Alcorn State University English Language Proficiency Question Humanities Assignment Help

Alcorn State University English Language Proficiency Question Humanities Assignment Help. Alcorn State University English Language Proficiency Question Humanities Assignment Help.

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Assignment Content

  1. Complete Option 1 or 2 below.

    Option 1: Reading Activity

    Scenario: You have 4 students in your 2nd-grade class who scored Emergent level in reading after taking the Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA). You will be working with these students in a small group and focusing on Fluency. Your goal is to work with them to get them to Basic level or higher.
    Access the English Language Proficiency Standards on the Arizona Department of Education website, and locate the 2nd-grade Reading Domain standards.
    Review Standard 3: Fluency, and compare the Pre-Emergent, Emergent, Basic, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate level performance indicators.
    Choose 1 or more performance indicators to focus on and create a 30-minute small group activity that will assess those indicators.
    Incorporate skills and strategies, including technology (if applicable), that would apply to this group of learners.
    Explain how your activity balances the students’ language needs and content needs with age-appropriate instruction.
    Submit your assignment.

    Option 2: Writing Activity

    Scenario: You have 4 students in your 3rd-grade class who scored Emergent level in writing after taking the AZELLA. You will be working with these students in a small group and focusing on Narratives. Your goal is to work with them to get them to Basic level or higher.
    Access the English Language Proficiency Standards on the Arizona Department of Education website, and locate the 3rd-grade Writing Domain standards.
    Review Standard 1: Narrative, and compare the Pre-Emergent, Emergent, Basic, Low Intermediate, and High Intermediate level performance indicators.
    Choose 1 or more performance indicators to focus on and create a 30-minute small group activity that will assess those indicators.
    Incorporate skills and strategies, including technology (if applicable), that would apply to this group of learners.
    Explain how your activity balances the students’ language needs and content needs with age-appropriate instruction.
    Submit your assignment.Resources

Alcorn State University English Language Proficiency Question Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

C 981 WGU Patient Retention and Acquisition Healthcare Business Plan Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical report and need guidance to help me learn.

In this task, you will create a business plan detailing a well-researched proposal of a solution to a real-world challenge or healthcare need (identified as “Patient Acquisition and Retention”). It is intended to be a professional document to persuade interested investors or executives at an organization to consider implementing your plan.

A. Summarize the following points:

  • the healthcare challenge or need
  • your proposed innovative solution
  • B. Discuss your value proposition by doing the following:

    1. Predict the anticipated benefits of the proposed solution in terms of health outcomes and population health.

    2. Explain how the key stakeholders identified in the prospectus could be impacted by the proposed solution.

    3. Evaluate how the proposed solution is unique or different from current care or service delivery.

    4. Discuss how the proposed solution optimizes value-based care and patient-centered care.

    C. Complete a strategic analysis by doing the following:

    Note: Depending on the type of solution proposed, the strategic analysis can be completed using a SWOT analysis or an IAF.

    1. Discuss the risks and opportunities that will impact the success of the proposed solution.

    2. Describe the market segmentation of the target population.

    3. Conduct a stakeholder analysis.

    4. Describe the regulatory and legal environment as relevant to the implementation of the proposed solution.

    5. Evaluate human resource needs.

    6. Describe how you would respond to challenges identified in the strategic analysis.

    a. Explain how success will be measured in addressing challenges.

    D. Complete a financial analysis by doing the following:

    Note: The analysis may be based on the initial financial assessment in the prospectus, but it should also include a thorough and comprehensive projection of feasibility and sustainability. The focus of the financial analysis is sustainability. The specific tools for financial analysis may change depending on the specific proposal and the supporting business model.

    1. Identify the resources required for the implementation of the proposed solution.

    2. Explain how the proposed solution could impact revenue.

    3. Describe the anticipated financial risks that could arise during the development and implementation of the proposed solution.

    4. Describe the measurements that will be used to monitor financial health and inherent challenges.

    E. Analyze the impact the proposed solution will have on health outcomes for individuals or the target population by doing the following:

    Note: The specific methods or approaches for determining health outcomes depend on the proposed solution. Measurements for assessing health outcomes may include qualitative and quantitative data that target individual or population data, clinical utilization, or other elements appropriate to the proposed solution.

    1. Compare anticipated health outcomes with existing health outcomes. Include data on the existing outcomes as part of your comparison.

    2. Discuss factors that will influence the improvement of health outcomes as a result of the proposed solution.

    3. Explain how you will measure improvement in health outcomes.

    F. Develop an operational plan that addresses the real-world challenges of implementing your proposed solution by doing the following:

    1. Describe the role of leadership in implementing the operational plan, including the following points:

  • the decision makers involved
  • the individuals responsible for implementing the proposed solution
  • 2. Evaluate any changes to organizational structure that are necessary to support the implementation of the proposed solution.

    3. Discuss the role of organizational culture in influencing the success of the proposed solution.

    4. Discuss modifications that might need to be made to the current workforce management practices in order to implement your proposed solution.

    Note: An example of a modification could be an identification of what expertise or personnel are needed.

    5. Describe the operational processes and risk factors that should be monitored to determine successful implementation progress.

    G. Complete the attached “Projected Outcome Chart” by doing the following:

    Note: The projected outcomes can be based on information in prompts A−F and other instruments for projecting outcomes, such as breakeven analysis and pro forma. Your response to part G3 may be in the format of a table, but this format is not required.

    1. Identify 2–3 key indicators to monitor progress and improve sustainability after the implementation of the proposed solution.

    2. Identify the type of measure for each of the indicators identified in part G1 (i.e., leading, real-time, lagging).

    3. Predict the best-case and worst-case scenario for each key indicator for years 1, 3, and 5.


    Acaydia School Importance of Accounting Documents to Investors Response Humanities Assignment Help

    Please respond to adrianna with 180 words

    considering I don’t have the book yet I would have to take a guess that

    Investors are the ones who benefit from company accounting documents, due to them being the ones that again are investing their time and money into the business they choose. these documents provide information about the companies revenue, expenses, profit and debt. it also gives them information about how long they have to pay these dues or even collect their revenue. these things are collected with documents that have their own specific purpose. the first step would be to collect all the information needed, then you would follow with a journal entry and record the transactions. you would then follow with a posting of the journal entry to the general ledger. the last thing to do would record a unadjusted trial balance and the end of the period. you then create a worksheet, here we adjust anything that is needed. you would also do this for the journal entries, adjusting any changes. after the company makes its changes they then call this the financial statement, followed by the “closing” of the book. there is many steps to the process.which makes accounting very important for the business.


    UNT Data Science & Big Data Analytics Discovering Analyzing & Visualizing Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

    Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.Requirements:

    • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
    • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
    • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
    • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

    You should not provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.


    Art History Grave Naiskos of an Enthroned Woman with an Attendant Question Humanities Assignment Help

    I’m working on a art writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.


    WRITE ONLY WHAT YOU SEE AND CAN DESCRIBE. (no header, no name, no date. Just write the paper.)


    1- Should be ONE AND A HALF PAGES of a description of an object you saw in the museum, or could “walk-around” in a virtual tour. Describe the COLOR (hue, saturation, luminosity), STYLE (new kingdom, Amarna, middle kingdom), PERSPECTIVE (for paintings), SHAPES, LINES, PROPORTION, SCALE

    2- Then HALF A PAGE of a description of a similar object from the textbook (Find the image in the attached document).

    The instructor specifically demanded NOT TO QUOTE ANYTHING.

    3- ONE PAGE of comparing and contrasting element by element. First compare/contrast color, then style… USE SAME ORDER you described them in the previous paragraphs should be the order in which you compare them in the third part. DON’T BE RANDOM.

    !! Times New Roman. 12 point font. 1.5 spacing. Normal Margins. Indent the beginning of paragraphs. !!

    4- Don’t bullet point or number stuff. No footnotes.

    The instructor asked us to run it through Grammarly of a word processor that has spellcheck before sending me a draft.



    Monroe College Success of Russel Simmons Entrepreneurship Case Study Writing Assignment Help

    I’m working on a case studies case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

    1. Question 1

      Instructions: Read Case Study in order to answer questions.
      Why do you think Russel Simmons has been successful as an Entrepreneur?

    2. Question 2

      How would you describe the Target Market that Russel Simmons is trying to appeal to?

    3. Question 3

      Russel Simmons grew up surrounded by hip hop music and culture. In what way did this give him an advantage in marketplace?

    4. Question 4

      BRAINSTORM:What is a business idea that you could pitch to Russel Simmons that would be appropriate for Russel Communications?

    5. Question 5

      Return on Investment (ROI): (Current Value- Beginning Value) / Beginning Value
      Russel Simmons invested $5,000 to start Def Jam and then later sold his business to Polygram Records for $100 million. What was Russel Simmons’ the Return on Investment (ROI)?

    Monroe College Success of Russel Simmons Entrepreneurship Case Study Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ATSU Strategic Management Plan & Mission Statement for Apple Incorporation Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

    PART 1:

    The course project is a strategic management plan for an organization of your choosing. Please read the Course Project – Introduction page in this module before attempting this assignment.

    Now it’s time to select a company that you’d like to use for the course project. It’s important that you choose a company that is easily researched. You’re going to need to find information on their current business practices and makeup. That can be very hard to do with small local businesses, but easier with larger publicly traded companies. It’s also important to choose a company that you’re interested in and want to learn about. This will make the project more engaging.
    For the assignment this week, write a paper that’s at least a page in length and completes the following:

    • Identify a company for which you wish to develop a strategic management plan. You may wish to conduct some preliminary research to help you understand a little more about the company you chose.
    • Provide a brief description of the company including what they do, what they’re known for, and their reputation within the current business environment.
    • Provide your reasons for selecting this company. Be thorough and specific with your explanation.

    PART 2:

    The next phase of your strategic management plan will require you to research your company’s history and existing strategic goals. Before we can make major improvements to the business, we first have to understand where they came from and what they’re currently trying to accomplish. Use reliable business sources, the company website, and any traditional appropriate sources to gather as much background information that you can.
    For the assignment this week, write a paper that’s at least two pages in length and addresses the following:

    • Detail the history of the business. Explain how they got their start but focus mostly on how their business has changed over the last 15 years. Provide a picture of how they adapt to change and any major obstacles that they’ve had to overcome.
    • Include some information on the top executives at the company and the role that they’ve played in those last 15 years.
    • Provide the company’s existing mission statement and code of ethics. In what way do they articulate their ethical practices through policies and public outreach and why is this important?
    • Identify two areas of concern ethically and explain those choices. Make sure to discuss why you feel that are areas of ethical concern. Think critically about where your chosen company has the potential for ethical dilemmas. For example, an accounting firm would be concerned with fraud.
    • Rewrite your company’s mission statement. The idea is to provide clarity and set the new strategic direction that you think the company should be moving towards. Include a paragraph explaining the changes that you’ve made and why.


    NATS 1740B York University Subsurface Water Ice Resources in Mars Research Science Assignment Help

    Topics can be drawn from anything in space, including: planets, asteroids, stars, stellar corpses, nebulae, galaxies, mysterious signals, even properties of the universe itself. It must be a real object, even if we’re not sure what it is. Pick as specific an object as possible – you can’t possibly cover “black holes” to any reasonable extent here, but you could discuss one specific black hole, for example. Do not pick a class of objects – it must be one singular object, with a specific name (no “comets” or “exoplanets” – but you can do a specific comet or exoplanet of interest). The more unique an object you select, the more original your report will be.

    Your object of research should be first chosen from a recent publication (see allowed date range below) in a scientific news story published in any popular science news outlet. Some examples of suitable science news sources are:

    PS: your object of research. Remaining 3 articles including one scholarly article. You will need to have at least four references listed in the reference list at the end of your report, including at least one that is an actual published journal article. The publication date of the article must be between January 19 and February 20, 2021.

    Instructions by Report Section – with REQUIRED headings. Your report should be broken down into the following sections, and these exact headings must be present.

    • Introduction
    • Discovery and Observation
    • What We Know
    • What We Don’t Know
    • Conclusion


    Manifest Destiny & Native Americans in The West Indian Girl School Days Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Mod 3 Reading Check: Manifest Destiny and Native Americans in the West

    • This week’s big theme is American expansion and growth into an overseas empire. But even before the Spanish-American War and the war in the Philippines, the US had long been expanding as the nation slowly industrialized over the 19th century. In this Reading Check, we’ll read a few primary sources (and a secondary source chart) to lay the philosophical foundation for the American Empire to come.

    Assignment Instructions

    Step 1: Analyze the sources.

    Read the linked sources below.

    First, take a look at these collected sources


    Then, read this excerpt



    Step 2: Short Reflection

    Using the sources linked above, as well as any background material, answer the following prompt in a double-spaced reflection paragraph (about 150-200 words). No formal citations required.

    Reflect and react to the sources in this assignment. In what ways did Manifest Destiny (the idea that Americans were God-divined to expand their “exceptional” culture across the continent) and westward expansion affect the Native American groups indigenous to the western states and territories? While the west symbolized “freedom” for Americans in the crowded eastern states, what did this period in the west mean for Native Americans?


    Rasmussen Personal Smartphone Use & Its Implication in Healthcare Presentation Writing Assignment Help

    You have just completed a technology usage assessment of the healthcare staff across departments, and it has come to your attention that several nurses occasionally communicate with medical providers through text on their personal cell phones, using their phone’s messaging service. The nurses found that they are able to meet their patient needs more quickly. Your assessment also discovered that a nurse used their personal cell phone to take a picture of a patient’s foot ulcer. The picture was posted on social media as a reminder to diabetics the importance of managing their blood sugars. As the nursing education manager it is your responsibility to ensure staff are following the hospital polices and your technology assessment has highlighted that the staff is in urgent need of HIPAA training and Smart Phone use.

    Using the scenario above create a mandatory training for all staff using PowerPoint with voice over including the following:

    • Examine personal Smart Phone use and its implications in Healthcare
      • Identify and explain a minimum of 3 unethical uses of Smartphones in healthcare (including text messaging and pictures)
      • Discuss potential benefits to appropriate Smartphone use in healthcare
    • Examine judicious use of Social Media and its implications in Healthcare
      • Potential benefits to appropriate use of Social Media in healthcare
      • Identify a minimum of 3 unethical uses of Social Media (as reviewed by NCSBN)
    • Describe regulatory bodies and Ethical Frameworks used to protect Personal Health Information (PHI)
      • Investigate the role of HIPAA, HITECH, and Nursing Code of Ethics
      • Determine the legal consequences associated with unethical or illegal Smart Phone and Social Media use.


    Alcorn State University English Language Proficiency Question Humanities Assignment Help

    Alcorn State University English Language Proficiency Question Humanities Assignment Help

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