ADMN 775 University of New Hampshire Respectful of Confidentiality Discussion Writing Assignment Help

ADMN 775 University of New Hampshire Respectful of Confidentiality Discussion Writing Assignment Help. ADMN 775 University of New Hampshire Respectful of Confidentiality Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a management Essay and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Please answer the following six questions using the six question textboxes:

List the characteristics of the most effective (best) leader you have ever been associated with in your career.

List the characteristics of the most ineffective (worst) leader you have every been associated with in your career.

What are the most significant challenges facing leaders today? List them in order of priority.

What are the key differences between being an effective manager and being an effective leader?

What are the main reasons why some middle level managers fail in today’s organizations?

In today’s challenging and dynamic work environment what does it take to be a successful middle manager?

ADMN 775 University of New Hampshire Respectful of Confidentiality Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grossmont Cuyamaca College Drug Free World Organization Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business project and need support to help me understand better.

  • define a problem,
  • analyze the criteria for a satisfactory solution,
  • propose one or more alternative solutions, and
  • argue for the solution that satisfies the criteria best.

The problem may involve an institutional, technical, or public policy issue that you are working on or have worked on in your other courses; or it may be something related to an organization to which you belong, or it may be related to a job that you’ve held or now hold, or it may be a new area that you are interested in.

The solution to the problem may involve coming up with an original design, choosing between available alternatives, or providing needed information. See this report as a place to demonstrate everything that you’ve learned so far about communication in writing in this course.

This report will be done over the next few weeks with specific parts you will submit each week.

Week 10: Introduce topic, discuss report writing in a broader context, work on problem statement and factoring. Use Discussion for the student to post factors. (you will turn in a rough draft of this)

-Week 11: Focus on research. Search terms. Sources. Incorporate library modules

(turn in a draft of at least 3-5 references you have found to support your research a list of references turned in on a word doc will be sufficient.

-Week 12: Focus on organizing data. Work on writing. Parts of the report. (Turn in a rough draft of all the info meaning it’s not perfect this is just to see you start to put the work together and show a working draft). I will give you feedback to make final changes for your final to turn in.

Week 13: Report due.


BIO 215 Week 10 Model Output Results and Axis Labels Lab Report Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology report and need support to help me study.

Write R code to question if the time that males spent
somersaulting differs between Old Adults and Young
Adults, and include all the steps listed in the lab

  1. Plot the data for somersaulting, with appropriate
    x and y-axis labels
  2. Use a dependent t.test (i.e. paired=TRUE) to examine
    the mean of the difference
  3. Output and interpret the model results. Be sure
    to include your null and alternative hypotheses,
    p-value, and mean difference – making the
    relationship clear as to which age group gets
    more or less somersaulting from males.


Westminster Use of the SOSTAC Methodology in ScotRail Business Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing Presentation and need support to help me study.

hello, this is a group presentation but you will only do my part ( in the attachment ), please don’t include an introduction/conclusion slides. I just need 3-4 slides. Please write the speaker notes below each slide, because I will present this part for 3 minutes. I will also attach a brief for the company that we are doing the presentation about.

I need you also to write about the same part but as a paper just one page.( in word ) ( harvard style )

So you will send me a power point and word.

Please be professional with the slides. If you can add a table/chart for the situation analysis that would be good


University of California Individual Connection and Cultural Identity Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing exercise and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

300 word

Task: Explore potential areas of interest within the theme of Food, Culture, and Identity. Begin reading and researching material, and come up with a topic you would like to explore for your final paper. Make sure the scope of your topic is suitable for a 4-5 page paper of 1200-1500 words.

Once you have decided the topic you want to focus on for your research paper, develop a guiding research question and a working hypothesis to guide your research. Your question and your working hypothesis should require you to analyze rather than describe (i.e., focus on how and why rather than what).

Remember, pick a topic and formulate a question that you are truly interested in researching, and that you believe is meaningful. Also, make sure you pick a topic that can be researched for the scope and the setting of this class; i.e., pick a topic on which you will find suitable sources in English. For example, if you want to write about a particular food or tradition involving food in your own country and its importance to culture and identity, make sure that you can find credible articles that are written in English.

In short, for this assignment, do the following in a well-organized page:

a) Format your paper according to MLA and give it the following title: Research Question & Working Hypothesis. In the heading (top left), use the assignment due date.

b) Introduce and describe the topic you plan to research and develop

c) Introduce one source you have found that connects to your topic. (Note: This should be a source that you have found, not one of our course readings.)

d) Clearly state your research question that you plan to investigate (Note: State your research question in question form). Also, highlight your research question in yellow.

e) Explain what makes your research topic analytical (i.e., focused on how and why rather than what). Remember, your topic should be analytical, not descriptive.

f) Predict what you expect to find through your research, in the form of a working hypothesis

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify an original topic connecting food, culture, and identity
  • Narrow the scope of your topic so that it is reasonable to research
  • Develop an analytical research question that specifies your focus
  • Demonstrate an ability to conduct preliminary research

Grading Criteria:

  • Research question makes a connection between food, culture, and identity.
  • Research question is clear, focused, meaningful and researchable in English.
  • Research question requires an analytical response rather than just a descriptive one
  • Research question requires the collection of information from credible and scholarly sources
  • Writer uses academic vocabulary and clear phrasing and edits effectively, with few basic errors with nouns and verbs
  • Research question is grammatically formulated and uses academic vocabulary.



HIS 189 California Historical Experiences of Native Californians Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history report and need a reference to help me learn.

Choose ONE of the following questions:

  1. Provide a framework for understanding the historical experiences of Native Californians from prior to contact with Europeans through the Spanish and Mexican periods. What were the most important events and processes that impacted the lives of California Indians? What patterns of continuity and change emerge?
  2. In the decades following Spanish colonization, tremendous shifts took place in the economy of California. How would you characterize the changes in the economic base of California from 1769 to 1850? Your paper should discuss the persistent economic conflicts and challenges California’s inhabitants faced in this period.

HIS 189 California Historical Experiences of Native Californians Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

COMM 120 Cuyumaca College Two Common Barriers to Listening Questions Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Activity 7: Listening Essentials Discussion Questions

1111 unread replies.1111 replies.

Listening Scenario 1 – Chris & Damien.mp4Play media

Listening Scenario 2 – Trevor & Meg.mp4Play media


Watch the two videos above featuring two separate communication scenarios. Then, answer the following questions. You’re responses should use complete sentences and should be two to four sentences per question.

Scenario 1 – Chris & Damien:

a. Identify at least two common barriers to listening in this scene and give an example for each.

b. Was Damien using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

c. Was Chris using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

d. Identify at least two of the potential listening responses listed in the Chapter 7 Outline on Canvas (in the Modules Section) used in this scene and give an example for each.

Scenario 2: Trevor & Med:

a. Identify at least two common barriers to listening in this scene and give an example for each. (Choose two that are different than the ones you used for scenario 1 above).

b. Was Trevor using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

c. Was Med using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

d. Identify at least two of the potential listening responses listed in the Chapter 7 Outline on Canvas (in the Modules Section) used in this scene and give an example for each. (Choose two that are different than the ones you used for scenario 1 above).


HLS 571 Trident University International Cyber Policy and Goals Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science case study and need support to help me learn.


With both public and private assets at risk, national policies are helping to promote frameworks to combat cyber threats. The policies and framework include legislation and public/private cooperation to form groups and centers to assess these threats.

For this SLP, answer the following:

  1. Discuss the top national policies for combating cyber-crimes.
  2. What are the primary agencies that are responsible in preparing for, responding, and recovering from a cyber-attack?
  3. Go to National Cyber Strategy. Find references to Law Enforcement and explain the growing role of law enforcement in the new cyber strategy of the United States.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Assignments should be 3–5 full pages, double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page. Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module. Provide quotations to support your responses.

  • Relevance—All content is connected to the question.
  • Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
  • Depth of discussion—Present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues.
  • Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.
  • Evidence—Points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references.
  • Logic—Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
  • Clarity—Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
  • Objectivity—Avoids use of first person and subjective bias.
  • References—Sources are listed at the end of the paper.

Use strong credible sources—peer-reviewed references, government documents, and subject matter expert materials to support your answer. Your paper will not exceed 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page(s).


UOF Financial Analysis of Corporations Strategic Initiatives Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting report and need a sample draft to help me study.

Chapter review in written format at least one page per chapter is required. Students must reflect on how the information will be used in their careers at the end of each report: single space and 12 font size. 1-1.5pges with

This is my homework assignment for HR class (Don’t ask me why I need to study Finance). It should not be so hard. just write a summary of the chapter. This is the same type of request, and please use your words to summarize the chapter.


University of California Los Angeles Theory of Mass Communication Practices Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications Case Study and need guidance to help me understand better.

The purpose of this assignment is to link theoretical/scholarly material about media effects and content to a “real world” case.

This assignment calls on you to select a case of interest to you that played out publicly via some type of media channel. This could include traditional news outlets, blogs, social media or some combination of these channels. You will then critique and analyze the case from the theoretical framework(s) and perspective(s) in the scholarly literature you have chosen. Your case study should conclude with a summary of lessons learned from the case and/or any recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used media more strategically to realize more favorable outcomes. The final assignment should be about 10 pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 or Calibri 11; page count excludes cover sheet and references page).

A complete Case Study will include all of the following components:

  • Introduction: Describes overall purpose of paper (includes description of case for background/context; briefly previews type of media content that will be analyzed and theoretical/scholarly literature that will be used; makes argument for why that area of scholarly literature is best suited to understanding the case).
  • Literature Review: Summary of theoretical/scholarly literature reviewed for the case (at least 10 sources cited).
  • Methodology: Identifies media content analyzed, provides rationale for media content selected, describes how media content was collected, briefly identifies qualitative content analysis as the method of data analysis.
  • Media Review: Provides analysis of the chosen media that derives from insights related to the theoretical framework outlined in the literature review. For example, if you reviewed crisis communication theories/principles, you should be analyzing your data to report if and how those principles were used; if you reviewed framing theory, you should be looking for types of frames used, etc.). Findings from analyzed media texts are written in a narrative/thematic/descriptive format with example quotes interspersed to serve as evidence.
  • Discussion/Conclusion: The discussion and conclusion can occupy a single section, or individual sections can be created for the discussion and conclusion, respectively. Either way, provide comparisons/contrasts to previous literature and practical lessons learned and/or recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used media more strategically to realize more favorable outcomes. Furthermore, provide a conclusion that summarizes the broader Case Study and what it has contributed to our understanding of the issues/theories discussed.



Watch the two videos above featuring two separate communication scenarios. Then, answer the following questions. You’re responses should use complete sentences and should be two to four sentences per question.

Scenario 1 – Chris & Damien:

a. Identify at least two common barriers to listening in this scene and give an example for each.

b. Was Damien using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

c. Was Chris using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

d. Identify at least two of the potential listening responses listed in the Chapter 7 Outline on Canvas (in the Modules Section) used in this scene and give an example for each.

Scenario 2: Trevor & Med:

a. Identify at least two common barriers to listening in this scene and give an example for each. (Choose two that are different than the ones you used for scenario 1 above).

b. Was Trevor using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

c. Was Med using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

d. Identify at least two of the potential listening responses listed in the Chapter 7 Outline on Canvas (in the Modules Section) used in this scene and give an example for each. (Choose two that are different than the ones you used for scenario 1 above).


HLS 571 Trident University International Cyber Policy and Goals Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science case study and need support to help me learn.


With both public and private assets at risk, national policies are helping to promote frameworks to combat cyber threats. The policies and framework include legislation and public/private cooperation to form groups and centers to assess these threats.

For this SLP, answer the following:

  1. Discuss the top national policies for combating cyber-crimes.
  2. What are the primary agencies that are responsible in preparing for, responding, and recovering from a cyber-attack?
  3. Go to National Cyber Strategy. Find references to Law Enforcement and explain the growing role of law enforcement in the new cyber strategy of the United States.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Assignments should be 3–5 full pages, double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page. Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module. Provide quotations to support your responses.

  • Relevance—All content is connected to the question.
  • Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
  • Depth of discussion—Present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues.
  • Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.
  • Evidence—Points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references.
  • Logic—Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
  • Clarity—Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
  • Objectivity—Avoids use of first person and subjective bias.
  • References—Sources are listed at the end of the paper.

Use strong credible sources—peer-reviewed references, government documents, and subject matter expert materials to support your answer. Your paper will not exceed 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page(s).


UOF Financial Analysis of Corporations Strategic Initiatives Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting report and need a sample draft to help me study.

Chapter review in written format at least one page per chapter is required. Students must reflect on how the information will be used in their careers at the end of each report: single space and 12 font size. 1-1.5pges with

This is my homework assignment for HR class (Don’t ask me why I need to study Finance). It should not be so hard. just write a summary of the chapter. This is the same type of request, and please use your words to summarize the chapter.


University of California Los Angeles Theory of Mass Communication Practices Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications Case Study and need guidance to help me understand better.

The purpose of this assignment is to link theoretical/scholarly material about media effects and content to a “real world” case.

This assignment calls on you to select a case of interest to you that played out publicly via some type of media channel. This could include traditional news outlets, blogs, social media or some combination of these channels. You will then critique and analyze the case from the theoretical framework(s) and perspective(s) in the scholarly literature you have chosen. Your case study should conclude with a summary of lessons learned from the case and/or any recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used media more strategically to realize more favorable outcomes. The final assignment should be about 10 pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 or Calibri 11; page count excludes cover sheet and references page).

A complete Case Study will include all of the following components:

  • Introduction: Describes overall purpose of paper (includes description of case for background/context; briefly previews type of media content that will be analyzed and theoretical/scholarly literature that will be used; makes argument for why that area of scholarly literature is best suited to understanding the case).
  • Literature Review: Summary of theoretical/scholarly literature reviewed for the case (at least 10 sources cited).
  • Methodology: Identifies media content analyzed, provides rationale for media content selected, describes how media content was collected, briefly identifies qualitative content analysis as the method of data analysis.
  • Media Review: Provides analysis of the chosen media that derives from insights related to the theoretical framework outlined in the literature review. For example, if you reviewed crisis communication theories/principles, you should be analyzing your data to report if and how those principles were used; if you reviewed framing theory, you should be looking for types of frames used, etc.). Findings from analyzed media texts are written in a narrative/thematic/descriptive format with example quotes interspersed to serve as evidence.
  • Discussion/Conclusion: The discussion and conclusion can occupy a single section, or individual sections can be created for the discussion and conclusion, respectively. Either way, provide comparisons/contrasts to previous literature and practical lessons learned and/or recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used media more strategically to realize more favorable outcomes. Furthermore, provide a conclusion that summarizes the broader Case Study and what it has contributed to our understanding of the issues/theories discussed.



Watch the two videos above featuring two separate communication scenarios. Then, answer the following questions. You’re responses should use complete sentences and should be two to four sentences per question.

Scenario 1 – Chris & Damien:

a. Identify at least two common barriers to listening in this scene and give an example for each.

b. Was Damien using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

c. Was Chris using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

d. Identify at least two of the potential listening responses listed in the Chapter 7 Outline on Canvas (in the Modules Section) used in this scene and give an example for each.

Scenario 2: Trevor & Med:

a. Identify at least two common barriers to listening in this scene and give an example for each. (Choose two that are different than the ones you used for scenario 1 above).

b. Was Trevor using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

c. Was Med using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

d. Identify at least two of the potential listening responses listed in the Chapter 7 Outline on Canvas (in the Modules Section) used in this scene and give an example for each. (Choose two that are different than the ones you used for scenario 1 above).


HLS 571 Trident University International Cyber Policy and Goals Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science case study and need support to help me learn.


With both public and private assets at risk, national policies are helping to promote frameworks to combat cyber threats. The policies and framework include legislation and public/private cooperation to form groups and centers to assess these threats.

For this SLP, answer the following:

  1. Discuss the top national policies for combating cyber-crimes.
  2. What are the primary agencies that are responsible in preparing for, responding, and recovering from a cyber-attack?
  3. Go to National Cyber Strategy. Find references to Law Enforcement and explain the growing role of law enforcement in the new cyber strategy of the United States.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Assignments should be 3–5 full pages, double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page. Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module. Provide quotations to support your responses.

  • Relevance—All content is connected to the question.
  • Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
  • Depth of discussion—Present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues.
  • Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.
  • Evidence—Points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references.
  • Logic—Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
  • Clarity—Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
  • Objectivity—Avoids use of first person and subjective bias.
  • References—Sources are listed at the end of the paper.

Use strong credible sources—peer-reviewed references, government documents, and subject matter expert materials to support your answer. Your paper will not exceed 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page(s).


UOF Financial Analysis of Corporations Strategic Initiatives Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting report and need a sample draft to help me study.

Chapter review in written format at least one page per chapter is required. Students must reflect on how the information will be used in their careers at the end of each report: single space and 12 font size. 1-1.5pges with

This is my homework assignment for HR class (Don’t ask me why I need to study Finance). It should not be so hard. just write a summary of the chapter. This is the same type of request, and please use your words to summarize the chapter.


University of California Los Angeles Theory of Mass Communication Practices Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications Case Study and need guidance to help me understand better.

The purpose of this assignment is to link theoretical/scholarly material about media effects and content to a “real world” case.

This assignment calls on you to select a case of interest to you that played out publicly via some type of media channel. This could include traditional news outlets, blogs, social media or some combination of these channels. You will then critique and analyze the case from the theoretical framework(s) and perspective(s) in the scholarly literature you have chosen. Your case study should conclude with a summary of lessons learned from the case and/or any recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used media more strategically to realize more favorable outcomes. The final assignment should be about 10 pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 or Calibri 11; page count excludes cover sheet and references page).

A complete Case Study will include all of the following components:

  • Introduction: Describes overall purpose of paper (includes description of case for background/context; briefly previews type of media content that will be analyzed and theoretical/scholarly literature that will be used; makes argument for why that area of scholarly literature is best suited to understanding the case).
  • Literature Review: Summary of theoretical/scholarly literature reviewed for the case (at least 10 sources cited).
  • Methodology: Identifies media content analyzed, provides rationale for media content selected, describes how media content was collected, briefly identifies qualitative content analysis as the method of data analysis.
  • Media Review: Provides analysis of the chosen media that derives from insights related to the theoretical framework outlined in the literature review. For example, if you reviewed crisis communication theories/principles, you should be analyzing your data to report if and how those principles were used; if you reviewed framing theory, you should be looking for types of frames used, etc.). Findings from analyzed media texts are written in a narrative/thematic/descriptive format with example quotes interspersed to serve as evidence.
  • Discussion/Conclusion: The discussion and conclusion can occupy a single section, or individual sections can be created for the discussion and conclusion, respectively. Either way, provide comparisons/contrasts to previous literature and practical lessons learned and/or recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used media more strategically to realize more favorable outcomes. Furthermore, provide a conclusion that summarizes the broader Case Study and what it has contributed to our understanding of the issues/theories discussed.



Watch the two videos above featuring two separate communication scenarios. Then, answer the following questions. You’re responses should use complete sentences and should be two to four sentences per question.

Scenario 1 – Chris & Damien:

a. Identify at least two common barriers to listening in this scene and give an example for each.

b. Was Damien using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

c. Was Chris using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

d. Identify at least two of the potential listening responses listed in the Chapter 7 Outline on Canvas (in the Modules Section) used in this scene and give an example for each.

Scenario 2: Trevor & Med:

a. Identify at least two common barriers to listening in this scene and give an example for each. (Choose two that are different than the ones you used for scenario 1 above).

b. Was Trevor using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

c. Was Med using mindful listening or mindless listening? Use examples to support your claim.

d. Identify at least two of the potential listening responses listed in the Chapter 7 Outline on Canvas (in the Modules Section) used in this scene and give an example for each. (Choose two that are different than the ones you used for scenario 1 above).


HLS 571 Trident University International Cyber Policy and Goals Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science case study and need support to help me learn.


With both public and private assets at risk, national policies are helping to promote frameworks to combat cyber threats. The policies and framework include legislation and public/private cooperation to form groups and centers to assess these threats.

For this SLP, answer the following:

  1. Discuss the top national policies for combating cyber-crimes.
  2. What are the primary agencies that are responsible in preparing for, responding, and recovering from a cyber-attack?
  3. Go to National Cyber Strategy. Find references to Law Enforcement and explain the growing role of law enforcement in the new cyber strategy of the United States.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Assignments should be 3–5 full pages, double-spaced, not counting the cover or reference page. Paper format: (a) Cover page, (b) Header, (c) Body. Submit your assignment by the last day of this module. Provide quotations to support your responses.

  • Relevance—All content is connected to the question.
  • Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.
  • Depth of discussion—Present and integrate points that lead to deeper issues.
  • Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, multiple issues/factors considered.
  • Evidence—Points are well-supported with facts, statistics and references.
  • Logic—Presented discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.
  • Clarity—Writing is concise, understandable, and contains sufficient detail or examples.
  • Objectivity—Avoids use of first person and subjective bias.
  • References—Sources are listed at the end of the paper.

Use strong credible sources—peer-reviewed references, government documents, and subject matter expert materials to support your answer. Your paper will not exceed 5 pages (excluding cover sheet and reference page(s).


UOF Financial Analysis of Corporations Strategic Initiatives Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting report and need a sample draft to help me study.

Chapter review in written format at least one page per chapter is required. Students must reflect on how the information will be used in their careers at the end of each report: single space and 12 font size. 1-1.5pges with

This is my homework assignment for HR class (Don’t ask me why I need to study Finance). It should not be so hard. just write a summary of the chapter. This is the same type of request, and please use your words to summarize the chapter.


University of California Los Angeles Theory of Mass Communication Practices Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications Case Study and need guidance to help me understand better.

The purpose of this assignment is to link theoretical/scholarly material about media effects and content to a “real world” case.

This assignment calls on you to select a case of interest to you that played out publicly via some type of media channel. This could include traditional news outlets, blogs, social media or some combination of these channels. You will then critique and analyze the case from the theoretical framework(s) and perspective(s) in the scholarly literature you have chosen. Your case study should conclude with a summary of lessons learned from the case and/or any recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used media more strategically to realize more favorable outcomes. The final assignment should be about 10 pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 or Calibri 11; page count excludes cover sheet and references page).

A complete Case Study will include all of the following components:

  • Introduction: Describes overall purpose of paper (includes description of case for background/context; briefly previews type of media content that will be analyzed and theoretical/scholarly literature that will be used; makes argument for why that area of scholarly literature is best suited to understanding the case).
  • Literature Review: Summary of theoretical/scholarly literature reviewed for the case (at least 10 sources cited).
  • Methodology: Identifies media content analyzed, provides rationale for media content selected, describes how media content was collected, briefly identifies qualitative content analysis as the method of data analysis.
  • Media Review: Provides analysis of the chosen media that derives from insights related to the theoretical framework outlined in the literature review. For example, if you reviewed crisis communication theories/principles, you should be analyzing your data to report if and how those principles were used; if you reviewed framing theory, you should be looking for types of frames used, etc.). Findings from analyzed media texts are written in a narrative/thematic/descriptive format with example quotes interspersed to serve as evidence.
  • Discussion/Conclusion: The discussion and conclusion can occupy a single section, or individual sections can be created for the discussion and conclusion, respectively. Either way, provide comparisons/contrasts to previous literature and practical lessons learned and/or recommendations you have for how the individuals and/or organizations involved could have used media more strategically to realize more favorable outcomes. Furthermore, provide a conclusion that summarizes the broader Case Study and what it has contributed to our understanding of the issues/theories discussed.


ADMN 775 University of New Hampshire Respectful of Confidentiality Discussion Writing Assignment Help

ADMN 775 University of New Hampshire Respectful of Confidentiality Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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