American High School Academy Macbeth and Gullivers Travels Essay Writing Assignment Help

American High School Academy Macbeth and Gullivers Travels Essay Writing Assignment Help. American High School Academy Macbeth and Gullivers Travels Essay Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a english project and need support to help me understand better.
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For this project, you will be writing a thematic analysis paper. This is your final paper for high school English, and it should demonstrate everything you have learned not only in this unit, but in this class, and in your entire high school career.

Your paper will compare and contrast Macbeth with another piece that we read in this class. This means that first you will need to choose a theme from Macbeth(knowledge, ambition, etc.), and then choose another story from this course that handles a similar theme.

The focus of your paper should be on how this theme is developed throughout each story. You should show how the writer uses the plot, characters, sequencing, or other techniques to create a conclusion about this theme. (For example, “Shakespeare uses the genre of tragedy to show us how ambition can lead to an ultimate downfall.”) Then, deepen the conversation by adding a comparison and contrast to another piece we read in this class. (“In contrast, the genre of epic glorifies ambition, which we see clearly through the way Beowulf boasts about his strength and then goes on to slay his enemies.”)

  • What assertion does the story make about the theme? (Ambition is dangerous. Femininity does not mean weakness or frailty.)
  • What techniques does the writer use to create this assertion? (Characters, plot, genre, literary devices, etc.)
  • What similarities are there between the themes in the two stories? (Both Macbeth and Beowulf are prime examples of masculinity.)
  • What significant differences are there between the themes in the two stories? (Macbeth ultimately destroys his community, his loved ones, and himself; Beowulf uses his strength to save people from a terrible monster.)
  • What can we learn about this theme from the comparison and contrast of these two stories? (While we see ambition, strength, and cruelty as essential parts of masculinity in these two stories, it is in the selfishness of the individual that danger lies.)

For an additional level of challenge, you may consider adding a third story that we studied in class to your essay. For my example topic of Masculinity, I chose to write about Macbeth and Beowulf. Adding a discussion of King Arthur might provide another dimension. However, discussing three stories is optional.

Your paper must include textual analysis. (Review this unit’s close reading pages to review.) Use a minimum of six passages (quotes) from the stories throughout your paper (at least one per story, per body paragraph).

This essay should be between two and five pages (500-1250 words) in length. Your final draft should be saved and submitted as .doc or .pdf file. It should be in 12-point font in Times New Roman.

10% of your grade will be on grammar and mechanics. Write as clearly and correctly as you can. This means that 90% of your grade is based on your ideas – however, you will not earn an A if you do not proofread carefully and check for errors.

Most importantly, remember this is a culminating project for English 12. Your essay should show everything you have learned throughout the class.

American High School Academy Macbeth and Gullivers Travels Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Park University Informative Approaches & Pessimistic Cloud Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Kenya Capers

MondayFeb 15 at 8:26am

Manage Discussion Entry

  1. Nichols and Good discuss the type of anti-smoking campaigns that are most effective. What do they argue? Do you agree? Defend your position.

Nichols & Good (2004) states one hypothesis is that implicit messages are more powerful because they allow adolescents opportunities to make their own decisions. These data suggest that informative approaches are more effective than authoritarian commands. (Nichols & Good, 2004, p.138). Additionally, industry manipulation ads and secondhand smoking ads were reported as highly effective strategies for preventing and stopping youth and adult smoking. (Nichols & Good, 2004, p.138). I agree with Nichols and Good on their assessment that informative approaches are better than authoritarian command approaches. I think when you can explain the seriousness of smoking and the short and long term effects that it has on the human body, I think most people will get the hint and stop smoking. Industry manipulation is terrible and tobacco executives should not be condoning smoking such as the example in the textbook where the executive is thanking a young man on a ventilator for his business, I think it’s wrong, but I do believe when some youth see these images, they will stop smoking. Several youth that I grew up with developed health issues from sitting around their parents in the living while they smoke and some still have issues today from this environment. Some of their parents feel guilty, but there is nothing that they can do because the health related issues are permanent. I have known a lot of family members that have stopped smoking in recent years after experiencing numerous health issues. A few years ago, my father-in-law was told by his doctor that he needed to stop smoking and drinking or else he would end up dead in less than a year. My father-in-law got the message and he has not had a cigarette or alcoholic drink over the past few years and it has preserved his life. A lot of human beings don’t like the authoritarian approach and have a lot of resentment when this style is used to convey a message. When I was in the military I saw this style used a lot and most people did not like these leaders because this leadership style was appropriate for the situation. In this situation, I think individuals should be given the freedom to make a decision on whether they want to smoke cigarettes or not.


Nichols, S. L., & Good, T. L. (2004). Americas teenagers – myths and realities: Media images, schooling, and the social costs of careless indifference. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Crystal Cardenas

TuesdayFeb 16 at 12:22pm

Manage Discussion Entry

  1. Explain what Nichols and Good argue about creating pessimism about youth. Do you agree with what they argue? Has this week’s readings changed your views about youth? Why or why not?

Nichols and Good draw upon social policy writer Andrew Sullivan’s viewpoints to support the argument that America is pessimistic about youth. Sullivan “has argued that our media is so laced with pessimism, in the forms of violence, sarcasm, and political debate, that as a society we are skeptical about any good news” (Nichols & Good, 2004). Sullivan also pointed out that our society is “influenced by the media’s insatiable appetite for the bad news of the world, an appetite reinforced by our collective interest in it- [therefore,] we are much more likely to embrace pessimism than optimism” (Nichols & Good, 2004).

I agree with this argument, and I would be genuinely surprised if anyone disagreed with it. Generally, American media never highlights the good in the world or what youth are doing right instead of wrong. Our reading this week even made it evident that the media supports the narrative that youth crime is increasing even though it is decreasing in reality. The press seems quick to report bad news or research without questioning its validity. Finding quick and sensational answers or information that paints a pessimistic image of particular groups of people seems to be an attractive option compared to reporting less sensational stories. Perhaps this is because adults, specifically those in positions of influence or power, find it easier to find people to blame instead of investigating the deeper issues rooted in American society. As Nichols, Good, and Sullivan mentioned, Americans have an appetite for these sensationalized stories that only perpetuate the problem.

I am still young, 23 years old, and I am optimistic about Gen Z and Millennials. Therefore, it is not surprising to say that this week’s readings have not changed my views about youth. I know firsthand how youth are painted in an undeservingly lousy image. I was a teenager who did not engage in any “deviant” behavior; however, I was frequently accused of secretly doing so by one of my parents because “that’s just how teenagers are.” I was not surprised to read about the sensationalism about how “bad” American youth are and how adults have the appetite for this type of news. Teenage crime and TAD use will always be present, but it is not because youth are “getting worse” but instead due to environmental factors that mostly adults are responsible for. Teenagers will continue to engage in “deviant” behavior as long as they continue to grow up in a society that promotes paradoxical ideals, have a lack of adult mentorship, or live in impoverished conditions.


Nichols, S. L., & Good, T. L. (2004). Americas teenagers – myths and realities: Media images, schooling, and the social costs of careless indifference. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.


MGT 425 SEU Intuitive & Rational Cognition Theory and Practice of MGT Sciences Ques Business Finance Assignment Help

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


University of South Florida Accounting Habit in Action Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english discussion question and need support to help me learn.

Connect this story to your life: Although your problems are most likely different than Chanda’s, you too can use inquiry to excavate meaning and benefit from a challenging situation. Consider a problem you face right now that is draining your energy. Inquire: whom can you turn to for help and untangling this problem? How can you use the Habit for Success, “Inquire”, to make a difference in your life?

Please make sure to cite 2 different sources, use minimum 200 words, and use both in-text citations and cite your sources as references in APA format. Write your response in an essay style format, use transitional language, and refer to the rubric to inform/guide your writing.


Glendale Bad Frog Brewery V New York Liquor Authority Case Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Review the Bad Frog Brewery v. New York Liquor Authority case. Here’s a link to a related article: Link (Links to an external site.)

Answer the questions below. Be sure to respond to another student.

1. Do businesses have a constitutionally protected right to free speech in their commercial endeavors? If so, is their level of protection equal to, less than or greater than the protection given to political speech?

2) Do you agree that the state had a substantial interest in prohibiting use the Bad Frog label to “protect children”? Why or why not?

3) The court said that banning the labels went too far, and that less restrictive alternatives can be used. List alternatives you can think of.

4) Would the result be the same if the logo was to be used on the packaging of a toy marketed to children?



Park University Violence and Aggression Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Rebecca Swift

TuesdayFeb 16 at 1:49pm

Manage Discussion Entry

  1. Describe the type of aggression or violence.

For this discussion topic, I am going to identify the violence and aggression used by an adult on an eight-year-old boy. There is a Netflix series about this story called The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez. Please use discretion if you choose to watch it because it’s truly devastating in every way manageable. The types of aggression used by Isauro Aguirre were both proactive and reactive aggression. Proactive aggression is “behavior whereby harm is inflicted as a means to a desired end” and reactive is “harm that is inflicted for its own sake” (Markus et al., 2020, pg. 462). It seemed Isauro had a goal in mind to torture Gabriel daily and possibly did it out of anger that he thought Gabriel was “gay”. Isauro inflicted so much torture (while the mother watched) over the span of eight months that when Gabriel’s mother finally called 911 it was too late. On “May 24, 2013, Paramedics found Gabriel naked and not breathing, with a cracked skull, three broken ribs and BB pellets embedded in his lung and groin” (Villarreal & Brennan, 2020, para 4).

Another form of aggression that was used was bullying, which “involves intentional harm (physically or psychologically) repetition (the victim is targeted a number of times), and a power imbalance (bullies abuse their power over the victim)” (Markus et al., 2020, pg. 466). It was clear the mother’s boyfriend, 6’ 2”, 270 pounds, was much bigger and a lot stronger than an eight-year-old child. He had his way with him when he saw fit. And even went as far as calling “Gabriel gay, punished him when he played with dolls and forced him to wear girls’ clothes to school” (Villarreal & Brennan, 2020, para 10).

  1. Describe what the underlying message is about human nature.

The underlying message I see here is people should really not have kids if they don’t have it in them to raise them and treat them properly. Children aren’t just a welfare check or someone to torture, bully and inflict pain on for no reason. This type of behavior makes me lose faith in people and child welfare services. This case and every other child’s like it, is a message to only have children if you’re really willing to put in the effort to raise them, and to be in a job that you truly care about and will pay attention when innocent lives are at stake.

  1. How you think this kind of example impacts a person’s attitudes and feelings toward others and society.

The behavior by Gabriel’s “guardians” possibly caused hate, sadness, distrust, and fear towards others. At the same time, he was described as being kind and loved helping others. Even through the hate and pain that was brought upon him, he didn’t show vengeance. This very easily could have gone the other direction, and he could’ve executed behavior against others through what was done to him.

  1. How you think filling media with these kinds of examples contributes to an overall reaction and attitude that increases distrust, insecurity, wariness of others.

For this case, media has helped put awareness out there to watch for signs and pay attention more. This has hopefully also increased awareness within child protective services programs to spend more money and time on training employees and hiring the best ones for the job. We live in a society where media can very easily influence and manipulate negatively or positively. During this case, media pointed out the distrust we have in some humans and in child protective services. The fact his teacher didn’t know who else to call because nothing was being done by the cops or child protective services can leave one feeling helpless. The rest of us watching can only learn and be better so God-awful situations like this can decline.


Markus, S.K.S.F.H.R. (2020). Social Psychology. [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.).

Villarreal, Y., & Brennan, M. (2020, February 26). Netflix’s ‘The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez’ as it unfolded: Read our coverage. Los Angeles Times. (Links to an external site.).

Helen Altman

TuesdayFeb 16 at 9:04pm

Manage Discussion Entry

1) Describe the type of aggression or violence:

I think that movies and television shows glorify violence in many different ways. For example, in Slumdog Millionaire, Salim and Jamal are orphaned at an early age when the religious violence kills their mother. Salim takes care of Jamal as the grow up, and eventually kills himself after he fills a bathtub with money and shoots the crime boss. He sacrificed himself for his brother to be happy. In television shows, Special Victims Unit has a little different theme, but still shows agression and violence because it deals with people killing other people, sometimes over nothing and then they try and get away with it. It has some powerful messages, but in the end, the people end of up getting caught. I am not sure you can do this in real life in an hour.

2) Describe what the underlying message is about human nature

I think the underlying message about human nature is what the book mentions. Between families, the value to help is important, but people may stop helping at a point. In the move, Salim put his brothers happiness before his own and it was something that made him do what he did. In SVU, the need to help is one the detectives do as a normal part of the job. I think the issue has to be looked at like why did they become police officers.

3) How you think this kind of example impacts a person’s attitudes and feelings toward others and society

With regards to Slumdog Millionaire, it shows that Salim thought about what he was doing. He helped the girl escape and did it for his brother. He put his brothers needs above his own, at the cost of his own life. In SVU, it shows that when people lose self control, they commit the worse kinds of violence.

4) How you think filling media with these kinds of examples contributes to an overall reaction and attitude that increases distrust, insecurity, wariness of others

I think that media wants ratings and they will go to any lengths to get them. The problem that I see is that we become habituated to the violence and it desensitizes us to what is going on in the world. I also think it might lead to people trying to outsmart the police and getting away with crimes.


Kassin, S., Fein, S., & Markus, H. R. (2020). Social Psychology (MindTap Course List) (11th ed.). Cengage Learning.

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Park University Violence and Aggression Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FIN 370T University of Phoenix Financial Management Tools Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Post a total of 3 substantive responses. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional.

Financial management is critically important to the success of any business organization.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: undefined

  • Discuss the role of finance in business. What is the purpose of financial management?
  • Describe the kinds of activities that financial management involves.
  • What kind of tools do financial managers leverage to access and/or monitor the health and performance of a business? Have you used any of these tools? If so, share your experience.

Student 1

Morning Class,

Most businesses are in business to serve others and to make money. To effectively accomplish both, the role of finances and how it is managed must be considered. From the purchase of space and equipment/supplies, to hiring employees and payroll, all of it takes finances. Therefore, no business can successfully operate without it. The role of finance identifies funds availability and activities, both coming in and going out. In addition, financial management of funds is necessary to ensure that funding activities are parallel to the forecasting, planning, budgeting and analyzing of resources.

There are several types of tools that management uses to determine how well they are doing. For example, at my organization, we use the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS). This helps us to determine where we want to be and outlines a path for us to reach our financial goals. Funds allocation is per department areas has also been helpful when using GFEBS. Additionally, it the system analyzes each account and captures weakened areas for us to work on. Other tools that businesses may use to monitor their financial health is Quick Book Software, Workday Cloud Solutions, Netsuite Financial Software, etc.

Faculty member

Good Morning Class,

We are told that “Financial management is critically important to the success of any business organization.”

What do you think is the most important financial goal of a financial manager? I wanted to see what others say, so I googled “most important financial goal of a financial manager” and found out a lot. Try it!

The most important goal of a financial manager is to maximize the wealth of shareholders.

Now some say maximize profits, employment, growth, sales, etc., but without shareholders, a corporation has trouble raising funds for growth and capital projects.

What do you think is the most important goal of a financial manager?


Park University Factors Influencing Attitude and Behavior Literature Review Paper Humanities Assignment Help


By now, you will have identified a topic relevant to social psychology, formulated a research question, and completed 6 written summaries of peer-reviewed studies on your topic. In this unit, you will bring all this information together to complete a literature review to address your target question.

The purpose of a literature review is to express to your reader the knowledge and ideas that have been established on a topic. Your literature review should describe the strengths and weaknesses in the literature on the topic you have chosen. The literature review must be defined by a guiding concept (e.g., your research question). The literature review is NOT just a descriptive list of the material available, or a regurgitation of the summaries written in your research so far.
A literature review must do these things:

  • Be organized around and related directly to your research question
  • Synthesize and organize results
  • Identify trends or findings
  • Identify areas of disagreement
  • Formulate questions that need further research

Remember a literature review is:

  • NOT simply a listing of the article summaries

You need to use your summaries to identify themes. Then, use these themes to organize a cohesive paper.

View the following websites for more detailed information on writing literature reviews:

Before you begin

You may want to familiarized yourself with the example paper provide.

Use APA Style

Your information must be organized, presented, and referenced using APA style. For information on APA style, see the following links:

Of particular interest, you will want to visit Landmarks Citation Machine (Links to an external site.) which is an automated site to help you convert your resources into correct APA citation and reference format.

Writing Your Paper

Now it is time to write your literature review utilizes a minimum of 6 empirical, peer-reviewed, research journal studies as the basis for the literature review. The Paper must be written in APA style.

You can use the following outline a starting point for your literature review:

  • Title Page (required)
  • Abstract page (required)
  • Body of paper (10 full pages)
  • Introduce your research question
    • start off by presenting your research question
    • address why you chose the topic or why you find it interesting
    • state the specific lines of research you will be discussing
  • Describe each study (or each line of research, depending on what makes sense), then compare them.
  • Compare studies. Determine which aspects of the studies are relevant. Point out strengths and weaknesses in the studies. Compare:
    • multicultural implications, findings, relevance and/or significance
    • research assumptions
    • research theories tested
    • hypotheses stated
    • research designs used
    • variables selected (independent and dependent)
    • results obtained
    • interpretation of results
    • speculations about future studies
  • Evaluate the work done in the area you are researching based on your comparisons and state:
    • strengths – supported with evidence
    • weaknesses – supported with evidence
    • what requires futher study
  • Summarize your findings
    • summarize what is known and not known
    • synthesize and summarize the findings of the studies and indicate how they answer your research question
    • make recommendations suggest future studies
    • specify how studies would contribute to the work already done
  • References (required) – Follow APA guidelines

Due Date

  • Literature Review Paper (75 points): Due before 11:59 p.m., Sunday, CT.


Bitcoin Introduction in a System Payment Responses Business Finance Assignment Help


My article ( (Links to an external site.)) is about how Tesla decided to buy $1.5B of Bitcoin. The article explains how the company filed with the SEC and how they plan to accept Bitcoin as payment. I think that this move legitimizes Bitcoin in a new way. While previously there was institutional backing by some investment funds, the corporate shift towards accepting Bitcoin will revolutionize this inherently anti-inflation based currency options. As we move forward it will be interested to see if more companies follow suit in either a balance sheet item or as acceptable payment.

Do you guys see more companies accepting cryptocurrencies in the future or adding it to their balance sheets?

What do you believe are the biggest risks in doing so?

Post2 (Links to an external site.)

The articles discusses the series of events that took place during the blast off and crash back to earth of Gamestock’s stock (GME). It explains the Reddit user’s mentality of their volatile money, and their sentiments at the beginning, middle, and end of the week. It shows the potential growth throughout the short-lived journey of a certain amount of money. I also think it’s a funny play on the lack of financial sophistication that these individuals have, and the lack of awareness of consequences that they may very well face in the near future.

Anybody involved in trading Gamestop, or AMC? How did you feel throughout the process?

What is your opinion on the WSB people? Do hedge funds do the exact same thing, but more covert? Should what they did be legal, or clearly manipulation? Opinion on the “little” guy vs the “big” guy?


My article (Links to an external site.) discusses Bumble’s IPO this week. Founder and CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd overcame the odds as a woman and was able to get her company all the way through to going public. The initial offering values the company at over $7 billion. For those of you who may not be familiar with the app, Bumble takes the traditional dating swipe and puts women “in the driver’s seat” by only allowing them to start a discussion first. Female founded companies struggle to receive the same funding that their male counterparts receive, even though for every $1 invested, woman-led start-ups raise $.78 while male led start-ups only raise $.31. In 2020, the gap in funding only increased, with investments in women falling 27%, despite global venture funding rising 13%. The root of this likely lies in the makeup of venture capital firms themselves. Women only account for 13% of decision makers at these firms. By increasing the diversity at these firms, they hopefully will be able to invest in a more diverse array of companies.

Why do you think that investments in woman-led companies decreased in 2020?

Do you think venture capital firms have a duty to actively seek out women (and more diverse people in general) to work at their firms?

Do you think that women-focused venture capital firms, like Her Capital, are the key to properly raising initial funds for these companies?


Public Health Patient Interview Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

For this assignment, you will describe (in detail) how you would approach and assess the victim in the following scenario. Your submission should be a Word document (please proofread) and include enough detail to adequately describe the appropriate steps. You will include all steps that should be completed from the time you recognize the emergency until you actually begin bandaging or splinting for the victim.


You are enjoying the day at a local park when you suddenly hear someone yell for help. You make your way towards a young woman lying on the ground holding her knee, screaming for help. There are a few people nearby. It does not appear that she has any life-threatening injuries.


American High School Academy Macbeth and Gullivers Travels Essay Writing Assignment Help

American High School Academy Macbeth and Gullivers Travels Essay Writing Assignment Help

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