American InterContinental University Research Methods and Statistics Discussion Writing Assignment Help

American InterContinental University Research Methods and Statistics Discussion Writing Assignment Help. American InterContinental University Research Methods and Statistics Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a research & summaries multi-part question and need support to help me study.
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For this discussion, you will research different uses of data visualization in public safety. Selecting 2 different public safety agencies, find 4 different examples of data visualization. In 2 paragraphs, introduce these to your classmates, and in 2 paragraphs, explain why you believe each of your examples reflects best practices within data visualization.

The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Engage in independent research, and find 4 different examples of data visualization used by 2 different public safety agencies.
  2. Supply an explanation as to why your examples reflect best practices in data visualization for each of your examples.  
  3. Engage in a discussion with your classmates on the diverse types of data visualization practices and how they are used to improve public safety.

American InterContinental University Research Methods and Statistics Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Makelele Occupational Safety and Health Administration PSM Standards Paper Science Assignment Help


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals (PSM) 

standard (29 C.F.R. § 1910.119) contains requirements for the safe management of chemicals for facilities that exceed OSHA’s

threshold quantities for highly hazardous substances. This standard requires the establishment of a PSM program that contains 

14 elements for the safe management of hazards associated with the use, storage, manufacturing, handling, or moving of highly hazardous chemicals.

You have recently been promoted to the position of health, environmental, and safety (HES) manager at Marz Pulp and Paper, Inc. (MPP), 

a pulp and paper manufacturer that is located in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The company employs 120+ management, 

supervisory, operations, and ancillary personnel, including contractor employees from 15 different companies. MPP uses the kraft pulping 

process to convert wood chips to a pulp for use in their paper production process. The pulp mill is considered a covered facility pursuant to the

PSM standard (29 C.F.R. §1910.119). The 14 elements of OSHA’s PSM standard are discussed in the document “Process Safety Management Guidelines for Compliance.”

You have been accompanying an OSHA inspector this past week on a PSM inspection of your pulp mill process facilities,

including the review of all PSM-related operating procedures, process information, hazardous material, mechanical integrity inspection,

and incident and training records. The OSHA inspector has completed their inspection of your facility and presented the following preliminary 

observations during the PSM inspection in the briefing for your facility management and operations supervisors:

  • Some of the hazardous materials of concern utilized at MPP’s facility are as shown below.

Hazardous materials of concern utilized at MPP's facility.

Note: The hazardous material usage (in pounds) shown in the table is only for purposes of this assignment exercise and does not reflect

the actual chemical usage at a commercial pulp mill.

  • Key facility PSM inspection observations were as shown below.

    • The frequency of the inspection and testing of process equipment was not performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, 
    • good engineering practices, or prior operating experience.
    • Process equipment records for 65 of 422 records reviewed were missing either the name of the person who performed the inspection, 
    • the date of the inspection, or the serial number of the equipment.
    • The process hazard analysis performed by MPP did not address all of the process hazards.
    • MPP did not review or evaluate their contractor’s safety performance and safety programs during the contractor selection process.
    • No written plan of action for the implementation of employee participation in PSM/safety activities was available for review.
    • An incident investigation of a potentially catastrophic release of chlorine dioxide was not initiated as required by PSM within 48 hours
    • following the incident.
    • MPP’s Emergency Action Plan does not include procedures for handling small releases of hazardous materials.

Your MPP management team is not familiar with the requirements of OSHA’s PSM standard. Although it will be several weeks before

OSHA provides the formal PSM inspection report and findings, you plan to proactively schedule an internal follow-up meeting with your

management team and operations supervisors to prepare them for what to expect, including possible citations and fines for violations of the PSM standard.

At a minimum, the questions below need to be addressed at this meeting.

  1. Discuss the purpose of OSHA’s PSM standard, including why it was initially implemented and its scope. Explain why MPP’s pulp mill 
  2. manufacturing process is considered a covered facility under OSHA’s PSM standard. Identify which hazardous material(s) used at the
  3. pulp mill facility exceed the threshold quantities (TQ) shown in 29 C.F.R. § 1910.119 Appendix A.
  4. Describe an oxidizer. Identify at least three oxidizers used at this MPP facility, and discuss their potential hazards to human health and the environment. 
  5. Based on the OSHA 8-hour permissible exposure limit (PEL)/time-weighted average (TWA) for your three identified oxidizers,
  6. which one would pose the greatest threat to human health? Explain why, and elaborate on how you should respond if this oxidizer is accidentally released.
  7. Review the OSHA inspector’s preliminary observations, and provide recommendations regarding how MPP can improve their compliance 
  8. with at least three elements of OSHA’s PSM standard. Each recommendation you provide must discuss the noncompliance issue(s) observed, 
  9. the specific PSM standard requirement, and what program changes need to be implemented to improve your company’s PSM compliance.

Your paper must be at least three pages in length, not including your title page and references page. You are required to cite the course textbook, the OSHA PSM standard, and at least two other sources in your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced.


De Anza College Obstacles in Life of Characters Color of Water Novel Essay Writing Assignment Help

Please choose ONE of the following prompts and respond with a detailed, thorough essay. Be sure to make reference to SPECIFIC parts of the book. Be clear in your explanation and tell how/why your examples and/or references are relevant.

Choose ONE of the following:


This has been a key theme addressed throughout the book. We learn that there are many different kinds of identity and that identity can play an important role in life or no role at all.

Think about how you identify yourself. Think of your different communities. Think about how those identities help form who you are.

In a essay, give 3 examples of how your identity(ties) have shaped who you are and the decisions you have made in your life. Use any examples, references or parallels from The Color of Water that will help illustrate your point of view.


Often, when we think of the word ‘obstacle’, we think of something bad that hinders us or causes us harm.

What if an obstacle was actually an event that later turned out to be something that made our lives better?

In the Color of Water, we have identified and discussed multiple examples of obstacles in the lives of both Ruth and James.

Thinking about those obstacles, identify 3 obstacles in either the life of Ruth or James (you can do one from both if you’d like) that actually turned out to be ‘a blessing in disguise.’

Use examples from the novel and tell why you think the obstacle was a blessing. Be clear in your reasoning and cite clear examples from the book.


What we believe, our attitudes and what we value as important are often the deciding factors for many of the important decisions that we make in life.

Citing 3 examples from the book, talk about how beliefs, attitudes and values were responsible for the decisions that Ruth or James made in their journeys from childhood to adulthood.

Be specific about the beliefs, attitudes or values that Ruth or James held and why they were significant for the decision(s) he or she made. Cite 3 examples from the book to support your essay.

Book in here:…


Leadership Self Reflection and Development Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

2500-word leadership self-reflection and development essay. Using appropriate theoretical models, concepts and assessment-tools, write a 2500-word critical and reflective report on your own leadership skills, competencies and effectiveness and how you could develop and improve your leadership to enhance employee well-being and effectiveness. You are required to justify your analysis using theory, research evidence and empirically grounded data (see below) and interpretations about your leadership.

(*) Appendix: Evidence of using self-assessment tools (take a screen-shot of the outcomes of your self-assessment tool or app), 

peer-feedback, and reflective-journal entries 

detail of what is expected

instruction from the tutor

1. Think of who you are as a leader and who do you wan to be and how you are going to get there

2. It is a self reflection, reflect on your past, experiences and how this reflection can clarify on where you want to go, once you determine where you want to go, , what are the steps you are going to put in place to to get there. Use appropriate. theoretical model, concepts and assessment tools. some of the theories discussed are personality, adaptability. coaching , managing group, culture etc. these theories will form part of your reflection. For instance if you are using Goleman;s theory style, why is so comfortable using that rather than another

3.In your reflection you are not expected to say how perfect you are as a leader. Tell the bright and dark side of your approach

4. Discuss how you will develope and improve your employee wellbeing and effectiveness


Capella University Intervention and Mental Health Promotion Plan for Older Adults Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

For this assessment you will develop a brief, 3-5 page intervention and health promotion plan for improving the quality of care and outcomes for the health care need in the population addressed in your previous assessments.


Note: Complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

Health can be affected by social and lifestyle behaviors. In fact, many would argue that many, if not most, health risks can be mitigated through lifestyle and behavioral changes. With this in mind, the health care provider must be aware of the socioeconomic factors and the lifestyle factors present in a population. There are many lifestyle factors that are influenced by both social and cultural factors. Living environment, housing conditions, employment factors, diet, and cultural beliefs all play a role in a person’s levels of risk and resulting health.

Communication patterns can play a major role in health care program delivery and in the comprehension and understanding of health promotion efforts targeted to multicultural populations. It is imperative that health care providers understand the barriers associated with health care access for diverse groups, merely due to communication obstacles. Ethnic disparities in health can be exacerbated by lack of culturally competent health communication.

Health promotion plans can help to organize strategies for communication and addressing obstacles and disparities as they seek to drive improve health care outcomes.

Intervention and health promotion plans are key tools for health care organizations and professionals. These types of plans lay out specific components of interventions and health promotion strategies for targeted needs and populations. These plans can also ensure that best practices and strategies are appropriately adapted to the context of the care setting in which the plan will be implemented. Additionally, intervention and health promotion plans can help ensure that considerations beyond the specific health care need, such as workforce realities, the cultural competence of staff, and the desire (and ability) for staff to apply cross-cultural collaboration strategies are taken into account.


As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.

This assessment will be based around creating a holistic intervention and health promotion plan for improving the quality of care and outcomes for the health care need for the population or group that you have been using as the basis for your previous assessments.

  • What are the major components of your plan?
    • How will these components lead to improvements related to your identified need?
    • Why are these components the best option to address your identified need?
  • What are the cultural needs and characteristics of your target population for this project?
    • What aspects of the target population’s cultural characteristics impact the development of your plan components?
    • How will the cultural needs of the population impact the development of your plan components?
  • What best practices related to working with diverse and vulnerable populations are relevant to your plan?
    • How will they impact the design of the plan components?
  • What epidemiological evidence and best practices are relevant to your plan?
    • How will they impact the design of the plan components?
  • What resources and strategies related to cross-cultural collaboration are most relevant to your care setting and target population?


Your project team has developed a foundational understanding about best practices and approaches from others in the health care field for your identified health need and community, state, and populations or groups. The team has now been asked to develop an intervention and health promotion plan. Your goal is to design a holistic plan that should be able to improve the quality of care and outcomes for your identified health need and groups. Your holistic approach will consider epidemiological and population health considerations, as well as relevant economic, cultural, spiritual, and environmental aspects of both the patients and the organization.


Your intervention and health promotion plan design should provide enough detail so that stakeholders and leadership reading it will be able to have a clear picture of how you intend to pursue improvements in the quality of care and outcomes. However, it should not be so detailed that there is no flexibility in the design to respond to challenges as they might appear during implementation.

The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Be sure that your submission addresses all of them. You may also want to read the Intervention and Health Promotion Plan for Diverse Populations Scoring Guide to better understand how each criterion will be assessed. You may wish to structure your plan using the headings below.

Part 1: Intervention and Health Promotion Plan
  • Explain the major components of an intervention and health promotion plan that will help guide improvements in the quality of care and outcomes related to a specific health need of a community.
  • Explain the major components of an intervention and health promotion plan that will help guide improvements in the quality of care and outcomes that are most relevant to a specific diverse or vulnerable group in a community.
Part 2: Evidence-Based Foundations
  • Analyze epidemiological evidence and best practices that support the proposed intervention and health promotion plan.
  • Analyze evidence and best practices for working with diverse and vulnerable populations that support the proposed intervention and health promotion plan.
Part 3: Cross-Cultural Collaborative Opportunities and Strategies
  • Propose potential staff education activities to better improve the ability of health care professionals to collaborate cross-culturally with patients, community stakeholders, and colleagues.
Address Generally Throughout
  • Communicate intervention and health promotion plan in a professional way that helps the audience to understand the proposed plan and the implications of the plan that must be taken into account.
  • Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.
Additional Requirements
  • Length of submission: 3–5 pages, double spaced.
  • Number of resources: A minimum of 5–7 resources. (You may use resources you previously cited in Assessments 1 and 2.)
  • APA formatting: Use the APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] to help you in writing and formatting your analysis.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Assess population health to guide health promotion and disease prevention initiatives.
    • Explain the major components of an intervention and health promotion plan that will help guide improvements in the quality of care and outcomes related to a specific health need of a community.
  • Competency 2: Apply basic epidemiological concepts and tools to understand health care needs.
    • Analyze epidemiological evidence and best practices that support the proposed intervention and health promotion plan.
  • Competency 3: Analyze how cultural, ethnic, traditional, and spiritual principles relate to clinical prevention, population health, and health disparities in diverse and vulnerable populations.
    • Explain the major components of an intervention and health promotion plan that will help guide improvements in the quality of care and outcomes that are most relevant to a specific diverse or vulnerable group in a community.
    • Analyze evidence and best practices for working with diverse and vulnerable populations that support the proposed intervention and health promotion plan.
    • Propose potential staff education activities to better improve the ability of health care professionals to collaborate cross-culturally with patients, community stakeholders, and colleagues.
  • Competency 4: Communicate effectively across disciplines, demonstrating respect for self and others.
    • Communicate intervention and health promotion plan in a professional way that helps the audience to understand the proposed plan and the implications of the plan that must be taken into account.
    • Integrate relevant sources to support assertions, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.



National Launch of the Fresh Cola Soft Drink Advert Analytical Review Writing Assignment Help

Create a digital advertisement that provides an emotional appeal to reach your target segment of customers; influencing them to buy your product. Include the following elements in your ad:

A logo and/or slogan

A headline

At least 300 words of body copy listing 2 features and 2 benefits of the product

A visual communication element

A 500-word summary of your creative intent that includes:

The target market’s demographics and psychographics; and how the creative ad connects with the selected customers.

Part 2:

This will be an electronic sales pitch or presentation of 500-750 words, including the following elements:

A promotional element, such as a coupon; discount; or buy one, get one free

Explanation of how you will influence your customer to buy the product

Explanation of why you would use the ad that you just created in addition to the sales pitch to encourage a purchase

National Launch of the Fresh Cola Soft Drink Advert Analytical Review Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Strayer University Managing the Contractor and Customer Relationship Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

  1. Managing the Contractor-Customer Relationship

    Your CEO realized that in order to complete the various high-profile projects, your organization will need to rely on resources outside of the organization. Your firm typically does not rely on external resources so this will be a new adventure.Write an 8–10 page paper in which you do the following:

    1. Discuss the ethical issues that can arise in contracting.
    2. Analyze and discuss the benefits that can arise with contracting.
    3. Describe the importance of the communication process in the contractor–customer relationship.
    4. Describe the risks and responsibilities in the contractor–customer relationship.
    5. Go to to locate at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS (Strayer Writing Standards). Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

    The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

    • Review the risks and responsibilities of the contractor-customer relationship, including potential ethical issues, benefits, and the importance of communication.


Florida State University Labor Law Reflection Humanities Assignment Help

In your chapter review, you should reflect on the knowledge content of the chapter and discuss the implications of the chapter. Your review should be properly constructed, well thought-out, insightful and inclusive of a public administrator’s standpoint. It must be at least 500-1000 words.

Requirements for Chapter review:

Provide your reflection on the main points of the chapter.

Please record some of the feelings/opinions you experienced while reading the chapter.

Please explain a minimum of 4 reasons why you agree or disagree with the chapter’s point of view.

Please support with examples or reasons. Use the chapter to complete your answer. If you use resources, they must be academic!

Has the chapter altered your perspective or views on the subject? Please explain why or why not?

Your Blog entry must be submitted no later than the Sunday 12 pm!


Labor management: Budd, J. W. (2013). Labor relations: Striking a balance. New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 0078029430


Strayer University Week 4 Transgender Inmates and The Subsequent Challenges Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment Guidelines 

Complete the following:

  • Identify how you would amend your new sexual harassment policy to address the following:
  • Add your responses to the final draft of your Key Assignment:

    • What are some of the significant problems that transgender suspects face in the criminal justice system?
    • How have the courts responded to this issue? Research current case law on how courts have categorized and placed transgendered inmates in correctional settings.
    • Identify and describe any special needs of transgendered inmates.
    • Are there any misconceptions or prejudices against this population within the criminal justice system? Provide specific information to support your position.

  • Be sure to use only academic or scholarly resources, and reference all of your sources using APA style


American InterContinental University Unit 4 Honolulu Police Department Offenses PPT Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Description

In Unit 4, you practiced analyzing statistical data. In this activity, you will further practice your analytical skills by creating 5 different charts from the data you analyzed in Unit 4. Additionally, you will create a presentation including each of those charts and explain why you used the selected chart.

The specific steps are as follows:

  1. Download 1 of the following datasets of offenses reported:

  2. Using the provided data and your analyzed data, create 5 different charts. 
  3. Create a PowerPoint presentation effectively presenting each of your charts, with a written description of each chart.


American InterContinental University Research Methods and Statistics Discussion Writing Assignment Help

American InterContinental University Research Methods and Statistics Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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