ACT 300 Colorado Global Wk 2 The Four Steps in The Accounting Process Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help. ACT 300 Colorado Global Wk 2 The Four Steps in The Accounting Process Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Option #1: The Four Steps in the Accounting Process
You are operating your accounting firm. Your first client had the following transactions in April 20×7:
- Borrowed $10,000 from the bank.
- Purchased $2,250 of computer equipment for cash.
- Paid $750 cash for this month’s rent.
- Purchased $1,500 of office supplies on credit. It is expected that these supplies will last for 3 months.
- Billed $500 to customers for services rendered during April.
- Paid cash for the $1,500 balance owed to the vendor from Transaction 4.
- Collected $450 cash of the amount billed to the customer in Transaction 5
- Sold one-half of the equipment purchased in Transaction 2 for $1,125 in cash, with no gain or loss recognized on the sale.
- Paid $1,000 of the principal from the loan in transaction 1, along with $50 in interest.
Use the four steps in the accounting cycle to analyze business transactions, a) Identifying transactions from source documents, b) Analyzing transactions using the accounting equation, c) Recording the journal entry and d) Posting the entry to the ledger to complete the following:
- Prepare journal entries for each of the above transactions.
- Post the journal entries to T-accounts and total the accounts.
- From the T-accounts, prepare an unadjusted trial balance. List expenses in alphabetical order.
Use the following chart of accounts names and template:
Cash, Capital Stock, Equipment, Accounts Payable, Rent, Supplies, Accounts Receivable, Revenue.
Your assignment must include a title page and reference page. Review the grading rubric to understand how you will be graded on this assignment. Module 2 Part 2 Lecture: Double Entry System and Financial Statements for examples related to your Critical Thinking assignment for this week. Reach out to your instructor if you have questions about the assignment.
Note: The download the template required for this assignment is located in the Module 2 folder.
ACT 300 Colorado Global Wk 2 The Four Steps in The Accounting Process Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CWV 101 Grand Canyon University TV Public Service Announcement Script Paper Writing Assignment Help
Consider how the fall and humanity’s exposure to good and evil are seen in the way some people treat themselves and others in dehumanizing ways today (examples: abuse, addiction, bullying, domestic violence, eating disorders, human trafficking, pornography, poverty, racism, vandalism, etc.).
Choose one act of dehumanization and write the script for a short TV public service announcement in 350-650 words. Use at least two different sources from the GCU Library cited in the text and listed below in the list of references. Include the following:
- Highlight how the act of dehumanization is evident in the world today.
- Provide solid ideas for prevention.
- Include statistics, causes, and impact on people (victim, perpetrator, others as appropriate).
- Discuss how a God-centered worldview contributes to a solution.
- Include notes within the script about the images and video that would be included when shooting the commercial.
Saint Leo University Unit 8 Time management and Procrastination Discussion Law Assignment Help
Answer stated question and respond to two classmate
Stated Question
Identify a skill that you learned in this course and explain how you can apply it to increase success in your career in a real-world scenario.
Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.
Classmate 1 James
Hello, everyone,
There are two skills that I have taken notice with that I really need to improve on. The first skill the “art” of procrastination. I believe I has mastered that skill pretty well; however, it is a skill that need to be removed from my life. Procrastinating has caused so much unnecessary stress. There is truly no need to procrastinate and my excuse is always “Oh, well I work better under pressure” …. That has also proven to be false. This “skill” leads me to the second skill that I really need to work on too and that is time-management. I have no schedule. I start off good, usually, and I have my days mapped out down to the hour for at least a week, then BOOM, everything falls apart for whatever reason. I have learned that I need to stick to whatever schedule I give myself when it comes to school, home and work. There should be no reason I’m procrastinating or mismanaging my time. It’s a constant battle trying to stay the course and be proactive and stay ahead of the game. I have to learn to prioritize what is most important to least important, especially academically. The last eight weeks have definitely been an eye opener to all of my flaws when it comes to my academic career. I’m slowly learning to take these roadblocks and turn them into something positive for my academic career. Thank you for all of the feedback during this course. Wishing you all the best in everything you do.
Classmate 2 Ronald
I am in the twilight of my law enforcement career. In 28 years, I have had the opportunity to work with all sides of court personnel and I’ve had positive and negative interactions with both sides. For those seeking professions in the court system, you will realize that you will have your favorite judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney, as well as the most disliked judge, prosecutor, and defense attorney. Ethical conduct/ standards is what makes this job rewarding. I have seen a judge be the best defense attorney in the county and officers dislike going into his courtroom to testify as they almost always seem to know the outcome. I have seen prosecutors “piss” away cases that are concrete after working hard on the case. I have seen defense attorneys use unethical conduct with clients and get away with it and no one bats an eye over it. Regardless of how I feel about these individuals, as long as I know my professional ethics and conduct can not be called into question during any court process, I believe I have already won.
Parsons School of Design Significant Photographers in the Globe Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help
There have been numerous photographers in the evolution of the medium that can be characterized as “inventors” in terms of process, style, and/or content. Name three photographers that you feel introduced something particularly new to the medium. For each photographer, describe his/her contribution, how you would characterize the appearance of his/her work, and its significance to the defining of the medium (including the principal differences and similarities of his/her photographs to the photographs made by earlier and later photographers). Include visual support of at least two images per artist. Pictures due: 6 minimum. (at least 3 from outside course material)
– please follow the last picture’s writing style.
-There are no right or wrong answers to these topics. Your paper will be graded on clarity in analysis and reasoning, demonstration of research from outside the course content, good visual examples, and personal viewpoint. Your research and paper should be about what moves or interests you and/or about photographers or images that you feel particularly fit the topic at hand.
Moraine Valley Community College Business Value and Costing Report Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
Using the project management case study, develop a project charter (use headings) of three to four pages (no more than four pages). In addition to the course textbook, research two additional resources. In your charter,
- Summarize the project’s scope and limitations.
- Propose a business case for the project.
- Address how the project will enable the corporate strategy.
- Address how the project will apply corporate social responsibility (CSR) values.
- Calculate the Net Present Value (NPV) for the project business case. (Use Microsoft Excel to derive the NPV assuming the data below—submit an Excel spreadsheet as an appendix:
- Purchase price of $400,000.
- One-time project costs total of $100,000 spent in Year 0.
- Net benefits after taxes of $150,000 per year for five years.
- Salvage value for Year 6 and beyond of $400,000.)
- Summarize your results of NPV in the paper and refer to the Appendix.
- Develop a milestone schedule that includes five to seven elements
- Use the case study to derive the milestones. If the case is lacking, feel free to include a solution or milestone that you think Walmart would value.
- Predict the risks, threats, and opportunities of the project.
- Outline resources needed for the project.
- Develop your plan to form a high-performing project team.
- Identify five important groups of stakeholders.
The Project Charter Development paper
- Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style
University of Oregon Political Economy of the Television Paper Writing Assignment Help
350-500 words
Choose a two-to-three sentence passage from one reading that you find particularly intriguing. Write a response to
that passage in which you first explain what the passage means then explain why it interests you. This is not
necessarily an “I agree” or “I disagree” type of response, although you may approach it in that way, but could also
explain why and how an idea or concept made you think more deeply.
end with
two open-ended questions you would ask to promote further discussion of the week’s readings
Guidelines for Discussion Questions:
• Questions should not ask for objective, right/wrong answers. They are not quiz questions.
• Questions should include a reference to a specific passage in the reading or formal element of the television
episode. Be sure that this passage/formal element relates to the larger issues that are present. Otherwise, it
isn’t helpful for us to discuss it.
• Questions should not be too broad or too open-ended.
• Questions may ask us to consider the week’s television series from a different angle or in a different context.
• Questions should provoke answers that require interpretation, critical reading, deep thinking, and creativity.
Grade Breakdown for Reading Responses
An “A” Paper is one which evidences superior critical thinking. This is achieved by a logical progression of ideas which
builds to a compelling, tightly argued, and well evidenced conclusion. Independent thinking will provide the backbone of
this paper. The language in this paper will be controlled and precise. This paper balances microcosm (examples and
evidence) with macrocosm (overarching values, definitions).
University of Oregon Political Economy of the Television Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HLSC 402 TUI Module 1 Rose Bowl Stadium Disaster Preparedness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Module 1 – SLP
The intent of SLPs 1-4 is for you to implement the topics and materials learnt in the course to a “real life” scenario relating to a terrorist attack on U.S. soil in a major city sports arena.
Each module’s Session Long Project builds upon the other, so you will add the modular sections within one document like chapters in a book.
You will prepare your “plan” to address your own selected city’s characteristics and capabilities (e.g., if you are from California, you can present a plan for the Staples Center Sports Arena, Dodger Stadium, or the Rose Bowl in Los Angeles; or if you are from the Oakland/San Francisco area, the 49ers’ Stadium in San Jose or The Raiders Stadium Complex in Oakland).
Follow the general scenario and additional information and updates provided in each Module.
YOU are the Emergency Manager (EM) for your City (of choice) and from this capacity and role you will address the SLP tasks.
Scenario General Description
Date – August 1, yyyy
The Threat – Intelligence agencies have intercepted (from a credible source) a terrorist organization’s communication regarding a general coordinated plan to use improvised explosive devices (IEDs) to detonate bombs at a major USA city’s sports arena during an event at an arena holding about 10,000 spectators:
Three to five suicide bombers strategically pre-position themselves around the arena. They detonate their bombs and self-destruct in order to guarantee mass panic and chaotic evacuation of the arena.
One or two large vehicle bombs (LVB) are placed in a parking facility near the entertainment complex.
Finally, expecting mass casualties, the adversary agents will detonate an additional series of devices in the lobby of the nearest hospital emergency room (ER).
Timeline – The communication states only a general timeline for the attack to be executed within the month of September. No specific date is identified.
Planning Considerations
Key Implications – Casualties (about 100 fatalities and 500 serious injuries) will result at all incident sites and will include civilians, emergency personnel, and the suicide bombers. The LVB detonation outside the venue will result in the largest number of fatalities and injuries due to the population density expected.
NOTE – Life in the city will not be disrupted and all planned public events are not to be cancelled at this time.
Module 1 SLP – NRF/NIMS – Assignment (You are the City EM)
Choose a city and venue. Profile the venue including number of people it will hold, who owns it, and who provides security and traffic control during events (Private Security or Local Law Enforcement). Use the venue’s web-site as a reference.
Include your venue’s schedule of events for the selected month (at least one per week).
Profile the closest hospital, including Trauma Level, number of beds, who owns the hospital, and who provides security for the facility. If the closest hospital is not a Level I Trauma Center, do the same profiling for the closest hospital that is a Level I Trauma Center.
Present maps/charts and photos of the locale, venue, and nearest hospital(s).
Using your selected city/county websites, profile the Law Enforcement Agencies responsible for responding to the venue and selected hospital(s). Do the same for Fire Departments and EMS services. Describe or list the special response teams each agency has – SWAT, Bomb Squads, Tactical EMS, etc.
Based on the NRF Guiding Principles—(a) engaged partnership; (b) tiered response; (c) scalable, flexible, and adaptable operational capabilities; (d) unity of effort through unified command; and (e) readiness to act—describe and summarize how you would prepare for such an incident at the state/city level. Use the following NIMS Cycle to describe your preparedness activities for both the venue and hospital, as well as the local response agencies (see Point out the priorities in your plan.
Image provided by Homeland Security Emergency Management
SLP Assignment Expectations
Length: This SLP should be 3-5 pages, not counting the title page and references.
References: At least two references should be included from academic sources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles). Required readings are included. Quoted material should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. When material is copied verbatim from external sources, it MUST be enclosed in quotes. The references should be cited within the text and listed at the end of the assignment in the References section (preferably in APA format).
Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to question.
Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.
Module 1 – Background
Required Reading
Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 201, 3rd Ed. (2018). FEMA.…
Executive Summary: Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization Operational Area Emergency Plan (2010). Office of Emergency Services, County of San Diego. Retrieved from…
National Incident Management System (2017), 3rd. Ed., FEMA. Retrieved from…
2019 National Preparedness Report. (2019). Retrieved from…. Click 2019 National Preparedness Report Executive Summary and review the 2-page findings.
Presidential Policy Directive/PPD-8: National Preparedness (2011). U.S. Department of Homeland Security Retrieved from:…
Renauld, C. (2012). The missing piece of NIMS: Teaching incident commanders how to function in the edge of Chaos, Homeland Security Affairs, 8(8). Retrieved from:[Download article]
Required Websites
National Planning Frameworks. FEMA.
National Response Framework, Fourth Edition. FEMA.…
Required Videos
Citywide Incident Management System (2019). NYC Emergency Management. Retrieved from
Incident Command System, NIMS Familiarization (2012). RMP Corp. Retrieved from:
Note: Regardless of whether the presenter talks about natural or manmade disasters, focus on the components of NIMS.
Civil Rights Movement and Black Lives Protests Paper Humanities Assignment Help
!!! APA Format !!!!
Compare and contrast the protests from the Civil Rights Movement era with the current Black Lives Matter protest. You may focus on the current protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death or even back date to the beginning of the movement for the victims such as Trayvon Martin, Mike Brown, and Eric Garner. Pose your views on the peace versus non-peaceful protests. Do you think the current tactics are effective? State a piece of legislation that was implemented due to the protests and the protest agenda? This paper should include APA cover page and be a minimum of 3 pages, double spaced, 12 ft, in times new roman. If you not meet the minimum requirements, the assignment will not be given credit.
West Coast University Week 7 Public Health Clinic Services and Programs Paper Humanities Assignment Help
As a relief worker for the new public health clinic in sub-Saharan Africa, you have written about both the communicable and noncommunicable diseases you will face.
You have also developed an educational plan to inform the community about the clinic. This final part will bring everything together as you discuss services and programs that the clinic can offer.
Address the following in your paper:
- Discuss at least two types of services and programs the clinic may offer to the people in the community.
- Explain how each will directly affect the community.
- Provide specific examples/scenarios.
- Analyze how would you get funding for these services.
- Why do you think there are commercials and videos out there asking people for money (e.g., Feed the Children)?
- Assess the kinds of partnerships will you need to form to ensure the success of the clinic.
- What kind of challenges will you encounter?
- Why are partnerships important to global health?
- Convey the overall importance of collective efforts to improve global health across the globe.
Your paper should be 5-6 pages in length. Use current APA formatting to style your paper and to cite your sources. Use a minimum of 5 scholarly sources, including your textbook. Integrate your sources into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page listing those sources.
See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
University of Phoenix Week 5 Adecco Company Analysis Paper and Powerpoint Business Finance Assignment Help
Use your selected company from Weeks 1-5 for this week’s assessment.
You’ve become a trusted resource for your organization, and they’ve asked your advice on having a competitive advantage in the field. More specifically, they would like your analysis and recommendations on ways to bring their company culture, demographics, and technologies up to current industry practices and beyond.
Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation that includes the following elements:
- An analysis of the organization’s current culture (e.g., beliefs, expectations, values, and norms). Address how managers influence the organizational culture.
- An evaluation of the impact of demographic forces (e.g., age, gender, ethnic origin, race, sexual orientation, and social class) of your selected organization and what it could be
- Note: This is a good place to use your chart/outline/infographic from Wk 5.
- An examination of the impact of technological forces (e.g., changes in the technology managers use to design, produce, or distribute goods and services) of your selected company
- An examination on how the organization has complied with ethics and social responsibility behavior
- Recommendations of ways to innovate based on analysis
- Summary
- References
Include detailed speaker notes in a Word document.
Note: Regardless of whether the presenter talks about natural or manmade disasters, focus on the components of NIMS.