AFAS 218 University of Arizona Intro to Hip Hop Dance Paper Writing Assignment Help

AFAS 218 University of Arizona Intro to Hip Hop Dance Paper Writing Assignment Help. AFAS 218 University of Arizona Intro to Hip Hop Dance Paper Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a writing report and need support to help me study.
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PROMPT #3: Critically examine Hip-Hop dance as an expression of culture, identity (race, ethnicity, gender/sexuality, social class and age/generation), politics, freedom, spirituality. In your response pay particular attention to how b-boying and b-girling are connected to who the dancers are (that is, who they understand themselves to be) and how they live, survive and thrive. Refer to at least THREE readings you studied in this course throughout the semester and draw your examples from at least THREE different countries described in the readings


1. Clearly indicate which prompt you are responding to (your paper will NOT BE GRADED if you fail to indicated the prompt number)

2. Your essay must be typed, double-spaced, 1 inch margins, with Times New Roman or Cambria font size 12

3. This assignment requires you to draw citations from both the primary texts and films studied in class throughout the semester and FIVE or more SCHOLARLY (secondary/external) sources (books, journal articles and articles from SCHOLARLY online databases) i.e. those not studied in class. Citations must follow the MLA Style.

4. Relying solely on unscholarly only articles alone will result in a loss of points.

5. You are specifically required to address ALL ASPECTS of the prompt.

6. Paper MUST BE 6-8 pages with citations


AFAS 218 University of Arizona Intro to Hip Hop Dance Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CS 370 Stanford University Gottcha Anti Theft Machine Computer Architecture Lab Report Computer Science Assignment Help


The purpose of this project is to create Finite State Machine (FSM) which can detect a certain eight-digit binary sequence in a continuous serial binary input stream. When the correct sequence is detected, the single output signal should be a logical true value, in all other cases it should be a logical false. This project is designed to allow a gradual transition from strictly combinational circuits to a simple sequential circuit.

Problem Statement: The “Gottcha Anti-Theft” Machine

There are many anti-theft devices on the market that attempt to foil a would-be robber from starting your car and driving off with it. One popular item has a keypad like a touch-tone telephone. In order to start your car, you must key in a secret four-digit decimal code, such as ‘3719’. It only “remembers” the most recent four digits you have keyed in. Thus, the sequence ‘3723719’ will let you start your car.

For simplicity here we use a code based on a sequence of eight bits, and use two push buttons to enter a sequence serially (as shown in Fig. 1). Each press of a button enters the corresponding digit. As you key in the bits in sequence, the device outputs E = 0 until the most recent eight bits agree with a built-in secret code byte. Then E switches to 1.

There are 2 questions for this lab. Use this 11011001 for secret key. This is require to use LogicWorks version 5, I have full version if you don’t have it. Please follow the instruction very carefully this worth a lot of points!

I attached the pdf instructions below checkout


University of Toronto Do CEOs Get Paid Too Much Essay Writing Assignment Help

With reference to “Do CEOs Get Paid Too Much?”, (i) reformulate the piece into premises and a conclusion. (ii) Elaborate two counter-objections not anticipated/mentioned/covered in the piece itself. (iii) Anticipate two counter-objections to each of the counter-objections you raise in (ii) and, (iv), attempt to then defend the counter-objections raised in (ii) from objections raised in (iii) without merely restating the arguments of (ii) or arguments from the piece itself.Watch “The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos” (link provided in the amended reading/presentation list – the YouTube video posted in lieu of two live zoom lectures). Using concepts/arguments from any article/presentation covered in the course, critically analyze three aspects of/arguments raised within the documentary. Critical analysis entails connecting concepts clearly to aspects of the documentary and raising objections, counter-objections, and attempts at responses to issues/arguments raised within the documentary.


2a) (i) such and such.

(ii) such and such.

(iii) such and such… etc.


IDS 400 SNHU Sexual Harassment Across the Color Line Portfolio Revision Business Finance Assignment Help

Please review the rubric and assignment guidelines for this final project (attached). I have taken all of the milestone assignments and combined them together into one final document and I have combed through my professor’s feedback on each of the segments as well. I would like you to review the final document to be sure that I am meeting all of the criteria outlined in the rubric and that I have addressed all of the concerns and made all of the improvements that my professor has suggested along the way too. In the attached word document I have included the comments throughout the document from my professor as well as specific areas that I need assistance on. Just click on the chat bubble icons to the right margin column on the paper in order to read the comments. If you could please review those and make suggestions and improvements as well, that would be great.

More specifically, I need assistance in expanding the introduction a bit to mention the four lenses and their significance to the study of diversity as well as the mention of an added layer of diversity that is effected by my chosen topic of sexual/workplace harassment. I also need help with writing a strong conclusion to bring everything together and drive my point home. Your assistance with formulating this would be greatly appreciated as well.

Please let me know if you cannot see the comments within the document itself, because that will be important for you to be able to read and understand what I need throughout the paper both from my request as well as my professor’s. Thank you.


ENGL 101 SCC Stop Googling Lets Talk Vs Hooked on Our Smartphones Rhetorical Analysis Writing Assignment Help

type of rhetorical analysis essay:

I NEED 1 Intro, 3 body parg, 1 conclusion = total of 5 paragraphs Argumentative essay using Rhetoric

I need it in 5-6 pages. (work site does not count as a page)

  • Reread the sample of Essay 1 and your own Essay 1 to help remind you of how to structure a rhetorical analysis.



MKT 100 UOfM Buying Behavior Price Sensitivity Customer Satisfaction Samsung Case Business Finance Assignment Help

Due Date

Monday, December 14, 2020

9:00 AM

Points Possible


Assignment 2: Situation Analysis

In this assignment, you will create an original Situation Analysis for one of four companies/brands. Each of the four companies you will choose from has been through numerous changes in recent years.


Download the Assignment 2: Situation Analysis Template [DOCX] to your computer and Save As using the following identifier: LastName_FirstName_Week10_Assignment.

Select one company/brand from the four choices below:

Mini Cooper

Clever solutions with iconic design encourage a life full of meaningful experiences. MINI unlocks the city, catering to your individual needs.

MINI is straightforward, sincere and authentic. MINI blends creativity with cleverness, offering an open platform for people, design and a vibrant urban life. MINI’s spirited attitude to life inspires people.


“Inspire the World, Create the Future.”

The Vision 2020 is at the core of our commitment to create a better world full of richer digital experiences, through innovative technology and products. The goal of the vision is to become a beloved brand, an innovative company, and an admired company. For this, we dedicate our efforts to creativity and innovation, shared value with our partners, and our great people. We have delivered world best products and services through passion for innovation and optimal operation. We look forward to exploring new business areas such as healthcare and automotive electronics and continue our journey through history of innovation.

Samsung Electronics will welcome new challenges and opportunities with joy.

Dairy Queen

Mission: To create positive memories for all who touch DQ.

Vision: DQ—the world’s quick service restaurant.



We’ve all been there. Been told that “a real man” wouldn’t do that or to “man up.” YAWN. The fact is that over half of us have been told that “real men” have to behave a certain way. Those outdated masculinity stereotypes might have been the norm decades ago, but times have changed, bro. You do you!

We linked up with Ditch the Label, an anti-bullying charity, to help stop bullying and shed those old expectations of masculinity once and for all. So far, we’ve supported 1,582,079 young people through some pretty tough times and we ain’t stopping there.

Use this information as well as your own knowledge and research, to complete the Situation Analysis template. Additional research should include the use of the company’s website, the course textbook, and other online sources. Note: Do your own assessment on the business, do not go to the company website and copy their analysis.

Submit the completed template via the Assignment 2 submission link.

MKT 100 UOfM Buying Behavior Price Sensitivity Customer Satisfaction Samsung Case Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RTM 404 SDSU Stereotypes and Tourists Satisfaction Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

use content in the videos below to answer these questions

1. Why and how do tourists develop and/or resort to stereotypes while traveling away from their home environment? Why are stereotypes often inaccurate? Why are stereotypes helpful? Why are stereotypes dangerous? How can we modify and/or eliminate stereotypes? Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.

2. If you were the President of the San Diego Tourism Authority, how would you go about evaluating satisfaction levels of tourists visiting the region? Which technique of satisfaction measurement would be the most adequate? Describe this technique? Why should international tourist complaints not always be used in assessing their vacation satisfaction? NOTE: This question is not asking you to discuss any type of surveys; while answering this question/subquestions, you will need to apply the specific course concepts covered under the topic of Satisfaction. Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.


Improving Paramedic Services Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

I will upload my paper, and please make PowerPoint slides and enough speaking note based on that.


Present your campaign that utilizes visual communication to the other students in your class, who will act as your client. This assignment draws from your Final Project Paper.


Limit your presentation to about 10 slides and a maximum of about 12-15 minutes. You do not have to follow APA style.

Your presentation should include the following:

1. A single title slide should include your campaign’s title, problem, the name of the sponsoring organization, and your name.

2. The next 1-2 slides should review your campaign’s target audience, behavior, channels, and message concepts.

3. The remaining slides should share and describe 5 examples of the types of images and 1 infographic that you plan to use. Explain how they connect with the campaign’s target audience, behavior, channel, and message concepts. Please draw from the readings from the class to justify your choices of images. You do not have to cite your readings or provide a references slide. Remember that you are persuading the sponsor here to adopt the campaign and images you have designed.


Following is the grading rubric:


Possible Points

Earned Points

Presenter covers all content areas, and provides a clear and engaging overview.



Slides are clearly formatted and free of errors. Presentation is well-organized, and slides follow the requirements (e.g., title slide, number of slides). Narration is fluid and within the time limit.



Q&A addresses the questions fully and clearly.







George Mason University Literature of Childhood and Adolescence Quiz Humanities Assignment Help

I need help literature of childhood and adolescence quiz. I have attached the document for the quiz.

Quiz questions

1- What is the purpose of Braden’s research project?

2- Why does she think this research is important?

3- How does Braden protect the child readers and their families? (This is the kind of precaution that every researcher working with human subjects has to take and, in fact, the research protections have to be approved before the project can begin.)

4- What are the major research findings / conclusions?

5- What do you find most interesting in this article?

Thank you


Alexander the Great AKA Alexander of Mesopotamia Essay Writing Assignment Help

Instructions: Choose one (1) of the topics below and write a 5-page essay discussing it. Your essay should be double-spaced, in 12 point font. You must provide citations in footnote format. Sources need to be cited whenever they are referenced, not just for direct quotations. See the Chicago Manual of Style on the library website for details of how to cite your sources. Please do not cite lectures unless you cannot find the information in the readings. It is your duty as a historian to cite ancient and secondary (e.g. your textbook) sources. Citing the professor’s lecture is NOT a substitute for this. Papers that rely heavily on lectures and do not adequately cite assigned readings will be marked down. You are not required to do outside research; in fact, I expect that you will cite and analyze the assigned sources for the class, including both the ancient sources and the textbook.

Textbook :

– Pomeroy, Sarah, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlan, and Jennifer Roberts. A Brief History of Ancient Greece:Politics, Society, and Culture. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. ISBN 9780190925307 NB: You will receive a discount if you buy your books at the SDSU Bookstore.

– Greek Lives, trans. Robin Waterfield. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN 9780199540051

– Plato. The Defence of Socrates, trans. David Gallup. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, reissued 2008. ISBN 9780199540501

– Sophocles. Antigone, trans. Reginald Gibbons and Charles Segal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 9780195143102

– Aristotle. The Athenian Constitution, trans. P.J. Rhodes. 1984; reprint with corrections, London: Penguin Books, 2002. ISBN 9780140444315

[supanova_question] and your own Essay 1 to help remind you of how to structure a rhetorical analysis.



MKT 100 UOfM Buying Behavior Price Sensitivity Customer Satisfaction Samsung Case Business Finance Assignment Help

Due Date

Monday, December 14, 2020

9:00 AM

Points Possible


Assignment 2: Situation Analysis

In this assignment, you will create an original Situation Analysis for one of four companies/brands. Each of the four companies you will choose from has been through numerous changes in recent years.


Download the Assignment 2: Situation Analysis Template [DOCX] to your computer and Save As using the following identifier: LastName_FirstName_Week10_Assignment.

Select one company/brand from the four choices below:

Mini Cooper

Clever solutions with iconic design encourage a life full of meaningful experiences. MINI unlocks the city, catering to your individual needs.

MINI is straightforward, sincere and authentic. MINI blends creativity with cleverness, offering an open platform for people, design and a vibrant urban life. MINI’s spirited attitude to life inspires people.


“Inspire the World, Create the Future.”

The Vision 2020 is at the core of our commitment to create a better world full of richer digital experiences, through innovative technology and products. The goal of the vision is to become a beloved brand, an innovative company, and an admired company. For this, we dedicate our efforts to creativity and innovation, shared value with our partners, and our great people. We have delivered world best products and services through passion for innovation and optimal operation. We look forward to exploring new business areas such as healthcare and automotive electronics and continue our journey through history of innovation.

Samsung Electronics will welcome new challenges and opportunities with joy.

Dairy Queen

Mission: To create positive memories for all who touch DQ.

Vision: DQ—the world’s quick service restaurant.



We’ve all been there. Been told that “a real man” wouldn’t do that or to “man up.” YAWN. The fact is that over half of us have been told that “real men” have to behave a certain way. Those outdated masculinity stereotypes might have been the norm decades ago, but times have changed, bro. You do you!

We linked up with Ditch the Label, an anti-bullying charity, to help stop bullying and shed those old expectations of masculinity once and for all. So far, we’ve supported 1,582,079 young people through some pretty tough times and we ain’t stopping there.

Use this information as well as your own knowledge and research, to complete the Situation Analysis template. Additional research should include the use of the company’s website, the course textbook, and other online sources. Note: Do your own assessment on the business, do not go to the company website and copy their analysis.

Submit the completed template via the Assignment 2 submission link.

MKT 100 UOfM Buying Behavior Price Sensitivity Customer Satisfaction Samsung Case Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RTM 404 SDSU Stereotypes and Tourists Satisfaction Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

use content in the videos below to answer these questions

1. Why and how do tourists develop and/or resort to stereotypes while traveling away from their home environment? Why are stereotypes often inaccurate? Why are stereotypes helpful? Why are stereotypes dangerous? How can we modify and/or eliminate stereotypes? Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.

2. If you were the President of the San Diego Tourism Authority, how would you go about evaluating satisfaction levels of tourists visiting the region? Which technique of satisfaction measurement would be the most adequate? Describe this technique? Why should international tourist complaints not always be used in assessing their vacation satisfaction? NOTE: This question is not asking you to discuss any type of surveys; while answering this question/subquestions, you will need to apply the specific course concepts covered under the topic of Satisfaction. Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.


Improving Paramedic Services Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

I will upload my paper, and please make PowerPoint slides and enough speaking note based on that.


Present your campaign that utilizes visual communication to the other students in your class, who will act as your client. This assignment draws from your Final Project Paper.


Limit your presentation to about 10 slides and a maximum of about 12-15 minutes. You do not have to follow APA style.

Your presentation should include the following:

1. A single title slide should include your campaign’s title, problem, the name of the sponsoring organization, and your name.

2. The next 1-2 slides should review your campaign’s target audience, behavior, channels, and message concepts.

3. The remaining slides should share and describe 5 examples of the types of images and 1 infographic that you plan to use. Explain how they connect with the campaign’s target audience, behavior, channel, and message concepts. Please draw from the readings from the class to justify your choices of images. You do not have to cite your readings or provide a references slide. Remember that you are persuading the sponsor here to adopt the campaign and images you have designed.


Following is the grading rubric:


Possible Points

Earned Points

Presenter covers all content areas, and provides a clear and engaging overview.



Slides are clearly formatted and free of errors. Presentation is well-organized, and slides follow the requirements (e.g., title slide, number of slides). Narration is fluid and within the time limit.



Q&A addresses the questions fully and clearly.







George Mason University Literature of Childhood and Adolescence Quiz Humanities Assignment Help

I need help literature of childhood and adolescence quiz. I have attached the document for the quiz.

Quiz questions

1- What is the purpose of Braden’s research project?

2- Why does she think this research is important?

3- How does Braden protect the child readers and their families? (This is the kind of precaution that every researcher working with human subjects has to take and, in fact, the research protections have to be approved before the project can begin.)

4- What are the major research findings / conclusions?

5- What do you find most interesting in this article?

Thank you


Alexander the Great AKA Alexander of Mesopotamia Essay Writing Assignment Help

Instructions: Choose one (1) of the topics below and write a 5-page essay discussing it. Your essay should be double-spaced, in 12 point font. You must provide citations in footnote format. Sources need to be cited whenever they are referenced, not just for direct quotations. See the Chicago Manual of Style on the library website for details of how to cite your sources. Please do not cite lectures unless you cannot find the information in the readings. It is your duty as a historian to cite ancient and secondary (e.g. your textbook) sources. Citing the professor’s lecture is NOT a substitute for this. Papers that rely heavily on lectures and do not adequately cite assigned readings will be marked down. You are not required to do outside research; in fact, I expect that you will cite and analyze the assigned sources for the class, including both the ancient sources and the textbook.

Textbook :

– Pomeroy, Sarah, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlan, and Jennifer Roberts. A Brief History of Ancient Greece:Politics, Society, and Culture. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. ISBN 9780190925307 NB: You will receive a discount if you buy your books at the SDSU Bookstore.

– Greek Lives, trans. Robin Waterfield. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN 9780199540051

– Plato. The Defence of Socrates, trans. David Gallup. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, reissued 2008. ISBN 9780199540501

– Sophocles. Antigone, trans. Reginald Gibbons and Charles Segal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 9780195143102

– Aristotle. The Athenian Constitution, trans. P.J. Rhodes. 1984; reprint with corrections, London: Penguin Books, 2002. ISBN 9780140444315

[supanova_question] and your own Essay 1 to help remind you of how to structure a rhetorical analysis.



MKT 100 UOfM Buying Behavior Price Sensitivity Customer Satisfaction Samsung Case Business Finance Assignment Help

Due Date

Monday, December 14, 2020

9:00 AM

Points Possible


Assignment 2: Situation Analysis

In this assignment, you will create an original Situation Analysis for one of four companies/brands. Each of the four companies you will choose from has been through numerous changes in recent years.


Download the Assignment 2: Situation Analysis Template [DOCX] to your computer and Save As using the following identifier: LastName_FirstName_Week10_Assignment.

Select one company/brand from the four choices below:

Mini Cooper

Clever solutions with iconic design encourage a life full of meaningful experiences. MINI unlocks the city, catering to your individual needs.

MINI is straightforward, sincere and authentic. MINI blends creativity with cleverness, offering an open platform for people, design and a vibrant urban life. MINI’s spirited attitude to life inspires people.


“Inspire the World, Create the Future.”

The Vision 2020 is at the core of our commitment to create a better world full of richer digital experiences, through innovative technology and products. The goal of the vision is to become a beloved brand, an innovative company, and an admired company. For this, we dedicate our efforts to creativity and innovation, shared value with our partners, and our great people. We have delivered world best products and services through passion for innovation and optimal operation. We look forward to exploring new business areas such as healthcare and automotive electronics and continue our journey through history of innovation.

Samsung Electronics will welcome new challenges and opportunities with joy.

Dairy Queen

Mission: To create positive memories for all who touch DQ.

Vision: DQ—the world’s quick service restaurant.



We’ve all been there. Been told that “a real man” wouldn’t do that or to “man up.” YAWN. The fact is that over half of us have been told that “real men” have to behave a certain way. Those outdated masculinity stereotypes might have been the norm decades ago, but times have changed, bro. You do you!

We linked up with Ditch the Label, an anti-bullying charity, to help stop bullying and shed those old expectations of masculinity once and for all. So far, we’ve supported 1,582,079 young people through some pretty tough times and we ain’t stopping there.

Use this information as well as your own knowledge and research, to complete the Situation Analysis template. Additional research should include the use of the company’s website, the course textbook, and other online sources. Note: Do your own assessment on the business, do not go to the company website and copy their analysis.

Submit the completed template via the Assignment 2 submission link.

MKT 100 UOfM Buying Behavior Price Sensitivity Customer Satisfaction Samsung Case Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RTM 404 SDSU Stereotypes and Tourists Satisfaction Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

use content in the videos below to answer these questions

1. Why and how do tourists develop and/or resort to stereotypes while traveling away from their home environment? Why are stereotypes often inaccurate? Why are stereotypes helpful? Why are stereotypes dangerous? How can we modify and/or eliminate stereotypes? Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.

2. If you were the President of the San Diego Tourism Authority, how would you go about evaluating satisfaction levels of tourists visiting the region? Which technique of satisfaction measurement would be the most adequate? Describe this technique? Why should international tourist complaints not always be used in assessing their vacation satisfaction? NOTE: This question is not asking you to discuss any type of surveys; while answering this question/subquestions, you will need to apply the specific course concepts covered under the topic of Satisfaction. Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.


Improving Paramedic Services Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

I will upload my paper, and please make PowerPoint slides and enough speaking note based on that.


Present your campaign that utilizes visual communication to the other students in your class, who will act as your client. This assignment draws from your Final Project Paper.


Limit your presentation to about 10 slides and a maximum of about 12-15 minutes. You do not have to follow APA style.

Your presentation should include the following:

1. A single title slide should include your campaign’s title, problem, the name of the sponsoring organization, and your name.

2. The next 1-2 slides should review your campaign’s target audience, behavior, channels, and message concepts.

3. The remaining slides should share and describe 5 examples of the types of images and 1 infographic that you plan to use. Explain how they connect with the campaign’s target audience, behavior, channel, and message concepts. Please draw from the readings from the class to justify your choices of images. You do not have to cite your readings or provide a references slide. Remember that you are persuading the sponsor here to adopt the campaign and images you have designed.


Following is the grading rubric:


Possible Points

Earned Points

Presenter covers all content areas, and provides a clear and engaging overview.



Slides are clearly formatted and free of errors. Presentation is well-organized, and slides follow the requirements (e.g., title slide, number of slides). Narration is fluid and within the time limit.



Q&A addresses the questions fully and clearly.







George Mason University Literature of Childhood and Adolescence Quiz Humanities Assignment Help

I need help literature of childhood and adolescence quiz. I have attached the document for the quiz.

Quiz questions

1- What is the purpose of Braden’s research project?

2- Why does she think this research is important?

3- How does Braden protect the child readers and their families? (This is the kind of precaution that every researcher working with human subjects has to take and, in fact, the research protections have to be approved before the project can begin.)

4- What are the major research findings / conclusions?

5- What do you find most interesting in this article?

Thank you


Alexander the Great AKA Alexander of Mesopotamia Essay Writing Assignment Help

Instructions: Choose one (1) of the topics below and write a 5-page essay discussing it. Your essay should be double-spaced, in 12 point font. You must provide citations in footnote format. Sources need to be cited whenever they are referenced, not just for direct quotations. See the Chicago Manual of Style on the library website for details of how to cite your sources. Please do not cite lectures unless you cannot find the information in the readings. It is your duty as a historian to cite ancient and secondary (e.g. your textbook) sources. Citing the professor’s lecture is NOT a substitute for this. Papers that rely heavily on lectures and do not adequately cite assigned readings will be marked down. You are not required to do outside research; in fact, I expect that you will cite and analyze the assigned sources for the class, including both the ancient sources and the textbook.

Textbook :

– Pomeroy, Sarah, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlan, and Jennifer Roberts. A Brief History of Ancient Greece:Politics, Society, and Culture. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. ISBN 9780190925307 NB: You will receive a discount if you buy your books at the SDSU Bookstore.

– Greek Lives, trans. Robin Waterfield. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN 9780199540051

– Plato. The Defence of Socrates, trans. David Gallup. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, reissued 2008. ISBN 9780199540501

– Sophocles. Antigone, trans. Reginald Gibbons and Charles Segal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 9780195143102

– Aristotle. The Athenian Constitution, trans. P.J. Rhodes. 1984; reprint with corrections, London: Penguin Books, 2002. ISBN 9780140444315

[supanova_question] and your own Essay 1 to help remind you of how to structure a rhetorical analysis.



MKT 100 UOfM Buying Behavior Price Sensitivity Customer Satisfaction Samsung Case Business Finance Assignment Help

Due Date

Monday, December 14, 2020

9:00 AM

Points Possible


Assignment 2: Situation Analysis

In this assignment, you will create an original Situation Analysis for one of four companies/brands. Each of the four companies you will choose from has been through numerous changes in recent years.


Download the Assignment 2: Situation Analysis Template [DOCX] to your computer and Save As using the following identifier: LastName_FirstName_Week10_Assignment.

Select one company/brand from the four choices below:

Mini Cooper

Clever solutions with iconic design encourage a life full of meaningful experiences. MINI unlocks the city, catering to your individual needs.

MINI is straightforward, sincere and authentic. MINI blends creativity with cleverness, offering an open platform for people, design and a vibrant urban life. MINI’s spirited attitude to life inspires people.


“Inspire the World, Create the Future.”

The Vision 2020 is at the core of our commitment to create a better world full of richer digital experiences, through innovative technology and products. The goal of the vision is to become a beloved brand, an innovative company, and an admired company. For this, we dedicate our efforts to creativity and innovation, shared value with our partners, and our great people. We have delivered world best products and services through passion for innovation and optimal operation. We look forward to exploring new business areas such as healthcare and automotive electronics and continue our journey through history of innovation.

Samsung Electronics will welcome new challenges and opportunities with joy.

Dairy Queen

Mission: To create positive memories for all who touch DQ.

Vision: DQ—the world’s quick service restaurant.



We’ve all been there. Been told that “a real man” wouldn’t do that or to “man up.” YAWN. The fact is that over half of us have been told that “real men” have to behave a certain way. Those outdated masculinity stereotypes might have been the norm decades ago, but times have changed, bro. You do you!

We linked up with Ditch the Label, an anti-bullying charity, to help stop bullying and shed those old expectations of masculinity once and for all. So far, we’ve supported 1,582,079 young people through some pretty tough times and we ain’t stopping there.

Use this information as well as your own knowledge and research, to complete the Situation Analysis template. Additional research should include the use of the company’s website, the course textbook, and other online sources. Note: Do your own assessment on the business, do not go to the company website and copy their analysis.

Submit the completed template via the Assignment 2 submission link.

MKT 100 UOfM Buying Behavior Price Sensitivity Customer Satisfaction Samsung Case Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RTM 404 SDSU Stereotypes and Tourists Satisfaction Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

use content in the videos below to answer these questions

1. Why and how do tourists develop and/or resort to stereotypes while traveling away from their home environment? Why are stereotypes often inaccurate? Why are stereotypes helpful? Why are stereotypes dangerous? How can we modify and/or eliminate stereotypes? Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.

2. If you were the President of the San Diego Tourism Authority, how would you go about evaluating satisfaction levels of tourists visiting the region? Which technique of satisfaction measurement would be the most adequate? Describe this technique? Why should international tourist complaints not always be used in assessing their vacation satisfaction? NOTE: This question is not asking you to discuss any type of surveys; while answering this question/subquestions, you will need to apply the specific course concepts covered under the topic of Satisfaction. Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.


Improving Paramedic Services Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

I will upload my paper, and please make PowerPoint slides and enough speaking note based on that.


Present your campaign that utilizes visual communication to the other students in your class, who will act as your client. This assignment draws from your Final Project Paper.


Limit your presentation to about 10 slides and a maximum of about 12-15 minutes. You do not have to follow APA style.

Your presentation should include the following:

1. A single title slide should include your campaign’s title, problem, the name of the sponsoring organization, and your name.

2. The next 1-2 slides should review your campaign’s target audience, behavior, channels, and message concepts.

3. The remaining slides should share and describe 5 examples of the types of images and 1 infographic that you plan to use. Explain how they connect with the campaign’s target audience, behavior, channel, and message concepts. Please draw from the readings from the class to justify your choices of images. You do not have to cite your readings or provide a references slide. Remember that you are persuading the sponsor here to adopt the campaign and images you have designed.


Following is the grading rubric:


Possible Points

Earned Points

Presenter covers all content areas, and provides a clear and engaging overview.



Slides are clearly formatted and free of errors. Presentation is well-organized, and slides follow the requirements (e.g., title slide, number of slides). Narration is fluid and within the time limit.



Q&A addresses the questions fully and clearly.







George Mason University Literature of Childhood and Adolescence Quiz Humanities Assignment Help

I need help literature of childhood and adolescence quiz. I have attached the document for the quiz.

Quiz questions

1- What is the purpose of Braden’s research project?

2- Why does she think this research is important?

3- How does Braden protect the child readers and their families? (This is the kind of precaution that every researcher working with human subjects has to take and, in fact, the research protections have to be approved before the project can begin.)

4- What are the major research findings / conclusions?

5- What do you find most interesting in this article?

Thank you


Alexander the Great AKA Alexander of Mesopotamia Essay Writing Assignment Help

Instructions: Choose one (1) of the topics below and write a 5-page essay discussing it. Your essay should be double-spaced, in 12 point font. You must provide citations in footnote format. Sources need to be cited whenever they are referenced, not just for direct quotations. See the Chicago Manual of Style on the library website for details of how to cite your sources. Please do not cite lectures unless you cannot find the information in the readings. It is your duty as a historian to cite ancient and secondary (e.g. your textbook) sources. Citing the professor’s lecture is NOT a substitute for this. Papers that rely heavily on lectures and do not adequately cite assigned readings will be marked down. You are not required to do outside research; in fact, I expect that you will cite and analyze the assigned sources for the class, including both the ancient sources and the textbook.

Textbook :

– Pomeroy, Sarah, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlan, and Jennifer Roberts. A Brief History of Ancient Greece:Politics, Society, and Culture. 4th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. ISBN 9780190925307 NB: You will receive a discount if you buy your books at the SDSU Bookstore.

– Greek Lives, trans. Robin Waterfield. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. ISBN 9780199540051

– Plato. The Defence of Socrates, trans. David Gallup. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997, reissued 2008. ISBN 9780199540501

– Sophocles. Antigone, trans. Reginald Gibbons and Charles Segal. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. ISBN 9780195143102

– Aristotle. The Athenian Constitution, trans. P.J. Rhodes. 1984; reprint with corrections, London: Penguin Books, 2002. ISBN 9780140444315


AFAS 218 University of Arizona Intro to Hip Hop Dance Paper Writing Assignment Help

AFAS 218 University of Arizona Intro to Hip Hop Dance Paper Writing Assignment Help

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