American Military University The Ambivalent Reality of Community Policing Discussion Law Assignment Help. American Military University The Ambivalent Reality of Community Policing Discussion Law Assignment Help.
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Reading: Familiarize yourself with Chapter 5 (Souryal): “The Ambivalent Reality”.
Part 1. Initial Post: “What Would You Do?” (APA citation required)
- View the video below and then post two YouTube videos (using “Mashup) that you found to be germane.
Chicago police shifting officers to focus on community policing on west, southwest sides
Duration: 2:00
User: n/a – Added: 8/20/20
YouTube URL:
- As stated in the Chapter 5, “The following four characteristics distinguish an ethically daring culture conducive to “Rushmorean” in criminal justice agencies”: Duty, Integrity, Self-control, and Democracy. Picture yourself as the newly appointed police commissioner of Chicago PD. Albeit a monumental job, how would you begin trying to instill these characteristics in your department? Is Community Policing the answer?
3. Question/Comment: Question and/or comment on your classmate’s “Initial Post” (from within the group you are assigned to). Your position must be supported by either research (include citation) or empirical evidence . Required: These posts MUST be posted during the first three days of the second week. Failure to follow these instructions will reduce your score under the “Followed Instructions” criterion in the grading rubric.
4. Response: Respond to a classmate(s) who questioned or commented on you Initial Post. Your position must be supported by either research (include citation) or empirical evidence
I will provide the students responses for your response.
American Military University The Ambivalent Reality of Community Policing Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
1984 Novel by George Orwell Freedom Individuality and Totalitarianism Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Essay #2: Beware of Big Brother
For this essay, we will be reading George Orwell’s famous novel 1984 and considering how the novel compares to our own world. This is a compare and contrast essay which asks you to find and consider specific similarities and differences between the world that Orwell creates and our own world. There are many different themes or topics within the novel that you can explore, some of these include:
Surveillance and Privacy
Freedom and Individuality
The role of technology in all of the above
In addition to comparing and contrasting the novel with our real world, and looking closely at the themes and ideas in the novel and how they impact us, you will also form some opinion as to what can/should/shouldn’t be done to prevent the world of 1984, and/or to either preserve and/or improve our own world.
You might consider one or all of the following prompts/questions as you write:
1. The world of Big Brother has three main slogans:
These slogans seem to be paradoxical and contradictory on the surface, but in the world of Big Brother, they make a kind of sense. Each is like an equation, but how can one thing equal its opposite? Perhaps it would be better to ask “How can one thing lead to its opposite?” Could war abroad lead to peace at home? Could absolute freedom make you a slave to your own desires? Could knowing too much make you think more than act? Choose one of these slogans and explore what it means in 1984, using examples from the book. Then think about how the slogan might apply in our own society.
2. 1984 provides a cautionary tale about the potential of surveillance technology to allow an authoritarian government to control the population. At present, current technology, including smartphones, web cams, GPS tracking, internet-connected home appliances, and many other items, is being used to make daily life more convenient. However, each of these is potentially a very powerful surveillance technology that the totalitarian oligarchy of 1984 would have been overjoyed to use. At this moment, the government, or another entity, could easily see every Web site you have visited, read every message you ever sent, and listen to every phone call. In what ways does 1984 suggest that we should be worried that our use of electronic devices could someday lead to totalitarian control? If Big Brother really might use our electronics to watch us, what could we do to stop it?
3. Science fiction novels don’t always try to predict the future, but in 1984, Orwell is trying to warn us of what might happen if new propaganda techniques and technology were combined in the hands of an authoritarian leader. As a prediction of the future, how accurate is 1984?
4. “Newspeak” is attempt by Big Brother to control thought by reducing the number of words in the language and eliminating words that might lead to “thoughtcrime,” which is itself a Newspeak word. Is it possible to control thought through controlling language? Does our own society have similar tendencies? Discuss examples of Newspeak in the novel and how this kind of control might function in our own society.
Compare and Contrast Essay Guidelines: A. 7-10 pages minimum.
B. The essay should compare and contrast George Orwell’s 1984 with our own world in the present.
C. The essay should have a specific thesis which tells the reader the similarity/difference you will be exploring, as well as your solution or why you don’t think we need a solution.
D. The essay should have a title and an introductory paragraph that promote interest.
E. The essay should support claims through textual evidence from the book, your research, and your own experience(s).
F. The essay should have effective transitions (between sentences, paragraphs, and larger sections).
G. The essay should be mostly free of mechanical, grammatical, and usage errors.
H. The essay must be in MLA format, and include at least 4 secondary sources,
one of which must come from a source other than the class readings. The book, 1984 is your primary source, and does not count as one of the 4 secondary sources. You must have a works cited page, also in MLA format.
Miami Dade College Changing Role of a Nurse E Poster Paper Writing Assignment Help
You have to create an E-Poster on what you see as the future of nursing practice and the role of nursing in the emerging health-care environment. You need to predict the future based on present evidence.
The E-Poster needs to include the following:
1. Introduction
2. Statement of the issue
3. Evidence supporting the issue
4. Prediction of the future role of the nurse
5. Conclusion
6. References: minimum of three references from peer-reviewed nursing journals (encourage the use of international journals). Articles need to be within the last 3 years unless historical.
******* enclosed sample ****** do not use the word on the graphic, but the same concept.
PGU Conflict and Negotiation on the Job Firm Leadership Style Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Topic: Conflict and Negotiation on the Job
Scenario (fictional): The SMQ company CEO has received various reports from some directors and other managers and employees that the president’s leadership style is a transactional one and just is not motivating employees to perform at their best. Using the reading on leadership, the negotiation steps in the Reading area, and conflict resolution reading, negotiate with the president to change to a better leadership style.
- Your 1st part will be as the CEO and your 2nd part will be as the president.
- As the CEO (1st part) make sure to suggest an alternate leadership style.
SCC Process Flow and Financial & Operational Measurements in Organizations Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment Content
Select your organization or a business with which you are familiar.
Create a process flowchart for a process that requires improvement within your selected organization.
Write a 525- to 600-word paper in which you describe at least three of the four process flows: process time, flow rate, inventory, and throughput. Analyze the financial measures necessary for key organizational performance.
Identify how operational measures of flow time can be used to improve a process from production to delivery (e.g. material, customers, data, orders, etc.).
Discuss how some of the levers can be used to speed up the process, and highlight activities that are done (or could be done) in parallel.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Cite a minimum of three sources; include your textbook as one of the three sources.
San Diego State University Racial Disparities in Federal Penalties Discussion Law Assignment Help
In late 2017 the US Sentencing Commission released an update to the 2012 Booker Report. The report addresses the relationship between federal sentencing practices and certain demographic characteristics such as race or gender. This is an important study sponsored by the federal government and it’s conclusions are not good, at least in regards to the impact race continues to have on sentencing at least in the federal arena. Review the Key Findings (page 2) and then write about some aspect of those findings that strikes you as particularly interesting, alarming, basically whatever thoughts it may provoke. Details regarding the Key Findings can be found in report itself.
Write a well written paragraph 12-15 sentences answering the question above using the key findings I am gonna provide you with.
San Diego State University Racial Disparities in Federal Penalties Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Clayton State University Workers Compensation Management Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Apply workers’ compensation management regulations and concepts to the following workplace scenario:
You are a newly hired environmental safety and health professional for a midsized manufacturer of widgets. You currently have three manufacturing facilities in three separate, but geographically close states. Because of unprecedented growth in the widgets market, your company decides to build another factory. One out of the hundreds of indicators the executive staff is looking for is which one of their current states they operate is most employer friendly. In other words, which state treats employers and employees the same when it comes to regulatory requirements?
Complete a research paper that compares and contrasts the differences between the state in which you live and two other adjacent states. (The state I live in is FLORIDA…. GEORGIA AND ALABAMA are adjacent) In your paper, you shouldi discuss the differences and similarities between workers’ rights in the three different states (e.g., definition of employee, wages paid, weeks of temporary disability, etc.), identify and explain the commonalities in the fundamental laws of the workers’ compensation system in the three states,interpret the resources that are available for employers in each state (e.g., monthly courses taught, written guidance, employer rights, etc.), discuss the types of coverage available to employees in each state, and argue which state is more employer friendly from an employer’s perspective when it comes to administering a workers’ compensation program.
Be sure to use the tools provided by the U.S. Department of Labor, Division of Federal Employees’ Compensation (DFEC) web page. The webpage is located at This page provides a link to the workers’ compensation board for each of the 50 states as well as the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico. In addition to this resource, you should use a minimum of two other sources. All information from these sources must be cited in APA style.
This research paper must be a minimum of three pages in length and should be written in APA style. The title and reference page are not included in the page count.
Pasadena City College Violence as Source of Oppression and Tool for Liberation Essay Writing Assignment Help
Purpose: This essay is an opportunity for you to reveal your ability to read a text and think critically. Doing so requires careful use of close reading and critical analysis. You will reveal your knowledge of the subject before presenting your own viewpoint of this topic.
- “On Violence”—Franz Fanon
- Spoken word poetry and music by Gil Scott-Heron, The Last Poets, Nina Simone
Topic: As we have discussed thus far, the creation of races was an intentional project that resulted from the European Enlightenment and its philosophical, artistic, and scientific communities. In Fanon’s chapter “On Violence” from The Wretched of the Earth, he discusses the various forms of violence perpetrated against the oppressed by the oppressor (he calls them the colonized and the colonizers). He observes that often, violence must be met with violence. In the music and poetry by Gil Scott-Heron, The Last Poets, and Nina Simone, the artists expose the horrors of living in a world of white supremacy domination and the daily violences upon Black and brown communities.
Writing Task
In a well-developed, thesis-driven essay of 3-4 pages (750-900 words) using two (2) of our texts in this unit as well as our class discussions and lectures, respond to the following prompt:
What are some of the violences Fanon discusses and why does he say violence is often necessary? Make sure you use the poetry and music to support your thesis. |
Paper Requirements
Your essay should convince the reader that the claim you make (your thesis) is an arguable one, not simply a statement of fact.
- Be sure to support your claim with quotes (textual evidence) from the text.
- Papers must be 3-4 pages (750-900 words) and follow MLA format: typed, double-spaced, 12 pt., Times New Roman font with 1” margins and left-alignment.
California State University Professional Nutrition and Catering Institutions Essay Writing Assignment Help
I am an International student from China, major: Nutrition Science. Now I am applying master degree in CSULA.
I need one recommendation letter, and My boss will help me write, but her English is not good, so I need you to finish it for me.
The owner’s name is Tiffany Li, and the company’s name is Jen Meal, Inc. is a company that provides confinement meals for pregnant women after giving birth. My task is to help in the central kitchen and sell.
And here is the Specialties for JenMeal:
Established in 2011, Jane Classic is one of the first professional nutrition and catering institutions in Los Angeles, USA. The professional service quality and experienced team of nearly ten years have brought high-quality services to thousands of mothers. Fresh ingredients, considerate service, and good reputation have made us the first choice for the high-end mother and baby crowd in Los Angeles. In addition to prenatal meals and postpartum meals that women can choose from, in recent years, we have added several items such as conditioning meals, healthy vitality meals, and Vegetarian postpartum meals to provide meal services for more health-loving people. We guarantee to restore the most natural and original flavor of the ingredients and never add artificial flavors and preservatives. We have a professional central kitchen, all tableware specifications, ingredients, and hygiene comply with government standards.
CSU Management & Supervision in Criminal Justice in The 21st Century Discussion Law Assignment Help
Write an in-depth research paper on that topic. In Unit I you will submit your research topic with a one-page synopsis detailing the goal of your paper for approval by your instructor.
Note:This is often the most difficult part of the research process. Here are some tips to getting started with your research paper:
-Write down multiple research topics and choose which you find most appealing. (2 already Picked: Positiveness and Productivity at work & Trust)
-Use personal or professional experience to establish a research topic.
-Include 2 references you’ll be citing in your paper.
-Review the course objectives and see if any spark interest.
-Your topic should be at least 1 page, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, with appropriate APA style writing
Positiveness and Productivity at Work
Over the past decade, Gallup surveyed more than 10 million people worldwide on the topic of employee engagement being positive and productive at work, and only one-third “strongly agree” with the statement, “Of work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.” This means that a lot of workers do not get to focus on what they do best—their strengths.
People who do have the opportunity to focus on their strengths are six times as likely to be engaged in their jobs and more than three times as likely to report having above average life satisfaction.
Here are some recent findings about supervisors who primarily focus on either employees’ strengths and weaknesses or ignore them. The chances of your being actively disengaged (negative and a poor performer) if your boss: (1) ignores you 40%; (2) focuses on your weaknesses 22%; and (3) focuses on your strengths 1%. Look at how much a supervisor who focuses on your strengths decreases the odds of your being miserable on the job.
This data convincingly shows us that the active disengagement we see in work places every day is a curable disease . . . if we will help our staff develop their strengths as well as our own.
Every police supervisor I’ve trained or worked with talks freely and frequently about the importance of trust as the paramount operational asset. No one seems to doubt how important trust is to professional or personal relationships, and everyone seems equally aware of the tremendous costs of distrust. Yet, despite enlightened rhetoric about trust, a few police employees (supervisors and managers too) regularly engage in conduct that undermines trust and damages credibility, demonstrating a lack of character and/or competence as a leader.
Trust is the genesis of all human relationships.
If there is a lack of trust between a supervisor and his or her staff, the working relationship is doomed. Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. Likewise, it is a binding agent for police organizations. Without it, they fail to meet their mission and fulfill their potential. Specifically, character and competency are the primal pillars of police leadership and supervision. The deeper, the larger, the stronger these twin pillars are, the greater the strengths of a leader and the better the performance of a supervisor.
Lack of trust guarantees disaster for a police organization. Some believe that the only things needed for success are talent, skills, energy, and personality. This is wrong thinking. Experience has repeatedly shown us and continues to teach us that who we are is more important than who we appear to be.
The Industrial Age (1830–1947) provided an operational path of personality, technology, situational ethics, and an emphasis on the “bottom line.” The slogan of the age was “What’s in it for me?” I sense a new path emerging as police leaders experience the miserable fruits of a personality ethic and a valueless organizational culture. More and more departments are recognizing the urgency of building trustworthiness through a demonstration of both character and competency. First, forging a work environment that manifests trust is a matter of personal relationship. Can I trust you? Can you trust me?Second, it is a matter of organizational systems and procedures. Do we trust our department? Does our department trust us? Third, it is a matter of human communication. Am I being heard? Am I hearing you?
We’ve learned how important foundational trust is to the daily operation of a police agency. We’ve also learned that this comes from employees being trustworthy. Now, how do we best measure the trustworthiness of others? To repeat, the answer is: by watching them walk their talk.
And here is the Specialties for JenMeal:
Established in 2011, Jane Classic is one of the first professional nutrition and catering institutions in Los Angeles, USA. The professional service quality and experienced team of nearly ten years have brought high-quality services to thousands of mothers. Fresh ingredients, considerate service, and good reputation have made us the first choice for the high-end mother and baby crowd in Los Angeles. In addition to prenatal meals and postpartum meals that women can choose from, in recent years, we have added several items such as conditioning meals, healthy vitality meals, and Vegetarian postpartum meals to provide meal services for more health-loving people. We guarantee to restore the most natural and original flavor of the ingredients and never add artificial flavors and preservatives. We have a professional central kitchen, all tableware specifications, ingredients, and hygiene comply with government standards.