AC Wk 2 The Purpose of HAZCOM Standard & OSHA Laboratory Safety Standard Discussion Writing Assignment Help. AC Wk 2 The Purpose of HAZCOM Standard & OSHA Laboratory Safety Standard Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Please answer all questions below based on reading and multimedia sources. Be thorough and use complete sentences. If you use outside information different from what was provided this week, please provide a reference or content link.
- What is the purpose of the HAZCOM standard? (25 points)
- What is the purpose of the OSHA Laboratory Safety Standard? (25 points)
- List the six steps to HAZCOM program and describe what each step does for the employer/employee? (25 points)
- How are the HAZCOM standard and the Laboratory Standard similar and different? (25 points) (I am looking for a generalized answer, not excerpts from regulations, etc.)
AC Wk 2 The Purpose of HAZCOM Standard & OSHA Laboratory Safety Standard Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Ashford University Complete Science Climate change Discussion Science Assignment Help
Unit 5 Discussion: Climate Change
Climate change has been heavily studied and reported in the media. For this discussion each student should read the peer reviewed article below and also pick one or more news articles discussing the same topic. After reading the articles address the questions below.
Everyone read the original peer reviewed article: Widespread Biological Response to Rapid Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula
In addition choose one or more of the following news articles to read:
Address the following questions:
- Summarize the peer review article in your own words.
- Compare the peer review article to one (or more) of the news articles. In particular discuss what ideas were the main focus of each and the predictions each made.
- Did you note any biases in either source?
- Which source did you prefer and why?
- Comment on at least two other students’ posts.
Always cite all your sources in MLA or APA format and respond to at least two classmates (see discussion grading rubric).
ENGL 101 There Is No Unmarked Women by Deborah Tannen Book Report Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me understand better.
We will start this lesson by reading Tannen’s article, “There is No Unmarked Woman.”
One of our course objectives is to explore the implications of gender in popular culture, and Tannen will provide one of our critical frameworks as we test her theories.
As you read, make sure to use the active reading strategies to help you identify the writer’s main idea and at least three supporting examples.
If you’d like a guide as you read, print out the RCR:
Reading Critically Response Chart
Afterwards, you will be writing a summary and a thesis statement about this article.
- First read the article, “All Women are Marked” (Use the reading strategy to find the main idea and supporting details).
- Write a summary on the article, “All Women are Marked” (Main idea + Supporting details = Summary)
- Make sure your work is in MLA format.
- Reminder: This is still a first DRAFT. This is just a checking point to make sure you are staying on track for completion.
- IMPORTANT TIP: Write thesis in Word or Google doc first, then paste it into the text box. If you ever have a computer glitch before you officially post, you will lose everything you wrote.Quick tip:
- Return to your summary and thesis statement about Tannen’s, “There is no Unmarked Woman.”
- Using this summary + thesis as your base, you will now add new skills covered in the upcoming pages: in-text citations and a Works Cited page
For this assignment, you will
- submit your summary of Tannen’s article, “All Women are Marked” with your thesis statement. Make sure to include in-text citations
- include a separate Works Cited page
- check your grammar before submitting your work
UCSD Psychological Disorders Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
To raise awareness about a specific topic in psychology and provide concrete recommendations for addressing the issue using the concepts covered in class and evidence-based strategies.
Project overview
You can choose to create an infographic, a PSA, a social media page- whatever you want that you feel would best capture the interest of someone who has not taken a psychology class. You cannot create a PowerPoint or write a paper.As long as you have the required information, the way it is presented is really up to you. The project will be broken down into multiple assignments throughout the semester so that you will not be waiting until the last minute to complete it.
Your project must include the following information:
- What is your topic and why is it important? Please include a definition if appropriate
- Describe the signs and symptoms of the disorder/issue?
- What is the prevalence of the disorder/statistics on the issue, specific populations- race, gender, age groups the disorder effects?
- What are the current treatment(s)/ways to address the disorder/issue?
- What are your recommendations for future treatment of the disorder/approaching the issue in a different way?
- How can we reduce the stigma around seeking treatment/talking about/doing something about this issue? Please provide some concrete strategies based on research.
Final Project- Examples of “A” Projects
Please see below for some examples of “A” Projects (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Final Project Potential Topic
Submit Assignment
To identify a topic for your final project
Please identify a topic related to this course that is currently occurring in the United States and/or throughout the world:
- What is your topic?
- How is your topic related to the field of psychology?
- What chapters of the textbook relate to this topic (provide chapter name and number)
- How are you thinking of presenting your project (social media page, website, infographic, short video, Podcast, etc)? You can change the way you choose to present the project, this is just to get you thinking about it.
Orange Coast College Wk 3 Business English Writing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Week 3 Discussion
1010 unread replies.1010 replies.
Please choose ONE of the following prompts to answer. You have your choice, so select ONE of the following prompts and respond to it in order to receive credit for this week’s discussion.
Option One
Samuel Johnson, who wrote the first true English dictionary, said “What is written without effort is in general read without pleasure.” What do you think he meant by this? What does this mean to you as a business communicator?
Option Two
William Strunk and E. B. White’s classic book The Elements of Style states that “the steady evolution of the language seems to favor union: two words eventually become one, usually after a period of hyphenation.” This statement often applies to nouns. For example, the word wild life became wild-life and then wildlife. Find three similar examples and share them with the class. Also explain why you think this phenomenon occurs in our language.
Your discussion posting, worth 25 points, will be graded on grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You must also type complete sentences, no fragments. One or two sentence postings will NOT receive credit. Your responses must reflect thoughtfulness about the topic you choose.
Remember to use good judgment and to be professional with what you post!
HUMI 16 De Anza College Art Architecture and The Theatre Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
There’s a whole world of creativity out there to explore. Most of us probably think of paintings and sculpture when someone asks us, “What is art?” but the reality is that art encompasses so much more. There are many mediums to investigate, so many different techniques and methods of producing objects of beauty, and there are the art forms that encompass movement, sound, and performance. For this series of exercises students are encouraged to think outside the basics. There’s a lot of creativity to explore, here’s your opportunity to share the things that you find intriguing.
Expanding on the idea that art can be culturally determined and socially constructed through public forums, this week you’ll view a film in order to identify the unique intersection of architecture and cinema. We don’t always think about how important architectural features can prove in the cinematic experience, do we?
Here are two articles to further explore this topic: How Architecture Speaks Through Cinema and The Cinematography of Architecture. I recommend reading both before continuing.
The Task:
- Select a film of your choosing and include the title of the film and the year of release at the beginning of your review – add a link for the IMDB page if there is one. Next, review the film by responding to the prompts listed below: (20 points)
For example: Pulp Fiction, 1994.
Describe how this film might shape public perception.
Identify the message or theme of this film.
Explain how architecture influenced the production of this film. - Your post should be a minimum of 250+ words and you should cite resources used. (5 points)
- Leave substantive* comments on THREE (3) other student posts – select ones who wrote about different examples than you selected. Use this as an opportunity to learn what they have to share. Each comment should be a minimum of 75+ words. (5 points each)
HUMI 16 De Anza College Art Architecture and The Theatre Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MUED 175 SJSU Brittany Bergman Second Grade Music Video Analysis Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Please finish the following question. Here is the observation link
1. Describe the setting of the school, community (ethnicity, diversity, socio-economic status, etc.), and physical environment of the campus and classroom.
2. What were the main learning objectives of the lesson? Describe the knowledge, skills, and topics that you perceived were being developed and assessed in the class. What repertoire (if any) was rehearsed?
3. What types of assessments were used to determine student learning?
4. Describe the classroom culture/climate. How did the teacher create a learning environment where students could thrive? How did the teacher make the students feel comfortable, safe, and motivated, and how did the students respond? What routines did you observe to aid in classroom management?
5. In one sentence, what is your primary takeaway from your observation today?
Requirements: For each question please do at least 80 words
DAC Racism & Housing how Racism Affect the Lives of White People Article Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
1. Read the pdf file
- According to McIntosh’s article, how does racism affect the lives of white people?
- Why do you think it is so difficult for whites to recognize this particular effect of racism in their own lives?
- There have been many instances of police brutality and police killings of black and brown people in the past, why do you think that the recent killing of George Floyd has led to so many White people exploring their privilege for the first time?
2. watch the video :
- How does the history of housing illustrate the concept of institutional or structural racism as described in the text?
- What do you think has been the legacy of racial discrimination in housing? Explain?
Germanys Use of U Boat During War at Sea Thesis Paper Writing Assignment Help
A “thesis” is an argument, assertion, or statement requiring evidence and proof in order to gain acceptance. It is a claim which must be proven and defended. It is not self-evident. It consists of a statement (the thesis statement) supported by appropriate evidence, organized in a logical manner, presented in a convincing style. The thesis statement can usually be summarized in one sentence. This statement provides an answer to a question. All theses are answers to questions. These questions may be explicit or implicit.
A thesis paper should be structured as a self-contained argument, containing, in written form, the evidence and logic necessary to prove a specific thesis – in maritime history such a paper is usually introduced through the presentation of the inherent question. For example, a thesis arguing that “The United States was perfectly justified in dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan” is answering the question of “Was the United States justified in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima? ”Stating the question and explaining its significance is a reasonable method for beginning the paper. The thesis (answer) may be revealed at this point or the writer may wait to reveal the thesis as part of the paper’s conclusion. Either technique may be desirable. It is a matter of style.
The introduction should, therefore: 1) introduce the subject, usually via a historical question, 2) perhaps present your answer/thesis, 3) explain the significance of the topic, and 4) tell the reader what sorts of points and evidence will be used to conduct your presentation. If you have already “given away” your thesis, you can be fairly specific in outlining the points you will make in arguing your thesis.
The main body of the paper should be a construction of the major points which you have outlined in the introduction. They should be well supported by evidence, logically argued, and clearly stated. Reviewed in their entirety, they should make your thesis appear obvious and reasonable.
Finally, your conclusion should restate the historical question and briefly review your points, evidence, and logic. Finally, clearly express your thesis in no more than one sentence; and leave the reader convinced of your argument.
Details to Remember
–The paper must be typed, double-spaced.
–Citations must be used to cite every quote, fact,
or idea taken from a source other than your own brilliance
–Include a bibliography page.
–The recommended length is five (5) pages. Use common sense.
–Make sure that you have a “thesis” rather than a mere topic.
Requirements: 5 pages
Campbellsville University Health Clinic Quality Improvement Experts LLC Presentation Writing Assignment Help
You are the new project / quality manager at Health Clinic Quality Improvement Experts LLC, a local company for the past 12 years in the Indianapolis, IN area. Your first assignment will be for the Dr. Donald Snickerbush, Hamilton County, Colonoscopy Clinic. The clinic has five teams performing colonoscopies at their Carmel, IN facility. Each team consist of an Admittance Expert, a Triage and Preparation Nurse, an Anesthesiologist, a Procedure Nurse, a Proctologist, a Post Procedure Nurse Specialist and a Closure Nurse. The clinic has the ability and facilities to run five lines of work at any one point in time and a separate patient arrival area / waiting room. The clinic has some concerns as to its business and increasing revenue as well as the quality of its services.
Our Corporate / Six Sigma Project Objectives in this engagement include:
- Reduce the number of colonoscopy process errors system wide.
- Improve documentation of colonoscopy administration.
- Reduce waste in product and time in colonoscopy administration.
- Improve patient satisfaction with their colonoscopy experience.
- Improve bed flow for patients receiving a colonoscopy.
Our overall objective is to increase our patient turn-around per day while at the same time increasing our patient customer satisfaction results, increasing our clientele and decreasing medical errors.
In order to complete the needed objectives we will apply a Six Sigma full DMAIC process. Please see the documents to be created for the project below. As a team, it is extremely important to all of you that you participate in the creation of every document listed below in some way. That you leave this course with the knowledge of what that document is for and what it typically contains. You will need to create all of the documents as a team and you will use those documents to create slides for your project status presentation Sunday morning using Power Point. You will have 21 slides and related notes and documents.
- Cover Slide
- Project Charter (Friday)
- Statement of Work (SOW) (Friday)
- Scope Document (Friday)
- Complete Risk Identification (Friday)
- Create a Risk Matrix (Friday)
- Create a Risk Remediation Plan
- Define the Problem by Developing a “Problem Statement” (Friday)
- Define the Goal by Developing a “Goal Statement” (Friday)
- Define the Process by Developing Process Maps (Saturday)
- Measure – Determine What Variables We Will Study (Saturday)
- Measure – Create a Plan to Collect the Data (Saturday)
- Analyze – Look for What Might be Causing the Problem
- Analyze – Verify the Cause(s) of the Problem (Saturday)
- Improve – Brainstorm Solutions That Might Fix the Problem and Select the Practical Solutions (Saturday)
- Improve – Develop Maps of Processes Based on Different Solutions (Saturday)
- Improve – Select the Best Solution(s) (Saturday)
- Control – Design Measures to Ensure Improvement (Saturday)
- Document the Improved Process (Saturday)
- Continuously Improve the Process Using Lean Principles (Saturday)
- Closing Thoughts
How do I approach this?
Internet research is your friend – good Google topics = Six Sigma, Lean, Risk Management, DAMIC, DMADV, Colonoscopy, Improving healthcare with Six Sigma, Project Quality, Risk Matrix,
I know:
-That many of you are thinking that I have no experience with healthcare, Six Sigma, colon rectal care, project management, risk control, Lean, etc. What you must realize is that when you seek employment as a project manager or a quality project person, you will always have this conundrum of how much do I really need to know about the area of work the project lies within (telecom, IT, construction, travel, human resources, insurance, health care, finance, etc.) do be effective at my job. You will have potential employers who will think you need to know a great deal. You will meet folks like me who would advise that is not the case. What you must be ready to do is learn / absorb as much knowledge in the area of project work as soon as possible. Be ready to explore all of your options to gain and find the knowledge you need to function effectively. You need to have just enough vocabulary and knowledge to operate and communicate well and that will then continually grow as the project moves forward. This is part of what makes being a project manager such fun – it is never the same – never boring.
1. Describe the setting of the school, community (ethnicity, diversity, socio-economic status, etc.), and physical environment of the campus and classroom.
2. What were the main learning objectives of the lesson? Describe the knowledge, skills, and topics that you perceived were being developed and assessed in the class. What repertoire (if any) was rehearsed?
3. What types of assessments were used to determine student learning?
4. Describe the classroom culture/climate. How did the teacher create a learning environment where students could thrive? How did the teacher make the students feel comfortable, safe, and motivated, and how did the students respond? What routines did you observe to aid in classroom management?
5. In one sentence, what is your primary takeaway from your observation today?
Requirements: For each question please do at least 80 words