American InterContinental Cultural Relativism and Ethical Relativism Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. American InterContinental Cultural Relativism and Ethical Relativism Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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Assignment Details
Should people just say “live and let live” when they look at the practices of another culture that they find objectionable?
Begin by reading this short article, Cultural Relativism vs. Ethical Relativism, and then answer the following questions:
- What is cultural relativism? What is ethical relativism? What, if any, is the relationship between the two?
- Do people outside of a culture have the right to criticize that culture’s values or beliefs? Why or why not?
- Think of a strong example of a cultural practice. For example, say another culture practices child marriages. What would a cultural relativist say about this? What would an ethical relativist say about it? Support your answer.
For additional assistance with this assignment, click this resource link.
Council on Foreign Relations. (2013). Child marriage. Retrieved from…
X40553. (n.d.). Cultural relativism vs. ethical relativism. WordPress. Retrieved from…
American InterContinental Cultural Relativism and Ethical Relativism Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Grossmont College Implications of Zero Tolerance Immigration Policy OP ED Paper Writing Assignment Help
Learning Goals:
- Describe how different social, political, economic, and environmental factors drive people to migrate
- Explain how host-country policies and institutional structures shape immigrants’ lives in their new homes
- Critically analyze the role of racism and gender in immigrant reception and incorporation
- Articulate clear critiques about dominant discourses of immigration
Audience: Imagine this as something that would be read in a major newspaper. Thus, you will have to explain anything that would not be immediately familiar to the general public.
Write an op-ed of 800-1000 words evaluating one or more current US policies towards immigrants, as discussed in the first five weeks of this course (You may think broadly about US immigration policies, or you may focus in on one policy, but you MUST be specific and concrete in your analysis). Your Op-Ed should
- Have a headline/title at the top that reveals your main point
- 1) describe what the policy (or policies) are meant to do
- 2) analyze whether they have succeeded in their own terms, and
- 3) evaluate whether and why the goals of these policies are misguided in the first place.
- 4) discuss what “unintended” consequences they have produced.
- 5) Conclude by making a proposal for what the incoming administration should do instead (for this part, you can either imagine your “dream” administration or try to pitch a proposal you think the actual incoming president might do).
- Muster as much evidence as possible from the class readings, mini-lectures, videos, and multimedia materials about the effects (or misguided character) of existing policy, including quotes or paraphrases and citations.
University of the Cumberlands Organizational Strategy Alignment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Discuss and describe the process of aligning organizational strategic objectives and individual performance.
● What are the benefits of alignment?
● What are the potential dangers of not having alignment?
● Why are capabilities needed to build a sustainable competitive advantage so important
to a winning business strategy?
● Cite one of the company examples in the textbook to illustrate your answer.
Using the Library Information Resource Network (LIRN), JSTOR, or any other electronic journal database, research eight (8) peer-reviewed articles that can be used to answer your upcoming PA1 assignment. Your discussion should summarize the articles in such a way that it can justify any arguments you may present in your PA1 assignment and should be different from the abstract. In addition to your researched peer-reviewed article, you must include an example of the article researched as it is applied by industry (company, business entity, and so forth).
Glendale Community College Children Routines and Transitions Paper Humanities Assignment Help
In chapter two of our textbook, you will read about the meaning of routines for children. In the Bank Street videos titled Part One: Classroom Routines and Transitions, we see children participating in routines and transitions, as well as pre-service teachers and their instructors reflecting on what’s happening in the videos.
- What did we learn about children in the videos and how they respond to routines?
- According to the textbook, what is the meaning of routines for children? Did you see this reflected in the videos?
- Did you agree with the pre-service students’ analysis of what they saw in the video clips? Why or why not
I will send the videos and textbook
all details plzz
This is separate page plzz
Materials for young children
What materials did you observe the children engaging with throughout the different videos? how does the material support the child’s development?
1. construction material
2. natural material
3. manipulatives
4. art materials
5. dramatic play materials
plzz I need so many details on all
AIU Cultural Studies Eating Whale Meat in Japan Journal Entry Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment Details
Review the scenario, and then use the following to create a journal entry. Journal entries provide the writer with an opportunity to collect their thoughts and reflect in a less formal way than they would in a traditional essay. Although a journal is not a traditional essay in format or tone, all of the elements necessary for good writing still apply, including attention to grammar, thorough proofreading and spelling checks, and presenting views in an organized paragraph structure.
Your company has sent you abroad to Japan for a business trip, and while at a business dinner, you notice that whale meat is on the restaurant menu as a traditional part of the local cuisine. Click here to review Japanese views on eating whale meat.
Journal Entry
Write a journal entry which is 1-2 double-spaced pages in length that addresses the following questions. You are not required to include a cover page, but if you refer to information from other sources, be sure you provide in-text citations in accordance with APA requirements. Make sure you refer to the rubric to ensure you address all the requirements for the paper.
- Description: Imagine how you would feel if you were in the scenario. Describe your reaction(s) to the situation. How do you feel about it? What is your initial reaction? How might you handle this situation at the restaurant?
- Interpretation and reflection: Reflect on the cultural aspects of the scenario presented. Do people outside of a culture have the right to criticize that culture’s values or beliefs? Why or why not?
For additional assistance with this assignment, click this resource link.
Baseel, C. (2015, October 6). How do people in Japan feel about eating whale? We asked five people for their opinions. Sora News 24.[rightSelectionMarker_Pc2e8R7NmM]
Assignment Criteria | Proficient Descriptor | Points |
Content Description | Journal Description: • Provides personal response to the issues raised in the scenario • Demonstrates critical thinking in connecting the given scenario to key course concepts from readings and other academic resources. • Makes relevant inferences through contextual explanations and examples. |
/20 pts. |
Interpretation/Reflection | Journal reflection: • Demonstrates insight and awareness of the relevance of the questions and their cultural implications to the world and society • Examines personal assumptions and explores alternative perspectives. • Includes what was learned from engaging with the questions and how it will inform personal behavior in the future, demonstrating growth and awareness. |
/20 pts. |
Writing Quality | Journal response is well-articulated, including in-text citations and references in accurate APA Style as needed, and is free from grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling errors. | /10 pts. |
Total | /50 pts. |
Florida International University ?pH Buffering in Natural Waters Worksheet Science Assignment Help
pH Buffering in Natural Waters:
We have seen that the carbonic acid system plays a critical role in providing natural waters with both acid- and base-neutralizing capacity, i.e., in resisting changes in pH when strong acids or bases are added and maintaining a stable pH environment. The reasons that carbonic acid is so critical are because:
it is a weak acid (with pK1 = 6.35 and pK2 = 10.33), so it exhibits chemical speciation, and
it is an abundant species in natural waters (acetic acid and phosphoric acid would also contribute to pH buffering but are present at very low concentrations in natural waters)
What I want you to do for this quiz is to plot the fractions of the three carbonic acid species as a function of pH using a spreadsheet.
Unknown concentrations: [H2CO3], [HCO3–] and [CO32–]
So we need three equations:
(1)First acid dissociation constant, K1 = 10-6.35 = [H+][HCO3–]/ [H2CO3]
(2)Second acid dissociation constant, K2 = 10-10.33 = [H+][CO32–]/ [HCO3–]
(3)Mass balance equation, CT = [H2CO3] + [HCO3–] + [CO32–]
I suggest keeping pH as the “master” variable, i.e., define pH values in the range 0 to 14 in the first column of the spreadsheet; keep the second column for values of [H+] = 10-pH.
Then write the molar concentrations of each species as a function of hydrogen ions [H+]. Use equations (1) and (2) to write the [H2CO3] and [CO32–] in terms of [HCO3–]:
[H2CO3] = [H+][HCO3–] /K1 (4)
[CO32–] = K2[HCO3–] /[H+] (5)
Now substitute for [H2CO3] and [CO32–] using equations (4) and (5) in the mass balance equation (3):
CT = [H2CO3] + [HCO3–] + [CO32–] = [H+][HCO3–] /K1 + [HCO3–] + K2[HCO3–] /[H+]
CT = [HCO3–]
So that F1 = [HCO3–]/ CT = 1 /
Substitute for K1 and K2 to get values for F1 in the third column of your spreadsheet. Now use equations (4) and (5) to calculate the F0 and F2 fractions in columns four and five.
Here’s a fragment of what your spreadsheet should look like:
pH |
[H+] |
F1 = [HCO3–]/CT |
F2 = [H2CO3]/CT |
F3 = [CO32–]/CT |
0 |
1 |
4.467E-07 |
1 |
2.089E-17 |
0.2 |
0.6309573 |
7.079E-07 |
1 |
5.248E-17 |
0.4 |
0.3981072 |
1.122E-06 |
1 |
1.318E-16 |
0.6 |
0.2511886 |
1.778E-06 |
1 |
3.311E-16 |
Florida International University ?pH Buffering in Natural Waters Worksheet Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Houston Community College Confidence Interval and Hypothesis Testing Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help
Discussion Board # 5 Last DB
Overview: In module 2 we focused on using statistics to make assumptions about the entire population. What allowed us to make that connection was the:
Central Limit Theorem – if you can’t explain it in under 10 words you probably don’t get it! So in this DB be sure you have it down before you move on.
Submit: You may choose however you would like to submit your analysis- only request is that the work be converted to PDF, and you show your work. Failure to do so will result in loss of points. You are more than welcome to work all problems out by hand & feel free to add a catchy title for fun, also as a signal (data) to me that you know what you are doing.
Data you will need: Class Survey Data (Can be found in Files link to left or Modules tab)
- Create a table – with column headers population, sample, & concepts. Then for each row put one important fact that you ‘predict’ will be on the exam & underneath each column heading (sample & population) give examples/symbols/etc. In the concepts column briefly explain ‘why’ you think it will be on the exam. Be sure to only include relevant examples, (Links to an external site.) therefore, there is no max or min on how many you need to include. As long as they are relevant (Links to an external site.)you are fine! This will “feel’ strange because I’m ask you to use your critical thinking skills, which isn’t hard but it is different. Do your best, I trust you but of course I’ll be sure to give you copious amounts of feedback until you get it right. You can compare & contrast, analyze, etc. Only thing to avoid is copy & pasting definitions.
- Using class data create a 95% Confidence Interval on the average number of hours a student is taking at HCC
- Draw a normal distribution curve & mark the mean, upper limit & lower limit
- Is it possible to find someone on campus who is not w/in the upper & lower limits, if so, why would this happen & how often would it occur?
- Looking at your answer above in #4 is that a fact?
- Review the class data file – given an example when this would be the population, given an example when this would be a sample.
- Perform a statistical test -Do Men & Women take the same # of Hours? Include all 6 steps outlined by book
- State Hypothesis Statements
- Significance Level – lets use 5%
- Determine test statistic – (depends on independence, are they normally distributed, etc-go back to your earlier analysis)
- Decision Rule -lets use 2 tail (this is much easier to learn at first)
- State your decision (did you use critical value & t statistic or P?
- Interpret the results – Is gender significant, why or why not (include diagram)
Feedback post: 100% of your grade will be based on this. You must peer review 2 posts and provide constructive feedback on their work to receive full credit.)
Word of caution: Most students will not link the concept of sampling to earlier chapters on bivariate data. Students will also confuse samples, with populations – best way to keep these straight is to understand that the terms are not permanent. It depends on context. Was survey we used a good sample? Are they independent, normally distributed, is standard deviation known (this will help you determine ‘which’ tests you can use).
University of The Cumberlands Blockchain Technology for Social Impact Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
I have attached the paper that needs to be reviewed as a part of the question.
Need review document for 350 words and another two 100 word paragraphs each – which are in-line with the same review document but these are for replies to others posts. (I do not have info on other posts. so, it’s good enough to make sure they are in the same lines as review document)
Please make sure the review document is in APA 7th edition format and in-text citations are mentioned along with references.
Do not require any Abstract, Introduction or conclusion sections.
Inequality and Social Injustice in Colleges & Pacific 12 Conference Essay Writing Assignment Help
Essay 3: Synthetic Argument
1000-1250 words in length
Assignment Objectives
Students will complete this assignment by writing an essay that answers a question and which
supports that answer using quotations from at least two texts of assigned reading. Students’
essays should
1) have a thesis statement that answers directly the question you choose to answer,
2) support that thesis with specific details from at least two essays that were assigned reading,
3) summarize, paraphrase, and quote from the readings adequately to complete the task.
MRU Nursing Leadership & Profession Evolution Future of Nursing E Poster Health Medical Assignment Help
We must answer each of these questions, these do not have to be very long answers, just answer the question concisely. I am going to send you the book regarding the class. At the end of the document add 3 references in APA format. In this job, you can add the questions. Please beware of plagiarism.
Read Chapter 13
You have to create an E-Poster on what you see as the future of nursing practice and the role of nursing in the emerging health-care environment. You need to predict the future based on present evidence.
The E-Poster needs to include the following:
1. Introduction
2. Statement of the issue
3. Evidence supporting the issue
4. Prediction of the future role of the nurse
5. Conclusion
6. References: minimum of three references from peer-reviewed nursing journals (encourage the use of international journals). Articles need to be within the last 3 years unless historical.
[supanova_question] are fine! This will “feel’ strange because I’m ask you to use your critical thinking skills, which isn’t hard but it is different. Do your best, I trust you but of course I’ll be sure to give you copious amounts of feedback until you get it right. You can compare & contrast, analyze, etc. Only thing to avoid is copy & pasting definitions.
- State Hypothesis Statements
- Significance Level – lets use 5%
- Determine test statistic – (depends on independence, are they normally distributed, etc-go back to your earlier analysis)
- Decision Rule -lets use 2 tail (this is much easier to learn at first)
- State your decision (did you use critical value & t statistic or P?
- Interpret the results – Is gender significant, why or why not (include diagram)
Feedback post: 100% of your grade will be based on this. You must peer review 2 posts and provide constructive feedback on their work to receive full credit.)
Word of caution: Most students will not link the concept of sampling to earlier chapters on bivariate data. Students will also confuse samples, with populations – best way to keep these straight is to understand that the terms are not permanent. It depends on context. Was survey we used a good sample? Are they independent, normally distributed, is standard deviation known (this will help you determine ‘which’ tests you can use).