AHIS 30003 The University of Manchester Louis Xiv and His Versailles Research Essay Humanities Assignment Help

AHIS 30003 The University of Manchester Louis Xiv and His Versailles Research Essay Humanities Assignment Help. AHIS 30003 The University of Manchester Louis Xiv and His Versailles Research Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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Semester 2, 2020


WORD COUNT: 2000 words, not including footnotes, bibliography or image captions

topic i choose (2000words)

The Art of Power

Eighteenth-century rulers exploited a wide variety of artworks in a huge range of media and techniques to assert their status and demonstrate their right to rule. Choose a ruler or powerful patron that we have looked at in the lectures and tutorials (or choose another figure that we haven’t considered in class, but check with your tutor first) and analyse how they used art, including architecture, interior decoration and furnishings (this includes paintings), to express their social identity and rank. You might look at a residence of a member of the elite, a collection assembled by a ruler, examples of how a noble chose to have themselves portrayed, or a combination of these. It is probably best to discuss a small number of examples in depth rather than a large range of artworks. You are encouraged to use objects in local collections where possible.

AHIS 30003 The University of Manchester Louis Xiv and His Versailles Research Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

INT 244 Grand Canyon University Investigating Buddhism Speech Outline Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Consider how Buddhists deal with death, sickness, old age, and religious renunciation. If possible, interview a practicing Buddhist individual or a leader of a Buddhist temple, which can be used as an academic resource for this assignment. If you would like to take pictures during your visit to this community or place of worship, be sure to obtain permission.

For this assignment, your role will be as a trainer for Christian colleagues to prepare them for a missionary trip to a Buddhist community. Complete the “Investigating Buddhism Outline” document for an extemporaneous speech on Buddhism from a Christian perspective to be delivered to this group.

Utilize the course textbook and a minimum of three academic resources, one of which can be your interview and should include topic materials and external resources. Provide an applicable quote from each resource in your outline.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


BUS 128 Grossmont College Week 12 Communication for Change Using Data Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Assume that the college president has received many student complaints about campus parking problems. You are appointed the chair of a student committee organized to investigate the problems and recommend solutions. The president has given you a file with all the complaints. The following are some of the complaints:

  • Inadequate student spaces at critical hours
  • Poor night lighting near the computer center
  • Inadequate attempts to keep the resident neighbors from occupying spaces
  • Dim marking lines
  • Motorcycles taking up full spaces
  • Discourteous security officers
  • Spaces (often empty) reserved for college officials
  • Relatively high parking fees
  • Full fees charged to night students even though they use the lots only during low-demand periods
  • Vandalism to cars and a sense of personal danger
  • Inadequate total space
  • Resident harassment of students parking on the street in front of neighboring houses.

Compose an email to the president of the college proposing making improvements to the parking situation at the college. Address some or all of these concerns and make a recommendation to the president on eliminating or at least mitigating some of these concerns.

In your response posts, make suggestions to your classmates on how they can improve their message. Be constructive and helpful. Assist with grammar and syntax, as well as being concise and succinct. Do you have any helpful comments for anything they might have missed?


  • Your first response should be a minimum of 100 words, due Wednesday.
  • You should reply to a minimum of 2 other classmates’ responses with 50 words minimum
  • To earn full credit you need to answer more than “I agree” or “good job.” Your discussion replies may ask a clarifying question, may relate and apply to another situation, or you can probe the question deeper. But it needs to have substance in order for you to earn points.


BUS 128 Grossmont College Wk 12 Using Communication Ethically Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

If a company receives a solicited formal proposal outlining the solution to a particular problem, is it ethical for the company to adopt the proposal’s recommendations without hiring the firm that submitted the proposal?

Why or why not?

In your response posts, take the opposite position. While being polite, take the opposite position from your classmate’s post, and try to persuade them they have a flawed position. (Be nice). Being persuasive without insulting is an art. Practice this here.


  • Your first response should be a minimum of 100 words, due Wednesday.
  • You should reply to a minimum of 2 other classmates’ responses with 50 words minimum
  • To earn full credit you need to answer more than “I agree” or “good job.” Your discussion replies may ask a clarifying question, may relate and apply to another situation, or you can probe the question deeper. But it needs to have substance in order for you to earn points.


Ashford University Should Interns Be Paid for Their Work Persuausive Speech Writing Assignment Help

  1. The body of the paper has to be at least 2-4 pages long using Times New Roman font size 12 and double spaced.
  2. A title page and reference page are also required and are not included in the 2-4 page count.
  3. An abstract is NOT required for this assignment.
  4. APA citations are required throughout the paper to account for references used to support your points.
  5. At least 3 sources are required. Vary your sources. You can use books, articles, websites, reference materials, documentaries, videos, personal interviews, or any REPUTABLE SOURCE as long as you cite.
  6. The body formatting is the same as any standard paper:
    • Introduction – Should include attention getter/hook,
    • Body – Need at least 3 solid points.
    • Conclusion
  7. Remember to take a stance on what you believe and in the body explain why, using reference materials, someone should support your perspective.

NOTE: This is not a personal essay, so citations are required. If citations are not placed adequately in your paper, then your grade will reflect this. Remember, citations are a way to show respect to another person’s body of work and to avoid plagiarism (intentional or unintentional).



BUS 3061 Capella University Accounting Theory & Merchandising Accounting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Assessment 4 Instructions: Accounting Theory and Merchandising Organizations

  • Answer questions about accounting theory and merchandising accounting.


    A legal firm’s operations are different than Ford or GM operations. Lawyers provide a service whereas Ford is a manufacturing business that needs to maintain an inventory of various parts used in their vehicles. Each requires its own accounting approach.We now delve into accounting theory in greater depth. Now that you have learned some accounting procedures, you are better able to relate these theoretical concepts to accounting practice. Accounting theory is a set of basic concepts, assumptions, and related principles that explain and guide the accountant’s actions in identifying, measuring, and communicating financial information.Your study of accounting began with service companies as examples because they are the least complicated type of business. You are now ready to apply the accounting process to a more complex business type: a merchandising company. This type of company is represented by manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers.


    This assessment focuses on accounting assumptions, concepts, principles, modifying conventions, objectives, qualitative characteristics, accounting policies, and the income statements for service and merchandising organizations. It requires knowledge of the following:

    • The effects of accounting assumptions on the accounting process.
    • The effects of accounting concepts on the accounting process.
    • How generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) affect financial reporting.
    • The impact of modifying conventions on the accounting process.
    • How accounting objectives, qualitative characteristics, and policies affect financial reporting.
    • The differences and similarities between income statements for service and merchandising organizations.
    • The methods used to determine the amount of merchandise inventory on hand.
    • How to use the gross margin percentage as a tool for financial analysis.


    Note: Accuracy in accounting is paramount so take your time and double-check your work for errors or omissions.


    Answer questions correctly. When you are satisfied with your responses, save and submit your template in the classroom.Step 1: Discuss the effects of the five major accounting assumptions on the accounting process.Step 2: Describe the five concepts’ impact on the accounting process.Step 3: Describe the five major accounting principles.Step 4: Describe the impact on the accounting process of the three modifying conventions.Step 5: Identify the accounting procedures of Principles, Assumptions, Concepts.Step 6: Complete the equations of merchandising accounting.Step 7: Describe the two methods used to determine merchandise inventory.

    Competencies Measured

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

    • Competency 1: Define accounting terminology and its application to accounting principles.
      • Describe the five major accounting principles.
      • Identify the accounting procedures of Principles, Assumptions, Concepts.
    • Competency 2: Apply accounting cycle strategies to manage business financial events.
      • Discuss the effects of the five major accounting assumptions on the accounting process.
      • Describe the five concepts’ impact on the accounting process.
      • Describe the impact on the accounting process of the three modifying conventions.
      • Complete the equations of merchandising accounting.
      • Describe the two methods used to determine merchandise inventory.
    • Competency 4: Convey purpose, in an appropriate tone and style, incorporating supporting evidence and adhering to organizational, professional, and scholarly writing standards.
      • Convey clear meaning through appropriate word choice and usage.

BUS 3061 Capella University Accounting Theory & Merchandising Accounting Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENGL 120 Texas State University – San Marcos George Floyd Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Discussion 4

11 unread reply.22 replies.

Please take the time to review what you have learned over this semester. Answer the 3 questions using the information from our textbook, zoom class, power points and/or discussions. This Discussion is worth 20 points

1. Describe in detail the “Role of the Teacher” when working with young children. Name 10 things. Let’s all assume a teacher is patient and kind. Think beyond that and state what a teacher’s role is with children everyday. For example: The teacher needs to understand the abilities of the children she/he works with before planning a music and movement experience (10points).

2. What are the benefits of music and movement for young children? For example: Builds vocabulary and language skills. Name 5 things. (5 points)

3. What 3 things did you learn in this class and how will you use them when you teach with children? (5 points)


CUNY LC Why Are Girls at Greater Risk for Exploitation and Violence Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me study.

9 pages + annotated bibliography

STEP 1: Identify your topic and research question . The thesis statement is the answer to your research question. You might not know what your thesis statement is until you read more about your topic.

thesis statement is the answer to your research question, the main idea of your research . refine your ideas and understanding.

ASSIGNMENT: Write one typed page (12 font), double spaced) stating your topic and research question, include 1. why you think this topic is important to study, 2. what you already know about the topic 3. a personal experience that may have influenced and 4. what you hope to learn about the topic (might be your research question?) and why you think it is important to society to know more about this topic.

Sociological Research Questions (pick one)

In American society, does social class have a role in what type of school a person goes to? How does this compare to other societies?

Does a person’s ethnicity or gender affect their chances of receiving a scholarship to college? Why?

How does the way that women are portrayed on television affect the way women are seen in society?

Has the relationship between mother and child changed with women working outside of the home instead of women staying home and taking care of the housework and children?

Does religion have an impact on how the LGBT plus community is perceived in society? Is this different in other societies other than ours?

Does social class have an impact on a couple getting married? (example, an upper class man marrying a middle class woman) How do other factors affect why a couple gets married? (career status or pregnancy) Are these factors different in other societies?

How do racial stereotypes affect social interaction and people’s perceptions about different racial groups?

How do social networks influence educational opportunities?

What is the influence of romantic comedies on women’s expectations in their relationships?

Does race affect our choices of political candidates? Does race affect our educational opportunities? What other factors might affect one’s educational opportunities?

Why are some images and ideas prevalent in the mass media while others are marginalized?

How do sports influence young people and their view of a role model?

What are our societies perspectives on interracial marriages? How is this different in other societies?

Is social class related to spatial (geographical) segregation?

What affects has the Black Lives Matter movement had on the political consciousness of young people in the US?

What are the pros and cons of being a feminist?

How does sex discrimination appear in marriage?

Does sex discrimination appear in the classroom?

How does gender discrimination appear at work?

What can governments do to close the gender gap?

Why do women have limited professional opportunities in sports?

How is gender discrimination evident in the military?

What are the differences between toys of girls and boys? How has this changed?

Are paternity and maternity leaves important for babies?

What had been done and what can be done to make cities safer for girls?

What are the major challenges women face at the workplace?

How have women in sports fought for equality?

What does it mean to be transgender?

Why are girls at greater risk for exploitation and sexual violence?

In what ways is violence perpetrated against women and girls violated in different countries?

How can we teach boys and girls that they have equal rights?

How are LGBTQA people treated in the United States as compared to other countries?

What is the political history of the LGBTQA community in the United States?

What is the coming out process for LGBTQA individuals?

Who opposes and who supports same sex marriage?

Identify a LGBTQA activist and write about their story, struggles and the historical context that shaped their experiences.

What is meant by Black masculinities and how do these constructions reflect the society we live in?

What is machismo and, in what ways, is it a good and/or bad thing?

STEP 2: Annotated Bibliography in Turabian/Chicago Style for Your Research Paper


Rules to follow: Take your sources one at a time. Answer the questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES BUTIN A NARRATIVE FORM .

  • What is the main, or most significant idea of this source? What is the author trying to do (purpose)? Who do you think is the author’s intended audience?
  • What parts of the subject does the source emphasize or de-emphasize? What assumptions does the author make about the topic or audience?
  • Is there any bias or slant in the source? Are there obvious omissions that seem important to the ideas being discussed? Does the evidence clearly support the author’s main points?
  • Was this source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you use this source in your research project? Has it changed how you think about your topic?

The Chicago Manual of Style states the following formatting rules. The text should be double-spaced.

  • Numbering starts on the first page of writing (not the title page), at the top right of the page.
  • There should be 1 inch (2.54 cm) margins all around (top, bottom, left, and right) on each page.
  • Use Times Roman font, or a similar serif font.
  • Each paragraph should be indented using the tab key.


CNL 515 Grand Canyon University Week 3 Counseling Skills Scale Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology presentation and need support to help me learn.

Practicing SOLER, Active Listening, Empathetic Listening, Probing, and Summarizing: Video 1 (Obj. 3.1, 3.2, 3.4 and 3.5)

Part One: Informed Consent

Sometime after day one of Week 2, you will receive a Zoom setup email to your GCU student account. Please check your email and follow the instructions to activate your Zoom account using your GCU email. This needs to be done to complete the recorded video assignments, beginning in Topic 3.

Watch the videos in the topical resources that demonstrate counseling micro skills and the videos regarding using Zoom. Review the “Skills Video Best Practices” and the “Counseling Skills Scale: Video 1” documents prior to recording your video. Take note of the specific skills in each area as you prepare to record your video.

Ask a volunteer to let you practice with them. Make sure you and the volunteer agree the volunteer will follow a mock scenario rather than add personal information to the session. Once they have agreed, have them complete the attached “Counseling Informed Consent Form-Volunteer” Form. Make sure the volunteer initials each section and signs and dates the form. The form must be completed and in your hand prior to recording any sessions with the volunteer. Upload this form into the assignment forum as an attachment.

*Important Note: Only adults can be used as volunteers. The volunteer must present a mock problem for you to practice the skills. Please confirm the session is a mock session. The adult can pretend to be a child in the fictional scenario. This session is to practice basic skills which will build upon as you work towards practicum and internship experience with real scenarios. Focus on the skills development rather than resolving the client’s concern.

Part Two: Record a Video Session Using Zoom

Video record this “session” with your volunteer using Zoom.

To record to your local computer, follow the instructions below:

  1. Start a meeting as the host.
  2. Click on the “Record” button in the Zoom toolbar.
  3. Select “Record on this Computer” to begin recording.
  4. To stop recording, click “Pause/Stop Recording” or “End Meeting.”

Once the recording has stopped, the recording must be processed before viewing or accessing it. You can locate the MP4 video file recording in a Zoom folder following the path below for these devices:

PC: C:UsersUser NameDocumentsZoom

Mac: /Users/User Name/Documents/Zoom

This video should be between 10-15 minutes in length. In this video, you will be practicing the skills learned in Topic 1-3: Empathetic Listening, Probing, and Summarizing. First, welcome your client and review the informed consent form. Demonstrate how you will explain your role as a counselor and the importance of confidentiality. If you are practicing with a volunteer playing the role of a minor demonstrate how you would review this information with the minor and their parent/guardian. Once you have thoroughly reviewed informed consent and asked your volunteer to sign the form, begin using skills to elicit information from the client.

Be mindful of the SOLER skills reviewed in the textbook and be intentional about your body language demonstrating these skills. Use open-ended questions to elicit information about the problem and why this problem is important for the client to address. Demonstrate empathetic listening by reflecting meaning and emotions present. Demonstrate active listening through attentive body language and verbal encouragers. Use reflections to demonstrate an understanding of content and emotions.

A good guideline for these basic skills is to offer at least two reflections per one open-ended question. Too many questions can feel like an interrogation. Once the client has shared a significant amount of information or if you would like to focus or transition the session, use a summary (typically about three reflections of the content) to make sure you understand the problem and the perspective of the client.

As a reminder, the scenario discussed in the session should be fictional. Your job is to do the following:

  • Demonstrate the ability to welcome the client and begin the process of developing rapport.
  • Demonstrate the ability to effectively review informed consent.
  • Demonstrate the ability to use open-ended questions to learn more about the problem and to move the session forward.
  • Demonstrate SOLER skills.
  • Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal empathetic listening skills (meaning and emotions).
  • Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal active listening skills.
  • Demonstrate summarizing skills, particularly during transitions in the session.

Part Three: Counseling Skills Scale Reflection

Complete and submit the “Counseling Skills Scale: Video 1” document by evaluating the skills you demonstrated in the video. Review each skill and provide a few specific examples of each skill in the comments section. Make sure to complete Part 2 of the Skills scale document to provide a narrative review of the strengths and areas of growth. Make sure to add a link to the recorded Zoom session before submitting this document. In addition, submit a completed copy of the “Counseling Informed Consent Form-Volunteer “form.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

This assignment is informed by the following CACREP Standards:

2.F.5.f. Counselor characteristics and behaviors that influence the counseling process.

2.F.5.g. Essential interviewing, counseling, and case conceptualization skills.


Counseling Informed Consent Form-Volunteer.docx


COMM 330 CSUSM David Livingstone Smith Less than Human Book Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Write a paper on the book “Less than Human” : Why we demean, enslave, and exterminate others by David Livingstone Smith.

Use the questions below to form your response. 

1)      Define what racism is? How/why does it emerge? Use at least 3 quotes from text.

2)      What is it about the human mind that enables us to conceive of people as less than human? 

–          What is second order thinking? Provide one example of you have used this kind of thinking. 

–          How do you think dehumanization was part of the caging of brown refugee children at our border? Be clear and specific. Use at least 2 quotes from the text to support your position.

3)      What can be done about dehumanization? What do you plan to do/not do and why? 

4)      Is the process of dehumanizing others a universal condition or is ti culturally or historical specific? Stated differently, are all hardwired biologically to dehumanize people? Or is it just a politically or culturally acquired?

5)      Select a chapter from the text that you reacted most strongly too. Please provide a summary of  that chapter and its main points.  

6)     In class, we have discussed racism as “a community  of “good” and “ordinary” people in collective denial.” What does that statement mean to you? Use one example from the class (films, lecturer, On the Media, readings) to support your answer. 

5)      What are the 3 most important personal take-aways from the section of the class dealing with racism?

–          Be specific


AHIS 30003 The University of Manchester Louis Xiv and His Versailles Research Essay Humanities Assignment Help

AHIS 30003 The University of Manchester Louis Xiv and His Versailles Research Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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