A Economics project using STATA Economics Assignment Help. A Economics project using STATA Economics Assignment Help.
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Simple Instruction: Look up a data set, and come up with a well-defined research
question that you can answer based on this data. Provide an overview of the data
and the identification strategy (including potential shortcomings). Your methodology
should involve panel data methods, instrumental variables, or a regression discontinuity design. Produce a table of summary statistics describing the data, and a table
of results.
In other words,
Come up with a research question: effect of X on Y
Find datas
When you do regressions in project, use at least one econometric method from 1.Panel data(fixed effect), 2.Instrumental variable, 3.RDD setup, 4.Difference-in-difference. Save the dofile.
The report paper should be 4-5 pages long and tables, plots and data references should be included in paper.
You could use any version of STATA (14, 16, etc…).
I could give some codes provided by professor that might be useful.
Some databases
Integrated Public Use Microdata Series (IPUMS) Databases: https://ipums.org/
ICPSR: https://www.icpsr.umich.edu/icpsrweb/ICPSR/
Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS): https://dhsprogram.com/Data/
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY): https://www.bls.gov/nls/
The Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID): https://simba.isr.umich.edu/data/data.aspx
World Bank Enterprise Surveys (WBES): https://www.enterprisesurveys.org/en/data
A Economics project using STATA Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
What are some distinctive characteristics of the bike-sharing industry? What are the keys to profitability in the bike-sharing industry? Business Finance Assignment Help
Case Write-ups should be around 5 pages (1000–1200 words) maximum, 10-point font, double-spaced. Please also use exhibits and charts as necessary to support your text answers.
- What are some distinctive characteristics of the bike-sharing industry? What are the keys to profitability in the bike-sharing industry?
- How is Mobike using innovation, data and analytics, and alliances to develop competitive advantage in the industry?
- What recommendations would you suggest for Mobike to be profitable in the long-run?
*******please let me know if this can be down in 1 day and how much it will cost.
Journal Entry Health Medical Assignment Help
Assignment: Reflective Journal:
Reflective writing is one way of citing evidence of practice and learning in practice. Reflective writing involves thinking about and reviewing events to try to make sense of them, using acquired nursing knowledge and understanding.
Reflective journaling also provides insight into context and emotions and addresses the matching of intellect, decision-making and problem solving appropriate for a complex and dynamic situation.
A key component of this assignment will be a reflection on specific incidents occurring during a practicum experience. The reflective journal is more than a description of what was seen, and the tasks have performed. This journal is a chance to comment on actions and experiences in a practicum placement and to explore feelings about the same. Include how these could/should affect personal and professional development.
As a novice nurse, it will be required to plan, implement and evaluate performance; the reflective journal gives the scope to begin to develop these skills while completing a practicum.
A reflective journal is a learning tool that can be used to look at experiences and help to do the following:
- Review and reflect upon development, and how have grown on both an individual and professional level
- Organize thoughts
- Demonstrate practical application of the underpinnings of knowledge; link theory with clinical practice and vice versa
- Demonstrate practical competence
- Decide what new learning is needed; provide evidence to show where, when and how practice outcomes/standards of proficiencies have been achieved
Assignment Criteria
Developing a reflective journal that addresses the following criteria:
- Requirement: The student will express their comprehension of the nursing process in the reflective journal.
Choose to write about any aspect(s) of practice which:
- Feel the intervention made a difference in a client outcome
- Feel went unusually well
- Feel did not go as planned
- Think captures the essence of nursing practice
- Requirement: The student will identify the following elements in the reflective journal.
The focus should be on the nursing practice
- What was going on (the context of the situation)?
- Shift, time of day, resources, the clinical scenario
- What happened?
- Detailed description of situation/incident/experience
- Why is this incident important?
- What were the concerns at the time?
- What thoughts and feeling during and after the experience?
- What influenced the decision-making?
- What, if anything, was the most demanding aspect of this experience?
- What was unexpected?
- Requirement: The student will analyze the positive and negative aspects of their learning.
Choose to write about the following:
- A reflection or evaluation of the situation showing the competencies and expertise used (skilled communication, teaching, leadership). Support these with current evidence-based practice literature.
- What were actions taken? Include not just, what was done, but also more importantly the rationale for the actions. Support these with current evidence-based practice literature
- What new knowledge or insights were gained? How would make recommendations for change in practice?
- Provide references to show evidence-based practice (see guidelines below)
- Was anything learned? If so what?
- Consider another way to manage nursing practice as it relates to this experience? Has the nursing practice changed in any way?
- Requirement: The student will follow these guidelines
- Utilizing the above guidelines for contextual writing; complete two (2) journal entries throughout NUR 4180 (See AAG for assignment due dates).
- Journal entries should exceed no more than two (2) pages in length (not including reference page).
- Journal entries should include a minimum of two (2) citations from a peer-reviewed, evidence-based journal. The inclusion of evidence-based practice is an integral part of learning, critical thinking and growth therefore must be relevant to the journal topic and shows relevant learning.
- Journal to follow 6th edition APA guidelines and should include a title page, the body of the journal, reference page
I will provide an example. this journal needs to be based on a orthopedic unit, not longer than 2 pages every point has to be covered.
It can be on a time management, a patient that decompensated or anything else you suggest. Before starting tell me what you have in mind.
Business Ethics Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help
Learning Activity 1
Baby Needs a New Crib
An on-line retailer that sells home and children’s items, such as children’s furniture, clothing, and toys, was seeking a way to reach a new audience and stop the declining sales and revenue trends it was suffering. A market research firm hired by the retailer identified a new but potentially risky market: lower-income single parents. The new market seemed attractive because of the large number of single parents, but most of these households were severely constrained in terms of their monetary resources.
The research firm proposed that the retailer offer a generous credit policy that would allow consumers to purchase up to $500 worth of merchandise on credit without a credit check, provided they signed up for direct payment of their credit account from a checking account. Because these were high-risk consumers, the credit accounts would carry extremely high interest rates. The research firm believed that even with losses, enough accounts would be paid off to make the venture extremely profitable for the on-line retailer.
Should the retailer pursue this new marketing strategy? Why or why not?
Learning Activity # 2
Marketing to Children
Many companies devote significant resources marketing products to children. Please find an advertisement picture or video online that was intended to market a product to children. Provide a link to the video/picture, or post the picture directly to your response to the is learning activity. Thoroughly discuss the ethical implications of this advertisement. Is there anything about this advertisement that is unethical in nature? Doe companies have a duty to the public when they advertise products aimed towards children?
Behavioral Neuroscience quiz Science Assignment Help
Chapters 5, 12, and 14
Please read each question below carefully and answer with as much detail as
you can. Your responses should be written in your own words and typed–any
outside sources should be cited within your response. Due to accessibility to
additional resources (i.e., time, textbook, internet) your responses should be
as thorough as possible.
1. Out of the following chemical communication systems, choose 3 to define and
provide one example of each.
Endocrine, autocrine, paracrine, neurocrine, pheromone, allomone.
2. How are hormones able to regulate their own activity? Provide an example of this
3. Support or argue against the following statement
Each hormone can bind to all hormone receptors to exert its physiological effects.
4. Describe the role of the pituitary gland in facilitating hormonal communication.
5. What is the H-P-A axis and what is its behavioral function?
6. List the four stages of sexual reproduction and be sure to include the terminology
specific to females at the second and third stages of sexual reproduction.
7. What is the lordosis posture?
8. Describe in detail the neural circuit regulating the lordosis posture, including the
roles of estrogen and progesterone in initiating the lordosis pathway.
9. Elaborate on the following statement and be sure to describe the subsequent
physiological effects :
Sex determination is the process of….
10. Design and describe an experiment that aims to measure a biological rhythm that
regulates locomotor activity for a rat that is exposed to external cues such as the
Earth’s light-dark cycle. What happens if external cues are removed from the
experimental design? What happens if external cues are reintroduced to the
experimental design? Explain using the following terms: phase-shift, entrainment,
free-running, zeitbeger.
11. What are the stages of sleep? Be sure to describe each stage using the terms
“frequency” and “amplitude”
12. Describe the function of the basal forebrain in sleep. Be sure to describe the
neuroanatomical regions of the basal forebrain that are involved, the major
neurotransmitter system that the basal forebrain uses to regulate sleep, and how
the basal forebrain regulates sleep.
13. Describe the role of the Pontine system in regulating REM sleep.
Textbook:Behavioral Neuroscience by S. Marc Breedlove &Neil V. Watson
Publisher: Sinauer Associates is an imprint of Oxford University Press; 8 edition (September 13, 2016)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 160535418X
ISBN-13: 978-1605354187
DATA ANALYSIS Using STATA/SPSS Problem Set 6 Economics Assignment Help
(University of London)
King’s Business School
Problem Set 6
Hand-in instructions:
The deadline for submission is Monday 25 November at 10.00 am via KEATS.
You need to submit ONE file containing answers to the questions and the Stata output. You
can use an online pdf merger to merge your answers with the Stata output file. For example:
You should name the files with your student number as follows: Studentnumber.pdf. This
is very important to ensure that your work can be identified.
General information:
This problem set is based on the paper:
Sá, F. (2018), “The Effect of University Tuition Fees on Applications and Course Choice:
Evidence from a Natural Experiment in the UK”, Economica.
The paper can be found on the course page on KEATS. You will be asked to reproduce some
of the results in the paper.
Download the data TuitionFees.dta from the course page. This dataset contains data on the
number of university applications for students domiciled in England and Scotland, for different
universities and subjects for the period from 2008 to 2015.
In 2012, tuition fees for students domiciled in England increased from £3,375 to £9,000 a year.
At the same time, students domiciled in Scotland do not have to pay any fees to attend university
in Scotland. The article uses this variation across countries in the UK to estimate the following
differences-in-differences (DD) model:
ln(????) = ?? + ?? + ???? + ???? ′ ? + ????
The subscript d denotes country of domicile, j denotes gender, age group, institution and subject
group and t denotes year. The dependent variable is the log of the number of applications, ?? is
a dummy for each country of domicile and ?? is a dummy for each year. The vector of controls
(????) includes dummies for gender and age group and the log of population living in country
d in group j in year t. The regressor of interest is ??? and indicates observations for students
domiciled in England in the period after the increase in tuition fees.
1. Use the data provided to estimate the DD model. What type of standard errors are you
using and why? Interpret the DD coefficient.
2. Under what assumption can you interpret the DD estimate from part 1 as the causal effect
of the increase in tuition fees on university applications? Use the data to construct a graph
that provides a visual check of this identification assumption. To do this, calculate the
total number of applications in each year by students domiciled in England and Scotland
(use the command collapse (sum)). Calculate the log number of applications and create a
graph with the evolution of the log number of applications over time for students
domiciled in England and Scotland. What do you conclude from this graph?
3. Repeat the analysis in part 1 but extend the model to include a country-specific linear
trend. How do your results change?
4. To check whether the effect of the increase in tuition fees on applications is different for
STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and non-STEM
subjects, the model is modified as follows:
ln(????) = ?? + ?? + ?????? + ???????? × ?????
+ ?
???-??????? × ??? – ????? + ???? ′ ? + ????
The variable ????
? is an indicator equal to 1 for STEM subjects and 0 for non-STEM
subjects. Conversely, the variable ??? – ????? is an indicator equal to 1 for nonSTEM subjects and 0 for STEM subjects.
Use the data provided to estimate this modified version of the model. Interpret the
estimates ?
???? and ????-???? . What do you conclude about the effect of the increase
in tuition fees on applications for different types of subjects?
5. The dataset contains information on the average salary of graduates six months after
graduation for each subject, institution and gender (this is measured in 2011). It also has
a variable indicating the quartile of the distribution of salaries for each group, where
quartile 4 denotes higher salaries and quartile 1 denotes lower salaries. To check whether
the increase in tuition fees affects applications differently depending on the expected
salary after graduation, the model is modified as follows:
ln(????) = ?? + ?? + ∑ ??
?? + ∑ ??
?? × ?? + ???? ′ ? + ????
?? is a set of indicator variables for each quartile of the distribution of average salaries.
DATA ANALYSIS Using STATA/SPSS Problem Set 6 Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Anthropology two assignments Science Assignment Help
There are three assignments. I expect at least 90b points from all of them.
Research simulation 4 should be done in 3 days.
Article Summary 5, and Interacts 5 should be done in 8 days. I attached the criteria for grading
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeArticle Summary |
30.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeInteracts |
30.0 pts |
Total points: 60.0 |
Ethics Accounting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Please watch the attached videos and discuss
- Higher ethical conduct may have prevented the perpetuation of the fraud?
- What advice would you give to someone who appears to be a hard working individual in pursuit of the American dream?
- Do you feel the banks and investors enabled the fraud through a lack of due diligence?
- In your opinion, are the banks and investors enablers or just victims of a fraud?
Using some of the ethical theories we have discussed this quarter, please respond to the questions.
Implementing Enterprise Information Management System Computer Science Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to help you learn more about the concepts related to the role of System Analyst.
Brief Introduction
A large direct health and insurance medical provider needed an enterprise information management system to enable enterprise-wide information management and to support the effective use of data for critical cross-functional decision making. In addition, the company needed to resolve issues related to data redundancy, inconsistency, and unnecessary expenditure. The company faced several information challenges: The company data resided in multiple locations, the data were developed for department-specific use, and there was limited enterprise access. In addition, data definitions were created by individual departments and were not standardized, and data were being managed by multiple departments within the company.
Action Items
- Given the situation, What solution would you propose for this company?
- Discuss the role that data modeling would play in a project to solve this problem.
- Support or Oppose the above statements with arguments
You may refer to Chapter 6 to discuss the topic
Ch 6 In the attachments
You can also use Chapter 6 of the PDF book in the attachments, but you have to write the answer in your own words
PHYSIOLOGY IN THE NEWS: CONNECTIONS WITH THE TEXT. Using a newspaper article with a topic focused on some aspect of physiology, develop an introduction to one of the chapters or a boxed text section. Science Assignment Help
1. To become more familiar with some new information about physiology (including genetics, biochemistry, medicine, etc.) current events reported daily in popular media and develop an understanding of how it connects with our text.
2. To develop an introduction or boxed text section in a style and with similar content as shown by examples in the lecture text.
3. To practice using science as it is presented in the media and sharing this information with peers.
Using a newspaper article with a topic focused on some aspect of physiology, develop an introduction to one of the chapters or a boxed text section (for example: Running Problems, Clinical Focus, Emerging Concepts, Biotechnology, or Try It) for your text. Put yourself in the place of an editor of the next edition of the text. You want to add topics which are current and/or of interest to the reader. The topic you choose should be one that fits into the text and part of your assignment involves finding a good location for your section. Make it interesting! Including quotes from or information about the scientists has been a good tactic for students.
You may use newspapers which are dated within one year of the first day of this term. On-line versions of these media are also acceptable. You are looking for a newspaper article addressing an area of physiology which is not covered or has limited coverage in the text. New discoveries, diseases, and ethics issues are some examples of the article topics students have successfully used in the past. Remember this is a physiology course; please use articles with a clear connection to physiology topics. If you have questions about the appropriateness of an article, please discuss it with your instructor.The article should report on aphysiology topic or research. The article may be focused on a single research finding or it can be a generalized summary. The article should be less than onyear old and provided to your instructor when the report is submitted. A URL should be included in the Heading if using a web-based newspaper.