2 Assigment of Environment- Ecosystems Science Assignment Help. 2 Assigment of Environment- Ecosystems Science Assignment Help.
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2 PARTS Assigment
Include Files and Videos to complete the Assigments
PART 1: Complete the File Included following the instructions inside
PART 2: Answer to the following discussion
In this threaded discussion, you will draw on the data you analyzed in the field study. Place your answers to the following questions online but starting a new thread.
First post:
- Identify the ecosystem you investigated and state its geographic limits. (2pts)
- Write a short summary of the abiotic and biotic factors that you found. (2pts)
- In the same post, choose a plant or animal species that is not currently in your ecosystem, and think of a scenario in which this species might realistically migrate into the ecosystem you studied. (2pts)
- Describe some of the abiotic and biotic factors in the ecosystem that would affect the species. (2pts)
- Do you think this species would become extinct or thrive in your ecosystem? (2pts)
Respond: Next read the posts of two or more people. Review and comment on their analysis in a respectful manner. Comment on the parts of their analysis that you find interesting and suggest areas of improvement. (up to 10 pts)
2 Assigment of Environment- Ecosystems Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
peer review Business Finance Assignment Help
Happy Sunday! I will be honest Week 1 for Aleks was difficult for me. When I was in high school, math was one of my favorite subject and I excel in it. However, because I have not been in touch with it in so long. Trying to solve some of the questions, I ran into some difficulties. But I plan to reach out for help and assistance so I can stay ahead in the class and not fall behind. I did the assessment to see if I was a beginner as well. I hope I can partner with one you that are more comfortable in accountant than me.
Natalie Parkins
Assignment (less than 700words) Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment 3 – This assignment refers to the 5 chapters 11-15 in the PowerPoint and videos. Read the chapters and articles through Powerpoint (Link bellow) and watch the videos. Based on your understanding explain how we can standardize or adapt the 4Ps of marketing. Refer to the text/articles or the videos, if needed, in writing the assignment.
The write up should not be more than 700 words
- Specificity and relevance with respect to the question asked-40%
- Understanding of concepts discussed in the text/video, and, their application-40%
- Organization and quality-20%
Video 14- A brief history of the European Union (5 minutes)
Video 15- The Great Euro Crisis BBC Documentary (59 minutes)
Video18-Alibaba Story-Inside China-CNBC International (9 minutes)
Video19- Branded: A Phil Knight/Nike Documentary 1996 (40 minutes)
Video 20- Big Mac Inside the McDonald’s Empire (45 minutes)
Video 21- Global Market Entry Strategies Explained (8 minutes)
Video 21- The Product Life Cycle of a Barbie Doll (9 minutes)
Implement a complete compiler written in OCaml and will generate C Programming Assignment Help
(Please note more information is attached in word document)
Your task in this assignment is to implement a complete (if simplistic) compiler for the extended version of the calculator language, again with if and do/check statements. Your compiler (which we will call the “translator”) will be written in OCaml and will generate C.
We are providing you with a complete parser generator and driver (in the file “parser.ml”) that build an explicit parse tree. The provided code also includes the skeleton (stubs) of a possible solution (in the file “translator.ml”) that converts the parse tree to an abstract syntax tree (AST), and then recursively “walks” the AST to produce the translation into C.
The provided parser code has two main entry points:
get_parse_table : grammar -> parse_table = …
parse : parse_table -> string -> parse_tree = …
The first of these functions returns a parse table, in the format expected as the first argument of the second function. The second function returns a parse tree. (Two example parse trees are included as text files in the code directory provided for the assignment.) If the program has syntax errors (according to the grammar), parse will print an error message (as a side effect) and return a PT_error value (it does not do error recovery).1
The grammar takes the form of a list of production sets, each of which is a pair containing the LHS symbol and k right-hand sides, each of which is itself a list of symbols. When get_parse_table builds the parse table, the grammar is augmented with a start production that mentions an explicit end of file $$. Later, parse will remove this production from the resulting parse tree.
The format of the grammar for the extended calculator language looks like this:
let ecg : grammar =
[ (“P”,[[“SL”; “$$”]])
- (“SL”, [[“S”; “SL”]; []])
- (“S”,[ [“id”; “:=”; “E”]; [“read”; “id”]; [“write”; “E”]
- [“if”; “R”; “SL”; “fi”]; [“do”; “SL”; “od”]
- [“check”; “R”]
- (“R”,[[“E”; “ET”]])
- (“E”,[[“T”; “TT”]])
- (“T”,[[“F”; “FT”]])
- (“F”,[[“id”]; [“num”]; [“(“; “E”; “)”]])
- (“ET”, [[“ro”; “E”]; []])
- (“TT”, [[“ao”; “T”; “TT”]; []])
- (“FT”, [[“mo”; “F”; “FT”]; []])
- (“ro”, [[“==”]; [“<>”]; [“<“]; [“>”]; [“<=”]; [“>=”]])
- (“ao”, [[“+”]; [“-“]])
- (“mo”, [[“*”]; [“/”]])
A program is just a string:
let sum_ave_prog = “
read a
read b
sum := a + b
write sum
write sum / 2″;;
Your work will proceed in two steps:
1.Translate the parse tree into a syntax tree:
let rec ast_ize_P (p:parse_tree) : ast_sl = …
where the single argument is a parse tree generated by function parse. We have provided
a complete description of the ast_sl type in “translator.ml”.
- Translate the AST into an equivalent program in C:
let rec translate (ast:ast_sl) : string * string = …
where the argument is a syntax tree as generated by function ast_ize_P, and the return value is a tuple containing a pair of strings. The first string, which will usually be empty, indicates (as a nicely-formatted, human-readable error message) the names of any variables that are assigned to (or read) but never used in the program. This is as close as we get to static semantic error checking in this very tiny language.
Putting the pieces together, you might write:
let (my_warnings, my_C_prog) =
translate (ast_ize_P (parse ecg_parse_table my_prog));;
Note: Your OCaml program should not take advantage of any imperative language features.You may create testing code that uses print_string and related functions, and you may keep the code that prints an error message if the input program in the extended calculator language contains a syntax error, but the main logic of your syntax tree construction and translation should be purely functional.
As noted in the previous assignment, the addition of if and do/check to the calculator language gives it significant computing power. If we let primes_prog be a string containing the primes-generating program from that assignment (also included in the starter code), and then type:
print_string (snd
(translate (ast_ize_P
(parse ecg_parse_table primes_prog))));;
you should see, on standard output, a C program which, when compiled, run, and fed the input 10, prints:
For the sake of convenience, we recommend that your output program always begin with definitions of two helper functions:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int getint() {
… // returns an integer from standard input or
// prints an appropriate error message and dies.
void putint(int n) {
… // prints an integer and a linefeed to standard output.
As noted above, your translator is required to give a warning if the input program assigns to any variable that is never used. (You do not have to detect whether the program contains a variable use that will never be executed—only the lack of any use at all.)
The C program you generate is required to catch the following dynamic semantic errors, any of which will cause it to terminate early (with a helpful error message). Note that some of these errors are not caught by default in C. Your program will have to include extra code to catch them.
- unexpected end of input (attempt to read when there’s nothing there)
- non-numeric input (the extended calculator language accepts only integers)
- use of an uninitialized variable—one to which a value has not yet been assigned(read-ing counts as assignment)
- divide by zero (Note: C’s automatically generated “floating exception” is not veryhelpful; ideally you want an error message such as “divide by zero at line 23”. You should write your code so that if you were tracking line numbers, you could easily include the line number in the error message. That is, your generated code should check explicitly to make sure that denominators are not equal to zero (even though your error message does not have to include the line number.)
For most of the assignment, it will probably be easiest to use the ocaml interpreter. You’ll want to keep reloading your source code (#use “translator.ml”) as you go along, so you catch syntax and type errors early. On occasion, you may also want to try compiling your program with ocamlc, to create a stand-alone executable.
In “translator.ml”, we have provided code for the sum-and-average and primes-generating calculator programs. You will undoubtedly want to write more calculator programs for purposes of debugging.
We will be grading your assignment using the OCaml interpreter in the Ubuntu VM. You can download your own copy of Ocaml for Windows, MacOS, or Linux, but please be sure to allow ample time to check that your code works correctly on the VM installation.
As a rough guess, you should be able to write a complete implementation of ast_ize_P, translate, and everything they call in less than 150 lines of code.
You may find the following helpful:
- OCaml system documentation—Includes the language definition; manuals for theinterpreter, compilers, and debugger; standard library references; and other resources: <http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/>
- Tutorials on various aspects of the language: <http://ocaml.org/learn/tutorials/>
- OCaml for the Skeptical—An alternative, arguably more accessible introduction to thelanguage from the University of Chicago: <http://www2.lib.uchicago.edu/keith/ocaml-class/home.html>
- Developing Applications with Objective Caml—A book-length online introduction tofunctional programming and everything OCaml: <http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/oreilly-book/html/index.html>
11 days ago
MA Dissertation on Multiculturalism (Austria, Germany, UK) Humanities Assignment Help
I have alredy written 10 thousands words including intro, lit review, methodology, and first chapter. I need three chapters about study cases (Austria, Germany and UK) relatively. Each chapter should be 2 thousands words. It is extremely important to exclude any definitions and general information about multicularalism itself as it has been already written.. Each chapter requires specific info regarding specific study case. Each chapter needs to be viewed from political (analysis of political spectrum, left vs right), social (assimillation, integration) and cultutural (current status of coexistence of diverse cultures) perspectives relatively within the constraints of given problematics. Central issue has been explained in the first chapter – populist speculations as a challenge to western social democracy. I need specific examples and evidence to be prested in each sudy case chapter accordingly. The number of all immigrants and of muclisms / overview of assimilation and integration, populism and speculations, examples of xenophobia and of successfull identity politics, local attitude towards multicultaralism, the condition of public space and identity politics as well as migrant policy. All the points must be devided into social, cultural and political perspectives consistently. Basically, each chapter must be done in the same structure:
1. INTRO (cuurent agenda in the conutry)+Theses statement (last sentence mentioning social/political/cultural aspects)
SOCIAL (as previously desrcribed)
POLITICAL (as previously desrcribed)
CULTURAL (as previously desrcribed)
CONCLUSION (what should be done in this particular country to improve the conditions in which coexistence of diversite cultures would be harmonious)
psychology question 750 words body, research given. Humanities Assignment Help
Follow the instructions in the webpage documents (pdf files) below.
Ask me for questions on clarity.
Psychotic symptoms in bipolar II disorder, allowed by definition only during a depressive episode, are present in a range between 3% and 45%. Little is known regarding the impact of psychotic symptoms on the clinical course of bipolar II patients. Findings from previous reports are controversial and focused specifically on bipolar I disorder. The aim of this study was to ascertain the clinical characteristics of individuals with bipolar II disorder with and without lifetime history of psychotic symptoms.
The sample consisted of 164 DSM-IV Bipolar II patients consecutively recruited from the Barcelona Bipolar Disorder Program. Patients were divided in Bipolar II patients with (N = 32) and without (N = 132) lifetime history of psychotic symptoms. Clinical and sociodemographic features were compared.
Thirty-two out of 164 patients with bipolar II disorder had a history of psychosis during depression (19.5%). Bipolar II patients with a history of psychotic symptoms showed a higher number of hospitalizations than patients without such a history (p < 0.001). They were also older but were less likely to have a family history of bipolar illness and any mental disorder than non-psychotic bipolar II patients. Melancholic and catatonic features were significantly more frequent in psychotic bipolar II patients (p < 0.001).
Our findings confirm that the presence of psychotic symptoms in bipolar II disorder is not rare. Psychotic bipolar II disorder may be a different phenotype from non-psychotic bipolar disorder.
psychology question 750 words body, research given. Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
write about Globalization about Macy’s Company Writing Assignment Help
Corporate Profile Module III:
You are to include three independent articles in this section. and attach the link for these article. and cited.
Macy’s Company
1. Why do companies engage in international trade? Is your company( Macy’s ) “global”? If it isn’t, why do you think it has chosen to remain purely domestic?
2. If it is global, what cultural and legal differences does it encounter in the global business environment?
3. What form of international business activity does it engage in?
4.Which strategic approaches does your company (Macy’s) use?
5. If your company ( Macy’s) does not engage in international business activity, what country do you think would be good for your company’s expansion, and what strategic approach would you suggest?
6. If your company ( Macy’s) does have international operations, do you think the selected strategy is working? Would you change anything about your company’s strategy?
6 pages long
Observation Two Humanities Assignment Help
For this assignment, you must observe in child care facilities where there are one year olds and two year olds. Observe in a child care center or family day care home. You may use two different facilities if you do not find a facility that has both age groups. You will observe two children:
Child #1 should be between the ages of 12 – 18 months
Child #2 should be between the ages of 28 – 36 months
Observe each child for 20 – 30 minutes (a total of 40 – 60 minutes of observation time) and make detailed notes of the following developing communication skills:
Words or phrases the child says
Gestures the child makes
Instances of frustration because the child did not have the language to say how he/she felt
Indications that the child is understanding what is said to him (receptive language); for example, note if the child can follow through with a verbal direction given to him/her
Cues the adult gives the child to help him/her better understand language; for example, note if the adult points to the trash she wants the child to pick up
After you have a good indication of both of the children’s language and communication skills, you are ready to write your report.
1.The ages of both children and the name of the child care facility or facilities in which you observed
2.For each child, a list of the communication and language skills you observed
Include the expressive language you heard the children say. Also include the “receptive” language that they used. What indications did you have that the children were hearing and understanding what was said to them?
3.One paragraph comparing the language and communication skills of the two children
Would you say that both children are on target in their language acquisition? Why or why not?
4.How did the adult foster the development of language among the children in her care?
If the adult in the room did not seem to support language development, state what she could have done that would have better supported the children’s language acquisition.
5.How did this environment support language development?
What materials, toys, and activities were used to help the children gain language skills?If you did not observe many things in the room that fostered language development, then what would you add if you were the caregiver to better promote language and communication among the toddlers?
Public relations Business Finance Assignment Help
Please use the links attached to complete the writing and essay assignments. Please ensure that you have the textbook; ‘successful college writing’ and please review questions to ensure that you have full understanding and solutions for them before bidding.
If you google the answers for multiple choice questions, this will fail and we would’ve wasted each others time.
For this task to succeed, you really need the book referenced below.
The writing needs to follow the specific guidelines requested. Please, do not submit a bid unless you’ve throughly evaluated the requirements and you’re sure you can deliver it without difficulty, while following the guidelines and requirements. Thanks for your understanding. Please make sure you have this book: Successful College Writing by Kathleen T. McWhorter (SIXTH EDITION) 2016 MLA UPDATE. Please do not continue with bid if you don’t have the book. The tasks that may appear missing in the sequence are not needed. Thanks again
Assignment (700words need finish in 2hours) Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment 3 – This assignment refers to the 5 chapters 11-15 in the PowerPoint and videos. Read the chapters and articles through Powerpoint (Link bellow) and watch the videos. Based on your understanding explain how we can standardize or adapt the 4Ps of marketing. Refer to the text/articles or the videos, if needed, in writing the assignment.
The write up should not be more than 700 words
- Specificity and relevance with respect to the question asked-40%
- Understanding of concepts discussed in the text/video, and, their application-40%
- Organization and quality-20%
Video 14- A brief history of the European Union (5 minutes)
Video 15- The Great Euro Crisis BBC Documentary (59 minutes)
Video18-Alibaba Story-Inside China-CNBC International (9 minutes)
Video19- Branded: A Phil Knight/Nike Documentary 1996 (40 minutes)
Video 20- Big Mac Inside the McDonald’s Empire (45 minutes)
Video 21- Global Market Entry Strategies Explained (8 minutes)
Video 21- The Product Life Cycle of a Barbie Doll (9 minutes)