ACC226 Grantham University Best Financial Ratios & Statement Homework Business Finance Assignment Help. ACC226 Grantham University Best Financial Ratios & Statement Homework Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Statement is the use of different calculations and formulas to
determine the financial health of an organization. Lean Manufacturing
and Activity Analysis is about eliminating waste and focusing on the
movement of goods and services in respect to customer demand. In
regards to financial statements, please pick out four ratios discussed
in the chapter that would best analyze the company you chose in Week 1’s
threaded discussions. Discuss why these are the best calculations for
the company you chose and in detail explain how they effectively analyze
the financial health of that firm.
Please make an initial post and
two replies to either your classmates or professor. The initial post
must be at least 75-150 words with one external reference in APA format,
while your replies must be at least 100 words.
ACC226 Grantham University Best Financial Ratios & Statement Homework Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NUR623 Howard University Week 14 Disaster Epidemiology Response Health Medical Assignment Help
Please use the additional attached document’s information/references to respond
Responses to classmate colleagues’ initial postings: Read a selection of your classmate’s postings and provide a substantive reply to your colleagues , in one or more of the following ways, by: (a) expanding on your classmate colleague’s posting; (b) offering an insight from having read your classmate’s posting; (c) corroborating an idea from your own experience; (d) concurring or disagreeing by explaining why with supporting evidence or concepts from the readings or literature; (d) asking a probing question. You must provide response postings to at least three (3) classmate colleagues’ postings. Responses must contain 200–250 words (not including references) and at least 1 reference. References in the response postings will support response statements and assertions; and serve as an additional resource to fellow classmates. Response postings are due by 11:59 p.m. (ET), on Day of the course week.
CIS513 Strayer University W9 Wireless Networking Ethical Issues Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Wireless Networking Ethical Issues” Please respond to the following:
- Since people in today’s network environment use wireless networks as a predominant part of their personal and business lives, there are ethical issues that arise with their use. Assess the ethical issues as they relate to wireless networks that are predominant in organizational environments, and describe what you consider to be the two to three most significant ethical issues that organizations are facing today. Analyze how these ethical issues differ between wireless networks and wired networks. Describe what organizations can do to overcome or mitigate these ethical issues.
Kanas Julian Assange computer hacking skills Criminal Justice Questions Humanities Assignment Help
Part 1
Julian Assange, famous for his computer hacking skills, is the editor in chief of WikiLeaks, a whistle-blower website. WikiLeaks has exposed documents and videos detailing the corruption in Kenya, Guantanamo Bay procedures, and the American involvement in the Afghan and Iraq wars, portions of which were classified confidential and secret. The New York Times published some of this information. Although WikiLeaks did not actually “leak” classified material (some of it was passed to WikiLeaks by a low-level US Army intelligence analyst). The US Department of Justice has charged Assange with 18 counts of violating United States Codes (laws), including conspiracy to commit computer intrusion and illegally obtaining classified material. |
Module 14 Discussion
Part 2
Answer the questions below from the textbook or/and other sources. Ensure to utilizing the formatting examples provided. Your responses to these questions should be typed, 12 point font, with your response for each question no longer than 150 words in length. Double-spacing requirements apply, and you must cite any sources used in your responses. |
MODULE 14 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT 1. How do larceny and embezzlement, differ and why are these differences important? Explain your answer. 2. Why is burglary of a dwelling at night time generally graded higher than other burglaries? Explain your answer. 3. A man walks into a 7-11 store, grabs a six pack of beer and starts to walk out. When the clerk confronts the man, the man opens his jacket showing the clerk a gun in his waistband, but says nothing. The clerk backs up and the man walks out. You as a police officer get the call, see the man and arrest him. While searching the man you locate the gun, which turns out to be a pellet gun. According to the text is this crime still a robbery, or something else? Explain your answer. |
SOC110HM Saint Leo University Week 7 Racism Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
Class Presentation
Students will be responsible for presenting to the class at least one assigned reading during the semester (THE ASSIGNED READING CHOSEN FROM THE
MODULE ATTACHED BELOW). This will be done through a PowerPoint presentation and a threaded discussion board. Students should evaluate the assigned reading based on the nine universal intellectual standards as outlined in The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools (Paul & Elder, 2009) [available in the Start Here menu under Critical Thinking]: clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance, and fairness.
Class Presentation, continued
Below is a template for analyzing the reading (Paul & Elder, 2009:11):
1) The main purpose of the article/reading is ____________.
2) The key question the author is addressing is ____________.
3) The most important information in this article/reading is ____________.
4) The main inferences/conclusions in this article/reading are ____________.
5) The key concepts we need to understand in this article/reading are ____________.
6) The main assumption(s) underlying the author’s thinking is (are) ____________.
a. If we take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are ____________.
b. If we fail to take this line of reasoning seriously, the implications are ____________.
7) The main point(s) of view presented in this article is (are) ____________.
Student presentations should encourage dialog among other students, and collaboration with peers on arriving at answers to these questions, emphasizing the core values of community and respect, learning how to appreciate diverse viewpoints both in and outside of the classroom community.
Florida International University International Drug Trafficking Article Review Humanities Assignment Help
Find a recent article regarding international drug trafficking.
Using a minimum of 350 words (not including the title and reference section) and a maximum of 500, provide a brief summary of your chosen article and answer the following questions:
- Should the United States try to control drug production at the source through the use of U.S. troops agents, and money, or should it concentrate one controlling traffic and consumption within the United States?
- Of all the possible responses to organized crime and drug trafficking, which do you believe is the most effective? Why?
- What implementations should be made to decrease drug trafficking?
Florida International University International Drug Trafficking Article Review Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SEU International Business Strategy for Eden Beauty Company Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
In developing this assignment, you have an opportunity to synthesize and apply the concepts, principles, and theories. You will be writing a paper in response to the following hypothetical situation.
You work in strategy planning for a KSA organization. You’ve been in the organization in a variety of roles for five years. Recently, the senior leadership team determined that your organization needs an effective strategy planning process for international growth, and you’ve gladly stepped into a role to help determine what strategic planning process is needed to assist with becoming a multinational organization.
You’ve been asked by the senior management team to present specific strategic planning recommendations to help the senior management team better understand the concepts and principles of a well-designed multinational strategy planning process. Your recommendations will include a strategy planning process specific for your organization and industry designed for multinational growth.
Your well-written paper should include the following elements and meet the following requirements:
- The type of hypothetical organization and industry is up to you. Describe your hypothetical organization in terms of its industry, type (private or public sector), structure and systems, and products or services provided. Identify the major areas of change that influence this industry and the changes needed for the international context. How important are ethical and cultural relationships when implementing organizational change in Saudi Arabia and in the new country?
- Present the strategy concepts, theories, and principles that you believe are most important for the senior executive leadership team to understand. If there are contradicting opinions from strategy experts, you may want to present both sides objectively. What management issues may result from managing this type of growth strategy?
- Consider the variety of strategic planning approaches that you have learned during this course and identify the strategy planning methods that will work best as your hypothetical organization becomes international. Make sure to consider analysis, formulation and implementation methods. For each strategy planning method, include a clear and understandable title along with a brief description of one or two sentences to share your understanding. Then explain the benefits and value of each method specific to your organization.
- Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 9 to 10 pages in length, which does not include the required title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
- Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.
- It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check before submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check—Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
- Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
Columbia Southern Differences Between the Different Chemical Properties HW Writing Assignment Help
Journal one
Unit I Journal Open
Weight: 2% of course grade
Grading Rubric
Describe a time when you were concerned about the possible toxicological effects of a chemical. For example, a child digesting a dangerous chemical or pharmaceutical product, an actual chemical you worked with that touched your skin or you inhaled, etc. Why were you concerned about this chemical’s toxicology profile?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.
Submit Unit I Journal »
Question 6
Summarize the differences between the different chemical properties of the lower explosive limit (LEL), the upper explosive limit (UEL), and the range of flammability for a chemical that has an LEL of 3% and a UEL of 97%.
Your response must be at least 75 words in length
Question 7
In your own words, explain the three different methods of heat transfer.
Your response must be at least 75 words in length
CRM330 SLU Is Illegal Drugs More Dangerous than Human Trafficking Paper Writing Assignment Help
Please write a reaction paper to the controversial statement given below based upon the website viewed earlier and your readings in the text.
“The threat from illegal drugs is more dangerous to society than the threats from human trafficking or other illegal goods or services. Describe why you agree or disagree with this statement.”
Visit:… search HIDTA to identify designated High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA).
Visit: and read the State Department Trafficking in Persons document on “Global Human Trafficking.”
Read CRM330 – Department of Justice.pdf to identify a criminal case that will provide an enhanced understanding of the broadly diverse nature of organized criminal enterprises.
College America Phoenix Significance of Evaluation Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Use Interorganizational Collaboration to read the following:
- Chapter 12, “Communication Oriented toward Solutions,” on pages 269–294.
Use A-Z of Interagency Working to read the following:
- “Evaluation” on pages 45–47
Using an Approach
Based on approaches on community collaboration found in the literature, what are two that appeal to you? Which approach do you feel most comfortable with based on your skills, your abilities, and your values? Which approach seems to be the best fit for the community problem that your new initiative is to address? Support your choices with literature.
The Significance of Evaluation
Based on the approach that appears to be a best fit for your new initiative, what is an appropriate evaluation plan? What is the purpose of the evaluation plan? Support your choices with literature.