Amiri Baraka Somebody Blew Up America Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Amiri Baraka Somebody Blew Up America Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Amiri Baraka Somebody Blew Up America Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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For our next discussion, explore some of the links to Contemporary Poetry posted in Module 4.5 first.

Select a favorite from the performances and readings and write a post telling us why you like it so much. Include at least one paragraph (or online equivalent) discussing poetic language, and how the poet has worked with poetic tools to get the job done. That is, discuss imagery, symbolism, repetition, meter, rhythm and rhyme, alliteration, and any other noteworthy poetic language.

Alternatively, keep browsing and find another performance, then post the link and your response. Just as with the posted poems, focus on sounds and poetic language as well as the dimensions of the work that attracted you. Be sure to explain to us why you like it so much. The poem or song does not even have to be in English, but if you choose to introduce us to something international, you do need to provide a translation!

Amiri Baraka Somebody Blew Up America Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Auburn University The Relevance of the Epic of Gilgamesh Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

The Flood

We encounter one of the first flood narratives in recorded history; why do you think imagery of a flood–seen perhaps more famously in modern America through Noah’s story in the Old Testament–were so powerful and pervasive for people living in the ancient world? Think that most civilizations grew up around rivers and oceans where floods and tidal events were among their greatest dangers and fears.

What details in Utnapishtim’s tale sticks out to you, especially knowing that the Hebrew Bible would be composed/constructed from earlier texts centuries later?

In Greek Mythology (which came well after Mesopotamian stories and cultures were developed from them as well as Egyptian and other sources), the god Poseidon was given dominion over of the oceans, the tides, tsunamis/tidal waves, and earthquakes and the people feared him nearly as much as they feared Zeus, Poseidon’s brother and King of the Gods–how might we see mythic figures Poseidon (or Neptune as the Romans would call him) as following from such stories as this one in Gilgamesh?

The Return Home:

For nearly all epic heroes, the return home is an important element in the conclusion of the journey (or journeys) undertaken in the story)–Gilgamesh goes back home –why is this important to the story? What has he learned? What does he accept that he didn’t at first?

Look especially at the idea of Gilgamesh being given the gift of immortality as a plant–Urshanabi tells him that he can remain young forever, and Gilgamesh intends to bring it back to Uruk and cultivate it for all others–how has he changed from the start of the poem?

That the poem has a serpent take the plant–does this remind you of another story? How do both stories use so many people’s seemingly primordial, instinctual fear of and revulsion to snakes?

What have we learned through reading this poem? What does it hold for us as readers in 2020?

Femininity in Gilgamesh

Think about what the story suggests about the role(s) of and for women–the harlot is sent to tempt and temper Enkidu and make him more man than beast.

What does this mean for the image of ‘woman’ in this text?

What are your thoughts on this image as well as images of femininity in the poem?

Further, how can we see images of women and goddesses in the poem as setting up patterns we can see in later sacred and other texts? Examples of femininity in more modern texts that you can trace back to Gilgamesh?

Gilgamesh and Enkidu as Characters

What do you make of the character of Gilgamesh–is he good person? Would you like to know him? Why or why not?

From the start of the poem, what do we learn about him–especially as both a man and a ruler? is he a good character? Would you want to live under his leadership?

What drives Gilgamesh at different points in his story?

How does Enkidu figure as a character in Gilgamesh’s story?

Can we see them as the father-figures (if you will) of so many “buddies” in other texts all the way to today’s characters such as Batman and Robin, Han Solo and Chewbacca, the ‘Bridesmaids,’ the ‘Hangover’ gang, and other groups in contemporary media?

The Gods

What do you make of the Gods as depicted in this work?

How do they differ from the Gods in Greek or Roman myths you might know (Zeus/Jupiter, Athena/Minerva, e.g.) or the God of Abraham (sometimes just referred to as ‘God’ or Yahweh/YWWH)?

What makes them seem more human, shall we say, than the God of Abraham, and what do you think that the Mesopotamians thought about their Gods?

Early in the poem, starting at line 24, we can see a little of the relationship of the people and the gods, especially with regard to Gilgamesh himself–how would you describe the relationship the people have towards their gods? Does it seem different from how contemporary Jews, Christians, Muslims, et. al. see themselves and their God? What do you make of this?

Why Does Gilgamesh Persist?

It is based, all historical evidence suggests, on a living king from the 27th Century B.C.E. (‘Before Christian or Before Common Era’ depending on who you ask–I prefer ‘Common Era’ myself) or ~5000 years ago.

The story was written in cuneiform on tablets that were created ~2700 years ago in the 7th Century BCE.

Gilgamesh, though we have it as a prose narrative, is the first epic poem in recorded literature, and the epic, while under great changes in the last 27 centuries remains one of the most popular story forms in all Western culture–the Harry Potter series is one of the most recent examples and borrows many elements directly from Gilgamesh–e.g. a chosen hero with superior abilities, great friends who aid him in times of trouble, meetings with monsters, quests for immortality, etc. So, why does Gilgamesh still reward readers?

What do you like in the work?

What doesn’t work for you?


Harvey Mudd College Recommendation on The Four Strategic Options Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a three-page memo (no appendices or attachments) to the eHarmony CEO with your recommendation regarding the four strategic options presented. You’re writing the memo as a trusted senior executive at eHarmony. The CEO has asked for your opinion because he knows you bring a very objective and strategic viewpoint to situations.

The goal is to provide an objective, balanced analysis of the situation, highlight the major factors that you feel are relevant, and make a recommendation to which strategic options they should pursue. You’ll need to look internally at the company and externally at the industry and macro trends to present a strategic analysis of the situation and an evaluation of the options. Your recommendation will need to address both the qualitative and quantitative data from the case. The CEO knows the company as well or better than you, so he doesn’t want a rehash of the obvious situation, what he wants is your opinion and interpretation based on a logical, critical and balanced analysis.

You do not have to cite sources or include all supporting analyses or data, just the data points and calculations you think are relevant. The format is three-pages, 11pt type, double-spaced, with at least a 1” margin all around. Use only the data available in the case for the assignment.


SWOSU Business Ethics Hidden Reflective Biases Questions Writing Assignment Help

Objectives: (1) Identify hidden bias on social attitudes; (2) Develop an understanding of how our biases can impact employment decisions.

  1. Take the Hidden Bias Survey on Social Attitudes (Links to an external site.) ( (Links to an external site.)) Login as a guest by selecting from the available language/national demonstration sites.
  2. Pick and complete two surveys.
  3. After completing the surveys, explain how the results made you think about your interactions with others.
  4. Do you feel that the results were accurate?
  5. Did the results surprise you?
  6. Will you attempt to change your attitude toward the subject matter?


University of New Haven WK 2 Market Failure & Economic Inequality Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help

Discussion board posts should be no more than 1000, and no less than 900 words

Discussion Board #1 Question:

Part A

Based on our recent in-class discussion on market failures, present and discuss your understanding of the five (5) Market Failures:

  • Monopoly Power
  • Spillover or Externalities
  • Public Goods
  • Inadequate Information
  • Economic Inequality.

Part B

Discuss and present the different corrections for all five (5) Market Failures.

Part C

Consider the Market Failure of Economic Inequality and the argument presented by one of America’s most world-renowned and leading economists, Joseph Stiglitz, that too much economic inequality can be dangerous of the American economy and society. Present your understanding of his work.

In order to help you respond to this question, please refer to the readings: The Price of Inequality: How Today’s Divided Society Endangers Our Future by Joseph Stiglitz, Chapter 1 (attached), and the NY Times Article, Separate and Unequal by Thomas Edsall (link below), as well as the lecture slides, and textbook readings.



SEU Digital Marketing for Business Strategies Questions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

frist of all i want it about local food company “like Macdonald KFC& ect” or local dairy company for both Q

most be a unique answers and not by hand written and please

1- There are four macro strategies to create and deliver value to customers and that can help a firm to develop a sustainable competitive advantage. Think of companies from the local market who you are very loyal to in many categories like (food, electronics, personal care etc.). Is it the product, location, operational, or customer excellence that you are loyal to that firm? Critically examine.

2-You have read about the 4E Framework for Digital Marketing. You are required to choose a product category from your local market and critically examine how it uses the 4E framework for that product with the help of best social media elements.

SEU Digital Marketing for Business Strategies Questions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Enslaved Black People in British Empire Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Consider the following three documents concerning slavery in the British North American colonies:

(I will send you the pdf)

  1. Germantown Quaker Meeting, “Reasons Why We Are Against the Traffic of Men-Body” (1688)
  2. Boston News-Letter, Editorial Favoring Indentured Servitude over Slavery (1706)
  3. Benjamin Franklin, Excerpts from “Observations on the Increase of Mankind” (1751)

What do these documents tell us about colonists viewed slavery and how attitudes about slavery changed over time

Use the textbook, the lectures, and primary documents to back up your thesis.

Your paper should be 4-5 pages, one inch margins, Times New Roman 12 point font.


UMCP Amino Acid Substitution in Hemoglobin S Discussion Paper Science Assignment Help

Hemoglobin (Hb) is the essential O2 transporter in adult humans that carries oxygen from the lungs to peripheral tissues where it is needed for oxidative respiration.As you might imagine, amino acid substitutions in Hb that lead to dysfunction can have rather significant physiological effects. Perhaps surprisingly, there are more than 1,000 naturally occurring Hb variants (Hb genes that encode proteins with amino acid substitutions) that alter its structure and biochemical properties resulting in mild to severe pathologies. In addition, tissue, organismal, and developmental stage specific Hb can be expressed to suit the needs of the organism. Here you will explore an Hb variant of your choosing and discuss the biochemical effects of this substitution on: 1) Hb-O2 binding affinity and cooperativity, 2) allostery, 3) and human physiology.

Please respond to each of the following items thoroughly, but concisely. Most of the questions have multiple parts; be sure to provide an answer for each of them. An excellent response will include details from the literature and course content to accurately describe the effect of your amino acid substitution on Hb function and physiology.

Please provide your response directly on this document. The amount of space provided for each question does not reflect the suggested amount of space needed to provide an excellent response. Please provide references for any relevant information that you obtain from the literature.

  • (5 Points) Please choose an Hb variant from the literature. This should be a variant that has been characterized biochemically and physiologically (and perhaps structurally). This can include a naturally occurring Hb that contains an amino acid substitution, or a tissue or organism specific Hb that displays altered biochemical properties relative to adult human Hb. Please provide the name and a reference for your Hb variant below.
  • (10 points) Describe how this variant was identified, or what special role it plays in normal physiology.
  • (5 points) What amino acid substitution does your Hb variant express? Describe the chemical features of the original and variant amino acids.
  • (10 points) In which region of the Hb tetramer structure does this substitution occur? I.e. at the α1-β1 interface, the α1-β2 interface, the O2 binding pocket, the Heme binding pocket, the hydrophobic core, etc.?Describe how you think this substitution might affect Hb function based on its location in the tetramer structure. How does this relate to topics that we discussed in class regarding Hb function?
  • (10 points) describe the biochemical effects of your amino acid substitution. I.e. does it lead to a reduction in O2 binding affinity, cooperativity, relaxed allostery, etc.? Do these biochemical effects make sense given what you know about the chemical nature of the substitution and the structure and function of Hb?
  • (10 points) What is the clinical impact of this substation on human physiology? Is this a severe or mild phenotype? What are the available treatments associated with this variant and what are their mechanisms of action? Please be as detailed as possible here.


You should be able to provide the necessary information for each question in 5 to 10 sentences (sometime more, sometimes less, but this is a good target). We do not need to write a thesis dissertation, but at the same time, you will want to ensure that you have answered the questions as they are written.

Available characterization.

It may that the Hb variant you choose has been well characterized biochemically, but there is no information about its clinical effects. Conversely, you may find a variant has been studied quite extensively in the clinic, but there is little information available regarding its biochemistry (O2 affinity, allostery, cooperativity, etc.).

If this is the case I would prefer you choose a variant that has been extensively characterized biochemically. This way you should be able to address questions 1-5.

IMPORTANT: If you are unable to provide information for #6 regarding your specific Hb variant because it isn’t available, please provide information about general Hb mutant phenotypes. With what type of pathology could patients present (generally) and what are some general treatments. You also have the option of finding an additional Hb variant that has been clinically characterized to answer question # 6. This is not mandatory, but it will be looked on favorably when your responses are evaluated.


I am really looking for you to relate the content learned throughout the course to the “real world” research being done on Hb. Thus, you don’t have to describe every experiment ever done on your Hb variant. I will be evaluating your understanding of the literature based on what we have discussed about Hb in class (or through the videos). Be as thorough as possible, but it is not necessary to try to describe concepts that we did not address in class.

Literature and references

To begin, I would recommend searching for a review article that discusses Hb variants and their classes. You could use a scientific database like pubmed or scopus (have you been shown how to use these databases in your undergraduate careers?), or you could just do a google search. From the review article, you should be able to focus your efforts on a particular Hb variant that interests you by looking at the references in the review. I have linked to one review article below that might get you started.

You could also look in a textbook. There are some Hb variants that are commonly discussed in texbooks. You will need to find at least one additional resource if you use a textbbok.

Please provide a reference for any resource that you use (including a textbook). Typically you will only need to provide the author(s), title, year of publication, and journal or book title. Don’t worry about format for this exercise.

Review article – This is a bit older (2013) – you may be able to find something more current – Hemoglobin Variants: Biochemical Properties and Clinical Correlates


SOSC 116 Bryant and Stratton College Employment Document Package Questions Humanities Assignment Help

  • Explain the most important points you learned about your employment document package (resume and cover letter) from this class so far.
  • Consider and detail what you have learned informally about employment documents. Remember, informal learning takes place outside of class and “in the real world.” For instance, you might reflect on and summarize your answers to any or all of the following questions:
    • Have you ever been rejected for a job and later found out there was something wrong or off putting about your resume and/or cover letter? What did that experience teach you?
    • Have you ever been hired for a position and later learned there was something specific in your resume or cover letter that impressed the hiring manager and led them to select you? What did that experience teach you?
    • Have you ever heard a supervisor or hiring manager at your place of employment talking about applicants for a position? What have you heard them say about other people’s employment documents (resume and cover letter)? What have those experiences taught you?
  • Finally, compare and contrast the lessons you learned in this class (formal learning) with those you have learned informally about employment documents. Detail how formal and informal learning will impact the documents you submit when applying for a job.


GEO 112 Mission College Challenges Facing India Discussion Post Humanities Assignment Help

There are two essays:

Request: No more two pages/ Turnitin  

Essay 1:


1. After reading the article and watching the video, identify and describe two of the top domestic issues facing India at this time. Back up your reasoning by providing at least three examples for each item you selected. Also, please be aware that India’s Parliament passed a Citizenship Amendment Bill (December 2019) thHuman Rightsat provides a path to citizenship for religious minorities from surround countries. The bill is controversial because, according to this BBC News article, Muslims are excluded from this provision. 

2. After reading the article and watching the video, identify and describe two of the top foreign issues facing India at this time. Back up your reasoning by providing at least three examples for each item you selected. 

3. In your opinion, which analyst (p. 841) made the stronger case whether India should strengthen strategic ties with the United States? Briefly explain your reasoning. 

Essay 2:


Argue for or against the  premise that Christians are targeted and religiously persecuted in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).


Request 2:  Revise for less than two pages double-spaced text.


Amiri Baraka Somebody Blew Up America Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Amiri Baraka Somebody Blew Up America Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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