AIU Wk 5 Disproportionate of HIV Diagnosis Among African Americans Paper Mathematics Assignment Help

AIU Wk 5 Disproportionate of HIV Diagnosis Among African Americans Paper Mathematics Assignment Help. AIU Wk 5 Disproportionate of HIV Diagnosis Among African Americans Paper Mathematics Assignment Help.

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This assignment will provide you with a hands-on opportunity to conceptualize, plan, and articulate a suitable educational quantitative research study. This assignment will have three major components representing major sections of a dissertation: Introduction, Methodology, and Results with a reference section. Several of the components of this project will have individual due dates with opportunities for instructor feedback built into the syllabus, as well as individual consultation during instructor office hours or by appointment. Keep in mind this is not an actual study with no real data being collected.

Continue working on your practice research design. A final version of your research design will be submitted in Week 8.

Complete Step 2 as outlined in the Research Design Project Guidelines Week 5

AIU Wk 5 Disproportionate of HIV Diagnosis Among African Americans Paper Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Tufts University Extremism in The US Essay Writing Assignment Help


This assignment is an essay assignment of 4 questions to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives.

Essay Question One (2-pages): Based upon what you have learned from this course, what is your analysis of extremism in the United States? What is the current context and status of extremism? What is the current environment? Does the political climate play a factor, if so, how? If not, why?

Essay Question Two (2-pages): Differentiate the most significant extremists, extremist organizations, and extremist events of the past 50 years. Provide details to support your selections and why those selections have made such a significant impact.

Essay Question Three (2-pages): Examine contemporary accounts on the emergence of extremism in the United States. Is the emergence of extremism dangerous or is it really the ultimate expression of a free society, why or why not?

Essay Question Four (2-pages): Deconstruct the influence of globalization and technology on domestic extremism recruitment, membership, and its sustained impact. In other words, how and why does globalization and technology effect and impact domestic extremism recruitment, membership, and its sustained impact?

Technical Requirements

  • Your paper must be at a minimum of 8 pages, 2 + pages for each question (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
  • Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
  • Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
  • Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
  • Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
  • All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.


Alliant International University Job Satisfaction Stepwise Regression Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

Using the data from the SPSS data file named job_satisfaction.sav, please run a stepwise regression and answer the following questions.

  • What are the predictors?
  • What were the significant R-square changes?
  • Did the data violate any of the assumptions for a multiple regression?
  • With your chosen regression model, which predictor was the strongest?
  • With your chosen regression model, what is the shared contribution (partial correlation) and unique contribution (semi-partial correlation) of each significant predictor?
  • What are the implications of this study and what would you tell your boss?
  • Write up your results in APA results, including the equation of the prediction model.

Submit your SPSS file and narrative as a Word document


Simple 2D Based Animation Video Gaming Project Programming Assignment Help


For this project, you are expected to build a 2D based animation, which is often used in video gaming. Below is a captured frame showing what you need to achieve. The basic goal is to let you load different images, and synthesize a new image by putting different images together, and display the final image sequentially to screen.

Project Description:

This animation is about a dinosaur chasing a girl in the forest. To achieve this effect, there are three basic objects involved: a girl, a dinosaur, and a moving background. The relative positions of the dinosaur and the girl can be flexible, as long as the dinosaur is to the left of the girl, which makes sense. You can place the girl in the middle of the image. In practice, you do not need to change the positions of the girl and the dinosaur once the program starts. What you need to do is to load different images (about different poses of the girl and dinosaur) and copy them into the final image sequentially, meanwhile copy different parts of the background image using slide window mechanism to generate the animation effects. All the images involved for this animation have been provided in the attachment.

Project Goal:

  • Get familiar with OpenCV by practicing different functions, including imread( ), imshow( ), create( ), waitKey( ), copyTo( ), Range( ).
  • Understand the process of 2D based animation.
  • Learn the role of using “mask” in image processing.
  • Practice implementing user interactivity by programming on mouse/keyboard event.

Suggested Steps:

(1) To get started, you first create a function, say “loadImages()” to load all the images into the memory by using “imread()”. (hint: if you feel it is tedious to type each individual image name, you can use the “sprintf()” function from c++ and load those images by a loop)

(2) You can use the “create( )” function (that is the member function of cv::Mat) to create a screen image, which is used to hold and display the background, the dinosaur, and the girl together. You can make this screen image the same height as the background image (bg_scene.jpg), but a little narrower than the width of the bg_scene.jpg. Initially, this screen image is in black color.

(3) Then you can copy one of the girl image into the screen image. There is no exact location requirement for the girl in the screen. You can put it in the middle of the image as the screenshot shows.

(4) If you succeed, then you can try to copy one dinosaur image to the screen in the same way.

(5) To animate the girl and dinosaur to run, you need to put step (3) and (4) into a loop. For each iteration, different girl or dinosaur image is copied to the screen based on the loop index.

(6) Finally, you need to manage to do the rolling background. The basic idea is to copy different part of the “bg_scene.jpg” into the screen image to generate a moving effect. This part is talked in the class.


(1) Successfully load all the images into memory. (20%)

(2) Successfully create the screen image. (10%)

(3) Successfully generate animation for the girl and the dinosaur (40% with the three sub-parts below)

  • use copyTo( ) and Range( ) to copy a girl (or dinosaur) image to the screen (15%)
  • correctly use mask image (10%)
  • use a loop to copy different posed figure into the screen (15%)

(4) Successfully generate rolling background (30%)

Bonus Points:

(5) Your program allows the user to use mouse or keyboard to change the location of the girl and dinosaur. For example, the key ‘d’ to let the two objects move towards right; ‘a’ – moves towards left; ‘w’-moves up; ’s’-moves down (20%)


Please submit your code through Isidore. If there are more than one files. You need to zip them and submit the “.zip” file.


ACCT Working Capital Management Strategies & Monitoring Assets Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Please Find the attachments and Need to write responses to each attachment. for each response follow the below steps.

Below are additional suggestions on how to respond to attachments

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

Expand on postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

Please use in-text citation and 1 reference for each post

150 words for each attachment.

So Total 450 words.

Let me know for any questions.



San Diego City College Qualitative Quantitative Continuous Discrete Questions Mathematics Assignment Help

1. Classify the type of Data: The average temperature of the ocean water each week during summer?

2. Classify the following data: The average temperature in Anchorage Alaska?

3. Jennifer is interested in conducting a study in the amount of money people spend at her local Starbucks in a week. To gather her data, Jennifer separates all the customers into groups based on age and randomly selects 3 of the groups for her study. What sampling technique was used?

4. Jennifer is interested in conducting a study in the amount of money people spend at her local Starbucks in a week. To gather her data, on her own trip to Starbucks to get a coffee Jennifer asks the people in line how much they spend. What sampling technique was used?

5. In a study, if you are not sure where the data came from, you should always assume it came from what?

San Diego City College Qualitative Quantitative Continuous Discrete Questions Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CC Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I will upload a document that needs edit please
please follow instructions steps by steps and don’t hesitate to reach out to explain further and please follow template





Abstract: For the first section of your research report, you will create an abstract that is a concise summary of your research study. Include information on your research question, subjects (if applicable), methods, results, and discussion.

Introduction: In this section, you will create an introduction that includes a literature review of research pertinent to the topic area you have chosen. This section should contain the following elements, which will demonstrate your ability to interpret psychological research and develop research questions regarding unexplored topic areas:

A. Prepare a literature review

B. Determine testable research questions with hypotheses

Methods and Results: For the next section of your research report, you will develop methods and results sections that inform potential readers of how you conducted your study and what the statistical results of the study were. These sections should contain the following elements, which will demonstrate your ability to detail the process of conducting research and to appropriately convey your results:

A. Explain the methods of how you conducted your study

B. Conduct statistical analyses as appropriate

Discussion: For the last section of your research report, you will write your discussion section, which describes your interpretation of your results and speaks to how future researchers can expound on your work. This piece should contain the following elements, which will demonstrate your ability to detail the process of conducting research and to appropriately convey your results:

A. Interpret your results

B. Discuss any limitations or ethical issues

Your research report should be appropriately formatted following the latest guidelines for APA formatting, using in-text citations when necessary. You will be expected to use at least 10 research articles in the topic area to support your review of the literature.


Information and Technology industry Questions Economics Assignment Help

Please read the following scenario and answer the questions below by providing the analysis based on the relevant theories and applicable examples.

If your business earns superior profits, existing and potential competitors will do their best to get a piece of the success. It is essential for firms to examine a variety of business strategies to enhance the prospects of sustainable profitability. Out of all factors that impact an industry’s sustainable profitability, this CLA2 assessment focuses on the most damaging threat to sustainable profit, the entry of competitors into the market.

Entry into the market heightens competition and reduces the margins of existing firms in a wide variety of industry settings. For this reason, the ability of existing firms to sustain profits depends on how barriers to entry affect the ease with which other firms can enter the industry including the formation of new companies (Wendy’s entered the fast-food industry in the 1970s); globalization strategies by foreign companies (Toyota entered the U.S. automobile market the middle of the last century) , and the introduction of new product lines by existing firms (computer manufacturer Apple now also sells the popular iPhone).

Your CLA2 is a paper of minimum eight pages, APA formatted, including one Industry Report and one Company Report that you recommend to the CEO of a company how to create a moat and prevent the threat of entry to the market.

  1. Industry Report

Please select an industry and write a rigorous industry report for your selected industry that incorporate the followings:

  • The market structure of the industry by determining the concentration ratio in the industry and how market structure affects the entry into the market
  • The nature of industry and the network effects
  • The production structure of the industry, initial capital requirements, sunk costs, and economies of scale
  • The prospect of industry in the future in regard to technological innovations

  1. Company Report

Now assume you are managing a company in this industry and are asked to write a Company Report about the long term strategic decision making of the company. The purpose of this report is to recommend a few policies to the CEO that assures a sustainable competitive advantage and long term profitability for the company.

Please include the following variables in your Company Report:

  • Sustainable market share and how it can be achieved
  • Branding, reputation, and a considerable base of loyal consumers
  • The managerial efficiency in strategic decision making regarding:
  • The integration and merger activity, vertical and horizontal integration
  • Preventing entry of rivals by pricing and cost policies such as limit pricing, predatory pricing, and raising rivals’ fixed or marginal costs


UCI Computer Based Research Project & Using a Paper Map Forum Q&A Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The three course works are very short as well.

Forum Post Question:

This week, please post about your own experience dealing with maps in some form (and if you’ve had experience with paper maps, even better!). I want you to discuss an experience where you had difficulty reading/interpreting a map as you were trying to go somewhere. What was the issue? What happened? How were you able to fix/overcome the issue?

For this post, I don’t want you to just say something like “Google Maps’ automated directions had me take a left earlier than I should’ve” but think about what that then required of you: having to look at the actual maps to figure out what was going on!

If you’ve never had to use a map, I want you to think about how you’d get around without the automated directions many of us obtain from our phones. Would you be able to get around? Why or why not?

All of the assignments’ files will be uploaded. Thank you!


MGT 645 UMT Apples Overall Performance Paper & Porter Generic Strategies PPT Business Finance Assignment Help


While conducting its business successfully
is imperative for a company to survive, the company should also follow a
strategy for corporate social responsibility. For Week 2’s assignment, you will
write a paper that focuses on this topic.

Being competitive in the market is an
essential element of a company’s existence. One way to achieve this is by using
Porter’s competitive strategies. For this Week 3’s assignment, you will prepare a
narrated presentation on the use of Porter’s competitive strategies by four
different companies.

In this course so far, you have seen the structure
and strategy of the word repeatedly used in your weekly resources. Both of
these concepts are essential in maintaining a stable business environment in
every company. For Week 4’s assignment, you will write a paper on the topic of
global market strategy.

For this Week 5’s exercise, you will write a paper on one of the companies that made it to two lists by Fortune Magazine: World’s Most Admired Companies and 100 Best Companies to Work For. In your paper, you will compare these lists and report on the key attributes used to rank the company you choose.

[supanova_question] In your paper, you will compare these lists and report on the key attributes used to rank the company you choose.

[supanova_question] In your paper, you will compare these lists and report on the key attributes used to rank the company you choose.

[supanova_question] In your paper, you will compare these lists and report on the key attributes used to rank the company you choose.


AIU Wk 5 Disproportionate of HIV Diagnosis Among African Americans Paper Mathematics Assignment Help

AIU Wk 5 Disproportionate of HIV Diagnosis Among African Americans Paper Mathematics Assignment Help

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