3 pages double spaced Business Finance Assignment Help

3 pages double spaced Business Finance Assignment Help. 3 pages double spaced Business Finance Assignment Help.

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3 pages double spaced work needed. Here is the details.

Section 4- Comparing Data Analysis in ACCESS and Excel (5 points)

4.1. Using ACCESS to answer the question: “What factors have a significant effect on the success rate of the crowdfunding project, i.e., the ratio of being funded?”

4.2. Using EXCEL to answer the question: “What factors have a significant effect on the success rate of the crowdfunding project, i.e., the ratio of being funded?”

4.3. What are the disadvantages and advantage of ACCESS and Excel in answering the question? (1 paragraph)

(tip: you can compare the project funding success by category, fund size, size of project team, overall rank of the researchers in the team, etc. In Excel, you may want to try correlation, charts/graphs etc.)

Note: This is a critical thinking and analytical question. There is no ONE correct answer. You are welcome to use all your acquired knowledge/skills from this class, and the statistical knowledge from your OMG class. Please include your analysis results and charts in the Word file.

3 pages double spaced Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Morgan White Privilege Unpacking Invisible Knapsack Peggy Mcintosh Analysis Humanities Assignment Help

Content Analysis Paper: The paper must be three (3) pages in length. In the paper, you will choose an advertisement to critically analyze. The ad can be a print ad (still) ad or a commercial. You will give a description of the ad and discuss the following:

  • What messages do the body language, positioning of objects, or language convey to the consumer?
  • How do dominant ideologies shape the messages in the ad?
  • Was the marketing strategy effective? Why or why not?

Please include a printed copy of the ad or link if it is a full commercial. You are required to use no less than two of the articles located in the second of the chapters, that have been covered up to the due date of the paper to support your analysis. Be sure that your writing is clear and concise. Make certain that you also use concrete examples from the text, but do not use block quotes! You must use either APA or Chicago Author-Date writing styles. The OWL Purdue website is a wonderful source for help with writing styles and paper formatting. Please visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu. The format should be 12-point font, double spaced, Times New Roman font. Please include a bibliography. Cover pages, titles, fancy folders, table of contents, are nice but are not required! Keep it basic- I mean, include your name, date, and the course number. I am a no-frills kind of person!

basically choose an ad that relates to this article and write about it with some example.



read the case and finish questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Please complete the following and submit your answers on this single page – you will not need to submit your backup material (calculations).We will discuss these computations and this case in class.

Using Exhibit 12 & information in the case on valuation find the following based on the dates given:


A. Dow’s Discount Rate for evaluating Argentine Projects__________________

B. Dow’s Discount Rate for evaluating similar U.S. Projects__________________

C. Risk Premium for Argentine Projects (= A. – B.)__________________

Using Exhibit 9a & 9b (Consolidated PBB) & information in the case on valuation find the following:

D. Stage/Phase 1 – PBB PV (@ R = ______% from Jan-96)_________

Using Exhibit 10 (Polisur 2 Poly Plants) & information in the case on valuation find the following:

E. Stage/Phase 2 – Polisur PV (@ R = ______% from Jan-96)_________

Based on your results from parts D. and E., what would you bid for Phase 1 and Phase 2?

F. Stage/Phase 1 – PBB Bid ($)_________

G. Stage/Phase 2 – Polisur Bid ($)_________


University of the Cumberlands Enterprise Risk Management Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Reflect on the case studies reviewed from the course. Write a 3-5 page paper including the following requirements:

  • Describe the importance of ERM usage in organizations. Did you learn something new or was your thinking challenged based on articles and the textbook ?
  • What are critical factors to consider in organizations prior to implementing an ERM?
  • How often should ERM strategies and processes be modified after implementation?
  • What was your favorite case study reviewed on ERM? Which one was your least favorite and why?
  • Do you plan to go into a career involving ERM? If so what is your ideal job role. If not what would you like to do in the future over the next 5 years?

In your paper include:

  • Title Page
  • Content
  • Reference Page with 2-4 references
  • The paper should be in APA format
  • The paper should be Zero plagarism


The board has called a meeting to see how the new product for MM is coming along. Michelle calls you about the meeting. Writing Assignment Help

10–15 slide PowerPoint with 200–250 words speaker notes per slide

The board has called a meeting to see how the new product for MM is coming along. Michelle calls you about the meeting.

“I like your ideas for branding the product,” she says. “I think the board wants an overview now of the whole process we are using for developing the new product. Can you do that?”
“Thanks for the comments about the branding strategy,” you say. “I tried to be creative with my approach. I’d be glad to show the board the process we are using to develop the new product.”
“Great,” she says. “Why don’t you do what you did last time? The 10–15 slides that you presented worked well in the 30-minute time slot.”
“In the past I’ve done similar presentations and have a format that really works. The board has been very receptive to the flow of the information and I think it will work for us for this presentation too,” she adds. “I’ll instant message the information to you after our meeting. The flow might work for you also.”
“Great,” you respond. “I’ll get started on this first thing in the morning.”

When you get back to your office, the instant message from Michelle is on your screen. It reads:

These are the areas we need to cover in the presentation.

  • Idea generation
  • Idea screening
  • Concept development and testing
  • Marketing strategy development
  • Business analysis
  • Product development
  • Test marketing
  • Commercialization

Be sure to include the information from our discussions on branding as part of the marketing strategy development phase of the process.

Please come up with a brand name for the mobile device and slogan.

The materials found in the M.U.S.E. may help you with this assignment. Additional information is also provided in the Lessons From Experience found at the following link:



12 PAGE ESSAY: The Relationship Between Religion and Violence Writing Assignment Help


Violence legitimated by religion has become an ominous reality in the contemporary world. Provide an analysis of religion’s relationship to violence.

Defend one of the following positions: A) Religion is a substantial cause of violence. B) Religion is epiphenomenal to violence, which is more readily caused by economic, political or other factors. C) Religion is an intermediate variable in the perpetration of violence in which religion is a factor.



12 PAGE ESSAY: The Relationship Between Religion and Violence Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Brands Organizations and Strategies MK-222 Local Lion Coffee Shop: Marketing Strategy Case Writing Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Case Learning Objectives: The written evaluation is to provide a recommendation to Local Lion
    Coffee Shops about the key decisions they should make for brand strategy and brand tactics

    • Understand differentiation and brand positioning to create value for stakeholders
    • Understand brand equity and the impact on customer loyalty.
    • Understand the competition and positioning decisions.
      Case Writing Guidelines

  • Page Length: Written submissions should not exceed 5 pages (exhibits aren’t included in
    page count). Writing format should be minimums of 12 pt. type with 1” margins and 1.5
  • Sources/Citations: No preference on citation format. If referencing class materials use name
    of article and page number. See Emerson Library Guide for citation recommendations:
  • No external research is required for case write-ups. However, you may use 3rd party data
    from the timeframe of the case to support your analysis.
  • Students should keep their analysis to the timeframe the case is taking place.
  • Class concepts and elements of the marketing plan should be used to support and strengthen
    your analysis as exhibits.
    Primary Assignment:

    You are to write a recommendation to Local Lion Coffee Shop’s management team on the brand
    strategy and tactics they should pursue to align their offerings with market needs and position the
    brand for growth. Specifically you will identify and make recommendations on the following:

  • The main decision(s) Local Lion must make to be successful
  • The ideal target audience(s)
  • The Ideal positioning and differentiation points for Local Lion
  • The ideal brand and service tactics.
  • The analysis should consider the ability to maintain and deliver Local Lion core brand values.
    To make this recommendation you will need to analyze key elements of the marketing and brand
    plan currently in place at Local Lion Coffee Shop. Your written recommendation should highlight key
    changes to Local Lion’s brand strategy and tactics.

    Rubric: This assignment will be graded on a 100-point scale. The assignment will be evaluated
    against the following criterion:

1. Executive Summary (5 Points):Clear identification of main case issue, a detailed description
of the current situation, the company’s goal and the proposed course of action(s)

  1. Situation Analysis & Critical Question (17 points): A summary of the situation that Local Lion
    faces in making decisions. This section is an environmental scan of the Company,
    Competition, Customers, Collaborators, and Climate (referred to as the 5Cs,) and will provide
    a summary of the environment within which Local Lion will make decisions regarding its
    marketing and communication plans. Hint: The 5Cs is a tool that can be used and referenced
    to guide and organize your thinking before writing/presenting your recommendations. This
    section should end with the writer’s view as to what is the Critical Question of the case (i.e.
    what primary decision must the Local Lion management team make to optimize future
  2. Market Segments Target Audience(s) – Strategy (20 points) A summary of the market of
    coffee shops and the makeup of the more important market segments will be provided.

    • A detailed analysis of Local Lion’s current market segments
    • Includes examples and evidence from the case, class concepts and 3rd party research to
      validate segment and target audience recommendations.

  3. Positioning and Differentiation – Strategy (25 points) :

    • A detailed analysis of Local Lion’s current positioning and differentiation.
    • Clear recommendations on changes required to Local Lion’s positioning and
    • Includes examples and evidence from the case and class concepts to validate positioning
      and differentiation recommendations.

  4. Tactics (7-T’s or Marketing Mix) – (25 Points)

    Required analysis of the brand and service tactics. Other tactics are optional and should be
    used to enhance and connect your analysis

    • A detailed analysis of the current brand and service tactics.
    • Clear recommendations on changes to the brand and service tactics.
    • Includes examples and evidence from the case and class concepts and 3rd party research
      to validate brand recommendations.

  5. Conclusion (5 Points) : Summarize your recommendations for Local Lion on the best way to
    grow the brand, keep business steady and maintain customer loyalty. Include clear
    recommendations for the ideal target audience, positioning and differentiation points Local
    Lion should implement. The analysis should consider the ability to maintain and deliver Local
    Lion core brand values.
  6. Writing Mechanics (3 Points): Demonstrates clarity, conciseness and correctness; formatting
    is appropriate and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors. Assignment follows
    guidelines and directions.

Students should include relevant links to class concepts and reading materials in relevant sections of
their case write-up and through use of exhibits and the appendix to validate their understanding and

  • Identification of the primary target market(s)
  • Identification of target audience need(s)

  • Makes appropriate and powerful connections between identified issues/ problems and
    the strategic concepts studied in the course readings and lectures
  • Evidence from class readings and materials and 3rd party research should be used to
    support strategy recommendations.


application of course materials to the case. To conduct this analysis, you should use key elements of
the Marketing Plan Handbook framework to develop your analysis and recommendations.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How long should the paper be?
    5 pages; See case writing guides above.
  • Should the paper be double spaced or single spaced?
    See case writing guides above: 1.5 spaces
  • How do I effectively present my info in the memo without a marketing plan?

    The marketing plan is an optional document that can be used as an exhibit to support
    your memo.

  • Is the marketing plan supposed to be in the memo?

    It is not required, and is optional. Students should include relevant links to class concepts and
    reading materials in relevant sections of their case write-up and through use of exhibits and
    the appendix to validate their understanding and application of course materials to the case.
    To conduct this analysis, you should use key elements of the Marketing Plan Handbook
    framework to develop your analysis and recommendations.

  • Is the marketing plan a necessary exhibit?

    It is not required, and is optional. Students should include relevant links to class concepts and
    reading materials in relevant sections of their case write-up and through use of exhibits and
    the appendix to validate their understanding and application of course materials to the case.
    To conduct this analysis, you should use key elements of the Marketing Plan Handbook
    framework to develop your analysis and recommendations.

  • What if I can’t fit all the analysis I’ve done in the 5-page memo/essay?

    Exhibits can and should be used to support your analysis. Exhibits don’t count towards the 5-
    page length.

  • How can I focus on several target audiences all at once without deviating from the main
    purpose of the case?

    Look for similarities and differences amongst the different market segments Local Lion can
    serve. Students in the past have used exhibits to show their understanding of the market
    segments and they used their memo to succinctly state the ideal target audience profile and

  • Are the executive summary and the memo the same thing?

    No. The executive summary is your first paragraph in the memo or essay.

  • What should I focus on?

    Use the rubric as your guide to the key elements you need to focus on for your analysis and


• Is this assignment the same as Soweto Gold case?

See detailed rubric above for specific information that needs to be covered for Local Lion.
There are many similarities. Key differences between Soweto Gold and Local Lion are:

o Marketing Plan is optional for Local Lion

o Brand and Service are the required tactics for Local Lion.

  • Can I do external research?

    Yes. Any external research you do should be focused on the time of the case. For example if
    you look up Local Lion today the current pricing won’t be representative of the pricing at the
    time of the case.

  • Can I discuss competitors or use knowledge not from the case about competitors to
    support a decision for Local Lion?
    Yes. Students should use competitors listed in the case. If there is an idea about collaborating
    with the competition students can explore.


A essay on confronting the climate crisis 1000 words Writing Assignment Help

Pease address each of the following questions:

Taking everything we have learned together this quarter, what do you think is the best strategy we have for confronting the climate crisis in your lifetime? Why?

Where do you think the world will be when 2030 rolls around? Why?

What role – if any – do you see yourself playing?

The guidelines

We are looking for:

A well-written, carefully edited, and thoughtful essay of 1,000 words addressing all three questions above. Put a title on the top that goes well with your essay.

Tell us why you think your preferred strategy is the best, and why you believe that your scenario for 2030 is the most likely.

Cite course readings (any format is fine, as long as we know exactly what pieces you are referring to).

Please use 1” margins all around, double space the text, and make sure your name and title are at the top!

I will provide some class reading for references


Answer the following question Writing Assignment Help

!!!! NO PLAGIARISM !!!!!

!!!! APA FORMAT !!!!


Directions: Based on your reading of Carol A. Kozeracki’s Responding to the Challenges of Developmental Education, provide detailed answers for each of the essay questions, using 12 point font size, preferably in Times New Roman following the APA Manual Style Guide (6th ed.).

  1. Discuss four elements that contribute to a classroom’s success or failure as a learning environment, and describe the effectiveness of learning community programs in helping developmental students achieve their educational goals.
  2. Discuss the three theorists whose work has guided developmental education during the last five decades. Also, what is your theoretical perspective of developmental education within the American community college system?
  3. Discuss the need to develop a plan to properly align pedagogy, student needs, curricular content, and institutional support in order to make educational programs, including developmental programs, more effective.
  4. Discuss what is known about the causal effects of remediation on developmental student learning outcomes.
  5. Describe the effectiveness of developmental learning community programs in helping developmental students achieve these educational goals.
  6. What is your theoretical view of the role of community colleges within the American higher education system?


Writing the following paper Writing Assignment Help


!!!! APA FORMAT !!!!

Research Paper: Write a research paper drawing upon your readings of the issues and problems facing many aspects of community colleges today.

Select one of the statements below AND prepare a comprehensive answer of the topic and critically apply the broad conclusions to the improvement of a community college with which you are familiar.

The research paper should include a sufficient number of sources from the two required textbooks and other recommended readings (listed on your course syllabus) about the community college. The research paper should be from 8 to 10 pages, excluding the title page and reference page following APA manual style (6th ed.).

  • Analyze the purpose, goals and expectations of the community college in its development in American Higher Education.
  • Summarize the trends and patterns of funding used for community colleges in the U.S.
  • Analyze and discuss the issue of career education in community colleges.
  • Critically review issues related to developmental education in Community Colleges.
  • Develop a proposal describing how a community college could develop a General Education program.
  • Analyze and discuss the various forms of governance and administration that have developed in the community college system.
  • Appraise and discuss the social role of the American Community College today.


3 pages double spaced Business Finance Assignment Help

3 pages double spaced Business Finance Assignment Help

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