ACCT402 Saudi Electronic University Karim Books Inc Expenditure Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

ACCT402 Saudi Electronic University Karim Books Inc Expenditure Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help. ACCT402 Saudi Electronic University Karim Books Inc Expenditure Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Assignment Question(s): (Marks 5)

1. Expenditure cycle case analysis

Karim Books Inc. is one the fastest growing book distributors in KSA. Karim Books was originally a side project of founder and current president Khan Walker, who at that time was employed by a local law firm. Because reading was much more that just o hobby of his, he decided to use some of his savings to build a neighborhood bookstore.

As the years passed, Khan Walker quit the law firm and began concentrating fully on his bookstore. More sales were attained each year that passed. Walker has rapidly become on the largest book distributors in the country. Walker was faced with two problems: many large, upscale bookstores were being built in the area, and the use of internet for findings and ordering books was becoming cheaper and more popular for current customers.

Some of his customers, however, are now experiencing problems with Walker Books that threaten their business relationship. Such problems as booking being ordered but net sent, poor inventory management by Walker causing stock outs, and the inability of Walker to provide legitimate document of transactions have become common.

Question: Gives some solutions to the problems faced Walker. [2.5 marks]

2. What are the threats that may face production operations and what could be the possible controls for those threats? [1 mark]

3. What internal control procedure(s) would be most effective in preventing the following errors or fraudulent acts?

  • A programmer obtained the payroll master file and increased his salary. [0.5 mark]
  • Some time cards were lost during payroll preparation; consequently, when paychecks were distributed, several employees complained about not being paid. [0.5 mark]

A large portion of the payroll master file was destroyed when the disk pack containing the file was used as a scratch file for another application.

ACCT402 Saudi Electronic University Karim Books Inc Expenditure Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HIST115 Grossmont Documenting Mexico Culture War Article Discussion Essay Writing Assignment Help

I will give you the article. It is about Documenting Mexico’s Culture War.

In terms of the content of the report, I am looking for two main points of discussion. First, you should devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points that the author is trying to convey to the reader. To help you to address this issue, consider some of these questions: What type of article is this? Is the author presenting an original feature, or is he/she conducting a book review? If this is a book review, what book (or books) is being reviewed? What is the author’s purpose for writing this article? What is the author’s academic or professional background?

As for the second point of discussion, this is where you provide your opinion or perceptions of the article. In other words, what did you think about it? What were the strengths or weaknesses of the article? How did the article relate to the class? You are definitely encouraged to write in first person singular (I feel that…, I think..) as you provide your opinions. As a general rule of thumb, your JSTOR review should be about 60% summary and 40% commentary. Thus a 5-page review with about 3 & 1⁄2 pages summary and 1 & 1⁄2 pages commentary is an ideal proportion.


Columbia College Applying Marketing Concepts to a Real World Business HW Writing Assignment Help

Applying Marketing Concepts to a Real-World Business

This assignment will require you to apply marketing concepts to a real-world company. You may continue researching the company you chose for Discussion 4 Applying Management Concepts or you may change to a different company. If you decide to change companies, go to the link for Reserving Your Company to reserve your new company. Please make sure no one else has already reserved it. If you decide to stay with the same company you used for Discussion 4, there is no need to re-reserve it.

You will be using the following company sources to prepare your report:

  • 10-K Report
  • Annual Report
  • Web site

The 10-K is an annual report that publicly-traded companies are required to submit to the SEC. It is a less pretty, more detailed version of the Annual Report that is sent to stockholders. The 10-K can be found on the company’s web site. Start by looking for a link for Investors. From there, look for a link for financial reports or SEC filings. Look for a pull-down box that allows you to search for “annual” SEC filings. Choose the most recent 10-K report available.

Use the following headings to organize your report.

  • Name of Company: Company Name, Ticker Symbol
  • 10-K: provide the complete URL for the 10-K report
  • Annual Report: provide the complete URL for the Annual Report
  • Company Web Site: type the URL of the company’s web site
  • Company Overview (2 points): Part I, Item 1 of the 10-K report will provide an overview of the company’s business model. It is okay to copy and paste directly from 10-K for this part of the report as long as you cite your source immediately following the pasted information.
  • Segment Data (5 points): Item 1 also includes information on how the company segments its business. Often, there is a sentence that reads “Our company consists of the following operating segments…” Most often, companies segment their business according to product lines or geographically.
    In either Item 1 or Item 7 of the 10-K, you will find information showing how much each product line or segment contributes to sales, also known as revenues, and/or operating profits, also known as operating income. List the company’s operating segments along with how much each segment contributes to sales/profits in percentage terms. Be sure to label the data.
    If the data you find is in dollars, you will need to convert it to percentages. The 10-K contains lots of data presented in percentage terms. Be careful not to select data showing the percentage increase or decrease from the previous period. The percentages for all segments combined should total 100.
    Note: Please do not include extraneous information in this section. The inclusion of immaterial information will result in a deduction.
  • Description of Product Lines/Segments (3 points): Create a heading for each segment and describe its products or services. It is okay to copy and paste directly from the 10-Ks for this part of the report as long as you cite your source immediately following the pasted information.
    Note: Please do not include information in this section that isn’t requested. The inclusion of immaterial information will result in a deduction.
  • Competitive Advantage (5 points): Review the text to develop an understanding of what is meant by “competitive advantage.” In your own words describe how the company has created a competitive advantage. Fully support your evaluation with specific information from the research you have done.

Final Tip: Be sure to include the name of the company, its ticker symbol, and the URLs to your company’s Annual Report and 10-K Report.


Columbia College Physical Geology Paper Science Assignment Help

A. Continent A and Continent B visually appear to “fit” together like a jigsaw puzzle. Folded mountain ranges are found on both continents where the “fit” occurs. If the oldest ocean floor rock found separating the continents is 100 million years old, how old would the mountains of Continent A be (relatively speaking)? Are the continents moving towards each other or farther apart? Provide several pieces of evidence to support your answer.

B. What types of mass wasting plague the state of California? Describe the various reasons why mass wasting commonly occurs there. What advice might be given to land developers in California to reduce the risks of mass wasting?

C. While hiking up a mountain valley, you come upon a lake, dammed by wall of unconsolidated sediments. You suspect that those sediments may have been deposited across the valley by a glacier that has since melted away. Describe thoroughly what those sediments would look like and why they could not be from a stream. Viewing up the valley, what other clue would support it being a glaciated valley rather than a stream valley? Large boulders are strewn haphazardly throughout the valley as well? Does that evidence support a glacier depositing the boulders or a stream depositing the boulders? Defend your reasoning.


How Social Media Affects the Academic Performance & Human Behavior Essay Writing Assignment Help

There are three parts.

1. You should research and read enough to be well informed about your topic. After diligently researching, you should have a sufficiently strong grasp on your topic to be able to describe in your own words what the topic is.

Your purpose in the two-page background is to offer an overview of your topic, including context and debates on the topic to show that you know your topic well.

You should not present simply a series of summaries of other people’s arguments, nor should you be presenting your argument.

2.Source Evaluation


More detail attached.



MBA 520 Bethel College Marketing Strategy and Branding Attribute Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

The discussion requires a minimum of 300 words, 3 scholarly sources, including the textbook. Make sure that you use APA style with your references. Under no circumstances use any direct quotes. Any directly quoted or copied material will result in a zero for the assignment. Let’s be sure to write it in own work 100% and give appropriately when using someone’s else work.

Please use complete sentences and proper grammar in all postings. Remember to reference at least two external scholarly sources (in addition to the text or course materials) in your initial post.

Reference for textbook attached:

Textbook: Ferrell, O. C., & Hartline, M. D. (2014). Marketing strategy: Text and cases (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western/Cengage Learning.

In this unit, you are learning about branding strategies organizations use to differentiate products and services from those offered by the competition.

  • Using the brand concepts from the unit and information on strategies used for brand positioning, share your company’s brand (current employer or ideal employer) and position.
  • What recommendations would you make based on the topics and concepts in this unit?

1,500 word count and there is a total of 5 questions each (not including in-text citation and references as the word count), a minimum of 4 scholarly sources are required in APA format. For the 4 scholarly sources, one from the textbook that’s posted below and the other three from an outside source . Let’s be sure to write it in own work 100% and give appropriately when using someone’s else work. Under no circumstances use any direct quotes. Any directly quoted or copied material will result in a zero for the assignment.

Please use complete sentences and proper grammar in all postings. Remember to reference at least three external scholarly sources (in addition to the text or course materials).

Reference for textbook attached:

Textbook: Ferrell, O. C., & Hartline, M. D. (2014). Marketing strategy: Text and cases (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western/Cengage Learning.

Choose an organization to use as your focus for answering the following questions.

1 When organizations consider a branding strategy, an analysis of existing and desired brand attributes is a useful starting point. Identify the attributes for the brand you selected and construct a brand attribute framework. Propose a brand statement to guide the organization’s branding strategy based upon your framework.

2 Create a compelling argument for the organization’s investment in its brand that elaborates on the advantages of branding.

3 Construct a perceptual map to illustrate your brand’s position in the market versus that of its top competitors. Based on the map, what are your recommendations to the organization?

4 Marketing strategies vary at different stages of the product life cycle. Determine which stage of the product life cycle your organization’s product is in. What market characteristics lead to your determination? Explain. What recommendations should the organization consider based on your analysis?

5 How should the organization differentiate its products? What are the product’s features, advantages, and benefits? Assess the extent to which the brand’s current positioning aligns with the product’s points of differentiation

MBA 520 Bethel College Marketing Strategy and Branding Attribute Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MSLP 546 Fundacao Getulio Korean American Female Perspectives on Disability Article Critique Humanities Assignment Help

a critique about “Korean-American Female Perspectives on Disability”

Article: Korean-American Female Perspectives on Disability

Attached are the requirement and the Article.

All the information you need for the critique I posted in an attached. Please let me know if you need anything else.

Thank you.

3 hours ago

  • General Requirements – 1 possible point
    • No page limit
    • 1-inch margins
    • 12 point font (e.g., Arial Narrow, Times New Roman)
    • Single space
    • APA reference Citation in Header.
      • Example: Goldin-Meadow, S., Cook, S.W. & Mitchell, Z.A. (2009). Gesturing gives children new ideas about math. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17 (5), 313-317.
    • Free of significant spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors
  • Summary Section – 3 possible points
    • Introduction
      • Brief description
      • Purpose of study
      • Sample research questions – if any?
      • Other necessary background information (e.g., Why was the study conducted? What was it about?)
    • Procedures
      • Methodology
      • Participants/Subjects
      • Setting
      • Procedures
      • Variables
    • Findings
      • Major Results
    • Conclusions
      • Major outcome(s)
      • Next steps
      • Impact
  • Critique Section- 1 possible points
    • Your evaluation of the study conducted
      • Strengths
      • Weaknesses
    • Lessons learned & Application to profession (SLP)



Needs Improvement

Meets Standard

Exceeds Expectations

Organization, Cohesion, Style

Lacks organization. Somewhat coherent but very little unity across the essay. No transitions between ideas. No variety in sentence structure.

Content is logically organized and writing uses acceptable transitions between ideas. Some points seem misplaced or unrelated to the topic. Style meets college level.

Writing is logically organized and coherent. Transitions are used between ideas and paragraphs. Style is at college level and creates unity across ideas.

Writing shows attention to logic and reasoning of points. Writing leads the reader smoothly from the beginning of the essay to the conclusion and provokes thought regarding the topic. Outstanding tone and style used through out essay.

Grammar & Mechanics

Frequent spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors make reading and comprehending the essay difficult.

Some spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors exist but do not significantly hinder readability and comprehension.

Very few minor spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

Essay is free of significant spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.


Fails to follow format and assignment requirements; incorrect margins, font, spacing. Not formatted in APA Style

Meets format and assignment requirements. Some errors in APA Style formatting

Meets format and assignment requirements. APA Style formatting is correct.

Meets format and assignment requirements. APA Style formatting is correct.


Excelsior University Governance and Stewardship Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a summative paper on seminal theories of governance and stewardship that inform effective organisational leadership in non-profit or for profit organisations. Your assertions should be supported with a minimum of ten scholarly sources from the literature. The paper, written entirely in the third person per APA 6 format requirements and supported by appropriate theories and research, incorporating biblical/ ethical principles, should include:

• An introduction;

• A discussion of key theories of governance that have contributed to organisational effectiveness in general (a minimum of three theories should be discussed;

• Contributions of stewardship theory in general to effective governance in non-profit and for-profit organisations;

• A discussion of the relationship of a leader’s values and beliefs to effective governance in organisations;

• A conclusion



Control Over Gun Ownership and United States Law Paper Writing Assignment Help

There are three policy problems that are currently facing this administration. You have been asked to write a case on one or these problems. As you know, a case is an argument for or against a claim. Below are the three problems. You only need to write on one of them. Below each is a link to background briefing of each to help you get started.

  • Increase Control Over Gun Ownership
    Background for Gun Ownership
  • Changing the Military Use of Drones
    Background for Military Use of Drones
  • Lowering the Drinking Age
    Background for Lowering the Drinking Age

Your argument needs to include:

1. The wording of a correct and useful claim of policy for the problem area you chose.

  • Tip: Make sure it is worded against the status quo.

2. At least 3 issues from the list of 7 issues used to analyze a claim of policy.

  • Tip: Make sure you include an issue on the significance of the problem

3. Three Contentions based on the answer to your issues.

  • Tip: Make your contentions a single sentence focused on the issue. They are not your argument.

4. Based on your contentions, you need to state your position on the claim

  • Tip: Do not change the wording of your claim. You are either for it or against it.

5. Using quality evidence and reasoning, prove your 3 contentions

  • Tip: What you believe or think is not important. What is important is what you can prove with evidence.

Below is a sample argument that you can use to guide you as you write yours. You can download a copy of this argument for easier reading at: Sample Argument.

Sample Argument

Argument being made involves women’s involvement in the military.

Claim: “The United States Military should allow women to serve in all the military duties they are qualified to perform.”


Is there currently a problem in the military with important positions going unfilled?

Can the military lower the standards needed for the unfilled positions so more men can qualify without decreasing military readiness?

Would the increase in women in military positions weaken the readiness of the military?


There is currently a problem in the military with important positions going unfilled.

The military cannot lower the standards needed for the unfilled positions without decreasing military readiness.

An increase in women in military positions would not weaken the readiness of the military.

Position on Claim

I will be arguing for the claim: “The United States Military should allow women to serve in all the military duties they are qualified to perform.” (If my contentions suggested that this claim is a bad idea I would state, “I will be arguing against the claim, “The United States Military should allow women to serve in all the military duties they are qualified to perform.”

Argument This example will just show the argument of one contention. Yours will use all three of your contentions.

There is currently a problem in the military with important positions going unfilled. According to Major General Turgidson, “The military is facing a crisis in that key positions are going unfulfilled because we simply do not have the manpower to staff them.”1 This crisis described by the general is only going to get worse as more and more members of the armed forces are deciding to leave the military. Navel Commander, Admiral Nemo explains, “In the last years we have seen an increase number of quality service men leaving the military instead of continuing their careers in the service as they had done in previous years.”2 One possible solution to this problem would be to recruit more manpower into the military, but this approach does not appear to be feasible. As recruiter Major Hummel observes,

“We are seeing fewer and fewer qualified recruits enlisting in the military. as their ranks decrease, we have a smaller and smaller pool of qualified servicemen to place in important military occupations.”3

Important positions in the military are not only going unfilled, but the problem will increase in severity as time goes on unless something is done.


GCU Critical Decision Making for Providers Case Scenario Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

View the scenario called “Critical Decision Making for Providers” found in the Allied Health Community media (

In a 750‐1,200 word paper, describe the scenario involving Mike, the lab technician, and answer the following questions:

  1. What were the consequences of a failure to report?
  2. What impact did his decision have on patient safety, on the risk for litigation, on the organization’s quality metrics, and on the workload of other hospital departments?
  3. As Mike’s manager, what will you do to address the issue with him and ensure other staff members do not repeat the same mistakes?

A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


ACCT402 Saudi Electronic University Karim Books Inc Expenditure Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

ACCT402 Saudi Electronic University Karim Books Inc Expenditure Case Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

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