800-word reflection journal Writing Assignment Help

800-word reflection journal Writing Assignment Help. 800-word reflection journal Writing Assignment Help.

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This is an 800-word reflection journal. You need to write about our client’s learning journey for the course and how it helps him in the future and also the film which they made and submitted previously. The course is about creativity and innovation.

From the client:

I play the role as a “Film director” who oversees the whole of the film making, taking charge to manage my team members on video filming, editing, background sounds and choosing of film locations.

Our film overview:

The short clip which we produce is to capture the emotional, heart-warming film that aims to convey a message about unconditional friendship to its audience. Through the film, our team hopes to inspire the audience to stay hopeful in times of adversity, regardless of our limitations and always to be reminded that there are true friends around us.

It shares a non-fictional story about a group of college friends reuniting after graduation. However, prior to the reunion, one of the main characters portraying a recognised, basketball player role, met with an unfortunate accident which completely changed his life. It was a traumatising period for him, as he became withdrawn and isolated from his social circle. His college friends soon discovered his situation which then led him to a discovery of how amazing his friends were and how they played a part in overcoming the adversity that he was facing. And help him to recover.

Additionally, the report will introduce the perceptions and strategies taken by each respective roles and how the collaboration among the distinctive specialisations can bring unity and creativity in delivering our message to the audience by virtue of the film.

Report Structure

Some guideline provided by school on how we should write on the Reflective Journal:


Reflect – (header 1) – 280 words

The reflective piece is not a log or a diarised exposition of what took place over the semester.

Rather you must address the emotional and cognitive journey which you have undertook, that is, what where your initial expectations of the course were and how (if at all) they have changed over the journey.

Points to write about:

  • Macro view the entire course in creativity (my expectation)
    • This course is different from other modules, as the assignment is not focusing on business theory but about video making. And also focus on creativity and innovation.
    • expect the course to be fun and rewarding as video making is something new to me
  • The film and my role
    • My role: Film Director
      • My role is to control the overall production making sure that the film is in good quality and brings out the story which we trying to tell
      • How did your role within the group effect the way you say Creativity, Innovation?
        • Our team consist of producer, video editor, script writer, lightings and sound effects. This requires teamwork and collaboration as everyone thinks differently – so we learn how to work together
        • Before taking up the role, I thought it is all about creativity and innovation. After that, I feel that having teamwork and willingness to listen, discuss and brain stomp together is needed to bring out the creativity and innovation.

b.No exams compared to other courses, so I’m looking forward/keen for the course to start

b.About the film: It’s touching/heartwarming film and its about a friend who got into accident and unable to play his basketball as he is in wheelchair. But his friends are there to help him up and accompany him for physiotherapy. Trying to bring out to the audience that true friends are always there to help.

Reveal – (header 2) – 270 words

You must also highlight your learning outcomes, and explain how those learning outcomes will affect their behaviour in the future. Areas such as the creative process, conflict management, team cohesion, communication and planning etc must all be discussed and considered as part of the journey.

You must always support these experiences with a theoretical foundation, largely because only a reflection based on a sound theoretical foundation can a true represent a reflective journey.

Points to write about:

  • Thinking beforehand, assumptions and perception currently held
  • Findings during, discovery challenges and surprises
    • After the video filming/shooting, we went back to compile and edit the clip but realized that the angle of the clip was not what we wanted on some of the scenes and we also exceed our total clip limit.
    • All of our team members are working full time, I felt is it challenging to request everyone to come back on other days to re-film. And also cut short on the some of the areas to ensure it is within the time limit.
    • Surprisingly everyone is very cooperative and willing to reshoot on some of the scenes despite their busying working schedule.
  • Learning afterwards, insights and new wisdom
    • During the re-film/shoot we learned that we should not only take one angle, therefore we took multiple angles for the same scenes to ensure that we have more options to choose from when doing editing.
    • We also combine some of the scenes together during the reshoot so that we can cut short on video yet still brings out the message which we trying to deliver to our audience.
  • In what ways do you feel that the course will assist you in dealing with future challenges and opportunities (give examples).
    • Pre-planning is always very important
    • Ensure there is always an alternative when dealing with future challenges and opportunities

Resources (header 3) – 170 words

Evidence from your reflection log or journal

Cognitive strength from the gibbs reflective cycle

  • Description
  • Feelings
  • Evaluation
  • Analysis
  • Conclusion
  • Action plan

Conclusion (header 4) – 80

Sum up everything, a short one

Provide 2 Referencing for Resources header

Have to be in Harvard format

800-word reflection journal Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

5 Pages response to cat study. Humanities Assignment Help

Narrative, Thought Experiments, and Cases: Essay Structure

1. Find your case/scene.

2. Determine the facts from the case/scene.

3. Determine the suggested outcome (if any) by the author.

4. Determine which character you will be or comment on.

5. Write Intro (stating pro or con if a suggested outcome is in the case. If there is no

suggested outcome, then state roughly where you will go)

6. Set out the key practical facts of the case.

7. Set out the key moral, epistemological, metaphysical, and/or aesthetic issues.

(There should be at least 3.)

8. Apply the three relevant moral, epistemological, metaphysical, and/or aesthetic

issues to solve the case or to resolve the problem and go through your solution in

an introspective fashion.

9. Conclusion (significance and general import of this policy that guided your

solution—both abstractly and concretely from an actual case in the world today).

Criteria for Grading:

A. Is the essay written from a clear standpoint that reflects the personal worldview of

the central character chosen?

B. Does the essay engage and develop relevant practical, professional, and ethical


C. Is there an analysis of the embeddedness of the practical, professional, and ethical


D. Is there a connection to an ethical theory, epistemological, metaphysical, or

aesthetic principle? Is the connection adequately developed?

E. Is the context of the personal and shared community worldviews set out?

F. Is there a clear conclusion to the conundrum of the case resolved in a decisive

way that is supported by developed argumentation?


5 pages (around 300 words per page).


Construct your post addressing young, middle and older adult related risks concerning a topic Health Medical Assignment Help

After completing this unit, you should be able to:

  • Identify health disparities among diverse adult populations
  • Name psychosocial and spiritual changes that may occur during the adult life span.
  • Describe health patterns of young, middle and older adults.
  • Diverse Populations and Age.

    Read the required readings. Consider the influence of socioeconomic status (SES), culture, gender, ethnicity, and spirituality on mental and physical health for the individual in various health care settings, as it relates specifically to age in adulthood. Construct your post addressing young, middle and older adult related risks concerning a topic. (Young adults are 18–35, not adolescents). Consider physiological, psychological and iatrogenic risks

    Be creative in how you address the discussion. You may choose a specific health topic, social health issue, a health condition or create a family scenario. Consider life transitions and role change. Be sure to include risks, addressing the issue across the adult lifespan. Integrate some social, spiritual and environmental influences on mental and physical health.

    The response must be 200 words. 3 citations/references must be peer reviewed. No WebMD, Wiki, or dictionary.com


    Pretests/Posttests and Attrition Humanities Assignment Help

    This week’s video introduces you to the Hernandez family. Juan and Elena Hernandez are mandated to attend parenting classes. As part of the parenting classes, they are required to participate in both a pretest (taken before classes begin) and a posttest (taken after classes end). Pretests and posttests can yield very useful information. They can measure the learning that has or has not taken place as a result of the education being provided. For this Discussion, imagine what kinds of questions would be on a pretest and posttest for this particular study sample (the parents who are taking parenting classes).

    By Day 5

    Post your explanation of what you think the social workers wanted to know when they designed the pre/posttest for evaluating the parenting classes. Be sure to address the concept of attrition and whether or not you believe they took that into account. Be sure to explain why. Then, analyze potential lessons learned from attrition. Finally, explain how you might design a study to gather data about the effectiveness of these parenting classes. Use the following questions to focus your thinking:

    • Would you recommend a pre-experimental, experimental, or quasi-experimental design?
    • Would the study involve measurement over time?
    • Would there be a control group?
    • In this group research design you imagine, what or who will be compared?
    • What limitations in terms of generalizability and internal validity can you anticipate based on the research plan you envision?
    • What can you tell the social worker about the issue of client drop out (also called attrition or experimental mortality)?
    • If there is no control group, what type of research design could answer the question: Is this parent training class effective in reducing abusive parenting practices?


    You Decide Assignment, individual assignment Writing Assignment Help

    The “You Decide” assignment presents a difficult and painful dilemma, with you in an imagined professional role. Go through the You Decide presentation, make the decision it calls for, meet your team or partner to discuss, and compose a paper and presentation that explains your decision and your reasoning and justification for it.

    You are called upon to make a painful medical decision and to explain it both orally and in writing. Who benefits from what you decided, who gets denied a needed benefit, and why? You will compose an official memorandum that will be kept for the record and could potentially be read not only by your Peer Review Committee, but also by those involved in charitable fundraising, which supports hospital development, as well as by others with financial interests in the decision.

    You will see notice that there is time pressure in the simulated situation, so remember that you would not have the luxury to dawdle in the decision-making process, and as the decision-maker, you would not have the luxury of consulting a broad spectrum of advisors. It falls on you and your team or partner to decide!

    Include in the document and presentation the utilitarian ethical philosophy of John Stuart Mill (from the lecture and audio for this week) and one other ethical philosopher of your choosing that we have studied to date, and use both of those philosophies to bolster your decision. This paper will be at least 2 pages and no more than 3 pages with a 2-3 minute oral presentation on which you and your team or partner may (ideally and preferably) collaborate. Remember, both professional written form and potential audience, as well as tone when writing this sensitive memorandum.

    Outside sources are not required, but if used, must be cited properly.

    pick out of the 2 philosophers uploaded



    writing a report on currency exchange and stock exchange. should follow A B C on the bottom of this question. Business Finance Assignment Help

    Rubrik for Exchange Rate/Stock Portfolio Assignment

    Currency Exchange











    US Dollar














    Korean Won



    Pakistan Rupee




    Lockheed Martin






    Toyota Motor



    Royal Dutch Shell



    Above is a simple spreadsheet to track the currencies against the US Dollar and to track stock values of 4 stocks (2 domestic, 2 international). This format is not required but something similar should be used.

    The hard part, and something brokers get paid millions to do, is figure out why they are doing what they are doing. Was there a big terrorist bombing in Pakistan that caused their currency to devalue? Did the goodwill between North and South Korea from the Olympics cause a strengthening of their currency? Did a major interest rate change in the US cause it to lose strength against worldwide currencies? There is a lot of data and news reports that will impact this exchange. I do not expect full financial analysis, simply what was going on the world or that country which may have impact their currency value.

    Same general idea for the stocks. Why did a companies stock drop or gain in value? New product offerings? Win of a major contract? Loss of major contract? Did a major brokerage firm put them on the buy or not buy list? Public perception of the company changed due to the sexual harassment allegations against their leadership? Yahoo financials and other services offer daily reports of the stocks and whether to buy or not or what is affecting its price.

    The paper should cover what you believe caused currency or stock value to change. Was there any correlation? (Korean currency devaluation drove value of Korean air stock in the tank, for example). If you were leading an effort in that country, would you want your operations done in the local currency or the USD? If you have significant financial holding in that currency, are you making money off of it or losing value? Summarily, recognizing that fluctuations in currency impact international operations and can impact stock price, what are the risks you face as a business leader and how can you mitigate those risks?

    I recognize you are not international financial managers and some of this may seem beyond you. I promise that it’s not. It’s learning the vernacular and learning how to read the numbers and connect them to world events. I will not be grading harshly on this one as I know it is a stretch for many. Do the work, give me your thoughts, show me you did basic research to understand the data and you will do fine.

    If you do not understand the assignment or get lost in the data, please reach out to me and I will be glad to schedule some time to sit down and go over it with you.

    Your task is in three points.

    A. Use 4 different currencies. One from a Developed Country. one from a developing country, the Euro and the US dollar. Establish a baseline of the developed and developing countries currency, currently trading on the open market, compared to the US dollar and the Euro. Track the changes with at least 10 data points over time. Is there a trend? What events in the world, political activities, financial markets or business dynamics are impacting the changes?

    B. Pick 4 stocks. Two from US based firms that receive significant amount of their revenue from international business. Two other stocks from companies deeply involved in the international market from different regions of the world. track the stock value with at least 10 data points over time. What is driving the stock price to change? Business factors? World events? Political implications?

    C. Submit a spread sheet or there clear method to show the changes in these two areas over the time measured. Write to a paper describing what in your opinion or based on world events drove the changes, up or down. Were there correlations between currency value and stock value? How do the results impact an international business in daily operations or making decisions to invest/divest? would you recommend doing business in the US$ or other currency? What risks does a company face when dealing with the volatility of the financial and stock markets?

    writing a report on currency exchange and stock exchange. should follow A B C on the bottom of this question. Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    2 paragraghs on Heat of the day by Elizabeth Bowen Other Assignment Help

    Elizabeth Bowen’s novel novel heat of the day

    1. Choose one of these characters: Louie, Harrison, Stella, Roderick, or Robert.

    2. Find two specific examples relating to your character that illuminate something interesting or significant about the novel. One of the examples should be a trait or quality of theirs (an example from our in-class discussion would be Louie’s naïve or childlike nature) and the other should be a circumstance or choice (for ex,. that Louie is married to a soldier who is posted to a vaguely-known location). In your post, Identify your examples specifically: quote them, give a page reference. (note: if you choose Louie, you must find examples not from chapter 1, which we discussed in class, but from later in the novel.)

    3. Discuss your chosen examples, showing how they reflect Bowen’s modernist exploration of the human psyche and what they show us about war-time experience.

    Your discussion should be 1-2 paragraphs in length


    Create a mock forensic assessment report based on a patient in a selected vignette. Provide your diagnostic impressions based on the DSM-5 criteria. Writing Assignment Help

    The case vignette is as follows: Mr. H has been charged with second-degree murder as a result of shooting a man in his apartment
    complex for playing loud music night after night. He admitted to killing the man and expressed remorse but
    felt justified in his murder because he had made so many previous requests to his neighbor to turn down his
    music. During questioning, Mr. H revealed that on the night of the shooting, he was instructed by the God of
    his universe to exterminate the noise that disturbed the angels. It was at that point when he loaded his rifle
    and went upstairs to kill his neighbor. The suspect is twenty-four years old with no former mental health
    history. He was able to discuss his past development with the detective working on the case. He presented
    with no hostility or irrational thoughts. He related that his development in his family was relatively uneventful and that he had close relationships with both his mother and father and with his two younger siblings, one
    brother and one sister. He had recently moved into his own apartment, after graduating from college, and is
    receiving support from his mother until he finds work. His father died two years ago in a tragic car accident.
    He felt guilty for moving but also wanted to be independent and begin his career. The suspect admitted to
    hearing voices on one other occasion when he was driving his car to the grocery store about one year ago.
    He assumed it was he himself who was talking to himself and never gave it another thought. He began to
    apparently feel more remorse as the interview proceeded, but the investigator was uncertain that it was
    genuine and wondered if he was being manipulated by the suspect. The investigator returned him to his cell
    to await further questioning and formal charges.

    Mr. H faces murder charges and is not clearly presenting with remorse. He has experienced recent losses
    and changes that have resulted in an increase in stress and responsibility.

    Mr. H has also begun to experience auditory hallucinations, which he indicated provoked him to shoot his

    I have an outline written, as well as a previous assignment related to this case for reference.


    ssignment 2: Internal Environmental Analysis/Strategy Analysis and Strategy Selection Purpose: This assignment is the second of three assignments Writing Assignment Help

    Assignment 2: Internal Environmental Analysis/Strategy Analysis and Strategy Selection (Week 6)
    Purpose: This assignment is the second of three assignments. Students will use the tools and concepts learned in the course and in
    previous business courses to develop an understanding of how organizations develop and manage strategies to establish, safeguard
    and sustain its position in a competitive market.
    Students also have the opportunity to review an organization’s objectives and goals and the key functional areas within the
    organization. Performing an internal environment analysis helps assess a firm’s internal resources and capabilities and plays a
    critical role in formulating strategy by identifying a firm’s strengths to overcome weaknesses. Students will then 1) assess long-term
    objectives, 2) identify and evaluate alternative strategies and 3) recommend strategies for a company to pursue.
    In completing the report, students will use the chapters in the eBook as a guide and perform research on the company from
    Assignment 1, answer the required elements below in narrative form following the steps.
    The companies used in Assignment 1 are below. Students will use the same company to complete this assignment as they did in
    Assignment 1. Students who fail to use the companies on the list or an unapproved company will receive a zero for the assignment.

     Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (NMS: REGN)
     BHP Billiton (NYS: BHP)
     Orocorbre Ltd (TSX: ORL)
     Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV (NYS: FCAU)
     Qualcomm, Inc. (NMS: QCOM)
    NOTE: All submitted work is to be your original work (and only yours). You may not use any work from another student,
    the Internet or an online clearinghouse. You are expected to understand the Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism Policy,
    and know that it is your responsibility to learn about instructor and general academic expectations with regard to proper
    citation of sources as specified in the APA Publication Manual, 6th Ed. (Students are held accountable for in-text citations
    and an associated reference list only).
    Students may use subheadings.
    Step 1: Preparation for the Assignment
    Before you begin writing the report, you will read the following requirements that will help you meet the writing and APA
     Read the grading rubric for the assignment. Use the grading rubric while writing the report to ensure all requirements are
    met that will lead to the highest possible grade.
    In writing this assignment, you will read and following these tasks:
     Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person
    writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this
    link: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar….
     Contractions are not used in business writing, so you are NOT to use contraction in writing this assignment.
     You are expected to paraphrase and are NOT to use direct quotes. You are expected to paraphrase, which can be learned
    by reviewing this link: https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase2…..
     You are responsible for APA only for in-text citations and a reference list. Cite the page or paragraph number.
     In writing the analysis, writing in the third person. What this means is that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us”
    (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing). If uncertain how to write in the third person,
    view this link: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar…
     In writing this assignment, students are asked to support the reasoning using in-text citations with page or paragraph number
    and a reference list. If information is taken from a source document, it has to be cited and referenced with a page or
    paragraph number. A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.
     In completing this assignment, you are required to support reasoning or conclusions using in-text citations. Note that a
    reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa.
     When using a source document, the expectation is that the information is cited and referenced with a page or paragraph
     No books other than course eBook.
     In writing this assignment, students are expected to paraphrase and not use direct quotes unless citing the mission statement
    of a company. Learn to paraphrase by reviewing this link: https://writing.wisc.edu/Handbook/QPA_paraphrase2….
     Read all course material for weeks 1 through 6 and perform independent research to provide a comprehensive internal
    environmental analysis, strategy analysis and selection.
     Jot down key facts about the company. Consider making an outline to c


    I have Homework Business Finance Assignment Help

    Present the exercise using Word, single spaced, and with page numbering. You may include presentation graphics/tables/charts/pictures

    as you deem appropriate. Choose any of the concepts from this course(probability /Decision Tree/Game Theory /Software Metrics /Analytic Hierarchy process) just choose One and explain how you could use the concept to make

    a substantial improvement to either your management style or one of your organization’s

    standard operating practices. If you are not currently employed, you may refer to a previous

    work organization, or you may choose an organization from your personal life. You do not need

    to be currently employed to be able to improve a personal management practice so if you are not

    currently employed you may make that choice. Use the following format.

    Situation/Background. 15 points. Explain either your current management practice or your

    organization’s standard operating practice that you want to improve. Explain what is not going

    as well as possible, and how your choice of concept will make things better. Provide a context

    for the need for a change. This will likely require about a page.

    Goal. 5 points. Specifically describe what aspect of either your current management style or

    your organization’s standard practices needs to get better. An example of an appropriate

    sentence might be “The purpose of this intervention will be to …” or something like that. This

    will likely require a single paragraph.

    Implementation Procedure. 20 points. Explain how you intend to introduce the change, and how

    you intend to implement it. Describe any objections you may encounter and how you intend to

    handle those objections. Describe how will you measure the effect of the change assuming it is

    implemented; what metric(s) will you use and provide an example using notional (dummy)

    numbers for illustration purposes. The improvement does not necessarily need to be in terms of

    dollars; it can be in terms of improved internal procedures, investment in the future, or some

    form of “customer satisfaction.” This will likely require 2-3 pages.


     Read all course material for weeks 1 through 6 and perform independent research to provide a comprehensive internal
    environmental analysis, strategy analysis and selection.
     Jot down key facts about the company. Consider making an outline to c


    I have Homework Business Finance Assignment Help

    Present the exercise using Word, single spaced, and with page numbering. You may include presentation graphics/tables/charts/pictures

    as you deem appropriate. Choose any of the concepts from this course(probability /Decision Tree/Game Theory /Software Metrics /Analytic Hierarchy process) just choose One and explain how you could use the concept to make

    a substantial improvement to either your management style or one of your organization’s

    standard operating practices. If you are not currently employed, you may refer to a previous

    work organization, or you may choose an organization from your personal life. You do not need

    to be currently employed to be able to improve a personal management practice so if you are not

    currently employed you may make that choice. Use the following format.

    Situation/Background. 15 points. Explain either your current management practice or your

    organization’s standard operating practice that you want to improve. Explain what is not going

    as well as possible, and how your choice of concept will make things better. Provide a context

    for the need for a change. This will likely require about a page.

    Goal. 5 points. Specifically describe what aspect of either your current management style or

    your organization’s standard practices needs to get better. An example of an appropriate

    sentence might be “The purpose of this intervention will be to …” or something like that. This

    will likely require a single paragraph.

    Implementation Procedure. 20 points. Explain how you intend to introduce the change, and how

    you intend to implement it. Describe any objections you may encounter and how you intend to

    handle those objections. Describe how will you measure the effect of the change assuming it is

    implemented; what metric(s) will you use and provide an example using notional (dummy)

    numbers for illustration purposes. The improvement does not necessarily need to be in terms of

    dollars; it can be in terms of improved internal procedures, investment in the future, or some

    form of “customer satisfaction.” This will likely require 2-3 pages.


     Read all course material for weeks 1 through 6 and perform independent research to provide a comprehensive internal
    environmental analysis, strategy analysis and selection.
     Jot down key facts about the company. Consider making an outline to c


    I have Homework Business Finance Assignment Help

    Present the exercise using Word, single spaced, and with page numbering. You may include presentation graphics/tables/charts/pictures

    as you deem appropriate. Choose any of the concepts from this course(probability /Decision Tree/Game Theory /Software Metrics /Analytic Hierarchy process) just choose One and explain how you could use the concept to make

    a substantial improvement to either your management style or one of your organization’s

    standard operating practices. If you are not currently employed, you may refer to a previous

    work organization, or you may choose an organization from your personal life. You do not need

    to be currently employed to be able to improve a personal management practice so if you are not

    currently employed you may make that choice. Use the following format.

    Situation/Background. 15 points. Explain either your current management practice or your

    organization’s standard operating practice that you want to improve. Explain what is not going

    as well as possible, and how your choice of concept will make things better. Provide a context

    for the need for a change. This will likely require about a page.

    Goal. 5 points. Specifically describe what aspect of either your current management style or

    your organization’s standard practices needs to get better. An example of an appropriate

    sentence might be “The purpose of this intervention will be to …” or something like that. This

    will likely require a single paragraph.

    Implementation Procedure. 20 points. Explain how you intend to introduce the change, and how

    you intend to implement it. Describe any objections you may encounter and how you intend to

    handle those objections. Describe how will you measure the effect of the change assuming it is

    implemented; what metric(s) will you use and provide an example using notional (dummy)

    numbers for illustration purposes. The improvement does not necessarily need to be in terms of

    dollars; it can be in terms of improved internal procedures, investment in the future, or some

    form of “customer satisfaction.” This will likely require 2-3 pages.


     Read all course material for weeks 1 through 6 and perform independent research to provide a comprehensive internal
    environmental analysis, strategy analysis and selection.
     Jot down key facts about the company. Consider making an outline to c


    I have Homework Business Finance Assignment Help

    Present the exercise using Word, single spaced, and with page numbering. You may include presentation graphics/tables/charts/pictures

    as you deem appropriate. Choose any of the concepts from this course(probability /Decision Tree/Game Theory /Software Metrics /Analytic Hierarchy process) just choose One and explain how you could use the concept to make

    a substantial improvement to either your management style or one of your organization’s

    standard operating practices. If you are not currently employed, you may refer to a previous

    work organization, or you may choose an organization from your personal life. You do not need

    to be currently employed to be able to improve a personal management practice so if you are not

    currently employed you may make that choice. Use the following format.

    Situation/Background. 15 points. Explain either your current management practice or your

    organization’s standard operating practice that you want to improve. Explain what is not going

    as well as possible, and how your choice of concept will make things better. Provide a context

    for the need for a change. This will likely require about a page.

    Goal. 5 points. Specifically describe what aspect of either your current management style or

    your organization’s standard practices needs to get better. An example of an appropriate

    sentence might be “The purpose of this intervention will be to …” or something like that. This

    will likely require a single paragraph.

    Implementation Procedure. 20 points. Explain how you intend to introduce the change, and how

    you intend to implement it. Describe any objections you may encounter and how you intend to

    handle those objections. Describe how will you measure the effect of the change assuming it is

    implemented; what metric(s) will you use and provide an example using notional (dummy)

    numbers for illustration purposes. The improvement does not necessarily need to be in terms of

    dollars; it can be in terms of improved internal procedures, investment in the future, or some

    form of “customer satisfaction.” This will likely require 2-3 pages.


    800-word reflection journal Writing Assignment Help

    800-word reflection journal Writing Assignment Help

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