5 page paper – business management college level – article summary – apa format Business Finance Assignment Help. 5 page paper – business management college level – article summary – apa format Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Only bid on assignment if you have the skills and knowledge to provide top notch college level paper
Select an Article of Interest from:
Harvard Business Review*
Write a 5+ page paper (minimum/ incl. Cover Sheet & References) in which
(1) Summarize the article
(2) Relate the article to course concepts/ theories/ models
(3) Summarize your views on the topic
Topics covered: •Globalization•Ethics•Workforce Diversity•Entrepreneurship•E-business•Knowledge Management•Learning Organizations•Quality Management
Use: Times New Roman (font); 14-size print; Double-space; APA-format
Source your paper with Endnotes/ Footnotes/ and/ or In-Text references
linked to “References” at end
Must be college level- A level work
Must be in correct grammatical English and follow APA format with citations/footnotes and references
5 page paper – business management college level – article summary – apa format Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PHY123 Analysis paper Science Assignment Help
I need 3 separate papers. Font 12, double-spaced. Paper 1 (one-page) should be done within the next 12 hours, and Paper 2 and 3 should be done within 10 days from now on. You can request for more time if needed.
Topic: What, if anything, should be our primary focus in addressing climate change
Paper 1 (one-page): For your final paper, you will need to analyze many aspects of your topic, including global implications. For the current assignment, you need to find an article focused on some global aspect of your topic, and write a one-page analysis of the article and how it relates to your topic (give the reference to the article in your write-up). Do not be overly generalized, but rather look for an article that addresses some specific issues of your topic related to impacts or concerns related to specific countries or regions of the world beyond the United States. In particular, try to identify issues/views that are shared between other countries and the US on the topic as well as issues/views that are quite different between other countries and the US. Discuss why you think there are the similarities and differences (back your thoughts up with specific information). Speak to how much you think the global aspects of the issue impact decisions that are made, and how much you feel most Americans understand and/or care about these issues.
Paper 2 (one-page): For your final paper, you will be required to include a quantitative analysis of your topic. For the current assignment, you are to find an article that looks at one or more quantitative aspects related to your topic and write a one page analysis of it (give the reference to the paper in your write-up; note you should not use the same article as you used for paper 1, though for your final paper you can of course use both). The article should include at least some data given in the form of a chart and/or table, not just some data included in the text. Give a careful analysis of the data—what specific argument is the data being used to make, what conclusions can be drawn from it, and can you identify limitations and/or strengths of the data given. State what impacts the data has on the argument you wish to make in your paper. Does the data given help lead to a clear conclusion, or is there anything unclear in the data (state specific examples)?
Paper 3 (Final paper) : Write a 7-10 page final paper (don’t try to just stretch to 7 pages by using big margins, big fonts, big line spacing, etc.—if they don’t look full, they aren’t—stick to 1″ margins, no bigger than 12 point font— use Times New Roman, double-spacing, and no extra space between sections). You can use figures, tables, charts, etc. as appropriate, but don’t overdo it and keep the sizes of these reasonable—I primarily want text discussing your issue. You need a MINIMUM of six GOOD references—good references can be textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, or articles from reputable newspapers (if in doubt if a source will count towards your six, you can always ask). You are encouraged to use more than six, and can use sources that would not qualify as “good” as long as they are in addition to the six mentioned above. Make sure you reference all material you take from the sources properly (I do not care if you use APA, AIP, or any other accepted style for your citations, but be consistent). If you are not sure of how to cite material or have any questions, ask. Please note that except for certain very powerful quotations by a famous expert, you should avoid using direct quotes and instead paraphrase the material, but realize that you still cite paraphrased material just as you would a direct quotation. Note that your citation list does not count towards the 7-10 page count. Second, what you should include: You are to do a critical analysis of the topic you presented in assignment 1 (and followed up on in assignments 2 and 3). Please use the feedback I give you on those assignments to try to improve your final term paper product. You should be addressing a topic that is in some way related to one of the sections from this course, and try to answer an open-ended question that you have posed. Your paper should include at a minimum the following sections—( 1) a global analysis, in which you explore details of how global issues affect your topic, how it varies between countries, cultures, etc., and how the global nature of the topic influences your analysis; this can be an expansion from your assignment 2, but should draw on more references and be more developed; (2) a quantitative analysis, in which you look at quantitative data related to your topic to try to back up your arguments; you should analyze data, charts, and tables presented in your articles, as well as give at least one chart and/or table in the paper which you create (not to be directly copied from a source); this can be an expansion from your paper 2, but should draw on more references and be more developed; (3) a discussion of more than one possible answer to your question, in which you look at arguments for and against the point you are trying to make based on facts from your sources; this section should include elements of the discussion from the global and quantitative analyses sections—the paper should flow and be tied together rather than a collection of disconnected pieces; and (4) a conclusion in which you make a final argument as to why you feel your answer to the question is correct based on points you’ve made from your source material. Remember, this paper is to be making a persuasive argument based on factual material gained from sources. Try to make it interesting, educational, and convincing. Make the paper logical and clear.
due tuesday, disscussion board Humanities Assignment Help
1. Each student will provide a brief cultural write-up relating to his/her representative country (chosen for Making Acquaintances: Do’s and Don’ts): (20 points)
- Historical background
- Communication styles (language, both verbal and non-verbal)
- Beliefs (religion, family, nature, etc.)
- Society structure (gender equality, role of children, family, ethnic groups, leaders, government, political ideologies, hierarchies)
VERY IMPORTANT – your final score will greatly depend on this.
In the next sections, associations SHOULD be made with the value orientations addressed in the Values portion of this course:
- Human Nature (Universalism-Particularism, Good/Evil, High-Context/Low-Context, Uncertainty Avoidance)
- Relation to Nature (Subjugation, Harmony, Mastery, Inner-/Outer-Directed)
- Activity Orientation (Achievement/Ascription, Doing-Being-Being-Becoming)
- Human Relationships (Affectivity/Affective Neutrality, Instrumental/Expressive, Self (Individualistic)/Collective (Collateral)/Linear, Egalitarian/Hierarchical, Power Distance)
- Relation to Time (Past-Present-Future, Monochronic/Polychronic, Low-Context/High-Context
2. Each student will provide a list of ‘Reasons for Codes of Cultural Behavior’ for tourists visiting his/her representative country. This list will explain to tourists why it is important that they follow each of the Do’s and Don’ts (that you listed in your Making Acquaintances: Do’s and Don’t’s assignment), from the hosts’ cultural (values of the culture) perspective, and should include the following: (40 points)
- Five major ‘Do’s’ for tourists
- At least one appropriate value orientation of the culture for each ‘Do’ (20 points) (Describe in detail one distinct value orientation for each Do. Do not repeat value orientations for the items on the list of Dos.)
- Five major ‘Don’ts’ for tourists
- At least one appropriate value orientation of the culture for each ‘Don’t’ (20 points) (Describe in detail one distinct value orientation for each Don’t. Do not repeat value orientations for the items on the list of Don’t’s.)
3. Each student will provide APA-style citations within the text whenever applicable and compile a list of APA-style references (reference page) for all resources used in his/her write-up (5 points).
4. On the ‘Making Acquaintances Part 2’ discussion forum, each student will post his/her findings about the representative country in a thread by the due date.
5. Each student is required to read the findings of one other student and respond to the posting of the other student by identifying the following, on or before the response due date (10 points):
- One major cultural value commonality between his/her country and the other country (5 points)
- One major cultural value difference between his/her country and the other country (5 points)
NOTE: Students’ responses to the postings should consist of complete sentences. In the response, each student should compare the other country with their country in terms of value orientations mentioned above as well.
Levendary Cafe Analysis and recommendations Business Finance Assignment Help
Just weeks into her new job, Mia Foster, a first time CEO with no international management experience, is faced with a major challenge at Levendary Café, a $10 billion US-based fast food chain. Strategically, many of her corporate staff have become concerned that the company’s major expansion into China is moving too far from Levendary’s well-defined concepts of store design and menu. Organizationally, Foster has been frustrated by the apparent unwillingness of Louis Chen, president of Levendary China, to conform to the company’s planning and reporting processes. Meanwhile, financial evidence shows that Chen’s efforts have produced strong results and suggests that he knows China far better than U.S headquarters does. The entrepreneurial Chen has resisted attempts by Foster and others to discuss corporate plans for China. As Foster flies to China to meet with Chen she faces a decision that will determine the future of Levendary China and perhaps the entire globalization effort: can she manage Chen at all, and if so, how?
You should assume that you are a consultant hired to advise Mia Foster on the issues in the case. Using the information in your reading of the chapters to date, you should carefully craft an argument for the actions that you believe they should undertake to address these issues. Mia recognizes that you are also an expert in this field. You must consult Mia on what to do. You should evaluate the decision making process and environments that affect her organization. You’ll also want to consider the international culture and the way Levendary’s culture has responded to this incident. Lastly, you’ll want to consider what changes Legendary should make and how Mia should approach the upcoming decision.
powerpoint presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Topic: Information retrieval and evaluation by Nurses – discuss uses and pros and cons of databases and the internet.
To complete this assignment:
- Start with a new, blank, PowerPoint presentation.
- Apply the following formatting:
- Add text to all slides (Each slide should have a title and at least 3 bullets of information).
- Be sure to adhere to the 6 by 6 Rule for all slides
- Add some Notes in the Notes pane or by using the Notes Pages view
- Insert a picture/image/graphic on at least one slide
- Insert a text box on at least one slide
- Insert a SmartArt Graphic on at least one slide
- Use at least 3 different layouts – please be sure that the layout fits the content on the slide
- Apply a theme
- Choose a standard color scheme (other than the default)
- Choose a standard font (other than the default)
- Choose a standard background style (other than the default)
- Apply Transitions to all slides. Use two different transitions.
- Apply Custom Animation to at least two slides.
- Include a References slide for the last slide of the presentation.
- You should have a minimum of 8 slides (this includes your Title and References slides – so 6 slides of content).
- Your presentation should be polished, professional and complete (as if you were going to give an actual presentation with your completed PowerPoint slides).
Upload the PowerPoint presentation to this drop box.
Due before Week 10/Unit 10. See the Course Calendar for the exact date.
Don’t forget to consult the Grading Rubric before turning in your assignment.
sound and fury movie assignment Humanities Assignment Help
sound and fury documentary please have access to the film, I do not have access. I also took some notes which I will attach.
Your review should be 2-3 pages (12-pt font, double-spaced, Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins). Use critical thinking to provide a thoughtful critique of the film. Some points discussed in your review may include, but are not limited to:
- Have your views on the Deaf community and the use of cochlear implants changed after seeing this film? If so, how?
- What are some possible reasons why a family with hearing parents may/may not want their child to receive a cochlear implant? How about a family with Deaf/hard of hearing parents?
- As a person in the communication sciences and disorders field, what are your views about implanting or not implanting a child born with a hearing loss?
- Put yourself in the shoes of someone in the film. How do you think would you handle the situation if your child was born with a hearing loss?
- Why might the use of cochlear implants be looked down upon within the Deaf community?
- Provide your overall feelings about the film. Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?
References to specific moments in the film when appropriate.
sound and fury movie assignment Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
investment report analysis 12 pages essay and ppt Business Finance Assignment Help
This class is investment and portfolio analysis class. Please review the the document I send. This is not managent essay. This is investment report analysis.Do notcopy and cheating my professor will use turn it in double check. Plase give me the ppt and essay together. PPt like outline. I will send you sample ppt and sample essay.
The sample essay and ppt is not same company. But you have to write on like this one. Before you get start you have to review the essay ppt and the other document vary carefully. If you are not finace or investment major pleae don’t reply me.
If you can please USE (Target Corporation) this company. I already use amde half ppt for this company and I can send it to you , you may contionue . IF YOU can not use the other company.
write an essay about what does community sound like Humanities Assignment Help
Our first essay will be a creative fiction short story that will follow the traditional story arc – start, initial incident, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, ending.
Your short story must be between 1,500 to 2,000 words in length.
Your prompt is: What does your community sound like?
Please make sure to have read Dillard’s short story – The Chase – before you start your story as it has all the elements of a narrative storytelling arc.
Your story can be about almost anything (it doesn’t have to be about a chase) and it can be written in any style you like (comedy, drama, thriller, love story, sci-fi) but it needs to follow the story arc structure.
Your story cannot be a retelling of fairytale, and cannot be ‘it was all a dream”. If your story features a dream, the dream must have a meaning to the story. If your story has dialogue, your dialogue must be in “Quotation marks”
Your essay must be in MLA format. You must have double line spacing, .12 font size, Times New Roman font, indented paragraphs.
You will need to submit your essay as an attachment. Your essay must be in doc. docx. or pdf. format. Any other formats cannot be opened. If you are using Google Docs. please make sure to upload the doc. to Canvas, I do not have access to your Google accounts.
You will also need to submit this through Turnitin- the plagiarism tool. You do this by checking the box – declaring that the work is your own. Please do not buy or sign up for any plagiarism checking tool as it is not required.
The reason we are doing this first essay as a creative piece is because it introduces us to writing, and structure, and it requires both creative and critical thinking. It will also require revision and editing. It also requires you to write at least 1,500 words of your own. And creative writing, is like the most fun ever. Or at least one of the most fun things ever.
English week 8 help ASAP Humanities Assignment Help
You must have access to audio/video recording equipment (a microphone/webcam, camcorder with digital file capabilities, or cell phone with a high-quality camera/microphone) to complete this assignment.
Present the PowerPoint presentation designed in Assignment 3. As a reminder, the content should focus on some aspect of social media use in the workplace. Potential examples include the importance of companies embracing social media, advertising through social media, policies involving social media, proper professional communication through social media platforms, or any number of other angles.
The presentation must be submitted using one of the following methods:
- Recorded live narration of the PowerPoint slides.
- A video recording of the student presenting the presentation (submitted in an appropriate video format like .mov / .mp4 and uploaded as an attached file).
- A video link uploaded to YouTube and submitted through Blackboard (links that do not work at the time of grading will be scored as a 0).
- A scheduled live presentation to the instructor (subject to schedule availability).
The PowerPoint presentation must adhere to the following requirements:
- Content:
- Address some aspect of social media in the workplace.
- Present in a clear, logical manner.
- Include the PowerPoint presentation from Assignment 3.
- Be appropriately paced. Total time should not exceed ten minutes in length.
- Assume your target audience is familiar with the overall concept of social media.
- Delivery:
- Follow the professional presentation requirements from Chapter 12 (pages 202-224) in BCOM7.
- Clearly deliver the presentation content (audio).
- Wear appropriate professional attire (if using video option) and provide high resolution audio (if using narrated PowerPoint option).
- Clarity / Mechanics:
- Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language/style requirements.
- Run spell/grammar check before submitting.
Your assignment must be completed in PowerPoint (using either .PPT or .PPTX format) [for narrated PowerPoint option]. Uploaded video file (either .mov or mp4 file) or functioning YouTube link [for video option]. Your professor may provide additional instructions
write 500 words Writing Assignment Help
Choose a composer and write about their life and their best compositions. There are thousands of classical music composers and you can ask me for ideas if you can’t find any. This is also a 500 word document which will be an overview of the composer’s life. Write about their life, compositions, and style. Do not use Wikipedia. Use the textbook or any other reliable source such as books, ebooks, podcasts, and I will allow youtube lectures but any source must be cited in the paper so that I can make sure you did not write it word for word.
Do not write about the following composers: Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Handel, or Bach.
Please use correct grammar and essay structure. Introduction, content, conclusion, and a reference page. And don’t call a piece a “song,” say piece, composition, or call it by its name (symphony, ballet, opera, etc.)
https://anyessayhelp.com/ please have access to the film, I do not have access. I also took some notes which I will attach.
Your review should be 2-3 pages (12-pt font, double-spaced, Times New Roman, with 1 inch margins). Use critical thinking to provide a thoughtful critique of the film. Some points discussed in your review may include, but are not limited to:
- Have your views on the Deaf community and the use of cochlear implants changed after seeing this film? If so, how?
- What are some possible reasons why a family with hearing parents may/may not want their child to receive a cochlear implant? How about a family with Deaf/hard of hearing parents?
- As a person in the communication sciences and disorders field, what are your views about implanting or not implanting a child born with a hearing loss?
- Put yourself in the shoes of someone in the film. How do you think would you handle the situation if your child was born with a hearing loss?
- Why might the use of cochlear implants be looked down upon within the Deaf community?
- Provide your overall feelings about the film. Did you enjoy it? Why or why not?
References to specific moments in the film when appropriate.