ACCT 644 Colorado Technical University Auditing Writing Support Report Writing Assignment Help

ACCT 644 Colorado Technical University Auditing Writing Support Report Writing Assignment Help. ACCT 644 Colorado Technical University Auditing Writing Support Report Writing Assignment Help.

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Part 1

One Page Audit Report

Write a one-page audit report about the 7 parts of an audit report

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) professional standards provide uniform wording and format for the audit report. Consider the above events and write a 1-page audit report for Harrison that includes all 7 parts of a standard audit report, as follows:

  • Report title
  • Audit report address
  • Introductory paragraphs
  • Scope paragraph
  • Opinion paragraph
  • Name of the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) firm
  • Audit report date

Part 2

One Page Document

At the end of the audit, the audit team completed the fieldwork and signed the auditor report on March 20, 2014. Harrison sold some of assets in the rectangular heat exchangers line on March 31, 2014. The team is concerned about this event transaction occurring after December 31, 2013 that may affect the 2013 financial statements. Discuss the following questions in a 1-page document:

  • What general types of subsequent events require consideration and evaluation by the management and the audit team?
  • Describe the financial statement effect of the subsequent event that is described above.

ACCT 644 Colorado Technical University Auditing Writing Support Report Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Walden University Central Tendency & Variability GSS Dataset Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help

For this Discussion, you will examine central tendency and variability based on two separate variables. You will also explore the implications for positive social change based on the results of the data.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s Learning      Resources and the Descriptive      Statistics media program.
  • For additional support, review      the Skill      Builder: Visual Displays for Categorical Variables and      the Skill      Builder: Visual Displays for Continuous Variables, which      you can find by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From      there, locate the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.
  • Review the Chapter 4 of the Wagner      text and the examples in the SPSS software related to central tendency and      variability.
  • From the General Social Survey      dataset found in this week’s Learning Resources, use the SPSS software and      choose one continuous and one categorical variable Note: this      dataset will be different from your Assignment dataset).
  • As you review, consider the      implications for positive social change based on the results of your data.

Post, present, and report a descriptive analysis for your variables, specifically noting the following:

For your continuous variable:

  1. Report the mean, median, and mode.
  2. What might be the better measure      for central tendency? (i.e., mean, median, or mode) and why?
  3. Report the standard deviation.
  4. How variable are the data?
  5. How would you describe this data?
  6. What sort of research question      would this variable help answer that might inform social change?

Post the following information for your categorical variable:

  1. A frequency distribution.
  2. An appropriate measure of      variation.
  3. How variable are the data?
  4. How would you describe this data?
  5. What sort of research question      would this variable help answer that might inform social change? 

Be sure to support your Main Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Frankfort-Nachmias, C., Leon-Guerrero, A., & Davis, G. (2020). Social statistics for a diverse society (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Chapter 3, “Measures of      Central Tendency” (pp. 75-111)
  • Chapter 4, “Measures of      Variability” (pp. 113-150)

Wagner, III, W. E. (2020). Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research methods and social science statistics (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Chapter 4, “Organization and      Presentation of Information”
  • Chapter 11, “Editing Output”


Your instructor will post the datasets for the course in the Doc Sharing section and in an Announcement. Your instructor may also recommend using a different dataset from the ones provided here.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2016d). Descriptive statistics [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 7 minutes.

In this media program, Dr. Matt Jones demonstrates the procedures used for central tendency and variability using SPSS software. Focus on how this demonstration might support your analysis in this week’s Assignment.

Accessible player  –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript 

Optional Resources

Wheelan, C. (2013). Naked statistics: Stripping the dread from data. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.

Skill Builders:

  • Measures of      Central Tendency for Continuous Variables
  • Standard      Deviation as a Measure of Variability for Continuous Variables
  • Measures of      Central Tendency and Variability for Categorical Variables


University of Southern California Health & Medical Meta Analysis Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Meta-Analysis Paper

Meta-analysis is often used  in research to support conclusions with aggregate statistical power, rather than attempting to rely on single studies to support outcomes. Read the following article:  (Links to an external site.)

After reading about the pros and cons of meta-analysis processes, imagine that the hospital you work for has assigned you to research the incidence of fractured collarbones in children. Because you cannot find one definitive, significant study, you decide to review a number of small studies where the presence of a fractured collarbone is indicated but not significant.

In 3 to 4 pages, describe how you would glean relevant information from the small studies. What information is important to include in your final analysis? Is the meta-analysis you performed relevant, valid, and appropriate to examine the problem? Why or why not? Discuss the potential biases present in the meta-analysis you conducted. 


Practical Assessment of Research Questions Study Resources Summary Computer Science Assignment Help

Submit a draft of Chapters 1 – 5.

Before submitting, you should review Chapter 2 to ensure that it aligns with Chapter 1 and 3. Are all of the variables in your research questions discussed in Chapter 2? Do you have literature in Chapter 2 that supports/justifies your research questions?

Review Chapter 1 and 3 to ensure that they align with Chapter 4. Do the research questions in Chapter 4, match the questions in Chapter 1? Did you make changes to your methodology as you worked on Chapter 4? Does Chapter 4 information match the steps discussed in Chapter 3?

Review Chapter 5. Does it align with the other chapters? Did you discuss the practical significance of each research question and tie in the literature from Chapter 2? Did you discuss if your findings for each research question was similar or different to the literature? 




Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman Evening Story Hour Paint by Cornelius Zwaan Essay Writing Assignment Help

associated with the Artwork Analysis writing assignments. This project will require you to visit a  museum or gallery, pick out one work, and respond to its formal, contextual, and conceptual characteristics. The minimum 1200 word paper should include some information about the physical characteristics of the work that can only be observed first-hand. Make sure that the paper has a cover page, uses citations of source material, and has an associated bibliography (all in the same document). 

Form – These evaluations will be descriptive and use terminology related to the elements of art and the principles of design. This type of evaluation should be objective, but does not require any citation or bibliography because it is done from careful observation of the image alone. It does require a knowledge of the visual fundamentals of art.

Context – These evaluations will be researched and be factual information related to the background of the work. It may consist of artist biographical information, information about the medium used, associations that the title of the work implies, conditions that existed during the time period, associated information about the style or movement with which the work might be associated, or other facts about the work. This evaluation requires citations to note the source of specific information and a bibliography to support the citations. 

Content – These evaluations are subjective and interpretive. These interpretations may be derived from associations based on observation of the form of the work, the context surrounding the work, the associated experiences that you bring when reacting to the work, or the impression others have written about the work (needs citation/bibliography). Since this evaluation is subjective much of it can be based on your own personal impressions and interpretations. No citation or bibliography is necessary unless an outside source is used. 

The paper must have the following characteristics:

  • an evaluation of the formal characteristics of the work
  • an evaluation of the contextual characteristics of the work
  • an evaluation of the conceptual characteristics or content of the work
  • have appropriate citations to denote any information taken directly from other sources
  • have a bibliography that directs a reader to the sources of the citations and other source material
  • be submitted to via the link provided
  • The paper MUST evaluate the physical characteristics of the work that can only be seen when viewing the work in person. Please describe the environment where the work is displayed. Even painted and drawn surfaces have a texture that can be described. This assignment requires that you visit a museum and view an artwork firsthand.

FORMAL/VISUAL ANALYSIS OF WORKS OF ARTA work of art is the product of the dynamic interrelationships between the various art elements and principles as they are utilized by the artist. As you engage with a work of art, ask yourself why the artist made such choices. By looking more closely at artworks and trying to identify the elements and principles of art that have been used to create them, we may further understand the artist’s intended vision and will notice how the artwork often reflects the time and place from which it came.

ELEMENTS OF ARTLine: Do you see any outlines that define objects, shapes, or forms? Are lines used to emphasize a direction (vertical, horizontal, diagonal)? Describe the important lines: are they straight or curved, short or long, thick or thin? How do you think the artist utilized line to focus attention on certain objects, forms, or people? Are any invisible lines implied? For example, is a hand pointing, is the path of a figure’s gaze creating a psychological line, or is linear perspective used? Do the lines themselves have an expressive quality, as in Van Gogh’s Starry Night?

Light: If the work is a two-dimensional object, is a source of light depicted or implied? Is the light source natural or artificial? Do the shadows created by the light appear true to life, or has the artist distorted them? In what way does he or she depict such shadows—through line, or color? If the object shown is three-dimensional, how does it interact with the light in its setting? How do gradations of shadows and highlights create form or depth, emphasis or order in the composition?

Color: Which colors are predominantly used in this depiction? If the object is black and white, or shades of gray, did the artist choose to do this because of the media he or she was working in, or do such shades create a certain mood or effect? Color can best be described by its hue, tone, and intensity (the hue is its basic shade, for example blue or red). Does the artist’s choice of color create a certain mood? Does he or she make use of complementary colors—red/green, violet/yellow, blue/orange—or analogous ones (those next to each other on the color wheel)? Does the artist utilize colors that are “warm” or “cool”? In which parts of the work? Is atmospheric perspective—in which cool colors recede, creating a blurred background, and warm, clear colors fill the foreground—used? Do you notice any visual effects, such as optical color mixing?

Texture: What is the actual texture on the surface of the object? Is it rough or smooth? What is the implied texture? Are patterns created through the use of texture?

Shape: What shapes do you see? If the work has a flat surface, are the shapes shown on it two-dimensional, or are they made to appear (illusionistically) three-dimensional or volumetric? If the work is a three-dimensional object, how volumetric is its shape? Is it nearly flat, or does it have substantial mass? Is the shape organic (seemingly from nature) or geometric (composed of regular lines and curves)? Can you see any implied shapes? In representations of people, how does shape lend character to a figure? Are these figures proud or timid, strong or weak, beautiful or grotesque?

Form: Did the artist choose geometric or organic form, or a combination of both? Why do you think the artist made these choices?

Volume and mass: Has the artist used volume or mass to express any feelings or communicate any ideas? Is the work a closed or open volume?

Space: How does the form created by shape and line fill the space of the composition? Is there negative, or empty, space without objects in it? If the artwork is three-dimensional, how does it fill our space? Is it our size, or does it dwarf us? If the piece is two-dimensional, is the space flat, or does it visually project into ours? How does the artist create depth in the image (by means of layering figures/objects, linear perspective, atmospheric perspective, isometric perspective, foreshortening of figures)?

Time and motion: Does the artwork in some way communicate the passage of time? For example, it may tell a story or narrate a series of events. Consider whether the work involves motion (implied or actual) in any way. Remember that even a static artwork, such as a painting or a sculpture, can express motion.

Value: Are there any significant value changes (i.e. changes in the degrees of darkness or lightness) in the work? If so, why do you think the artist used value in this way?

PRINCIPLES OF ARTArtists utilize the elements of art to produce these design principles.

Emphasis: The emphasis of a work refers to a focal point in the image or object. What is your eye drawn to? Does the artist create tension or intrigue us by creating more than one area of interest? Or is the work of art afocal—that is, the viewer cannot find a particular place to rest the eye? Is there a psychological focus created through the elements of art?

Scale and proportion: What is the size of all the forms and how do they relate proportionally to one another? Did the artist create objects larger in scale in order to emphasize them? Or was scale used to create depth? Are objects located in the foreground, middle ground, or background? Look at the scale of the artwork itself. Is it larger or smaller than you expected?

Balance: Balance is produced by the visual weight of shapes and forms within a composition. Balance can be symmetrical—in which each side of an artwork is the same—or asymmetrical. Radial balance is when the elements appear to radiate from a central point. How are opposites—light/shadow, straight/curved lines, complementary colors—used?

Rhythm: Rhythm is created by repetition. What repeated elements do you see? Does the repetition create a subtle pattern, a decorative ornamentation? Or does it create an intensity, a tension? Identify the type of rhythm used: is it simple repetitive rhythm, progressive rhythm, or alternating rhythm? Does the rhythm unify the work, or does it, on the contrary, seem a group of disparate parts?

Unity and variety: Is the artwork unified and cohesive, or disordered and chaotic? How does the artist use the elements to achieve this? Consider the work in terms of both its composition and the concepts it explores, which can also unify an artwork. Is there diversity in the use of elements that creates variety? Consider value, texture, color, shape, and other elements of art. How does the artwork combine aspects of unity and variety?

Pattern: Can you identify any repetition of an element (such as shape, value, or color) in the artwork that creates a pattern? A design repeated as a unit is called a motif. Can you see any motifs in the work?

MEDIA AND TECHNIQUEIs the object two- or three-dimensional? What limitations, if any, might the chosen medium create for the artist?

Drawing: Consider the materials utilized: pencil, silverpoint, chalk, charcoal, crayon, pastel, ink, and wash. Was the artist able to make controlled strokes with this medium? Would the tool create a thick or thin line? One that was defined or blurred? Was the drawing intended to be a work of art in itself, or is it a study for another work, a peek into the artist’s creative process?

Painting: How did the type of paint affect the strokes the artist could make? Was it fresco, oil, tempera, watercolor, encaustic, acrylic, or some other type of paint? Was it a fast-drying paint that allowed little time to make changes? What kind of textures and lines was the artist able to create with this medium? Does it create a shiny or flat look? How durable was the medium? How was the paint applied to the surface: with a brush, a palette knife, dripped, or sprayed?

Printmaking: What is the process the artist undertook to create this work? Did the artist need to engrave or etch? Did the medium require a steady hand? Strength, or patience?

Visual communication design: What format did the designer select (poster, book, advertisement, etc.)? Is the work color or black and white? How does the artwork combine text and images?

Sculpture: Is the sculpture high or low relief, or can we see the object in the round? What challenges did the material present to the artist? Was the work created through a subtractive process (beginning with a large mass of the medium and taking away from it to create form), or an additive one (in which sculptors add material to make the final artwork)? What tools did the artist use to create the form? If the form is human, is the artwork life-size?

Architecture: Does the building represent the work of a community or the power of a leader? How was it constructed? What was the structure’s intended use? How does it fit with its surroundings? Is it a domineering or welcoming structure?

Traditional craft media: Is the work made of ceramic, glass, metal, fiber, wood, or some other material? Why do you think the artist chose this material?

Photography: Was the photograph taken digitally, or using film? Is it in color or in black and white? What is the subject matter?

Film or video: Is the film in color or in black in white? Is it silent or is there sound? How is it displayed in the gallery?

Alternative media: Does the work emphasize ideas rather than the physical product? Is there a physical product? The work could be conceptual, or temporary—a performance by an artist, for example. Are you as the viewer involved in the work? Perhaps you are walking through an installation or environment created by the artist.




Texas A & M International University Difference between Court Systems Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

In this exercise, you will review the federal government court system, download a federal Complaint form, and fill it out based on the “Abe” Case Study I facts.

This assignment consists of two activities.

  1. The first activity is to discover the differences between court systems. For that activity, follow the directions in the Discover section and answer the questions. Submit your answers in a document.
  2. The second activity in this assignment is completing the form required by the federal court to file a claim in federal court. Follow the directions in the File a Claim section, and upload the completed document to your assignments page. Use all information you have available and do not leave any blanks on the form. Make sure your research includes potential issues presented in the requested information on the court form (i.e., “Damages” what are they what types are available, is there a threshold amount?


Courts are divided into federal courts and state courts. The United States Courts’ website (Links to an external site.) contains information about the federal judiciary. Follow the link and look specifically at the section comparing federal courts and state courts. (Links to an external site.) As you read the comparison chart, answer the following:

  1. Which court system was specifically established in the United States Constitution?
  2. Where can people go if they are not satisfied with the decision in a state trial?
  3. Where can people go if they are not satisfied with the decision in a federal trial?
  4. What system of government does the United States have that causes it to have two court systems?
  5. Which system conducts most of the criminal trials?
  6. When might a case move from the state court system to the federal court system? 

Answer the questions and, submit them as a document. Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (1.8.1). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

File a Case:

Go to the Complaint for a Civil Case (Links to an external site.) section of the United States Courts’ website, (Links to an external site.) and do the following:

  • Note at the top of the page it gives you the ability to Download Form in either a .PDF or .DOCX format. Select the .DOCX link and download it.
  • Complete the form using the information and the directions provided in the Case Data Document Section.
  • Once completed, save the Complaint for a Civil Case form using the naming convention described below.
  • Upload the completed form.

The purpose of this activity is to allow you to see the legal terminology in use. It is also an introduction to legal documents and how they are structured.  

Case Data:

Abe Chevy, a resident of South Florida, drove onto I-95, heading north to visit his mother in Atlanta. After crossing over to I75N heading toward Atlanta around 7:45 PM, he passed a sign that read, “Macon 25 miles” and realize he had been driving seven hours. At that very instant, he started to think about breakfast for some reason and thought, “maybe I am getting a little tired.” Dismissing the thought, he looked down the road and was happy to see that traffic was very light. Unexpectedly, looking up, he saw a blinding bright light shining in his rearview mirror. Before he could react, a fourteen wheeler slammed into the back of his Lincoln SUV, causing property damage and personal injuries. The driver of the truck worked for a company registered in Georgia at 1010 Trucking Lane, Atlanta, GA. Abe was placed in an ambulance and taken to the hospital, sustaining what looked like a life-threatening injury. He underwent five hours of surgery to remove his spleen. He also suffered a broken arm and leg and dislocated his C1 C2 vertebra. The bill for Abe’s injuries amounted to more than $350,000, and property damage was an additional $80,000. After spending two weeks in the hospital, Abe returned to his house at Zero landlock, Boca Raton, Florida. Abe consulted his attorney to determine what he should do. Abe told his attorney that he wants to file a lawsuit against the Georgia State Trucking Company, the driver Speedy Gonesailing, and owner, Gotdem Bigbucks, in the Florida District Court rather than in the District Court in Georgia. Abe’s attorney Dowe Cheathim stated that he would first have to gather some information and research the law to see if that was possible. Dowe asked Abe to provide the following details to preserve evidence for trial and preparation of making a legal claim, or insurance demand:

  • Accident reports
  • Witness statements
  • On-scene photographs
  • Medical Evidence
  • Insurance Policy Information
  • Treatment Records
  • Billing Statements
  • Lost Wages Summaries

Dowe Cheathim calls his junior partner, Ann Howmuch, to his office. Dowe asks her to analyze the following issues in the case:

  1. Does this accident belong in court? If so, why?
  2. Does it belong in a nonjudicial forum? If so, which one? If not, why not?
  3. From a jurisdictional perspective, what court is best suited to hear the case?
  4. The Florida District or Georiga District Court? Can his suit be heard in Florida, if so, why? If not, indicate the legal grounds why it can not?
  5. How does the court obtain the power to hear a case?
  6. What are the standards for review?

Texas A & M International University Difference between Court Systems Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Wright State University Ethical Issues in Information Management Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Read at least two (2) academically reviewed articles on the ethical issues that may arise in information management. 

1.    Write a comparative analysis of the articles noting the similarities and differences.

2.    Compare the information in those articles to the materials in Chapter 14 of your textbook. Does the premise of those articles support the overall theme of the materials in Chapter 14 of your textbook? Why or why not?

3.    Discuss what you learned from those articles. In your discussion, give example(s) of how your organization handles ethic concerns as they relate to information management.

Review this video , then review the 5 questions on page 440 case 14.3 and within your posting above, give your overall thoughts on employee monitoring.


University of Southern California Policy Making Reflection & Questions Health Medical Assignment Help

Protecting human research participants is of utmost importance.

It is essential that all healthcare professionals, whether or not they are currently involved in research studies, remain aware of regulatory policies and updates such as the Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects, or Common Rule, that will take effect January 2019.

Review the Frequently Asked Questions on Requirements for Education at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) link here: (Links to an external site.)

Download the PDF documents Attached below. Read the detailed document by the NIH and then take the self-check quiz to check your understanding before completing this week’s assignment.

If you would like to review more information, you can go to the following link to view 12 recorded webinars related to Human Research Protection on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services YouTube channel: (Links to an external site.)

Assignment Instructions: This week, reflect on what you learned from the NIH materials about protecting the rights of human research participants.

Discuss at least three of the following in your paper:

  • Describe the circumstances that influenced the need for a policy to protect human research subjects. Give examples of specific ways human research subjects can be harmed by researchers.
  • Identify three vulnerable populations and the special restrictions associated with human research among these groups. Evaluate the requirements and restrictions. Do you think they are adequate? Why or why not?
  • The Belmont Report summarizes the ethical principles and guidelines for research involving human subjects. Three core principles are identified: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. Even though these principles are considered equal, prioritize them in order of importance to you. Explain your decisions.
  • Although you are not implementing a change project at this time, and you may not be directly involved in research as part of your professional responsibilities, explain the reasons why it is important for you to know about these rights and protections.


University of Houston Effects of the Covid19 Pandemic in the US Economy Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You will need to watch this video about povery in America and answer the following questions: 

  • How has the face of poverty changed in the last 50 years? Since the beginning of the pandemic?
  • In the video, you saw an example of a suburban mom raising children.  She is employed but unable to make ends meet. Poverty caused by underemployment, divorce, or death of a spouse or partner is increasing in the U.S. How does this increase affect the larger part of society?
  • Explain how the pandemic has affected the working class and the poorest people around the world.
  • How will parents socialize their children differently in this changing economic atmosphere?
  • How does relative poverty affect the quality of life for individuals? Families? Children? Society as a whole?


UCumberlands Garden Decks of Beauty Co Project Management Report Business Finance Assignment Help

You are the new project manager at Garden Decks of Beauty, a local company for the past 12 years in the Lexington, Kentucky area. Your first assignment will be for the Melrose (Todd and Margo + two yippy dogs to drive the neighbors nuts) family who moved into their new home two years ago and now wish to replace the 8 foot by 3 foot slab of concrete, the stoop, which their backyard facing French Doors step onto with a new, luxurious deck area with hot-tub and accoutrements. Their backyard is 80’ wide and 120’ deep and runs at a 5% slope down straight to the back. BTW, Todd and Margo are Iron Triangle lovers – Time / Cost / Quality. Win them and you win their neighbors’ business.

Here are some of their basic requirements:

  • A two area deck with the upper level (will step on from the French Doors), being a 5 meter by 7 meter rectangular area
  • One end of the upper level will have a 5 meter by 3 meter by 3.5 meter tall pergola – you may use a kit or build and design from scratch
  • You will have a single step down to the second circular area which will be 7 meters in diameter and have a 2.5 meter square hot-tub on the far side – this will need electrical and you will acquire and facilitate the installation through the vendor
  • You will be able to step from the circular area to the yard on a paving stone path which will run out to the garden – the path will be 7 meters long and 1 meter wide – this path will have electrical yard lights
  • There will be a 25’ diameter area half way down the path which will have a built in fire pit with seating (4 seats / benches) – the area will use gravel and border stones
  • All deck areas will be edged with decorative railing
  • The deck framing will set on 4”x4” footers which will be concreted 1 meter into the ground (below frost line) – you will used galvanized hangers to support frame supports
  • The lower area will have built in flower boxes 2’x 3’ – three of them
  • The upper area will have a gas grill with built in gas service
  • You will need a building permit and it will cost 50 dollars
  • All railing will have decorative lighting running along it
  • Both main deck areas will be fully landscaped around the perimeter with plants, decorative stones, perennials, and bushes. – your team will do the landscaping
  • You will have an experienced construction crew of 4 FTE’s which will cost $80/hour including benefits and 1.5 time overtime applies
  • You will have a team of 2 experienced landscape professionals who will cost $75/ hour and overtime applies.
  • Need a couple outdoor, 110 electrical outlets for Xmas lights, etc.
  • You will need electrical you will vendor out – determine cost
  • You will vendor out the hot-tub installation – determine cost
  • You will need a vendor to install and run the gas-line – determine cost
  • The deck will be fully sealed with a medium brown stain / preservative
  • You will use treated lumber for all framing and you will decide on what product to use for surface boards (wood, synthetic, etc.)
  • The upper level will have two built in seats near the grill area (wood) – not under the pergola
  • You will need to determine the timeline – will precipitate from the Work Breakdown Structure
  • Assume you have all the tools you need
  • Any requirements not specifically stated are at your discretion.
  • A 5 foot by 12 foot 2×8 raised bed tomato and pepper area just to the left of where you might walk off the center of the upper deck with drip irrigation installed and drip irrigation faucet at one corner of the raised bed.

Please see the documents to be created for the project below. That you leave this course with the knowledge of what that document is for and what it typically contains. You will need to create all of the documents.

  1. Project Charter
  2. RACI (can use EXCEL)
  3. Statement of Work (SOW)
  4. Scope Document
  5. Very Basic Drawing (
  6. Procurement Process (materials and vendors)
  7. Assumptions and Constraints Document
  8. Risk and Issues log/matrix (can use EXCEL)
  9. Communication Plan (can use EXCEL)
  10. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (can use EXCEL)
  11. Quality Document
  12. Change Request Process Document
  13. Milestone Time-line Breakdown
  14. Budget (Will precipitate from the Work Breakdown Structure)
  15. Project status report – done on a deck slide to go to leadership weekly by COB Fridays – must include color coded status, budget section, risk section, issue section, current past achievements, work areas underway

How do I approach this?

Internet research is your friend – good Google topics = deck construction basics – hot-tubs for sale and installation – how to pick a gas grill – running a gas-line to my grill – landscape planning – all kinds of project related searches – estimating construction labor costs – any places like Lowes for all of your basic materials cost – building an in-yard fire-pit, procurement and contract basics – building a deck flower box – Wayfair for pergolas, building a pergola, YouTube, your textbook, etc.


ACCT 644 Colorado Technical University Auditing Writing Support Report Writing Assignment Help

ACCT 644 Colorado Technical University Auditing Writing Support Report Writing Assignment Help

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