American InterContinental University Presenting the Marketing Plan Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

American InterContinental University Presenting the Marketing Plan Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. American InterContinental University Presenting the Marketing Plan Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Michelle has told you that the board is now ready to see the final presentation of your plan for MM’s new product.

“They are very eager to see what we have been working on during the past few weeks,” she says excitedly. “I am sure they will love the plan and am looking forward to your presentation.””Thanks,” you respond, feeling a few butterflies in your stomach. “I am looking forward to the presentation also. I think we have covered all of the bases and I am sure we have a solid plan. I have jotted down the order of items to cover that I think will be best for the presentation. What do you think?”

  1. Objectives of plan
  2. Marketing research used to select target market
  3. Product
  4. Pricing
  5. Distribution
  6. Promotional Strategies
  7. Measuring results
  8. Contingency Plan

“This looks like a solid format for the presentation. Let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to help,” Michelle says exiting your office.

You close the door of your office so you can fully concentrate on preparing your presentation. You have a lot of material to cover, but you have been working on this plan for weeks. Now it’s just a matter of formulating a cohesive strategy and anticipating any questions that may arise during the presentation.

  • What might somebody else say to show your proposed solution is wrong?
  • What could you say to show s/he is wrong?
  • What alternative solution might someone else recommend?
  • What reasons might someone provide to support their solution?
  • How would you respond to their reasons?
  • Is there a compromise or creative solution?

American InterContinental University Presenting the Marketing Plan Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

GEO 105 UCLA Sedimentary Rocks and Resources Research Paper Science Assignment Help

ASSESSMENT (Individual): Sedimentary rocks and resources

Sedimentary rocks are extremely important to our global economy for a variety of reasons. Your job in the last part of class and before the following class is to pick one of the resources below that you are most interested in and :

  1. describe what sedimentary rocks it is found in (describe the characteristics of that rock based on what you learned earlier in lab)
  2. the “paleo-environment” the natural resource formed in.
  3. where on earth the resource is found today, how we extract it and environmental hazards associated with that.

Write a paragraph on this (should be approx ~½-1 page single spaced, 12pt font, standard margins) and make sure to cite where you found information- you are required to use at least 2 different sources. Sources should be cited in APA formatting.

  • Oil
  • Shale gas
  • Coal
  • Asphalt
  • Gypsum


Florida International University Polypharmacy Risk Factors and Prevention Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Polypharmacy is defined as being on 5 or more medicines, and is a major concern for providers as the use of multiple medicines is common in the older population with multimorbidity, and as one or more medicines may be used to treat each condition.

1-Discuss two (2) common risk factors for polypharmacy. Give rationale for each identified risk factor.

2-Discuss two interventions you can take as a Nurse Practitioner in your clinical practice to prevent polypharmacy and its complications.

***A minimum of 6 paragraphs is required for all posts. Support all posts with at least 2 cited peer review references within 5 years of publication (references cannot be older than 5 years).All posts are to be written in APA 6th edition format as required by the university.


ITMG 381 American Military University Right to Financial Privacy Outline Paper Programming Assignment Help

Assignment Instructions:

the topic for the outline is: 12 U.S. Code CHAPTER 35—RIGHT TO FINANCIAL PRIVACY.

a one page outline with your proposed term paper title, thesis
statement (must deal with IT or Cybersecurity or privacy), and an outline of the subtopics you will cover in your paper.
The term paper details are listed below.

project provides you with the opportunity to increase and demonstrate
your understanding of cyberlaw theory and practice. You will need to
choose a law(s) that you are interested in researching. The paper must
be 4-6 pages in length detailing the below questions. Before completing
the below steps, please make sure that the topic is approved.

1. Thesis: What law are you researching (You are to choose a specific law. Please do not choose a topic)? What position do you want to take in regard to your chosen law? (PRO, COM, or NEUTRAL) You will need to decide if you agree or disagree with the current way the law is written. You can choose to like certain aspects of the law and not others. (EXPLAIN WHY)
2. Background: What is the existing point you want to challenge or support, and how did the law get to be that way (This
is where you would need to find cases, background information, etc.)?
Judgements for plaintiffs, defendants, raised or appealed to higher
courts, International vs National (USA).

Inadequacies: What are the deficiencies in the present way of doing
things, or what are the weaknesses in the argument you are attacking?

4. Adequacies: Discuss the positive aspects of the law?

Proposed Changes: How will we have a better situation, mode of
understanding or clarity with what you are advocating? In short, how can
the law be improved (or not diminished)? (This is where you have the
chance to change the law with your own ideas of how it should be

6). Conclusion: Why should and how can your proposal be adopted?

detailed implementation plan is NOT expected, but you should provide
enough specifics for practical follow-up. In making recommendations, you
are expected to draw on theories, concepts and reading.


Signs and Symptoms of Periph­eral Venous Insufficiency Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

A 52-year-old man presents with classic signs and symptoms ofperiph­ eral venous insufficiency. It is bilateral, chronic, and dependent and without signifi­ cant constitutional, cardiac, or pulmonary symptoms. Physical examination reveals varicosities and venous stasis dermatitis. The edema often interferes with and is aggravated by his work and is possibly worsened with the recent use of ibuprofen.

Describe your clinical experience for this week.

  • Did you face any challenges, any success? If so, what were they?
  • Describe the assessment of a patient, detailing the signs and symptoms (S&S), assessment, plan of care, and possible differential diagnosis.
  • What did you learn from this week’s clinical experience that can beneficial for you as healthcare practitioner?
  • Support your plan of care with the current peer-reviewed research guideline.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources



SWK 401 Syracuse University Problem Exploration Trauma Paper Humanities Assignment Help

The assignment is circled in red in the attached file with this message. A grading rubric is also attached. The paper is a problem exploration assignment. The problem being explored is “Trauma” the 2 best practices for treatment are Dialectical behavior therapy and Trauma informed cognitive behavioral therapy. These are the two topics i want to discuss in my paper as solutions to trauma. Trauma is the problem while the solution is both therapies (DBT) and (TF-CBT). The paper should be APA style and 6-7 pages not including the title page or reference. My professor is very specific and expects perfection i am busy writing another paper for another class. i would really appreciate some help.

SWK 401 Syracuse University Problem Exploration Trauma Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BA 383 Central Texas College Factors That Influence Internal Pay Structure Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Discussion:Discuss the factors that influence internal pay structures. Based on your own experience, which ones do you think are the most important? Why?

Discussion Instructions:

Initial Response to Discussion Question:

Instructor will post a discussion question each

week requiring a minimum of 175 word response with one in-text citation with one reference for

the discussion question using proper APA


Apa Atricle Review

Each week you will post a current article related to management. Post a link to your article and write a minimum of two paragraphs relating to the article. The first paragraph should be a quick summary of the article and the second paragraph should be about how the article relates to class and/or your personal experience.


will post one discussion question each week requiring a minimum of 175 word



citation and one reference

for each discussion question. Your response will

be due no later than Wednesday of each week. Please note that unless you respond, you


Security Architecture and Design Securing Systems Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Course: Security Architecture and Design

Discussion Topic:

What are people currently doing to achieve security objectives? Where do those security objectives originate? Who are the people who are engaged in security and what are their reasons for engagement?

Step 1: Initial discussion should be minimum of 400 words

Step 2: respond to 2 peer students discussion topics

– Make sure to explain and back up your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.


Title: Securing Systems


ISBN: 9781482233971

Authors: Brook S. E. Schoenfield

Publisher: CRC Press

Publication Date: 2015-05-20


Brookline College Python Interactive Shell Questions Programming Assignment Help

This is a four part homework assignment. All I need is the stuff that goes into the box. Just when you are done copy and paste your terminal and send it to me. When you send the answers out for the things that are in the chart just draw the chart and then take a picture of the chart and upload it to the chat. And then for the final part just write out all the code and then text it in the messenger and then I will put it in and then just circle the right multiple-choice answer. And if you would like to see what my past work looks like just ask and I can send you pictures.


ISOL 534 UCK Protection from Malicious Codes and Viruses on Computers Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

1. What is the one thing that a virus, a worm, spyware, and malicious code have in common? What are the differences among these three threats: a virus, a worm, and spyware?

2. How often should you update your antivirus protection?

3. Why is it a best practice to have and to carry an antivirus boot-up disk or CD?

4. Is the manual quick scan good enough protection for a system?

5. What best practices for the workstation domain that can mitigate the risks and threats caused by malicious code?

6. If you have an up-to-date antivirus program, do you still need a malware detection program like Windows Defender?

7. What are some of the most common symptoms of malware?

8. What risk or threat do malware applications, such as spyware, pose to the workstation domain?


American InterContinental University Presenting the Marketing Plan Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

American InterContinental University Presenting the Marketing Plan Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

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