A T Still University Operation Management Designing a Forecasting System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

A T Still University Operation Management Designing a Forecasting System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. A T Still University Operation Management Designing a Forecasting System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Relate the seven key elements of designing a forecasting system.


Your job is to develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes that showcases forecasting skills and professional practice.

  • Title Slide (1 slide)
  • Strategic Forecasting and Production (2 slides)
  • Limitations of forecasting on labor models (2 slides)
  • Job planning (1 slide)
  • Impact of forecasting (1 slide)
  • Summary to board members that highlight the impact of operational forecasting can have on organizations. (1 slide)
  • Reference (1 slide)

Grading Rubric











No Pass

No Pass




Not Submitted

There is an absence of slides and/or narration.

There are some slides/narration, but a gap exists from the requirement.

There are minimal issues with the required amount of slides per category and narration.

All required categorical slides are complete as well as a corresponding narration.

Not Submitted

There is no acknowledgement of leadership skills.

Some demonstration of leadership skills.

Integration of leadership skills is presented well.

Leadership skills are thoroughly presented.

Not Submitted

There is no integration of professional practice.

Some explanation of professional practice application.

Clarity towards integration of professional application examples is strong.

Clarity of professional practice examples is flawless.

Not Submitted

The summary contains a very vague overview.

The summary touches upon the impact of operational forecasting.

The summary examines operational forecasting with detail.

The summary fully examines operational forecasting and includes a business recommendation.

A T Still University Operation Management Designing a Forecasting System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

A T Still University Operations Management Developing a Manager Tool Kit Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

You have been promoted to the role of senior operations manager and have been named by the VP of Operations to the organizational one-year elite onboarding program for high-potentials called Emerging Leaders.

As an Emerging Leader, you are expected, in fiscal Q1 and Q2, to develop an operations manager toolkit/project guide for the new junior operations managers you will source to this role in the next quarter. The toolkit will be used by your newly hired junior operations managers during the six-month onboarding process within your organization.

Developing an onboarding program for new junior operations managers  is important because onboarding, according to the Society of Human Resources Management (2016), “is the process by which new hires get adjusted to the social and performance aspects of their jobs quickly and smoothly, and learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization (p. 1).”

In addition, sourcing, vetting, background checking, interviewing, and training a newly hired junior operations manager will cost your organization approximately $6,300.00 (per candidate).

Consequently, to assist your new junior operations managers in learning, growing, and developing into your organizational culture, you will need to provide them with the tools to succeed.

What to Submit

You are to develop an operations manager toolkit/project guide that must be inclusive of the following components: a cover page, table of contents, and a reference page supported by research from at least six scholarly sources. This toolkit, although a written assignment, is very different from you writing a traditional 10-page APA style paper, and is representative of an authentic reference tool you would use in the workplace to onboard a new junior operations manager. Both the reference page and in-text citations must be in APA format.

Your newly-hired junior operations manager will require support and your assistance to be successful; therefore, you will need to develop an operations manager toolkit/project guide which will include the following components:

  • An opening statement on the importance of operations manager leadership development
  • A comparison statement on understanding the five organizational leadership styles
  • A description of a successful domestic and international sourcing plan and analysis statement
  • A description outline of an exceptional customer experience program plan and analysis statement
  • A description of at least four internal data collection measurement tools and analysis statement
  • A description of at least three quality measures used in operational design and analysis statement
  • A description of the seven key design elements of a forecasting system and analysis statement
  • An evaluation of the components of your operations manager toolkit/project guide


Society of Human Resource Management (2016). Onboarding New Employees. Retrieved from https://www.shrm.org/about/foundation/products/Pages/OnboardingEPG.aspx

Grading Rubric











No Pass

No Pass




Not Submitted

No opening statement on the importance of operations manager leadership development.

Opening statement on the importance of operations manager leadership development, but lacks explanation of leadership trait identifiers.

Opening statement on the importance of operations manager leadership development and explanation shows signs of understanding.

Thorough opening statement on the importance of operations manager leadership development fully explains leadership trait identifiers and supports stance.

Not Submitted

No comparison statement on understanding the organizational leadership styles.

Comparison statement on understanding the organizational leadership styles but, lacks explanation and personal leadership examples.

Comparison statement on understanding the organizational leadership styles, and provides some explanation and good personal leadership examples.

Thorough comparison statement on understanding the organizational leadership styles with fully supporting personal leadership examples and explanation.

Not Submitted

No description of a successful domestic and international sourcing plan and no analysis statement.

Description of a successful domestic and international sourcing plan and a minimum analysis statement.

Description of a successful domestic and international sourcing plan with a relevant analysis statement.

Thorough description of a successful domestic and international sourcing plan and analysis statement with supporting research.

Not Submitted

No description outline of an exceptional customer experience program plan and no analysis statement.

Description outline of an exceptional customer experience program plan and analysis statement with some supporting evidence.

Description outline of an exceptional customer experience program plan and analysis statement with supporting evidence.

Thorough description outline of an exceptional customer experience program plan and analysis statement with strong supporting evidence.

Not Submitted

No description of internal data collection measurement tools and no analysis statement.

Description of internal data collection measurement tools with analysis statement and minimal supporting information.

Description of internal data collection measurement tools with analysis statement and supporting information.

Description of internal data collection measurement tools with analysis statement and strong supporting evidence.

Not Submitted

No description of quality measures used in operational design and no analysis statement.

Description of quality measures used in operational design, with analysis statement, but lacks explanation and personal examples.

Description of quality measures used in operational design, with analysis statement and support through explanation and personal examples.

Thorough description of quality measures used in operational design with analysis statement and fully supports through explanation and personal examples.

Not Submitted

No description of key design elements of a forecasting system and no analysis statement.

Description of key design elements of a forecasting system, with analysis statement, but lacks explanation and personal examples.

Description of key design elements of a forecasting system, with analysis statement and support through explanation and personal examples.

Thorough description of key design elements of a forecasting system, with analysis statement and fully supports through explanation and personal examples.

Not Submitted

No evaluation of the components of your Emerging Leaders Onboarding Plan.

Evaluation of the components of your Emerging Leaders Onboarding Plan, but lacks explanation and personal examples.

Evaluation of the components of your Emerging Leaders Onboarding Plan, with support through explanation and personal examples.

Evaluation of the components of your Emerging Leaders Onboarding Plan and fully supports through explanation and personal examples.


BUS 215 PMIT Household Budget Creating a Budget and Adhering It Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will create a 12-month sample household budget showing income, expenses and the amount of money remaining each month to save or invest. In the business setting, money coming in is referred to as “Revenue,” but in the household setting, we refer to this as “Income.” Both the business and household settings use the term “Expenses.” You may use actual numbers or hypothetical numbers to complete this assignment.

The top portion of the spreadsheet shows the income that is coming into your household. The lower portion of the spreadsheet indicates the expenses you pay to operate your household. Household expenses are divided into two categories—necessary expenses and discretionary expenses. Necessary expenses are expenses that are required to operate your household such as groceries. Discretionary expenses are costs that are not required to operate your home but are things that we enjoy such as dining out or going to see a movie.

Review the sample budget for ideas on how to set yours up. Note that you may NOT duplicate this and need to come up with your own items and dollar amounts.

Create a spreadsheet following the steps below.

  1. Insert the name of the family that the budget is being prepared for; again, you may use your family name or a hypothetical name.
  2. Insert the months of January through December so that the spreadsheet shows a full 12 months.
  3. Under the category of Household Income, list the source of each type of income that comes into your household.
    1. For example, Primary Job, Second Job, Business Income, Child Support, etc.
  4. For each month, list the amount of money for each source of income.
  5. Using the Excel software, total each month vertically. You may not insert the total but must either use the Auto-Sum feature in Excel or create a formula to add the column of numbers.
  6. Under the category of Necessary Expenses, list the source of each type of expense that is required to operate your household.
  7. For each month, list the amount of money for each necessary expense.
  8. Under the category of Discretionary Expenses, list the source of each type of expense that is not required to operate your household but is something that you enjoy doing and for which you spend money.
  9. For each month, list the amount of money for each discretionary expense.
  10. Under the category of Results, for the line item, Amount remaining to save or invest, create a formula using the Excel software that shows how much money you have left over each month that could be saved or invested.
  11. For each line item be sure to provide totals for the year.

Once you complete your spreadsheet, type your answers to the following questions.

  1. What was the most difficult part of creating this budget? (3 points)
  2. Now that you have completed this assignment, will you continue to use this budget as a tool in your household? For a business or a household, what are the consequences of not creating a budget and adhering to it? (4 points)
  3. Under the “Results” section, did you have money available to save or invest? If you did, is the amount of money available to save or invest feasible and can you realistically put aside this money and still maintain a comfortable lifestyle? If you did not have money available to save or invest, what changes can you make to your budget that will allow you to have money left over so that your cash flow position will improve? (5 points)

Points Possible: 35

20 points for Excel budget spreadsheet

12 points for written responses

3 points for writing level


APU Week 8 Tactical Army Combat Systems Ground Sensors Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

In about 200 words for each question answer the following:

  • Describe four types of unattended ground sensor. Research and discuss a real-life case where these types of sensors are used to gather intelligence.
  • Describe at least five different technical methods that can help positively identify an human being.
  • What is Foreign Material Exploitation and what purpose does it serve? Choose one real-life example from the above types of collection and describe that collection operation’s purpose, methods, and challenges.
  • What type of collection activities would support medical intelligence?
  • Research and choose one real-life example of medical intelligence and describe that operation’s purpose, methods, and challenges.

Please use the assigned course readings. To earn points you MUST demonstrate that you’ve read and comprehended the content of the material linked below!


Acoustic and seismic sensors

Unattended ground sensor article: http://www.afcea.org/content/?q=blanketing-ground-sensors

Hydrophone article: http://www.azosensors.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=13

Materials exploitation

AF FME article: http://www.nasic.af.mil/DesktopModules/ArticleCS/Print.aspx?PortalId=19&ModuleId=3225&Article=1010245

Medical Intelligence

Article about NCMI: https://www.afio.com/publications/CLEMENTEPagesfromINTEL_FALLWINTER2013_Vol20_No2.pdf


WIRED magazine article: https://www.wired.com/2011/05/csi-bin-laden-commandos-use-thumb-eye-scans-to-track-terrorists/

Military pub on biometrics: http://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/lemay_center/publication/afttp3-2.85/afttp3-2.85.pdf


UCSD Hip Hop Grit and Academic Success TED Talk Video Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help


For our TED Talk discussion this week, please watch the following video where we continue the discussion on grit and academic success. This impassioned talk, Bettina Love, professor of Education, explains how students who identify with Hip Hop culture have been ignored or deemed deficient in schools because of mainstream misconceptions associated with Hip Hop culture. Through Hip Hop, these students embody the characteristics of grit, social and emotional intelligence, and the act improvisation – all of which are proven to be predictors for academic success.

Once you have watched it, please respond to the following questions:

  1. What is Love’s thesis or main argument of her talk?
  2. What are three specific details or quotes from the talk that support her thesis? Why did they stand out to you or why are they significant?
  3. Who do you think is Love’s audience? What do you think her purpose is?
  4. What was your biggest takeaway or AHA moment from the video? Why did it stick with you or why do you think it’s important?
  5. How does what Love claims in her talk connect with any of the previous readings or videos we have covered in this unit? Remember to be specific when answering this question.


  • Your initial response should be 200-300 words per question.



University of California Good Presentation of a Writing Assignment Questions Writing Assignment Help


Often, students get a bit of anxiety when they get a writing assignment. It’s completely normal. In her article, “You Have a Writing Assignment, Now What?” Corrine E. Hinton attempts to help students bu giving some specific and (I think) very useful suggestions.

Step 1:

Please read the article below:

“You Have a Writing Assignment, Now What” by Corrine E. Hinton

Step 2:

Answer the following questions:

  1. Think about a previous writing assignment that was a challenge for you. What strategies did you use at the time? After reading the chapter, what other strategies do you think might have been useful?
  2. Choose two verbs from the list of frequently used directive verbs (Table 1). Look up these verbs (and possible synonyms) in the dictionary and write down their definitions. If you saw these verbs in a writing assignment, what potential questions might you ask your professor in order to clarify what he/she means?
  3. What advice would you give to first year college students about writing, writing assignments, or instructor expectations? Structure this advice in the form of a guideline similar to those included in the chapter.
  4. Go in and preview our Essay 1 Prompt and break down the assignment sheet according to the advise you read. Do you have any questions on the assignment after breaking it down?


  • Your initial response should be 200-300 words per question.

University of California Good Presentation of a Writing Assignment Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SOC 385 National University Human Trafficking Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Research Project Design Assignment

As you should expect in a research methods course there are multiple measures to assess student learning, including assignments, discussions, and exams. Most of the course learning outcomes (listed below) are demonstrated in this assignment. In addition to integrating much of the course content in this specific assignment, this assignment is designed to help prepare students for the capstone project (sociology majors, as well as students in a number of other majors, will be required to complete a senior research project). (Just for your information a copy of the requirements for the Sociology Senior Project can be found in Course Resources, Shared Documents. You can see what is expected for the project and how this assignment fits in. You may also want to view the presentation in Lecture 4.3 under the Week 4 tab. This presentation describes the relationship between the basic principles in research design, the Research Design Project assignment, and the Senior Project.)

Course Learning Outcomes:

  1. Analyze the interrelationship between the development of social theory and the methodologies of data collection.
  2. Formulate a well-constructed research question and explain the data source necessary to answer the question.
  3. Develop a methodology for the collection and dissemination of qualitative and quantitative research findings.
  4. Understand the intricacies of non-participant and participant observation, and the skills needed for successful open-ended interviewing.
  5. Demonstrate research report writing and presentation skills.
  6. Develop an awareness of the political and ethical issues involved in social research.

In this assignment, you will identify and describe a research question/topic of sociological interest (i.e. why this topic is important); define all the sociological terms in the research question–dependent variable and independent and control variables as appropriate; identify one or more sociological theories or conceptual frameworks that inform this research; discuss the methodology you would use to collect data, including identification of data sources (if possible); develop an outline of a literature review; and develop an annotated bibliography (see Doc Sharing for an example) that includes a minimum of 10 scholarly sources (peer-reviewed journal articles, academic books, Internet resources [.gov, .org, or .edu source only; Wikipedia and similar sites will not be accepted], dissertations/master theses). Use the outline below as subheadings for your paper:

Research Question/Topic: HUMAN TRAFFICKING

Terms and Variables

Theory/Conceptual Framework


Data Sources*

Literature Review Outline

Annotated Bibliography

Grading for this assignment will be based on both qualitative and quantitative factors.

Qualitative Measure: Each source must be correctly referenced in APA style (there are several examples of the Annotated Bibliography and APA style references in Doc Sharing). Each summary of the major findings (approximately 2-3 sentences up to one paragraph) must be free from grammatical errors and show a clear relationship to the research question and/or the literature review outline.

Quantitative Measure: The following quantitative measures will apply:

A: 20 sources, including books, journal articles, and Internet sources*
B: 15 sources, including books, journal articles, and Internet sources*
C: 10 sources, including books, journal articles, and Internet sources*
D: 5 sources, including books, journal articles, and Internet sources*
F: Fewer than 5 sources

* Re: Internet sources: A distinction will be made between types of Internet sources. Government sites (designated by the .gov extension), educational sites (designated by the .edu extension), and formal organizations (designated by the .org extension) tend to be more reliable and are more appropriate for sociological research. Sites that contain the .com extension may also provide accurate information, but are subject to less oversight and may reflect an individual’s personal agenda rather and an objective presentation of empirical data (this is referred to as “selective observation” in Chapter 1. Therefore, an annotated bibliography may not include more than five (5) .com references and should really contain none.

Grading will be based on reconciliation between Quantitative and Qualitative measures. For example, an annotated bibliography with 20 references qualifies for a Quantitative grade of A; however, inaccuracies in the References or poorly written summaries may result in a Qualitative grade of C. The final grade for the assignment in this example would be “B.”

There is an example of an edited Research Project Design Assignment in Course Resources, Shared Documents. Your assignment does not need to look exactly like the example. We will be discussing the assignment in chats and you should make sure you understand the requirements.


HIST 108 Cuyahoga Community College Jamestown Colony Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

For your second writing assignment, read the following two article Rethinking Jamestown” by Jeffrey L. Sheler published in Smithsonian Magazine in January 2005. The article follows after the questions, but you may read it digitally if you Google “Smithsonian Magazine Rethinking Jamestown.” Although the article is a bit dated, it does provide interesting insight into the several years of archaeological discoveries at the Jamestown site and how these discoveries challenged traditional views of Jamestown. I’ve also supplied a YouTube video in the Writing Assignment module called “Nightmare in Jamestown” that provides a narrated story of Jamestown based on the archaeological findings. This is just optional viewing to learn more about the archaeological discoveries at Jamestown; no question come from the video.After a close reading of the article, answer the following questions with insight and clarity. Your answers will largely be written summaries of the article’s main points and content. Use much of your own words as possible and avoid implementing too many exact words from the article. Type and proofread your responses. Single or double-spaced is up to you. Provide one-two paragraphs for the three (3) point questions and two-three paragraphs for the five (5) point questions. NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.


University of South Florida The Yoshida Brothers Music Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Global Citizens Writing Assignment – Draft

Global Citizens Assignment – Draft

NOTE: a Draft is a complete paper, it is supposed to be your best writing and will be reviewed and graded as a complete paper. Your draft will be read and reviewed with suggestions made for improvements to make in your Final Paper submission. Submissions are to made inside this Assignment

Draft is due by September 22

Late submissions receive a 10% per day penalty, and the assignment is only open for late submission for 3 days after the due date.

This Canvas assignment allows for resubmissions (by the due date.) This is because you get a Similarity Report on your paper from Turnitin. This report identifies what parts of your paper are copied materials. There will be some percentage of copied materials in your paper, but all of these need to be accounted for, through quotations, citations or as materials that are clearly part of your reference citations, discography, etc.

Remember to submit your Draft in time to get the Turnitin Similarity Report back before submitting your final version of the Draft for review. The report is usually available quickly, but allow up to 24 hours for return of Similarity Report from Turnitin. The paper is automatically run through TurnitIn when you submit to the assignment, you do not have to open TurnitIn to submit.

Drafts will be reviewed and returned with comments by October 2. Look in your Grades area for the assignment and click on it to open and see your grade and comments.

Final Papers are due by October 13.

Global Music and Jazz

This assignment is a research and writing assignment that asks you to find a Jazz artist who is combining an International music style with Jazz music to create/explore a new Jazz sound in a specific project (recording or concert) IT IS IMPORTANT YOUR READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS ASSIGNMENT – YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR A JAZZ ARTIST THAT IS CREATING JAZZ MUSIC WITH AN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC INFLUENCE. The artist can be American OR from another country, but must be creating JAZZ music, not using international music influences to create other styles of music (which is interesting, BUT not in the scope of this class.) The international music needs to be indigenous music from a specific country or region/culture – Irish folk music, or Calypso music from Trindad/Tobago, or music from the Basque region of Spain, etc.. It can not be a music that is already a mixture of styles (Afrobeat for instance), or a music from an International urban area that has lots of different ethnic groups (like London.) So, for instance, an artist creating dance club music using Indian musical influences (from India) is NOT someone you can use for this paper.

As you have discovered in your text readings and other assignments in this course, Jazz music developed in America from the combining of different musical influences, which came about as a result of the numerous International cultures that played a part in the development of the country. As the music grew, Jazz continued to incorporate musical elements from other styles of music, including world music influences. Examples include Dizzy Gillespie, who collaborated with Cuban congero Chano Pozo to explore new sounds in Jazz. In the 1960’s the Brazilian music style of Bossa Nova influenced artists like Stan Getz, and became a popular new sound in Jazz. The combining of International music styles and Jazz in this way is continuing today, creating interesting new Jazz sounds. Many international musical influences can be heard in modern Jazz music.


Research and find an artist or group that is combining an international music with jazz to create a new Jazz sound for a specific project (usually a recording, but could be a concert) Limit your research to music created in the 21st Century (since the year 2000.) Pick a culture or country whose music you would be interested in learning about and see if you can find an artist or group who is combining that music with Jazz music to create a new Jazz sound. BE SURE YOU FIND A JAZZ ARTIST OR GROUP THAT IS COMBINING AN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC AND JAZZ, TO CREATE A NEW JAZZ SOUND. There are a number of examples of non-jazz artists using international music in their folk music, rock music, hip hop etc.., so be sure your choice of artist/group is a JAZZ artist. The artist can be an American that is using International music as an influence or it can be an artist who is from another country that is an accomplished Jazz artist who is exploring combining music from his/her culture with Jazz. Be SURE the artist is a Jazz artist and the specific music project you write about is a combination of Jazz and an International music style.

This assignment is requires you to do collegiate level research to find an appropriate artist who has a specific project/composition(s) that combines Jazz and an International music.

Example: an online search for “Traditional Japanese music and Jazz” produced a large number of entries, and some were useful in suggesting some artists that are combining the 2 styles of music to create a new Jazz based music.

When conducting online searches, use quotation marks around the important key words in the search…”Japanese Folk Music” and “Jazz” for instance.

The USF Library has created a Course Guide for this class with useful information on how to conduct online searches and what materials are available in the USF Library that could be useful to this assignment.

http://guides.lib.usf.edu/SurveyJazz (Links to an external site.)

Once you find an artist you are interested in, listen to the musical examples and read about the artist and their concepts for combining Jazz and the International music they specialize in.


  1. Write a 1000-1500 word paper ( this is the body of the paper, not including the discography and references, etc..) which describes the artist/group and their music. (NOTE: word count is the least important part of the grading of this paper. Any paper that covers all of the requirements will be at least 1000 words, this is just a suggestion so that you don’t feel like you have to write a LONG paper. The content, quality of writing, inclusion of required information and following the writing style guidelines are the most important part of this paper). The paper should be well written, following general rules and formatting for a Research Paper (see suggested format below). Citations should be in MLA or APA format. You can get help and information about writing a Research Paper from the USF Writing Center.
  2. Use your research to write a description of the artist/groups concepts and ideas for combining the international music with Jazz. It is important that find descriptions of the concepts and ideas from the artist and/or reputable experts reviewing the project/composition. You need to do significant research to be able to write about the ways the artist or group is combining the international music elements with Jazz elements to create the new music. Be sure you write about a specific composition or musical project (can be a whole album.)
  3. Include your own description of what you hear in the music. Describe the ways the music moves you.
  4. Include a general description of the artist/groups, what they are known for and other relevant projects/recordings they have produced. Include a selected discography as part of your reference citations. A discography is a list of important recordings by the artist or group. (You can find examples of discographies online.) You need to include the artist/group name, title of the recording, record label (company), year it was released, and important personnel on the recording.
  5. Include information about the recordings you write about:
    1. Date released
    2. Record label
    3. Musicians on the recording
    4. How readers can find this music (purchase, listen, etc)

You will be graded on:

  1. The inclusion of all of the issues listed above in your paper.
  2. Evidence of research into the artist and music. References to your other research should be included.
  3. Your description of the music.
    1. How the combination of the particular Global music and Jazz presented by the artist/group works – what elements of each style of music are heard?
    2. How the music impacts you as a listener – what moves you:
      1. pick some specific moments in the performance that you can identify, describe and comment on the way the music moves you.
    3. How well written and readable the paper is.
      1. This is an IMPORTANT part of the Draft-Final paper process, to create a Final Paper that is well written and interesting to the reader.

Note: Reference materials (discography and citation lists) are not part of the word count

Basic format:

Opening Paragraph (Thesis)

– describes the content of the paper and the points to be made.

Inside Paragraphs

– discuss each topic presented in the Opening Paragraph (Thesis)



– a selective listing of the Artist/Group’s important recordings that relate to the paper. Look up “discography” so you know what it is!

Research References

– citations need to be in MLA or APA format

Use of copied materials:

This assignment uses the Turnitin tool, which assesses the materials in the paper and issues a Similarity Report of any materials that are copied from existing sources. You need to be sure that any copied materials are properly cited, in quotations, etc.. You have 3 submissions for the Draft and Final paper to assure that you have viewed the Similarity Report and rewritten your paper to make sure there are no copied materials that are not properly cited in your final submissions. The university takes plagiarism very seriously (see syllabus), so be SURE your paper does not include copied materials that are not cited or quoted in your writing.

Note: Including LARGE amounts of quoted materials in the body of your paper (to build up word count) will not be viewed favorably in the grading of the paper. This writing assignment is designed for you to write about music, using your own words and descriptions. You need to include cited information about the artist/group and recordings, but the body of the paper that includes your descriptions of the music and concepts should be your own words, organized for this paper, not copied descriptions from research sources. That being said, important quotes from the artist/group or reviews that help make your points are encouraged. How and where you place these quotes in your paper can be very effective in the creation of an interesting and well written paper.



A T Still University Business Strategic Management Process and Methods PPT Business Finance Assignment Help


  1. Examine the nature and functions of strategic management.
  2. Apply strategic management processes to analyze and improve organizational performance.
  3. Formulate strategies based on an external and environmental analysis.
  4. Apply the principles of strategic planning to construct strategic management plans for organizations.
  5. Evaluate the integration of strategic management functions used to achieve competitive advantage.
  6. Examine internal effectiveness and resources, and how they impact organizational strategies.


As the Director of Operations, the CEO of your company has tasked you with developing an onboarding toolkit about strategic management that new leaders can use as a playbook. The expectation is that you create a PowerPoint that contains six specific strategic management slides, each containing notes and discussion points, which answer the following:

  • What is strategic management?
  • How is strategic management developed to improve organizational performance?
  • How is strategic management executed?
  • How is strategic management measured?
  • How is strategic management integrated to achieve a competitive advantage?
  • How is strategic management controlled?

The following link is a great resource for creating PowerPoints:
PowerPoint Presentations

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted Non-satisfactory work submitted in terms of PowerPoint presentation. Satisfactory work submitted for 2-3 slides that fully meet presentation requirements. Satisfactory work submitted for 4-5 slides that fully meet presentation requirements. Mastery shown for all 6 slides that fully meet presentation requirements.
Not Submitted Non-satisfactory answers submitted for strategic management questions. Satisfactory answers submitted for 2-3 strategic management questions. Satisfactory answers submitted for 4-5 strategic management questions. Mastery shown for all 6 answers to strategic management questions.
Not Submitted Non-satisfactory work submitted for supportive paper. Satisfactory work submitted for supportive paper but no references used as examples. Satisfactory work submitted for supportive paper with one to two references as examples. Excellent work submitted for supportive paper with three references as examples.


A T Still University Operation Management Designing a Forecasting System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

A T Still University Operation Management Designing a Forecasting System Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

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