Alabama Southern Community College Week 2 Leadership Teams Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Alabama Southern Community College Week 2 Leadership Teams Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Alabama Southern Community College Week 2 Leadership Teams Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Project with No Direction: Scenario:

A major national insurer decided to evolve new business development practices. The project to implement this idea started in 2000 and was led by a succession of key senior vice presidents (VPs) as part of their executive growth. Twelve years later, the organization had still not finished with its stated purpose due to changing requirements, new ideas, a succession of leaders, and executive ambivalence. This effort had all the appearance of a major strategic initiative—three hundred people, a “war room” with a great storyboard, and lots of spokespersons. Key staff members were quick to extol the great progress made. However, when the new CEO asked, “Why are we doing this?” there was no coherent answer.

Result: Within days, the entire program was scrapped. In less than a week, the project offices were vacant and phone calls went unanswered. When the project died, no one noticed except the executives who had been the project advocates. They were out of a job.

For the first part of your post, address the following question:

  • Analyze the root cause of this situation. There was a huge disconnect between project management and the organizational strategy and strategic direction in this scenario. How could this gap have been bridged?

Then, address one of the following bullets.

  • Analyze the triple-constraints relationship among a project scope, cost, schedule, and quality. If quality is held constant and the scope is widened, what will happen to the cost and schedule?
  • Explain a WBS created for a project you have worked on. Did the team refer to the WBS while sequencing work and creating a risk plan? What was the outcome? If not, describe how the team determined tasks and sequencing. Evaluate the outcome. Cite additional challenges to a project that might result from poor work breakdown practices.

The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response.

Justify your answers with examples and reasoning. Comment on the postings and views of at least two peers.

Your posting should be the equivalent of 1 to 2 pages (500–1000 words) in length.

Alabama Southern Community College Week 2 Leadership Teams Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 696 United States University Leadership Communication Externship Report Business Finance Assignment Help

Provided you are enrolled into ‘MGT510 Leadership Communication’ (Course 1) with the Following lessons in the course

1. What is a Memorandum and Why Does One Use It?

2. Bias in Communications or “The importance of fact telling”

3. importance of Presentations and how to do them.

4. Building an effective unbiased Communication Plan

5. The Intersection of Communication and Conflict

and you work as a “Financial Data analyst/ Programmer Analyst” for a bank (Capital One) with following job responsibilities


a. Translate business needs into complex analysis design and solution deployment recommendations

b. Act as a key data lead to leverage versatile technical capabilities to drive the development, evolution and implementation of data products, which enable self- service by data consumers.

c. Coordinating with offshore team for project execution and being au fait with process issues, product concerns and develop and deliver sturdy coding and programming solutions.

d. Work with the customer to understand their needs and requirements, then use the information to evolve banking products.

e. Reconcile all balance sheets on annual and monthly basis across the business

f. Providing the best practices to the team and creating various POC’s for the team.

g. Taking on the responsibility to make sure all the sprint deliverables will be deployed on time as per the coding standards.

h. As an Agile Team Member, I am involved in the complete life cycle of Agile processes which include story grooming, story planning, daily stand up meetings and retro meetings. As a part of the story grooming I interacts with business stakeholder’s, product owner’s and business

analysts to make sure that all the team stories and workflows are well


i. Identify and encourage areas for growth and improvement within the team.

j. Provide technical leadership to teammates through coaching and mentorship and maintain high standards of software quality within the team by establishing good practices sharing, collaboration, sharing learnings and avoiding issues that can lead to delivery setbacks by planning ahead of the curve and building in redundancies.


Answer the following questions in APA Format with in 5 to 6 pages (which dont include cover page and references page)

1. Link outcomes from [My First Course] to My Workplace –

Choose and quote three of the detailed course outcomes (as found in your first submission this quarter) for your first course this quarter. Describe specific (to your workplace/job) examples where what you’re learning in the course applies to your job and how you will implement what you’re learning within your current position. To reiterate, these must be SPECIFIC to YOU and YOUR JOB.

2. Applying Work Experiences to [My First Course] –

Describe an example where something that occurred at work helped you to better understand course work related to one of the three outcomes you have discussed for that course.

3. Work Proposal –

Briefly (as in a few paragraphs) describe a process change, procedural innovation, or another enhancement that you would propose to your employer based on what you’ve learned in this quarter’s courses. You should clearly explain how this proposal relates to at least one of your current courses’ outcomes. This should not be something that you’ve already done. This must be SPECIFIC to YOU and YOUR JOB. Subheadings must follow the formula for proposals used in MGT 510: Introduction, Background, Problem, Opportunities, Recommendations, Conclusion.

5. References –

(Minimum at least two peer-reviewed references and each syllabus for the courses you are discussing.) Reference list must be in proper APA format. It must include each syllabus for the one or two non-externship courses. All references must be cited WITHIN the text of the paper (in proper APA format) showing exactly where the specific reference applies and using signal phrase formatting for quotes or citations. Simply listing references without in-text citations showing the applicability of a specific reference isn’t sufficient. The references can be used to support the work proposal, further demonstrate the linkage between course outcomes and workplace duties, etc.


ADM 614 Grand Canyon University Impact of Economic Policy on the Market Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Starting in 2008, the United States experienced the greatest economic calamity since the Great Depression. To combat rising unemployment, negative economic growth, and deflation, among other problems, the U.S. government employed instruments/policies from both the fiscal and monetary toolkits. Write an essay 1,250-1500 words regarding the impact of economic policy on the market. Address the following:

1. Describe the major problems of the “Great Recession.” What required immediate government action, from the perspective of many public officials?
2. Monetary policy: Describe how the Federal Reserve respond to the crisis. Be sure to discuss interest rates and open market operations.
3. Fiscal policy: Describe Congress’s response to the crisis. Be sure to discuss the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
4. Explain the goals of the fiscal and monetary policies employed. Address “stimulating aggregate demand” and the role of “increasing the money supply” in your response.
5. Evaluate the success in the policies.

Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


Denver School Pulmonary and Digestive System Disorders Worksheets Health Medical Assignment Help


this assignment, you will examine the clinical manifestations,
pathophysiology, and developmental considerations for two pulmonary
disorders of your choosing. One should affect primarily children or
adolescents and one adults.

Step 1 Locate at least one evidence-based resource to support your response.

Step 2 Download the Pulmonary System Disorders


Step 3 Complete the worksheet.

  • In the header row of the table, enter names of the disorders.
  • In the remaining
    rows of the table, enter a description of the disorder, the clinical
    manifestations, the underlying pathophysiology, and developmental
    considerations (consider the age of onset with respect to the
    physiological, psychological, and social implications of the disease).
  • Be sure to cite all sources used to complete the worksheet and provide a reference using proper APA formatting.


n this assignment, you will examine the pathophysiology underlying complications of gastric bypass surgery.

Step 1 Locate at least one evidence-based resource to support your responses.

Step 3 Download the Digestive System Disorders


Step 4 Complete the worksheet.

  • Enter the clinical manifestations for each complication.
  • Explain the underlying pathophysiology.
  • Write a brief teaching plan for dumping syndrome.
  • Be sure to cite all sources used to complete the worksheet and provide a reference using proper APA formatting.


South University Physical Activity Exercise and Diabetes Discussion Responses Health Medical Assignment Help

1. The older diabetic patient discussed in week two project had the following preliminary issues: hypertension, arthritis, and visual impairments. His wellness program hence will provide supervised exercises, patient and family education and support throughout his journey, while also implementing lifestyle changes. The community center was well suited for supervised physical exercises. Supervised physical exercises are effective measures to improve muscle metabolism, and maintain strength (Seene, & Kaasik, 2012). Additionally, exercises have been reported to increase insulin sensitivity and aid in the achievement of improved glycemic control. Other benefits include better weight management, reduced blood pressure, and the risk of cardiovascular disease. Even though exercises are encouraged, the patient will be advised to discontinue boxing and change to non-impact sports due to the ongoing treatment for arthritis.

The patient will be taught about the total cessation of alcohol intake that will help prevent hypoglycemic events. Avoidance of the barbecue and the integration or fresh fruits and vegetables will help achieve good lipid profiles (Khazrai, Defeudis, & Pozzilli, 2014). Since the patient takes multiple medications, the patient and his family will be taught on the importance of keeping a drug schedule, and having well-labeled, color-coded areas for keeping different drugs that will assist in minimizing mixing up of medications and the risk of overdose. Due to visual impairments, the patient’s family will be taught on the importance of increased lighting in the interior areas of the house and the introduction of walking rails. Orthopedic shoes for walking around to prevent the development of backache, and ease tension on the knees will be highly recommended. For emotional support, a close family relationship with his family will be highly encouraged. Since the patient was Hindu, he will be highly encouraged to engage in worshiping together with his family in the community temple. Close family relationships and religious worship will improve emotional health and spiritual growth (Choi, & Hastings, 2018).

The above approach takes into account the physical health, emotional and spiritual health, patient and family education, home safety, community participation, and improved self-care. A holistic approach will not only improve the overall health of the patient but also assist him in attaining confidence in self-management, improved emotional wellbeing, and spiritual growth. This above provides an optimum level of well-being.


Seene, T., & Kaasik, P. (2012). Muscle weakness in the elderly: Role of sarcopenia, dynapenia, and possibilities for rehabilitation. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 9(2), 109-117. doi:10.1007/s11556-012-0102-8

Choi, S. A., & Hastings, J. F. (2018). Religion, spirituality, coping, and resilience among African Americans with diabetes. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, 38(1), 93-114. doi:10.1080/15426432.2018.1524735

Khazrai, Y. M., Defeudis, G., & Pozzilli, P. (2014). Effect of diet on type 2 diabetes mellitus: A review. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 30(S1), 24-33. doi:10.1002/dmrr.2515

2 My subject for the week 2 project was D.K. a 65-year-old female with minimal health conditions. She reported mild hypertension and hyperlipidemia, and chronic neck and back pain due to an MVA in 2001 which required surgical replacement of cervical vertebrae using bone from her hip (D.K., personal communication, August 18, 2020). She voiced interest in attending a gym and increasing exercise. From the questionnaire and assessment, I performed for the project, I discovered the need for D.K. to[AJ1] participate in a consistent exercise program that includes both cardio and weight-bearing exercise. Exercise offers multiple benefits for the older adult such as decreasing the risks of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancers (“Promoting Wellness in Older Patients”, 2017). Chronic back pain can lead to decreased activity and deconditioning of back muscles which can lead to increased back pain (Sturos, n.d.). Weight training can improve back health and pain by improving the function and strength of muscles in the back and core, increasing lean muscle mass and decreasing body fat, and increasing the ROM of the spine (Sturos, n.d.).

My recommendation for her would be to enroll in MCA Health & Fitness Center which is a local wellness center that is run and owned by a cardiology group. They developed this center to provide patients and non-patients with convenient access to a program that is customized to fit their individual needs (“Providers”, n.d.). The exercise plan is customized with a review of medical conditions/ histories, as well as oxygen, blood pressure, and heart rate monitoring (“Providers”, n.d.). The staff there are well trained in kinesiology, exercise physiology, and exercise and fitness management (“Providers”, n.d.). D.K. would receive a program tailored to her physical abilities and limitations with monitoring and education regarding how to perform the exercises safely and effectively. This would not only help improve D.K.’s back health but her overall health as well as it can improve her HTN and cholesterol and lower her risks for other chronic diseases. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress and improve mental health. According to an article by Edith (2014), exercise is a holistic approach to achieve “outstanding health” as it not only reduces risks for disease and boosts metabolism, it also improves mental health. She goes on to state, “It has been demonstrated to improve mood, slow the cognitive decline associated with aging, reduce dementia risks, improve sleep, reduce stress and increase self-confidence” (Edith, 2014).


Edith, J. (2014, January 07). 4 Reasons Why Exercise Is Holistic Medicine. Retrieved from…

Promoting Wellness in Older Patients. (2017). Retrieved from…

Providers. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sturos, E. (n.d.). Weight Training Effectively Relieves Back Pain. Retrieved from

3 What is the most important factor that causes caregiver role strain?

Family caregivers are very important in supporting, promoting and maintaining the health of the people they are responsible for that are suffering from a chronic disease. They are responsible to perform activities of daily living that the sick person is not able to do. As a result, the caregiver can experience some negative effects called caregiver role strain. In my opinion, the most important factor that causes caregiver role strain is the severity of the illness. For example, in the case of a wife that is caring for her husband with prostate cancer, she has to spend a lot of time with him and she must also go to work, care for the children.

  • How do you assess for caregiver strain?

The quality of life of caregivers usually tends to deteriorate in physical, psychological and social aspects. Honea et al. (2008) said that caregiver role strain can be measured objectively or subjectively. An objective measurement of caregiver burden can be for instance the number of tasks the caregiver performs on behalf of the patient (Bookwala & Schulz, 2000; Gaugler et al., 2005). Several tools are proposed to effectively assess for caregiver strain. The Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale measures the burden related to frequency, severity, and distress of the patient’s symptoms. It is rated from 1 to 4: 1(rarely, slightly severe, no distress at all) to 4 (almost constantly, very severe, very much distress) (Honea et al., 2008).

  • What can be done to prevent or decrease caregiver role strain?

Research has proven that certain interventions are likely to be effective in lessening caregiver role strain. Psycho-educational interventions such as teaching problem-solving skills, include patient symptom assessment and management, teaching coping skills. Psychotherapy interventions such as teaching caregivers to monitor their own feelings, helping them challenge negative thoughts that may create issues for them and helping caregivers engage in pleasant activities and positive experiences (Honea et al., 2008).


Honea NJ, Brintnall R, Given B, Sherwood P, Colao DB, Somers SC, & Northouse LL. (2008). Putting evidence into practice®: nursing assessment and interventions to reduce family caregiver strain and burden. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 12(3), 507–516.

Rueda Diaz, L. J., de Almeida Lopes Monteiro da Cruz, D., & de Cassia Gengo E Silva, R. (2016). Caregiver role strain: bi-national study of content validation. Investigacion y Educacion En Enfermeria, 34(2), 280–287.

4. Choose one disease process and discuss the disease process.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an umbrella term used to described respiratory disease characterized by airway obstruction. COPD is a complex mix of signs and symptoms in patients with chronic bronchitis and emphysema with cigarette smoking being an important risk factor. Other factors, such as exposure to indoor and outdoor air pollution, occupational hazards, and infections, can cause COPD (Mannino and Buist, 2007). Although, smoking is the leading cause of COPD, however, not all smokers acquire COPD, and COPD can develop in nonsmokers as well. Sign and symptoms of COPD consist of Cough, SOB especially with physical activity, wheezing, and chest tightness.

COPD is the third leading cause of death by disease in the United State (Burt and Corbridge, 2013). More than 16.4 million people have been diagnosed with COPD, and there are millions of people who have the disease and may not know it. COPD causes serious long-term disability and early death. At this time there is no cure, but with the proper medication and support management, COPD is manageable (American Lung Association, 2020).

Discuss the goals for this disease presented in Healthy People 2020.

According to the healthy people 2020, the goals for COPD include;

Reduce activity limitations among adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Reduce deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) among adults

Reduce hospitalizations for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

Reduce emergency department (ED) visits for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

How does the CDC play a role in meeting the goals?

CDC works hard to lower the prevalence of COPD rates by offering smoking and tabacco cessation. They have campaigns that educated the nation on the benefits of quitting. They offer free quit coaching, quit plan, educational materials, and referrals to local resources to those who needs it (CDC, 2020).


American Lung Association (2020). Retrieved from

Healthy People 2020 (2020). Retrieved from

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Retrieved from

Burt, L., & Corbridge, S. (2013). COPD exacerbations. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 113(2), 34-43.Pierson, D. J. (2000). Pathophysiology and clinical effects of chronic hypoxia. Respiratory care, 45(1), 39-51.

Mannino, D. M., & Buist, A. S. (2007). Global burden of COPD: risk factors, prevalence, and future trends. The Lancet, 370(9589), 765-773.

5. Thank you for discussing the various stages of Alzheimer’s disease. This is important information to know. In regards to the behavioral therapeutic strategies that can help with the treatment of Alzheimer’s, you had stated “The therapeutic techniques involve physical activities and music therapy which are used as viable and useful treatments”. How are physical activities and music therapy specifically beneficial? Thank you for your post!



Alabama Southern Community College Wk 2 Grocery Store Initial Plan Development Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Initial Plan Development

This course has major project assignments that will be due in Weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due.

This week, you will submit the first four parts of the course-length project. The project analyzed must be the project approved by the instructor in Week 1. The deliverables for Week 2 are:

  • The statement of need: Write a brief description of the chosen organization and discuss the background information associated with the problems that need to be solved.
  • The goals and objectives of the project: Identify project goals and the underlying objectives. Quantify the measurable performance expectations of the project plan to determine whether it meets the planned objectives. Performance should be defined in terms of:
    • The product or process specification
    • The total budget at completion of the plan
    • The time frame for completion of the plan
  • Stakeholders and project requirements: Identify the project’s stakeholders. Analyze their needs and wants and create a list of project requirements derived from the inputs provided by the stakeholders.
  • Project scope development: Identify the scope of the project to define the work that needs to be performed to meet the project objectives.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your report as a 3 to 5 page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.

Alabama Southern Community College Wk 2 Grocery Store Initial Plan Development Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

OL 620 Quinnipiac University Strategic Digitization Strategy Plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

This assignment had been completed by a tutor. It is due for submission by Midnight tonight. I am hoping to find help double-checking, revising the content to that of a graduate level course (combined M.S./M.B.A Healthcare for Administration/Organizational Leadership program and prof. is extremely unforgiving when he feels students’ writing is not reflective of graduate level education). I have a terrible grade in this course and this project will determine whether i squeak by with a 70 or fail. Basically, I would need to get a 95 or greater in order to finish with a 70.2 final grade because I missed the first two weeks of this 7 week course due to complications from my epilepsy as well as a recent family medical emergency. That being said, if I absolutely have to I can extend the deadline and probably get away with handing in this assignment an hour or two past the midnight deadline if meeting that deadline will significantly affect the quality of the paper.

Thank you all for taking the time to read all of this and I truly appreciate your consideration

Some background info on restructuring organization

GreenSpace Brands Announces the completion of the Final Restructuring of the Business and the Departure of its COO


GreenSpace Brands

Jun 03, 2019, 15:56 ET


TORONTO, June 3, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — GreenSpace Brands (TSXV:JTR) (“GreenSpace”) today announced the completion of the final phase of the restructuring of its operating model, the appointment of 2 new Brand level Presidents, and the departure of its COO, Aaron Skelton to pursue other opportunities in the industry.

The announced restructuring creates three new brand-level Presidents who will lead the Central Roast brand, the Go Veggie/ Riot brands and the Love Child brands respectively. Chris Renner has been appointed the President of Central Roast to oversee all day to day operating activities for that brand, in addition to his current role as the Head of Canadian Sales. Chris has extensive general manager experience in previous roles with Burts Bees and Glad food storage, as well as senior sales and marketing roles with Clorox, Ultima Foods and Maple Leaf Foods. Chris will be responsible for all elements of Central Roast, including full P&L responsibility. He will be focused on rebuilding confidence with retail customers after many months of product shorts, finding new distribution for Central Roast in alternative channels including Private Label, and generally improving the operations of the Central Roast facility.

C. Scott Riddle has been appointed President of Galaxy Nutritionals, the owners of the Go Veggie and Riot brands. Scott is a natural foods industry veteran of 15 years having served as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for some of the leading Natural Foods businesses in the United States, including Organic Bistro, Artisan Bistro and Bounce Energy Balls. Scott will be focused on launching GreenSpace’s new entry into the plant-based cheese category, Riot Eats, as well as completing the re-brand of Go Veggie and improving distribution for both brands in both the US and Canada.

A search is underway for a President for Love Child Organics. An incentive-based compensation structure for the Brand President roles will be tied to brand level P&L metrics to promote alignment.

In addition to the appointment of brand level Presidents, GreenSpace has made the difficult decision to eliminate eight roles within the company, most of which are either brand level senior marketing positions or senior leadership positions within the platform. The remaining shared service elements within GreenSpace will be within the Sales function, which has been highly successful over the last four years, and the senior finance function which will work with brand level accounting teams to analyze and report on financial results.

“The final phase of this restructuring has been the most challenging phase as we have now switched our model over completely from a shared operating structure to brand level autonomy. The shift to a brand level operating structure will bring not only streamlined decision making but a much higher level of accountability to the bottom line across the entire organization,” says Matthew von Teichman, CEO of GreenSpace Brands. “Aaron’s departure will be a particularly large adjustment for the team as he’s been a critical element in the growth of the business and in our success over the last few years. We wish him well with whatever comes next in his very bright future.”

A restructuring charge will be recorded in Q1 and is expected to save the Company approximately $1.2 million on an annual basis, and will complete the transition back to profitability for the business.

About GreenSpace
GreenSpace is a Canadian-based value-added accelerator of natural food brands. Our brands feature premium natural and organic products available to consumers across North America. GreenSpace owns Life Choices, convenience meat products made with grass fed and pasture raised meats without the use of added hormones and antibiotics, Love Child, a producer of 100% organic food for infants and toddlers made with the purest, natural and most nutritionally-rich ingredients, Central Roast, a clean snacking brand featuring a wide assortment of nut and seed mixes, Cedar, the leaders in the Canadian Cold Press Juice category and Go Veggie, one of the leaders in the US plant based cheese market. All brands are wholly owned and retail in a variety of natural and mass retail grocery locations across Canada and the United States.

This news release contains certain forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively referred to herein as “forward-looking statements”) within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements other than statements of present or historical fact are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, identified by the use of words such as “anticipate”, “achieve”, “could”, “believe”, “plan”, “intend”, “objective”, “continuous”, “ongoing”, “estimate”, “outlook”, “expect”, “may”, “will”, “project”, “should” or similar words, including negatives thereof, suggesting future outcomes. Management of GreenSpace (the “Companies”) believe the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable as of the date hereof but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking statements should not be unduly relied upon. Various material factors and assumptions are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking statements. . The forward-looking statements in this release are based on certain assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events to differ materially from current assumptions and expectations, including, but not limited to, that: the conditions to the completion of the investments and supply agreement contemplated herein will be satisfied, the investments and supply agreement contemplated herein will be completed on the terms substantially described in this release, that applicable regulatory, exchange and third party approvals will for the transactions described herein will be obtained, and that customers will respond positively to the Companies’ new product lines. Those material factors and assumptions are based on information currently available to the Companies, including data from publicly available governmental sources as well as from market research and industry analysis and on assumptions based on data and knowledge of this industry which the Companies believe to be reasonable. However, although generally indicative of relative market positions, market shares and performance characteristics, such data is inherently imprecise. While the Companies are not aware of any misstatement regarding any industry or government data presented herein, the anticipated recreational cannabis industry involves risks and uncertainties and is subject to change based on various factors.

Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance and are subject to and involve a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the control of the Companies, which may cause actual performance and results to differ materially from any projections of future performance or results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the risks identified in GreenSpace’s March 31, 2018 Management’s Discussion and Analysis, which have been filed with the Canadian Securities Administrators and available on Any forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and, except as required by law, the Companies assume no obligation to publicly update or revise such statements to reflect new information, subsequent or otherwise.

Neither the Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this Press release.

SOURCE GreenSpace Brands


Purpose of 3 F Method Concept Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In this week’s reading, the concept of 3-F Method is introduced. Discuss the purpose of this concept and how it is calculated. Also perform your own research/analysis using these factors and provide your assessment on whether the United States need to introduce top talents in the field of big data and cloud computing by using bibliometrics.

  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Need 700 words
  • No Plagarism

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources. Use proper citations and references in your post.


Prairie State College Tuki The Power in a Name Paper Business Finance Assignment Help




Attention getter

– Use a story or quotation (or other

attention getting device) to get us started. Note: You should

only introduce yourself and your name as part of your thesis

statement. Begin your presentation with your quotation or story,

with nothing else before it. The attention getting device should

be relevant to the topic.


Audience Relevance

– Provide a rationale for listening to

your speech. That is, why should your audience tune in to your

speech? Do names provide us with a particular insight into our

cultural and/or familial backgrounds? Does understanding each

other’s names help us understand each other a little better?



– Cite a source or describe your personal

experience with the topic to let your audience know that you are

a qualified source on this topic. The idea is to get your audience

to trust you.



– The thesis is the main idea of your speech. So, this

speech is to explore your name as a symbol that has meaning in

society. Do be sure you include the idea of your name as a

symbol and your full name as part of your thesis statement.


Preview statement

– Tell us what your three main points will

be (see below, in the Body section). For example, “First, we’ll

discuss why I was named what I was named; next, I’ll explain

what my name means; and, finally, I’ll analyze the symbolic

meaning of my name.”




First main point

– Why were you named what you were

named? Tell us the story of each of your names.


Subpoint 1 – First name


Subpoint 2 – Middle Name(s)


Subpoint 3 – Last Name

*You may also include nicknames or choose not to talk

about one of your names. Just be sure you’ve broken your

first main point into subpoints.


Second main point

– What does your name mean in terms of

research you learn online ? Use your library and Internet

research to provide the meaning of your name as it relates to

various cultures.


Subpoint 1 – First name


Subpoint 2 – Middle Name(s)


Subpoint 3 – Last Name

*You may also include nicknames or choose not to talk

about one of your names. Just be sure you’ve broken your

second main point into subpoints.


Third main point

– Symbolic Meaning of Your Name


America (Use the links and resources I’ve provided in these

assignment guidelines to help you develop this point).


Subpoint 1 – What do people who

have never met you think of your name? Are those

reactions similar to one another or do they differ

depending on the social position of the other people?


Subpoint 2 – Does the symbolism

of your name carry meaning in the broader culture or

within a particular subculture? If so, how?


Subpoint 3 – How do the life

experiences of others affect how they think of your name?

How do your own life experiences and observations affect

your own self-identity with your name?




Restate your thesis (from your introduction)


Restate your main points of the body of your speech.


Send us off with an inspirational close. This closing could be

a quotation, a story, or another inspirational ending. Please

avoid saying, “That’s it” or similar.


Behavior Change Contract Completion & Journal Entry Questions Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

After reading the ‘Journal’ page in the Semester Assignments folder and pages 15-17 in your textbook, submit your completed Behavior Change Contract here. Create a SMART goal (see pages 17-18 in your textbook). A sample of the contract is attached. Please re-create it in a Word document. For your signature on the document, just type your name on the signature line. Remember, this should be a semester long goal–not one that can be easily met in less than 12 weeks.

I have uploaded below the textbook and the sample of behavior

[supanova_question] Any forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and, except as required by law, the Companies assume no obligation to publicly update or revise such statements to reflect new information, subsequent or otherwise.

Neither the Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this Press release.

SOURCE GreenSpace Brands


Purpose of 3 F Method Concept Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In this week’s reading, the concept of 3-F Method is introduced. Discuss the purpose of this concept and how it is calculated. Also perform your own research/analysis using these factors and provide your assessment on whether the United States need to introduce top talents in the field of big data and cloud computing by using bibliometrics.

  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Need 700 words
  • No Plagarism

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources. Use proper citations and references in your post.


Prairie State College Tuki The Power in a Name Paper Business Finance Assignment Help




Attention getter

– Use a story or quotation (or other

attention getting device) to get us started. Note: You should

only introduce yourself and your name as part of your thesis

statement. Begin your presentation with your quotation or story,

with nothing else before it. The attention getting device should

be relevant to the topic.


Audience Relevance

– Provide a rationale for listening to

your speech. That is, why should your audience tune in to your

speech? Do names provide us with a particular insight into our

cultural and/or familial backgrounds? Does understanding each

other’s names help us understand each other a little better?



– Cite a source or describe your personal

experience with the topic to let your audience know that you are

a qualified source on this topic. The idea is to get your audience

to trust you.



– The thesis is the main idea of your speech. So, this

speech is to explore your name as a symbol that has meaning in

society. Do be sure you include the idea of your name as a

symbol and your full name as part of your thesis statement.


Preview statement

– Tell us what your three main points will

be (see below, in the Body section). For example, “First, we’ll

discuss why I was named what I was named; next, I’ll explain

what my name means; and, finally, I’ll analyze the symbolic

meaning of my name.”




First main point

– Why were you named what you were

named? Tell us the story of each of your names.


Subpoint 1 – First name


Subpoint 2 – Middle Name(s)


Subpoint 3 – Last Name

*You may also include nicknames or choose not to talk

about one of your names. Just be sure you’ve broken your

first main point into subpoints.


Second main point

– What does your name mean in terms of

research you learn online ? Use your library and Internet

research to provide the meaning of your name as it relates to

various cultures.


Subpoint 1 – First name


Subpoint 2 – Middle Name(s)


Subpoint 3 – Last Name

*You may also include nicknames or choose not to talk

about one of your names. Just be sure you’ve broken your

second main point into subpoints.


Third main point

– Symbolic Meaning of Your Name


America (Use the links and resources I’ve provided in these

assignment guidelines to help you develop this point).


Subpoint 1 – What do people who

have never met you think of your name? Are those

reactions similar to one another or do they differ

depending on the social position of the other people?


Subpoint 2 – Does the symbolism

of your name carry meaning in the broader culture or

within a particular subculture? If so, how?


Subpoint 3 – How do the life

experiences of others affect how they think of your name?

How do your own life experiences and observations affect

your own self-identity with your name?




Restate your thesis (from your introduction)


Restate your main points of the body of your speech.


Send us off with an inspirational close. This closing could be

a quotation, a story, or another inspirational ending. Please

avoid saying, “That’s it” or similar.


Behavior Change Contract Completion & Journal Entry Questions Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

After reading the ‘Journal’ page in the Semester Assignments folder and pages 15-17 in your textbook, submit your completed Behavior Change Contract here. Create a SMART goal (see pages 17-18 in your textbook). A sample of the contract is attached. Please re-create it in a Word document. For your signature on the document, just type your name on the signature line. Remember, this should be a semester long goal–not one that can be easily met in less than 12 weeks.

I have uploaded below the textbook and the sample of behavior

[supanova_question] Any forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and, except as required by law, the Companies assume no obligation to publicly update or revise such statements to reflect new information, subsequent or otherwise.

Neither the Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this Press release.

SOURCE GreenSpace Brands


Purpose of 3 F Method Concept Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In this week’s reading, the concept of 3-F Method is introduced. Discuss the purpose of this concept and how it is calculated. Also perform your own research/analysis using these factors and provide your assessment on whether the United States need to introduce top talents in the field of big data and cloud computing by using bibliometrics.

  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Need 700 words
  • No Plagarism

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources. Use proper citations and references in your post.


Prairie State College Tuki The Power in a Name Paper Business Finance Assignment Help




Attention getter

– Use a story or quotation (or other

attention getting device) to get us started. Note: You should

only introduce yourself and your name as part of your thesis

statement. Begin your presentation with your quotation or story,

with nothing else before it. The attention getting device should

be relevant to the topic.


Audience Relevance

– Provide a rationale for listening to

your speech. That is, why should your audience tune in to your

speech? Do names provide us with a particular insight into our

cultural and/or familial backgrounds? Does understanding each

other’s names help us understand each other a little better?



– Cite a source or describe your personal

experience with the topic to let your audience know that you are

a qualified source on this topic. The idea is to get your audience

to trust you.



– The thesis is the main idea of your speech. So, this

speech is to explore your name as a symbol that has meaning in

society. Do be sure you include the idea of your name as a

symbol and your full name as part of your thesis statement.


Preview statement

– Tell us what your three main points will

be (see below, in the Body section). For example, “First, we’ll

discuss why I was named what I was named; next, I’ll explain

what my name means; and, finally, I’ll analyze the symbolic

meaning of my name.”




First main point

– Why were you named what you were

named? Tell us the story of each of your names.


Subpoint 1 – First name


Subpoint 2 – Middle Name(s)


Subpoint 3 – Last Name

*You may also include nicknames or choose not to talk

about one of your names. Just be sure you’ve broken your

first main point into subpoints.


Second main point

– What does your name mean in terms of

research you learn online ? Use your library and Internet

research to provide the meaning of your name as it relates to

various cultures.


Subpoint 1 – First name


Subpoint 2 – Middle Name(s)


Subpoint 3 – Last Name

*You may also include nicknames or choose not to talk

about one of your names. Just be sure you’ve broken your

second main point into subpoints.


Third main point

– Symbolic Meaning of Your Name


America (Use the links and resources I’ve provided in these

assignment guidelines to help you develop this point).


Subpoint 1 – What do people who

have never met you think of your name? Are those

reactions similar to one another or do they differ

depending on the social position of the other people?


Subpoint 2 – Does the symbolism

of your name carry meaning in the broader culture or

within a particular subculture? If so, how?


Subpoint 3 – How do the life

experiences of others affect how they think of your name?

How do your own life experiences and observations affect

your own self-identity with your name?




Restate your thesis (from your introduction)


Restate your main points of the body of your speech.


Send us off with an inspirational close. This closing could be

a quotation, a story, or another inspirational ending. Please

avoid saying, “That’s it” or similar.


Behavior Change Contract Completion & Journal Entry Questions Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

After reading the ‘Journal’ page in the Semester Assignments folder and pages 15-17 in your textbook, submit your completed Behavior Change Contract here. Create a SMART goal (see pages 17-18 in your textbook). A sample of the contract is attached. Please re-create it in a Word document. For your signature on the document, just type your name on the signature line. Remember, this should be a semester long goal–not one that can be easily met in less than 12 weeks.

I have uploaded below the textbook and the sample of behavior

[supanova_question] Any forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and, except as required by law, the Companies assume no obligation to publicly update or revise such statements to reflect new information, subsequent or otherwise.

Neither the Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this Press release.

SOURCE GreenSpace Brands


Purpose of 3 F Method Concept Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In this week’s reading, the concept of 3-F Method is introduced. Discuss the purpose of this concept and how it is calculated. Also perform your own research/analysis using these factors and provide your assessment on whether the United States need to introduce top talents in the field of big data and cloud computing by using bibliometrics.

  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Need 700 words
  • No Plagarism

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources. Use proper citations and references in your post.


Prairie State College Tuki The Power in a Name Paper Business Finance Assignment Help




Attention getter

– Use a story or quotation (or other

attention getting device) to get us started. Note: You should

only introduce yourself and your name as part of your thesis

statement. Begin your presentation with your quotation or story,

with nothing else before it. The attention getting device should

be relevant to the topic.


Audience Relevance

– Provide a rationale for listening to

your speech. That is, why should your audience tune in to your

speech? Do names provide us with a particular insight into our

cultural and/or familial backgrounds? Does understanding each

other’s names help us understand each other a little better?



– Cite a source or describe your personal

experience with the topic to let your audience know that you are

a qualified source on this topic. The idea is to get your audience

to trust you.



– The thesis is the main idea of your speech. So, this

speech is to explore your name as a symbol that has meaning in

society. Do be sure you include the idea of your name as a

symbol and your full name as part of your thesis statement.


Preview statement

– Tell us what your three main points will

be (see below, in the Body section). For example, “First, we’ll

discuss why I was named what I was named; next, I’ll explain

what my name means; and, finally, I’ll analyze the symbolic

meaning of my name.”




First main point

– Why were you named what you were

named? Tell us the story of each of your names.


Subpoint 1 – First name


Subpoint 2 – Middle Name(s)


Subpoint 3 – Last Name

*You may also include nicknames or choose not to talk

about one of your names. Just be sure you’ve broken your

first main point into subpoints.


Second main point

– What does your name mean in terms of

research you learn online ? Use your library and Internet

research to provide the meaning of your name as it relates to

various cultures.


Subpoint 1 – First name


Subpoint 2 – Middle Name(s)


Subpoint 3 – Last Name

*You may also include nicknames or choose not to talk

about one of your names. Just be sure you’ve broken your

second main point into subpoints.


Third main point

– Symbolic Meaning of Your Name


America (Use the links and resources I’ve provided in these

assignment guidelines to help you develop this point).


Subpoint 1 – What do people who

have never met you think of your name? Are those

reactions similar to one another or do they differ

depending on the social position of the other people?


Subpoint 2 – Does the symbolism

of your name carry meaning in the broader culture or

within a particular subculture? If so, how?


Subpoint 3 – How do the life

experiences of others affect how they think of your name?

How do your own life experiences and observations affect

your own self-identity with your name?




Restate your thesis (from your introduction)


Restate your main points of the body of your speech.


Send us off with an inspirational close. This closing could be

a quotation, a story, or another inspirational ending. Please

avoid saying, “That’s it” or similar.


Behavior Change Contract Completion & Journal Entry Questions Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

After reading the ‘Journal’ page in the Semester Assignments folder and pages 15-17 in your textbook, submit your completed Behavior Change Contract here. Create a SMART goal (see pages 17-18 in your textbook). A sample of the contract is attached. Please re-create it in a Word document. For your signature on the document, just type your name on the signature line. Remember, this should be a semester long goal–not one that can be easily met in less than 12 weeks.

I have uploaded below the textbook and the sample of behavior


Alabama Southern Community College Week 2 Leadership Teams Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Alabama Southern Community College Week 2 Leadership Teams Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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