AENG 240 University at Albany Conflict and Resolution of Racial Problems Responses Humanities Assignment Help. AENG 240 University at Albany Conflict and Resolution of Racial Problems Responses Humanities Assignment Help.
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Read the story and answer one of the questions.
1) Throughout the story, Roberta and Twyla go through a shifting relationship, including conflict and resolution. Analyze a particular aspect of their relationship and argue what exactly cause their bonding, tension or other characteristic ways of relating to each other. Then, explain your interpretation of how this story is complicating the perceptions of “race” through this relationship. What do you think is the message sent by the story that removes “all racial codes,” as Morrison explains in Playing in the Dark (xi)?
2) What role does Maggie play in this story? Especially when things get mysterious about her toward the end, what should we make out of this character as at once marginalized and central in the story?
3) Create your own discussion question. You need to pose an open-ended question that would stimulate your classmates’ thoughts (e.g. “What is the importance of the concept of . . . ?” “How does this conversation complicate our understanding of . . . ?”) To give a concrete foothold for your classmates, explain which passage or scene led to your discussion question. Suggesting how you may answer the question or even explaining what you find interesting/confusing/strange will help your classmates to respond in a specific manner.
AENG 240 University at Albany Conflict and Resolution of Racial Problems Responses Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
A Business English Assignment Language Study Abroad Programmes Short Term Test Business Finance Assignment Help
Type in MS Word Font 12 Times New Roman 1.5 spacing Alligned
Write your details on top: Full Name, Student ID, Section
TITLE: Language Test (10%)
IMPORTANT: You are encouraged to do some reading on the topic especially if this subject/ topic is new to you.
Have you participated in any Short-term Study Abroad Programmes in school or university?
State YES or NO.
If YES, respond to the following questions:
Part A:
Name the category as student exchange/ summer or winter programme/ social volunteer project/ conference/ etc.
State the duration
Sending institution (name of school/ university)
Part B;
In TWO paragraphs, write about TWO benefits that YOU have gained from the involvement. Remember to discuss the impact of the experience on YOU. Underline your topic sentence.
If NO, respond to this question:
Part A:
Would you like to participate in Short-term Study Abroad Programmes while in UNITEN? Yes/ No
If YES, name two countries as your favourite destination.
Part B:
In TWO paragraphs, write about TWO reasons for your interest or lack of interest. Underline your topic sentence.
There is no RIGHT or WRONG idea. Be brave and express your thoughts adequately.
UCSD Drug Abuse Psycology And Behavioural Genetics Essay Humanities Assignment Help
You must answer ANY 5 of the following questions using your own words. If you are using evidence from the book or any other resource you must provide the correct citation. Please download the questions, answer on your own word document and upload by midnight on your assigned due date.
1. Briefly discuss the phenomenon of drug abuse in the context of five different psychological perspectives. |
2. Describe the basic structure of a research experiment. Include the definition and purpose of the hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable, control group, experimental group, and random assignment. |
3. Explain what behavioral geneticists mean by the term heritability and why it is frequently misunderstood. Provide one example of low heritability and one example of high heritability. |
4. Psychologists have described the human nervous system as the communication and control center for the body. The nervous system allows us to take in information from the environment, communicate the information to different parts of the body, and coordinate the body’s response. The nervous system itself is made up of neurons, or nerve cells, that communicate with each other by receiving and transmitting electrochemical signals, called neurotransmission. All human behavior is made possible by the activity of individual neurons working together in the nervous system. Think about a simple action you do every day, like answering your phone. When you perform this routine act, what are the individual neurons in your nervous system doing to make it possible? In a multi-paragraph essay, explain how the activity of individual neurons enables you to perform a simple action like answering your phone. Be sure to describe the main parts of a neuron, explain the unique function of each part, and describe how neurons use electrochemical signals for neurotransmission. Include details from class materials, readings, and research on the nervous system to support your discussion. |
5. Current research is revealing new relationships between sleep and memory formation. Discuss prior views and current research regarding the role of sleep. How might this apply to your own preparation for exams? |
6. Psychologists have identified five main personality traits, often called the “Big Five” or the five-trait model. Think about the “Big Five” personality traits we studied in class. Then select a real or fictional character from literature, film, television, or public life. How could the “Big Five” model be used to understand the character’s personality? In a multi-paragraph essay, explain what is meant by a “personality trait” according to the “Big Five” model, define each of the “Big Five” traits, and describe the character’s personality using the “Big Five” traits. For each trait, be sure to provide evidence from the character’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Include details from class materials, readings, and research on personality to support your discussion. |
7. Social psychologists like Solomon Asch have studied the conditions that affect how people act in group situations, especially the ways in which people conform to the attitudes and behavior of others. Drawing on your personal experience, think of a situation in which you either did or did not conform to the attitudes and behavior of others in a group. In a multi-paragraph essay, describe the situation and discuss the factors that influenced you to conform or not conform. Be sure to include information from class materials, readings, and research on group conformity to support your discussion. |
8. Describe the controversy over whether routine vaccinations in children cause autism. What is the current interpretation of the scientific evidence? What has been a consequence of parental concerns about a potential link between routine vaccinations and autism? |
9. For centuries, people have believed myths and misconceptions about psychological disorders and the people who suffer from them. Modern psychological research has allowed us to correct some of these misconceptions. As a result, many people have changed their ideas about mental and emotional disorders. Think of a common misconception you have observed in society or in your personal experience. How could information from research be used to change people’s views of psychological disorders? How can this information help us to better understand people who experience mental and emotional disorders? In a multi-paragraph essay, describe the misconception you observed and discuss how information from research could be used to change this misconception about psychological disorders and the people who suffer from them. Be sure to include details from class materials, readings, and research on psychological disorders to support your discussion. |
10. Imagine that you are an experienced mental health professional. Choose a psychological disorder and describe the type of treatment plan that you would initiate for such a disorder. Describe how you would modify your treatment plan for certain patients, if they do not respond well to your typical treatment paradigm. |
11. Give an example of a highly stressful circumstance that you have experienced (or you may create a fictitious scenario) and discuss the various physiological changes that would occur at each stage of Selye’s general adaptation syndrome as a result of that event. |
MGT 322 Saudi Electronic University The Benefits of Lean Manufacturing Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
UC Fatigue Issues in HIV & AIDS Patients in The United States of America Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
HOMEWORK D Format your answers in the form of a WORD document (No PDF’s) compliant with APA formatting standards, with some exceptions. A title page is required. The body is composed of answers to questions asked in the 3 sections below. A reference page is not required. Use 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Arial font with APA margins, line-spacing, and paragraph alignment. Use section headings. Your answers should be labeled numerically in an order that is congruent to how the questions are being presented. Therefore, your answers should be labeled with the number for the question you are answering. Your answers are not to be in a short essay format unless indicated. Answers should not exceed one paragraph per question. Use complete sentences (where appropriate), proper grammar, and spell-check the document before submission. Scholarly writing is worth 10% of your grade. Do not exceed 3 pages in length (excluding the title page). Should the body of your paper be more than 3 pages, only the first three pages will be graded and any required content not included in these pages will be marked as not done and the appropriate point deductions will apply. Should you submit your paper in PDF format, you will receive a “0” with resubmission being at the sole discretion of your instructor. Unit 4: Examining Research Problems, Purposes, and Hypotheses; Identifying Primary and Secondary sources; Searching databases for Systematic Reviews and Clinical Practice Guidelines Purpose: Identify research topics, problems, and purposes in quantitative and qualitative studies. Differentiate among the types of hypotheses (associative versus causal, simple versus complex, non-directional versus directional, and statistical versus research). Identify a Primary Source and a Secondary Source. Demonstrate how to successfully search for a Clinical Practice Guideline and/or a Systematic Review. MLO 1,2,4,5,6
Part I – Critical Analysis (44%) A research topic is a concept or broad issue that is important to nursing, such as acute pain, chronic pain management, coping with illness, or health promotion. The research problem is an area of concern in which there is a gap in the knowledge base needed for nursing practice. The problem includes significance, background, and problem statement. The research purpose is a concise, clear statement of the specific goal or focus of the study. Analyze this passage and answer the questions in reference to the passage. In the United States, more than 1 million people are living with HIV infection. Another half million have died from AIDS since the beginning of the HIV epidemic. The prevalence of HIV has increased among women, especially among minority women. A larger proportion of minority women are uninsured compared with nonminority women. Treatment of HIV has increased the life expectancy of patients. Viral suppression, however, requires more than 90% adherence to expensive medications for life. Treatment fatigue has been linked to patients dropping out of care. No studies have been published that explore the experience of treatment fatigue from the perspectives of uninsured minority women with HIV infection. This phenomenological study seeks to explore the lived experience of treatment fatigue in HIV infection among uninsured minority women.
Part II – Recognition (32%) A hypothesis is a formal statement of the expected relationship(s) between two or more variables in a specified population. Hypotheses can be described using four categories: (1) associative versus causal, (2) simple versus complex, (3) non-directional versus directional, and (4) statistical versus research. A. For each of these hypotheses, describe its characteristics: associative or causal, simple or complex, non-directional or directional, and null or research. You should have four answers to each question. (You may simply list the answer; you do not have to re-type the content.)
The quality of a source is determined by whether it is a primary, peer-reviewed, relevant publication. Sources should be current (published in the past 5 years) unless they are seminal or landmark studies. Replication studies are studies that are reproduced or repeated based on a previous research report. B. For the following sources, list whether it is a primary source or a secondary source.
Part III – Evidence Search (14%) EBP involves the use of the best research evidence to support clinical decisions in practice. The levels of research evidence are a continuum, with the highest quality of research evidence at the top of the pyramid and the weakest research evidence at its base (see Fig. 1.3). Evidence-based guidelines are rigorous, explicit clinical guidelines that have been developed based on the best research evidence available in that area. Locate and provide a Clinical Practice Guideline or a Systematic Review on appropriate coping strategies for burnout prevention.
Foothill College Informative and Persuasive Speech & Mass Communication Theory Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
1. Write summaries Chapter 9-12, each summary 3 paragraphs (the last paragraph has to be your own reflection based on the reading). No reference. I’ll send you the material later.
2. “Mass Communication Theory Essay” : Please pick any of the mass communication theories covered (in the reading material) and write an essay(500-700 words approximately). The essay should include the following parts: 1) Introduction; 2) A brief description of the theory; 3) Evidence of this theory in action- you can use a quantitative or qualitative approach to your evidence gathering; 4)Conclusion.
3. Answer this question: What is your preferred form of social media? Why is it your favorite? How has social media changed your communication? (Please write Facebook or Instagram).
Foothill College Informative and Persuasive Speech & Mass Communication Theory Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Mission College Climatic Change Global Conflict In Humanitarian Needs Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Answer the question in your own words unless otherwise specified. If you must quote material, then do so judiciously and cite your sources. Your answer should be in essay format with an introduction, body, and conclusion. A 200-word maximum would suffice. No more than two pages, please. Your assignment must conform to the writing guidelines (attachment below). Failure to comply with the writing guidelines will guarantee a reduction in grade. Also, Correct use of English is a fundamental requirement for your papers to be graded. If detected errors in spelling, syntax, grammar, APA styles matches or exceeds 20; then the errors will be noted and you will be given a 10% reduction in grade. Therefore, it is vital that you proofread prior to submission.
Argue for or against the assertion that climate change is a threat multiplier since the beginning of the 21st century. Your essay must define threat multiplier and climate change in the introduction of the essay. Also, use one topic addressed in the video or article (attachment below) as the theme of your essay, for example: climate change exacerbating social and political tensions in Syria that contributed to the civil war.
Video: Climate Change: A Threat Multiplier from the World Government Summit (2018)
Econ 201 SEU Saudi Tax Law Case Study Economics Assignment Help
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions
- Q1: What should be
taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Provide your opinion
based on the case given below. (200 words)
Q2: How may it affect
Saudi Economy if an income tax is imposed in KSA? (200 words) - I will be modeling the assignment’s solution but I need to rewrite it in another way to avoid similarity
- References need
ARCH 1302 Washington State University Intersection of Architecture Questions Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a Geology discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
intersection of architecture and their chosen profession
Essay (any type)
9 pages / 2475 words
English (US)
: Students are required to research the intersection of architecture and their chosen profession.
it requires pictures so you can set examples with pictures
4 sources required
I will be discussing the similarities of both interior design
and architecture, compare and contrast both these careers, 2500 word
essay with citation written down as well
MGT 322 SEU Manufacturing Companies Objectives on Lean Production and Overproduction Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Search Title: THE BENEFITS OF LEAN MANUFACTURING what lean thinking offers the process Industries
Authors Name: Melton,T
Source: In 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Research and Design June 2005 83(6):662-673
Read out the research paper carefully and based on your understanding you should answer the following questions.
- Define why Manufacturing Companies emphases on lean thinking? Justify your answer with suitable example. (3 Marks)
- What do you understand by the term overproduction? Why do you think overproduction waste describedas the biggest waste while comparing to all other type of waste? (3 Marks)
- What are the benefits from Suppliers to end users by using lean thinking? (3 Marks)
- Use APA referencing style (1 Mark)
Note:You can assume any manufacturing companyof your choice while answering questions.
[supanova_question] June 2005 83(6):662-673
Read out the research paper carefully and based on your understanding you should answer the following questions.
- Define why Manufacturing Companies emphases on lean thinking? Justify your answer with suitable example. (3 Marks)
- What do you understand by the term overproduction? Why do you think overproduction waste describedas the biggest waste while comparing to all other type of waste? (3 Marks)
- What are the benefits from Suppliers to end users by using lean thinking? (3 Marks)
- Use APA referencing style (1 Mark)
Note:You can assume any manufacturing companyof your choice while answering questions.