ABU A Study on Followership in Global Technology Companies Dissertation Writing Assignment Help

ABU A Study on Followership in Global Technology Companies Dissertation Writing Assignment Help. ABU A Study on Followership in Global Technology Companies Dissertation Writing Assignment Help.

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draft a three to four page paper and briefly discuss the nature of your proposed study. The paper should describe the research design, and the research question(s). At this stage, you should be able to

  • Clearly identify the variables of your study as stated in your research question(s) and provide an operational definition for each variable.
  • Indicate how data for each one of these variables will be collected (including source of data, available range, and so forth)
  • If applicable, indicate the independent and dependent variables and identify any covariates.
  • Determine types and level of measurement of all variables (categorical or quantitative). For categorical variables specify the number of categories.
  • Based on your reading and using the Table of Statistical Tests in Chapter 2, determine the most appropriate statistical test for your research questions, (i.e., degree of relationship, group differences, prediction of group membership, or structure.)
  • Identify the appropriate statistical test(s) for your research question(s). Please note that this process will be refined further when you begin defining specific hypotheses for each research question

ABU A Study on Followership in Global Technology Companies Dissertation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UWP 101 University of California Impact of Coronavirus on Businesses Paper Writing Assignment Help

Hi?? It is still a work from the UWP 101 course as the others you wrote – still about the Literature Review (which is the COVID-19 topic that you choose to wrote). 

This time is to revise the Literature Review to the final draft. You have already wrote a rough draft for it, please revise it to a final draft. And add a 200 word draft “reflection memo” with it. The instruction of the reflection memo and the Grading Rubric for the final draft are in the instruction file attached.

PLEASE look through the instructions file carefully, thanks? ? 

I am still the UC Davis Economics major international student. Thank you so much!?


PPPM 446 University of Michigan Mobility as a Service Emerging Issues Paper Writing Assignment Help

Students should select a research topic with the following attributes:

  • Related to “green cities” and Smart Mobility
  • An area of study that the student feels passionate about
  • Relevant to the student’s professional interest
  • Feasible within the constraints of the assignment format

Sample topics:

  • autonomous vehicles
  • driverless cars
  • intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
  • micromobility management (shared bikes and electric scooters)
  • mobility ecosystem
  • mobility on demand (MOD)
  • mobility as a service (MaaS)
  • parking space conversion
  • public transport innovation
  • sustainable travel behavior
  • unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)
  • urban air mobility (UAM)
  • water transit
  • others…

These are just a small selection of applicable topics. Your topic must be approved by the instructor.

Format: Students are free to format their papers however they chose. If there is concern about an unusual format, please contact the instructor. The paper must have a short description of the topic to introduce this to the reader. Following the introduction, the paper must provide information on how to implement this concept and a conclusion.

Size: The paper must be between 1,300–2,000 words total (includes 10 recommendations and 10 references). This is approximately 3 to 5 pages. Shorter or longer papers will not receive full credit. State the total number of words at the end of your report.


At the end of the research paper, please list 10 specific recommendations for smart mobility.



Research papers must have a minimum of 10 references which may include interviews and digital media. Use the APA format for references. There are many online tools to help you correctly cite your paper such as http://www.citationmachine.net/apa/cite-a-book


Grossmont College Beatles Treasure Hunt Semester Extra Credit Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Each student is presumed to know how to navigate in a Canvas course container. If you do not, there are free tutorials on the College webpage that will bring you up to speed.

Additionally, each student is presumed to have consistent and reliable access to a computer that will be available for emails, course announcements, quizzes, assignments and discussion board forums. Please be careful when using a phone to complete an assignment or a quiz. If a call interrupts your work, Canvas will submit it and not allow you to continue. The quiz or assignment won’t be reset in this case. I strongly advise against trying to exclusively use your phone for this class.

All assignments will open in Canvas at least 6 calendar days prior to their due date. Check the syllabus for due dates. Many students miss the numerous notices in Canvas that quizzes and assignments at due at noon (12pm) and not midnight (12am).

No fancy fonts – Courier or Times New Roman are perfectly fine to read and look professional. Word is acceptable. NO GOOGLE DOCS. No pages. No wordpad.

There is a tutorial in your Canvas container that shows you step by step how to submit an assignment so it can be opened and graded. If I can’t open it after several tries using different programs and computers, then I will give you a -0- with a note that says “I can’t open this”. The assignment will stay a -0-.

Spelling and grammar are a part of every grade in this class. I trust that every student has a grasp of basic English grammar concepts and spelling. Spell Check and Grammar Check are only tools and they sometimes overlook errors. There is no substitute for good proof reading or asking for help. There is a free writing lab, Net tutor in Canvas for all students. Do not plagiarize as I use Turnitin. That software tool checks for plagiarism. It has a data bank that includes prior semesters’ work. Don’t use texting language on the discussion boards or assignments (examples of this includes OMG, BFF, etc.)

A paragraph usually consists of a minimum of 5 – 6 complete sentences. You say goodbye and I say hello

The Discussions section will have numerous forums opened throughout the course for student use; helping each other with assignments; asking questions of their peers; forming study groups; etc. These are monitored and participated in by the instructor(s) but are not graded. The Jury assignments are the only graded Canvas discussion forums.

THIS IS IMPORTANT. You may not reference, in any written work, any text except the required textbook and Additional Reaqdings. If another source is referenced, -0- points will be given for that reference.

Generally, late work is not accepted. If an exception is made due to a family or medical emergency, the instructor must be contacted as soon as possible. If the late work is accepted, it will generally receive an automatic 20% deduction for each 24 hours it is late.

Canvas handles the Assignments as if they are quizzes. These assignments are generally focused on videos. They are Assignments regardless of what Canvas labels them.

Whatever assignment is submitted through Canvas will be treated as your final draft and graded.

Sometimes a student will produce an excellent analysis in a written assignment. In that case, the student will be awarded a “Brownie Point” for a job well done. These are randomly awarded so please don’t ask for one.

Did you see that all work is due at Noon on Mondays and not Midnight? If submitted at 12:01 pm, it is late. If submitted at 12:00am Tuesday, it is late


ALU Impact of Technology Followership in Global Technology Companies Study Paper Writing Assignment Help

Complete the first draft of your methodology section in 5 to 7 pages. You will later use this document to create the final draft of the third chapter of your dissertation. In drafting the methodology section, you need to include the following headings; 1) Research Design; 2) Data Processing and Analysis; 3) Limitations, Delimitation, and Methodological Assumptions.

In Research Design, you need to explain your research method (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed) and briefly elaborate the specific type (e.g., phenomenology, comparative, correlational, and so forth) and the reason why the design is appropriate given the purpose of the study. In this section, you will also need to elaborate on the type of data that you will obtain in order to conduct your research as well as the sample size. Explain where and how you will obtain the data for your research. If applicable, you may add a subsection on surveys and instruments that will be used in your research. Briefly discuss issues related to validity and reliability of surveys and instruments that will be used in your research.

In Data Processing and Analysis, describe the specific method of analysis. For quantitative studies, provide the statistical method to be employed and list the key assumptions for the chosen technique. For qualitative studies, explain the details of the chosen method of analysis.

In the section titled, Limitations, Delimitations, and Methodological Assumptions, provide a brief explanation of any limitations or issues related to the study, including, but not limited to potential weaknesses related to validity, data collection, and so forth. Also discuss the scope of data and the delimitation of your research



NUFS 115 San Jose State University Organic Food Diet Experimental Design Questions Writing Assignment Help

review this study and briefly answer the questions (1 to 3 sentences for each answer).

1. Review this study

Lu, C., Toepel , K., Irish, R., Fenske, R. A., Barr, D. B., & Bravo, R. (2006). Organic diets
significantly lower children’s dietary exposure to organophosphorus
pesticides. Environmental health perspectives 114 (2), 260 263.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1367841/ (Links to an external site.)

2. Briefly answer these questions

  • What was the experimental design?
    – Sample size? Age range? The setting of the study? How was the data collected ?
  • What was the result?
    – Was the result consistent with the hypothesis? (the hypothesis is eating organic diet lowers children’s dietary
    exposure to pesticides.)
    – Did the p values less than 0.05 after statistical analysis? What does it mean when p value is less than 0.05?
  • Any limitations of this study? (list at least one)

NUFS 115 San Jose State University Organic Food Diet Experimental Design Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Rasmussen College Employee Engagement Survey Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


This competency will allow you to examine the challenges of leading change and identify a real-life situation in which change was successfully implemented.


Your boss needs you to develop an employee engagement survey that consists of 10 questions that will be administered through email to all employees. She hands you the following requirements that must be addressed within the survey:

  1. Organizational commitment type.
    1. Monetary commitment – motivated by money
    2. Continual commitment – robotic employee
    3. Affective commitment – motivated by passion
  2. Leader-member exchange to the supervisor.
    1. What is the relationship between the employee and the supervisor?
  3. Leader-member exchange to the organization.
    1. What is the employee’s relationship to the operation?
  4. Perception of support from the supervisor.
    1. Personally
    2. Professionally
  5. Perception of support from the organization.
    1. Personally
    2. Professionally

Your job is to submit to your boss a questionnaire that contains 10 specific questions that integrate the defined requirements above along with any other necessary information you believe would add value to understanding the employees’ thoughts and feelings about the organization.

Additionally, you need to write a one-page summary of why you chose these 10 questions. Include an introduction demonstrating an understanding of organizational commitment, leader-member exchange, and perception of support. Within the body of the summary, provide comparative research with other possible engagement surveys. Lastly, within the conclusion, explain why your survey will add operational value to the organization.


HIST 100 Cuyamaca College Cave Paintings Early Human Art World History Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Welcome to our first discussion of the semester!

For this, and many of our discussions we will be using the reading packet Material Culture and Memory. If you have not yet purchased the packet, you can also find it in PDF form in the Module: Course Materials.

In this discussion, and throughout the semester you will be conducting online research for the questions presented at the end of each reading. It is important that we be in the habit of citing our sources as we write our answers.

This discussion has two parts. Your total writing should be at least 200 words, and you must also comment on the work of a colleague.

Part 1: What are your goals for the course and which themes/topics of Early World History are you most looking forward to learning about?

Part 2: Choose two of the following from Material Culture and Memory and answer all of the research and discussion questions for each one: Cave Paintings, 7-, Stonehenge, 9-, Ötzi and the Copper Age, 11-.

If you did not understand part to check this email from prof .t is there. The title refers to the reading exercise and the number is the page it begins on. So for example, on page 7 is the start of the Cave Paintings. At the end of the reading there are questions to answer.

this is the attachment for the homework check it please https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/my-drive File name material culture


Purdue University Applied Managerial Marketing & Setting Goals Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

you have to write minimum 1300 words based on the instructions and the attached!

i will make the presentation MYSELF

Based on your discussions with Michelle, you have developed a clear picture of the environmental issues that will affect the initial release of the new product. As you compile your notes, the phone rings.

“Hi. This is Michelle. I want to touch base with you about your presentation to the board next week. Do you have any questions about the upcoming meeting?”
“Thanks for calling,” you say. “You have good timing. I was just reviewing my notes and working on my PowerPoint presentation. I think I’ve covered the areas we discussed at our last meeting. Do you have something else that you want me to include?”
“Oh, good,” says Michelle. “Yes, I’d like you to share 3 or 4 goals for the marketing project, too. Make sure these goals are specific as possible. You might want to lead with the goals, but I’ll leave that up to you. Naturally you’ll need to do some research to determine the types of goals that are relevant for a new product project like this. Be as specific as you can when outlining realistic expectations.
“Okay,” you say as you jot down more notes. “Anything else?”
“Just be sure to include your thoughts about whether we should develop a product that can be marketed world-wide. You know that is one of their main concerns. You’ll have about 30 minutes for your presentation. ”
“Will do. Thanks for the information. I think about 10–15 slides should be about right for a 30-minute presentation.”

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

The students should list and explain 3–4 goals that a company in this situation should set for itself. The explanations should be 2–3 sentences each, and they should include citations from the text and other sources. Each goal should be as specific as possible; for example, the goals might include—among other things—the following items:

  • Sales in dollars or units
  • Market share
  • Customer awareness
  • Profit
  • Return on investment
  • Customer satisfaction


Purdue University Risk Mitigation Framework for Information Technology Projects PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

based on the attached parts 1 and 2, make a minimum 10 slides powerpoint presentation (not counting title and references slides)

make sure to include at least 50 words in speaker notes as well for each slide

The goal of Part 3 is for each team to make an executive-type “post mortem” presentation to the CEO, of the lessons learned from the project. Part 3 should include a 10 to 15 minute video presentation of the lessons learned from the Team Risk Management Course Project.

You will present a concise presentation on the lessons learned from the essential points of your Part 1 and Part 2 document. Present as though the CEO has only 15 minutes and wants to be informed of the essential points that you found.

The presentation should follow a basic format including:

  1. The introduction should be 1 to 2 minutes and provides the audience with an overview of what you are going to tell them.
  2. The body should be 8 to 10 minutes and covers the main objective or theme of the Team Risk Management Course Project. The body should include no more than five main points with appropriate sub-points. Main points are key issues or topics that are most critical to the audience. Sub-points are brief elaborations of the main points, such as proof statements, quotes, statistics, and other evidence that is relevant.
  3. The conclusion should be 1 ot 2 minutes and is a summary of the main points delivered to the audience.

Good luck!


ABU A Study on Followership in Global Technology Companies Dissertation Writing Assignment Help

ABU A Study on Followership in Global Technology Companies Dissertation Writing Assignment Help

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