Allied American University Global economy Electronic innovation and the government Writing Assignment Help. Allied American University Global economy Electronic innovation and the government Writing Assignment Help.
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Research Paper: Electronic innovation and the government
Each student will write a short research paper for a peer-reviewed research paper that pertains to the week’s assigned reading. This will be a detailed summary of the research paper and what you gained from the research. Each week, you will find an article/peer-reviewed research paper that pertains to the week’s assignment. If you have a difficult time, Google Scholar is a wonderful location to find these types of articles:
Once you find the article, you will simply read it and then write a review of it. Think of it as an article review where you submit a short overview of the article.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
• Be approximately 2-3 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
*All outside sources must be referenced and cited in your paper. All papers will be reviewed with a plagiarism software. Any references not properly referenced and cited will result in a 0 on your paper. Multiple violations will result in a failure for the course!
Allied American University Global economy Electronic innovation and the government Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Austrian Economics Snowden Cybercrimes Committed Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Question 1: Watch ONE of the following: Snowden, Swordfish, Takedown, or The Net. Identify
the cybercrimes committed, who committed them, the victims, and the
consequences of the crimes, if any. Do not simply recount the plot of
the movie. Discuss course concepts. How could law enforcement combat the
cybercrime depicted in the movie.
Question 2:What have you learned? Identify three course concepts that you did not
know eight weeks ago. What would you do to enhance the course? What did
you like about the course? (check file below to see topics about the online course.)
Question 3: Debate the issue of gun control. You have been assigned a pro or con
position. Support your arguments with research and statistics rather
than emotional appeals
Respond to student 1:
In the state of Missouri, the sex offender registry can be found through the Missouri State Highway Patrol website. A search of my home address revealed twenty-eight offenders reside or work within a two-mile radius and within a five-hundred-foot radius, there is one offender (Sex Offender Registry, 2020). The majority of twenty-eight offenders have been convicted of sex offenses against children. In Missouri, offenders are required to According to Elizabeth Letourneau (2018), victims of sexual abuse are faced with a higher risk of developing mental health issues like post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and depression within their lifetime, as well as, the possibility of chronic physical health issues like sexually transmitted diseases. Sex offenses are extremely intrusive, degrading, and humiliating for the victims. So yes, sex offenders need to treated differently. Society deserves to be protected from the offenders of these crimes that are living within their neighborhoods.
Respond to student 2:
The life of a prison inmate is not a life anyone should want. Living in a confined space without the freedom to do what you want, when you want, or how you want would be a difficult situation to handle. One thing that is challenging for prisoners and correctional officers to handle is the informal development of gangs and the violence that comes from within those gangs. Currently, prisons for men and women in the United States are very similar. However, there are some challenges that women face when sentenced to prison. Particularly challenging for women that are incarcerated are pregnancy and childbirth. There are only very few prisons that have programs for pregnant women to give birth to their children and to be given the opportunity to keep that child in their care while they complete their sentences. A goal of these types of programs was to motivate the mothers to change the behavior that led them to prison and reduce the rate of recidivism. Another challenge for women is for those that are already mothers and have to leave their children in the care of another family member and sometimes foster care.
Respond to student 3:
Should a juvenile offender become certified to be tried as an adult and found guilty, I do agree with the United States Supreme Court decision Roper v. Simmons (2005), banning the death penalty for offenders that were under the age of eighteen when they actually committed the crime. Also, in Graham v. Florida (2010), juveniles who have not committed murder may not receive a sentence of life without parole. Furthermore, I also agree with the decision in Miller v. Alabama (2012), which banned twenty-eight states from sentencing juveniles to mandatory life without parole for murder convictions. Finally, the age range of early adolescence, ages ten-thirteen, is when a juvenile should know the difference between right and wrong. However, there are factors to be considered to determine whether a juvenile in that age range knows right from wrong, such as mental capacity or learning disabilities.
Factor Structure Risk Rate Average Return and Bond Convexity Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
1. A 5-year bond with face value $1,000 (paid at maturity) and coupon rate 5%
(coupon paid in arrears annually) has yield-to-maturity 4.5%. What is the
convexity of the bond?
2. Assume that stock returns follow a 2-factor structure. The risk-free return is
3%. Portfolio A has average return 8% and factor-betas 0.7 and 0.9 (for
factor 1 and 2, respectively). Portfolio B has average return 10% and factor betas 1.2 and 1.1 (for factor 1 and 2, respectively). What is the average
return for portfolio C that has factor-betas 1 and 1 (for factor 1 and 2,
University of Phoenix Sessions VS Morales Santana Supreme Court Case Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
Visit the American Civil Liberties Union Supreme Court Cases website to see civil liberties cases that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on, organized by term. An additional resource is
Provide an analysis of the assigned case (Sessions V Morales-Santana) that addresses the following:
- The civil liberty that is addressed in the case, including the text of the amendment from the Bill of Rights that applies to the case
- An explanation of the Supreme Court’s involvement, including the following:
- The importance of the ruling (why it is significant)
- How the case moved through the lower courts to eventually be heard by the Supreme Court
- The powers granted to the Supreme Court by the constitution that allowed them to rule on the case
- Format your assignment as a 700-900 word paper in APA.
Include citations for all unoriginal ideas, facts, or definitions in an APA-formatted reference list.
Submit your assignment.
Alcorn State University How People Experience Illnesses Analysis Paper Humanities Assignment Help
“Being” Ill
The following podcast focuses on how people experience illness. Listen to the podcast and respond to the following prompt.
T (Links to an external site.)hinking Allowed: Couples and Chronic Illness First Segment (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
Thinking Allowed: Medically Unexplained Symptoms First Segment (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
People all get sick but can experience illness differently. They also have different experiences in negotiating the healthcare system. What kind of health challenges were described in the podcast? How do the institutions and organizations responsible for playing a role in delivering health services impact patient treatments and outcomes? Ultimately, who seems responsible for deciding the ultimate treatment that a patient receives? Use the paired concepts of “power” and “resistance” to frame your answer.
Your essay must consist of some keywords from Chapter 12, and also weave in some concepts from the podcast. It must be typed in Time New Roman, 12 fonts, and double-spaced. Your essay must also be a minimum of 250 to 350 words if you really feeling passionate about the assignment you can write more.
You must also have an APA formatted Running Head Title page.
Kennedy King College Harvesting Water from Water Droplets Paper Writing Assignment Help
Explore how the development of the scientific method impacts our worldview.
Identify a current problem in physics by searching for news articles and current events. One reputable source of news in physics is Choose one article, and in two pages, describe how the scientific method is being used to solve the problem mentioned in the article. Identify the initial observations that identified the problem, the hypothesis, tests, and any revisions of the original hypothesis.
Grading Rubric
F | F | C | B | A |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Not Submitted | No Pass | Competence | Proficiency | Mastery |
Not Submitted | Identified some of the steps in the scientific method but did not address the overall scientific method. | Identified most of the steps in the scientific method but did not address the overall scientific method. | Identified the steps in the scientific method but is unable to link the steps to the overall scientific method. | Correctly identifies the steps in the scientific method represented in the current research and explained how they relate to each other within the scientific method. |
Kennedy King College Harvesting Water from Water Droplets Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Substance Related and Addictive Disorders in the Film Leaving Las Vegas Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Pick a movie that portrays a character or characters who is/are experiencing a psychological disorder/mental illness. Alternatively, pick a movie that portrays an example of a certain type of therapy. Watch the movie and then please do the following:
1. Write a very brief summary of the movie. Give me some clear evidence that you watched it.
2. Write a description of how of the psychological disorder and/or the therapy that was portrayed. Also, select a theory from the class to incorporate in your response.
3. Write a critical analysis of how accurate or inaccurate you found the portrayal of the disorder/therapy. Show evidence of your knowledge of the psychological disorder/mental illness or the type of therapy (i.e. include information from class or the text). (For this part I added my table of contents so you can see what we’ve learned, please let me know what chapter you’d like to use the book for and I can send you some pages, or you can try to find the book which is Abnormal Pyschology A Scientist-practitioner approach 4th edition
Your total paper should be 2-3 pages in length, typed, and double-spaced. Please format your paper as a MS Word document or pdf.
Choose a movie from the following list:
1. Leaving Las Vegas
2. A Clockwork Orange
3. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
4. Boys Don’t Cry
5. Benny and Joon
6. Girl Interrupted
7. Seven
8. Mad Love
9. Rain Man
10. Shine
11. A Beautiful Mind
12. Madness of King George
13. Fight Club
14. The Fisher King
15. One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
16. Twelve Monkeys
17. Sybil
18. The Three Faces of Eve
19. Eating
20. The Silence of the Lambs
21. Pollock
22. Ordinary People
23. Analyze This/Analyze That
24. Final Analysis
25. Identity
ENGL 102 PU One Formal Plan on The Position of Video Games on Violence Humanities Assignment Help
6.1 Discussion
- Develop a formal argument plan/position paper for your research topic
After you have identified your issue, written your linked questions, and spent some time researching and thinking about your topic during the Exploratory Essay stage, you need to start planning your Researched Argument paper. Your argument plan will include:
- A position statement
- Rhetorical context analysis
- Audience analysis
- A claim
- A formal outline of your paper. You can build upon the informal outline you submitted last week.
Here is some information to help you construct your plan:
Position Statement: This is your answer to your issue question. Ideally, your new issue question emerges from the previous exploration of the topic. If you want to revise/change the issue question, you should discuss it with your professor, You should identify the issue question in the argumentative context, and then you should write your answer to the question. The statement should reflect your thoughts about the answer to your issue question. Your post should be based on the thinking you have done about this topic, and where you expect to be going with your position paper.
Rhetorical Context: (Explain the issue and the context of the issue. You may want to identify for whom this issue is important and what the various sides of the issue are.
Audience Analysis: Determine who the target audience for your argument is. Your target audience is your choice, so you should spend some time thinking about who they are and how you can reach them. You should think about the unstated assumptions, beliefs, attitudes and values of this audience.
Claim: Similar to a thesis statement, this is the claim you will make with this paper. Once you have determined your audience, you need to develop a claim based on your position which is targeted toward your chosen audience.
Reasons: These are the points you will make to support your claim and convince your audience. State the specific reasons why your claim is true.
* Be sure to include any other elements which might be important to your argument, such as:
Qualifiers and Exceptions: You may want to consider qualifiers and exceptions for your argument. These should be designed to make your argument stronger and may help you appeal to your audience. Note: Qualifiers are limits to your claim. They frame the claim so it is not absolute. Exceptions are situations or examples when your claim is not true.
Objection/Rebuttal: an argument against your claim, and the rebuttal (or reason why that objection is wrong) against that objection.
Common Ground: If you are developing a Rogerian style argument (see the PowerPoint on Argument Types in Unit 1), you will need to identify at least two sides of the issue and the common ground between these two sides.
Solution: if there is a solution you want to recommend either based on your position or on the common ground you have identified, you should identify it in your plan.
The following resource can be extremely helpful in organizing your argument plan. Please go to the Purdue Online Writing Lab and read the following sections: Strong Thesis Statements, Research and Evidence, Organizing Your Argument, and Rhetorical Strategies.
See page 415 in the textbook for different types of argument and further independent reading suggestions.
Reach out to your professor and ask for a conference or visit the Writing Center on any of three campuses to talk about your argument.
6.2 Discussion
- Compare, contrast and evaluate argument outlines
First, read the attached RA Outlines Samples.docx
Second, formulate one weakness and one strength for each of the two outlines.
Third, decide which outline is the stronger of the two and explain your decision.
Tip: you may want to consider elements of the argument (claim, reasons, refutation) and rhetorical appeals (logos, ethos, pathos) in your commentary.
Texas Woman’s University Compliance Law and Employee Survey Paper Law Assignment Help
1.Provide analysis about the case posted, the readings forwarded pertaining to how the government is now viewing compliance officers (SEC and DOJ). It used to be the case that compliance officers were presumed to be doing the right thing….not anymore. 6 paragraphs
DOJ charges Compliance Officer
2.a) In your last conversation with the management team at GoodBones, they asked you for some suggestions for improving the culture of the company. Since you just read something about employee surveys, you suggested this to the management team, and they love your idea!
They would like you to draft an employee survey that will give a good representation of the health of GoodBones overall.
Please draft an employee survey of no more than 25 questions that the management team can review and comment on prior to releasing to employees.
Be sure to include a brief introduction to the survey for employees explaining the purpose (and any other thoughts you have about encouraging them to complete the survey).
2.b) Discuss how you might utilize surveys of employees for monitoring compliance. When would a survey be a good idea? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following:
- Utilizing a vendor with standardized survey
- Drafting your own survey
- Adding questions to an existing employee survey
ART 45A KKC Historical Impact of Chicago Art on Modern Culture Society & Workplace Paper Writing Assignment Help
Determine the historical impact of art on modern culture, society, and the workplace.
Your local library has decided to hang artwork in its lobby. You volunteer at the library and heard that the director of the library plans to go to the mall and buy artwork off the shelf in a home decor store to decorate the walls.
You are outraged, and feel that the library presents an ideal space for more meaningful public displays. After all, your town has such a rich and interesting history, and there are some artists and craftspeople living in the area. You decide to approach the City Council Chair to voice your concerns, but he informs you that the library is on a tight budget, and he doesn’t see the need to spend too much of tax payers money on “decorations.”
You now plan to attend the next City Council meeting to convince the town to do more with the exhibiting space at the library, and that it doesn’t have to be expensive if the displays are cultivated from regional resources.
For this assignment, you may use your current location, or pick another American city.
- List five significant creations in your city/town, such as buildings in different styles of architecture, bridges, and public art. Include the year each item was created.
- Arrange the chosen creations in chronological order, along with names of their creators.
- Explain the major styles/periods in art to which each of the five creations/selections relate. Include your rationale for your selection.
- Identify three additional local creative residents from the past and present, whose work could potentially be displayed at the library. List the forms of art for which they are known.
- Your timeline should be printable so that it can be distributed to City Council members and attendees at the meeting. Use the timeline templates found under the Insert tab to create a printable timeline.
- Clearly label your chosen location.
NOTE – Be sure the documents display proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.
Grading Rubric
F |
F |
C |
B |
A |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Did not Submit |
No Pass |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Not Submitted |
The timeline listed less than four significant creations from chosen city/town. Did not include any the creation years. |
The timeline listed four significant creations from chosen city/town. Did not include all of the creation years. |
The timeline listed five significant creations from chosen city/town. Include the creation year for four of the items. |
The timeline listed five significant creations from chosen city/town. Include the year each item was created. |
Not Submitted |
The chosen creations were listed but not in chronological order; did not include any names of their creators. |
The timeline arranged the chosen creations in chronological order; did not include all of names of their creators. |
The timeline arranged the chosen creations in chronological order, along with names of four creators. |
The timeline arranged the chosen creations in chronological order, along with names of their creators. |
Not Submitted |
The timeline poorly explained the major styles/periods in art to which each of the five creations/selections relate. Did not include rationales for any of the selections. |
The timeline adequately explained the major styles/periods in art to which each of the five creations/selections relate. Included a reasonable rationale for the selections. |
The timeline competently explained the major styles/periods in art to which each of the five creations/selections relate. Included a knowledgeable rationale for the selections. |
The timeline comprehensively explained the major styles/periods in art to which each of the five creations/selections relate. Included a meticulous rationale for the selections. |
Not Submitted |
The timeline identified one additional local creative residents from the past and present, whose work could potentially be displayed at the library. Did not listed the forms of art for which they are known. |
The timeline identified one additional local creative residents from the past and present, whose work could potentially be displayed at the library. Adequately listed the forms of art for which they are known. |
The timeline identified two additional local creative residents from the past and present, whose work could potentially be displayed at the library. Competently listed the forms of art for which they are known. |
The timeline identified three additional local creative residents from the past and present, whose work could potentially be displayed at the library. Comprehensively listed the forms of art for which they are known. |
Not Submitted |
The timeline is poorly detailed and not able to be printed. |
The timeline is basically detailed and able to be printed. |
The timeline is sufficiently detailed and able to be printed. |
The timeline is thoroughly detailed and able to be printed. |
Not Submitted |
The timeline had seven or more mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure. |
The timeline had six or less mistakes in spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure. |
The timeline had three or less mistakes in correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure. |
The timeline had correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, organization and sentence structure. |
2.b) Discuss how you might utilize surveys of employees for monitoring compliance. When would a survey be a good idea? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the following:
- Utilizing a vendor with standardized survey
- Drafting your own survey
- Adding questions to an existing employee survey