ACCT 105 American Public Management Accounting v Financial Accounting HW Writing Assignment Help

ACCT 105 American Public Management Accounting v Financial Accounting HW Writing Assignment Help. ACCT 105 American Public Management Accounting v Financial Accounting HW Writing Assignment Help.

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Assignment Instructions

Write a 750 – 1250 word paper on the following topic:

Compare and contrast financial and managerial accounting. Provide one specific, real-life example of how either financial accounting helps external stakeholders make informed decisions or how managerial accounting helps managers to improve operational and financial performance.

Your paper must be formatted according to APA 6th edition guidelines, and you need to use at least three external references. Save your file as “LastnameFirstinitial-ACCT105-8.”

Submit your work by midnight ET on Day 7 (Sunday).

Note that your attached paper will automatically be submitted to Turnitin, and an Originality Report should be sent back to the classroom within around 15 minutes. The Originality report does not actually recommend changes. It does point out where you may need to add a citation or quotation marks (if not already cited). Once you use it a few times, you will appreciate this tool, as it will assist you in improving quality and content, as well as avoid plagiarism. Your goal is to keep direct quotations to a minimum and to make sure that you do not just cut and paste material. Ensure that all your references are cited. A report with a similarity index less than 25% is acceptable for undergraduate level work.

Your paper will be evaluated according to the Writing Assignment Grading Rubric shown below. To maximize your grade, be sure to use the proper organization (intro, body, conclusion) and follow APA style. Your paper should have a title page and reference page, but you do not need an abstract for this assignment. See the PowerPoint presentation attached for APA assistance.

Complete Guide to Sarbanes-Oxley: Understanding How Sarbanes-Oxley Affects Your Business

The below is an additional resource on Sarbanes Oxley that can also be used.


Writing Assignment Grading Criteria

Content (60%)

Response demonstrates a clear understanding of the key elements of assignment questions.

Response thoroughly covers the elements in a substantive manner.

Response demonstrates critical thinking and analysis.

Content is complete and accurate.

Introduction and conclusion provide adequate information on the given topic.

Organization (20%)

Paper structure is clear and easy to follow.

Ideas flow in a logical sequence.

Introduction provides a sound introduction to the topic and previews major points.

Paragraph transitions are logical and support the flow of thought throughout the paper.

The conclusion thoroughly reviews the major points.

Writing Style, Grammar, APA Format (20%)

Sentences are well constructed, complete, clear, and concise.

Words used are specific an unambiguous.

The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation are correct.

APA guidelines (6th edition) are followed, such as headers, citations, references, etc.

Effective use of aids such as sections, summaries, table of contents, indices, and appendices (if appropriate).

ACCT 105 American Public Management Accounting v Financial Accounting HW Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SPHS 503 APU Hydration Recommendation During Off Season Period Paper Science Assignment Help

Athletic Director: Congratulations! Mission accomplished! All three teams achieved their goal, and I know it was your help that brought us this success. I can’t thank you enough! Now I have one last request. We need to put it all together for this final assignment. I need you to prepare a pamphlet the team can use in-between seasons when you are not available. Let’s focus! I’ll have each coach tell you what they need.

Coach Speedy: Our season starts late summer and ends late fall. I tell my athletes that their off-season determines how well they do during the season. Since their off-season includes the hot summer months, they need guidance on hydration. What should they drink during the hot summer training months?

Coach Power: We pump iron all year round. How much protein should my athletes be eating? Should they eat the protein before or after they work out?

Coach Combo: During the offseason, my players will continue to strength condition and run for aerobic conditioning. I know they need to eat before and after they exercise. What it the timing and what should they eat?

Athletic Director: Now that you have heard from each coach, let’s put this assignment together. I am looking forward to seeing what you develop. You can use any platform, for example, video, pamphlet, brochure, flip book, Prezi presentation, but make it interesting so our athletes will want to read it. Throw in a few pictures and color. Have fun. Think out of the box but be sure to include the following though. You can add other tidbits of information, but be sure to address these concerns. You can pick any of the three topics.

Topic 1: Hydration Recommendations

  1. Specific guidelines for fluids to drink and how much
  2. Ways to detect if you are hydrated

Topic 2: Protein recommendations

  1. How much protein the athlete should eat
  2. Sources of protein

Topic 3: Pre and Post Workout Recommendations

  1. Timing of eating before and after exercising
  2. What foods should be eaten


University of The Rockies Future of Faith Based Terrorism Discussions Humanities Assignment Help


What is the future of religious or faith-based terrorism? Do you believe religion will continue to be a driving force in other parts of the world resulting in terrorist attacks against the West? What other factors are at play with these terrorist groups who claim religion as their cause?

Explain your answers in full detail. Provide resources to support your position.


With international terrorist groups such as ISIS, al-Shabaab and Boko Haram gaining momentum and their capability to reach people around the world increasing, is the United States at greater risk of a terrorist attack? Which group/s do you believe has the greatest capability of carrying out a major attack upon the United States and why? What timeframe do you think it could happen?

Explain your answers in full detail. Provide resources to support your position.


Upper Iowa University Strategic Management and Mission Statements Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

1.Strategic issues have several key dimensions. Describe and discuss in detail any four of them.

  • 250 words

2. Define and discuss what a mission statement is. Describe the importance of developing an explicit mission statement.

  • 250

3. Mission statements are often criticized for being lists of platitudes. What can strategic managers do to prevent their statements from appearing to be simple statements of obvious truths? What evidence do you see that mission statements are valuable?

Your paper should be 600-750 words in length. In APA format.

4. Comment on problems or successes encountered, deficiencies of style in management and/or leadership, or other ideas related to the “Topics for the Week”. This is your opportunity to coalesce the ideas you have studied into an overall view of the topic for that week. It is not enough to list what you have studied or what you did. You should be able to demonstrate that you have thought through the issues and can propose solutions in keeping with the discussions in the forums and the readings. Your summary should be 200-250 words in length and written in APA format.


BEHS 453 6980 UMUC Berlin Syndrome Clare Havel Domestic Violence Film Paper Humanities Assignment Help

  1. Select a film that depicts domestic violence. Alternatively, you may select a book or television show instead of a movie. Regardless of the medium of choice, it cannot be older than 5 years. For example, Enough (2002) came out in 2002 – this is too old. Your medium must have come out in 2015 or after.
  2. After you have selected a film, television show, or movie, identify one character (victim of domestic violence) who will be the focus of your paper.
  3. Compose a 6-8 page paper (not including title or reference page) which addresses the items listed in the following rubric:




Possible Points

Title Page

On a separate title page, center and type the name of the film, the character you have selected, your name, and the course information like so:

Movie Title: Character Name

Your Name

BEHS453 (section)

Plot Synopsis

Summary of plot – provide enough detail that a reader who has never seen the film will understand the story line, but be concise and limit the description to a few paragraphs (limit to one page)

20 pts: Excellent summary of plot

15 pts: Good summary of plot, some details missing

10 pts: Poor summary of plot, major details missing

0 pts: No summary provided


Identify and describe the type(s) of domestic violence in the film. Identify the victim and the abuser, specifying the relationship that exists between the two.

10 pts: Clear description of violence in film, key characters and their relation to one another

7 pts: Adequate description of violence in film, key characters with some details missing

4 pts: Poor description of violence in film, key characters with major details missing

0 pts: No description of violence or characters in film


Impact of domestic violence on character

List and evaluate the symptoms the character is demonstrating using your eLearning Resources.

20 pts: Excellent analysis of symptoms and their causes, using citations from eLearning Resources to support response.

15 pts: Good analysis of symptoms and their causes using citations from eLearning Resources to support response. Some details missing or slight errors in citations.

10 pts: Fair analysis of symptoms and their causes. Major details missing. Citations may be incorrect or missing.

5 pts: Poor analysis of symptoms and their causes. Serious omission of detail. Citations may be incorrect or missing.

0 pts: No analysis of symptoms and their causes.


Theoretical explanations of domestic violence

Explain the domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective, drawing upon theories discussed in class and in your eLearning Resources

20 pts: Excellent explanation of domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective, using citations from eLearning Resources to support response.

15 pts: Good explanation of domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective using citations from eLearning Resources to support response. Some details missing or slight errors in citations.

10 pts: Fair explanation of domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective. Major details missing. Citations may be incorrect or missing.

5 pts: Poor explanation of domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective. Serious omission of detail. Citations may be incorrect or missing.

0 pts: No explanation of domestic violence in the film from a systems perspective.




Identify any pivotal moments in the film where intervention made or might have made a difference for your character

15 pts: Excellent analysis of intervention opportunities

10 pts: Good analysis of intervention opportunities; missing some detail

5 pts: Poor analysis of intervention opportunities: missing major detail

0 pts: No analysis of intervention opportunities


1. Identify a strategy for helping the character, grounded in research and theory mentioned in course materials

2. Develop a comprehensive treatment plan

3.Identify real resources that could help the character and describe how these resources would be helpful

25 pts: Addresses all three criteria in clear, comprehensive fashion

20 pts: Addresses all three criteria but lacks detail

15 pts: Addresses 2 criteria in clear, comprehensive fashion

10 pts: Addresses 2 criteria but lacks detail

5 pts: Addresses only 1 criterion in clear, comprehensive fashion

0 pts: Does not address any of the criteria


Reference Page

List all references on a separate page using APA format (Version 5 or 6). For assistance with APA format, consult UMGC’s Information and Library Services or EffectiveWritingCenter



5 pts: Formal and scholarly tone

3 pts: Minor lapses in tone

1 pt: Serious lapses in tone


Grammar and Syntax

5 pts: No significant grammatical, spelling, or syntactical errors

3 pts: Several grammatical, spelling, or syntactical errors that are somewhat distracting

1 pt: Serious grammatical, spelling, or syntactical errors that detract from overall quality of the paper


Citations and References

5 pts: In-text citations and reference list correct

3 pts: In-text citations and reference list have minor errors

1 pt: In-text citations and reference list have serious errors






Riverside City College Chemistry Writing and Balancing Chemical Equations Exercises Science Assignment Help

writing ionic equations :


Classify each of the compounds as a molecule or a salt.

Molecule Salt

Answer bank :

CaS, NO2, C2H5OH,KI,C6H6,CaSO4


Classify each of the ions as a cation or an anion.

Cations Anions

Answer bank : NO-/2, K+, Co3+,NH+4, Br-, OH-,SA2+,CO-/3, Ca2+, O2-


Classify each of the ions as monoatomic or polyatomic.

Monoatomic ions Polyatomic ions

Answer bank : NO-2, OH-,Cu+, Be2+,S2-, H3O+, Sn2+, Na+,F-,O2/2-, CIO-/3


Balance the equations by inserting coefficients as needed.

equation 1:


equation 2:



Balance each equation by inserting coefficients as needed.

equation 1:


equation 2:



Balance the chemical equation by adding coefficients as needed.




Write the formula for an ionic compound formed from the K+ ion and each additional ion.

K+ and Cl :

K+ and N3 :

K+ and S2 :


Write the formula for an ionic compound formed from O2 with each of the ions.

magnesium ion:

sodium ion:

aluminum ion:


Predict the formula for a compound made from X2+ and Y2.

Insert subscripts as needed.




Give the formula for an ionic compound formed from each pair of ions.

Na+ and O2

Al3+ and F

Mg2+ and S2

Ca2+ and P3


Determine the formula unit for the compound formed when each pairs of ions interact.

Li+ and O2:

Mg2+ and S2:

Al3+ and Cl:

Na+ and N3:


Write the chemical formula for the compound formed by each pair of positive and negative ions.

Ba2+ and NO3:

Al3+ and CO32:

K+ and PO43:


Write the net ionic equation, including phases, that corresponds to the reaction


net ionic equation:


Enter the net ionic equation, including phases, for the reaction of AgNO3(aq) and KCl(aq). Refer to the solubility rules as needed.

net ionic equation:


Write the balanced net ionic equation for the reactions that occur when the given aqueous solutions are mixed. Include the physical states.

A. copper(II) sulfate, CuSO4, and potassium hydroxide, KOH

net ionic equation:

B. lithium carbonate, Li2CO3, and aluminum nitrate, Al(NO3)3

net ionic equation:

C. sodium phosphate, Na3PO4, and barium chloride, BaCl2

net ionic equation:


Complete and balance the molecular equation for the reaction of aqueous iron(III) nitrate, Fe(NO3)3, and aqueous lithium hydroxide, LiOH. Include physical states.

molecular equation:


Enter the balanced net ionic equation for the reaction. Include physical states.

net ionic equation:


Complete and balance the molecular equation for the reaction of aqueous sodium sulfate, Na2SO4, and aqueous barium nitrate, Ba(NO3)2. Include physical states.

molecular equation:


Enter the balanced net ionic equation for this reaction. Include physical states.

net ionic equation:


Complete and balance the molecular equation for the reaction of aqueous sodium carbonate, Na2CO3, and aqueous nickel(II) chloride, NiCl2. Include physical states.

molecular equation:


Enter the balanced net ionic equation for this reaction. Include physical states.

net ionic equation:


At temperatures above roughly 800 °C, calcium carbonate decomposes.

Write and balance the equation for this reaction. Phase symbols are optional.


For the chemical reaction


write the net ionic equation, including the phases.

net ionic equation:


Write the net ionic equation for the chemical reaction shown. Include physical states.


net ionic equation:


For the chemical reaction


write the net ionic equation, including the phases.

net ionic equation:

Which ions are considered spectator ions for this reaction?

Complete and balance the equation for this single-displacement reaction. Phases are optional.




Complete and balance the equation for the single-displacement reaction. Phases are optional.




Consider the decomposition reaction

? CaO(s)+CO2(g)

Riverside City College Chemistry Writing and Balancing Chemical Equations Exercises Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

South University Crime Scene Investigation CSI Process Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help

The objective of CSI is to determine what exactly happened, who was involved in the crime, how the crime was committed, and then later to be able to present the best possible case to the prosecutor to ensure justice. In the court of law, evidence needs to be presented to prove that the suspect has actually committed the crime. Evidence is anything that proves or disproves the point under investigation. Evidence can range from trace evidence collected at the scene to testimony of persons who were not at the scene, but are familiar with the daily actions of the victims and suspects.

On December 9, 2007, at 12:40 p.m. a man called up the police and said that a body had fallen out of the sky and landed on his family car, which was parked in the driveway. Initial canvassing of the area failed to locate any witnesses. The man, who called up the police, was home with his family at that time. They did not see the incident but reported of hearing a loud thud and glass breaking.

You are a crime scene investigator. When you arrived at the scene, you found that what you thought was a bizarre call, was in fact true. You saw the mangled body of a Caucasian man, and a partially deployed parachute, streaming in the mild breeze. You also noted that the deceased’s reserve chute had not opened. Closer examination of the scene revealed that the deceased was wearing a leg bag containing about 20 lb of cocaine.

In a Microsoft Word document, include the answers to the following questions.

  • What evidences would be collected from the scene and the body? Prepare a list, citing reasons for selecting the items, as sources of evidence.
  • Which pieces of evidence found at the scene do you believe will provide investigative leads in this case? Explain why.
  • What pieces of evidence would you classify as direct, circumstantial, testimonial or physical evidence and why?
  • What questions need to be answered about the scene and the body? Prepare a comprehensive list of at least 15 such questions.


NURS FPX4020 Capella Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis Health Medical Assignment Help

For this assessment, you will use a supplied template to conduct a root-cause analysis of a quality or safety issue in a health care setting of your choice and outline a plan to address the issue.

As patient safety concerns continue to be addressed in the health care settings, nurses can play an active role in implementing safety improvement measures and plans. Often root-cause analyses are conducted and safety improvement plans are created to address sentinel or adverse events such as medication errors, patient falls, wrong-site surgery events, and hospital-acquired infections. Performing a root-cause analysis offers a systematic approach for identifying causes of problems, including process and system-check failures. Once the causes of failures have been determined, a safety improvement plan can be developed to prevent recurrences. The baccalaureate nurse’s role as a leader is to create safety improvement plans as well as disseminate vital information to staff nurses and other health care professionals to protect patients and improve outcomes.

As you prepare for this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Quality and Safety Improvement Plan Knowledge Base activity and to review the various assessment resources, all of which will help you build your knowledge of key concepts and terms related to quality and safety improvement. The terms and concepts will be helpful as you prepare your Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan. Activities are not graded and demonstrate course engagement.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.

Apply evidence-based and best-practice strategies to address a safety issue or sentinel event.

Create a feasible, evidence-based safety improvement plan.

Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks.

Analyze the root cause of a patient safety issue or a specific sentinel event within an organization.

Competency 3: Identify organizational interventions to promote patient safety.

Identify existing organizational resources that could be leveraged to improve a plan.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.

Communicate in writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

Professional Context

Nursing practice is governed by health care policies and procedures as well as state and national regulations developed to prevent problems. It is critical for nurses to participate in gathering and analyzing data to determine causes of patient safety issues, in solving problems, and in implementing quality improvements.


For this assessment, you may choose from the following options as the subject of a root-cause analysis and safety improvement plan:

The specific safety concern identified in your previous assessment.

The Vila Health: Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Planning simulation.

One of the case studies from the previous assessment.

A personal practice experience in which a sentinel event occurred.


The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to analyze a root cause of a specific safety concern in a health care setting. You will create a plan to improve the safety of patients related to the concern based on the results of your analysis, using the literature and professional best practices as well as the existing resources at your chosen health care setting to provide a rationale for your plan.

Use the Root-Cause Analysis and Improvement Plan Template [DOCX] to help you to stay organized and concise. This will guide you step-by-step through the root cause analysis process.

Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

Analyze the root cause of a patient safety issue or a specific sentinel event in an organization.

Apply evidence-based and best-practice strategies to address the safety issue or sentinel event.

Create a feasible, evidence-based safety improvement plan.

Identify organizational resources that could be leveraged to improve your plan.

Communicate in writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

Assessment 2 Example

Additional Requirements

Length of submission: Use the provided Root-Cause Analysis and Improvement Plan template to create a 4–6 page root cause analysis and safety improvement plan. A title page is not required but you must include a reference list as per the template.

Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.

APA formatting: Format references and citations according to current APA style.


UCSD Core Econometrics Sequence Reflection Essay Economics Assignment Help

1 page reflection note().

It will be a very simple essay for you who have already learned this before. It does not take a very long time to write this note.

What were the most important 1-2 new things you learnt from the lecture and/or

readings that you did not know before class? Describe one way in which what you

learnt connects to either a different subject/topic you are interested in, or a personal


2. What were 1-2 points discussed in lecture/readings that you are still confused/unclear

about and would like some further clarification on?

3. What topics/questions would you like to learn more about or discuss more based on

content covered in the lecture/readings?

Each student needs to submit their own reflection. We will use the Turnitin software to check for plagiarism and compare assignments.


PBRL 425 Franklin Wk2 Crisis Communication Pet Food Crisis Recall MEMO Business Finance Assignment Help

Technology can add an additional challenge for Public Relations professionals charged with communicating bad news. In this assignment, you are asked to compose an e-mail delivering bad news to internal audience. Bear in mind principles of effective e-mail writing (e.g., length, tone, manner, language, appropriateness of content to this communication mode, etc.). If you feel you need a refresher, visit E-mail Etiquette ( ) and click on e-mail etiquette for more information.

  1. Read the assigned readings to learn about the assignment (attached).
  2. Read Bernstein – 10 Steps of Crisis Comm (paste into your browser):…
  3. Conduct additional research as needed.
  4. Write an e-mail to those within the pet food organization who would be directly affected in a Microsoft Word document. Note: Assume the role of the Chief Communications Officer of the pet food organization.
  5. Your assignment should look like an actual e-mail and include all appropriate elements.

APA Format is required.

If you have any questions about the assignment please let me know. For the reading, a link is provided for E-mail etiquette and another required reading. Two additional required readings for the assignment are attached.


  • Conduct additional research as needed.
  • Write an e-mail to those within the pet food organization who would be directly affected in a Microsoft Word document. Note: Assume the role of the Chief Communications Officer of the pet food organization.
  • Your assignment should look like an actual e-mail and include all appropriate elements.
  • APA Format is required.

    If you have any questions about the assignment please let me know. For the reading, a link is provided for E-mail etiquette and another required reading. Two additional required readings for the assignment are attached.


  • Conduct additional research as needed.
  • Write an e-mail to those within the pet food organization who would be directly affected in a Microsoft Word document. Note: Assume the role of the Chief Communications Officer of the pet food organization.
  • Your assignment should look like an actual e-mail and include all appropriate elements.
  • APA Format is required.

    If you have any questions about the assignment please let me know. For the reading, a link is provided for E-mail etiquette and another required reading. Two additional required readings for the assignment are attached.


  • Conduct additional research as needed.
  • Write an e-mail to those within the pet food organization who would be directly affected in a Microsoft Word document. Note: Assume the role of the Chief Communications Officer of the pet food organization.
  • Your assignment should look like an actual e-mail and include all appropriate elements.
  • APA Format is required.

    If you have any questions about the assignment please let me know. For the reading, a link is provided for E-mail etiquette and another required reading. Two additional required readings for the assignment are attached.


    ACCT 105 American Public Management Accounting v Financial Accounting HW Writing Assignment Help

    ACCT 105 American Public Management Accounting v Financial Accounting HW Writing Assignment Help

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