthcare technologies.

Target your Course Project website to be a reference for a specific audience and include a brief introduction. For example, you may focus this as a guide for:

– Fellow public health, health administration or nursing students,

– Professional groups such as for nurses, healthcare administrators, physicians, etc., or

– Health care consumer or someone working somewhere in the healthcare ecosystem.

– Specific groups of consumers (kids, seniors) or people with a specific health condition (diabetes, heart condition)

Note: The draft version should be 90% complete in order for your instructor to provide you with sufficient feedback and any changes/additions that need to be made by the final version due in week 4.



Topics for project:

1) How to compare multiple labels with respect to one single feature? Each label is attached to a 1-dim dataset of feature measurements. Datasets: Seed.

2) How to see intrinsic differences among multiple labels with respect to multiple features? Each label is attached to a K-dim dataset of feature measurements. Datasets: Seed.

3) How to deal with categorical features? Dataset: Automobile.

4) How to measure associative relations between a categorical response variable and multiple covariate features. Datasets: Seedand Automobile datasets.

here are the code: you may run this in JupyterLab in order to see the graphic

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF

import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib.pyplot import cm

from pyitlib import discrete_random_variable as drv

from plotnine import *

from statistics import *

from collections import Counter

import warnings


seed_df = pd.read_csv(‘seeds_dataset.txt’, delim_whitespace=True, header = None)

seed_df.columns = [“area”, “perimeter”, “compactness”, “length of kernel”, ” width of kernel”, “asymmetry coefficient”, “length of kernel groove”, “wheat”]




fig, axs = plt.subplots(7, 3, figsize=(15, 10))

fig.subplots_adjust(top = 2.5, bottom = 0.5, wspace = 0.3)

axs = axs.ravel()

for i in range(1, len(seed_df.columns)):

ecdf = ECDF(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1])

x = np.linspace(min(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1]), max(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1]))

y = ecdf(x)

axs[3*i-3].step(x, y)

axs[3*i-3].set_title(f”Empirical CDF for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)

seed_df.pivot_table(values=seed_df.columns[i-1], index=seed_df.index, columns=[‘wheat’]).plot.hist(bins=50, stacked=True, ax=axs[3*i-2])

axs[3*i-2].set_title(f”Gapped Histogram for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)


axs[3*i-1].set_title(f”Line plot for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)

sns.pairplot(seed_df, hue = “wheat”)

def entropy(Y):

unique, count = np.unique(Y, return_counts=True, axis=0)

prob = count/len(Y)

en = np.sum((-1)*prob*np.log2(prob))

return en

#Joint Entropy

# H(Y;X)

def jEntropy(Y,X):

YX = np.c_[Y,X]

return entropy(YX)

#Conditional Entropy

## conditional entropy = Joint Entropy – Entropy of X

## H(Y|X) = H(Y;X) – H(X)

def cEntropy(Y, X):

return jEntropy(Y, X) – entropy(X)

#Mutual Information

#Mutual Information, I(Y;X) = H(Y) – H(Y|X)

def mutual_info(Y, X):

return entropy(Y) – cEntropy(Y,X)

feature_selection.mutual_info_classif(seed_df.iloc[:,0:7], seed_df.iloc[:,-1], discrete_features=’auto’)

def mutualy_table(df):

n = len(df.columns) – 1

ce_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((n, n)))

for i in range(0, n):

for j in range(0, n):

ce_df[i][j] = mutual_info(seed_df.iloc[:, i], seed_df.iloc[:, j])

ce_df.columns = df.columns[:-1]

ce_df.index = df.columns[:-1]

return ce_df

print(“Mutual Information table is:”)


auto_df = pd.read_csv(‘imports-85.data’, header = None)

auto_df.columns =[“symboling”, “normalized-losses”, “make”, “fuel-type”, “aspiration”, “num-of-doors”, “body-style”, “drive-wheels”,

“engine-location”, “wheel-base”, “length”, “width”, “height”, “curb-weight”, “engine-type”, “num-of-cylinders”,

“engine-size”, “fuel-system”, “bore”, “stroke”, “compression-ratio”, “horsepower”, “peak-rpm”, “city-mpg”, “highway-mpg”, “price”]

def count_na(df):

for col in df.columns:

l = df[df[col] == “?”].shape[0]

if l != 0:

print(f”{col} has {l} missing value”)

# which is same as the document said


def replace_na(df):

df_new = df.copy()

for col in [“normalized-losses”, “bore”, “stroke”, “horsepower”, “peak-rpm”, “price”]:

i = df[df[col] == “?”].index

j = list(set(range(0, df[col].shape[0])) – set(i))

df_new.loc[i, col] = mean(pd.to_numeric(df.loc[j, col]))

for col in [“num-of-doors”]:

i = df[df[col] == “?”].index

j = list(set(range(0, df[col].shape[0])) – set(i))

df_new.loc[i, col] = max(Counter(df.loc[j, col]))


auto_df_new = replace_na(auto_df)


def change_dtype(df):

l1 = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18]

for i in l1:

df.iloc[:, i-1] = pd.Categorical(df.iloc[:, i-1])

l2 = list(set(range(1, 27)) – set(l1) – set([1]))

for j in l2:

df.iloc[:, j-1] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, j-1])

return df


auto_df_new_dummy = pd.get_dummies(auto_df_new)

sns.pairplot(auto_df, hue = “symboling”)

the attachments are the reference report example and the project template


intervention project (West Nile Virus) Science Assignment Help

Individual write-up intervention project of a public education/awareness campaign to be completed. This brief, written paper should include the following elements:

  1. Introduction/Recap and Outreach Description – Describe your topic (West Nile Virus) and what you propose for your community outreach/education campaign.
  2. Goals and Objectives – Being as specific as possible identify the three main Goals of your project and the Objectives you will use to accomplish them, for example:
      1. Goal: Increase Recycling in the Dormitories by 20%

i. Objective 1: Education campaign with flyers

ii. Objective 2: Pizza night competition

iii. Objective 3: Change collection bin location and size

  1. Personal Engagement – Reflecting on what you learn from researching the issue and analyzing it from a systems analysis perspective, develop some type of personal engagement effort around this topic. Encouraging personal engagement in the target audience could take a variety of forms:
    1. Personal actions
    2. Group actions
    3. Policy changes
      1. The more specific you can make the suggestions, the more points you will receive. For example, provide some information on clearinghouses that help people take action, actual websites were they can write to policy makers, numerical examples of the impacts their behavior changes could have, etc.
  2. Funding Needs –Provide an estimate of the funding that would be required to complete your project. Almost all projects will have at least the following budget categories:
    1. Salaries/Benefits
    2. Equipment
    3. Supplies and Services
    4. Travel

The Semester Project Will Be Evaluated On These Criteria

Intellectual Content – How well researched and referenced is this effort? Is a systems analysis approach clearly utilized to both analyze the problem and develop a solution? How creative was the systems analysis of the issues and was this analysis used to offer potential solutions that could bring about meaningful change? Was the effort well-written and clear?

Integration of system thinking and climate change topic with health outcomes.

Professional, Accessible, and Clear Explanations and Writing – Were the final products delivered in an effective and professional manner? Is the content clear? Were all of the required content areas addressed?

Meaningful Personal Engagement – Was the project meaningfully engaging? Is it apparent that some effort and care went into the development and delivery of the project? In other words, was the effort genuine and meaningful?

Timeliness of Completion and Delivery – Is the project on time? This will impact all other evaluation areas.


Annual Report is attached-General Motors (Need Part 2=>Financial Results 1 single spaced) Business Finance Assignment Help

The results in Table 1 are key amounts from the SEC 10-K of (your company’s name).

b.Balance Sheet Results. Using the results from the Balance Sheet items, comment on your company’s results. You should discuss and compare at least three of the items from your balance sheet results. Before presenting your analysis, define the terms you are discussing and cite a source like your textbook, to demonstrate that you know the meaning of the terms you are discussing. For instance, if you discuss current liabilities, you should explain what that term means. You can also discuss other balance sheet items like non-current assets or long-term liabilities if you want to, but you should also define any additional terms.

c.Income Statement Results. Using the results from the Income Statement items, comment on your company’s results. As mentioned above, define the terms you discuss, cite a source, and discuss at least three of the items.


Health Informatics Website Project Health Medical Assignment Help

Health Informatics is a rapidly evolving field with a wealth of rich, current, credible and helpful resources on the Internet and accessible via mobile health apps. So, have fun some fun with this assignment by browsing and learning about health informatics-enabled resources. Then, select several web sites and develop a review of what you find helpful content in each selected site. Include a blending of credible government, non-profit, for profit, educational, and consumer-driven sites to provide a rich diversity of perspectives. Additionally, include reviews of mobile heath apps and other healthcare technologies.

Target your Course Project website to be a reference for a specific audience and include a brief introduction. For example, you may focus this as a guide for:

– Fellow public health, health administration or nursing students,

– Professional groups such as for nurses, healthcare administrators, physicians, etc., or

– Health care consumer or someone working somewhere in the healthcare ecosystem.

– Specific groups of consumers (kids, seniors) or people with a specific health condition (diabetes, heart condition)

Note: The draft version should be 90% complete in order for your instructor to provide you with sufficient feedback and any changes/additions that need to be made by the final version due in week 4.



Topics for project:

1) How to compare multiple labels with respect to one single feature? Each label is attached to a 1-dim dataset of feature measurements. Datasets: Seed.

2) How to see intrinsic differences among multiple labels with respect to multiple features? Each label is attached to a K-dim dataset of feature measurements. Datasets: Seed.

3) How to deal with categorical features? Dataset: Automobile.

4) How to measure associative relations between a categorical response variable and multiple covariate features. Datasets: Seedand Automobile datasets.

here are the code: you may run this in JupyterLab in order to see the graphic

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF

import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib.pyplot import cm

from pyitlib import discrete_random_variable as drv

from plotnine import *

from statistics import *

from collections import Counter

import warnings


seed_df = pd.read_csv(‘seeds_dataset.txt’, delim_whitespace=True, header = None)

seed_df.columns = [“area”, “perimeter”, “compactness”, “length of kernel”, ” width of kernel”, “asymmetry coefficient”, “length of kernel groove”, “wheat”]




fig, axs = plt.subplots(7, 3, figsize=(15, 10))

fig.subplots_adjust(top = 2.5, bottom = 0.5, wspace = 0.3)

axs = axs.ravel()

for i in range(1, len(seed_df.columns)):

ecdf = ECDF(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1])

x = np.linspace(min(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1]), max(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1]))

y = ecdf(x)

axs[3*i-3].step(x, y)

axs[3*i-3].set_title(f”Empirical CDF for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)

seed_df.pivot_table(values=seed_df.columns[i-1], index=seed_df.index, columns=[‘wheat’]).plot.hist(bins=50, stacked=True, ax=axs[3*i-2])

axs[3*i-2].set_title(f”Gapped Histogram for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)


axs[3*i-1].set_title(f”Line plot for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)

sns.pairplot(seed_df, hue = “wheat”)

def entropy(Y):

unique, count = np.unique(Y, return_counts=True, axis=0)

prob = count/len(Y)

en = np.sum((-1)*prob*np.log2(prob))

return en

#Joint Entropy

# H(Y;X)

def jEntropy(Y,X):

YX = np.c_[Y,X]

return entropy(YX)

#Conditional Entropy

## conditional entropy = Joint Entropy – Entropy of X

## H(Y|X) = H(Y;X) – H(X)

def cEntropy(Y, X):

return jEntropy(Y, X) – entropy(X)

#Mutual Information

#Mutual Information, I(Y;X) = H(Y) – H(Y|X)

def mutual_info(Y, X):

return entropy(Y) – cEntropy(Y,X)

feature_selection.mutual_info_classif(seed_df.iloc[:,0:7], seed_df.iloc[:,-1], discrete_features=’auto’)

def mutualy_table(df):

n = len(df.columns) – 1

ce_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((n, n)))

for i in range(0, n):

for j in range(0, n):

ce_df[i][j] = mutual_info(seed_df.iloc[:, i], seed_df.iloc[:, j])

ce_df.columns = df.columns[:-1]

ce_df.index = df.columns[:-1]

return ce_df

print(“Mutual Information table is:”)


auto_df = pd.read_csv(‘imports-85.data’, header = None)

auto_df.columns =[“symboling”, “normalized-losses”, “make”, “fuel-type”, “aspiration”, “num-of-doors”, “body-style”, “drive-wheels”,

“engine-location”, “wheel-base”, “length”, “width”, “height”, “curb-weight”, “engine-type”, “num-of-cylinders”,

“engine-size”, “fuel-system”, “bore”, “stroke”, “compression-ratio”, “horsepower”, “peak-rpm”, “city-mpg”, “highway-mpg”, “price”]

def count_na(df):

for col in df.columns:

l = df[df[col] == “?”].shape[0]

if l != 0:

print(f”{col} has {l} missing value”)

# which is same as the document said


def replace_na(df):

df_new = df.copy()

for col in [“normalized-losses”, “bore”, “stroke”, “horsepower”, “peak-rpm”, “price”]:

i = df[df[col] == “?”].index

j = list(set(range(0, df[col].shape[0])) – set(i))

df_new.loc[i, col] = mean(pd.to_numeric(df.loc[j, col]))

for col in [“num-of-doors”]:

i = df[df[col] == “?”].index

j = list(set(range(0, df[col].shape[0])) – set(i))

df_new.loc[i, col] = max(Counter(df.loc[j, col]))


auto_df_new = replace_na(auto_df)


def change_dtype(df):

l1 = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18]

for i in l1:

df.iloc[:, i-1] = pd.Categorical(df.iloc[:, i-1])

l2 = list(set(range(1, 27)) – set(l1) – set([1]))

for j in l2:

df.iloc[:, j-1] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, j-1])

return df


auto_df_new_dummy = pd.get_dummies(auto_df_new)

sns.pairplot(auto_df, hue = “symboling”)

the attachments are the reference report example and the project template


intervention project (West Nile Virus) Science Assignment Help

Individual write-up intervention project of a public education/awareness campaign to be completed. This brief, written paper should include the following elements:

  1. Introduction/Recap and Outreach Description – Describe your topic (West Nile Virus) and what you propose for your community outreach/education campaign.
  2. Goals and Objectives – Being as specific as possible identify the three main Goals of your project and the Objectives you will use to accomplish them, for example:
      1. Goal: Increase Recycling in the Dormitories by 20%

i. Objective 1: Education campaign with flyers

ii. Objective 2: Pizza night competition

iii. Objective 3: Change collection bin location and size

  1. Personal Engagement – Reflecting on what you learn from researching the issue and analyzing it from a systems analysis perspective, develop some type of personal engagement effort around this topic. Encouraging personal engagement in the target audience could take a variety of forms:
    1. Personal actions
    2. Group actions
    3. Policy changes
      1. The more specific you can make the suggestions, the more points you will receive. For example, provide some information on clearinghouses that help people take action, actual websites were they can write to policy makers, numerical examples of the impacts their behavior changes could have, etc.
  2. Funding Needs –Provide an estimate of the funding that would be required to complete your project. Almost all projects will have at least the following budget categories:
    1. Salaries/Benefits
    2. Equipment
    3. Supplies and Services
    4. Travel

The Semester Project Will Be Evaluated On These Criteria

Intellectual Content – How well researched and referenced is this effort? Is a systems analysis approach clearly utilized to both analyze the problem and develop a solution? How creative was the systems analysis of the issues and was this analysis used to offer potential solutions that could bring about meaningful change? Was the effort well-written and clear?

Integration of system thinking and climate change topic with health outcomes.

Professional, Accessible, and Clear Explanations and Writing – Were the final products delivered in an effective and professional manner? Is the content clear? Were all of the required content areas addressed?

Meaningful Personal Engagement – Was the project meaningfully engaging? Is it apparent that some effort and care went into the development and delivery of the project? In other words, was the effort genuine and meaningful?

Timeliness of Completion and Delivery – Is the project on time? This will impact all other evaluation areas.


Annual Report is attached-General Motors (Need Part 2=>Financial Results 1 single spaced) Business Finance Assignment Help

The results in Table 1 are key amounts from the SEC 10-K of (your company’s name).

b.Balance Sheet Results. Using the results from the Balance Sheet items, comment on your company’s results. You should discuss and compare at least three of the items from your balance sheet results. Before presenting your analysis, define the terms you are discussing and cite a source like your textbook, to demonstrate that you know the meaning of the terms you are discussing. For instance, if you discuss current liabilities, you should explain what that term means. You can also discuss other balance sheet items like non-current assets or long-term liabilities if you want to, but you should also define any additional terms.

c.Income Statement Results. Using the results from the Income Statement items, comment on your company’s results. As mentioned above, define the terms you discuss, cite a source, and discuss at least three of the items.


Health Informatics Website Project Health Medical Assignment Help

Health Informatics is a rapidly evolving field with a wealth of rich, current, credible and helpful resources on the Internet and accessible via mobile health apps. So, have fun some fun with this assignment by browsing and learning about health informatics-enabled resources. Then, select several web sites and develop a review of what you find helpful content in each selected site. Include a blending of credible government, non-profit, for profit, educational, and consumer-driven sites to provide a rich diversity of perspectives. Additionally, include reviews of mobile heath apps and other healthcare technologies.

Target your Course Project website to be a reference for a specific audience and include a brief introduction. For example, you may focus this as a guide for:

– Fellow public health, health administration or nursing students,

– Professional groups such as for nurses, healthcare administrators, physicians, etc., or

– Health care consumer or someone working somewhere in the healthcare ecosystem.

– Specific groups of consumers (kids, seniors) or people with a specific health condition (diabetes, heart condition)

Note: The draft version should be 90% complete in order for your instructor to provide you with sufficient feedback and any changes/additions that need to be made by the final version due in week 4.



Topics for project:

1) How to compare multiple labels with respect to one single feature? Each label is attached to a 1-dim dataset of feature measurements. Datasets: Seed.

2) How to see intrinsic differences among multiple labels with respect to multiple features? Each label is attached to a K-dim dataset of feature measurements. Datasets: Seed.

3) How to deal with categorical features? Dataset: Automobile.

4) How to measure associative relations between a categorical response variable and multiple covariate features. Datasets: Seedand Automobile datasets.

here are the code: you may run this in JupyterLab in order to see the graphic

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from statsmodels.distributions.empirical_distribution import ECDF

import seaborn as sns

from matplotlib.pyplot import cm

from pyitlib import discrete_random_variable as drv

from plotnine import *

from statistics import *

from collections import Counter

import warnings


seed_df = pd.read_csv(‘seeds_dataset.txt’, delim_whitespace=True, header = None)

seed_df.columns = [“area”, “perimeter”, “compactness”, “length of kernel”, ” width of kernel”, “asymmetry coefficient”, “length of kernel groove”, “wheat”]




fig, axs = plt.subplots(7, 3, figsize=(15, 10))

fig.subplots_adjust(top = 2.5, bottom = 0.5, wspace = 0.3)

axs = axs.ravel()

for i in range(1, len(seed_df.columns)):

ecdf = ECDF(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1])

x = np.linspace(min(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1]), max(seed_df.iloc[:,i-1]))

y = ecdf(x)

axs[3*i-3].step(x, y)

axs[3*i-3].set_title(f”Empirical CDF for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)

seed_df.pivot_table(values=seed_df.columns[i-1], index=seed_df.index, columns=[‘wheat’]).plot.hist(bins=50, stacked=True, ax=axs[3*i-2])

axs[3*i-2].set_title(f”Gapped Histogram for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)


axs[3*i-1].set_title(f”Line plot for {seed_df.columns[i-1]}”)

sns.pairplot(seed_df, hue = “wheat”)

def entropy(Y):

unique, count = np.unique(Y, return_counts=True, axis=0)

prob = count/len(Y)

en = np.sum((-1)*prob*np.log2(prob))

return en

#Joint Entropy

# H(Y;X)

def jEntropy(Y,X):

YX = np.c_[Y,X]

return entropy(YX)

#Conditional Entropy

## conditional entropy = Joint Entropy – Entropy of X

## H(Y|X) = H(Y;X) – H(X)

def cEntropy(Y, X):

return jEntropy(Y, X) – entropy(X)

#Mutual Information

#Mutual Information, I(Y;X) = H(Y) – H(Y|X)

def mutual_info(Y, X):

return entropy(Y) – cEntropy(Y,X)

feature_selection.mutual_info_classif(seed_df.iloc[:,0:7], seed_df.iloc[:,-1], discrete_features=’auto’)

def mutualy_table(df):

n = len(df.columns) – 1

ce_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((n, n)))

for i in range(0, n):

for j in range(0, n):

ce_df[i][j] = mutual_info(seed_df.iloc[:, i], seed_df.iloc[:, j])

ce_df.columns = df.columns[:-1]

ce_df.index = df.columns[:-1]

return ce_df

print(“Mutual Information table is:”)


auto_df = pd.read_csv(‘imports-85.data’, header = None)

auto_df.columns =[“symboling”, “normalized-losses”, “make”, “fuel-type”, “aspiration”, “num-of-doors”, “body-style”, “drive-wheels”,

“engine-location”, “wheel-base”, “length”, “width”, “height”, “curb-weight”, “engine-type”, “num-of-cylinders”,

“engine-size”, “fuel-system”, “bore”, “stroke”, “compression-ratio”, “horsepower”, “peak-rpm”, “city-mpg”, “highway-mpg”, “price”]

def count_na(df):

for col in df.columns:

l = df[df[col] == “?”].shape[0]

if l != 0:

print(f”{col} has {l} missing value”)

# which is same as the document said


def replace_na(df):

df_new = df.copy()

for col in [“normalized-losses”, “bore”, “stroke”, “horsepower”, “peak-rpm”, “price”]:

i = df[df[col] == “?”].index

j = list(set(range(0, df[col].shape[0])) – set(i))

df_new.loc[i, col] = mean(pd.to_numeric(df.loc[j, col]))

for col in [“num-of-doors”]:

i = df[df[col] == “?”].index

j = list(set(range(0, df[col].shape[0])) – set(i))

df_new.loc[i, col] = max(Counter(df.loc[j, col]))


auto_df_new = replace_na(auto_df)


def change_dtype(df):

l1 = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18]

for i in l1:

df.iloc[:, i-1] = pd.Categorical(df.iloc[:, i-1])

l2 = list(set(range(1, 27)) – set(l1) – set([1]))

for j in l2:

df.iloc[:, j-1] = pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[:, j-1])

return df


auto_df_new_dummy = pd.get_dummies(auto_df_new)

sns.pairplot(auto_df, hue = “symboling”)

the attachments are the reference report example and the project template


intervention project (West Nile Virus) Science Assignment Help

Individual write-up intervention project of a public education/awareness campaign to be completed. This brief, written paper should include the following elements:

  1. Introduction/Recap and Outreach Description – Describe your topic (West Nile Virus) and what you propose for your community outreach/education campaign.
  2. Goals and Objectives – Being as specific as possible identify the three main Goals of your project and the Objectives you will use to accomplish them, for example:
      1. Goal: Increase Recycling in the Dormitories by 20%

i. Objective 1: Education campaign with flyers

ii. Objective 2: Pizza night competition

iii. Objective 3: Change collection bin location and size

  1. Personal Engagement – Reflecting on what you learn from researching the issue and analyzing it from a systems analysis perspective, develop some type of personal engagement effort around this topic. Encouraging personal engagement in the target audience could take a variety of forms:
    1. Personal actions
    2. Group actions
    3. Policy changes
      1. The more specific you can make the suggestions, the more points you will receive. For example, provide some information on clearinghouses that help people take action, actual websites were they can write to policy makers, numerical examples of the impacts their behavior changes could have, etc.
  2. Funding Needs –Provide an estimate of the funding that would be required to complete your project. Almost all projects will have at least the following budget categories:
    1. Salaries/Benefits
    2. Equipment
    3. Supplies and Services
    4. Travel

The Semester Project Will Be Evaluated On These Criteria

Intellectual Content – How well researched and referenced is this effort? Is a systems analysis approach clearly utilized to both analyze the problem and develop a solution? How creative was the systems analysis of the issues and was this analysis used to offer potential solutions that could bring about meaningful change? Was the effort well-written and clear?

Integration of system thinking and climate change topic with health outcomes.

Professional, Accessible, and Clear Explanations and Writing – Were the final products delivered in an effective and professional manner? Is the content clear? Were all of the required content areas addressed?

Meaningful Personal Engagement – Was the project meaningfully engaging? Is it apparent that some effort and care went into the development and delivery of the project? In other words, was the effort genuine and meaningful?

Timeliness of Completion and Delivery – Is the project on time? This will impact all other evaluation areas.


Annual Report is attached-General Motors (Need Part 2=>Financial Results 1 single spaced) Business Finance Assignment Help

The results in Table 1 are key amounts from the SEC 10-K of (your company’s name).

b.Balance Sheet Results. Using the results from the Balance Sheet items, comment on your company’s results. You should discuss and compare at least three of the items from your balance sheet results. Before presenting your analysis, define the terms you are discussing and cite a source like your textbook, to demonstrate that you know the meaning of the terms you are discussing. For instance, if you discuss current liabilities, you should explain what that term means. You can also discuss other balance sheet items like non-current assets or long-term liabilities if you want to, but you should also define any additional terms.

c.Income Statement Results. Using the results from the Income Statement items, comment on your company’s results. As mentioned above, define the terms you discuss, cite a source, and discuss at least three of the items.


Health Informatics Website Project Health Medical Assignment Help

Health Informatics is a rapidly evolving field with a wealth of rich, current, credible and helpful resources on the Internet and accessible via mobile health apps. So, have fun some fun with this assignment by browsing and learning about health informatics-enabled resources. Then, select several web sites and develop a review of what you find helpful content in each selected site. Include a blending of credible government, non-profit, for profit, educational, and consumer-driven sites to provide a rich diversity of perspectives. Additionally, include reviews of mobile heath apps and other healthcare technologies.

Target your Course Project website to be a reference for a specific audience and include a brief introduction. For example, you may focus this as a guide for:

– Fellow public health, health administration or nursing students,

– Professional groups such as for nurses, healthcare administrators, physicians, etc., or

– Health care consumer or someone working somewhere in the healthcare ecosystem.

– Specific groups of consumers (kids, seniors) or people with a specific health condition (diabetes, heart condition)

Note: The draft version should be 90% complete in order for your instructor to provide you with sufficient feedback and any changes/additions that need to be made by the final version due in week 4.


​Read over this handout and complete the lab Science Assignment Help

​Read over this handout and complete the lab Science Assignment Help

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