ACCT3323 University of Houston The Travels of a T Shirt in Global Economy Paper Writing Assignment Help. ACCT3323 University of Houston The Travels of a T Shirt in Global Economy Paper Writing Assignment Help.
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Homework Assignment 3 – The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy
Objectives of this Assignment –
The overarching goal of this activity is to assist you in recognizing the structure, dynamics, and complexities comprising the global marketplace. This book will provide you a view of globalization as seen through the eyes of the textile and apparel industries.
This assignment involves an evaluation of the cultural, economic, and political factors impacting sourcing decisions, in addition to the implications of various global alliances on trade policies and regulations. As you address this activity, you should recognize various factors that impact compliance with labor laws, standards of social responsibility, and the treatment of workers in textile and apparel production.
Upon completion of the assignment, you should recognize the differences in viewpoints among those who advocate globalization and free trade versus those who support more protectionist perspectives. The assignment will also challenge your critical thinking skills and support further development of your written and verbal communication abilities.
Evaluation Criteria –
You will be evaluated on four major criteria, including:
- Completeness of responses: Was the entire question answered thoroughly? Did you use examples to substantiate your responses?
- Justification of argument: Were your answers sound and based on appropriate and educated reasoning? Was a rigorous approach taken in defending opinions and viewpoints?
- Overall professionalism: (correct grammar, spelling, etc., in written responses).
- Participation in the class discussion.
Assignment Specifications –
Please prepare a written response to the following question (Question 1) and then select six (6) additional questions from those which follow. You are to prepare a response to a total of seven (7) questions. Please limit your question selections to no more than one question per chapter.
Question 1 – As you read Travels of a Tee Shirt, what insights or surprises did you encounter?
Additional Questions (Select six questions from the following list limiting your choices to one per chapter)
Chapter 1
How does the author answer the following question, which is the title of this chapter: “Are subsidies the reason America has dominated the global cotton industry for 200 years?”
Chapter 2
Use specific examples to support the thesis that the American cotton market has dominated the world market by “ducking the labor markets.”
Chapter 3
- “Lubbock is the center of the ‘Silicon Valley’ of cotton production.” Cite specific examples from the chapter to support this claim.
- Explain the impact of genetically modified cotton on production. What corporation has been a leader in this technological advance? What has been the response from Lubbock cotton growers?
Chapter 4
- How has the Citizens‐Shallowater Co‐op Gin affected Lubbock cotton farmers?
- How have cotton growers been able to get value from cotton production beyond the white lint that becomes cotton fiber used in textiles? (Cite specific examples to support your answer.)
- What has been the primary mission of the Plains Cotton Cooperative Association (PCCA)? What has contributed to the success of the PCCA?
- “According to at least some observers, the definitive source of U.S. cotton farmers’ comparative advantage is their ability to get help from friends in high places.” Explain and support this statement.
- In May 2008, Congress overrode President Bush’s veto of the 2008 Farm Bill, a piece of legislation that would have resulted in considerable reductions in many of the subsidies paid to wealthy, large‐commodity farmers. Senator Charles Grassley said the trick to getting this override was “to smear lipstick on a pig.” What is the meaning of his statement?
- The author contends that the answer to the question “How have cotton farmers maintained their comparative advantage since 1792?” is “not in the data; it is embedded in the story.” How does she defend this position?
- Explain the plight of West African cotton farmers. (Use citations from the text to support your explanation.)
- According to the author, what has been the impact of genetically modified seed such as Bt cotton on growers in developing nations?
Chapter 5
- Explain the significance of the following quotes relative to the information the author was able to gather while in China: “China has a centuries‐old tradition of hospitality, even for Nobodies…” and “Chinese culture also has a deep respect for education…”
- Describe the author’s impression of Number 36 Cotton Yarn Factory.
- Of what did Shanghai Brightness Number 3 Garment Factory remind the author?
- Explain what information “Figure 5.2: U.S. Apparel Prices v. Import Share” reveals.
Chapter 6
- Explain the following quote: “The floods of cheap cotton clothing that flow today from China to the United States are almost a symmetric reversal of the trade flows of a century ago.”
Chapter 7
- What is the story behind this chapter’s subtitle: “Docility on a Leash”?
- What steps have been taken over the centuries to keep workers, usually women and minorities, from moving from toiling in the fields to low‐skill factory work?
- What did sociologist Ching Kwan Lee discover was a primary motivation behind young women leaving rural areas to work in factory towns?
- What transformation has occurred in the former textile centers of Manchester, England; Charlotte, North Carolina; the state of Alabama; and Osaka, Japan?
- How has Hong Kong’s apparel industry changed?
- What does the author mean by the phrase “the long race to the bottom?”
Chapter 8
- How does the author explain the following: “Global capitalism and labor activities are not enemies but are instead cooperators, however unwitting?”
- Explain what Nike is doing to provide “corporate social responsibility” activities?
- What were the findings of the Cambridge University case study on the environmental impact of a cotton T‐shirt?
- What is the long‐term impact of the phthalates found in plastics such as the parrot found on the front of the author’s cotton T‐shirt?
- Explain the environmental Kuznets curve.
- According to empirical evidence, which countries have more promising environmental profiles—nations that embrace free trade or those that promote protectionism? Why?
- What did Alexandra Harvey reveal in her work The China Price: The True Cost of Chinese Competitive Advantage?
- Explain the author’s story about a photo of Shanghai before the 1949 Communist Revolution from one of her coffee‐table books compared to what a photo of modern‐day Shanghai might show.
Chapter 9
- Explain the relationship between Auggie Tantillo and Julie Hughes.
- Explain the implications of Figures 9.1 and 9.2.
- Explain the rules for cotton T‐shirts associated with “preferential treatment status” in free‐trade agreements.
Chapter 10
- What is the author’s answer to the following: “How did the United States—as the self‐anointed free trade champion of the universe—end up with such a dauntingly complex and downright silly mass of barriers to the import of T‐shirts?”
Chapter 11
- What have been some of the unintended consequences of protecting manufacturing jobs in U.S./Western textile and apparel industries?
- What evidence does the author cite to support Joseph Schumpeter’s theory of creative destruction?
- How did quota allocations help a nation like the Philippines? Since 2004, why have nations that once supported such quota allocations begun to have second thoughts?
Assignment Submission –
Your submission should be prepared using APA format. Details on formatting can be found at the following link –
There is no required length for this assignment. Please upload your submission utilizing Blackboard on or before the date specified on Blackboard or in the syllabus.
ACCT3323 University of Houston The Travels of a T Shirt in Global Economy Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Rider Differential Analysis Case & Cost for Decision Making Case Spreadsheet Writing Assignment Help
First, read the following case on differential analysis.
Then, review the following files on this topic.
Differential Analysis Case .pptx
Cost for Decision Making Case Spreadsheet.xlsx
Finally, complete the following assignment.
Samantha Charleston (responsible for the analysis on the electronic check processing) became ill and asked you to complete her analysis. She has identified relevant costs and benefits. However, you need to complete Steps 4, 5 and 6 of the Decision Making model. Charleston asks that you finish her spreadsheet above. Provide your answers in the second tab of the spreadsheet, making sure to include calculations and explanations where appropriate.
PSY540 Southern New Hampshire University Visual Perception Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Review the websites below and take the perception tests listed:
- Visual Search Experiment
- Here is some additional information about the experiment above:
- Blind Spot Experiment
- Facial Recognition
After completing the tests, briefly describe what you did and discuss the activity in relation to the topics you learned about in this week’s readings (above). Consider the following questions:
- How do the activities relate to the theories of visual processing?
- How does the activity help you understand how the visual system works?
- What strengths or weaknesses in the visual system did you discover through the activities? How might these strengths or weaknesses impact your day-to-day life in the real world?
- In your response to your peers, consider their response as to how visual processing impacts day-to-day life. What potential improvements might you suggest to help overcome these weaknesses or capitalize on strengths?
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.
I enjoy watching crime shows and have always heard how witnesses to crimes never can seem to remember the details of the crime or the perpetrator. I tried to keep an open mind when doing these experiments. I enjoyed the Facial Recognition test and tried to use the tips that I got off the different crimes shows to help me. When I was shown a face, I made a point to focus on features of their faces that reminded me of someone I knew. I found this to be very helpful, but I can see where this could cause someone to misidentify an individual.
The Visual Search Experiment was an experiment that I have done before. I think the hardest thing when first starting the experiment is training your brain to hit the button that corresponds to the correct answer. I tried not to look for the blue triangle and found that my reaction time was faster and more accurate. When I focused on trying to find the object, it took me longer and hit the wrong button more frequently. I discovered that by using my peripheral vision, I was more accurate and much faster. This experiment also helped me to utilize the computational approach along with object recognition based on features of the shapes in the experiment called geons (McBride & Cutting, 2019). While doing this experiment, I was able to perceive the shape of the correct object without having to directly look at it.
The Blind Spot Experiment I felt was not that interesting. I looked at a number, slowly looked away and determined when the yellow dot eventually disappeared from my site. I did not find this experiment challenging or something that was hard to do. I still am not sure that this experiment taught me anything about my cognition and my visual processing or what it should mean. If I had to pick an approach, I would think that the perception/action approach would apply. I chose this approach only because we are perceiving the object and moving at the same time. I moved my eyesight away from the yellow dot, my perception of the yellow dot was that it moved farther away from me mainly because it got smaller and eventually disappeared from my eyesight.
The Facial Recognition test was the most interesting. I scored 92%, which 80% is typical for adults. As I took the test, it seemed too easy but as the lighting shifted, I noticed how the faces seemed to change. It appeared at times parts of the faces were missing but because of the Gestalt approach of good continuation and closure, I knew that the entire face was there (McBride & Cutting, 2019). When I tried not to focus on what was missing and focused and what was there, it helped me to figure out which face was correct. When the faces were pixeled, it was hard to determine which ones were correct. At times I felt when I was looking at one face, the one next to it seemed to be correct but when I looked at it closer, I wasn’t sure. As I stated above, I focused on features of the individuals that reminded me of someone I know personally such as my son’s friend but with darker eyes. When I used this technique, I was using the Gestalt psychology approach focusing on similarity. According to McBride and Cutting (2019), we organize like objects together because it is more natural than describing each object individually. I noticed that some of the men in the photos looked similar and at times I could see how someone would choose the wrong man. However, since I focused on features that I reminded me of someone I know, I believe it helped me to recall the correct faces.
One weakness that I noticed, especially with the facial recognition section, was how easy it was to choose the wrong individual. It is very important at times to pay attention to detail. In my line of work, I work with medications. I am required to provide the correct meds to my residents so paying close attention to detail is key. Many medications look similar (i.e. round and white) and a quick glance will not necessarily prove that the medication is correct. Most medications and vitamins have information imprinted on them at least on one side. However, this is not always true. I make it a point to read each description and verify the medication from the pill box. When doing this, it has helped prevent the wrong medication being given at times. I have turned a weakness that many people have into one of my strengths. I believe that slowing down and being purposeful is an important part of our visual and cognitive perceptions.
McBride, D., & Cutting, J. (2019). Cognitive psychology: Theory, process, and methodology. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.
Each week, these discussions are becoming more and more fascinating. Visual processing refers to our brain’s ability to use and understand visual information and differentiate it from the world around us. Researchers approach the study of perception in several different ways to get a better understanding of how perception operates in different roles. Each approach considers a different way that stimuli are processed in the brain. There are strengths and weaknesses in the visual system. The sense organs: ears, eyes, nose, tongue, and skin, all are the beginning of the visual perception process. We use these organs to process information in the world. This can be a strength because it helps keep us safe in our environment. Our peripheral vision gives us the ability to detect side movement. This is crucial in our everyday lives. There are also weaknesses in visual processing that often times contributes to learning disabilities. Many children suffer from sensory processing disorders (I have 3 of them). The brain may not interpret and process the stimulus the same way as other peoples.
I chose to do the facial recognition test to start out with. I scored 93% on the test. I feel like the bottom-up processing theory relates the closest to the facial recognition test. The bottom-up processing theory is “conducted starting with the most basic units or features of a stimulus and adding the parts together to understand and identify a coherent whole object” (McBride & Cutting, 2019). Before diving into the textbook, I chose to enjoy the visual perception tests and noticed that when I did the facial recognition one, that I took my 20 seconds or so and made mental notes of the different face shapes, the nose, eyes, roundness of the face, and if there was any facial hair, etc. This is essentially the bottom-up theory. I took the smallest parts of the human faces and used that information to pick out the particular face on the next screen.
Top-down processing allows us to use our knowledge of the world and cues from the environment to perceive things. I always find it interesting when people go on vacation and take pictures of famous landmarks and them trying to hold it up. For example, I have seen pictures of someone posing near the Leaning Tower of Pisa and it looks like they are trying to push it back up. It is always interesting to see optical illusions and how the brain can be “tricked” to see things that may or may not be there.
The blind-spot test is extremely familiar to me. I would think the best approach to this test would be the perception/action approach. This test is about what we see in our peripheral vision when moving closer or further away from the object. Because I have a medical disorder that can affect my optic nerves, I have to have yearly vision testing. One of the main tests that they focus on is the visual field test. I sit with my face in a bowl-shaped instrument and with one eye closed, I must stare at a dot in the middle of the bowl. All around the dot, little flashing dots appear, and I must click a button in my hand each time I see a dot flash on the screen. These types of tests are important for many people that may suffer from issues that affect their eyes.
McBride, D.M., & Cutting, J. C. (2019). Cognitive psychology interactive ebook. 2nd ed. Cengage Learning.
NUR6051 Walden Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes & Care Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
In a 4- to 5-page project proposal written to the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your project proposal should include the following:
- Describe the project you propose.
- Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project.
- Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples.
- Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why.
- Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist in the project team.
UCLA Chinese History between Red and Expert in PRC Paper Writing Assignment Help
The Prompt :
What were the tensions between “Red” and “Expert” in the PRC, and how did the tensions manifest themselves? Be specific.
In your essay, please only use the assigned readings to make your argument ( in the files section) . You can reference the textbook, but you will be primarily evaluated on your use of the assigned readings. You cannot use outside readings.
your paper, I expect a high standard in terms of writing, use of evidence, thesis, and general thoughtfulness.
I want a standard argumentative essay. This means that your essay should have an introduction, a conclusion, and at least 3 body paragraphs. Please don’t forget the thesis statement in the introduction and the topic sentences for the body paragraphs.
ENG2205 Troy University Metamorphoses Iliad and Gilgamesh Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Week 3: Metamorphoses
Ovid is our first known and fully historically documented “single author.” Homer is an invention–The Iliad and Odyssey were almost certainly composed ‘by committee’–people added to the poems when they were only an oral tradition, the name(s) of the person or more likely persons who wrote Gilgamesh have been lost to history, and if there was a single person named Sun Tzu, scholars are unable to definitely date his lifespan or exact locations. Ovid’s life from childhood to exile and death is very well documented by the poet himself as well as Seneca the Elder and Quintillian.
Publius Ovidius Naso (43 BC/BCE – 17 AD/CE) Ovid was greatly impactful on Roman Literature and has remained an inspiring writer—especially for Middle Ages writers like Chaucer and Dante and Renaissance writers like Shakespeare. Ranked with Horace and Virgil as one of the three most important writers of imaginative literature in Rome; Ovid was a prolific writer until his exile at the hand of Augustus Caesar (though some scholars argue that this exile was invented by Ovid). Sent to Romania, Ovid is today revered as the first national poet of that country.
Many remarked in our discussion of Gilgamesh of the striking similarities between Utnapishtim’s story and the more familiar, to most of us, I’d assume, story of Noah in Genesis. In Metamorphoses, we see a creation story not all that different from the creation story in Genesis–a story that it is quite doubtful that Ovid would have known of. The Old Testament, which was not yet translated into Latin (Rome would not adopt Christianity until between 300 and 400 AD/CE, and in Ovid’s day, Nazareth and greater Judea was seen as a troubling little outpost on the very frontier of the Empire), would have been as foreign to him as Gilgamesh. That said, Ovid’s life and the time of Christ do overlap, so we can get a bit of a glimpse of what life in Rome was like at the time of Christ’s presumable childhood from Ovid’s writings (less so Metamorphoses than others).
We can see similarities and differences between Genesis and Metamorphoses such as:
Similarities: order from chaos; chaos darkness before any ‘action’ by the gods/God; light, the stars, the earth, etc. all created the gods/God; humans created from the earth (similar here to creation of Enkidu in Gilgamesh).
Differences: In Genesis each day has an order; flood as largely agent of creation in Metamorphoses, not destruction of human world; unknown god of creation in Metamorphoses; more detailed and scientific—globe described as shape of the world in Metamorphoses.
Ideas of Metamorphoses
How can stories so full of extravagant metamorphoses/change (and violence, rape, sex, lust, divine intervention in horrendous ways) connect to or comment on our world today?
Go through some of the changes Ovid depicts in his characters and comment on what you think they might mean.
Think and comment also on what the idea of such changes might mean in a more general sense–do we wish to see our ‘enemies’ punished by the gods in some way or our successes rewarded?
Ovid’s Women
What are the roles of and for women in Ovid’s stories?
Especially consider the following: Daphne and Io? What do their stories tell us about women, the role of gender in Roman society, the idea of sexuality and courtship (if any)? Look, e.g., at the language of the translation on p. 881 in the Daphne story:
“Before her prayer was ended, torpor seized on all her body, and a thin bark closed around her gentle bosom, and her hair became as moving leaves; her arms were changed to waving branches, and her active feet as clinging roots were fastened to the ground— her face was hidden with encircling leaves.— Phoebus admired and loved the graceful tree, (For still, though changed, her slender form remained) and with his right hand lingering on the trunk he felt her bosom throbbing in the bark. He clung to trunk and branch as though to twine. His form with hers, and fondly kissed the wood that shrank from every kiss.”
It’s been in the news lately regarding Harvey Weinstein and others accused of sexual harrassment — but doesn’t Apollo sound very much like what we’ve seen in these reports, or sad to say, what so many have reported happening to them?
More generally, how do Ovid’s depictions of women, femininity, and especially masculine attacks on women compare to what we’ve seen in Gilgamesh through The Iliad?
The Gods–from Gilgamesh to Ovid
What are your feelings about the gods of the ancient (and we might add in the modern) world? How do the Roman gods as depicted in Ovid compare to the gods in Gilgamesh, the God of the Hebrew Bible, and the Greek gods in The Iliad? Especially consider them in relation to the mortals and desire to control and dominate and punish the mortals?
How can we see the ideas about the gods in these texts as perhaps telling us about the lives of the people of the eras?
this is link to read:
ENG2205 Troy University Metamorphoses Iliad and Gilgamesh Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENG110 College of San Mateo Oedipus El Rey Play Analysis Writing Assignment Help
part 1
Your post: choose any 4 questions to answer. Write about 100 words each.
- Who do you consider to be Oedipus’ antagonist in this play? What makes you say so?
- Who do you consider to be Jocasta’s antagonist in this play? What makes you say so?
- How do you interpret the “fate/destiny/the prophecy”? What does it represent or symbolize in this play?
- Why do you think Alfaro makes the sexual and emotional relationship between Oedipus and Jocasta so central to his adaptation (as opposed to Sophocles)? What do you think he wanted the audience to understand or see?
- Prison as metaphor…for what? What do you think Alfaro is trying to show about prison/mass incarceration, and how does he do this?
- Why doesn’t Oedipus believe in God? How does this compare to other characters’ faith, as shown in the play? Why do you think Alfaro is trying to convey about “faith”? What makes you say so?
- How do you interpret scene 26, the “resolution” scene with dialogue from the Coro and the final action described in the stage direction there? What do you find significant about it? How do you think it contributes to the message of the play?
- What factors led to Oedipus’s tragic ending in this play? What role, if any, does “fate” or “destiny” play in this, and how do you interpret those terms in the context of this play?
- Why does Oedipus kill Jocasta? What do you see as the significance of this action? What might it metaphorically represent?
- Which scenes in the play were examples of “pathos” for you? Explain.
Your reply:
Respond to the person who posted right before you. Discuss your reactions to their answers and offer you own thoughts. If you are the first person, you are exempt from this part.
A: Passage analysis–everyone must do this. Select a key passage and provide your analysis of it: Instruction on Close Analysis
B: Choose any 2 questions from the list below to answer. Write about 100 words to each.
- Examine the motif of sight vs. blindness: what is the significance of these recurring concepts in the play? What point is the author trying to make through his use of this motif?
- Pride/arrogance can be 2 sides of the same coin. In the original play, it is often said that Oedipus’s “hubris” [Greek word for arrogance] and his belief that he could outwit the prophecy causes his downfall. How is the pride/arrogance of our Oedipus el rey treated in this play? To what extent is it portrayed in a negative or positive light here? Is it a “tragic flaw” or a redeeming quality? Both?
- How do you interpret Tirisius: How does the play portray him and what makes you say so? Is he a “tragic hero”?
- How do ideas about family and inheritance impact Oedipus? What does he “inherit”? What does he lack in terms of family? How does this impact him?
- The theme of faith/beliefs/religion runs throughout the play: What point does Alfaro seem to be making about it and what makes you say so?
- What other themes/motifs/symbols do you see in this play and how do they contribute to the message of the play?
Your reply:
Reply to TWO CLASSMATES POSTS. EVERYONE MUST DO THIS. If you post early and no else has posted here, feel free to reply in yesterday’s discussion thread instead. (I will still give you credit). Wednesday Discussion: Analysis of the play Part 1
NR451 Chamberlain Week 6 ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
The assignment is worth 225 points.
Due Date
Submit your completed assignment by Sunday end of Week 6 by 11:59 p.m. MT.
A short tutorial with tips for completing this assignment may be viewed here: Evidence-Based Practice Change Process (Links to an external site.)
EBP Change Process (form)
- Download the EBP Change Process form (Links to an external site.) during Week 1.
- The use of this specific form is REQUIRED and is due at the end of Week 6.
- A short tutorial with tips for completing this assignment may be viewed in the short video above.
- Identify a clinical topic and related nursing practice issue you think needs to be changed.
- Locate a systematic review on your topic from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews located in the Chamberlain Library. Be sure this involves nursing actions.
- Work through each step of the ACE Star Model as outlined on the assignment form (Star Points 1-5: Discovery, Summary, Translation, Implementation, and Evaluation). Respond to the instructions provided on the form.
- Follow the activities and thinking of Nurse Daniel in Weeks 1-6 in the ‘Illustration’ part of each lesson. He will be working through a clinical topic and nursing practice issue to demonstrate a change (ACE Star Model and systematic review).
- Work on a portion of the process each week, as the illustration unfolds.
- Please reach out to your instructor for feedback or assistance with your PICOT question as needed.
- Required and Additional Background Reading in Weeks 1 and 2 under Readings is available for more information on the ACE Star Model and the use of systematic reviews.
- Please cite any references (in APA format) of your systematic review or other scholarly document (optional) as needed. Paraphrasing information, rather than quoting, is expected. No quotes for this assignment please!
- For questions about this assignment, please contact your instructor.
- Use the grading rubric as a final way to check that all components of the form have been completed. The rubric is the tool your instructor will use to assess your content.
**Academic Integrity Reminder**
Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.
By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment. Please see the grading criteria and rubrics on this page.
NOTE: Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.
Week 6: EBP Change Process Assignment Grading Rubric
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeA systematic review from the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews was selected, identified, and was appropriate for the selected nursing change process. |
25.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStar Point 1 (Discovery) The topic, nursing practice issue, rationale and scope of practice were clearly identified and described. |
25.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStar Point 2 (Summary) The NURSING practice problem, NURSING related PICOT question, Cochrane systematic review, and other optional references, evidence summary, strength, and solutions, are listed and described. |
35.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStar Point 3 (Translation) Care standards, practice guidelines, or protocols; stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities; the nursing role; rationale for including certain stakeholders, and cost analysis plan are addressed. |
35.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStar Point 4 (Implementation) Permission process, education plan, timeline, measurable outcomes, forms, resources, and stakeholder meetings, are addressed. |
35.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStar Point 5 (Evaluation) Reporting results, process and next steps are addressed. |
35.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInformation was presented clearly and thoughts were well organized and logical. |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe systematic review and any other scholarly resources were properly listed in APA format. The writing includes error free grammar and spelling, and complete sentence structure. |
15.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Form Used |
0.0 pts |
Total Points: 225.0 |
S0CW6111 Walden University Cultural Competence Case Study Writing Assignment Help
For this Assignment, read the case study for Claudia and find two to three scholarly articles on social issues surrounding immigrant families
In a 2- to 4-page paper, explain how the literature informs you about Claudia and her family when assessing her situation.
- Describe two social issues related to the course-specific case study for Claudia that inform a culturally competent social worker.
- Describe culturally competent strategies you might use to assess the needs of children.
- Describe the types of data you would collect from Claudia and her family in order to best serve them.
- Identify other resources that may offer you further information about Claudia’s case.
- Create an eco-map to represent Claudia’s situation. Describe how the ecological perspective of assessment influenced how the social worker interacted with Claudia.
- Describe how the social worker in the case used a strengths perspective and multiple tools in her assessment of Claudia. Explain how those factors contributed to the therapeutic relationship with Claudia and her family.
Support your Assignment with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.
Woolley, M. E. (2013). Assessment of children. In M. J. Holosko, C. N. Dulmus, & K. M. Sowers (Eds.), Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions (pp. 1–39). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2012b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e- reader].
Barry University Single Homeless Mother Become Resilience Paper Writing Assignment Help
Can you summarize this information up and add more information below?
Mother 60 years old with 5 children and 9 grandchildren. This mother was homeless one point in life. She was sleeping in a car with children, living in the low income project for many years, no education, and no support from family. She decided to go back to school in her early 40’s and get her GED. She worked in the school cafeteria, on AFDC, monthly food stamps. This mother went back to school earned her GED, AA degree, Bachelor, and Master. She went from working in the cafeteria to teaching. Can you summarize and add information about resilience?