2-3 mins video Humanities Assignment Help. 2-3 mins video Humanities Assignment Help.
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in the attachment you will find a word document I would like you to read through it and to make an interesting video that contain the main ideas of the document
1. Multimodal Argument: You will produce a multimodal argument ( video). This multimodal argument (a) educates an audience of non-engaged stakeholders about the issue or topic; (b) engages the audience by convincing them that they should care about this issue or topic; and (c) empowers the audience to take action in some way. By the conclusion of the essay, the audience should feel both engaged with the topic and empowered to act. The multimodal part of the assignment will be evaluated using the FYC Persuasive Media Rubric.
2-3 mins video Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
sociology writing-3 Writing Assignment Help
Please read the article, “Revolutions and Regime Change,” by J. Goodwin and R. Rojas, Attached in file. Word count: 300
The article brings up the ongoing discussions of how social movements change societies and the tensions between revolution or reform. This tension between revolution (total system change) or reform (minor adjustments) remains a key question when we consider the many challenges facing humanity (the looming threat of climate change and ongoing threat of nuclear war)
Answer the following questions (below) – you may choose to interpret them loosely.
1. How do the authors define the term revolution and what are the various types of revolutions mentioned in the article?
2. Based upon the article, what are the three major symptoms of revolutionary situations? In other words, when is a revolution most likely to occur?
3. Do you see any of the symptoms of revolutionary situations taking place within the US today? Why or why not?
Additional question: Professor Erica Chenoweth studies social movement tactics and the tension between violence and non-violence as a tactic. Please read this short article (below) about the relative effectiveness of both strategies (violence and nonviolence).
4. Based on the Chenoweth article: Is the use of violence or non-violence a more effective tactic in achieving social movement goals? Why?
Please see attachment Writing Assignment Help
- Identifying Network Requirements and OS Implementation
Acme Toys, Inc. is a leading toy manufacturer. As part of its expansion plan, it purchased a new building for its headquarters, which will house all the departments of the company. Apart from the usual departments, such as marketing, sales (with telemarketing capability), accounting, and IT, the building will also house the R&D, manufacturing, and distribution departments.
The company wants to set up a network to enable employees to communicate and share resources. The company requires workstations and server computers. The servers should provide support for:
- A multiuser environment
- Multiple processors
- Various types of applications
- High security
- High memory requirements
In addition, the network should be able to support high-level, multiuser applications that will run simultaneously. The profiles of employees range from a sales executive who is not computer savvy to IT professionals and people in the R&D department who are technology savvy. Due to the diverse user profiles, the company also needs to consider the ease of use of the OS.
The IT department is in the process of designing the processing requirements of computers. Although the entire company will be networked, a separate network is required for the R&D department because of security reasons. In addition, the manufacturing department plans to expand its network within the next six months by fifty percent.
As a member of the IT team, you need to recommend the best OSs for workstations and servers on the network. You need to consider the ease of use of various OSs based on user profiles. Your report must provide a rationale for the proposed OS and compatibility issues, if any, if you propose using multiple OSs.
Part 1—Identifying Network Requirements and OS Implementation
Using the South University Online library and the Internet, research various OSs.
Based on your research, create a report in a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document to complete the following tasks:
- Identify and describe in detail the requirements for Acme Toys Inc. Make sure that you include the different requirements for workstations and servers.
- Identify the requirements an OS and architecture implementation must address. Include details about hardware, software, security, memory, and different types of users. Discuss resource needs to be managed by the OS, architecture, distributed operated systems, whether there is a need for a GUI, and windowing.
Measuring and monitoring risk Programming Assignment Help
For this week’s assignment, your group will continue working on the project and provide a progress report. Your group will also demonstrate your progress on the coding efforts with a working application that has substantial functionality and a well-documented source code.
Assignment Details:
- Project Status Report: Prepare a summary document that includes the following:
- Provide a Summary of Work Completed that identifies specific tasks in the project plan. Include identification of the specific work that was completed by each individual on the team. This summary should address technical coding progress to assist in review of the code.
- Discuss issues that were encountered in the work and how your team has decided to address the issues. These could be technical coding and implementation issues or other issues that impeded progress.
- Summarize progress against the schedule, and discuss how the team has decided to work through delays (if any) so that the project would remain on-track for timely completion.
- Challenge Topic: Include a summary of how the team has been monitoring and controlling risks encountered thus far in the project.
- Application Deliverable: Prepare a build of your application that meets the following requirements:
- The application should include a well-defined interface that meets the requirements of the application that were defined in the design document.
- The application should include a full definition of the required classes. Class definitions should include properties, constructors, accessors, and methods.
- The application should include at least 50% of the major functionality that was required and defined in the design document.
- Code should be well-commented and notes should identify areas that still need to be completed.
Method Research Writing Assignment Help
this assignment, locate and closely review a peer-reviewed research
article related to a potential education-related topic you might want to
research. TOPIC: Technology and its effect on student’s achievement in higher learning.
Ensure your research article is an original study involving actual data
collection and analysis and is NOT a position
paper or a meta-analysis of the reviewed literature.
Then, create a critical analysis of the study including the following information when presented:
- Describe the problem or issue addressed.
- Describe the purpose or intent of the study.
- Summarize the research question(s).
- For a quantitative study, describe both the null and alternative hypotheses.
- Discuss
the theoretical/conceptual framework and how it was used, as well as
how well it was used, to formulate and guide the study. - Determine
if (and how well) the study was justified with the use of an analysis
and synthesis of the previous research literature. - Discuss
the selected methodology and corresponding design as well as the
appropriateness of this choice to accurately address the study’s
research question(s). - Identify and summarize the potential flaws and/or limitations in the study as well as ways to eliminate or reduce them.
Support your assignment with at least 3 to 5 scholarly resources.
Length: 5 pages, not including title and reference pages -Reference no older than 6 years old. Please follow APA guideline.
Your response should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and
concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights
relating directly to this topic.
Outline for reasearch paper Writing Assignment Help
For your peer review this week, post an outline of your term paper in the following format:
Hook: _______
Thesis: _______
Paragraph 1
Topic sentence: _______
Evidence (include quotation or summary and citation): ________
Paragraph 2…. (repeat the format of Paragraph 1 for however many paragraphs you have)
Summary of thesis and main points: ________
So what? ________
Also, include your list of Works Cited, already in MLA format
Your outline must be posted by Thursday July 19th at 11:59 pm.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Once you have been assigned a partner, give them feedback.
- How strong is the thesis? Is it a level-3 thesis?
- How strong are the topic sentences?
- How good is the evidence? Is there any other evidence that might be useful?
The deadline for feedback is Friday July 20th at 11:59 pm
Outline for reasearch paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Seven assignment: foundational marketing plan – executive summary Business Finance Assignment Help
Seven Assignment: Foundational Marketing Plan – Executive Summary
Module Three Overview
At this point in the course, you will pull together your foundational Marketing Plan to include the elements listed below that were introduced at the start of the course. Use the information you’ve acquired throughout the course to write an initial foundational Marketing Plan for your business.
Your marketing plan will include the following sections:
- Executive Summary (written at the end of the process)
- Introduction
- Competitive/Situation Analysis (market research)
- Marketing Strategy (Specific Tools and Platforms)
- Marketing Implementation
Lesson Topic
- Creating a marketing implementation plan that consists of tactics, timeline, and budget
Module Objectives
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- Outline the specified components of your foundational Marketing Plan.
discussion board at least 200 words Business Finance Assignment Help
question: Reflect on how you have used sexist language (or you have been targeted by sexist language) in your own life. Use this example to illustrate/explain the relationship between language and power. What can we learn from this?)
1. First, you should post a thread in direct response to the prompt answering my question(s). Posts/threads should be well developed and well written. You should cite course material and you should conclude with an open-ended question that invites others to participate in the conversation. Responses will be evaluated based on:
a.Development, completeness, and thoughtfulness of response: Responses should be fully developed (at least 200 words). Did the student effectively address the prompt? Was response complete and well developed? Did this response appear to be thoughtful? Did the student think critically about the material? Did the student connect ideas in a meaningful way? Did the student effectively apply course concepts and/or theories? Was the student able to apply ideas presented in the readings to their own example/story/experience
b.The use of citations: Each week, in your response to the prompt you should include at least one source citation (typically the book, or another scholarly peer- reviewed source). You should include in-text citations that adhere to APA guidelines—it should be clear to me which points in your response come from the readings and which points are coming from you. There is no need to include a full bibliographic reference, just the parenthetical in-text citation.
c. The quality of the written response: Did the student proof read their response? Were there grammatical errors? Did the student answer in complete sentences?
d. Conclude with a thought–provoking question: Since you are required to respond to one another’s posts, it is effective to open dialogue in your original post by inviting participation. Therefore, you are required to end your own response with an open-ended question to encourage people to engage in the discussion further. Don’t just conclude with, “What do you think?” Rather, ask thought-provoking questions. The discussion boards are only useful if students can engage in meaningful discussions.
Write a book review Humanities Assignment Help
write book review addressing the following main question:
“How useful would this book be to scholar researching
this topic?” Your analysis also ought to
consider the following secondary questions:
- Who is the
author, and what is his or her
level of expertise with the subject matter? - What
is the author’s main argument ? - What
specific sorts of evidence are cited to support the argument?
Are any primary sources cited? - How
successfully does the evidence support the author’s argument? - Is the book
clear and well-written? - Are there
any other weaknesses?
note that you should definitely not comment on whether you found the
book entertaining or boring. I certainly hope you enjoyed the
book, but whether you did or not is not actually relevant to a
consideration of how useful the author’s work might be to scholars and
title of your paper should be the full bibliographic citation of the
book you are reviewing (author,
title, publisher, year,
pages) in Chicago
format. See
the following links for more infromation on how to write a scholarly
book review.
to Write a History Book Review
week 7 ART HISTORY Writing Assignment Help
Romanticism is such a powerful movement and it leads to some of the most overwhelming works of art Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is the ultimate romantic hero – in the true sense of the word – he follows his dream of creating life at all costs to himself and those around him. Here is a passage from Emily Bronte’s great romantic novel Wuthering Heights:
“The intense horror of nightmare came over me: I tried to draw back my arm, but the hand clung to it, and a most melancholy voice sobbed, ‘Let me in – let me in!’ ‘Who are you?’ I asked, struggling, meanwhile, to disengage myself. ‘Catherine Linton,’ it replied, shiveringly (why did I think of LINTON? I had read EARNSHAW twenty times for Linton) – ‘I’m come home: I’d lost my way on the moor!’ As it spoke, I discerned, obscurely, a child’s face looking through the window.”
– Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights, Ch. 3
The storm without and the storm within are one and the same – that is the essence of Romanticism!!
Which romantic work of art in the text or otherwise (please use time frame established in the text) catches your eye and how does it exemplify a quality of romanticism?
Project Overview:
Visit a local museum. Be sure to allow yourself to spend some time there. Choose a work of art that you would like to learn more about. Study the artist. Describe the medium (or media) used. Review the size/dimensions of the work. The year in which it was created. The artist’s influences, the theme of their work, what they are/were trying to express through it. Consider concepts such as symbolism – if there is any – the purpose of the work, what the work “does”, etc. Does it challenge our/your beliefs? Does it shock? Does it touch you/us emotionally? Or is it purely a work of personal self-expression? If it is self-expression, explain what is being expressed. These considerations are simply a starting point. You are encouraged to think about the eternal question, What is Art?. Make use of proper terminology to describe and interpret the work (see lecture on The Principles and Elements of Design for details on terms in Week 1).
You should choose either a modern artist or a modern theme. This project must analyze a work of visual art (i.e. painting, sculpture, architecture or any form which can be analyzed using the terms discussed in chapters two and three). Photography, performance art, fashion, time-based work – such as film or video – are all acceptable, but your analysis must focus on the visual elements. Be sure to verify your topic with me so we are in agreement that it is acceptable.
This paper must be at least five (5) doubled-spaced pages, prepared with one-inch margins. 12-point font in either Times/Times New Roman must be used. MLA formatting is required. At least ONE credentialed, secondary source should be included. This source must be properly cited. Be advised, this submission is subject to Turn-It-In anti-plagiarism software. A failure to comply with the University’s Policy on Academic Integrity will result in the issuing of a zero and the work-in-question will then undergo a review by Student Conduct. See the Student Handbook for details.
Final Project Deadline:
Due Thursday, August 16th
Topic choose by sunday the 22 th
Thesis/Focus Examples:
- History/overview of a modern form of art: origins, influences, connections to past styles, etc. Look at specific examples of the form and explain specific characteristics.
- The influence of a style of art on a modern artist in another field: the influence of realism on a photographer, the influence of a modern style of art on a fashion designer (research required!). Example: Pop Art and Pucci.
- A modern artist and a reoccurring theme in their work. Look at several works and compare/contrast them. Example: Cindy Sherman – a photographer whose series, Untitled Film Stills, portray Sherman herself as a subject in “imagined” films.
The storm without and the storm within are one and the same – that is the essence of Romanticism!!
Which romantic work of art in the text or otherwise (please use time frame established in the text) catches your eye and how does it exemplify a quality of romanticism?
Project Overview:
Visit a local museum. Be sure to allow yourself to spend some time there. Choose a work of art that you would like to learn more about. Study the artist. Describe the medium (or media) used. Review the size/dimensions of the work. The year in which it was created. The artist’s influences, the theme of their work, what they are/were trying to express through it. Consider concepts such as symbolism – if there is any – the purpose of the work, what the work “does”, etc. Does it challenge our/your beliefs? Does it shock? Does it touch you/us emotionally? Or is it purely a work of personal self-expression? If it is self-expression, explain what is being expressed. These considerations are simply a starting point. You are encouraged to think about the eternal question, What is Art?. Make use of proper terminology to describe and interpret the work (see lecture on The Principles and Elements of Design for details on terms in Week 1).
You should choose either a modern artist or a modern theme. This project must analyze a work of visual art (i.e. painting, sculpture, architecture or any form which can be analyzed using the terms discussed in chapters two and three). Photography, performance art, fashion, time-based work – such as film or video – are all acceptable, but your analysis must focus on the visual elements. Be sure to verify your topic with me so we are in agreement that it is acceptable.
This paper must be at least five (5) doubled-spaced pages, prepared with one-inch margins. 12-point font in either Times/Times New Roman must be used. MLA formatting is required. At least ONE credentialed, secondary source should be included. This source must be properly cited. Be advised, this submission is subject to Turn-It-In anti-plagiarism software. A failure to comply with the University’s Policy on Academic Integrity will result in the issuing of a zero and the work-in-question will then undergo a review by Student Conduct. See the Student Handbook for details.
Final Project Deadline:
Due Thursday, August 16th
Topic choose by sunday the 22 th
Thesis/Focus Examples:
- History/overview of a modern form of art: origins, influences, connections to past styles, etc. Look at specific examples of the form and explain specific characteristics.
- The influence of a style of art on a modern artist in another field: the influence of realism on a photographer, the influence of a modern style of art on a fashion designer (research required!). Example: Pop Art and Pucci.
- A modern artist and a reoccurring theme in their work. Look at several works and compare/contrast them. Example: Cindy Sherman – a photographer whose series, Untitled Film Stills, portray Sherman herself as a subject in “imagined” films.