American Factory Directed by Steven Bognar Higher Ground Productions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. American Factory Directed by Steven Bognar Higher Ground Productions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
I’m working on a Social Science multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Movie:American Factory. Higher Ground Productions, 2019, United States, directed by Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert.
In no less than 250 and no more than 350 words each, answer 4 out of 5 of the following questions in relation to the film you have selected:
1) West and the Rest: In what way do beliefs/discourses about racial or cultural difference shape the events portrayed in this film? Who deploys these discourses? To describe whom? To whose benefit? To what extent do these match up with, or not, the discourse of the West and the Rest as described by Stuart Hall?
2) Uneven development: In class, we used the term “uneven development” to refer to the ways that capitalism/markets/businesses both produce differences between places and people and use those differences. In what way can you use this concept to understand the events portrayed in this film? What sorts of material differences are important and what purpose do they serve?
3) ‘G’lobalization: In what way do neoliberal economic policies and/or the discourse of ‘G’lobalization shape the events portrayed in this film? What market rules and institutions are most relevant here, and what role do they play?
4) Alter-globalization: Which people and/or institutions are trying to change the rules of globalization in the film? What do they do, and for what reason? Are they successful? In what way should these efforts be understood, or not, as part of alter-globalization struggles?
5) Form: Identify and explain one aspect of the film’s style or form that interested you (e.g. music, cinematography, etc.). This may be something used throughout the film, or something specific to a particular scene. Explain what function you think this aesthetic choice was supposed to serve, either stylistically or politically, and whether or not you found it to be successful.
American Factory Directed by Steven Bognar Higher Ground Productions Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UMASS Dartmouth Microeconomic Theory Fixed Input & Marginal Product Questions Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a economics question and need support to help me learn.
1 points
ENGL 222 ERAU Mod 2 Communicating in a Multi Generational Workforce Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english discussion question and need support to help me study.
This assignment will be checked for plagiarism. If you haven’t watched the plagiarism announcement post, I encourage you to do so. For the first time in American history, we have five different generations of employees in the workplace – Veterans, Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Gen Y, and Gen Z. Each group represents different beliefs, values, attitudes, and behavioral norms.This multi-generational mosaic can affect how members of these groups work in teams, implement new business practices, and perform the job. Generational differences also have performance implications in terms of the level of commitment to goals, recognition of authority, and understanding of work instructions. According to Dhawan and Joni, “the ability to bring together different kinds of people and ideas to foster the recombination of different ideas, and to see things from a different perspective, is a key part of connectional intelligence and a key skill for both individuals and institutions to develop if they want to remain competitive” (Slim, 2013, pp. 133-134). The mission for business is to harness the energies of each generation and create a synergy that breeds winning interpersonal relationships.Review the following for further insight into the melding of generations:
What problems do you foresee occurring with five generations as members of the same workgroup?
What communication strategies would you suggest to minimize the differences and create a cohesive team?
What one tip from The Harvard Business Review‘s Spotlight on Leadership “Leadership is a Conversation” (see Module 2 Readings and Resources)could you apply to improve employee engagement across all five generation. To earn full points, citing the textbook and outside sources is required. Your responses should be lengthy showing insight and analysis.
UCLA Comparative Listening and Contemporary Extrapolation Response Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Responses to each prompt should be 2 to 3 paragraphs in length. Please provide musical examples as needed to illustrate your point. (You can use time stamps if you’re speaking about a specific section of a piece).
In the vocal music of the Late Renaissance, early Baroque period, what were musical strategies to express the affective states represented in the sung texts.
In the Spanish Colonies of the Americas, how was music used to convert the indigenous population to Christianity? How were the colonized subjects represented in the Villancicos so-called “negrillas” of the Oaxaca Cathedral Songbook,?
Comparative listening:
Polyphony Vs. Monody
Listen to M. Casulana’s “Morir non puo il mio cuore” (My heart cannot die) and C. Monteverdi’s “Tu sei morta” (You are dead).
1) What are some striking (clearly audbile) differences with regards to:
The musical texture.
The vocal delivery (performance style)
2) How are the lyrics of the pieces expressed through music?
What was the guiding extra-musica discipline that contributed to the musical structure in the music of the baroque period? What was the purpose of such orientation?
Contemporary Extrapolation:
Music has been used in the past for political reasons, like the case of the Spanish colonizers, in order to serve a particular purpose. What are some ways you can think of in which music is used in our time to “influence” or “persuade” the listener in some way?
ECOM 421 Saudi Electronic University Bank Albilad Case Study Economics Assignment Help
Case Questions:
What are the key elements of the e-Business Strategy framework of Bank Albilad?
Propose a SWOT analyses for Bank Albilad.
Illustrate the five forces industry framework through the Bank Albilad Case.
Design a Business Canvas Model of Bank Albilad.
Students are encouraged to review required books:
Jelassi, T., Enders, A., & Martinez-Lopez, F.J. (2014). Strategies for E-Business: Concepts and Cases. (3rd Ed.). Harlow: Pearson. ISBN: #9780273757870, #9780273757870.
Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN# 9780470876411 (print), 9780470901038 (e-text).
ENG 202 OL010 American Commercial College User Manual for iPhone 12 Camera Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Using your summary as a guide, write a brief instruction manual (2 to 3 pages; 500 t 825 words) detailing how to use this item, or a component of this item. For example, you could write a manual about how to use e-mail on an iPhone, not how to use an iPhone (which would necessitate more than 3 pages). Then, design and create a digital flyer that could be used to promote or sell this item.
Guidelines for the Instruction Manual
Your set of instructions should be designed for a lay user; your sentences and organization should be simple and effective. The manual should contain front matter, consisting of an introduction that includes an overview of the manual’s contents, and back matter, potentially consisting of safety regulations and/or tips on maintenance and servicing the device.
Guidelines for the Digital Flyer
The digital flyer should be a one-page, color flyer. The flyer should take into account the intended audience. To whom are you attempting to sell this device/software? Be sure to include at least one graphic as well as text. The flyer should not be cluttered; it should be simple and easy to understand.
Powerpoint presentation
Design a PowerPoint that includes at least 10 slides, including background from your summary and a how-to section relying on your instruction manual. Be sure to use design elements from your textbook. Your presentation should be 3 to 5 minutes long.
Guidelines for the PowerPoint
The PowerPoint should contain 10 to 14 slides. Each slide must be clear and concise. There should not be more than six lines per slide. Graphics should be minimal and used only as necessary.
ENG 202 OL010 American Commercial College User Manual for iPhone 12 Camera Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Park University Finance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me learn.
I can not get the video to upload just please do your best with what other students have said.
Unit 8: Discussion
11 unread reply.33 replies.
We will have a live video chat early in the week with a representative from the AFCPE. If possible, please attend it live. If you are unable to do that, we will record the session and post it no later than the following day.
For your discussion post, simply describe your thoughts on the presentation.
Submission Requirem
Initial Post
150-200 words
include citations if applicable
Peer Response
must be substantive and should be at least 100 words
Note that substantive peer responses must expand on the discussion and contribute to the conversation. “Good job” and “I agree” are not substantive peer responses. Examples of substantive peer responses include highlighting and expanding on a specific point, asking thoughtful questions that extend the conversation, or presenting an opposing perspective.
include citations if applicable
Due Dates
First post due 11:59 p.m., Thursday CT
Respond to two or more classmates by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT
Student 1
I attended the zoom meeting and I know I do not have to make an initial post, but I wanted to share what I learned. After this class I will be able to take the AFCPE tests by submitting my transcripts as I have taken the two classes which is this class and FI201 personal financial planning. The CFP requires more classes but I already have the classes done for that one. I just need to take a review course for the CFP test. The main thing is there is a job I would like to apply for and if I got my AFC certification I could apply for the job. I have to wait to take the CFP test and I am planning to take it in November, but If I could get my AFC certification sooner I could apply for the job and get to work sooner. I thought the presentation helped me as I found out new information that I needed to know and there are different types of employees that hire financial counselors such as credit unions and banks, and education institutions. There are also less hours of experience required to obtain the AFCPE certification.
Student 2
The presentation was very well put together. I think the presentation did a good job reflecting the APC core competencies and values. The certification program was well explained and gave me more confidence to pursue this track since it goes tandem with classes offered by Park University. Additionally, the NCAA accreditated the program, which was also explained to accredit the CFP designation, showing that the program is vetted and recognized in the financial community. Things that I found interesting about the presentation were that the AFC had been around since 1993 and the range of work you can participate in if choosing to take this track. These tracks ranged from the programs as mentioned from earlier readings in our textbook. A question I did have since I was unable to see it clearly in the presentation was the AFC continuum of care. If anyone could pick that up clearly, I would love to see the breakdown on it. Lastly, I want to make a note of the three-year deadline for completing and maintain certification. The 1000 hours of documented experience with contributed hours from your academic workload seemed a very fair incentive to work towards this program. I have become sold on this program and think Ms. Sparrish did an excellent job with the presentation.
PA 6601 American Military Wk 6 Mental & Psychological Torture to Children Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me learn.
For this week’s discussion assignment, you will begin your development of Chapter 3 and 4 of your research proposal. In Chapter 3, you must discuss the Anticipated Findings of your study–the outcome you expect to get from the study. In Chapter 4 you must discuss the Implications and Recommendations of the proposed study. Refer to the handout in the Week 1 Learning Module to begin with these two chapters. Refer to the questions that should be addressed within these chapters and make sure you weave responses to each question into your papers.
At a minimum, you must respond to these questions within this paper:
Anticipated Findings:
What you think the results of your study would be if it is carried out?
Implications and Recommendations:
What are the practical sides of the results?
How will the anticipated findings facilitate decision making in the future?
I expect each of these two chapters to be from 300-500 words or 2-3 double-spaced pages in length, formatted in accordance with APA requirements. For grading considerations, refer to the grading rubric in your syllabus.
Primary Text
McNabb, D. E. (2018). Research methods in public administration and nonprofit management, (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. [ISBN: 978-1138743809].List Required Textbooks***
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth IS LM PC Model Macroeconomics Theory Paper Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a economics question and need support to help me understand better.
Keep in mind that the process of how you arrive at an answer is as important as the answer itself. Therefore, full credit will require you to show all steps and work; clearly label any graphs; and fully explain any answers that ask for an explanation. You can either type your answers using a word processing software of your choice (but be sure to still show all steps and work!) or write them by hand and scan them using the camera on your phone/tablet. In either case, you need to submit the file as a single pdf document.
Question 1: Fiscal policy in the IS-LM-PC model
a. Set up an IS-LM-PC graph for an economy at potential output and inflationary expectations are adaptive.
b. Now assume there is a decrease in government spending in period t. Show the effect of this decrease in G on your graph in (a). [Clearly label which part of your graph refers to b)].
c. In period t+2 the central bank reacts. Show the central bank’s policy response on your graph, and explain. [Again, be sure to clearly label what part of your answer refers to part (c)].
Question 2: Demand shocks and monetary policy.
For this question begin by setting up the IS-LM-PC model to describe an economy in mediumrun equilibrium (i.e. Y=Yn and inflation is at the inflation target).
a. There are tax cuts in period t, and the central bank does not change the real policy rate. Show the effect of these tax cuts on the short-run equilibrium in an IS-LM-PC diagram.
b. Assume that inflationary expectations are adaptive. If the central bank leaves the policy rate unchanged, what happens to inflation in period t+1? If the central bank still doesn’t react, what happens to inflation in period t+2?
c. Now assume that inflationary expectations are anchored. If the central bank leaves the policy rate unchanged, what happens to inflation in period t+1? If the central bank still doesn’t react, what happens to inflation in period t+2?
d. Suppose that in period t+3, the central bank changes the policy rate to bring the economy to potential output and back to 2% inflation. i. Does the central bank increase or decrease the policy rate? ii. How will the central bank policy differ in (b) and (c)? Why?
PSU Psychology Expectations as A Student Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me understand better.
Write a 4-5 paper on your counseling experience. This paper should reflect how you the therapist felt providing therapy to your client for 15 weeks. What where your fears going in and how are they different now that you have provided therapy services for 15 weeks. Did you find yourself doing research on your client diagnosis through the fifteen weeks? This paper should be personal reflection of your experience.
FYI Information for you to know: I provided therapy to 3 clients the first which suffered from dealing with a boyfriend who is an alcoholic and not wanting to leave the relationship. Second client was an ex-prostitute who continue to find boyfriends. She had three boyfriends in a 15 week period and she suffers from seizures when stressed. Third client barley saw so you don’t really have to discuss. This is just some information just in case you may need to know what type of clients I worked with.
Discuss the following questions:
What problems do you foresee occurring with five generations as members of the same workgroup?
What communication strategies would you suggest to minimize the differences and create a cohesive team?
What one tip from The Harvard Business Review‘s Spotlight on Leadership “Leadership is a Conversation” (see Module 2 Readings and Resources)could you apply to improve employee engagement across all five generation. To earn full points, citing the textbook and outside sources is required. Your responses should be lengthy showing insight and analysis.
UCLA Comparative Listening and Contemporary Extrapolation Response Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Responses to each prompt should be 2 to 3 paragraphs in length. Please provide musical examples as needed to illustrate your point. (You can use time stamps if you’re speaking about a specific section of a piece).
In the vocal music of the Late Renaissance, early Baroque period, what were musical strategies to express the affective states represented in the sung texts.
In the Spanish Colonies of the Americas, how was music used to convert the indigenous population to Christianity? How were the colonized subjects represented in the Villancicos so-called “negrillas” of the Oaxaca Cathedral Songbook,?
Comparative listening:
Polyphony Vs. Monody
Listen to M. Casulana’s “Morir non puo il mio cuore” (My heart cannot die) and C. Monteverdi’s “Tu sei morta” (You are dead).
1) What are some striking (clearly audbile) differences with regards to:
The musical texture.
The vocal delivery (performance style)
2) How are the lyrics of the pieces expressed through music?
What was the guiding extra-musica discipline that contributed to the musical structure in the music of the baroque period? What was the purpose of such orientation?
Contemporary Extrapolation:
Music has been used in the past for political reasons, like the case of the Spanish colonizers, in order to serve a particular purpose. What are some ways you can think of in which music is used in our time to “influence” or “persuade” the listener in some way?
ECOM 421 Saudi Electronic University Bank Albilad Case Study Economics Assignment Help
Case Questions:
What are the key elements of the e-Business Strategy framework of Bank Albilad?
Propose a SWOT analyses for Bank Albilad.
Illustrate the five forces industry framework through the Bank Albilad Case.
Design a Business Canvas Model of Bank Albilad.
Students are encouraged to review required books:
Jelassi, T., Enders, A., & Martinez-Lopez, F.J. (2014). Strategies for E-Business: Concepts and Cases. (3rd Ed.). Harlow: Pearson. ISBN: #9780273757870, #9780273757870.
Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN# 9780470876411 (print), 9780470901038 (e-text).
ENG 202 OL010 American Commercial College User Manual for iPhone 12 Camera Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Using your summary as a guide, write a brief instruction manual (2 to 3 pages; 500 t 825 words) detailing how to use this item, or a component of this item. For example, you could write a manual about how to use e-mail on an iPhone, not how to use an iPhone (which would necessitate more than 3 pages). Then, design and create a digital flyer that could be used to promote or sell this item.
Guidelines for the Instruction Manual
Your set of instructions should be designed for a lay user; your sentences and organization should be simple and effective. The manual should contain front matter, consisting of an introduction that includes an overview of the manual’s contents, and back matter, potentially consisting of safety regulations and/or tips on maintenance and servicing the device.
Guidelines for the Digital Flyer
The digital flyer should be a one-page, color flyer. The flyer should take into account the intended audience. To whom are you attempting to sell this device/software? Be sure to include at least one graphic as well as text. The flyer should not be cluttered; it should be simple and easy to understand.
Powerpoint presentation
Design a PowerPoint that includes at least 10 slides, including background from your summary and a how-to section relying on your instruction manual. Be sure to use design elements from your textbook. Your presentation should be 3 to 5 minutes long.
Guidelines for the PowerPoint
The PowerPoint should contain 10 to 14 slides. Each slide must be clear and concise. There should not be more than six lines per slide. Graphics should be minimal and used only as necessary.
ENG 202 OL010 American Commercial College User Manual for iPhone 12 Camera Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Park University Finance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me learn.
I can not get the video to upload just please do your best with what other students have said.
Unit 8: Discussion
11 unread reply.33 replies.
We will have a live video chat early in the week with a representative from the AFCPE. If possible, please attend it live. If you are unable to do that, we will record the session and post it no later than the following day.
For your discussion post, simply describe your thoughts on the presentation.
Submission Requirem
Initial Post
150-200 words
include citations if applicable
Peer Response
must be substantive and should be at least 100 words
Note that substantive peer responses must expand on the discussion and contribute to the conversation. “Good job” and “I agree” are not substantive peer responses. Examples of substantive peer responses include highlighting and expanding on a specific point, asking thoughtful questions that extend the conversation, or presenting an opposing perspective.
include citations if applicable
Due Dates
First post due 11:59 p.m., Thursday CT
Respond to two or more classmates by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT
Student 1
I attended the zoom meeting and I know I do not have to make an initial post, but I wanted to share what I learned. After this class I will be able to take the AFCPE tests by submitting my transcripts as I have taken the two classes which is this class and FI201 personal financial planning. The CFP requires more classes but I already have the classes done for that one. I just need to take a review course for the CFP test. The main thing is there is a job I would like to apply for and if I got my AFC certification I could apply for the job. I have to wait to take the CFP test and I am planning to take it in November, but If I could get my AFC certification sooner I could apply for the job and get to work sooner. I thought the presentation helped me as I found out new information that I needed to know and there are different types of employees that hire financial counselors such as credit unions and banks, and education institutions. There are also less hours of experience required to obtain the AFCPE certification.
Student 2
The presentation was very well put together. I think the presentation did a good job reflecting the APC core competencies and values. The certification program was well explained and gave me more confidence to pursue this track since it goes tandem with classes offered by Park University. Additionally, the NCAA accreditated the program, which was also explained to accredit the CFP designation, showing that the program is vetted and recognized in the financial community. Things that I found interesting about the presentation were that the AFC had been around since 1993 and the range of work you can participate in if choosing to take this track. These tracks ranged from the programs as mentioned from earlier readings in our textbook. A question I did have since I was unable to see it clearly in the presentation was the AFC continuum of care. If anyone could pick that up clearly, I would love to see the breakdown on it. Lastly, I want to make a note of the three-year deadline for completing and maintain certification. The 1000 hours of documented experience with contributed hours from your academic workload seemed a very fair incentive to work towards this program. I have become sold on this program and think Ms. Sparrish did an excellent job with the presentation.
PA 6601 American Military Wk 6 Mental & Psychological Torture to Children Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me learn.
For this week’s discussion assignment, you will begin your development of Chapter 3 and 4 of your research proposal. In Chapter 3, you must discuss the Anticipated Findings of your study–the outcome you expect to get from the study. In Chapter 4 you must discuss the Implications and Recommendations of the proposed study. Refer to the handout in the Week 1 Learning Module to begin with these two chapters. Refer to the questions that should be addressed within these chapters and make sure you weave responses to each question into your papers.
At a minimum, you must respond to these questions within this paper:
Anticipated Findings:
What you think the results of your study would be if it is carried out?
Implications and Recommendations:
What are the practical sides of the results?
How will the anticipated findings facilitate decision making in the future?
I expect each of these two chapters to be from 300-500 words or 2-3 double-spaced pages in length, formatted in accordance with APA requirements. For grading considerations, refer to the grading rubric in your syllabus.
Primary Text
McNabb, D. E. (2018). Research methods in public administration and nonprofit management, (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. [ISBN: 978-1138743809].List Required Textbooks***
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth IS LM PC Model Macroeconomics Theory Paper Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a economics question and need support to help me understand better.
Keep in mind that the process of how you arrive at an answer is as important as the answer itself. Therefore, full credit will require you to show all steps and work; clearly label any graphs; and fully explain any answers that ask for an explanation. You can either type your answers using a word processing software of your choice (but be sure to still show all steps and work!) or write them by hand and scan them using the camera on your phone/tablet. In either case, you need to submit the file as a single pdf document.
Question 1: Fiscal policy in the IS-LM-PC model
a. Set up an IS-LM-PC graph for an economy at potential output and inflationary expectations are adaptive.
b. Now assume there is a decrease in government spending in period t. Show the effect of this decrease in G on your graph in (a). [Clearly label which part of your graph refers to b)].
c. In period t+2 the central bank reacts. Show the central bank’s policy response on your graph, and explain. [Again, be sure to clearly label what part of your answer refers to part (c)].
Question 2: Demand shocks and monetary policy.
For this question begin by setting up the IS-LM-PC model to describe an economy in mediumrun equilibrium (i.e. Y=Yn and inflation is at the inflation target).
a. There are tax cuts in period t, and the central bank does not change the real policy rate. Show the effect of these tax cuts on the short-run equilibrium in an IS-LM-PC diagram.
b. Assume that inflationary expectations are adaptive. If the central bank leaves the policy rate unchanged, what happens to inflation in period t+1? If the central bank still doesn’t react, what happens to inflation in period t+2?
c. Now assume that inflationary expectations are anchored. If the central bank leaves the policy rate unchanged, what happens to inflation in period t+1? If the central bank still doesn’t react, what happens to inflation in period t+2?
d. Suppose that in period t+3, the central bank changes the policy rate to bring the economy to potential output and back to 2% inflation. i. Does the central bank increase or decrease the policy rate? ii. How will the central bank policy differ in (b) and (c)? Why?
PSU Psychology Expectations as A Student Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me understand better.
Write a 4-5 paper on your counseling experience. This paper should reflect how you the therapist felt providing therapy to your client for 15 weeks. What where your fears going in and how are they different now that you have provided therapy services for 15 weeks. Did you find yourself doing research on your client diagnosis through the fifteen weeks? This paper should be personal reflection of your experience.
FYI Information for you to know: I provided therapy to 3 clients the first which suffered from dealing with a boyfriend who is an alcoholic and not wanting to leave the relationship. Second client was an ex-prostitute who continue to find boyfriends. She had three boyfriends in a 15 week period and she suffers from seizures when stressed. Third client barley saw so you don’t really have to discuss. This is just some information just in case you may need to know what type of clients I worked with.
Discuss the following questions:
What problems do you foresee occurring with five generations as members of the same workgroup?
What communication strategies would you suggest to minimize the differences and create a cohesive team?
What one tip from The Harvard Business Review‘s Spotlight on Leadership “Leadership is a Conversation” (see Module 2 Readings and Resources)could you apply to improve employee engagement across all five generation. To earn full points, citing the textbook and outside sources is required. Your responses should be lengthy showing insight and analysis.
UCLA Comparative Listening and Contemporary Extrapolation Response Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Responses to each prompt should be 2 to 3 paragraphs in length. Please provide musical examples as needed to illustrate your point. (You can use time stamps if you’re speaking about a specific section of a piece).
In the vocal music of the Late Renaissance, early Baroque period, what were musical strategies to express the affective states represented in the sung texts.
In the Spanish Colonies of the Americas, how was music used to convert the indigenous population to Christianity? How were the colonized subjects represented in the Villancicos so-called “negrillas” of the Oaxaca Cathedral Songbook,?
Comparative listening:
Polyphony Vs. Monody
Listen to M. Casulana’s “Morir non puo il mio cuore” (My heart cannot die) and C. Monteverdi’s “Tu sei morta” (You are dead).
1) What are some striking (clearly audbile) differences with regards to:
The musical texture.
The vocal delivery (performance style)
2) How are the lyrics of the pieces expressed through music?
What was the guiding extra-musica discipline that contributed to the musical structure in the music of the baroque period? What was the purpose of such orientation?
Contemporary Extrapolation:
Music has been used in the past for political reasons, like the case of the Spanish colonizers, in order to serve a particular purpose. What are some ways you can think of in which music is used in our time to “influence” or “persuade” the listener in some way?
ECOM 421 Saudi Electronic University Bank Albilad Case Study Economics Assignment Help
Case Questions:
What are the key elements of the e-Business Strategy framework of Bank Albilad?
Propose a SWOT analyses for Bank Albilad.
Illustrate the five forces industry framework through the Bank Albilad Case.
Design a Business Canvas Model of Bank Albilad.
Students are encouraged to review required books:
Jelassi, T., Enders, A., & Martinez-Lopez, F.J. (2014). Strategies for E-Business: Concepts and Cases. (3rd Ed.). Harlow: Pearson. ISBN: #9780273757870, #9780273757870.
Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN# 9780470876411 (print), 9780470901038 (e-text).
ENG 202 OL010 American Commercial College User Manual for iPhone 12 Camera Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Using your summary as a guide, write a brief instruction manual (2 to 3 pages; 500 t 825 words) detailing how to use this item, or a component of this item. For example, you could write a manual about how to use e-mail on an iPhone, not how to use an iPhone (which would necessitate more than 3 pages). Then, design and create a digital flyer that could be used to promote or sell this item.
Guidelines for the Instruction Manual
Your set of instructions should be designed for a lay user; your sentences and organization should be simple and effective. The manual should contain front matter, consisting of an introduction that includes an overview of the manual’s contents, and back matter, potentially consisting of safety regulations and/or tips on maintenance and servicing the device.
Guidelines for the Digital Flyer
The digital flyer should be a one-page, color flyer. The flyer should take into account the intended audience. To whom are you attempting to sell this device/software? Be sure to include at least one graphic as well as text. The flyer should not be cluttered; it should be simple and easy to understand.
Powerpoint presentation
Design a PowerPoint that includes at least 10 slides, including background from your summary and a how-to section relying on your instruction manual. Be sure to use design elements from your textbook. Your presentation should be 3 to 5 minutes long.
Guidelines for the PowerPoint
The PowerPoint should contain 10 to 14 slides. Each slide must be clear and concise. There should not be more than six lines per slide. Graphics should be minimal and used only as necessary.
ENG 202 OL010 American Commercial College User Manual for iPhone 12 Camera Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Park University Finance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me learn.
I can not get the video to upload just please do your best with what other students have said.
Unit 8: Discussion
11 unread reply.33 replies.
We will have a live video chat early in the week with a representative from the AFCPE. If possible, please attend it live. If you are unable to do that, we will record the session and post it no later than the following day.
For your discussion post, simply describe your thoughts on the presentation.
Submission Requirem
Initial Post
150-200 words
include citations if applicable
Peer Response
must be substantive and should be at least 100 words
Note that substantive peer responses must expand on the discussion and contribute to the conversation. “Good job” and “I agree” are not substantive peer responses. Examples of substantive peer responses include highlighting and expanding on a specific point, asking thoughtful questions that extend the conversation, or presenting an opposing perspective.
include citations if applicable
Due Dates
First post due 11:59 p.m., Thursday CT
Respond to two or more classmates by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT
Student 1
I attended the zoom meeting and I know I do not have to make an initial post, but I wanted to share what I learned. After this class I will be able to take the AFCPE tests by submitting my transcripts as I have taken the two classes which is this class and FI201 personal financial planning. The CFP requires more classes but I already have the classes done for that one. I just need to take a review course for the CFP test. The main thing is there is a job I would like to apply for and if I got my AFC certification I could apply for the job. I have to wait to take the CFP test and I am planning to take it in November, but If I could get my AFC certification sooner I could apply for the job and get to work sooner. I thought the presentation helped me as I found out new information that I needed to know and there are different types of employees that hire financial counselors such as credit unions and banks, and education institutions. There are also less hours of experience required to obtain the AFCPE certification.
Student 2
The presentation was very well put together. I think the presentation did a good job reflecting the APC core competencies and values. The certification program was well explained and gave me more confidence to pursue this track since it goes tandem with classes offered by Park University. Additionally, the NCAA accreditated the program, which was also explained to accredit the CFP designation, showing that the program is vetted and recognized in the financial community. Things that I found interesting about the presentation were that the AFC had been around since 1993 and the range of work you can participate in if choosing to take this track. These tracks ranged from the programs as mentioned from earlier readings in our textbook. A question I did have since I was unable to see it clearly in the presentation was the AFC continuum of care. If anyone could pick that up clearly, I would love to see the breakdown on it. Lastly, I want to make a note of the three-year deadline for completing and maintain certification. The 1000 hours of documented experience with contributed hours from your academic workload seemed a very fair incentive to work towards this program. I have become sold on this program and think Ms. Sparrish did an excellent job with the presentation.
PA 6601 American Military Wk 6 Mental & Psychological Torture to Children Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me learn.
For this week’s discussion assignment, you will begin your development of Chapter 3 and 4 of your research proposal. In Chapter 3, you must discuss the Anticipated Findings of your study–the outcome you expect to get from the study. In Chapter 4 you must discuss the Implications and Recommendations of the proposed study. Refer to the handout in the Week 1 Learning Module to begin with these two chapters. Refer to the questions that should be addressed within these chapters and make sure you weave responses to each question into your papers.
At a minimum, you must respond to these questions within this paper:
Anticipated Findings:
What you think the results of your study would be if it is carried out?
Implications and Recommendations:
What are the practical sides of the results?
How will the anticipated findings facilitate decision making in the future?
I expect each of these two chapters to be from 300-500 words or 2-3 double-spaced pages in length, formatted in accordance with APA requirements. For grading considerations, refer to the grading rubric in your syllabus.
Primary Text
McNabb, D. E. (2018). Research methods in public administration and nonprofit management, (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. [ISBN: 978-1138743809].List Required Textbooks***
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth IS LM PC Model Macroeconomics Theory Paper Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a economics question and need support to help me understand better.
Keep in mind that the process of how you arrive at an answer is as important as the answer itself. Therefore, full credit will require you to show all steps and work; clearly label any graphs; and fully explain any answers that ask for an explanation. You can either type your answers using a word processing software of your choice (but be sure to still show all steps and work!) or write them by hand and scan them using the camera on your phone/tablet. In either case, you need to submit the file as a single pdf document.
Question 1: Fiscal policy in the IS-LM-PC model
a. Set up an IS-LM-PC graph for an economy at potential output and inflationary expectations are adaptive.
b. Now assume there is a decrease in government spending in period t. Show the effect of this decrease in G on your graph in (a). [Clearly label which part of your graph refers to b)].
c. In period t+2 the central bank reacts. Show the central bank’s policy response on your graph, and explain. [Again, be sure to clearly label what part of your answer refers to part (c)].
Question 2: Demand shocks and monetary policy.
For this question begin by setting up the IS-LM-PC model to describe an economy in mediumrun equilibrium (i.e. Y=Yn and inflation is at the inflation target).
a. There are tax cuts in period t, and the central bank does not change the real policy rate. Show the effect of these tax cuts on the short-run equilibrium in an IS-LM-PC diagram.
b. Assume that inflationary expectations are adaptive. If the central bank leaves the policy rate unchanged, what happens to inflation in period t+1? If the central bank still doesn’t react, what happens to inflation in period t+2?
c. Now assume that inflationary expectations are anchored. If the central bank leaves the policy rate unchanged, what happens to inflation in period t+1? If the central bank still doesn’t react, what happens to inflation in period t+2?
d. Suppose that in period t+3, the central bank changes the policy rate to bring the economy to potential output and back to 2% inflation. i. Does the central bank increase or decrease the policy rate? ii. How will the central bank policy differ in (b) and (c)? Why?
PSU Psychology Expectations as A Student Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me understand better.
Write a 4-5 paper on your counseling experience. This paper should reflect how you the therapist felt providing therapy to your client for 15 weeks. What where your fears going in and how are they different now that you have provided therapy services for 15 weeks. Did you find yourself doing research on your client diagnosis through the fifteen weeks? This paper should be personal reflection of your experience.
FYI Information for you to know: I provided therapy to 3 clients the first which suffered from dealing with a boyfriend who is an alcoholic and not wanting to leave the relationship. Second client was an ex-prostitute who continue to find boyfriends. She had three boyfriends in a 15 week period and she suffers from seizures when stressed. Third client barley saw so you don’t really have to discuss. This is just some information just in case you may need to know what type of clients I worked with.
Discuss the following questions:
What problems do you foresee occurring with five generations as members of the same workgroup?
What communication strategies would you suggest to minimize the differences and create a cohesive team?
What one tip from The Harvard Business Review‘s Spotlight on Leadership “Leadership is a Conversation” (see Module 2 Readings and Resources)could you apply to improve employee engagement across all five generation. To earn full points, citing the textbook and outside sources is required. Your responses should be lengthy showing insight and analysis.
UCLA Comparative Listening and Contemporary Extrapolation Response Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Responses to each prompt should be 2 to 3 paragraphs in length. Please provide musical examples as needed to illustrate your point. (You can use time stamps if you’re speaking about a specific section of a piece).
In the vocal music of the Late Renaissance, early Baroque period, what were musical strategies to express the affective states represented in the sung texts.
In the Spanish Colonies of the Americas, how was music used to convert the indigenous population to Christianity? How were the colonized subjects represented in the Villancicos so-called “negrillas” of the Oaxaca Cathedral Songbook,?
Comparative listening:
Polyphony Vs. Monody
Listen to M. Casulana’s “Morir non puo il mio cuore” (My heart cannot die) and C. Monteverdi’s “Tu sei morta” (You are dead).
1) What are some striking (clearly audbile) differences with regards to:
The musical texture.
The vocal delivery (performance style)
2) How are the lyrics of the pieces expressed through music?
What was the guiding extra-musica discipline that contributed to the musical structure in the music of the baroque period? What was the purpose of such orientation?
Contemporary Extrapolation:
Music has been used in the past for political reasons, like the case of the Spanish colonizers, in order to serve a particular purpose. What are some ways you can think of in which music is used in our time to “influence” or “persuade” the listener in some way?
ECOM 421 Saudi Electronic University Bank Albilad Case Study Economics Assignment Help
Case Questions:
What are the key elements of the e-Business Strategy framework of Bank Albilad?
Propose a SWOT analyses for Bank Albilad.
Illustrate the five forces industry framework through the Bank Albilad Case.
Design a Business Canvas Model of Bank Albilad.
Students are encouraged to review required books:
Jelassi, T., Enders, A., & Martinez-Lopez, F.J. (2014). Strategies for E-Business: Concepts and Cases. (3rd Ed.). Harlow: Pearson. ISBN: #9780273757870, #9780273757870.
Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN# 9780470876411 (print), 9780470901038 (e-text).
ENG 202 OL010 American Commercial College User Manual for iPhone 12 Camera Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Using your summary as a guide, write a brief instruction manual (2 to 3 pages; 500 t 825 words) detailing how to use this item, or a component of this item. For example, you could write a manual about how to use e-mail on an iPhone, not how to use an iPhone (which would necessitate more than 3 pages). Then, design and create a digital flyer that could be used to promote or sell this item.
Guidelines for the Instruction Manual
Your set of instructions should be designed for a lay user; your sentences and organization should be simple and effective. The manual should contain front matter, consisting of an introduction that includes an overview of the manual’s contents, and back matter, potentially consisting of safety regulations and/or tips on maintenance and servicing the device.
Guidelines for the Digital Flyer
The digital flyer should be a one-page, color flyer. The flyer should take into account the intended audience. To whom are you attempting to sell this device/software? Be sure to include at least one graphic as well as text. The flyer should not be cluttered; it should be simple and easy to understand.
Powerpoint presentation
Design a PowerPoint that includes at least 10 slides, including background from your summary and a how-to section relying on your instruction manual. Be sure to use design elements from your textbook. Your presentation should be 3 to 5 minutes long.
Guidelines for the PowerPoint
The PowerPoint should contain 10 to 14 slides. Each slide must be clear and concise. There should not be more than six lines per slide. Graphics should be minimal and used only as necessary.
ENG 202 OL010 American Commercial College User Manual for iPhone 12 Camera Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Park University Finance Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business discussion question and need support to help me learn.
I can not get the video to upload just please do your best with what other students have said.
Unit 8: Discussion
11 unread reply.33 replies.
We will have a live video chat early in the week with a representative from the AFCPE. If possible, please attend it live. If you are unable to do that, we will record the session and post it no later than the following day.
For your discussion post, simply describe your thoughts on the presentation.
Submission Requirem
Initial Post
150-200 words
include citations if applicable
Peer Response
must be substantive and should be at least 100 words
Note that substantive peer responses must expand on the discussion and contribute to the conversation. “Good job” and “I agree” are not substantive peer responses. Examples of substantive peer responses include highlighting and expanding on a specific point, asking thoughtful questions that extend the conversation, or presenting an opposing perspective.
include citations if applicable
Due Dates
First post due 11:59 p.m., Thursday CT
Respond to two or more classmates by 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT
Student 1
I attended the zoom meeting and I know I do not have to make an initial post, but I wanted to share what I learned. After this class I will be able to take the AFCPE tests by submitting my transcripts as I have taken the two classes which is this class and FI201 personal financial planning. The CFP requires more classes but I already have the classes done for that one. I just need to take a review course for the CFP test. The main thing is there is a job I would like to apply for and if I got my AFC certification I could apply for the job. I have to wait to take the CFP test and I am planning to take it in November, but If I could get my AFC certification sooner I could apply for the job and get to work sooner. I thought the presentation helped me as I found out new information that I needed to know and there are different types of employees that hire financial counselors such as credit unions and banks, and education institutions. There are also less hours of experience required to obtain the AFCPE certification.
Student 2
The presentation was very well put together. I think the presentation did a good job reflecting the APC core competencies and values. The certification program was well explained and gave me more confidence to pursue this track since it goes tandem with classes offered by Park University. Additionally, the NCAA accreditated the program, which was also explained to accredit the CFP designation, showing that the program is vetted and recognized in the financial community. Things that I found interesting about the presentation were that the AFC had been around since 1993 and the range of work you can participate in if choosing to take this track. These tracks ranged from the programs as mentioned from earlier readings in our textbook. A question I did have since I was unable to see it clearly in the presentation was the AFC continuum of care. If anyone could pick that up clearly, I would love to see the breakdown on it. Lastly, I want to make a note of the three-year deadline for completing and maintain certification. The 1000 hours of documented experience with contributed hours from your academic workload seemed a very fair incentive to work towards this program. I have become sold on this program and think Ms. Sparrish did an excellent job with the presentation.
PA 6601 American Military Wk 6 Mental & Psychological Torture to Children Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me learn.
For this week’s discussion assignment, you will begin your development of Chapter 3 and 4 of your research proposal. In Chapter 3, you must discuss the Anticipated Findings of your study–the outcome you expect to get from the study. In Chapter 4 you must discuss the Implications and Recommendations of the proposed study. Refer to the handout in the Week 1 Learning Module to begin with these two chapters. Refer to the questions that should be addressed within these chapters and make sure you weave responses to each question into your papers.
At a minimum, you must respond to these questions within this paper:
Anticipated Findings:
What you think the results of your study would be if it is carried out?
Implications and Recommendations:
What are the practical sides of the results?
How will the anticipated findings facilitate decision making in the future?
I expect each of these two chapters to be from 300-500 words or 2-3 double-spaced pages in length, formatted in accordance with APA requirements. For grading considerations, refer to the grading rubric in your syllabus.
Primary Text
McNabb, D. E. (2018). Research methods in public administration and nonprofit management, (4th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge. [ISBN: 978-1138743809].List Required Textbooks***
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth IS LM PC Model Macroeconomics Theory Paper Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a economics question and need support to help me understand better.
Keep in mind that the process of how you arrive at an answer is as important as the answer itself. Therefore, full credit will require you to show all steps and work; clearly label any graphs; and fully explain any answers that ask for an explanation. You can either type your answers using a word processing software of your choice (but be sure to still show all steps and work!) or write them by hand and scan them using the camera on your phone/tablet. In either case, you need to submit the file as a single pdf document.
Question 1: Fiscal policy in the IS-LM-PC model
a. Set up an IS-LM-PC graph for an economy at potential output and inflationary expectations are adaptive.
b. Now assume there is a decrease in government spending in period t. Show the effect of this decrease in G on your graph in (a). [Clearly label which part of your graph refers to b)].
c. In period t+2 the central bank reacts. Show the central bank’s policy response on your graph, and explain. [Again, be sure to clearly label what part of your answer refers to part (c)].
Question 2: Demand shocks and monetary policy.
For this question begin by setting up the IS-LM-PC model to describe an economy in mediumrun equilibrium (i.e. Y=Yn and inflation is at the inflation target).
a. There are tax cuts in period t, and the central bank does not change the real policy rate. Show the effect of these tax cuts on the short-run equilibrium in an IS-LM-PC diagram.
b. Assume that inflationary expectations are adaptive. If the central bank leaves the policy rate unchanged, what happens to inflation in period t+1? If the central bank still doesn’t react, what happens to inflation in period t+2?
c. Now assume that inflationary expectations are anchored. If the central bank leaves the policy rate unchanged, what happens to inflation in period t+1? If the central bank still doesn’t react, what happens to inflation in period t+2?
d. Suppose that in period t+3, the central bank changes the policy rate to bring the economy to potential output and back to 2% inflation. i. Does the central bank increase or decrease the policy rate? ii. How will the central bank policy differ in (b) and (c)? Why?
PSU Psychology Expectations as A Student Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me understand better.
Write a 4-5 paper on your counseling experience. This paper should reflect how you the therapist felt providing therapy to your client for 15 weeks. What where your fears going in and how are they different now that you have provided therapy services for 15 weeks. Did you find yourself doing research on your client diagnosis through the fifteen weeks? This paper should be personal reflection of your experience.
FYI Information for you to know: I provided therapy to 3 clients the first which suffered from dealing with a boyfriend who is an alcoholic and not wanting to leave the relationship. Second client was an ex-prostitute who continue to find boyfriends. She had three boyfriends in a 15 week period and she suffers from seizures when stressed. Third client barley saw so you don’t really have to discuss. This is just some information just in case you may need to know what type of clients I worked with.