AMU The Psychological Phases of Disaster Response & Useful Framework HW Humanities Assignment Help. AMU The Psychological Phases of Disaster Response & Useful Framework HW Humanities Assignment Help.
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- The psychological phases of disaster response provide a useful framework for behavioral health providers and other agency professionals and community members to understand the psychological and emotional transitions throughout the disaster recovery process.
- Below, identify and explain, with detail, a (one) disaster response phase.
- Select a disaster, either historic or modern day, and describe the selected psychological phase of disaster response exemplified in the chosen disaster.
- 2. Individuals present with physical complaints more in the case of chemical or biological events, these are often seen secondary to any psychological symptoms that may be present.
- Discuss the phenomenon that is described above and how effective disaster behavioral health methods can be used to mitigate the strain on resources in disaster response circumstances when such presentations emerge.
- 3.Discuss the roles of risk and protective factors in disaster resilience as they are advanced in resiliency theory. Explain the most notable differences that might be observed in disaster response situations by behavioral health providers applying ideals of resiliency theory. Share your thoughts on whether resiliency theory offers an enhanced approach to disaster recovery for most communities.
- 4. Social support is a critical element in the disaster recovery process for each affected individual. Indeed, social support serves as a significant protective factor against PTSD and other psychological effects of disaster.
- Discuss the concept of the social support network and its importance to the larger community following a disaster event.
- How do benefits of the social support network compare to those of the social support seen at the individual level?
AMU The Psychological Phases of Disaster Response & Useful Framework HW Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
COM323 Ashford University Week 5 Conform in The Workplace Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Discussion 1
Conformity |
Describe a time you were asked to conform in the work place and the decision you ultimately made when asked. What physical or psychological factors should be considered when deciding whether or not to conform to a group? What signs should you look for if you believe the people you work with are suffering from groupthink?
Discussion 2
Course Review |
Provide a three- to five-paragraph summary of the thesis and your main ideas for support for your Final Project. Detail the major points of your final presentation and allow your classmates to understand the major points of your paper. Review at least three of your classmates’ primary postings and provide feedback concerning your opinions on their findings. Respond to at least three of your classmates’ postings by Day 7.
HRM324 Phoenix Human Resources Retirement Plan Selection Assignment Other Assignment Help
Retirement Plan Selection
A new employee joins your company at age 24 making $40,000 per year. Currently, banks are paying 5% interest on saving accounts, and the rate of return on the company stock is 4% per year. During benefits enrollment, the employee stated that she would like to retire at age 60 with 3 million dollars in her retirement account.
Compare the following retirement options for this particular employee in a no more than 3.5 page paper:
- 403B
- 401K
- Pension
- Annuities
- Estate planning
Determine which retirement option(s) you would choose if you were this employee.
Assess the factors that this employee should consider when selecting a retirement plan.
Draw conclusions based upon Assigned Learning Activity Readings in eCampus, Martocchio, J. (2017). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, personal experience, and data collected from organizations.
Integrate and apply readings, Martocchio, J. (2017). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.throughout paper. Summarize and cite information using your own words. Direct quotations should be avoided.
Research should be summarized and synthesized using your own words; be certain to cite sources of knowledge.
Compare your paper with Guide for Written Assignments attached to assignment.
Format your paper consistent with APA 6th Edition guidelines. APA sample is attached to assignment.
University of Phoenix Classroom user name: socrates2406 password: Socrates@#012406
Coca Cola Hellenic Products Regression Analysis & Worksheet Economics Assignment Help
Using the econometric model (regression analysis) and a separate forecasting technique (such as moving average or exponential smoothing) for sales forecasts.
Results of the regression analysis must include:
1. An executive summary of the outcomes
2. Information supporting the choice of the variables, including the socio-enconomic variables ( I.e., justification for model specification.
3. Detail concerning the model development and data acquired
4. Estimation of the regression model
5. Test for statistical significance of estimated coefficients
6. Interpretation of the results with the implications to business policy, and
7. Estimation and interpretation of the elasticities and the implication to pricing strategy.
Please write 4 pages paper plus an Excel for the regression analysis.
I have attached an example for the regression analysis, you need to find a new company (famous company) to finish this project including the word and excel document
Please use simple language, don’t use long sentence.
Cuyamaca College Intersectionality at Grassroots Politics Groups and Identities Journal Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
AA – Anatomy of a Journal Article
What does Journal Article Analysis Consist of?
Journal Article Analysis consists of reading journal articles and analyzing them. You are responsible for identifying twelve parts of a journal article: title, main point, question, puzzle, debate, theory, hypotheses, research design, empirical analysis, policy implications, and contribution to the discipline, and future research.
Journal Articles vary in their organization and inclusion of these twelve parts. Many articles explicitly describe all or most of these parts; however, other articles may not state a part, or may omit it entirely.
Typical Anatomy of a Journal Article in Political Science
Journal Articles, especially in the field of political science, typically have twelve parts.
- The Title of an article appears on the first page of the article. The Title is brief, typically no more than 5-10 words, and identifies for the reader the subject of the article.
- The Main Point of an article is typically found in the Abstract. An Abstract is a summary of the article which is located on the first page, after the Title. The main point may be in the Introduction of the article.
- The Question of an article is typically found in the Abstract. The question may be in the Introduction of the article as well.
- The Puzzle is a missing piece of knowledge that the article seeks to fulfill.
- The Debate is how scholars currently argue the subject of the article. Debates have at least two sides, and the two sides we are most familiar with are “pro” and “con”. However, debates can be more complex.
- The Theory is how the author thinks something works. For example, we may have a theory about how campaigns influence voters. Theories consists of constants, variables, and the relationships between variables.
- The Hypotheses are derived from the Theory. A hypothesis is the expectation that one variable affects another variable in a specific way.
- The Research Design is how the author compares the effect of the explanatory variable (X) on the outcome variable (O) in a group (G) or set of groups.
- The Empirical Analysis is the use of quantitative or qualitative evidence to explore whether the hypothesized relationship between two variables does indeed occur in the world.
- 10.The Policy Implications are how the findings of the article should influence the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, or governments.
- 11.The Contribution to the Discipline is how the article helps fill the missing Puzzle piece
- 12. Future Research offers suggestions for future research that build on the findings from the article.
JAA – Details of Analyzing Journal Articles
12 Parts
Journal Articles, especially in the field of political science, typically have twelve parts.
The Title of an article appears on the first page of the article. The Title is brief, typically no more than 5-10 words, and identifies for the reader the subject of the article.
- Titles are located at the top of the first page of a journal article
- Titles can be informative, as they may include the primary independent variable, primary dependent variable, or question of the article
Main Point
The Main Point of an article is typically found in the Abstract. An Abstract is a summary of the article which is located on the first page, after the Title. The main point may be in the Introduction of the article.
- Main points, while presented at the beginning of an article, are largely derived after the political scientist has completed their research. So, keep in mind that political scientists don’t start with main points, typically, but rather the main point is a result of their research process
The Question of an article is typically found in the Abstract. The question may be in the Introduction of the article, as well.
- An article can have more than one question. So, do not be surprised if you find more than one question. Keeping a list of questions is a useful way to eventually identify the primary question of the article, while also recognizing related secondary questions.
The Puzzle is a missing piece of knowledge that the article seeks to fulfill.
- Puzzles are what political scientists try to solve. To solve a puzzle, a political scientist needs to have a sense of what the whole puzzle looks like. In other words, when you see the puzzle box and the image you are trying to recreate, that’s a sense of the whole puzzle. Second, a political scientist needs to know how the current pieces fit together. Imagine that the puzzle was partially complete, so we would closely examine how the pieces that make up the partial puzzle are put together. Lastly, a political scientist decides which pieces they want to add to the partially complete portion of the puzzle. In other words, they need to decide which pieces they want to pick up and then try to it in place.
The Debate is how scholars currently argue the subject of the article. Debates have at least two sides, and the two sides we are most familiar with are “pro” and “con”. However, debates can be more complex.
- Debates in political science can be normative or positive debates. Normative debates focus on “what should be” while positive debates focus on “what is.” Most debates in political science are positive.
- Positive debates can exist on a conceptual, operational, or measurement level.
- Conceptual debates are were political scientists argue about a broad concept, like democracy or representation or power.
- Operational debates focus on taking broad concepts, like democracy, and arguing how they are represented in the real world. For example, many scholars would agree that the United States is conceptually a democracy. However, some scholars would argue and operationalize the United States as a representative democracy.
- Finally, measurement debates focus on how an operationalized concept is measured. For example, how do we measure a representative democracy? Are individuals elected to serve in national legislatures through winner-take-all a representative democracy? Or are individuals elected to serve in national legislatures through proportional representation a representative democracy?
The Theory is how the author thinks something works. For example, we may have a theory about how campaigns influence voters. Theories consists of constants, variables, and the relationships between variables.
- Theory is used by political scientists to clearly explain their logic of the constants, variables, and relationships between variables.
- Constants are objects that do not change. A reason for stating constants is that the world is complex, therefore it is important simplify it by “holding things constant.” In other words, stating constants lets us focus on the variables and their relationship.
- Variables are objects that do change. Variables are typically classified into three categories: independent variable, mediating variable, and dependent variable. Independent variables are the objects that “cause” something to happen. Mediating variables are objects that “help cause” something to happen. And dependent variables are objects that are the “effect” of the “cause” and/or “helping cause.”
- For example, your interpretation of a political actor, such as the President, may be caused by an action the President took. But your view of the action is mediated by your partisan affiliation.
The Hypotheses are derived from the Theory. A hypothesis is the expectation that one variable effect another variable in a specific way.
- Above, I described a theory about how the action of a political actors effects your interpretation of the political actors, given your partisan affiliation. Now, we could generate several hypotheses from this theory.
- Hypothesis 1 is that if the President takes no action, then you will have no interpretation of the President
- Hypothesis 2 is that if the President acts, then you will have a positive view of the President if you have the same partisan affiliation as the President
- Hypothesis 3 is that if the President acts, then you will have a negative view of the President if you have a different partisan affiliation as the President.
Research Design
The Research Design is how the author compares the effect of the explanatory variable (X) on the outcome variable (O) in a group (G) or set of groups.
- Some political scientists use notation to denote research design. Below are 4 common examples, and 2 complex examples:
- Example 1: G O. This is a single group, observation only.
- Example 2: G X O. This is a single group, treatment then observation.
- Example 3: G O X O. This is a single group, observation before treatment, the treatment, then observation after treatment
- Example 4: G X O and G _ O. This is a two-group design. Group 1 receives them treatment, then is observed. Group 2 does not receive the treatment, then observed.
- Example 5: G O X O and G O _ O. This a two-group design. Group 1 and Group 2 are observed, then Group 1 receives the treatment while Group 2 does not receive the treatment. Finally, both Groups are observed again.
- Example 6: G O X O _ O and G O _ O X O. This is a two-group design, known as a switching replications design. Group 1 and Group 2 are observed, then Group 1 receives the treatment, while Group 2 does not receive the treatment. Then both Groups are observed. Next, Group 1 does not re-receive the treatment, and Group 2 receives the treatment for the first time. Then both groups are observed again.
Empirical Analysis
The Empirical Analysis is the use of quantitative or qualitative evidence to explore whether the hypothesized relationship between two variables does indeed occur in the world.
- Empirical analysis can feature quantitative, qualitative, or both types of evidence.
- Quantitative evidence includes data that is organized in a spreadsheet
- Political scientists using quantitative evidence conduct statistical analysis using statistical models to examine the data contained in their spreadsheet
- Qualitative evidence is typically individual or collection of text, images, and audio in a paper or electronic document
- Political scientists using qualitative evidence conduct content analysis or interpretation using non-theoretical or theorical framework.
Policy Implications
The Policy Implications are how the findings of the article should influence the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, or governments.
- Policy implications are typically stated by the political scientist towards the end of an article. What the researcher is doing is predicting how their article, and its findings, would influence the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations, or governments.
Contribution to the Discipline
The Contribution to the Discipline is how the article helps fill the missing Puzzle piece.
- Contribution to the Discipline is a statement of how the political scientists’ research helps add a puzzle piece that was missing from our current world of knowledge.
Future Research
Finally, Future Research is how the article offer suggestions for future research that build on the findings from the article.
- Future research are suggestions for what another political scientist can do to help build on this new knowledge that has been uncovered
COM323 Ashford University Week 5 Abortion Methods of Persuasion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Please see attachment for futher instructions.
The Final Project has two parts:
- A six- to eight-page paper.
- A PowerPoint presentation.
The Final Project
Throughout this course we are examining methods of persuasion. The great issues of our day are far from being resolved, but effective persuasion can begin to build consensus. Your Final Project requires you to tackle a current controversial issue with multiple valid positions and use persuasion to convince your audience that your position on the issue is correct. The written portion of your Final Project must be six to eight pages of content (not including title and reference pages) and can include multimedia, interactive video, pictures, commercials, movie scenes, web links, etc. to bolster your opinions. Your paper should incorporate the latest methods of persuasion to prove your points to your instructor. You are encouraged to find a topic that you feel passionate about. The list provided is just to help you with the sorts of ideas that may be appropriate for your project. You are not limited to these topics, but please consult your instructor if you have any questions about a proper topic for this assignment. Topics to consider include:
- Abortion
- Capital punishment
- Socialism
- Gun control
- Smoking/secondhand smoke
- Stem cell research
- Lowering the alcohol drinking age
- Reinstituting the military draft
- Home schooling
- Corporal punishment in schools
PowerPoint Presentation
Submit a six-to eight-slide PowerPoint presentation that provides an overview of the key points from the written portion of your Final Project.
Writing the Final Project
The Final Project:
COM323 Ashford University Week 5 Abortion Methods of Persuasion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ERAU Employer Access to Social Media Accounts State Laws Chart Writing Assignment Help
Here are the instructions for this discussion:
The Situation
Sally calls and sounds very worried. She indicates that the State of
Florida is considering legislation to restrict employers from accessing
the social media accounts of employees and perspective employees. You
reply, “That’s bad! This is probably a result of the senator whose
account was hacked and doubled-exposed, which caused him to lose the
election for Governor. It appears he was hacked by “hacktivists” through
his employer’s dedicated Human Resource account. Sally, you know that I
built the entire background checks for prospects and employees on that
system, and this could cause us to have an increase in HR costs, as well
as encounter legal liability for negligent hiring through dependence on
an out-sourced background check.
You can find more information about someone through a simple Internet
search, since everyone so easily posts, texts, and Instagrams their
lives on social media. It’s the best way to avoid hiring and rehiring
employees who don’t fit the employee profile we are looking for to staff
our restaurant.” Sally responds that she agrees and suggests you
research the issues to determine if there is legislation that the state
will replicate. “Boy-oh-boy, some people just don’t understand that no
one cares about privacy anymore. If they did, why would so many people
expose themselves on the Internet? It’s not like it’s in the
You state, “Sally, I know you’re just kidding. But you are right,
it’s not in the United States Constitution. It does not contain any
explicit right to privacy. However, The Bill of Rights, expresses the
concerns of James Madison along with other framers of the Constitution
for protecting certain aspects of privacy. The issue of whether the
Constitution actually protects the right to privacy in ways not
described in the Bill of Rights is a controversial subject. Originalists
often argue that there is no general right to privacy within the
constitution. However, as early as 1923, the Supreme Court, recognized
through decisions that the liberty given in the 14th amendment
guarantees a relatively broad right of privacy.”
“With every Internet company collecting more information on you than
the CIA, (No, Sally, the real one, not your school, The Culinary
Institute of America) how could there ever be an expectation of
privacy?” Sally then snapped, “We better look into this right away, as
there may be more to this than we think.” “Not only that,” Sally added,
“our table ordering and pay APP is intended to gain access to customer’s
mobile devices so they can take selfies to post to our Blog and connect
with our system each time it’s sent from the device. Our advertising
scheme is tied to that system. Oh my, this is really serious!”
Your Initial Post
- Post a discussion detailing your perspective of the impact that
current legislation has on this issue and add a “Pro and Con” table for
six areas covered in the current legislation passed by other states. - Use the Employer Access to Social Media Accounts Overview (DOCX) as your guide.
- Use this Pro Forma (DOCX) as a guide to post your response.
Grand Canyon University Obama Care and Affordable Health Care Discussion Economics Assignment Help
Since Obamacare was instituted, it created more debt on the part of
providers because they had to install EMR systems in their practices or
be fined by the government. Many small businesses cut employees hours
to under 30 hours because they couldn’t afford to pay for health
insurance therefore reducing the spendable cash of the consumer.
Providers have increased their fees and have encouraged more testing in
order to offset the cost of running their businesses. The requirements
of CMS payments force them to make these changes and it becomes a
vicious cycle. There are no free lunches! Pharma is having a ball with
this new system. I know someone who was prescribed a jar of Lidocaine
for muscle aches probably a 3 oz jar. The price to the insurance was
$756.00. That’s is outlandish. I can only see it getting worse, because
of the government intervention of healthcare.
Ashford University Beer Industry Forecasting Paper Writing Assignment Help
Select an industry that interests you. Using the political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal (PESTEL) analysis as covered in the text, analyze the factors that may impact the industry that you have selected and the successful marketing of a company’s product. Evaluate the factors you perceive to be the biggest strengths and weaknesses. Describe some opportunities for growth that could be capitalized over the next five years.
Your paper must be a minimum of three to four pages (not including the title and reference pages) and be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. You must use at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library, one of which must be peer reviewed, in addition to the textbook.
Grand Canyon Can Fiscal Stimulus increase Economic Recovery Discussion Economics Assignment Help
Fiscal stimulus I believe will increase economic recovery. The programs that the government implements from fiscal year to fiscal year will stimulate the economy. Whether the programs are government bailout, money for defense spending, or through tax cut programs. I believe that programs such as the Keynesian model work. I think that most economies throughout the world that are productive and work are backed by their government. When thinking of stimulus I think of the bailouts of American car companies. “The former CEO of the super-sized used car dealership CarMax, Austin Ligon, said the president’s decisive action to restructure General Motors and Chrysler “helped prevent a domino effect that would have taken down everything in the auto industry, from the factories that manufactured auto parts to the dealers who sold the cars” (Greenberg, 2012). The government could have done nothing and the car industry could have imploded. But with a stimulus package the car industry today is doing a lot better than it was. This might also sound like a conspiracy theory but I also think that sometimes the government creates conflicts and wars to stimulate the economy. With defense spending there is a lot of money to be made through weapons programs, and just money supporting troops overseas. In addition when these service members return from duty they are spending the additional money they earned back into the economy.
[supanova_question] as a guide to post your response.