A Letter ! Business Finance Assignment Help. A Letter ! Business Finance Assignment Help.
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The Case
Ski High, Inc. is a publicly-traded company with annual revenue of $640 million and a fiscal year ending May 31. Amelia Emerson, a CPA and the Controller of Ski High, requests advice from your accounting firm about a problem she is facing in her company. Ski High owns and operates three ski resorts (located in Colorado and Utah). In addition, Ski High is the leading manufacturer and distributor of snowmobiles, snow bikes, skis, snowboards, ski helmets, ski clothes, and ski accessories.
The company’s ski resort revenues are seasonal. The ski resort industry is highly competitive and capital intensive. During the peak ski season, revenues can be substantially reduced by adverse weather conditions, equipment failure, access route closures, and the cost of transportation, even if for a moderate and limited duration. For example, unfavorable warm weather conditions result in both an increase in the costs of snowmaking operations and maintaining quality skiing conditions, and a decrease in revenues due to a decline in number of skiers using the slopes and staying at the resorts.
The Ski High resorts have experienced unseasonably warm weather and other adverse conditions during the last three years (from November through April), leading to a decrease in revenues and an increase in expenses. Due to the weather during the current year, Ski High experienced a substantial operating loss for the ski resorts. As a result, a buyer was found and the ski resorts were sold at the end of the current fiscal year. Ski High recognized a gain on the sale.
Amelia’s problem arises over how Ski High should report the operating loss and the gain from the sale of the ski resorts on the financial statements. In a meeting she had with Ski High’s CEO and
CFO, the CEO wanted to include the gain as part of continuing operations. “No need to separate the profit on the financials and confuse the stockholders,” he said. “Just bury it with our other revenue – no different than merely selling off some assets.”
The CFO partly disagreed and believed that it would be more advantageous for the company to report the operating loss separately. However, the CFO totally agreed with the CEO that the gain from the sale of the resorts should be buried in revenue from continuing operations because the shareholders and financial analysts will believe that the increase in earnings resulting from the gain would be ongoing, and that the operating loss will be perceived as only a one-time occurrence not to be repeated in the future. “It was the blasted warm weather that led us to make the decision to sell the resorts and get out of that business. We don’t want to bury the loss in operations, only the gain. Otherwise, we risk a decline in the value of our stock,” the CFO said.
Amelia disagrees with both individuals, but said nothing at the meeting. She thinks she knows how to report the operating loss and the gain on the sale of the ski resorts, but wants you to provide her with your recommendation. Amelia was only recently hired as the Controller of Ski High, and her position there is still somewhat precarious. She doesn’t want to rock the boat unnecessarily in case she is wrong. Even though the accounting for the sale and operating loss is her responsibility, Amelia is tempted to let the CEO and CFO decide what to do. But on the other hand, she doesn’t want to become involved with misleading the public.
What needs to be done !
Prepare a letter (not a memo) addressed to Amelia Emerson, Controller, Widget, Inc., 350 Accounting Avenue, Northridge, California 91330, advising her about the proposed plan. You must support your advice by citing any applicable accounting standards. Do not include a reference page. You must limit your letter to one page (single spaced with double space between paragraphs) and one-inch margins. Only submit the one page and nothing else. Create your own letterhead for the accounting firm you represent. The date should be placed no less than one-half inch below the letterhead (or 1.5 inches from the top of the page).
In addition to analyzing the accounting issue(s) in your letter, include a brief comment about any ethical issue that Amelia faces. You should look at the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct rule on “Integrity and Objectivity”. Briefly explain to Amelia the one part of this rule she should most consider in her current situation (subordination of judgment). But remember (and be careful) that the CEO and CFO may be “secondary readers” of your letter, and that you are creating a part of a written record on this issue. Please note that it is Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) like Amelia who are “members” of the AICPA and must uphold the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct.
What to use and how to do it!
use this website
Additional info
- To access the applicable section of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, go to pages 31 and 32 ofhttp://www.aicpa.org/research/standards/codeofcond…
- To cite and reference this rule, use the following:Reference
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, ET Section (2018). Retrieved April 18, 2018, fromhttp://www.aicpa.org/research/standards/codeofcond… contentasof2014may15codeofconduct.pdf.In-text Citation
(AICPA, 2018, ET Section
- To cite and reference this rule, use the following:Reference
A Letter ! Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Data analytics for business final Business Finance Assignment Help
Please complete both parts 1 & 2.
For part 1 you may complete it in whatever format you prefer.
It is a pdf so you can:
open it in acrobat and complete it on-line
open it in word and add in your marks
create a word document with a numbered list that you write only your answers on
print it out, complete it and then scan it
Part 2 is a combination exercise similiar to the others you have been working on throughout the semester. Follow the instructions to complete it.
I will add the attachments and files
Essay, 2-3 pages + the outlines. “Adversity introduces a man to himself.” Albert Einstein Humanities Assignment Help
Please read the following quote:
“Adversity introduces a man to himself.” Albert Einstein
This has been an unconventional semester and each one of you has now lived through a time of great uncertainty. I want you to think about this quote and submit the following.
- Your outline – well developed. You must have a thesis.
- Your thesis underlined in both your outline and your essay
- A 2-3 pages essay using the above quote as your prompt. This is your essay so you must interpret this quote as it has applied to your life over the last two months. Remember, adversity can also bring out the best in someone, so this does not have to be a negative paper.
- Word doc file
- MLA format – header, heading, title, etc.
- All grammar and spelling conventions will count
- You do not need a Works Cited page
- This paper can be in first person as this is a narrative essay.
This is an opportunity for you to actually put in writing your thoughts about a world changing event and how it impacted you. Do good work.
-Notice: there should be two word dodocuments, one for the outline and the other one for the essay
– any questions let me know
Thank you
Response Essay on Theatre and Dance Humanities Assignment Help
- Put your name in the upper left hand corner on the top margin in a header. Do not include any other information there.
- Your first line should contain your title, which you will center and double-space within if it runs longer than one line and will double-space after; create your own title.
- Begin your response.
- Use Paragraphing
- Double-space the entire response.
- The Response needs to be 3 full pages minimum and 4 full pages maximum–though if you need a bit extra, going on into a page 5 a bit is fine.
- Use 12-point Times New Roman font.
- Do not forget the Writing Handouts I have supplied all semester, especially the one on Specifics, the one on Thesis Statements, and the one on Major Sentence Errors.
- For any outside information or quoting (short only) you include, simply give the author and title. No need for a Work(s) Cited page or formal documentation, but you still have to give credit for quotations and for unquoted ideas, etc.
- Feel free to use terms from the book: do not worry about crediting it except for page number in ( ) at the end and outside the quotation marks and any quotations you use from it.
- Whatever criteria you use as part of your response can come from any of the book’s terms, your own knowledge, material you look up, and your own experience. Keep in mind, however, that you are indeed responding to how the piece of art works or doesn’t (or some of both) for you in light of the prompt: you are evaluating it and supporting/developing your evaluation. It can of course also interpret aspects of your interpretation of it, though you should also link that to how you respond to its meaning to you and how and why you react to that as you do. Be sure to avoid merely generalizing: offer support for all claims.
- Be sure all quotations include quotation marks: again, avoid Plagiarism.
- Be sure all quotations include quotation marks: avoid Plagiarism.
- Prompt # 8, Essay Due Friday, May 8, in Dropbox: Using the following link, respond to the elements of how this dance mixes theatrical elements along with dance based on at least 3 criteria you select from your text and based on elements enough of your own personal response to it as dance and art to meet the usual 3-4 full-page double-spacing requirement for these response essays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-tW0CkvdDI . I have rechecked this link to be sure it works, and it does. Please note that in making this assignment I carefully chose this particular video because it combines theatre and dance (as well as music: Hozier’s “Take Me to Church,”). Within the dance, it uses interpretive dance, ballet, and modern dance all rolled together. That may offer you some help in approaching this response. You will probably need to copy and paste the link.
design of accuflow control system liquid level by GCV (gas liquid cylindrical cyclone) Programming Assignment Help
Reporting Requirements
Your Lab report should include the following:
1. Brief statement of objectives and introduction of the problem
2. Root loci plots for the Accuflow compact separator system with P, PI, PD, and PID controllers
3. Step response plot for the Accuflow compact separator system with above P, PI, PD, and PID controllers
4. Include a table comparing controller settings, natural frequency, percent overshoot, rise time and settling time for the stable system identified in above step. Provide appropriate conclusions about the range of controller settings?
5. Provide a Simulink diagram for the Accuflow compact separator control system
6. Plot of GLCC pressure and liquid level for the Simulink model of Accuflow compact separator system with a stable system controller.
7. Summary and Conclusions
Note: The report should be in electronic format with MATLAB files, Simulink files and report files
Impact of Quality of Work life on performance Business Finance Assignment Help
All the requirements in the word file
Topic: Impact of Quality of Work life on performancewhich is on the subject of Organizational Behavior, Management.
The Maximum word count is 3000 (2500 and above would be great).
Turnitin report needed
Similarity less than 5%
PLEASE read the instructions in the WORD file carefully
The report must be based on the POWERPOINT and the references which are mentiond in the PPT.
ADD MORE REFERENCES, The sources are mentioned in the WORD file.
When you add more references, They should be either
use the refrences which are already listed in the PPT.
& ADD MORE references from the sources (journals) which i have written in the WORD file
Impact of Quality of Work life on performance Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
write Short Answers Writing Assignment Help
For the following, provide an explanation as detailed. Whereas the details provided by the Informational Guides and lectures are a starting point, provide your own personal interpretations and insights.
Note: This latter portion is short answer and relies on your processing and expanding on information shared with you through lecture and also detailed in the Informational Guides. If you only provide the information as provided in these two sources, you will not do so well as if you expand on that information with your own commentary…but briefly. Creativity is appreciated but expansion is required
see the attached “Short answer” for more info
plz use only the references “Informational Guides” that attached with this post
Summary of Articles Writing Assignment Help
With the construction of the 10 Strategic Points for your dissertation study, you began to draft the literature review (Point 2) of the study to illuminate an identified gap in the literature to be filled by your dissertation study. While the literature review ultimately requires more than simply summarizing studies in some logical order, summarizing and paraphrasing are the beginning points of a solid literature review. In this assignment, you will summarize several studies from Point 2 (Literature Review) of your 10 Strategic Points document and the references to studies related to your dissertation topic that you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final week of RES-850. From those summaries, you will describe how the studies form the gap that your dissertation will fill. Remember, to illuminate a gap in the research, the articles surveyed must have been published within the last 5 years
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
- Refer to the draft of the 10 Strategic Points that you developed for your dissertation study in Topic 5 of RES-850. You may also use a more recent version of this document if one is available.
- Refer to the list of 10 references to studies related to your dissertation topic that you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final week of RES-850.
- Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
- Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
Locate the draft of the 10 Strategic Points from Topic 5 of RES-850 (or a more recent version if one is available) and the 10 references to studies that you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final topic of RES-850.
Choose five articles from your draft of the 10 Strategic Points and 5 articles from those you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final week of RES-850. The articles you choose must have been published within the last 5 years.
Write a narrative (3,750-4,000 words) that summarizes the important information about the 10 articles you selected and describes how the studies form the research gap that your dissertation will fill. Your narrative should include the following:
- A summary of the key points of each article (purpose, research method, research design, sample, data collection instrument, results).
- A description of how these studies individually lead to the research gap that your dissertation study will fill.
Civil Rights documentary analysis Writing Assignment Help
I expect at least 90 points.
Since we are unable to engage in a Socratic discussion due to COVID you will writing a 5- page first person journal response for the civil rights links listed below. Watch the links/documentaries in the order they’re listed. There may be a couple of parts in the Citizen King documentary that may not work (all the links work for me but some have said they couldn’t open parts 2, 12, 13 – if this happens to you reflect on the parts that do open). Remember that your response is a 5-7 page MLA formatted first person journal reflection of all of the civil rights pieces assigned. You have to address each of the pieces in your response – no credit will be given for partial responses and you have to tie everything together into a cohesive civil rights/King response. Do not give me a book report by ONLY listing what each piece is about – you have to submit a first person response – what did you glean/learn from each piece and how it is applicable in today’s world – tie all the pieces together. Your response has to be a cohesive response akin to what you did with the in-class write on 9/11 at the beginning of the semester. This has to be a thoughtful response should you start it as soon as possible. Additionally, I will accept no late work for this assignment.
Mike Douglas interview with Martin Luther King: cc
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SfH2uMayks (part1)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FQIlE-WlM8&feature=relmfu (part2)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvB5a9_XJ3I&feature=relmfu (part 3)
Eye of the Storm: cc
No Easy Walk: cc
John F. Kennedy June 11, 1963 Voting Rights speech
MLK I Have a Dream Speech: cc
Assignment 5 Humanities Assignment Help
Assume the following facts: You are the Assistant to the General Manager of South Florida Sports Holdings, Inc., the holding company of the former Florida Fanfare, an Arena Football League team that played its games last year at the BB&T Center in Sunrise. Attendance was pretty solid at the BB&T Center – last season, the Fanfare drew a total season paid attendance of 64,498 fans, an average of around 3,000 fans per game. Though it has had some success, the team wants an entirely new marketing hook.
The team is relocating to the on-campus arena at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton for this coming season and wants a new image.
Write a memo to the general manager, Mr. Aaron Judge, with the following:
(1) Select a new name for the club.
(2) Conduct a trademark search for the club name via the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Trademark Electronic Search System (or “TESS”). Go to: http://tmsearch.uspto.gov and click on “Basic Word Mark Search (New User)”). Copy and paste the results of the search.
(3) Conduct searches for the club name – and similar names — via Internet search engines (such as Google).
(4) Write the memo with your chosen name, the reasons for your chosen name, the results of your trademark search and — if there are any names which come close to your chosen name either on TESS or the Internet search – an explanation as to why there would not be any possible trademark violation or consumer confusion (go through each of the elements of the consumer confusion test) by using your selected club name. Be sure to copy the entire search results page and paste them into the body of your word document that you submit as your paper. Simply highlight any letter on the results page, click “Edit/Select All” and then copy and paste.
(5) The team wants to play some high-energy music in the stadium, but the general manager of the team wants to try to save money by playing the music without paying a royalty or obtaining a license. In your memo, explain the basics of copyright and why the use of the music in this manner either is, or is not, fair use and thus why the fee must be paid. Be sure to go through the full four-part fair use test.
You shall be graded pursuant to the rubric below. The report must be between 500-750 words and is to be submitted in typed, double-spaced form. This project is 15% (15/100) of your overall grade.