Am erican University of the Middle East Spain Spanish Worksheet Foreign Languages Assignment Help. Am erican University of the Middle East Spain Spanish Worksheet Foreign Languages Assignment Help.
I’m working on a spanish exercise and need guidance to help me understand better.
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I want someone to record his/her voice saying these sentences in Spain Spanish not Latin American Spanish so can know how to pronounce them.
Am erican University of the Middle East Spain Spanish Worksheet Foreign Languages Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Florida International Univ Reporting on Mass Shootings Guns and Violence Discussion Law Assignment Help
Research Paper:
Analyze a recent mass shooting which occurred in the US. Research and explain what transpired in detail and the aftermath. Research how the guns were obtained, if there were red flags before the mass shooting, the media coverage surrounding it, and the politics involved (NRA, law enforcement, and legislators).
Examine and compare, using the information acquired throughout this semester, what changes or enhancements (if any) can be made to prevent or make it more difficult for it to reoccur while maintaining the 2nd amendment right to bear arms. What can and should we do to keep safe? Explain what measures can be taken and the most appropriate/effective way to carry them out. Elaborate your thoughts objectively and clearly. Use facts and statistical data to justify your argument.
Research Paper Expectations:
- There is one paper assignment throughout this course. Dates for submission are available on the calendar below. Students will be required to submit responses to the prompt using citations, APA formatting, and high-level arguments to receive a good score. All papers must be a MINIMUM of 3 pages and MAXIMUM of 5 pages of body text NOT including the cover page or references.
- Papers must be written with 12 font Times New Roman, double spaced, and require a MINIMUM of 5 references.
- At least 3 of these references must be from scholarly articles; the additional 2 can reference your textbooks.
ART 200 American University of Puerto Rico Media Exploration Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Discussion: Media Exploration
In the assignment this week, we will examine the medium used in a work of art. First, however, we need to learn more about each medium. Sometimes, reading about a process is not as clear as watching it, so we will share videos and summaries about the process of using different types of media.
Initial Post Instructions
Select three (3) different types of media — each one from a different group. For example, conte crayon (Group 1), tempera (Group 2), and lost wax casting (Group 4). Locate and watch a video that shows the process associated with each selected medium. The video should show the steps involved in creating an artwork in that medium.
Try to select media that your peers have not already posted about. Title your discussion with the three media so it’s easy for others to see what you picked (e.g., “Watercolor, Stencil, and Wood”).
Media Group | Media |
Group 1: Drawing |
Specify type: charcoal, conte crayon, metalpoint, graphite, pastels, ink |
Group 2: Painting |
Specify type: oil, acrylic, watercolor, encaustic, fresco, tempera |
Group 3: Print |
Specify type: relief, intaglio, planographic, stencil |
Group 4: Sculpture |
Specify type: freestanding or relief; additive or subtractive; other descriptive details about medium type–stone, bronze, wood, clay, wax, papier-mache, terra cotta, sand casting, lost wax casting |
Group 5: Four-dimensional art |
Specify type: video, projection mapping, performance, new media |
For your initial post, address the following for each medium (3):
- Post a link to the video.
- Summarize the process for creating an artwork in that medium.
- What do you think are the benefits of using the medium?
Secondary Post Instructions
Respond to two of your peers. Post an example of an artwork done in one medium your peer summarized (either link or uploaded image). Explain the significance of the medium in the work. How does the medium contribute to the effectiveness of the artwork?
Note: You may need to conduct additional research on the specific artwork and how the medium was used.
This is not meant to be an “I agree” or “I disagree” sort of response, but rather an exchange of ideas and opinions backed with support.
- Do not repeat your peers’ posts.
- Do not repeat your own initial post as a response to a peer.
- Consider the secondary posts like a conversation with your peers. Connect to what was said by going beyond, digging deeper, exploring further.
Writing Requirements & Grading
- Minimum of 1 initial post and 2 secondary posts
- Initial post length (suggested): 250-400 words
- Secondary post length (suggested): 200-300 words
- Sources cited in APA format
Florida Atlantic University Business Management Case Study Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
Quality Compliance at the Hawthorne Arms (see index for 7th edition or Case #2, pp 287-288 of the textbook 6th ed).
- Prepare 1,000 word paper in proper APA format that explains, discusses, and analyzes the Global HRM and recruiting activities in the case.
- Respond to the questions in the case on page 288 while adhering to the writing and APA formatting requirements.
- Include concepts that will contribute to best practices in recruiting, selection, and decision-making efforts while adhering to laws, ethics, cultures to ensure an effective human resources strategy.
- You will need at least 7 peer-reviewed references.
- Optional: Submit your paper to the SafeAssign Draft link in the box below to check your “originality” score. Make corrections as desired.
- When you are prepared to submit your assignment for grading, please submit to the “View/Complete” link below that is located in this box.
Additionally, international HRM/GHRM courses are every evolving and changing due to the global landscape, please use materials from 2009 – present as peer review, books, journals. You may use Google Scholar but NO;; HTML, or websites with advertising.
Bristol University Precisionists & MoMA Modern Art in the USA Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a art question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Choose one of these 8 questions – whichever you find easiest.
Essay should be between 2,000 – 2,500 words and no references are needed unless you include a direct quote.
1. What were the key factors that led to the development of modern art in the US in the first two decades of the twentieth century?
2. In what ways did the Ashcan School engage with daily life in New York City?
3. How did the Precisionists portray the modern city?
4. In what ways did artists of the Harlem Renaissance address the nature of African American experience?
5. To what extent did MoMA encourage the development of modernism in the USA?
6. Assess the significance of government initiatives in supporting the visual arts during the Great Depression.
7. ‘Georgia O’Keeffe’s landscapes of the American south-west drew on a variety of visual influences.’ Discuss.
8. ‘Surrealism provided a catalyst for numerous American artists.’ Select two American artists and assess the influence of Surrealism on their work.
CHIN 3062 Dalhousie University Lu Xuns A Madmans Diary Discussion Response Writing Assignment Help
You need to write three paragraphs:
Paragraph 1: Comprehension
Paragraph 2: Reflection
Paragraph 3: Application
Focus (all three paragraphs): This applies to all three paragraphs. Your writing should be clear and focused. It should have a strong flow of ideas. Every sentence serves a purpose.
Elaboration (all paragraphs): Your response should be fully developed with examples and details. That is, Your response is supported with strong supporting details and examples. For paragraph one, you need to provide details and examples from the story. For paragraph two, you need to provide detailed explanations for your reflection. You need to explain clearly why you think so / why you feel this way. For paragraph three, you need to provide details and examples from the world/life around you.
In sum, your answer must show your comprehension, reflection, and application. Also, the length requirement for the in class reader’s response is 3 paragraphs, 3-4 pages; double spaced.
CHIN 3062 Dalhousie University Lu Xuns A Madmans Diary Discussion Response Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Capella University Classical Conditioning and Operant Learning Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
General Guidelines
Your responses should be substantive and demonstrate your understanding of the material. In this, and in all of your courseroom posts, be sure to keep your tone respectful and professional. Use the name of the peer you are addressing. Cite any references according to APA guidelines.
Unit 3, Discussion Prompt Option 1
What Do You Think?Antecedents are events that occur before a target behavior. Read Figure 4-1: Classical Conditioning and Operant Learning from Brief Interventions and Brief Therapies for Substance Abuse on how antecedent stimuli play a role in controlling respondent behavior and understanding operant behavior in addiction. Discuss your interpretation, thoughts, or questions.
PUH 6304 CSU Community Suffering and Desolation From Alcohol and Drug Abuse PPT Writing Assignment Help
Identify a public health issue in your community. Imagine you are the president/chief executive officer (CEO) of a public health organization (make sure to create an imaginative name for your organization and to imagine the name of your initiative or intervention). Create a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation that would incorporate your organization and the initiative for the community you have chosen.
- Explain the role of your community and constituency engagement in this initiative or intervention as well as policy development for the public health issue identified.
- Provide an explanation of the use of performance measures and standards in public health practice and policy development for the initiative or intervention.
- Explain what challenges your public health leaders will face in their management of community and constituency engagement and how that might influence policy development initiatives.
- Address how your public health leaders and managers would manage performance challenges at the many different levels of the public health system.
Slides should be designed as if you were giving a presentation in person. Use the notes section of PPT to fill out the content pointed to in the slides. Click on the link below to view the PPT resource created by the CSU Writing Center. It will guide you through best practices for creating a professional presentation.
Your presentation should have at least eight slides (excluding the title and references slides). Provide references in APA format where necessary with at least one peer-reviewed or academic journal article. Also, make use of images and examples where necessary.
PSY 7708 Capella University Respondent and Operant Behaviors Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
In the science of behavior analysis there are two types of conditioning. Respondent behaviors can be thought of as reflexes that are elicited by stimuli. While operant behaviors can be thought of as behaviors that are maintained by environmental consequences and evoked by environmental stimuli.
- In correct ABC (three term contingency) format, provide three operant examples and explain why they are operant conditioning.
- In correct S-R (two term contingency) format, provide three examples of respondent conditioning and explain why they are respondentDoesnt have to be that long about 250-300 words just a discussion
Colorado College Fuller Concern Checklist on the Education Field Discussions Writing Assignment Help
Please reply to all discussion boards
Part 1
I completed and reflected on Fuller’s Concern Checklist. The category I was the most concerned about was the Impact category, then was the Self category, and finally the Task category. Knowing that Impact is the area of the most concern it can affect my ability in the classroom because it could lead to me being anxious about how I am affecting my students and whether they are learning. Being that Impact is my highest area of concern, knowing this allows me to be able to work on how I will connect with my students and I can learn ways to assist in helping students develop a good relationship with the course material and wanting to learn. I can also reach out to peers and ask how they connect with their students and ask how they recognize when they are impacting their learners.
Part 2
Three examples that I would like to discuss on how Mrs. Dodge might have helped Anna understand the concept discussed in the case history is first Mrs. Dodge could have encouraged Anna instead of belittling her in front of the entire class. She could have encouraged her by assisting Anna in working out the problem she gave her in a step by step method. She could have used art as a way of helping Anna to understand based on her love of drawing pictures. Second she could have given Anna a real chance to answer instead of moving on to another student. This would have allowed Anna to speak up about not understanding and possibly being able to receive some extra help. Third I would say that Mrs. Dodge could have pulled Anna aside after class to discuss how she could better encourage Anna to want to learn more about math or to at least better understand it so that she is able to retain something. As well Mrs. Dodge could have created the groups where students who were good in math were divided up amongst the class so that they could assist the learners who didn’t understand or know how to do the work. I have seen where some learners do better with peer to peer learning. These methods were based off of our text on The teacher and culture, linguistic, socioeconomics bias in the classroom.
Part 3
S Schoolwide Expectations |
Learning Time
0-2 |
Transition (Hallways) 0 |
0-1 |
Arrival & Dismissal 0-1 |
Physical Education
0-3 |
0-2 |
0-2 |
Self-Control |
-Remain seated -Follow directions |
-Walk quietly in the hallway. -Make it to your next class on time. |
-Walk quietly |
– Be considerate of others -Walk quietly through the halls. |
-Walk to the door and line up quietly. -Keep hands and feet to self. |
Stay seated at all times until your stop. -Keep aisle clear. |
-Remain seated -Keep hands and feet to self. -Be patient. |
Take Responsibility |
-Come prepared with all tools needed. -Ask for permission for things outside of the learning curriculum. (i.e. getting up, talking, etc.) |
-Keep up with your belongings. – |
-Pick up trash -Wash hands (Birthday song) |
-Place and return all items to proper place. |
-Treat others as you would like to be treated. -Pick up all equipment used. |
-Follow safety expectations. -Keep all belongings together. |
-Bring lunch money or lunch bag. -Be patient and do not push or shove
– |
On Time and Ready |
-Participate -Stay on task -Come ready to learn. |
-Be prepared with all the necessary tools needed. |
-Use time wisely -Only go when needed. |
-Follow daily routine and schedule based on how you arrive and are dismissed. I.e. Bus rider or car rider. |
-Come dressed and ready to participate |
-Enter and Exit |
-Do not be late back to class |
Respect |
-No talking during lessons. -No talking back. -Raise hand to talk. |
-Keep hands at your side or behind your back. |
-Respect people space -Respect school property. |
-No talking during morning or afternoon announcements -Listen to announcements quietly. |
-No fighting -Return all equipment. |
-Stay seated -No fighting |
-Use good manners. -Be respectful to staff. |
Make a positive difference |
-Try your best -Be kind to your peers and encouraging -Help others |
-Be a good example to your peers. |
-Keep restroom clean -Pick up after yourself |
-Come ready to learn. -Be respectful to peers |
-Be respectful to others. -Share |
-Help others -Be respectful and show positive manners. |
-Keep area clean -Pick up trash. -No throwing food. |
Your presentation should have at least eight slides (excluding the title and references slides). Provide references in APA format where necessary with at least one peer-reviewed or academic journal article. Also, make use of images and examples where necessary.