Amar’s Paper – I need a paper on the below topic Writing Assignment Help. Amar’s Paper – I need a paper on the below topic Writing Assignment Help.
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CLA 2 Comprehensive Learning Assessment 2 – CLO 4, CLO 5, CLO 6
CLA-2 should be the continuation of your PA1, CLA1 and PA2.
Demographic variables are widely used by marketers to learn about their customers’ differences in terms of age, income, gender, generations…etc.write a minimum of 7 pages APA formatted paper discussing the differences between generation Y (Gen Y) and generation Z (Gen Z) in terms of their shopping behavior, buying habits, and attitudes toward brands and companies.
Gen Y: Gen Y, or Millennials, were born between 1980 and 1994. They are currently between 25-39 years old.
- Gen Y.1 = 25-29 years old (31 million people in U.S. as of April, 2020)
- Gen Y.2 = 29-39 (42 million people in U.S. as of April, 2020 )
Gen Z: Gen Z is the newest generation to be named and were born between 1995 and 2015.
They are currently between 4-24 years old (nearly 74 million in the U.S.)
How would you utilize Hofstede Cultural Dimensions to learn about generation Y and Zin different cultures?
Please make sure provide a brief comparison between Generational value to the Hofstede cultural dimension
*Please refer to the Grading Criteria for Comprehensive Learning Assessments (CLAs) in the University Policies for specific guidelines and expectations.
Amar’s Paper – I need a paper on the below topic Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Anglia Ruskin University Chelmsford Best Practice Instructional Programming Essay Writing Assignment Help
You will write a 3 page essay use the book, and source provided . You can use 1 outside sources. No Plagerism.
As a leader in special education in an educational institution of personal interest, develop a description of best-practice instructional programming for students with high incidence disabilities involving emotional, behavioral, and communication disorders to include:
- A comprehensive description of the types of available special education programs and inclusionary opportunities in regular education classrooms to legally meet these students’ educational needs.
- How the effectiveness of these special education programs and regular education inclusionary opportunities for these students would be regularly evaluated.
- How special education teachers for these special education programs as well as regular education teachers would receive on-going training to effectively meet these students’ educational needs.
Length: 3 pages, not including title and reference pages
References: Minimum of three scholarly resources
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
the book is attached below…
solve these 16 problems in the attached file Mathematics Assignment Help
The attached file named “Chapter 4 Formula Sheet” includes the formulas you need to solve the problems in the attached file named “Math_129_Fall_2020_final_exam“
* Show your work in detailed steps.
• All answers must be exact expressions, not decimal approximations, e.g. give √ 2 or e, not 1.414 or 2.718, unless otherwise specified.
• Financial problems’ answers must give monetary amounts to the nearest cent.
• Simplify all answers to the maximum possible extent.
• Scientific calculators are allowed, but no graphing calculators or cell phone calculators.
• Linear systems of equations must be solved algebraically. The linear programming question (#15) must be solved algebraically and verified graphically.
• Please clearly mark your final answer in a circle or rectangle on your submission which will be scanned and uploaded. Also, write that final answer in the text box on the online form
Biology Power point Science Assignment Help
CLO’s used in this assignment.
- Understand and apply scientific terminology pertaining to the nature and conduct of
science. - Demonstrate how to distinguish science from pseudoscience through critical thinking.
In Week 8
- Understand and apply scientific terminology pertaining to the nature and conduct of
– You will choose a specific example of pseudoscience to present in class during Week
8. Your topic needs to be selected and approved by your instructor by the end of Week 5. You
*******Astrology is the topic used to do this assignment**********
1.) You will make a 1-page summary of Astrology, including how it qualifies as pseudoscience.
2.) Powerpoint presentation of 10 slides a minimum
You will need to make sure that any outside
sources used to support your work on these assignments are cited using APA format.
Try to add pictures, graphs, and charts when available. You can pull those from your articles you
If you’re having trouble getting started, I would remember the W’s. Who, What, When, Where,
Why, and How. Answer those questions and you’ll be off to a great start on any writing project.
Focus on why your topic is not scientific, think about the claims that are made, and how you
can tell they are false. If they claim to have proof, examine it, tell us why it doesn’t stand up to
scientific scrutiny.
a system of theories, assumptions, and methods erroneously regarded as
Advanced water treatment Engineering Assignment Help
Prepare a report about advanced water treatment from the attached papers including the following :
List of Tables
Provide the list of tables with CCE Harvard style referencing
List of figures
Provide the list of figures with CCE Harvard style referencing
Abstract (Minimum 1 page)
Abstract about Advance water treatment
Introduction (Minimum 3 pages)
Literature review (Minimum 5 page)
Summarized all papers
Methodology (Minimum 5 page)
Include all papers methods and details figures
Result & Discussion (Minimum 5 page)
Discuss all papers results and finding
Conclusion & recomindations (Minimum 1 page)
Summarized the finding and conclusion for all papers and give recommendations
References CCE Harvard style
Note :
I will provide technical papers as reference to prepare this report
summarized all the supplied papers
Same papers topic can be combined in one paragraph with reference
Report should be paraphrase (less than 10 % plagiarism)
Provide more figures
Minimum 25 pages for all the report (Arial 12 line spacing )
i will provide document for how to do CCE Harvard style
Deliverable 7 – Scholarly Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
Needs to be 17 pages counting 1 for cover page and 1 for references
- Create a research question for a study that will help fill a gap and provide benefits in a field.
- Design a research strategy in order to answer a research question.
- Evaluate research and data that can help answer the research question and support a hypothesis.
- Draft a paper that answers the research question based on findings.
- Revise research and writing based on feedback.
- Compose a report inclusive of research and data analysis.
You have received your master’s degree and now have a job in your field. Your boss has encouraged you to do research on a topic in your field and write a scholarly paper for publication. You remember that you took a graduate course in Research and Writing, in which you already did some work on a research question you have always been interested in. This will be an opportunity for you to pursue that research question in more detail and put everything together in a scholarly paper.
Create a research question you are interested in, conduct the research to answer that question, and write a complete scholarly paper on your question. This paper should contain the following sections:
- An introductory section that explains your research question, your purpose, and how your paper fills a deficiency or gap in the research. Also explain any limitations to your study and how you dealt with any potential ethical issues.
- A section reviewing the current literature on this topic. This section should discuss as least five relevant and current articles related to your research question.
- A section on the methods you followed to perform your research.
- A section on data collection and analysis.
- A section that details your findings.
- A concluding section that evaluates the usefulness of your study and any practical implications it has.
For writing assistance, please visit the Rasmussen College Writing Guide.
For help with APA, visit the Rasmussen College APA Guide.
Library databases such as the following are great resources for this project:
- Health Sciences
- Business
Another database that you may be interested in knowing about is ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. You can view original research, view research design, data gathering techniques, etc.
Grading Rubric
F |
F |
C |
B |
A |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Did not Submit |
No Pass |
Competence |
Proficiency |
Mastery |
Not Submitted |
Introduction contains insufficient explanations of the following:
OR |
Introduction contains basic explanations of all of the following:
Introduction contains thoughtful explanations of all of the following:
Introduction contains comprehensive explanations of all of the following:
Not Submitted |
No literature review |
Basic literature review with a minimum of five relevant and current articles/studies. |
Thoughtful literature review with a minimum of five relevant and current articles/studies. |
Clear and thorough literature review of more than five relevant and current articles/studies. |
Not Submitted |
Insufficient or no explanation of the methods followed to perform the research. |
Basic explanation of the methods followed to perform the research. |
Thoughtful explanation of the methods followed to perform the research. |
Clear and thorough explanation of the methods followed to perform the research. |
Not Submitted |
Insufficient or no explanation of data collection and analysis. |
Basic explanation of data collection and analysis. |
Thoughtful explanation of data collection and analysis. |
Comprehensive explanation of data collection and analysis. |
Not Submitted |
Insufficient or no summation of findings. |
Basic summation of findings. |
Thoughtful summation of findings. |
Comprehensive summation of findings. |
Not Submitted |
Conclusion contains insufficient or no evaluations of the studies usefulness or any practical applications. |
Conclusion contains brief evaluations of the studies usefulness and any practical applications. |
Conclusion contains Thoughtful evaluations of the studies usefulness and any practical applications. |
Conclusion contains clear and thorough evaluations of the studies usefulness and any practical applications. |
Not Submitted |
Major errors or omissions in APA formatting. |
Minor errors or omissions in APA formatting. |
Minimal errors or omissions in APA formatting. |
No errors or omissions in APA formatting. |
Not Submitted |
Spelling and grammar errors are numerous. |
Spelling and grammar errors are evident but infrequent. May distract reader from the message. |
Spelling and grammar errors are rare and do not distract the reader from the messages. |
No spelling or grammar errors. |
Deliverable 7 – Scholarly Research Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MN 552 Unit 10- Create SOAP Scenarios Health Medical Assignment Help
Watch the following videos, then complete the required assignment. Review the document in Course Resources for instructions on accessing the videos.
Lab 1
OSCE Clinical Skills
Falls 20:51
Upon completion of watching the video write up the scenario into a SOAP format. Is there anything you would do differently on your plan?
Lab 2
OSCE Clinical Skills
Memory Loss 26:57
Upon completion of watching the video write up the scenario into a SOAP format. Is there anything you would do differently on your plan?
Lab 3
OSCE Clinical Skills
Childhood and adolescent obesity 29:52
Upon completion of watching the video write up the scenario into a SOAP format. Is there anything you would do differently on your plan?
Translate 7 latin sentences Foreign Languages Assignment Help
1. Caesarī timor mortis non fuit. Quamquam ā suīs hostibus interfectus est, tamen fāma illīus semper immortālis erit.
^give the gender, case, number, and function of the bolded word
2. Auxilium ā deā quae clara sapientiā est petimus. Age, o socī, venī mēcum ac fer ea dōna in eius templum.
^give the gender, case, number, and function of the bolded word
3. Ubi est vestra soror, o amīcae? Mihi dīcite: sī enim domum mox nōn veniet, ad forum sine eā ībimus.
^identify the type of conditional
Nē donāveris pecūniā istum patrem conscrīptum, malum virum! Quī falsa
populō dīxit ac auxilium hostibus dedit. Quoniam haec ēgit, in exilium
mittētur atque fēminā fīliāque carēbit.
^identify the type of independent subjunctive
5. Sī bona facta prō
incolīs oppidī facerētis, o mīlitēs, ab eīs amīcī habērēmini. Sed nihil
nunc facitis, nec rēgīnae fortī parētis.
^identify the type of conditional
6. Quod oppidum inimīco rēgī ā cīvibus miserīs trāditum est? Discēdentne ā suā provinciā atque Rōmam vēlum dabunt?
^give the person, number, tense, voice, and mood of the bolded verb.
7.Whose (s.) songs are a source of joy to the boy? -Write in Latin-
speech pathology questions Writing Assignment Help
. Discuss the relationship between aphasia, apraxia, and dysarthria. List and describe 3 different aphasia syndromes and 3 types of dysarthria. Discuss 3 specific therapy techniques for aphasia, 3 for dysarthria and 3 for apraxia in detail.
2. Describe fully the symptoms of stuttering and cluttering. Compare and contrast the 2 fluency disorders. Then discuss 3 strategies for reducing dysfluency and negative reactions in stuttering and 3 strategies for treating cluttering.
3.What are the primary goals of feeding and swallowing intervention for children? Discuss treatment options related to posture and position, diet modifications,equipment, maneuvers, oral motor treatments and sensory stimulation.
4. Define voice disorders and discuss the two major categories. List and describe in detail 3 intervention techniques for physiologic voice therapy and 3 techniques for symptomatic voice therapy.
For this assignment, you will choose a psychological disorder and explain in detail how it is either caused by a physiological defect or injury, or how it causes a physiological abnormality. 2 pages double Humanities Assignment Help
Paper details
For this assignment, you will choose a psychological disorder and explain in detail how it is either caused by a physiological defect or injury, or how it causes a physiological abnormality. Basically how does the disorder you chose affect someone physiologically, or how does a physiological abnormality affect someone’s behavior. Include how a biological psychologist would test someone for your disorder, and how they would treat them as well. This assignment should be approximately two to three pages long and should include information from our text and at least two outside resources. APA formatting is required for this. No abstract is needed, but please include a title page, in-text citations and a reference page.
Due before 11:30 Pm Tonight
[supanova_question] 29:52
Upon completion of watching the video write up the scenario into a SOAP format. Is there anything you would do differently on your plan?