AHS Week 11 Saving Sap Beyond the Seal and Naturali Tea Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

AHS Week 11 Saving Sap Beyond the Seal and Naturali Tea Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. AHS Week 11 Saving Sap Beyond the Seal and Naturali Tea Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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See attached word doc for instructions

The ‘Real Foods Film Library’ https://realfoodmedia.org/real-food-films-library/
houses short films (each 4 minutes or
less) submitted from 34 states and 31 countries and offers an amazing array of
glimpses into both deep problems and radical solutions in food systems. Peruse
the library and pick a few films (3 or more) that seem interesting to you to
watch. In your response, let us know which films you watched and what stood
out, individually and collectively, to you. For you, what could truly
sustainable food systems look like? Also, read https://www.yesmagazine.org/issue/just-transition/2017/09/08/how-to-feed-ourselves-in-a-time-of-climate-crisis/

your thoughtful reflections based on 3 or 4 short films, the article, and
questions to consider. Please make sure that your response is 1-2 robust

AHS Week 11 Saving Sap Beyond the Seal and Naturali Tea Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGMT 5575 CALUMS Wawa Supply Chain Manegement PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

Your presentation must include an analysis of all potential options laid out in your case study, as well as a final recommendation.

Identify operations issues that we have discussed during the course of the semester that the company in your case is facing.

Analysis and Evaluation of Operation MANAGEMENT Issues –

Discuss how the identified issues are affecting the company and what options the company has to address the issues from an operations perspective.

Recommendations –

Application of theory & analysis and utilizing OM Strategies (35%) Provide clear and actionable recommendations for how the company should address the issues facing them. These recommendations should be based in operation MANAGEMENT strategies .

Form and Presentation (5%)

Your presentation should be organized in a clear and professional manner.


Marymount University Glutamate Function in Amino Acid Metabolism Questions Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a Chemistry question and need support to help me learn.

I need you to answer these questions by the 2 chapters that I attached and and also i need the answer from your knowledge and experience , but at the same time review the 2 PDF pleace that I attached

Q1: One of your friends who enjoy lifting weight asks you if it better to get a protein from a protein shake supplement or from a meat sources such as chicken or beef? Provide an argument that one of the sources of protein is better than the other or that there is no difference. Provide as much detail as possible.

Q2: Glutamate is a key player in amino acid metabolism. 1) Describe all the pathways that glutamate participates in regarding amino acid metabolism. Be sure to include (key (a) enzymes, (b) substrates, (c) location of activities, and (d) products of each pathway. 2) Describe the role that ammonium plays during amino acid metabolism, in details?

Q3: Describe in detail the 2 major pathways that lead to muscle hypertrophy from exercise.

Q4: Describe in detail the roles of transcription factors and transcription factor co-activators in regard to endurance training and mitochondrial biogenesis.

Q5: Epigenetic is a newer area of genetic research. Describe some of the concepts in which epigenetics are believed to contribute to positive adaptations to exercise stressors.


OL 690 Quinnipiac University Tony Hsieh at Zappos Business Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

After reading the business case, “Tony Hsieh at Zappos: Structure, Culture and RadicalChange,” by Noah Askin, Gianpiero Petriglieri, answer the following questions and participate in the subsequent discussions:

  1. Would you like to work in a place like Zappos? Before the transition to Holacracy? How about after? Why or why not?
  2. Why do you think, Tony Hsieh is making this change? Why is he doing it now?
  3. How would you assess Tony Hsieh as a leader? As a boss?

To give your colleagues enough time to review and respond to your postings, the deadline for INITIAL postings is 11.59 pm (EST) on Wednesday, November 4. Your initial responses should not be less than 300 words per question. You should, however, note that emphasis is on the quality and substance of the responses.


Critique of a Live Performance Drama and Virtual Production Essay Writing Assignment Help

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): Upon completion of this course students will be able to:

  • Critique, evaluate and analyze theatre productions according to story, style, and contextual traits by writing an essay/critique of a LIVE performance.



One of your summative assessments in this class is your analysis of a live (stage) play or musical. This analysis is called a critique and you are the play/musical’s critic.

For this summative assessment, assume you are a newspaper critic for this semester’s show.

WHAT IS A CRITIQUE? A Critique is an essay or article that expresses an individual’s opinion of an artist’s work (in this case a play/musical.)

WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF A CRITIQUE? Not only is a critique an expression of a particular person’s opinion, it also helps inform other people of what a particular work of art is like. Of course, the best way to experience a piece of art is first-hand, but a critic’s job is to relay their first-hand experience of a piece of art to others who may not have seen it…and the critic is relied upon to be honest/fair about his/her thoughts, feelings, likes, and dislikes.


An OPENING PARAGRAPH that grabs the reader’s attention in a creative way. In this paragraph, the critic should also give the who, what, where, when by…

1. stating the show’s title and playwright (and/or director)

2. stating the acting group that performed it or venue in which it was performed

3. stating the dates of performance (and date you attended)

4. giving overall impression of the show (don’t give specifics in first paragraph)

A SECOND PARAGRAPH that gives a short synopsis of the show for the reader. This paragraph should NOT give every detail or tell any plot points that “give the story away”. It SHOULD, however, somehow include the theme of the story without being obvious about it.

A DETAILED BODY (three paragraphs) that analyzes aspects of the show and specific performances by actors. Be sure to…

1. avoid generalizations and broad language (things like “it was good” or “I liked it”)

2. support opinions/analysis with EXAMPLES from the show (items you could discuss include believability of acting; specific characters; set; lighting; use of props/stage; script; development of characters; development of plot; directing, etc.)

3. use specific character’s/actor’s names when discussing plot or performance and be sure that you use correct spellings for both (It is recommended that you use your playbill while writing your critique.)

You will NOT get a good grade if the body of your critique is vague, or if you do not truly analyze what you have seen. Be a strong critic by being specific and giving examples for your opinions.

A CLOSING PARAGRAPH that 1) wraps up your ideas (don’t repeat yourself, please) and 2) gives a recommendation as to whether or not readers should attend the show and why.

*Plagiarism is Cheating That will result in an automatic ZERO

The link to the performace video is

Please let me know if you have any other questions or need any additional information.

3 pages, double spaced.

Thank you!



GCCCD United States Education Reform Policies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

What are the central assumptions and recommendations of the current educational reform
movement? To what extent is the current national agenda for education consistent with the
aims of education for social justice? Who’s in charge? Who has power? Who or what is
behind the current reform movement? What should be the aims of education?

Prepare a typed, 3 ½ to 4-page essay on the assigned topic, focusing on one or more of the
key issues raised by the readings. Like any good essay, it should be well organized around a
central thesis, and should discuss evidence and counter evidence in a thoughtful manner. At the
end of your essay list the sources you read (APA style; MLA; or Chicago Manual ofStyle).

Use atleast 3 sources:

1. Berliner & Glass. 50 M&L. #1, plus select one you haven’t read: 2-8

2. Spring. “Economic Goals of School” and “Globalization of Ed.” AM ED 4 & 11

3. Evans. Schooling Corporate Citizens (2015) (excerpts).

4. Berliner & Biddle. The Manufactured Crisis.

5. Powell. “Attack on American Free Enterprise System.” 1971

6. Karp. “The Problems with Common Core.” 2013

7. Spady. “Paradigm Trap.” 2007

8. U. S. Government. America 2000.
9. Howe. “America 2000: A Bumpy Ride on Four Trains.”
10. U. S. News. “The Case for Tough Standards.”
11. Paige. “An Overview of America’s Education Agenda.”

GCCCD United States Education Reform Policies Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FIN 472 George Washington University Behavioral Finance in Mergers and Acquisitions Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Business report and need support to help me understand better.

  1. Topical Paper 3*There are two parts to this two-page paper. Part One explores the reasons why
    mergers and acquisitions oftentimes fail. In short, why do mergers and acquisitions
    fail? Part Two explores the reason(s) why four (4) mergers or acquisitions failed. In
    short, give four examples of disappointing results and in a sentence or two each,
    state why they failed. I have provided an excellent source (please note that there are
    many other excellent sources, any of which you can use) to help provide specific
    examples.https://www.cbinsights.com/research/merger-acquisition-corporate-fails/* 2 page maximum, 12 font, double spaced


Wk 5 A Metaphysics of Ordinary Things & Why We Need It Article Discussion & Response Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a Philosophy discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1. Please read the article and write the following discussion broad question around 300 words.


Consider these 3 views on the existence of ordinary objects/things: eliminativism, reductionism (3D and 4D), and nonreductionism. Consider now the question of the existence of human beings. We can take an eliminativist, reductionist, and nonreductionist view to the existence of human beings as well. Which position do you favor for ordinary objects, which for human beings, and why do you favor these positions? Be sure to give reasons for why you believe what you believe.

In your response to others, please support or criticize the other person’s views. Do not merely repeat your original prompt response or their prompt response in these posts: add new material. Think critically through what your fellow students are writing.

2. You need to write two response to post 1 and 2. Please write about 150 words of each response.


SRT 571 University of Phoenix Veteran Lounge Strategic Plan Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help


Assignment Content

  1. Throughout this course, you have been using different analysis strategies to determine best practices for developing your business plan. It’s time to develop a strategic plan that will help you determine where your business is now, where you want to take it, and how you will get there. Your strategic plan will help you implement and manage the strategic direction of your company. In addition, you will communicate the direction of your company to stakeholders.
    Develop a strategic plan for the company that you selected at the beginning of your MBA program and share your plan with stakeholders.
    Create a 10- to 15-slide presentation for key stakeholders to solicit their approval of your strategic plan. Address the following in your presentation:

    • An introduction with mission and vision statements
    • Core values, ethics, and social responsibility principles
    • Analysis of the company’s:
    • Internal environment (e.g. strengths and weaknesses related to resources, trademarks, patents, copyrights, or current processes)
    • External environment (e.g. opportunities and threats related to market trends, economic trends, demographics, orregulations)
    • An evaluation of internal and external environment’s impact on achieving the company strategy
    • Create a strategic objective for the company.
    • Create short- and long-term goals for achieving the company’s strategic plan.
    • Determine methods for collecting data and measuring success of the strategic plan.

    Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page.
    Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed documents. Note: You may include your textbook as 1 of the sources.


AHS Week 11 Food Culture and Care Journal Entry Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

To-Do List:

Read/Listen To:


your Weekly Journal Entry

§Based on the materials above, you are asked to write a one-page, single-spaced (450-500+ words) journal entry consisting of:


what are the main ideas from the materials? How do they relate thematically? Keep this concise (don’t feel like you have to include all the details, what’s the big picture?) yet comprehensive (explicitly include and connect each of the materials).

2.Personal Reflection

what did you think of the topics/themes/ideas from the materials? What stood out to you? What was new and/or interesting? What didn’t resonate?


As you engaged with these materials, what questions arose for you? Include them (at least one) at the end of your journal entry. (Try to avoid a simple yes/no question or something you could easily look up – let your questions be something that could prompt discussion).

All three elements should be clearly present – you might consider breaking them out into sections using clear headings – and it should be explicitly obvious to me that you engaged with and are incorporating ALL of the materials listed above.


AHS Week 11 Saving Sap Beyond the Seal and Naturali Tea Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

AHS Week 11 Saving Sap Beyond the Seal and Naturali Tea Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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