Affordable Care Act Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

Affordable Care Act Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help. Affordable Care Act Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Health care changes rapidly. This assignment is designed to help you understand how health care is organized and financed. In your assignment:

  • Explain the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 on health care organization and finance.
  • Explain how the ACA incorporated social determinants of health into health policy.
  • Summarize the proposed changes to the health care system under the current administration.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years that support your assignment. Include an APA-formatted reference page.

Format your assignment as one of the following:

  • 18- to 20-slide presentation

Affordable Care Act Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PHIL 347N CCN Wk 3 Facts and Opinions in Information Sharing Discussion Other Assignment Help

I’m working on a other discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Week 3 Discussion: Evaluating Sources

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 6, 7
  • Lesson
  • Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

“Everyone is entitled to their own opinions – but not their own facts.” (Daniel Patrick Moynihan, cited in Vanity Fair, 2010, para. 2)

We form opinions – and make our judgments – based on facts we observe and values we hold. Our judgments are also influenced by the opinions of others. In the section “An Expert on Hate in America” in Chapter 6, one of the authors, Dr. Peter Facione, renders an opinion on a non-profit civil rights organization: Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Dr. Facione is a leading advocate and one of the most influential voices in the field of critical thinking.

His endorsement of the civil rights organization is unqualified. It is also transparent: Dr. Facione reveals that he is a financial supporter of the organization and has arranged speaking engagements for its founder. This is Dr. Facione’s invitation to you, the reader:

Knowing where you can learn more about the SPLC for yourself, and knowing about Dr. Facione’s endorsement and support of the Center’s work, evaluate this claim made by Dr. Facione: “The SPLC is an expert on hate in America” (p. 124).

The endorsement of the SPLC is contained in the most current edition of the text, whose copyright date is 2016. Since that time Morris Dees, co-founder and former chief trial counsel, has been fired (Hassan, Zraick & Blinder, 2019). Previously, there has been controversy about groups and individuals that are listed by the SPLC as “hate groups” (Graham, 2016; Price, 2018). The organization, which has nearly a half-billion dollars in assets, has also been criticized for how it spends these funds (Robinson, 2019).

Self-Assessment Question
Before you submit your initial post, make sure to read the assigned chapter. Then, ask yourself the following: Did the article in Chapter 6 of the text seem credible and reliable? Why? Be very specific:

  • Was it because it is in a textbook?
  • Because it was written by a learned and respected person?
  • Because of content in the article?
  • Because of your previous knowledge of the SPLC?

Initial Post Instructions
For the initial post, address the following:

  • Conduct additional research on the SPLC. Did your opinion alter in any way? Why?

Only after you have done some responsible research should you begin to respond to the discussion prompt. The discussion is not about the SPLC; it is not about Dr. Facione. It is about what you have learned about forming opinions.

Your post must answer this question:

  • How do you define the term “expert”?

Your post must also discuss at least two (2) of the following questions:

  • How important are facts in the process of forming an opinion? Explain what you believe to be the purpose or function of facts in making a judgment.
  • How did you respond to the self-assessment question? Since doing further research, have you re-thought the way in which you assess credibility and reliability? What is the importance of factoring the recency of a reference or opinion (i.e., how old is it?) into an assessment of credibility and reliability?
  • How would you evaluate Dr. Facione’s claim “The SPLC is an expert on hate in America” (p. 124). Does the SPLC fit your definition of “expert”? Be specific in your answer.

Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

  • Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references


Cuyamaca College Biology From DNA to Protein Question Science Assignment Help

For this week’s essay I want you to imagine that you are watching genetic DNA being turned into a protein. Describe in as much detail what happens and where in the cell it is happening. Including the following in your answer:

1) What is happening and what molecules are involved?

2) Where is it happening in the cell?

3) Are there any proteins (such as enzymes) or molecules that are involved with what is happening?

Finally, pick a moment during the journey from DNA to protein and describe what would happen if there was a mutation and/or failure to regulate that process. You may choose to be as specific as you would like, but please keep answers below 750 words.


DOC 690 Trident International Impacts of Organizational Leadership Report Business Finance Assignment Help

You should incorporate the necessary edits and reviews contained within this course in order to strengthen your final DSP Proposal draft for your eventual prospectus defense. Based on the recommendations, the following areas need to be modify.

  • Ensure alignment of Problem, Purpose, and RQ language is correct; They need tp match. If your study is “The Impacts of Organizational Leadership on the Success of Small-Scale Organization and Start-Ups in the Healthcare Industry” then we need to match that.
  • Problem: It is not know how effective leadership strategies can influence organizational success of [L.M.A.]. Purpose: The purpose of this QUALITATIVE CASE STUDY (not mixed method) is to determine how effective leadership…of [L.M.A.]. RQs – RQ1: How does effective leadership strategies impacts or perhaps influence… of [L.M.A.]? AND RQ2 : How can [company name] improve use of effective leadership strategies to increase organizational success?
  • Theoretical framework MUST be actual theories or models (such as Trait Theory, Theory of Strategic Leadership, etc.). We are only listing concepts such as Servant Leadership, Autocratic Leadership, and others, as described. However, I think they are important and shouldn’t be remove.
  • Design is qualitative. Use open ended questions in your instrument and you can answer your RQs.
  • The sample is minimum is 15 total across all sources of data (5+5+5, etc.).
  • In summary, the research questions need to re-evaluated, the literature review (scholarly), the sample and the methodology design. Attached the submitted document to be reviewed based on the abovementioned guidance.


Directing Complex Scene in Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

For this (5-6 page) paper, you are directing a production of either Othello or Dr. Faustus. Which scene do you think would be hardest and/or most compelling to direct, and why? Your paper should identify the play and scene, and then specifically analyze what you see as the difficulties, and how you would overcome them in performance.

For your analysis:

  • Make a thoughtful choice of scene which demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the play
  • Provide clear delineation and convincing explanation of the difficulties which shows you have thought about the challenges and opportunities of performance
  • Consider particular language, character, actors, actions, stage directions, and performance history
  • Engage with at least 3 secondary sources (academic and creative) to support your textual analysis and directorial choices
  • Demonstrate imaginative and possibly innovative directorial choices

This paper is due March 20th by midnight on Canvas.

Use MLA or Chicago formatting for your citations and works cited page.

Good luck. / Note: please I need original work and follows the steps exactly.



HP 235 Communication Barriers Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

In our society we encounter many cultures and beliefs different from our own lifestyles and experiences. We must be cognizant that no two patients are alike. What works for one will not necessarily work for the other. But we can never go wrong when we are consistently courteous and empathetic with our patients.

Analyze appropriate interaction with patients and other health care professionals, including courtesy and empathy within written communication.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Discuss a scenario when you sent out an email or a text, and the communication was completely lost in translation.
  • How did you handle this scenario?
  • List 3 barriers to communication.
  • Describe the 3 barriers and explain how we could learn from and break down those barriers

HP 235 Communication Barriers Essay Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HP 235 Push Yourself Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

The desire to achieve greatness is the very reason why we want for ourselves, more than anyone could ever want for us. This desire is why you may have felt like quitting, but decided that nothing will hold you back from achieving your goals. This goal, here and now, is earning a CMAA in the next 4 weeks. Watch this video and think back to the obstacles that you’ve overcame to be here right now. Build upon that strength and determination from within and use it to reach for the stars.

Apply the knowledge, skills, and abilities you have learned in these six courses to take and successfully pass the CMAA Certification practice Exam.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

  • Discuss how the video made you feel?
  • List five of the motivational techniques from the video.
  • Describe each of the takeaways and how you will build upon them to help you successfully pass the practice exam


PSY 355 GCU Changes in The Study of Child and Adolescent Development Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need support to help me study.

Write a 500-750-word paper discussing the importance of child and adolescent psychology on development. Address the following in your paper:

  1. Discuss how the study of child and adolescent development has changed over time.
  2. Describe the five theoretical perspectives, including the major theorists associated with each

Include at least two scholarly resources, in addition to the textbook, in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.


FIDM Global Financial Strategy: Currency Exchange Concepts Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Read chapter 9 and respond to the following questions:

1. It is stated in the assigned chapter that currency markets do not seem to pay attention to the various theories surrounding exchange rate determination. State and describe in detail an example of this phenomenon (concept) that explains this type of confusion over exchange rate changes.

2. State and describe in detail, the concept that explains why so many countries have pursued numerous competitive devaluations over the years.

3. What key factor motivates a country’s intervention in the FX markets to alter economic and financial fundamentals that may drive capital into and out of specific currencies? Provide detail for your response.



The Power Analysis Why Do You Think the Women Save Tunde During the Riot Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a english discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.


For this assignment, You will have to read pages 145-240 of the power book and watch the Ted Talk video then answer the questions below.

I have attached the book required for these questions.

Tel Talk link:…

PART 1: Answer these questions about The Power

For this homework assignment, please respond to one question per character (for a total of 5 questions) in a post of at least 400 words total. Use evidence from the novel to support your reasoning.

Format your post by identifying the character and question that you are responding to.

  • Tunde:
    • Why do you think the women save Tunde during the riot?
    • What political and social implications does the power have on society in the novel? Discuss the Arizona bombing, Nina and Tunde’s relationship, and Tunde’s conversation with UrbanDox.
  • Allie:
    • Allie is becoming more prolific. Is she famous or infamous?
    • Can Allie really heal people?
    • Who or what is Allie’s voice?
    • What do you think Allie and Tatiana’s ultimate plan is? (No spoilers, please! This should be a GUESS)
  • Margot:
    • What is the significance of Ryan’s power? How does this apply to modern conversations around gender? Why does Margot want to break Jos and Ryan up?
    • What is the significance of Margot winning the debate and ultimately, the election? Discuss the impact of her televised power reveal.
  • Roxy:
    • Describe Allie and Roxy’s partnership in the glitter business. Why are they making such large amounts? What is the glitter for?
    • Is Roxy justified in retaliating against Ricky’s attacker?
    • What is the significance of the information that Roxy gets from Newland in Spain?
  • Jocelyn:
    • Jos is a new main character. What is the significance of the attack and ultimate cover-up at the North Star camp? How might this relate to modern events?

To cite The Power, your citations will look like this: “quote” (Alderman 221).

PART 2: Answer this question about Tarana Burke’s Ted Talk

After watching Tarana Burke’s, “MeToo is a Movement, not a Moment” TedTalk (Links to an external site.), write one paragraph connecting at least one main point from the Ted Talk to The Power so far. Specifically, include at least one quote from the Ted Talk and explain how it relates to something that has happened in the novel to this point.

Be sure to cite the Ted Talk in MLA using this format: “quote” (Burke 3:24). You should have Burke’s name and the time stamp in parentheses.


Affordable Care Act Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

Affordable Care Act Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

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