ACC 309 Southern New Hampshire Companys Financial Reporting Strategies Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

ACC 309 Southern New Hampshire Companys Financial Reporting Strategies Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. ACC 309 Southern New Hampshire Companys Financial Reporting Strategies Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a accounting project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
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I’m working on the final project for Accounting 309 part 3 which is instructions final and I don’t understand it. attached is what I need help with.Workbook
A. Prepare appropriate adjusting entries and complete the Adjusted Trial Balance. [ACC-309-01]
B. Prepare revised financial statements for year-end audit that flow logically within the document. [ACC-309-01]
C. Determine the impact on earnings per share [ACC-309-02]
II. Notes to the Financial Statements
A. Compose appropriate footnotes within a statement of comprehensive income in accordance with applicable accounting standards, such as
GAAP, International Financial Reporting Standards, and SEC, as applicable. [ACC-309-03]
III. Executive Summary
A. Evaluate the company’s current performance based on the outcomes of relevant ratio analysis. [ACC-309-02]
B. Discuss types of accounting changes encountered and when retrospective and prospective approaches should be used. [ACC-309-02]
C. Predict the impact of new credit policies or a change in product or markets based on relevant ratio analysis. [ACC-309-02]
D. Discuss relevant accounting standards for informing the company’s financial reporting strategies. [ACC-309-03]
E. Explain how the four-step process was used for effectively correcting and reporting errors in the revision process. [ACC-309-03]

ACC 309 Southern New Hampshire Companys Financial Reporting Strategies Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

North Lake Community College La Luna Visual Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment overview
When writing a visual analysis, writers must decide what details are most important and what
insights are most pivotal. The purpose of this essay is to explore how various narrative and
cinematic visual elements work to demonstrate the creator’s message. You will examine your
short film, objectively, and present a rational analysis about the effectiveness of the work.
Remember, you are not to argue the issue. Here is how you start:
Visual Analysis Steps
1. Select one of the short films from the professor-approved list to write your analysis
2. Watch and study your selected film several times, focusing on answering the questions
on the basic approach of analysis (Use the assigned readings and the film analysis
worksheet for a deep analysis).
3. After watching, choose three or four visual elements that contribute significantly to the
film’s overall effect, and analyze, in some detail, the contributions of each. Use technical
terms and concepts discussed in the film when they are pertinent to your analysis.
4. Use your analyses of the individual visual elements as the body of your paper; then add
an introductory paragraph, transitions, and a conclusion to shape the paper into a
complete essay.
5. Submit your rough draft to for peer review
6. Revise and edit your essay.
7. Submit your final draft to by the assigned due date
Length: 700-word minimum (800 max. not including works cited page)
Audience: For this essay, you will be writing to academic professionals. You are to dissect the
image and text, if applicable, critically. Keep in mind, you are not arguing the issue, but how
effective it is. Since this is a formal literary paper, avoid using first and second person and the
use of the pronoun “one” (Do not use such common phrases as “I think,” “I believe,” “I
discovered,” “you can see,” “you should understand,” “one should know,” etc.)
Genre: You are to write your analysis in essay form, typed and double-spaced. Follow MLA
formatting and documentation rules.


BU Researchers Commitment to Promote Human Research Ethics Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1. Conduct online research on the Tuskegee Syphilis Study and
Willowbrook Hepatitis Study. How did these studies fail to address the ethical
treatment of participants outlined on Table 6.3?

2. Classify your research sample process methods by answering the
following regarding your study:

    •  Define the population you will study
    •  Define the sample frame and unit
    •  Determine your estimated sample size. How did you come up with your
      sample size?
    •  Select the type of sample to be used to collect your data. What was the
      type of sample selected?

    Each question should be 250 words


Montana University Middle and Renaissance Ages Effect on Art and Music Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Write a complete paragraph in your own words for each of the following. Please cite any resources used to formulate your answer.

  1. Describe the influence of the Roman Catholic Church on music in the Middle Ages. Why did it have such a large influence? Address specific musical elements and concepts which were influenced by the work of the church and its musicians.
  1. What are some of the important cultural differences between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance Era which affected the arts, and music in particular? How did the music change?


WU Implications of Climate Change on Humans Annotation of Qualitative Article Humanities Assignment Help

  • Use the Walden library database to search for a qualitative research article from a peer-reviewed journal on a topic of your interest.
  • Before you read the full article and begin your annotation, locate the methodology section in the article to be sure that the article describes a qualitative study. Confirm that one of the types of qualitative research designs or approaches, such as narrative, ethnographic, grounded theory, case study, or phenomenology, was used in the study.
  • Annotate one qualitative research article from a peer-reviewed journal on a topic of your interest.
  • Provide the reference list entry for this article in APA Style followed by a three-paragraph annotation that includes:
  • Format your annotation in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced. A separate References list page is not needed for this assignment.
  • Submit your annotation.



Ashford University Meditation and Self Awareness Essay Writing Assignment Help

1- Write (~500 words) that briefly reflect on the reading. Answer: How do you relate to these readings? Provide at least 2 examples.

2- Practice meditation, as explained by Kabat-Zinn:

You can experience this pull of the thinking mind for yourself right now if you perform the following experiement: Close your eyes, sit so that your back is straight but not stiff, and become aware of your breathing. Don’t try to control your breathing. Just let it happen and be aware of it, feeling how it feels, witnessing it as it flows in and out. Try being with your breath in this way for three minutes.

Write a few sentences or record an audio or video (~2 minutes) reflecting on your experience with this exercise. What did you notice?

Ashford University Meditation and Self Awareness Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Colorado College Collecting Data With Young Children Discussion Writing Assignment Help

GB part 1

1. What year did the state of Louisiana vote the law into effect to make it illegal for adults to smoke in a car in which children are present? [Answer this question by stating: In the year _ _ _ _ the state of Louisiana made it illegal for adults to smoke in a car in which children are present.]

2. What recent legislation related to secondhand smoke has the Louisiana Legislature worked in the current session (Summer 2020) to put into effect to further protect young children in vehicles with adult smokers? [The Louisiana Legislature has currently worked to put legislation into law to prevent adults from ________________ in cars where children are present.]

Part 2

You will need a highlighter (any light color will due), a pencil/pen, and a computer for this assignment.

Find the Article Review Form that is posted for you under Modules. Read the questions on the Article Review Form to familiarize yourself with what you will be looking for in your reading of the research article. Read the article “Collecting Data with Young Children” taken from the journal of Young Children, January of 1997, pp. 28-31 that has been provided to you under Modules. As you read the article, highlight the answers to each of the questions/prompts on the Article Review Form. Using your pen/pencil write any details or notes on the article that correlate to the questions asked on the Article Review Form. Using the highlighted nformation and written notes from the article, complete the article review by typing your answers on the form. Be sure that your answers are not in bold, while the questions/prompts remain in bold. Be sure to use complete sentences, correct spelling, and correct punctuation. Adhere to the size and type of font required as well as the spacing needed. (These are stated in your syllabus.)

Both parts–the article with your highlighted and written notes and the article reveiw–will be submitted to fulfill the assignment.

What does “bias” mean? Anytime that an article is not just reporting facts or beliefs to the reader, but actually trying to sway their opinion to that of the article’s author or trying to convince the readers to believe something or buy into it, there is bias to that article. Bias can be evident from an entire written work or only from parts of it. Therefore, as you are reading and after you have completed the reading you need to ask yourself, “Are the authors trying to convince me to believe a certain way about this?” If the answer is yes, then the article is biased.

Part 3

What is your experience working and/or living with special needs children?

What is your interest level and what do you hope to learn in our course?

Part 4

What are some fears about Inclusion? What are the benefits for both Typical and atypical peers

Part 5

The book says The mere act of placing children with and without disabilities together in a classroom does not ensure successful inclusion and peer interaction

What are some teacher responsibilities towards inclusion and some things that you as a teacher or future teacher can do to (structure or teach) to ensure that inclusion is a success?

Part 6

1. Which law / act or part establishes services for children birth – age three? When was it created?

2. Which law establishes services for three, four and five year olds? WHen was it created?

3. WHat is least restrictive environment? Why should that concern you as a teacher?

4. What are the three types of prevention explained in our textbook? Please identify and explain each one.

5. WHat was the educational significance. of Brown versus the Topeka board of education?

6. What law applies to gifted and talented children?


CMSV Key Performance Indicators of Management Consulting Report Business Finance Assignment Help

You will individually develop a three-page double spaced management report discussing a consulting related topic. The objective of this assignment is for you to explore consulting and project management topics and develop/demonstrate your management report writing capabilities.

The report should include a cover page, an introduction summarizing the content, the body including at least three sub headings/ sub topics, and a conclusion summarizing (again) the content. You should have at least three citations in APA format (the course texts are good sources but exploring other resources is encouraged). The report should use 11 point font and be submitted as a pdf file.

Potential topics include: an overview of (a) consulting firm(s), a review of consulting and/or project management methodologies and/or processes, careers in consulting, or any other consulting/ project management related topic if approved by your instructor. There is no need to seek approval for your topic if it falls in the three specific categories (firms, methods, careers).


UOP Federal Reserve and The Great Recession Analysis Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of 1 of the following corrective actions taken by the Federal Reserve as a result of the crisis:

Choose 1 of the following topics related to the Great Recession:

  • The housing price bubble, collapse, foreclosures, bailout of underwater mortgages
  • Subprime mortgages and derivatives, bailout of FNMA, Freddie Mac and AIG
  • The banking industry crisis, bailout of commercial and investment banks
  • Quantitative easing
  • Purchase of toxic assets from financial institutions
  • Paying interest on reserve balances

Address the following in your analysis:

  • Actions taken by the Federal Reserve to mitigate the crisis
  • How the corrective action helped to restore stability to the financial system
  • How the corrective action should prevent recurrence of a similar crisis

Note: Use of charts and graphs is encouraged with appropriate citations. Any charts or graphs retrieved from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis FRED website may only be included when the data sources used by FRED are US government sources such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis or the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Cite at least 2 academically credible sources.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Discuss how changes in the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy affect at least 1 of the 4 components of GDP (consumption, investment, government spending, net exports).
  • Have the Federal Reserve’s countercyclical monetary policies been effective in moderating business cycle swings? Justify your response.


Saddleback College The Indigenous Native Americans Discussion Writing Assignment Help

If you have not already done so, please read this section on the First Americans from your textbook. (Links to an external site.)

Please look through a few of these creation/origin stories from various Native peoples. The purpose of this assignment is to go beyond broad views of Native people that label them as homogeneous and examine the range of perspectives and beliefs held by their communities.

This page has multiple accounts to choose from. (Links to an external site.)

Ottawa Society (Links to an external site.)

Sioux Creation Story (Links to an external site.)

Our textbook has two more. (Links to an external site.)

Hopi Origin Story (This one is a video) (Links to an external site.)

Navajo Creation Story (Links to an external site.)

Kumeyaay (from San Diego) (Links to an external site.)

Assignment: In an entry of 250 words or more (always feel free to write more if you think you need the words to address the questions), select one of the creation stories linked above and analyze what we can learn about the beliefs/worldview of the people who told it by pointing to specific details in these accounts. Referring to chapter one of the textbook (Links to an external site.)would also be helpful. Be specific in identifying which story you are writing about to avoid confusion. If you just describe the account, that is just a summary and you will not earn full points. You might also think about how analyzing this specific story challenges the homogeneous view of Native peoples often found in popular culture as discussed earlier in the module. As an alternative, you may write an extended analysis of the Kumeyaay: First People film linked on the previous page. You would still need to relate it to the course materials but, if you would rather watch a film than read one of the linked stories, you may.

There are more Native American origin stories and I was only providing a sampling here. If you would like to include a different Native American origin story, you may but you will have to include the URL so that I can take a quick look at it.

[supanova_question] also be helpful. Be specific in identifying which story you are writing about to avoid confusion. If you just describe the account, that is just a summary and you will not earn full points. You might also think about how analyzing this specific story challenges the homogeneous view of Native peoples often found in popular culture as discussed earlier in the module. As an alternative, you may write an extended analysis of the Kumeyaay: First People film linked on the previous page. You would still need to relate it to the course materials but, if you would rather watch a film than read one of the linked stories, you may.

There are more Native American origin stories and I was only providing a sampling here. If you would like to include a different Native American origin story, you may but you will have to include the URL so that I can take a quick look at it.

[supanova_question] also be helpful. Be specific in identifying which story you are writing about to avoid confusion. If you just describe the account, that is just a summary and you will not earn full points. You might also think about how analyzing this specific story challenges the homogeneous view of Native peoples often found in popular culture as discussed earlier in the module. As an alternative, you may write an extended analysis of the Kumeyaay: First People film linked on the previous page. You would still need to relate it to the course materials but, if you would rather watch a film than read one of the linked stories, you may.

There are more Native American origin stories and I was only providing a sampling here. If you would like to include a different Native American origin story, you may but you will have to include the URL so that I can take a quick look at it.

[supanova_question] also be helpful. Be specific in identifying which story you are writing about to avoid confusion. If you just describe the account, that is just a summary and you will not earn full points. You might also think about how analyzing this specific story challenges the homogeneous view of Native peoples often found in popular culture as discussed earlier in the module. As an alternative, you may write an extended analysis of the Kumeyaay: First People film linked on the previous page. You would still need to relate it to the course materials but, if you would rather watch a film than read one of the linked stories, you may.

There are more Native American origin stories and I was only providing a sampling here. If you would like to include a different Native American origin story, you may but you will have to include the URL so that I can take a quick look at it.


ACC 309 Southern New Hampshire Companys Financial Reporting Strategies Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

ACC 309 Southern New Hampshire Companys Financial Reporting Strategies Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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