ACCT 422 Saudi Electronic University Tax and Zakat Accounting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. ACCT 422 Saudi Electronic University Tax and Zakat Accounting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
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– (WORD format only).
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Avoid plagiarism!!!, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
- – Your answer MUST be in your words.
– You do not need to cite any source.
– Answer should be at least 150 words.
ACCT 422 Saudi Electronic University Tax and Zakat Accounting Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Wartburg College Family Service and Gender Roles Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Remember you are to complete the question/activity but also comment on a peer’s post to receive full credit.
After reading chapter 7 please answer the following questions.
1. What are some of the gender roles that you currently hold . How do they play out in your every day life?
2. Do you think that our society will ever evolve into one in which one’s gender is relatively unimportant? Why or why not? Is this a positive or negative thing
Please reply on this peer’s post:
“Gender roles that I currently hold are probably things like boys don’t cry. That is the biggest one I remember hearing when I was a child growing up. I grew up around a lot of women and they drilled into my head growing up things boys should and shouldnt do. I’m supposed be tough and if I cry I was acting like a girl. Theres gender roles everywhere in society. From the way we dress, talk, act, where we work for example like women are supposed to be the nurses and men are supposed to be the construction workers and things like that.
I dont think our society will ever evolve into one which gender is relatively unimportant. I think we could possibly get to a society in which males and females are equal like the wage gap for example won’t be a thing anymore. I just think it is too prominent in our society for the gender roles to go away but I don’t neccesarily think it is a bad thing. I don’t think it is positive or negative thing like it is wrong that we tell people how to act and what to wear. If a guy wants to wear a skirt then there shouldnt be a problem with it or if a women wants to go into a male dominated job field that shouldnt be a problem either but I dont think these types of gender roles that we do have negatively affect society. I think individualism is a big thing with the younger generations that are coming into the world and most people are doing what they want with confidence anyway so maybe that will supress the gender roles that are engraved into our society.”
University of Maryland Global Campus Whitepaper Revenue Cycle Process Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a public health writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
You have been recently hired at UMGC Health. One of your new job functions entails educating new hires on the revenue cycle process. For this assignment, you will prepare a 3-5 page white paper outlining the basic steps of the revenue cycle.
- Identify the various steps within the revenue cycle process, including admissions, case management, documentation, coding, billing, et cetera. For each step identified, provide details pertaining to the following:
- Purpose of the step identified.
- The individuals involved in the process (e.g., providers, transcriptionists, coders, registration clerk, etc.).
- The key components of the function, such as verifying insurance, financial counseling, coding of documented services provided etc.
- The consequences of failure to properly conduct the function identified.
· Note: outside research beyond the textbook is required for this assignment. Support your research with at least five sources. The use of professional charts / graphs to reinforce written content is encouraged.
FIU Physical Self Care Elements Research Methods & Assessment Reflection Discussion Other Assignment Help
I’m working on a other question and need guidance to help me learn.
For this assignment we will do some more introspection over a longer period of time. Please see the attached files and choose one to complete.
These type of assessments, while not diagnostic in nature, help paint a picture that can aid in identifying ways to take time for yourself.
-Part 1
Complete an assessment (yourself) and reflect on the scoring you gave each category. No need to add up points, this is not a diagnostic tool. It is just a way for you to think about your self care habits. Self care is important not just for clients you may see or work around in the future, it is absolutely important for you as well! Recharging is not just for your phone, you as a human also need to notice when your batteries are running low.
For the reflection portion choose a category of the assessment sheet and write a reflection talking about what you learned about yourself and how you can improve your self care habits.
-Part 2
Use the next month to actually involve yourself in an activity or concept to improve self care. You can chose to download an app that helps you track your chosen activity. At the end of your journey you will write a reflection that describes your experience as you take more time for self care. Describe your experience, good times and hard times.
Examples from previous classes: Drink more water, exercise more, quit smoking, better sleep, meditation/mindfulness.
If you find no aspects of self care that you can improve on then write a reflection describing what that’s like.
WRTG 391 UMGC Wk 1 Research & Summaries Generation Z Advanced Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Here’s how to start:
- Watch Library Tutorials #1, #2, and #3. Links to these videos appear at the top of this week’s Content list. They demonstrate strategies to use when finding articles through OneSearch, a research tool that allows you to search on many databases at one time.
- Read the case below and complete the following tasks.
Assume you work for a company that is hiring more and more “Generation Z” employees.
Your supervisor has asked you to conduct research on issues regarding employees from Generation Z. She’s heard that Generation Z may have different expectations of the work environment from those from older generations. In addition, she mentions that Generation Z might have different habits with regard to their use of technology.
In short, she has a vague idea about this generation, but nothing very definite—and she’d like to learn more.
Because she needs basic information, your task is to conduct a very general search on Generation Z and their work or technology habits. You don’t need to focus your topic now, although she may ask you for more information at a later date.
Here’s what you’ll need to do:
(1) Using the strategies discussed in Video Tutorial #1, search on some terms to find your articles. Your search can be broad at this stage.
– List the topic you searched (e.g., “post-millennials”)
– List your search terms. Include at least three (3) terms. (e.g., “employees”)
(2) Write the titles of the four articles and the journals in which they appeared. (e.g., “Understanding Generational Differences in Workplace Environments,” Harvard Business Journal)
(3) Using the strategies discussed in Library Video #2, conduct a new search on a topic that’s either related to your major or to your work. As the video demonstrates, use quotation marks around your search phrase.
– List your search phrase(s). (e.g., “academic writing”)
– List how many search results you received. (e.g., 151,022)
(4) Focus your search from question #2 by using the SU-subject terms option from the drop-down menu for one of the rows.
– List the number of search results you have after limiting the search by using SU-subject terms. (e.g., 583)
(5) Finally, using the strategies mentioned in Video Tutorial #3, locate the research guide for your major. If you haven’t declared a major yet, please select one that interests you from drop-down menu.
– Describe any interesting resources you’ve discovered (1-2 sentences). (e.g., “Under ‘Research Guides for Writing,’ I found a link to a helpful website, Purdue OWL Writing Resources. It includes tips on everything from grammar to APA, MLA, and CMS citations.”)
English Language Learners Discussion Responses Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a research & summaries discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Please respond to 2 discussion questions
listed below. Please send it back with one response per page and keep them
numbered .
ONE Respond to part one discussion answer:(PAGE ONE)
that can prevent teachers attend PD training are a limited number of training
courses, traveling distance of schools or centers being used, lack of use of
technology to reduce the number of handouts given (paper means clutter), and
the offering or planning of irrelevant courses (lack on interest. As a teacher,
I believe that I can still show my support to my district higher-ups and
continue to fill- out surveys to convey the areas of interest of PD training
courses. Keep communications open with administrators, specialists, and teacher
leaders informed of areas I am having challenges with. I am not the type of
teacher to throw my hands up in the air and wait — I’m a doer, I make calls,
send emails, and make noise by advocating for the needs of my students with
special needs, I have done the same for my ELLs and any student that requires
learning interventions. The only times I’ve hit a wall is when state or
district policies stand in the way, but I do not give up. Teachers can also
overcome obstacles mainly using the power of prayer, God will also guide you to
know what to do and say. His spirit is my secret weapon against adversity —
it’s about His little ones.
*********NUMBER TWO Respond to
part two discussion question answer:(PAGE 2)
I have to list sociocultural
inclusion and instructional strategies primarily because within the last five
years of teaching in this area there’s been an increase in ethnic diversity.
Five years ago, the school population was white, it still is; however, the
stats for my school now show an increase in Hispanics mostly new to the public
school system with little to no second language training. It took 2 years to
find and hire a bilingual teacher ESL certified with experience. Because of the
influx of different cultures majority of the teachers that have been teaching
for 10 or more years had a difficult time with classroom management and the
number of students ended up in my classroom for behavioral interventions and to
develop socio-emotional coping skills. I truly believe that teachers,
administrators, and staff need this PD training as well. You cannot teach using
the same teaching methods and strategies when your classroom cultural dynamics
are changing. Yes, the curriculum can remain the same but teachers need to
think about bilingual communication, language development, materials, and
cultural assimilation — this should also be the focus on a yearly basis for
mandatory PD training; and can someone please find updated bilingual teaching
and learning programs and materials to use. Just sharing my opinion based on my
experience as an ESL student once upon a time and an ESE/EBD/ESE certified
bilingual teacher.
Requirements: 250 per
discussion response (2 total)
English Language Learners Discussion Responses Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Psy 699 Ashford University Mental Health Among College Students Thesis Writing Assignment Help
Thesis Statement for the Integrative Literature Review
In this assignment, you will create the thesis statement for your Final Assignment. The thesis is the statement of your perspectives on the literature. It should also include the rationale and relevant empirical and theoretical background supporting your perspectives. The primary objective of this assignment is to outline specific areas of inquiry you intend to answer in the course of the Integrative Literature Review. Although they may change during the course of the review, articulating these areas of inquiry early will help provide focus and direction for your research.
Begin by introducing the areas of inquiry to be included in your Integrative Literature Review. Explain your perspective on the literature and include how you arrived at this viewpoint, how the literature you have chosen to include supports this viewpoint, and why this perspective is relevant to the field of psychology.
Based on your introduction, briefly discuss the literature you have chosen by integrating concepts developed from your four different content domains. Be sure to utilize at least one peer-reviewed source per domain. Construct clear and concise arguments using evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to support your perspectives regarding the literature.
To conclude your assignment, identify any overarching implications shown in the studies and describe how these influenced your perspectives on the literature.
The Integrative Literature Review: Thesis Statement
Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
Must use at least four peer-reviewed sources (one source per domain).
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate reference list that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
GCCCD What Did the Romans Believe for Religion Polytheistic Belief Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a history writing question and need support to help me understand better.
pick a topic related to Roman history that you find the most compelling and write about it. You can explore the City of Rome (Links to an external site.), or topics related to Ancient Rome. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Be sure to explain why you picked your topic and identify the when, where, how, why, what data (in other words, if you pick Julius Caesar (Links to an external site.) tell us when he ruled, why he was important, what he did, how he did it, where he did the thing you are telling us about…). or perhaps you are more interested in the Empire (Links to an external site.) period? Or the “Fall (Links to an external site.)“? Roman history is full of fascinating topics and by allowing you all the freedom to choose we will receive a diverse and interesting set of entries. There are rules of course. You may not use any encyclopedias – no wikipedia or any other type of encyclopedia is allowed. Websites ending in edu or org are usually good to use, if you don’t find what you like in what I have included or the e-text.
one citation is enough and a minimum of 600 words, please and thank you.
Northcentral University Create a Multiple Choice Scenario Based Survey Exercise Health Medical Assignment Help
For your assignment this week, you have been asked to create a survey to aid employees in understanding their personal ethical decision-making. Many organizations use surveys to gauge the quality of patient and employee satisfaction. This is not only a great opportunity to look at the principles just discussed but to also look at these from the perspective of a healthcare worker. The survey is to help provide your employees with a better understanding of why they might act in different ways in a clinical setting.
- You will need to provide 10 different real-life scenarios with four multiple-choice answers. Provide a summary of how the scenario can help the employee better understand their ethical decision-making. Thus, your questions should look like the following:
Where you are asked to decide between purchasing two types of technology, what will be the basis of your decision?
a. choose the technology that benefits everyone most equally
b. choose the technology that will do the most good for the most people
c. choose the technology that will do the least amount of harm
d. choose the technology that will uphold the patient’s rights
- Be sure to use various approaches for your employees to see a consistent decision-making process. Provide tangible examples for these decision-making approaches based on your readings and the lecture.
- You may draw your examples from real case law or experiences.
- Apply normative ethics, virtue-based, utilitarianism, and duty-based responses to the scenarios.
- Provide an answer key. For example:
More “A” answers equate to a normative ethics approach.
Length: 3-4 pages, not including title and reference pages
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources
ET 410 Grantham University Online Pharmaceutical Ordering System Report Writing Assignment Help
Prepare Your Project Proposal
Use the Project Proposal Template.
Fill it out completely and turn it into the course instructor in Blackboard. The approval of your project as an acceptable capstone project will come through the review associated with sending your proposal to the capstone address. If you need assistance, please contact the instructor prior to the due date.
Update the Lessons Learned Document and submit it with your proposal. Remember, the template is found in Week 1. You will be using this template as a running document, adding to it as you go through ET410 and ET450.