AAAS 288A Ashford University College Student Who Lives Online Final Reflection Writing Assignment Help. AAAS 288A Ashford University College Student Who Lives Online Final Reflection Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need support to help me understand better.
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To conclude this course, students write a 750-1000 word reflection essay synthesizing the readings, wellness activities, and autoethnography project.
The goal of this assignment is to prompt students to integrate the various approaches to online living that we have explored in this course. Students also demonstrate skills they have practiced in the course, especially the use of ethnographic evidence (including observations of one’s own activities) to support argumentative statements.
Answer the question:
What is it like to be a college student who ‘lives online’ during the fall of 2020?
Answer this question by writing a 750-1000-word autoethnographic essay. Draw on material from your fieldnotes, your “wellness” activities, and the ethnographic readings and discussions. Each answer must include the following:
- A statement of your view in response to the question.
- A discussion of the reasons in support of your view.
- At least two well-developed instances of your own autoethnographic evidence. These may come from your fieldnotes. Make your examples specific.
- Definition and discussion of one concept from the ethnographic readings, as well as the evidence in support of that concept.
- A statement of the significance of your autoethnography.
- Optional: I encourage you to define how you understand the idea of “living online.” (You may disagree with it.)
AAAS 288A Ashford University College Student Who Lives Online Final Reflection Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of the Cumberlands Enterprise Risk Management Reflection Discussion Writing Assignment Help
we are going to complete a reflection activity.
This discussion topic is to be reflective and will be using your own words and not a compilation of direct citations from other papers or sources. You can use citations in your posts, but this discussion exercise should be about what you have learned through your viewpoint and not a re-hash of any particular article, topic, or the book.
Items to include in the initial thread:
- “Interesting Assignments” – What were some of the more interesting assignments to you?
- “Interesting Readings” – What reading or readings did you find the most interesting and why? “Interesting Readings”
- “Perspective” – How has this course changed your perspective?
- “Course Feedback” – What topics or activities would you add to the course, or should we focus on some areas more than others?
Central Virginia Community College International Migration Course Questions Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Need TWO short responses (500 words or less each) in response to the following questions:
- Discuss the concept of refugees, its origins and legal implications. Characterize the scale of refugee problem, the main refugee flows, and the major refugee types. Discuss the concept of political asylum. What is the place of forced migration in the general refugee flow? Should there be any changes made in the international approach to the refugee problem?
- Characterize the major threats attributed to migrant and refugee inflows in the receiving countries. How justified are these claims? Should they be resisted and how? What changes in state and international policies could help in dealing with the existing problems?
Answer both questions (ALL parts of each question) in 500 words or less EACH. This is not an essay and does not require citations, an introduction, or a conclusion. Keep the responses to questions one and two separate please! Again, this is not an essay, but two short answer prompts.
BUS 430 SU Wk 10 Southwest Airlines Lean Operating Systems Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Lean Operating Systems” Please respond to the following:
- Compare and contrast the lean service system found within Southwest Airlines to a full-service airline such as United Airlines, British Airways, and other large carriers in terms of cabin service, boarding process, baggage handling, and service encounters.
- Recommend ways for the airline carriers to improve their lean operation systems in terms of speed and quality while reducing waste and costs. Explain your rationale.
Lastly, respond to at least one (1) post of your peers.
Below is a peers discussion post in which I’ll have to provide a response too.
Casey Wilson
RE: Week 10 Discussion
Hello classmates and professor,
Southwest airlines is a little different than other airlines. Most other airlines offer and on flight meal and drinks of choice for the customer. Southwest only offers the customer a small snack while on their flight. I think that this is a smart idea since Southwest does not have long flights so most people really do not need to eat on the plane. Southwest has one of the best policies for their ticketing system. If you cannot make your flight with Southwest, they will either reimburse you or they will let you use that money for a future ticket which is awesome because the other companies will not let you cancel or use the money for another flight. I think this is one of the main reasons why they are one of the major airlines. I do like the way the Southwest boards their passengers compared to other companies such as United airlines. They load by their alphabetical sections rather than first class first.
I think that airlines could do better in many areas. They need to revamp their ticket refund and canceled flight, and delayed flight policies. If a flight is delayed several hours and it is the airlines fault, they should offer all passengers a refund or a hotel for the night so that they are not uncomfortable all night. Another thing that I believe airlines should do is offer the first bag is free like they used to do.
Thank you,
Casey Wilson
University of South Carolina The Science of Photography Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
**APA Format Required
Note: this assignment replaces the mid-term exam.
Must be submitted as a word doc or PDF via safeassign. no exceptions.
In the first half of the semester, we addressed the following histories/developments:
I. The Invention of Photographies and New Applications (1839-1854)
- Motion Studies, Chronophotography, and Motion Pictures
II. Photography and the Social Sciences and Contested Sites of Practice (1850s-1920s)
- Empire, Tourism, and Surveillance
III. Social Documentary and Photography (late 19th century to Ppost-’60s
- Social Documentary and the American Tradition (Mathew Brady, Timothy O’Sullivan, Jacob Riis, and Lewis Hine)
- The Great Depression and the Farm Security Administration (Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, Margaret Bourke-White)
- The New American Documentary and the New Social Document: Robert Frank, Diane Arbus, Lee Friedlander, and Garry Winogrand
IV. Photography and Modernity
- Photography and the Russian and Soviet Avant-Garde
- Photography in Weimar: From Montage to New Objectivity
- Modern Art and Photography: Dada
- Modern Art and Photography: Surrealism and Post-Surrealism
V. Photography in the Expanded Field
For the final assignment, map out the histories, major concepts, and core developments of 3 out of 5 sections (as listed above). Make sure you address the historical background, the root developments/core concepts, and include (at least) two works from each section in bold and in roman numerals.
- write legibly and in complete sentences
- be specific
- cite examples/works
- use the terminology
- give dates
- when applicable cite your sources
.doc file
Happiness Is a Positive Feeling and Emotion a Person Gets Reflection Writing Assignment Help
Write a multi-paragraph essay providing (defining) your personal criteria for happiness and exploring whether or not you have achieved happiness based on these criteria.
For this writing assignment, your response should be persuasive, thoughtful, and detailed, showing various points that support both the criteria you have chosen to define happiness and your discussion of how closely you currently “match” this definition. Logical evidence that backs up your opinion should be used throughout.
The essay should clearly explain what you think it means to be happy and whether or not you currently fit or match the definition you present.
I need 4-5 paragraphs. Ill provide my 2 criteria’s once selected.
Happiness Is a Positive Feeling and Emotion a Person Gets Reflection Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Reno Mental Abilities of Disabled People Responses Writing Assignment Help
There are 2 discussion questions. Please respond with correct grammar.
Hi classmates, I chose to read and discuss the article “Learned helplessness”. I hope you find it as interesting as I did.
According to the article, learned helplessness can be applied to both animals and humans, but the main focus is on humans, especially those with intellectual or developmental disorders. Learned helplessness is an effect caused by repeatedly exposing humans to situations in which they have no control and to severe aversive stimulation. For example, exposure to shock, punishment, environmental stressors. ( Demchak, M., & Grattan, J. (2018). The authors go on to say that when people are constantly exposed to the the aversive situation they tend to stop trying to escape or cope with the situation and simply give up. When they are later provided with an easy method of escape, they will not escape; this is learned helplessness. The authors use the term organisms to describe humans and animals. You will see this term used in my discussion. A study was conducted in 1967 that provides a simple illustration of the learned helplessness effect. ” In this study, dogs were repeatedly given intense shock with no way to escape. Later, the dogs were given the opportunity to escape the shock by jumping over a low barrier. The dogs did not attempt to take action to escape the shock; they had learned that the shock was unavoidable and they “gave up” (i.e., they did not try to find a way to avoid the shocks) Demchak, M., & Grattan, J. (2018). The dogs were already conditioned or learned to give up. Some individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities tend to give up after repeated failures just like the dogs in the study. Even with a way out, they don’t figure it out, the animals were doomed for failure from the beginning. They had no reason to believe there was a way out because every time they were shocked they couldn’t escape. The same is true for the intellectual disabled student. They quit a task because they feel they can’t do it. They have to be taught that they can succeed and we have to teach them.
There are many factors that contribute to the learned helplessness effect. Some include: environmental stressors, exposure to unsolvable tasks, and the unpredictability of aversive events. Environmental stressors that can contribute to learned helplessness include overcrowding, chronic noise, traffic, and pollution. In addition, the article states, “the more unpredictable the stimuli or events are, the more likely subsequent task performance will be affected. Prior experience with even brief aversive uncontrollable events hinders learning of new skills (e.g., new responses that could enable organisms to escape the aversive situation). The learned helplessness effect is thought to contribute to a number of social problems, including school failure (e.g., failure in specific classes that are stressful), school refusal, staying in an abusive environment/relationship, work burnout, poverty, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), feelings of loss of control, discrimination, drug addiction, and alcoholism. Demchak, M., & Grattan, J. (2018). For example, giving a student with intellectual disability a 1000 piece puzzle and expecting the individual to complete it any given amount of time is setting the person up for failure. We want to alleviant these types of tasks. We want the individual to succeed, so instead of a 1000 piece puzzle, how about a 4 piece puzzle, then 5, and so on and so forth? The tasks will get increasingly difficult as the person shows success.
Next, I would like to paraphrase how learned helplessness affects individuals with disabilities (e.g., learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, emotional-behavioral disorders, autism). Students with intellectual and developmental disorders might have experienced academic failure, they then generalize that failure into other classes. This generalization leads to decreased motivation and persistence on academic tasks, which is a characteristic of learned helplessness. In short, the more the individual experience failure, the more they expect to fail and eventually they give up when presented with any work they perceive as difficult. Demchak, M., & Grattan, J. (2018). I totally and whole heartily feel that the above quote is “right on the money”. I’ve seen students simply take a test and make random marks on it because they think they can’t do it. I see proof of it when students take the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test. The test lets the teacher know when random guessing occurs and automatically stops the student. The random guessing demonstrate that they don’t want to take the test and choose to fail instead of trying. Administration at my school have put incentives in place for students to show progress on the MAP test hoping it will entice students to take the test seriously and show growth.
Teaching individuals how to escape or avoid an aversive event may reduce their susceptibility to the learned helplessness effect. The authors suggest “One method to change the perceptions of control is to allow individuals to have control over situations and events in the environment. For example, when planning activities, offer choices both within (e.g., choice of addition problems or subtraction problems within a math activity; which item of clothing to put on first) and between (e.g., choose play outside or watch a movie; choose doing dishes or laundry) activities. Exposing individuals to situations in which success is achieved or they experience the direct impact their behavior has on the environment (e.g., people, activities) can prevent or counter learned helplessness. Demchak, M., & Grattan, J. (2018). The authors made sure they included activities for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They mapped out skills that care givers can provide to ensure success and lessen the effect of learned helplessness.
Another suggestion to avoid learned helplessness is to set realistic goals for the individual to experience success. Setting realistic goals help to counteract the effects of unattainable goals. Unattainable goals cause individuals to experience repeated failures, which contribute to learned helplessness. In addition, the article states that collecting data provides evidence toward meeting a goal and achievement of the goal. Demchak, M., & Grattan, J. (2018). Goal setting is very important for students with intellectual disabilities. We write goals every year for a student to achieve, but does the student achieve the goal? We know if the student achieve the goal when we send home the progress report to the parent and we say something like, ” we need more time”, or we change the goal to a lesser percentage of achievement. For me, after having read this article, I know for a fact, I will write goals that are attainable for my students and ones that they will be able to achieve by their annual IEP date.
Lastly, the quote states, “In regard to classrooms and teacher-to-student interactions, the following strategies have been suggested to alleviate learned helplessness. Provide individuals with feedback that links to a motivational component. Praise and acknowledge effort to complete the project/assignment rather than providing feedback linked to the solution or to the intellectual quality of the work; these latter types of feedback contribute to learned helplessness. Individuals tend to interpret these latter types of feedback as indicative of lack of intellectual ability. Provide frequent praise for attempts to solve problems and completion of academic work. Build student success by interspersing easier problems with difficult ones to contribute to feelings of success, which may decrease learned helplessness. Instructional prompting strategies that emphasize errorless learning can also counter learned helplessness. These strategies as well as others that allow students with disabilities to experience academic success can lessen the learned helplessness that can result from repeated school failure. Demchak, M., & Grattan, J. (2018). These strategies show various ways to unteach learned helplessness. Personally, I have a growth mindset. This means that as long as the student is trying to do well and shows improvement, I’m not teaching them learned helplessness. Instead I’m helping them overcome it by modifying tests in order for them to show success like their peers. It is important for everyone to know that they can succeed at something, a little praise can go a long ways.
Discussion #2
- Zagaria, T., Antonucci, G., Buono, S., Recupero, M., & Zoccolotti, P. (2021). Executive functions and attention processes in adolescents and young adults with intellectual disability.Brain Sciences, 11(1), 42.
Key Definitions
Executive Functions (EF): refers to skills such as planning, inhibitory control, decision making processes that support the selection of functional response and it’s modification to changing environment, self monitoring, , attentional control and working memory (page 1).
Intellectual disability: In this study, ID is defined by the DSM-5 as mild ID page 4: (The majority of people with ID are classified as having mild intellectual disabilities. Individuals with mild ID are slower in all areas of conceptual development and social and daily living skills. These individuals can learn practical life skills, which allows them to function in ordinary life with minimal levels of support.) from DSM
attentional processing: the quality of information processing active at any given time (page 1).
speed of processing: the rate at which the processor selects relevant information (page 2).
Key Findings/Take Aways
- All those with ID in the study were severely impaired in EF (page 12).
- Problem solving and changing rules or planning had greater deficits than some others but all were impacted.
- Attention processing was not a deficit across the board for individual with ID
- Response times (RT) were not any slower for continuous performance tasks such as indicating when a letter is called, indicating a target symbol, or finding target stimuli in various arrangements (page 7).
- When attention was divided or interrupted, then attentional processing numbers were lower such as focusing on auditory and visual stimuli simultaneously, or shifting attention with verbal targets or visual targets.
- Shifting attention showed greater disparity in data
- In some assessment, students with ID are not generally slower, but present specific deficits in some attention conditions (Page 13)
- Students will ID seem to be able to maintain attention (intensity)
- Students with ID are impaired in shifting attention or when interference is present
- The attention impairments found in the study could be more like linked to EF
What do the findings mean for students with ID?
According to this study, executive functioning is impaired in everyone with ID. However, attention is not always impacted the same and can be similar to same age peers without deficits. Accommodations have to be made when attention is required for more than one task or target. Assessment will also need to clearly define if the student is impacted by attention or if it is indeed a lack of an executive functioning skill. A student can have attention deficits and not have intellectual disabilities. While attention impacts intellectual development, it is not a sole indicator. Students with ID can persevere and attend to continuous tasks with specific rules. When rules change or attention divided, executive functioning delays become apparent.
Potential Implications for practice and educational programming
When planning for students with intellectual disabilities, it’s important to use their strengths to overcome weaknesses. It seems prudent to focus on one task at a time rather than trying to split attention. It’s important to note that some students with ID were in the normal range for some EF skills, so they can be acquired although maybe significantly slower. Differences in cognitive functioning or speed of processing may be task related and not necessarily global in nature. Focus on the student and not the presumption that they lack all EF or attention.hank you for taking the time to respond,Discussion#2
How Can Fostering Innovation in Your Organization Lead to Greater Opportunities Ques Business Finance Assignment Help
Let’s continue building on work with innovation as well as hiring philosophies and corporate culture. If you haven’t already, view the following two videos. One is an interview with Elon Musk, and the other a presentation by Roberta Ness.
After seeing a couple of takes on innovation, specifically on inspiring innovation within yourself, now think about inspiring innovation in others. Be sure to include and cite course resources.
1. How can fostering innovation in your organization lead to greater opportunities?
2. As a small business owner, what can you do to foster an innovative atmosphere in your organization?
3. What concerns and/or fears do you have about empowering employees to think and act in innovative ways?
4. Read the other posts in the forum. Reply to at least two posts and address the concerns/fears that are described. Can anything be done to assuage or address these concerns and fears?
CJUS 610 Liberty University Flywheel Principle and Doom Loop Discussion Law Assignment Help
please respond to the following discussion post with 500 words or more, 2 references and a biblical viewpoint
Think of two organizations or units you have observed: one that followed the Flywheel principle, and the other that fell into the Doom Loop. What caused the difference between the two? If you do not have this life experience, you will need to interview a leader, explain the concepts, and report the answers. What does your contrast teach about why so many organizations fall into the Doom Loop rather than build momentum over the long term in the Flywheel? How is this important to public safety organizations?
GEO 105 ACC Middle America Manufacturing Outside US Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Answer each of the ten questions below to the best of your ability.
- Type each of your answers directly below the relevant question.
- Each answer should be in paragraph(s) form.
- Each written answer is worth 5 potential points.
- Poorly written answers will have points deducted.
Middle America Homework Questions
1. Describe what maquiladoras are. Where are they located and why do they exist?
2. Why are natural hazards such a significant issue throughout the Caribbean? What are the major types of natural hazards the area faces?
3. What are the Great Antilles Islands? Which countries comprise the Greater Antilles? And, how do they differ from the Lesser Antilles inland group either culturally or environmentally?
4. What does the book mean when emphasizing that “Latin America” is not always “Latin”? Please provide some examples from the chapter.
5. Many Caribbean island nations rely on tourism for a steady economy. Are there any challenges or drawbacks to having a tourism-oriented economy?
6. Are there any countries in this region that do not speak Spanish as their main language? Try and mention a few!
7. Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean islands were not included in the North America chapter despite physically being part of North America. Why do you think they were given a specific chapter (hint: think culture, economies, religion, environment, etc.)?
8. Reflecting on the whole chapter, pick and describe some locations that fascinated you with regards to the ways in which people are dealing with environmental issues, ethnic diversity, political struggles, their spatial and settlement organization, or any aspects of Middle American life you found interesting.
9. Let’s learn some new cities! Next to each chosen Middle American Country’s name please type the correct name of its capital city!
- Belize –
- Mexico –
- Guatemala –
- Honduras –
- Panama –
- Costa Rica –
- El Salvador –
- Jamaica –
- Cuba –
- Haiti –
- Dominican Republic –
10. Use the population distribution map of Middle America to describe: A) which areas and countries have dense population clusters; B) Which areas/countries have less dense population clustering; and C) Describe which areas of Mexico are both less and highly populated (you may need to look at other maps from lecture). Remember, each dot represents 50,000 people. (SCREENSHOTS SENT, IF YOU CANT SEE PLEASE LET ME KNOW)