American Advanced Technicians Institute Age Range React to Pandemic Discussion Writing Assignment Help

American Advanced Technicians Institute Age Range React to Pandemic Discussion Writing Assignment Help. American Advanced Technicians Institute Age Range React to Pandemic Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19), is a contagious respiratory and vascular disease that could spread via lots of ways, primarily involving saliva and other bodily fluids and excretions. The first case of covid-19 was found in Wuhan, China then rapidly spread all over the world. Common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, fatigue, breathing difficulties, and loss of smell and taste. These symptoms are like to the SARS disease because the virus strain SARS-COVID-2 is also related to the COVID-19. However, even SARS and Covid-19 are two similar diseases, the fatality rate of SARS is about 11%, while Covid-19 only has a fatality rate of 2%. The huge difference in the fatality rate between these two diseases causes society to gave different attitudes towards pandemics. In some people’s view, if you have a healthy immune system, you can recover from Covid-19, which means covid-19 is not a big deal for young people. The contemptuous opinion leads most youth groups to fight against governments’ restrictions such as stay-at-home, quarantine and wearing a mask outside mandatorily. People want freedom despite what the sequela symptoms will affect their body in the future. In this case, my question is how did the same age range population react in the past, and why they react differently towards these two disease, is it only because the fatality rate or is there any other inducer such as social media? How did governments issue restrictions and orders to calm down their citizens?

This is the main topic of my idea and the writing style should be nearly the same like this.

American Advanced Technicians Institute Age Range React to Pandemic Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SOC 2010 MTSU Gambling Problems vs Alcohol & Substance Use Problems Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The paper should address the following:

o What individuals, groups, categories, or classes of people claim that your chosen issue is a social
▪ What beliefs, values, or interests are motivating them?

▪ Are those concerned liberals, conservatives, both, or neither?

o What individuals, groups, categories, or classes of people, if any, are opposing such claims?
▪ What beliefs, values, or interests are motivating this opposition?

▪ Are those opposed liberals, conservatives, both, or neither?

o What are the major claims and arguments made by those seeking to have the condition defined as
social problem?

▪ What about those who oppose them? What facts are presented by each side?

▪ How do they seek to motivate people to take action? What actions are they seeking?

o What tactics and techniques do the groups involved employ?

▪ What strategies do they use to achieve their goals? How do they get their message out?

▪ How do they make use of the mass media?

▪ What resources do they have to help them get their message out?

o What outcomes does each side seek? What solutions do they propose?

▪ If multiple solutions are proposed, what are they and who is proposing them?

▪ Do liberals and conservatives offer alternative solutions? If so, what are they?

• 5-10 pages
• Typed using 10 or 12 point Times New Roman font
• double-spaced with one-inch margins
• saved as either a Microsoft Word or pdf file.

• Include a Reference page at the end of the paper (not included in the 5-10 page requirement)

o You must utilize 4-6 sources, with 3 that are scholarly

▪ The MTSU Library web site (you will have to login using your Pipeline credentials if
accessing from off campus) or other online search engines should be used to find resources
that might be useful.

▪ Information taken from other sources must be cited appropriately, using APA
style. Be sure to use APA citation for in-text and end of text references. Use the citation
help located under the Project folder in Content.

o NOTE: While the textbook and Taking Sides reader may be used as resources, students are
encouraged to find and utilize other resources as well, including scholarly research articles,
scholarly books, news articles or commentaries, and web sites.


MGMT 9050 CPCC Googles Wellness Programs Cultivate a Healthier Lifestyle Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Assume the position of a human resources manager. Your company does not have a wellness program
or you think the existing one needs to be upgraded. Conduct research on companies that have
implemented the best Wellness Programs. Choose one company, and based on your findings, make the
case to the senior leadership of your company or organization for a new or improved employee
wellness program. Outline the benefits of the wellness program for both the employees and the
organization as a whole. Discuss the impacts (both financial and non-financial) that effective stress
management, good health, and well-being can have on the organization. Use your research findings to
support your recommendation.


NSG 456 UOP Wk 1 Outcomes Management for the Practicing Nurse Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Assignment Content

  1. Evidence that supports a conclusion is part of the research process. Literature reviews often accompany research papers in the form of a summary and synthesis of the published information about the research topic. Although this week’s assignment is not a literature review, it is designed to familiarize you with the practice of finding appropriate sources and information on a topic.
    Find three original research articles that apply to your research topic. The articles must be research articles (not informative articles) that are

    • peer reviewed,
    • recent (published within 5 years), and
    • statistically significant.

    Using the following as headings in your paper, write a 260-word summary of each article in which you identify.

    • participants
    • independent variable(s),
    • dependent variable(s),
    • methods, and
    • results.

    Determine whether these articles are suitable for inclusion in a literature review for your research topic.

    • If they are not, explain why.
    • If they are, explain how the information can be used to inform practice.

    Compile the APA citations, the summaries and a link to the article in one document.
    Include a link to the article and APA citation for each article.Do not submit the article, just the link. Submit the links, the APA citations and summaries in one document.


CIS 102B University of Phoenix Acceptable Usage Policy Lab Report Computer Science Assignment Help

Answer the following questions:

1. Perform some Internet research and describe, to a new intern who wishes to learn about network security and asks you about something he heard about called a Zero-Day threat. Describe what it is and why they can be so dangerous to an organization. Ensure you properly cite your source using proper APA formatting.

2. You are producing a roll playing exercise for a company training on network security awareness. Write a script for a conversation between a social engineer (the attacker) and an employee (the victim) that would depict a successful social engineering attack and subsequent breach.

3. List three pros and three cons for each of the following Firewall devices: Cisco ASA NGFW, Watchguard Firebox, and SonicWall NSA

Part I: The Acceptable Usage Policy

The Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) is arguably the most well-known of the security policies. It defines what is and is not acceptable to do on an organization’s computers and other end devices. It is the one policy that every single employee of the organization is required to read, and in most cases sign prior to beginning their employment.

Using your readings from the textbook and your own personal research, you are to assume you

are writing an AUP for an organization.

Step 1: Expand the following statement to include pertinent details and protocols for the employees dealing with ownership. “Equipment and any proprietary intellectual property stored on the organization’s computers and end devices are the property of the organization.”

Step 2: Expand the following statement to include pertinent details and protocols for the employees dealing with network access. “Users will only access the information they are authorized to access.”

Step 3: Expand the following statement to include pertinent details and protocols for the employees dealing with privacy and consent to monitoring. “Anything users do on the organization’s network devices is not private. The organization will monitor what is being done on the computers at any time.”

Step 4: Expand the following statement to include pertinent details and protocols for the employees dealing with illegal use. “No one may use the organization’s computers for anything that breaks a law.” (This is often divided into many subheadings such as Introduction of malware, Hacking, Spamming, etc.)

Part II: Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

No organization can ever prepare “too much” to avoid the devastating results of a poorly planned backup and recovery strategy. In this lab exercise, you will develop a disaster recovery plan.

Using your readings from the textbook and your own personal research, answer the following items for the planning of a disaster recovery and business continuity plan.

Step 1: Form a disaster recovery team. Name and describe the important roles of a disaster recovery


Step 2: Plan a backup policy. Decide on and describe a proper backup plan for essential and non-essential data.

Step 3: Describe hot, warm and cold backup sites and how one, two or all three might play a factor in your backup plan.



PHI 301 PMI Deductive Arguments by Filling in The Conclusion Questions Humanities Assignment Help

This assignment has two parts. Make sure you complete both parts for full credit.

Part 1: Complete the following deductive arguments by filling in the conclusion (2 points each).

P: Celtic fans hate the Lakers.

P: Nancy loves the Celtics.


P: All the members of the track team shaved their heads

P: Mike is on the track team.


P: If it didn’t rain today, I’d have to water my roses.

P: I didn’t have to water my roses.


P: I can take Broadway, Speedway, or 22nd to get to work.

P: 22nd and Broadway are closed for construction.


P: If Karen publishes 3 articles she can keep her job.

P: Karen published 2 articles.


Part 2: Write four deductive arguments of your own, including the premises and conclusions. Please make the form valid and the conclusion sound. You can format them as classic syllogisms, or you may use a chain argument or another type of deductive argument if you prefer.

Points Possible: 29

Part 1: 2 points for each conclusion (10 total)

Part 2: 4 points for each argument (16 total)

3 points for writing level (LEVEL 2)

PHI 301 PMI Deductive Arguments by Filling in The Conclusion Questions Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Seton Hall University Business Contracts and Agreement Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Fix the assignment with the feedback attached here is original question

George Costanza has been offered a position as CEO of Kramerica, a large multinational electronics corporation. Costanza and the president of the Kramerica board, Cosmo Kramer, meet to discuss the terms of the agreement. They sketch out a compensation plan that includes a hefty salary and stock options worth several million dollars. In the spirit of cooperation, Kramer suggests that they use the same attorney to draw the agreement and agrees to have Kramerica pick up the tab. They set up a meeting with Elaine Benes, a well-respected local business attorney.

In the initial meeting, Kramer tells Benes, “We have already outlined all the key factors in George’s contract and just need you to help us formalize the terms. Now I want you to consider yourself as acting for George and for Kramerica, but Kramerica will be solely responsible for your fees. So what do you say, can you help us move this thing forward?”

Benes responds that she would be happy to help them out. She explains that she charges $185 an hour for her services and provides Kramer with a written fee agreement. The parties then discuss the specifics of their deal.

Shortly, thereafter, she phones Costanza to clarify some of the terms. In particular, she wants to know how long the vesting period is supposed to be for the stock options. He says, “Well. To tell you the truth, we never really discussed that. Make it two years. The fact is, I have already committed to move to Sydney in two-and-a-half years when my daughter graduates from law school here. I plan to work for another company over there. Please don’t mention that to Cosmo. It could kill our deal.”

Benes then calls Kramer and asks him what he thinks the vesting period is supposed to be. Kramer says, “I guess we forgot to spell that out in our prior discussions, but Kramerica’s standard vesting policy is 20 percent after three years, another 30 percent after five years, and then the balance after seven years. Just put that in.”

After talking to Kramer, Benes decides, in fairness to both parties, to “split the difference.” She writes up the agreement and presents it to both parties to sign.

Has Benes acted properly under the rules of professional conduct? Discuss.


Academy of Computer Education Enterprise Risk Management Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

Complete a reflection activity.

This discussion topic is to be reflective and will be using your own words and not a compilation of direct citations from other papers or sources. You can use citations in your posts, but this discussion exercise should be about what you have learned through your viewpoint and not a re-hash of any particular article, topic, or the book.

Items to include:

Q1) “Interesting Assignments” – What were some of the more interesting assignments to you?

Q2) “Interesting Readings” – What reading or readings did you find the most interesting and why? “Interesting Readings”

Q3) “Perspective” – How has this course changed your perspective?

Q4) “Course Feedback” – What topics or activities would you add to the course, or should we focus on some areas more than others?


  • APA Format 7th edition
  • Word count – 1000 words
  • References

Montasari, R., & Hill, R. (2019). Next-Generation Digital Forensics: Challenges and Future Paradigms. 2019 IEEE 12th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3), Global Security, Safety and Sustainability (ICGS3), 205.

Sahinoglu, M., Stockton, S., Barclay, R. M., & Morton, S. (2016). Metrics Based Risk Assessment and Management of Digital Forensics. Defense Acquisition Research Journal: A Publication of the Defense Acquisition University, 23(2), 152–177.

  • Digital Forensics

Nnoli, H. Lindskog, D, Zavarsky, P., Aghili, S., & Ruhl, R. (2012). The Governance of Corporate Forensics Using COBIT, NIST and Increased Automated Forensic Approaches, 2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2012 International Conference on Social Computing, Amsterdam, 734-741.

  • IRB

Implementing Regulatory Broad Consent Under the Revised Common Rule: Clarifying Key Points and the Need for Evidence. (2019). Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 47(2), 213–231.

  • IT Governance and IT Risk Management Practices

Vincent, N. E., Higgs, J. L., & Pinsker, R. E. (2017). IT Governance and the Maturity of IT Risk Management Practices. Journal of Information Systems, 31(1), 59–77.

Schiller, F., & Prpich, G. (2014). Learning to organise risk management in organisations: what future for enterprise risk management? Journal of Risk Research, 17(8), 999–1017.


Colorado Northwestern Community College Macroeconomic Factors Paper Engineering Assignment Help

1)Swetha siga

Part 1:

There are various macroeconomic factors that influence interest rates are such as unemployment, house prices, exchange rate, wage inflation, commodity prices, spare capacity, and inflation. The long-time unemployment in the country makes it hard for people to pay rent and purchase goods and increases interest rates. It automatically leads to a decrease in the growth of a nation. Another factor that influences interest rates more is that commodity prices. The increment in commodity prices leads to inflationary pressures since it makes imports to other countries expensive, increase the demand for exports. It results in depreciation in the exchange rate and increases interest rates. The actions were taken by the federal government also show a significant impact on interest rates because it contains the highest credit rating (Chyruk, 2020).

Macroeconomic factors most sensitive in selected industry

The industry in which I am working is the information technology (IT) industry. IT the industry is sensitive and affects the change in macroeconomic factors often. The macroeconomic factors that affect the IT industry are such as inflation, unemployment, savings, and investments. Inflation is a more sensitive factor that shows a significant impact on the industry because IT is high-paying industry and higher inflation lead to decrease profits in the IT industry, decrease the capability to invest in other businesses, and savings of industry. The longer unemployment leads to wage inflation and down salaries and decreases the employment rate.

Contemporary factors affect the chosen industry

The two contemporary factors that show a significant impact on the IT industry presently are such as international conflict and globalization. The international conflicts lead to increase barriers in importing and exporting goods between the nations. It also affects trades and changes the trade made between the nations that result from the change in currency exchange between the nations and change currency. So, international conflict is a sensitive factor that affects the IT industry. Another factor is globalization that directly affects interest rates paying by the industry. Because globalization involves more countries and allows firms to outsource services to firms in other countries (Ongena, 2018).

Part 2:

Stock valuation to finance firms’ operations

Based on the knowledge gained from provided materials on stock valuation, risks and returns, it is understood that stock valuation is a tool that helps the firm to collect information from various sources, evaluate stock, and create informed decisions that help to enhance the performance of a business and achieve desired growth of an organization. The firm uses it as a technique to determine the theoretical value of a stock that helps to determine the value of stocks and the price of the stock is over and under the value of the market price. Yes, financing the operations of an organization using stock is good than using bonds because stock valuation supports a firm to determine the stock value and its value in the current market and make decisions based on price. It helps to increase profits and finance operations well.

Importance of risk and return in financial decision-making

Based on the knowledge gained from materials, it is understood that risk is an unexpected problem to the business that leads to increase interest rates and decrease the amount received by a business invested in a specific project. Return is the amount received on a specific project. if the return on a project is greater than the amount invested in the project then business runs in profits otherwise lead to loss of finance. It is important for the organization to consider the factors such as risk and return in financial decision-making since making decisions without estimating risks and returns do not support the business to receive expected profits and run the business successfully (Utami, 2020).


Ajello, A., Benzoni, L., & Chyruk, O. (2020). Core and ‘crust’: Consumer prices and the term structure of interest rates. The Review of Financial Studies, 33(8), 3719-3765.

Arce, O., García-Posada, M., Mayordomo, S., & Ongena, S. (2018). Adapting lending policies when negative interest rates hit banks’ profits.

Utami, N. (2020). Analysis Of The Influences Of Dividend Payout Ratio, Return On Equity, Growth And Firm Size On Stock Value With Leverage As Mediating Variable. Jurnal Akademi Akuntansi (JAA), 3(1), 44-59.

2)Prathap anantha

Part 1

The organization will have to expand and grow its business so that the profitability is achieved, the organization have to build the facility to operate its new production and this includes the capital, income from the current production and leverage for the banks or financial institutions. The banks levy rate of interest on the leverages, the rate of interest can be changed based on the economic conditions in the country or the region. The inflation in the country results in the raise of prices of the daily commodities and this will impact the production costs and the repayment of the leverage, this effect the rate of interest from the banks. The unemployment, exchange rate fluctuation somewhat affects the cash flow and the value of money. The managers have to think of these future possibilities and the fluctuation in the economic aspects so that the perfect plan is to be executed which covers from the increasing interest rates. The food processing industry will be severely hit by this rate of interests and the economic fluctuations because the production has to be continuously run as the food to be distributed or produced in the meantime (Zetek et al, 2013).

Part 2

The stocks and the dividends of the organizations were placed in the stock markets as they play an important role so that the loss is distributed over the stocks and the stock purchase yields the money to them. The risk and return from the stock market is due to the volatility of the market, this volatility of the market is due to the global situations. The dividend discount model stock exchange forecasts the rate and price of the stocks and the return from them based on the dividend placed on the market. The organization has to review all the possible measures to safe guard the better yield from the stocks (, 2020).

References (2020). STOCK VALUATION AND INVESTMENT DECISIONS. Retrieved from,

Zetek et al. (2013). Macroeconomic factors influencing interest rates of microfinance institutions in Latin America. Retrieved from,

3)Vijay Kunusoth

Microeconomics speaks regarding mathematics features inside and global economic structure statistics and analyzes. This will assist you to know the functioning component of both the environment and model the financial policies. Revenue and liquidity components and supplies into the scheme. It addresses all aspects of the yield curve, unemployment, productivity, and currency issues. There are some goals that need to be addressed, such as low inflation, economic development, development of transactions, and also GDP. Here I recognize three considerations e.g. rate of inflation, joblessness, and economic expansion. These environmental variables affect the mortgage rate to an extreme and alter the revenue projection general schematic (Nisha, 2020).

Inflation rate: inflation rate affects the government’s general domestic production. Based on the trade of goods at that moment in time, the institution’s house prices that are quite big in existence having to pay for either the private and the public sector will be affected. If the annual inflation rate was very large, the facilities will strengthen as well as the cash flow will decrease and repayments should be harassment.

Unemployment: is a big factor that has to be regarded as influencing the rates of unemployment. It seeks at the country’s lengthy-term economic development and exchange rates in the absence of funds would be greater to recompense. Economic growth: It relies on the input costs of the goods, which is equivalent to the government’s GDP in a scenario such as the continuous stock rate. It provides you total requirement on the world economy’s initial products and services and has an impact on lending rates to a certain extent (Turnes, 2018).

Part 2:

Stock Valuation: Stock valuation depends entirely on capital appreciation on dividends and capital gains. There are very few measures in assessing the future market earnings and marketing predicting, estimating future commodity prices, and assessing dividend pay-outs and EPS. Financing a stock-based business is often a safer alternative than funding the securities. Since we have the predicted potential commodity prices, it is simple for us to compare the present product prices and combine the applicants with excellent ones.

Example if last year sales are 100M $ in the market.

The revenue growth is expected as 8% and

The expected net profit is around 6%

Earnings after-tax = (100 + 8) * 6/100 = $ 6.5 Million

Financial returns are assessed on the basis of returns on capital, which may be insignificant or depending on the expected understanding. And in bucks and proportion range this will be evaluated. The risk will be greater if the expected returns were too far from the anticipated yields. It provides you a clear knowledge of the likelihood of earnings and much fewer returns when anticipated (Farhangdoust, 2018).


Doktoralina, C. M., & Nisha, F. M. (2020). Mudharabah Deposits Among Conventional Bank Interest Rates, Profit-Sharing Rates, Liquidity and Inflation Rates. International Journal of Financial Research, 11(1), 25-33.

Salehi, M., Tagribi, M., & Farhangdoust, S. (2018). The effect of reporting quality on stock returns of listed companies on the Tehran Stock Exchange. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management.

Ziegler-Hasiba, E., & Turnes, E. (2018). Negative Interest Rate Policy in Switzerland. Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review, 6(3), 103-128.


PHIL University of Oregon Comparing Authors Views on Love and Sex Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write 500 -700 words.

Directions: Please use only the texts we have studied for Unit IV. Do not consult or borrow from any other textual sources (see 2nd page of these instructions on plagiarism). If you do, despite these directions, consult or borrow from any other sources, you must cite the source appropriately to avoid charges of academic misconduct.

here is the pair/set of authors below:

Kollantai and Solomon

Prompt: Write an essay on love, bringing the authors you have chosen into philosophical relation with one another. This is an exercise in recognizing and working with the most central elements of each work in relation to the topic. You need to work closely with the texts and show an understanding of each author’s most important insights or claims. This is also an exercise in comparison, and requires you to understand where the authors agree or disagree with one another, but most importantly, what is at stake, philosophically, in their disagreements or agreements. At the end of your essay, provide a thoughtful, cogent response to the authors’ works in which you not only share your own view but give some justification for it (no more than 1/3rd of the overall essay). Because this is such a short piece of writing it requires you to be succinct and judicious in your use of language. You don’t want to have any words or sentences in your essay that are not doing the work of the essay—so cut everything that is extraneous to your analysis so that you can use the full 700 words to do the work.

Information about how your exam will be graded (also see the grading rubric on the syllabus):

Please only use the texts for the course, no secondary sources. Please read the information in this document about plagiarism and consequences for plagiarism at the end of this document before you begin. If it is not already obvious, the warnings about plagiarism apply to reflection journals as well.


American Advanced Technicians Institute Age Range React to Pandemic Discussion Writing Assignment Help

American Advanced Technicians Institute Age Range React to Pandemic Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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