ABC Critical Thinking Financial Reporting Principle Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help

ABC Critical Thinking Financial Reporting Principle Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help. ABC Critical Thinking Financial Reporting Principle Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Merchandising companies invest large sums of money in inventory, having to account for the purchasing, selling, and costs. Most U.S. based companies or companies on U.S. exchanges have previously had to follow the GAAP standards. As IFRS has moved forward in many countries, these companies have to review if the GAAP or the IFRS standards should be used.

Your company has been following GAAP standards and is looking to expand to international markets. You have been using a LIFO cost of inventory system and have had several inventory items marked down under the lower-of-cost-or-market. You have been asked to present the pros and cons of converting to the IFRS standards, thus allowing your company to move to international markets. Explain how this change will affect the financial statements.

ABC Critical Thinking Financial Reporting Principle Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

McDonald CEO Steve Easterbrook Portfolio Project Management Case Study Writing Assignment Help

You are required to read the case studies attached. Based on your readings, you are required to critically analyze the below mentioned topic. Your analysis should draw upon your knowledge of Project Management Knowledge Areas & Processes, Strategic Project Management, Organizational Project Management, and the concepts that link portfolio to organizational strategy.

Topic for Analysis.

Portfolio Management is about choosing the right projects, programs, and operations, which is connected to the strategic objectives of the organization. This decision making takes into consideration the changing dynamics of the business environment and how it is influenced by globalization and technology. The more diligent and process oriented an organization is, the more effective is its decision making. This relates to the maturity level of the organization.

Based on the attached case studies, analyze the importance of the McDonalds team to construct / reconstruct its PMO and how did this influence the management of the project and the aim of meeting the strategic objectives of the organization.

Topic Guidelines.

  1. Your analysis should reflect on the strategic objectives and probable benefits that the organization desired from this project. You can make assumptions, but this has to be logically explained.
  2. Your analysis should reflect on the external business environment / globalization and how this affects strategic decision making and strategic project management.
  3. Your analysis should reflect on the project management processes, organizational project management and how a PMO can influence the maturity level of this. It should also reference what type and level of a PMO the organization had.


George Mason University Medication Error Fishbone Diagram Case Study Mathematics Assignment Help

  1. Watch What Happened to Josie?
  2. Review the Medication Error Scenario Medication Error Scenario – Alternative Formats .
  3. Download the Fishbone Diagram Template Fishbone Diagram Template – Alternative Formats .
  4. Complete the Fishbone Diagram Template based on the scenario. (Hint: Start with stating the problem in the form of a question, such as “What factors contributed to the medication error?” Framing it as a “why” question will help to identify potential causes that resulted in a call to the rapid response team.)
  5. At the bottom of the Fishbone Diagram or on the next page, answer the question, “What corrective actions should be taken to ensure that a medication error like this does not happen again?”


BPA 451 University of the Pacific Public Works and Infrastructure Project Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Resources: Using the project or program that was selected for the Week One Individual Assignment, the Internet or University Library and Ch. 13, 14, & 15 of Infrastructure Planning, Engineering, and Economics.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that covers the following:

  • Analyze the sustainability factors that were considered for this infrastructure project.
  • Evaluate if an effective decision-making process was utilized for this project.
  • Analyze which of the five tools for economic models for operations research were used for this project.
  • Evaluate if the appropriate considerations were given for the ongoing operations and maintenance of the project.


AJR How Does Muhammad Compare to Moses and Jesus Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

How does Muhammad compare to Moses and Jesus? Please consider their lives, claims, and achievements–without going into later claims ascribed to them by others.

For full credit, answer the question above and then respond to at least one other post. Keep your post and responses brief, creative, and timely. Comments that come too late or repeat other posts are downgraded because they do not advance the discussion.

Remember to read what other students say and post something that shows research or new points and information. DO NOT SIMPLY AGREE!



ENG 101 EGCC Ancient Forest in Alaska Protection Article Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Here are the details:

Do Not Submit Assignment. Send it to me and I will submit it.

1. Find a magazine article that sparks a reaction in you. This reaction can be agreement, disagreement, anger, fear, happiness, etc. Any reaction is fine. Your reaction might be the notion that you want to respond or say something to the author of the article.

It does not matter what magazine you choose. It can be any magazine. It can be in print, or it can be online. It also does not matter if the article is recent or old. The main thing is just that you react to the article. After finding the article, you will read it.

2. After reading the article, you will write this exercise. This exercise is made up of three parts.

A. First, you will write a paragraph where you give the title of the article, the name of the magazine it appears in and the author. Then in that first paragraph, you will briefly summarize this article. That is, you will briefly tell what the article is about.

B. Write at least one paragraph sharing your reaction. At this point, do not be concerned with the organization. This is not a formal essay (that will come later); this is just an exercise to generate ideas.

Your reaction can be whatever you like. Just whatever thoughts are flowing out of your mind as you are thinking about the article, write those down. The thought process of this part of the exercise relates to the tools and ideas presented in the Ideas for Essays Lecture Notes in Unit 2.

This second part of the exercise where you share your reaction should be one to two paragraphs long.

C. Finally, after you write one or two paragraphs sharing your reaction, write a paragraph where you discuss possible essay topics that you see coming out of your reaction.

3. This exercise is to be at least one full page using our formatting guidelines of 1-inch margins, double spacing between lines, and Times New Roman 12 point type. It will follow the MLA formatting that you used in the Personal Narrative from Unit 1.

Do Not Submit Assignment. Send it to me and I will submit it.

ENG 101 EGCC Ancient Forest in Alaska Protection Article Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Sofia University Mod 3 JTBD Theory & Its Marketing Applications Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

In Module 3, we are learning about the JTBD theory and its marketing applications. Reflect on your major takeaways from the readings, videos, and presentations. In particular, consider how Jobs to be Done theory addresses the whole self (consistent with a transpersonal view of the person) and the implications for marketing. Consider logic and reason as well as intuition and reflection in crafting your essay.


Ulwick, A. W. (2016) Jobs to be done. Strategyn. (Links to an external site.)


Bouty, L. (2017, December 3). Marketing canvas – job to be done. (Links to an external site.)

Christensen, C. M., Hall, T., Dillon, K., & Duncan, D. S. (2016, September). Know your customers’ “jobs to be done”. Harvard Business Review.

Strategym (n.d.). Growing Microsoft’s software assurance business.

Turner, N. (2017). Using jobs-to-be-done to design better user experiences. (Links to an external site.)

Ulwick, A. W. (n.d.). The jobs-to-be-done needs framework. Strategyn.


Grossmont College COVID 19 On Management & Organizational Behavior Research Business Finance Assignment Help

Select a topic that interests you and detail with supportive references how COVID-19 has impacted your OB topic. Questions to consider including in your paper are: Is the COVID-19 impact positive or negative? In what specific ways has COVID-19 influenced your topic? Is this a global or U.S. specific COVID-19 impact on organizations? What solutions and proposals do you recommend in addressing the COVID-19 impact on your topic area? Cite examples in-text regarding your OB topic and the COVID-19 impact. What correlations are there between your OB topic and the COVID-19 influences?
Recommendations: Based on your OB topic and COVID-19 details and correlations, include your feasible recommendations which will address the COVID-19 impact on your OB topic. The viability of the recommendations and justification will be considered in your evaluation.


School of Visual Arts Paintings and Calligraphy by Zen Master Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

After learning about script, calligraphy, and lettering, continue and explore and find inspiration from this wonderful world. Research calligraphers, sign painters, and lettering artists.

Look at digital work in the SVA library or look through archives of the Type Directors Club, or Society of Scribes.

Your homework is to create a SCRIPT RESEARCH assignment of 10 of the most influential calligraphers, sign painters, script typeface designers or script artists, and correctly classify their work based on the classifications covered in today’s script lecture. For each person, include a short description (the person’s name, who they are, why they’re influential and why you chose them). Then, include 2-5 specimens of their work and correctly classify each of the specimens, using the classification based on today’s lecture.

The last slide of the presentation should include your full bibliography.

Objective: Explore script and calligraphy and the people who influence this field. To use SVA library resources to support your research

Deliverables: Research of 10 influential designers and artists in this field. Examples of script, correctly identified.

Grading: 100 points maximum based on quality the presentation, depth of research, quality of the inspiration specimens.

Library Resources to use for this homework:


University of the Cumberlands Growth in Telecommuting Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Discussion: Given the growth in telecommuting and other mobile work arrangements, how might offices physically change in the coming years? Will offices as we think of them today exist in the next ten years? Why or why not?

Course Name: InformationTechnology Importance in Strategic Planning

Book: Title: Managing and Using Information Systems


Discussion post must contain a properly formatted in-text citation and atleast 3 scholarly references.

Remember not to copy any content from any other source – all work needs to be your original work, but remember to also include citations


ABC Critical Thinking Financial Reporting Principle Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help

ABC Critical Thinking Financial Reporting Principle Exercise Business Finance Assignment Help

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