17 journals Writing Assignment Help

17 journals Writing Assignment Help. 17 journals Writing Assignment Help.

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books: The Bedford Introduction to Literature, 11th ed. and I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings.


Discuss reading fiction, key literary elements, and literary analysis,. Read in The Bedford Introduction to Literature, 11th ed. Intro. pgs. 4-7, Chap. 2 pgs. 46-49, and Chap. 52. Also, refer to the following analysis examples as a guide towards writing literary criticism/analysis on a work of fiction: Stories: pp.20, 49-65, 87, 113, 193, 239, 280, 309, 428, and 1684. Hacker’s “Literary Supplement” also provides an analysis example. Note:, read in Bedford the introductory material for the literary element being highlighted that class; for example, for “setting,” read pp. 159-61; “theme,” pp. 247-50; “plot,” pp. 66-67; symbolism 220-23, and so on. Journal #1: write in your journal a one-page response to our first class discussion about reading fiction.


Read “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin, p. 15. Journal #2: before class, write in your journal a one-page response to the story. Then read “Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway, p. 162 (film available). Journal #3: before class, write in your journal a one-page response to the story.


Read “Lust” by Susan Minot, p. 282. Journal #4: before class, write in your journal a one-page response to the story. Also read “Love in L.A.” by Dagoberto Gilb, p. 458. Journal #5: before class, write in your journal a one-page response to the story.


Read “Killings” by Andre Dubus, p. 89. Journal #6: before class, write in your journal a one-page response to the story. Also read “A&P” by John Updike, p. 200. Journal #7: before class, write in your journal a one-page response to the story.


Read “Battle Royal” by Ralph Ellison, p. 227. Journal #8: before class, write in your journal a one-page response to the story.


Read opening pages of chapter 20 in Bedford for general information on reading and discussing poetry. Also, continue to refer to the following paper samples regarding the critical analysis of poetry: Poetry: 598, 633, 643, 680, 699, 716, 735, 761. Read “Western Wind,” p. 604; Robert Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays” p. 591; Journal #9: before class, write in your journal a one-half page response to each poem. Read opening pages of Chap. 24. Shakespeare’s “That Time of Year” p. 1064 and Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” p. 871. Journal #10: before class, write in your journal a one-half page response to each poem.


Read opening pages of chapter 23, Images. We will look at “imagistic” poems by e. e. cummings,’ “l(a,” p. 603; William’s “The Red Wheelbarrow” p.808; Stevens’ “Anecdote of the Jar,” p. 721; Dickinson’s “After Great Pain,” p. 846. Journal #11: before class, select two poems and write a one-half page response to each. Read opening pages of Chap. 22. “Word Choice, Word Order, and Tone” in Bedford. We will focus on the carpe diem theme. Read Herrick’s “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time, p. 645 and Marvell’s “To His Coy Mistress,” p. 647. Journal #12: before class, write in your journal a one-half page response to each poem.


On Canvas read Adrienne Rich’s “Living in Sin,” and Sharon Olds’ “Sex without Love,” Journal #13: before class, write in your journal a one-half page response to each poem. On Canvas read Robert Hass’ “Privilege of Being”: Journal #14: before class, write in your journal a one page response to the poem. Consider Old’s poem along with Hass’s: their shared concerns about sex and love and our “aloneness” or the “singularity of the soul.”


On Canvas read Plath’s “Mirror.” Journal #15: before class, write in your journal a one-half page response to the poem. A review will take place on writing a critical analysis of a poem.


We will discuss I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. Journal #16: before class, write in your journal a two (2) page response to your reading of the work Chapters 1-19. You are advised to focus your journal responses on a subject/thesis you may be considering for your research paper.

Journal #17: before you come to class, write in your journal a two (2) page response to your reading of the work chapters 20- end. Also, bring in a thesis and possible topics to incorporate into the discussion. Bring any questions you may have about writing the research paper.

17 journals Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

library assignment Health Medical Assignment Help

Isaac has worked as a staff nurse on the telemetry floor for
over 15 years. He holds seniority in the unit. His patient care is
satisfactory; however, his interpersonal behaviors are becoming an increasing
issue for his coworkers. He throws papers around the unit, gives short answers
to questions, and seems generally miserable. He tells the staff that they are
lazy and stupid. He is constantly questioning their decisions. You have come
from another local hospital in the role of the assistant nurse manager. Based
on your observations, you have met with Isaac informally and discussed his
behaviors, but they have not changed. Now three new nurses have already come to
you saying that this unit is a great match for them, except for one problem.
Although they have not identified Isaac by name, they have told you that one of
the nurses is extremely abusive verbally, and they have been calling in sick on
the days they are scheduled to work with this person.

1. What are your responsibilities as an assistant nurse manager
in regard to Isaac’s behavior problem?

2. What is the next
step in dealing with Isaac’s behaviors?

3. How will you, as the manager, have Isaac develop more
effective people skills?

This is your first position as a nurse manager. The holidays
are rapidly approaching, and the hospital policy states that each unit will
negotiate holiday coverage individually. You are already getting requests via
e-mail and on Post-it notes for holiday time. Several staff members have come
to you stating that they “never” seem to get their requests for holidays.
Discussion among the staff members is creating dissension and conflict.

1. Discuss the
potential impact of this problem on you and the unit staff.

2. Describe a minimum of one positive consequence and one
negative consequence of this conflict.

3. Select a model of
conflict resolution and explain how you, as a nurse manager, might resolve this


Activity 7: Ethos Business Finance Assignment Help

Instructions: In class we discussed the differences between propositions of fact, value, and policy, and how to effectively incorporate each of these types of propositions into a persuasive argument. For this activity, you will analyze the cartoon Calvin and Hobbes in terms of the main argument of the comic strip and whether this argument reflects a proposition of fact, value, or policy. Refer to class notes from Unit 6 (Ethos & Source Credibility) as well as the Herrick (2011) reading from Unit 1 to help you complete this activity.

Check attachment for the rest of the requirements

Please, make sure to separate each answer for each question. There are 3 questions and 3 pictures, therefore, i should have 9 answers. Don’t worry about the format, i can do that. i only need the answer to each question for each argument.

Should you need more explanation or information that you believe are required, let me know.


What creation of the other and the issue with tribalism and how does colonialism have to do with it? Humanities Assignment Help

write a 3 page single spaced 12 TNR font report on the creation of the ‘other.’ This report should critically evaluate one of the issues raised in the readings (invention of the concepts of ‘tribe) It should be based on research using at least five academic articles or books (not internet-based sources) and not be a mere summary of the readings. This will account for 20% of your grade. It is due in class on February 26.

you can choose to look at any tribes in africa, focus on one. please use scholarly articles at least five of them .



A Recent Tourism Experience Writing Assignment Help

Travel place is Las Vegas

Paper is required to prepare a 6 to 8 page double spaced typed (on a word processor) paper that summarizes recent travel or tourism experience. Basically, the assignment requires you to describe recent travel or tourism experience, paying particular attention to the extent that you became acquainted with local people, local culture, natural environment, resource management agencies, local government, tourist attractions, tourism related businesses, and transportation systems. The paper should include the following components:

  • Overview of the travel experience. This section should address the following types of questions relative to the travel experience that you are going to be writing and talking about. For example, Where did you travel to? Who did you travel with? Who chose this destination? What did you do during your visit? Did you research the destination before you took the trip? How did you first learn about the place? What form of transportation did you take to the destination and around the destination?
  • Overview of knowledge you gained from your experience. This section should identify and describe in detail some of the things that you learned about another culture, people, environment, businesses, etc. during your travel experience. For example, What did you learn about the various cultural expressions of the destination that you visited? How did you learn these things? What did you learn about the environment? Did you gain a deeper appreciation about anything? What did you learn about service quality? Cost? Small businesses?
  • Overview of things local people learned about you?. This section should provide a general discussion of some of the things that local people may have learned about you through your travel experience. For example, What did your behavior tell local people about you? In what ways did you interact with local residents? With other tourists? With your hosts? (business people, managers, police, bartenders, waiters, etc.).
  • Overview of the learning and personal growth associated with your travel experience. This section should provide a brief description of some of things that you learned about yourself through your visit to your chosen destination.

The paper include an introduction that allows the reader to understand the objectives of your paper and a conclusion that effectively summarizes the knowledge attained through the completion of this assignment. The paper should effectively communicate the required information making use of examples to illustrate important points. The paper must be well organized and written.



Essay on metropolitan area Writing Assignment Help

1 1/2 page essay on any metropolitan area for example Towson, MD Metropolitan Area
Metropolitan area, also called Metropolis, a major city together with its suburbs and nearby cities, towns, and environs over which the major city exercises a commanding economic and social influence.

  • What are the main activities found in the Central Business Districts “CBD”. ?
  • How would you describe the characteristics of the CB?
  • In what ways does the CBD support the surrounding neighborhood?
  • What are the characteristics of land use around the CBD?
  • What are the characteristics of architecture in the CBD?
  • What are the employment characteristics?
  • Are there anchor businesses? What are they?
  • Do you see any problems and challenges in the CBD? Are there capacity issues…for example, do we need to build more streets to deal with capacity?

Essay on metropolitan area Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

project 2 Writing Assignment Help


For your previous essay, you walked through Shulevtiz’s argument and analyzed her claims and evidence. For this
paper, you will still analyze; however, you will focus your analysis on the rhetorical strategies that two writers use
to progress their arguments. After reading “Dear Class of 2020,” “Don’t Blame Students for Being
Hypersensitive,” “Students Deserve Safe Spaces,” “I’m Northwestern’s President,” and “College Campuses Should
Not Be Safe Spaces,” your job is to choose two texts and analyze how they appeal to ethos, pathos, logos, and/or
kairos to advance their arguments. You can think of this essay as a compare/contrast.


You will need to account for the following elements (though they do not need
to be approached in this particular order. Additionally, your essay should not
read as though you are simply answering these questions.

 Identify

o Who are they? What is their credibility?

both authors & their texts

▪ What do we know about their texts?
both authors’ overall argument

 Identify

o What is the argument?

▪ How do you know? Is it stated directly? Implicitly?
the audience for each text

 Identify

o How do you know?

▪ Whatdetailsfromthetextpointtothetypeofaudiencetheauthorhasinmind?
o How does the audience influence how the text is written and perceived?

 Analyze & Evaluate the rhetorical strategies each author uses to advance their claims & overall argument
o What types of evidence does each author use? Logic, emotional, credible, timely?

▪ Whydoestherhetoricalstrategyadvance/hindertheiroverallargument?

• How?

  • 4-5 pages
  • MLA Format
  • MLA Works Cited Page
    → Comprehension

o Effectively addresses all aspects of the prompt

o Fully grasps both articles and showcases knowledge cogently

→ Development

o Details/analyzes chosen texts thoroughly and thoughtfully


Due: March 19th by midnight on Blackboard

o Writer thoroughly address elements of the argument, including author, context, audience,
purpose, claims, and evidence.

o Analysis of rhetorical strategies is thorough
→ Organization

o Essay flows logically from introduction → body → conclusion

o Sentence level organization is strong
→ Expression/Mechanics/Grammar

▪ Writer uses appropriate syntax, grammar, punctuation

  •  02.19: Intro to Project/Reading “Dear Class of 2020”/Rhetorical Appeals
  •  02.26: In class reading/charting activities/synthesizing texts
  •  03.05: Drafting Activities
  •  03.12: Peer Review Workshop—Must complete in class
  •  03.19: Final Draft Due on Blackboard by midnight


  • → Develop an effective process of reading for comprehension
  • → Develop an effective writing process—including prewriting, drafting, revision, and self-evaluation
  • → Analyze the elements of academic texts—particularly argument, genre, audience, context, purpose, and
  • → Articulate in writing key rhetorical concepts.


Paraphrase, summarize, and quote the source. Writing Assignment Help

this should be brief and primarily in your own words. Condense the main points from the source into a paragraph no shorter than 8 sentences and no longer than 12. In this description of what the source is and is about, you should make use of all three condensing modes (paraphrase, summary, quotation) and cite page numbers, according to the style you’ve chosen. Direct quotations should be kept short and should be the sort of material you might quote in your persuasive essay—if you can put the information in your own words without losing anything, do; save quotes for expert testimony and ideas too complex to be summarized accurately. Typically, you would not use more than one quote except for short quoted phrases.

1. summary of the articles

2. Notes from the article


3. Response to your notes only

4. evaluation

Summary of Source: Write a full paragraph that summarizes and paraphrases information from your source (100% in your own words).
This summary should include the main points the source is making, as well as the relevant support the writers use.

Notes from Source: There are several kinds of information that you might find useful or informative in your sources, depending on the
rhetorical situation for your research. Below is a list of important concepts and ideas that you should take notes on
while reviewing your sources, relevant to this project. Please number your notes!
 Direct Quotes of key ideas
 Paraphrases of key ideas
 Summaries of key ideas
 Key vocabulary/jargon
 Background information you uncover
o About the author
o About the subject
o About the audience
 Information you realize about the specific
field of study (is this law scholarship?
Anthropology? History? Etc?)
 References to other, existing research within
this article
 References to other positions or sides to the
argument/claim being discussed in the
article (what other people think about this
subject, that differs from the author’s
 Information about the research methods –
how did this researcher conduct her or his

Reaction to Source (Ways to Respond)
Respond to the most important of your notes from the source—identify them by number. Your reactions might
include any of the following:
o An explanation about why you think the note is important
o A sentence that explains what you think about the idea(s) the note presents
o Why you agree and/or disagree with what the author has written

Evaluation of Source
Think about the claims the source makes and the evidence used to back up those claims, or if a report about a
scientific study, think about the set up of the study, the sample size, other factors, and what the study discovered.
Are you convinced by this article? State why or why not, or any reservations or unanswered questions you have.


Major Report about info in a Networked world Writing Assignment Help

Major Report–Information in the Networked World Developments in national and international politics, personal and corporate technology, social and personal interactions all mean changes or challenges to the way information is managed –either by us individually or by corporations and governments. This major report asks you to consider the issues around the way information is managed or should be managed in relation to a set of either general topics or a specific question.The list of topics and questions will be developed in the first part of the term, so each student will have some say in the list of topics




The purpose of Assignment two is for students to develop an original research question of interest and propose a research methodology to study the topic. In doing so, students will be given the opportunity to demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge learned from materials covered throughout the semester and the ability to critically analyze their own proposed methods of research.


Students will complete Assignment two individually. Assignment two is a written assignment. Please refer to the course outline for the due date towards the end of the semester.

Students will identify an original research topic of interest and will develop an accompanying research question. Students will submit the research topic and question to me (due March 1st). I will provide feedback on the research question the following class to ensure that students have a workable research question and topic for the assignment.

Please note that students are to envision that they would be realistically carrying out the proposed research within their local environment/community. As such, the Research Proposal should reflect realistic and applied details on the research topic, access to local subjects/data and how the research may be beneficial to their community. The Research Proposal should be specific and detailed enough that the methodology proposed could be replicated by other researchers. Students are expected to refer to the textbook, ‘Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology’ and their lecture notes to complete this Assignment.

Based on the approved research question, students will complete a Research Proposal in written form.

The details:

10-15 pages, not including title page, reference list or appendices

Double-spaced with full sentences and page numbers

12 pt. font

All references in APA format

In the appendix: Research instrument example


  • Purpose and Research Question – Introduce your general topic and discuss why it is an important issue. State specifically what the purpose of your research will be and what your focussed research question is. Discuss why you focussed your topic in this direction. What is your Dependent Variable (DV) and Independent Variable (IV)?
    • About 1 page
  • Subjects and Sampling – Discuss who your target population is. From there, you should discuss who your sample/subjects will be and provide a detailed discussion of your sampling method. Is this a probability sampling method (if so, which one) or a non-probability sampling method (if so, which one)? Why did you choose that? How will you gain access to your sample? Where are they located? What is your estimated sample size?

Ø Research Design – Describe your research design and why you chose it for your research proposal. For example, is your proposed research design cross-section, longitudinal, experimental, etc.? Explain why your chosen research design is best suited for your research question. How will your research design proceed/take place in your study? Describe what your variables are and how you will operationalize your dependent and independent variables.

oAbout 2 to 3 pages

Ø Instrumentation – Describe the specific methods of data collection you propose for your study. For example, will you propose to use a survey, conduct an interview, view your subjects in the field, or use existing datasets to collect your data, or a combination of different types of research instruments? Is your research instrument(s) qualitative or quantitative? Why did you chose it?

oAbout 2 to 3 pages

Ø Ethical Considerations – Describe the ethical implications of your research. Could conducting your research harm subjects or participants in any way? If so, discuss how you will attempt to ensure the safety of your participants and minimize any potential harm caused by your study. Will your study maintain anonymity of your participants or confidentiality?

oAbout 1 to 2 pages

Ø Strengths and Weaknesses – What makes your research design effective at answering the research question. Does you research design offer strong internal and or/external validity? If so, why? In opposite, what are some potential weaknesses in your proposed research design? Discuss any threats to the internal validity of your methodology. Discuss any threats to the external validity of your study. How will you attempt to minimize the weaknesses you have identified?

oAbout 3 to 4 pages

Ø Reference List – in APA format (for any references you may have discussed or referred to, including the textbook).

Ø Appendix – You must submit a detailed example of your data collection instrument. For example, an example of your survey, interview questions, and variables you will analyze from a secondary dataset, variables you will code for field observation, etc.


-Due to the fact that this is a Research Proposal, there will be no ‘result’s section in Assignment Two. You are not expected to conduct your proposed research. You are solely expected to detail how you would conduct the research, via your Research Proposal.

-There is no literature review required for Assignment Two. However, should you cite any research or sources in your Assignment, you must include a Reference List in APA format for those citations.

-When designing your own research proposal based on your research question, keep in mind the following:

  • How will you operationally define your Independent Variable (IV) and Dependent Variable (DV)? How will you propose to actually measure these concepts in your research proposal?
  • Who will be your sample? Will it be a group/individual(s) that you could realistically gain access to in your community?
  • How will you control for the internal validity of your study? Remember that internal validity pertains to the issue of whether there could be alternative (unmeasured) variables affecting your dependent variable topic other than the independent variable in your study.
  • How will you try and establish causal inference? Remember that if you are attempting to establish that your IV is ‘causing’ the change or ‘effecting’ your DV, then your research design must try and control for:
  • Be specific with your details! Keep in mind that this research proposal should be implementable in a local and real world setting
  • Don’t guess! Refer to the applicable Chapters in your textbook and lecture notes to design your methodology. You are not expected to propose a research design solely by brainstorming.

oTemporal order

oEmpirical association

oNonspurious relationship

oThis Assignment requires you include concepts/terms/subject matter that is covered in this course. You most likely will obtain this information from your textbook and lecture notes.


17 journals Writing Assignment Help

17 journals Writing Assignment Help

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