A1BTC Segijn Media Multitasking Article Analysis & Media Reflection Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

A1BTC Segijn Media Multitasking Article Analysis & Media Reflection Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. A1BTC Segijn Media Multitasking Article Analysis & Media Reflection Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Each week you will submit a media reflection. The media reflections are designed to help you think about the course materials (e.g., readings, videos), make sense of the materials, and make meaningful connections between new concepts, things you already know, and your daily lives. Below you will find a few questions that will help you guide in writing the media reflections. The questions are generic, and are not specific to a particular topic. However, these kinds of questions are questions that you should be thinking about when reading and writing.

Guiding reading questions:

  1. What are the main points of this/these week’s topics (focus on concepts, ideas, and theme, not on individual facts)? Please explain in your own words.
  2. Was anything unclear or confusing to you? If yes, explain. What was new to you, and did it change the way you think about or perceive things? Was there anything you would like to explore further or find more about?
  3. Describe at least one connection between the topic(s) and something outside class. Give at least one specific example of an aspect or experience in your personal life that is related to the topic. If possible, focus on a media related example. You can think of a recent movie, series you watched, a podcast or radio show you listened to, an online news or magazine article you read, or a website you visited, etc.. Make sure to explain 1) the media example, and 2) how this media use/content is related to this week’s topic(s). You may also include a link or screenshot of your media example (this is not part of the page count).


The reading reflections are not formal essays, so you don’t need to think about multi-paragraph structure. However, write clearly and make your points in a logical way. Most reading reflections require you to focus on more than one reading/video. How you approach this is up to you. For example, focus on overarching concepts/things, compare and contrast, or simply focus on what you find to be the most important/consequential information.

Media reflections should be 1-2 pages double spaced (using standard 1” margins and 12-point font, Times New Roman). They will vary in length. The default is one double-spaced page. However, occasionally you may have more to say and you can use up to two pages, but in NO cases it should exceed two double-spaced pages. Use the course website to submit your media reflection in PDF or Word format.

media reflection 9: media & health (Katz et al. 2017)

media reflection 10: media & violence (chapter 7)

media reflection 11: media multitasking (segijin et al 2017)

A1BTC Segijn Media Multitasking Article Analysis & Media Reflection Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Starbucks Company Analysis Customers Opportunities & Company Success Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Appendix B: Writing Assignment Requirements

Format and Content Instructions:

  • Individually write a 1 page (3/4 to 1 page) single-spaced “company analysis” (plus cover page, references, and appendices) in Microsoft Word (see below for example of a cover page).
  • Use legitimate sources (published articles, company web site, and recognized print and on-line news organizations); there should be at least 3 cites (not including the textbook). Theories from the textbook can be incorporated as an additional source.
  • Research one of the following companies and determine the current state of the organization: Walgreens, CVS, Amazon, Wal-mart, Facebook, Starbucks, Intel, Marriott, Chick-Filet, or Buffalo Wild Wings. Specifically, identify and thoroughly discuss the key issues facing the organization (based on your analysis) and provide specific recommendations for top management to address these issues.
    • Research: After analyzing the company (reviewing the company’s web site and reading articles about the company) and performing the SWOT analysis, identify the top issues facing the company you have chosen (these may be problems and/or opportunities).
  • Recommendations: Provide your recommendations for the organization’s leadership. In other words, what specific actions should management take to efficiently and effectively address the issues you have identified? Again, it is critical that you provide sound reasoning to support your positions.

Style Instructions:

  • The assignment will be graded based on content and presentation.
  • The report should be professional and have no apparent grammar, punctuation or spelling errors.
  • Word choice is extremely important. Students are expected to use relevant business terminology in this report.
  • Submit the assignment as a single Microsoft Word document (1 file only).
  • Use the Grading Rubric for Assignments (see appendix C) for further guidance.

Report Outline:

  • Cover page (Cover page (see Getting Started Module)
  • Body of report (suggested outline) will likely be 4-6 paragraphs, but kept to 1 single-spaced page:
    • Introduction: briefly explain the purpose of the report (why is this important), definitions and descriptions of topic/issues, and outline of paper (1 short paragraph).
    • Research: based on information from legitimate publications and includes some of your conclusions from your SWOT analysis (2-3 paragraphs); however, the full SWOT analysis should be included in the appendix as supplemental material. Please refer the reader to the appendix (e.g., see appendix) for additional details.
    • Conclusion: summary of key findings and implications for the organization and provide any recommendations or actions managers should take to improve the organization (1-2 paragraphs).
  • References (separate page)
  • Appendices (separate pages)

Assignment Grading

The report will be graded based on the following (review the Report Writing Guidelines handout posted on the Getting Started page):

  • Grammar/punctuation/word choice, spelling, sentence and paragraph structure, using active voice, avoiding pronouns (I, me, you), being direct and concise, and overall writing.
  • Presentation (does it look professional): follow APA (margins (1”), page numbers, etc.), include a cover page, and references (should be in APA format)—see web links for a list of web sites for help; the only exceptions are that I want it single-spaced and don’t require a running head for a 1 page report.
  • Correctness of the assignment (did student follow directions).
  • Content (depth and thoroughness) and clarity of writing.
  • Final report (submitted through Canvas Assignment Turnitin link).
  • For specific details of grading criteria see the Grading Rubric for Assignments (appendix C).


ENGLISH 1C Pasadena City College Environmental Ethics Moral Community Responses Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english exercise and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Using this link as a reference : Environmental Ethics | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (utm.edu) Respond in complete sentences and short paragraphs. Ambitious
students may do additional research for current events or issues to
support responses. Copy/paste into a Word doc:

1. What duties do humans have with respect to the environment, and why?

2. What does “anthropocentrism” mean with regard to moral standing? Give examples from your experience.

3. Explain the “non-identity problem” and how it effects
environmental ethics? Is this problem embedded in a way of thinking
that you experience?

4. What are the limitations or issues with anthropocentric ethics?

5. Differentiate between Singer’s and Regan’s arguments for animal
rights. Do you think moral standing should be extended to animals?
Defend your answer logically and ethically.

6. Is consciousness, as far as we know it, an important criteria for
ethics? Is being alive an important criteria? Examine and challenge
assumptions when it comes to the question, how far should we extend
moral standing?

7. What is the difference between moral standing and moral significance? Offer your own examples.

8. What would be the reason or basis for extending moral standing to
holistic entities such as “the biotic community” or the “ecosystem”?

9. Define “deep ecology.” How does this concept or stance reflect
Leopold’s argument? What are some of the criticisms of this movement?

10. How does “social ecology” refocus the deep ecology position?

11. What exactly is “ecofeminism”? The IEEE could use some updating on this subject: See Women and Life on Earth. (Links to an external site.)

12. How are environmental ethics and environmental or social justice connected, do you think?


Ivey Business Apple Supply Chain Partnership Design and Incentive Alignment Frame Analysis Economics Assignment Help

Focus: Studying the world’s leading supply chain company with particular attention to how they manage their partners.

Key questions to consider:

•Review Apple’s supply chain for its iPhone product. What differences set it apart from competitors?

•What are Apple’s key advantages in how it manages its supply chain operations? Support your analysis with data from the case.

•What are the challenges that Apple faces in the future, and what are the implications for its supply chain?

•Jessica Grant needs to think about a supply chain investments strategy. How would you frame analysis, recommendations would you make to the company’s vice-president, Phillip Duchene, and why?

1 ½ to 2 pages (single space)


REL 3127 FIU Freedom of Worship American Atheists Book Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The attached book review (sorry about the crappy photos) appeared in a The New Yorker magazine issue. It addresses a number of issues we have covered in the class, and discusses them from the point of view of American atheists. I will expect you to read the article (questions will appear on the final.)

Write a one-pager that does the following

  1. Lists as many topics as you recognize that we have covered and that are addressed in the article (e.g., civil religion, here referred to as “ceremonial deism.”)
  2. Outlines the range of religiosity you can identify, from an intolerant adherence to a religion to an intolerant atheism. On that scale, what other degrees of religious adherence or rejection can you specify?
  3. Discusses the position of atheist Americans when it comes to history, the Constitution, legal rulings, civic life, and public opinion.
  4. Says what you think about this. What questions does it raise for you? Do you think there is a question of injustice in this matter? Did you learn anything from it? What conclusions can you draw?



University of California Santa Barbara Technology Inequality & Globalization Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Finish the reading and answer 4 question

1. According to Jefferson(Dreams of Digital carceral power), what was a key reason why cities established digital infrastructures for criminal justice? What kinds of ‘problems’ in broader structural shifts did criminal justice technologies try to solve? Do not ‘lift’ your answer from book; explain them in your own understanding.

2. Picking one example from Jefferson’s chapter, illustrate how a criminal justice technology(crime mapping; corrections database; prison classification systems) reproduced racialized and targeted form of criminalization.

3. What is one interesting comparison or similarity you drew between Israel’s “high-tech enclosure” of Gaza and US criminal justice technologies of incarceration?

4. With reference to the Logic Magazine interview with Sara Hamid, what are some ways that public resistance to carceral technologies can be transnational or global? interview reading link: https://logicmag.io/care/community-defense-sarah-t-hamid-on-abolishing-carceral-technologies/#:~:text=Hamid.,anabolitionistlenstotechnology.

University of California Santa Barbara Technology Inequality & Globalization Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grantham University Effective Communication Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Read the Motley Fool’s article, “What Kind of Investor are You?” and complete the interactive investor profile questionnaire at https://www.fool.com/investing/general/investor-quiz.aspx . According to this instrument, what kinds of investments should you consider? On the basis of what you have learned, write a short discussion board post profiling yourself as an investor. Specifically, how do you think your profile will assist you and your financial advisor or investment advisor in planning your portfolio? What type of investor are you? 6 to 8 lines of info is helpful. Good luck and thanks.


Oregon State University Meningococcal B as a Required Vaccination Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Assignment instructions

There have been several high profile outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases among students at colleges and universities in the U.S. Currently, Oregon State University requires entering students to document meningococcal vaccination (MCV4), various doses of measles-, mumps-, and rubella-containing vaccines, varicella (chicken pox), tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap), and hepatitis B. Vaccination for meningococcal B was required until 2018 but is now only recommended. See OSU Domestic Student Immunization Requirements (Links to an external site.) and International Student Immunization Requirements (Links to an external site.) for more info.

You are tasked with writing a justification for making meningococcal B a required vaccination again. In 750 words or less, prepare a justification, which includes the following components:

  • Introduction: introduce the current OSU immunization requirements and the disease/vaccine for which you are justifying (2 pts)
  • Seriousness and severity of disease (3 pts)
  • Disease incidence and outbreaks in appropriate locations (i.e. Oregon and U.S.) and age groups (i.e. college students or college-age students) (2 pts)
  • Specific vaccine(s) advocating to require, its efficacy and schedule (2 pts)
  • Limitations of the new requirement (2 pts)
  • Conclusion: discuss impact of the requirement and summarize key points (2 pts)

English grammar is correct, editing, and format will also be assessed (2 pts). You should consult the rubric when writing your justification. You should also consult the CDC Pink Book (Links to an external site.) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (Links to an external site.) for additional information on the vaccine you are justifying.

I do not expect you to perform an exhaustive literature search for this assignment; however, I do expect you to reference material that is not your own (e.g., data on disease incidence, economic impact of disease, etc.). References should follow AMA Manual of Style, 10th Edition (http://sites.uci.edu/medsim/files/2015/03/AMA-citation-Guide.pdf (Links to an external site.)) and be listed in a separate References section (1 pt).

Include references as superscript numbers in the main text with full corresponding citation in the references section. Please let me know if you need further clarification.

Submission instructions

Include your name and Assignment #4 in the top left corner of the Word document. Note: any references cited will not count toward the word limit. Final submission should be in Word format.

I also attached the rubric below. If you cannot access links above, please let me know.


Oregon State Making Meningococcal B a Required Vaccination Again Justification Letter Writing Assignment Help

Assignment instructions

There have been several high profile outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases among students at colleges and universities in the U.S. Currently, Oregon State University requires entering students to document meningococcal vaccination (MCV4), various doses of measles-, mumps-, and rubella-containing vaccines, varicella (chicken pox), tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap), and hepatitis B. Vaccination for meningococcal B was required until 2018 but is now only recommended. See OSU Domestic Student Immunization Requirements (Links to an external site.) and International Student Immunization Requirements (Links to an external site.) for more info.

You are tasked with writing a justification for making meningococcal B a required vaccination again. In 750 words or less, prepare a justification, which includes the following components:

  • Introduction: introduce the current OSU immunization requirements and the disease/vaccine for which you are justifying (2 pts)
  • Seriousness and severity of disease (3 pts)
  • Disease incidence and outbreaks in appropriate locations (i.e. Oregon and U.S.) and age groups (i.e. college students or college-age students) (2 pts)
  • Specific vaccine(s) advocating to require, its efficacy and schedule (2 pts)
  • Limitations of the new requirement (2 pts)
  • Conclusion: discuss impact of the requirement and summarize key points (2 pts)

English grammar is correct, editing, and format will also be assessed (2 pts). You should consult the rubric when writing your justification. You should also consult the CDC Pink Book (Links to an external site.) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (Links to an external site.) for additional information on the vaccine you are justifying.

I do not expect you to perform an exhaustive literature search for this assignment; however, I do expect you to reference material that is not your own (e.g., data on disease incidence, economic impact of disease, etc.). References should follow AMA Manual of Style, 10th Edition (http://sites.uci.edu/medsim/files/2015/03/AMA-citation-Guide.pdf (Links to an external site.)) and be listed in a separate References section (1 pt).

Include references as superscript numbers in the main text with full corresponding citation in the references section. Please let me know if you need further clarification.

Submission instructions

Include your name and Assignment #4 in the top left corner of the Word document. Note: any references cited will not count toward the word limit. Final submission should be in Word format.

I also attached the rubric below. If you cannot access links above, please let me know.


The Improvement on My Personal Communication Skills Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, revisit and retake The Communication Quiz from Week 1 – How Good Are Your Communication Skills? Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading Effectively. (Links to an external site.)

An important theme throughout this course is being a competent communicator, which is the ability to choose a communication behavior that is both effective and appropriate for a given situation. For this final discussion forum, you are required to do the following:

  • Complete the assessment and compare your results from Week 1 to today.
    • How are they different, if at all, from Week 1?
  • Identify one of your communication strengths, using and citing your textbook.
  • Identify one of your communication weaknesses, using and citing your textbook.
  • Explain how working on your communication weaknesses will improve your personal relationships.
  • Explain how working on your communication weaknesses will improve your professional relationships.

For this discussion forum, your initial post should be 350 to 400 words in length. For additional advice about how to approach this discussion and resources for thinking about the value of listening and how to improve, review the documents in the “Resources” box above.

Bevan, J.L. (2020). Making connections: Understanding Interpersonal Communication (3rd ed.).Retrieved from: https://content.ashford.edu

All required material here:



A1BTC Segijn Media Multitasking Article Analysis & Media Reflection Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

A1BTC Segijn Media Multitasking Article Analysis & Media Reflection Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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