3 pg paper Humanities Assignment Help

3 pg paper Humanities Assignment Help. 3 pg paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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By way of your understanding of Nietzsche, explain the relationship (if any) between morality and the meaning of
life. Does belief in moral truth make life more meaningful? Or does an inquiry into the history of competing
moralities show that life is likely meaningless?

The goal of a reflection paper is to present your own considered and clearly articulated beliefs alongside your
understanding of the philosophical material we have read in the course. To that end, please be sure it is always clear
whose views are being expressed—yours or one of the authors whose works are included in our textbook. Be sure to
address yourself not only to an answer to the question, but also to providing your reader with an account of why you
believe your answer to be correct. What are your reasons for taking one position or another? On what basis do you say the
things you say about the readings? In order to justify the claims in your paper to your reader, when discussing material
from the textbook you must offer substantiation for your claims with quotations from the text. Quotations are
absolutely required; papers that do not use direct quotations to support the claims they make about the readings in
the textbook will receive a failing grade.
Please do not consult any sources or resources other than our textbook. (This includes the scholarly introductions to each
thinker and the footnotes in each chapter by the textbook’s editor.) Any paper that quotes from any other source will
receive a substantial grade penalty; any paper which can be shown to be reliant upon any other source without citation
will receive a failing grade and its author will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary procedures, detailed in the UHD
Academic Honesty Policy (or in the UHD Student Handbook).

The paper should be 3 pages long, typed and double-spaced. Use an 11- or 12-point font with reasonable margins.
Citations should be in either the MLA or Chicago Manual of Style formats (information on both of which is available on
the UHD Library website, under the heading, “Citing Sources”), and as such must give full bibliographical information
for the text in either a “works cited” (MLA) or bibliographical footnotes (Chicago). Quotations should be set off from the
rest of the paper (typically by quotation marks), and you should cite the page numbers in the text where the quoted
passage appears. The paper is worth 15% of your grade for the course, and is to be submitted online via Blackboard
by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, June 14. Late papers will not be accepted unless you have arranged an extension with me
before the stated due date and time.

3 pg paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Need help on this presentation Writing Assignment Help

Topic 1 : Profit share and flexible working hours

Topic 2 : Market orientation and health insurance.

Topic 3 : Bonus payments and Retirement provision

Topic 4 : Global Programs and Evaluation and Recognition and Allowances

Topic 5 : Salary and Life Insurance

Topic 6 : Incentives and Paid Vacation


1) Need 5 slides for each topic with proper references and in-text citations using APA format.

2) The above topics are related to “Compensation and Benefit Packages” of an employee in an organization.

3) Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section.

5) Each slide should have 5-6 bulletin points.


Formal Proofs and Conditionals Assignment Humanities Assignment Help


All the requirements are listed in the following pictures for assignment. For the first Part, just need the correct citations and justifications for each step in the proof. For the 2nd PartIIa, need the premise and conclusion set up along with proof for the argument, using only the truth-functional intro. and elim. inference rules (^, v, ⊥, ¬, →, ↔). The last part, PartIIb, set up premise and conlusion and construct and complete a proof for the argument, using only the truth-functional intro. and elim. inference rules (^, v, ⊥, ¬, →, ↔). Thank you.

all the rules or definations for (^, v, ⊥, ¬, →, ↔)etc are also in the files I sent.


Need help on this presentation !! Writing Assignment Help

Topic 1 : Profit share and flexible working hours

Topic 2 : Market orientation and health insurance.

Topic 3 : Bonus payments and Retirement provision

Topic 4 : Global Programs and Evaluation and Recognition and Allowances

Topic 5 : Salary and Life Insurance

Topic 6 : Incentives and Paid Vacation


1) Need 5 slides for each topic with proper references and in-text citations using APA format.

2) The above topics are related to “Compensation and Benefit Packages” of an employee in an organization.

3) Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section.

5) Each slide should have 5-6 bulletin points.


450 words music analysis on american underground Humanities Assignment Help

Part 1 (200 words)

Listen to the following Velvet Underground song, and complete a free write on your aural experiences.

Defined as proto-punk, describe the overall sonic texture and production value, and discuss two features that stand out musically and vocally.

Read the lyrics below, and consider the specific message and how Lou Reed uses language and imagery to express his place in the New York City underground.

Part 2 (250 words)

Listen to the following two songs by Patti Smith and Bikini Kill, and complete a free write on your aural experiences. Describe the overall sonic texture for each recording, and two features that stand out musically and vocally for each one. What is the specific message for each song? Consider how each group lyrically exhibits a sense of female empowerment or feminist attitude.

Patti Smith Group – “Gloria” (1975)Bikini Kill – “Feels Blind” (1993)

Bikini Kill – “Feels Blind” (1993)



Discussion Board replies Business Finance Assignment Help

You will reply to the threads of at least 2 classmates (200–250 words each). Discussion Board Forums 4 and 5 will each require 3 replies. When addressing each specific topic, integrate relevant ideas from the various course texts and materials. In your replies, extend the discussion by analyzing and building upon your classmates’ ideas. Threads and replies must demonstrate course-related knowledge and assertions be supported by references in current APA format. Use first person and single-spaced formatting and indent new paragraphs. Your threads and replies must be well written, well organized, and focused.

Rosamelia Solorzano Rivas

Forum 4

Elaboration of The Concepts of Empathy, Warmth, and Genuineness to Establish a Therapeutic Alliance with Clients in the Human Services Field

According to France and Weikel, there is value in having a worker-client relationship that is quality, as this directly impacts on client improvement more so in the realm of human services (France and Weikel, 2014). France and Weikel highlight that empathy, genuineness, and warmth are critical in building a therapeutic relationship in the realm of human services. Given these attributes’ importance, there must be a greater understanding of what they mean and how they can be used to develop a therapeutic bond between workers and clients in human services for client improvement.

Being genuine is having honesty when attending to a client. It involves avoiding being judgmental or being stereotypical towards a client (Stewart, 2012). Stewart et al. talk about perception being an active process (Stewart, 2012). They contend that perceptions of clients influence how workers select the people they will attend. Stewart (2012) argue that stereotypes of clients affect people’s perception and service delivery. They highlight that avoiding being judgmental can help address this problem. Genuineness would require workers to show that they keep their word; they should be natural with their clients and admit when they do not hear or are wrong.

In terms of empathy, it speaks to the ability of workers to understand their clients and to communicate that understanding to them (France and Weikel, 2014). Workers can nurture a trait of empathy by being reflective. Compassion comes from understanding clients’ challenges, especially by understanding the toughness of their routine and the challenges of their work environment and letting them know that you share and understand their problems (France and Weikel, 2014).On the other hand, warmth towards a client entails being respectful to the client and stop being judgmental of their behavior, which cures the problem of perceptions and stereotypes (Stewart, 2012). It calls for restraint and consistently demonstrating a demeanor that reflects an attitude of care and interest.


France, K., & Weikel, K. (2014). Creating Positive Relationships. In Helping Skills for Human Service Workers (3rd ed., pp. 55–85). Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, Publisher.

Stewart, J. (2011). Making Meaning Together. In Bridges Not Walls: A Book About Interpersonal Communication (11th ed., pp. 161–230). New York, United States: McGraw-Hill Education.

Steven Wiseman

The Word Dwelt Among Us


As I look at this discussion board assignment for this week, I can not help but view the assignment in light of what is currently going on in the culture today with the Black Lives Matter movement and the discussions that it is creating both in person, in politics and on social media. Stewart (2012) discusses empathic listening as “laying aside your own views and values in order to enter another’s world without prejudice”.

Today’s culture, it is vital that we plan and execute the skill of empathic listening. Many of us, including myself, have a certain viewpoint or value when it comes to the discussion of race or even when it comes to the discussion of kneeling during the Star Spangled Banner. Now, while I am not here to debate these issues via discussion board, I do want to show vulnerability and mention that I struggled with these two discussions.

Through all these protests, riots and discussions, I have to remember to lay aside my personal view and values in order to listen to what is trying to be said. One person, in my unit, mentioned that I was looking at these conversations through lenses of a person who is a combat veteran, served in the military with various cultures/races and someone who has grown up in a middle class white home in a middle class mostly white neighborhood. These are years of views and values that I have had to push to the side to hear what my neighbors, friends and fellow serviceman are trying to say.

Now this has not been easy over the last week. I have spent much time yelling for my hurt friends, crying and being a shoulder for those who need it, questioning and asking the hard questions of myself and others. I have to have hard conversations with my children as they want to know what is going on in the news and with their classmates.

As I continue to wrestle and listen with this, I am reminded of Scripture. In John 1:14 (ESV), “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. A. W. Tozer (2009) talks about the word “dwelt among us” in this Scripture is literally “the Word pitched a tent and lived with people”. I need to continue to listen empathically and continue to live among the cultural discussions.


Stewart, J. R. (2012). Bridges, not walls: a book about interpersonal communication (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Tozer, A (2009). And He dwelt among us: Teachings from the gospel of John. New York: Bethany House


2 days ago

Kaci Arnold

Discussion Forum 4


In chapter 3 of Helping Skills for Human Services Workers, France and Weikel discuss the importance of empathy, warmth, and genuineness to establish a therapeutic alliance with our clients. According to France and Weikel, it is crucial that the human services worker develops a strong therapeutic bond with their clients, as this will build a better foundation. Decreasing the possibility of defensiveness and increasing the probability of willing cooperation are fundamental needs for human services workers (France & Weikel, pg. 55, 2014). Empathy means to be understanding with other people and being able to communicate your understanding to that person. Being empathic has also been something that I pride myself in being empathic, it is one of my greatest strengths, but it can also be my greatest weakness at times. France and Weikel (2014) explain warmth as having several meanings such as: 1.) recognizing the client’s fundamental worth as a human being. 2.) refraining from offering judgmental comments conveying your own opinions of issues being discussed or 3.) communicating that you care.

In Bridges Not Walls, Stewart (pg.192, 2011) reflects that empathic listening enables us to understand the other person, thoroughly and fully. While enhancing this idea in Helping Skills for Human Services Workers, France and Weikel (pg. 56, 2014) applied Carl Rogers’ theory for clients to perceive that the worker understands. Both texts also speak on counselors having reflecting skills. Reflecting skills enable us to communicate with our clients and help make sure that they understand.


France, K., & Weikel, K. (2014). Helping Skills for Human Services Workers: Building Relationships and encouraging productive change. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas Publisher.

Stewart, J. (2011). Bridges Not Walls: A Book About Interpersonal Communication (11th ed.) New York, Ny: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN 9780073534312

Discussion Board replies Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

anthropology mating strategy assignment-02 Writing Assignment Help

Add word count at least 550, fill the attached file.

Overview: Your assignment is to design a fictitious dating app profile that is optimally designed to be successful for a particular mating strategy studied in class, including as many attractiveness cues and signals as possible/reasonable for the target audience. You will then list or label the components of the ad with the cues or signals you have included, and why they are included for the mating strategy your fictitious person is pursuing. The fictitious ad should be optimized for something like 0kCupid, Match.com, or the like, where there is a reasonable amount of “profile” text.

Instructions, Rules and Limitations:

1.Create a personal ad targeted to optimize attractiveness for a specific mating strategy.

2.The ad must include profile text, anywhere from ½ to 1 page (can be bullet points but must optimize the sending of cues and signals for success in the given mating strategy.

3.The mating strategy you target, and the information you include in the ad, do not have to be “real” or have anything to do with you personally. Neither the sex nor the gender of the advertiser need be your own.

4.The persona you present in the ad (and the ad itself) will be treated as being completely fictitious (fake). If you find it easier to optimize an ad for yourself DO NOT include this information in the assignment.

5.This is a class exercise only: you may not post the fake ad on any dating website or venue (that would be unethical).

6.You may choose to create your own profile photo designed for the fake ad. You may also use a photo of a reasonably known public figure. This does not have to be a super famous person (e.g., the Kardashians, Trump, Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga), but it has to be obvious to a casual viewer that the ad cannot possibly have been created by the person in the photo. Less famous models, actors in displays/ads/commercials, etc. are fine.

7.You absolutely may NOT use the photo of a private person who is not publicly recognizable (see 4), even if they have pictures on the internet.

8.Your ad can be serious (i.e., presented as if it were a real ad) or humorous (e.g., include the theoretical basis for including certain features within the ad itself), but it must demonstrate understanding and strategic use of the cues and signals covered in class.

Questions That Must be Addressed in Your Discussion of Your Ad:

1.a) What is the specific mating strategy that is being pursued by the ad?

b) To what kind of person (in terms of characteristics and mating strategy) is the ad targeted? Describe the features of mate value that the optimal respondent “catch” would have, based on the mating strategy being pursued in the ad.

c) Bonus points for picking a local market where your persona’s strategy and ad is likely to be particularly attractive (e.g., STM ad in a region with indicators that there is a higher proportion of short-term mateships)

2.What are the context-sensitive trade-offs involved in pursuing this mating strategy for the persona depicted in the ad (be specific)?

3.What elements of the profile photo provide either cues or signals found attractive by targets of the persona’s mating strategy?

4.For each cue or signal, briefly explain the underlying reason why it is attractive to the target audience (citations gets bonus points). Example: large jaw, wide face, heavy brow ridges–indicators of testosterone related “masculine” traits. Tradeoff between T and immunity hypothesized to make masculine features an honest signal or cue of underlying genetic quality hypothesized to be particularly attractive to women in STM contexts, as sire of offspring with “good genes.”

5.As with the photo, list each element of the text and how it provides a signal that is attractive for the given mating strategy, and why.

6.Once you are done, go back and look at your ad. What do you think you could have done to better optimize the mating strategy you picked (if you had sufficient time and graphic skills, for example)?


t’s a 30 minute presentation on WholeFood Case Study. Create slides for your presentation on this topic. Annotate each slide with what you want to say about the slide — either by adding notes at the bottom of the slide or in a separate document. (Using M Business Finance Assignment Help

  • t’s a 30 minute presentation on WholeFood Case Study. Create slides for your presentation on this topic.
  • Annotate each slide with what you want to say about the slide — either by adding notes at the bottom of the slide or in a separate document. (Using Microsoft PowerPoint.)
  • The 4 case questions need to be answered are:
  1. What steps has WholeFoods taken inappropriately planning strategy? Assuming WholeFoods must develop a new business model, how should they go about this?
  2. What opportunities and threats can be identified through examining WholeFood in the context of the competitive forces model and competitor analysis?
  3. What has created the durability of WholeFoods’market presence? What has given them their competitive advantage?
  4. What functional level strategies have WholeFoods employed? Have these strategies been successful?
  • There should have a total of 15 quiz questions(multiple choice) in a separate Excel file. You can see the Quiz Question Template on another file.

Please look at the presentation fomat&flow for detailed instruction!!!


t’s a 30 minute presentation on WholeFood Case Study. Create slides for your presentation on this topic. Annotate each slide with what you want to say about the slide — either by adding notes at the bottom of the slide or in a separate document. (Using Business Finance Assignment Help

  • t’s a 30 minute presentation on WholeFood Case Study. Create slides for your presentation on this topic.
  • Annotate each slide with what you want to say about the slide — either by adding notes at the bottom of the slide or in a separate document. (Using Microsoft PowerPoint.)
  • The 4 case questions need to be answered are:
  1. What steps has WholeFoods taken inappropriately planning strategy? Assuming WholeFoods must develop a new business model, how should they go about this?
  2. What opportunities and threats can be identified through examining WholeFood in the context of the competitive forces model and competitor analysis?
  3. What has created the durability of WholeFoods’market presence? What has given them their competitive advantage?
  4. What functional level strategies have WholeFoods employed? Have these strategies been successful?
  • There should have a total of 15 quiz questions(multiple choice) in a separate Excel file. You can see the Quiz Question Template on another file.

Please look at the presentation fomat&flow for detailed instruction!!!


Pop Culture Comparative Analysis Presentation Writing Assignment Help

For this presentation, I want you to pick one of the science fiction/fantasy concepts we’ve covered this session and then explore how that idea is represented in at least two different pop culture sources (movies, television, comic books, young adult fiction, etc.) and compare/contrast that representation to what we see in a novel or novels we’ve read this session.

Your goal is not only to explain the different ways that science fiction concept is depicted in different kinds of story-telling but also to use these three (or more) cultural texts to:

  • analyze the larger significance
  • cultural fascination
  • moral/religious lessons that can be contained within that concept.

Your thesis should present what you see as the big ideas/arguments/values that can be gleaned from your analysis of this science fiction concept and give some prediction of the way you’re comparing and contrasting the three things you’re analyzing.

The body of the presentation should analyze the unique presentation and significance of the concept in each individual text and also explain meaningful basis for comparison and contrast to the other analyzed texts.

You may conduct outside scholarly research for this (especially for exploring the cultural or moral significance of the concept), but that is not required.

Presentation: You will need to prepare a four to six minute presentation sharing what you found out about your topic.

  • Most people like to use PowerPoint or Google Slides; if you do, here’s some guidelines:
    • Have a few slides introducing your topic
    • Then dedicate slides to the unique presentation and significance of the concept in each individual text and explaining meaningful basis for comparison and contrast to the other analyzed texts.
    • Include both a title slide and a reference slide
    • You will use the 7×7 rule to create your presentation. The 7×7 rule states that you use no more than seven bullet points per slide and no more than seven words per bullet point. This way your visual presentation will only show the main points on each slide without overwhelming your viewers without too many words. You still need to make your slides attractive by adding images and colors to make it attractive.

1 day ago


3 pg paper Humanities Assignment Help

3 pg paper Humanities Assignment Help

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