Analyze story Humanities Assignment Help

Analyze story Humanities Assignment Help. Analyze story Humanities Assignment Help.

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– Analyze any selection from your textbook in a paper of at least 1,000 words.

– Plagiarism will result in an F.
– Students must follow MLA guidelines for headings, citations, Works Cited, etc.
See the REQUIRED READING in this module in Canvas for detailed information.

Choose ONE topic:

  1. Analyze or compare/contrast characters. Identify the protagonist and the antagonist. Why does the character do what he or she does? How does the character interact with others? Why? For this topic, you may need to choose characters from different short stories, poems, plays, etc.

EX: Comparing and contrasting the brothers in “Sonny’s Blues” ORthe The Misfit and Arnold Friend OR Connie and the grandmother

  1. Identify and explain the symbolism in a selection or similar symbols in different short stories, poems, etc. Why are the symbols important? Are they universal?
  1. Which type of work is the selection (dramatic monologue, initiation story, prose poetry, etc.)? What are the elements of the form, and does the selection work best in this format?
  1. Discuss the point of view. Why does the author write in first person, third person, using an omniscient narrator, using an unreliable narrator, etc.? How would the story change if the events were told from another point of view? How does the author control the mood with this point of view?
  1. Is the selection ironic? How so? Explain the function of irony. Identify which type of irony is used. Why does the author use irony in this selection? How would the selection change without the use of irony?
  1. Explain the purpose of the setting. Why does this selection take place when and where it does? How would the story change if moved to another setting? Explore the historical and/or geographical and/or cultural significance of the setting.
  1. What is the theme (the universal truth learned from the selection)? Explain. Where else have you seen this theme (other literary works, films, television, comics, video games, etc.)?
  1. You may choose to focus on a theoretical interpretation of a selection. See chapter 48 in your book. This is a great idea if you are stuck!

Analyze story Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Hello Please write a two page paper for below Programming Assignment Help

For this milestone, submit Sections A–D of the proposal portion of the final project (Part II).

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

A. Goals: What are the goals of this initiative? How do they align with the organizational mission? And how do you plan to measure success? Be sure
to consider the progress and pathway for data analytics projects of the type you chose to propose.

B. Data Analytics Life Cycle: Apply the data analytics life cycle to your proposed initiative, and walk your audience (management) through the life
cycle as it applies to the initiative.

C. Value of Life Cycle: Based on your application of the life cycle to the initiative, analyze how the life cycle will help you infer predictability,
performance, quality, and security of your initiative and its results.

D. Data: Evaluate the existing or desired data for its applicability to your proposed data analytics initiative. In other words, what are the benefits and
limitations of the current data for the use you have in mind, including potential collection and security implications?



Report on proposing a start-up Writing Assignment Help

Final Paper

Written Report on proposing a start-up (new business) utilizing the following technological revolution (IoT, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing & Big Data) and its relationship to economics of information concepts

(maximum 1500 words, 6 pages (Excluding Bibliography and charts/diagrams) in Word/PDF format.

Imp: Please save the file mentioning your last/first name (Ex: Final_Jesse)

Imp: Write your name & Course name/Number inside the document.

A. How interesting the topic area is in its application to the Economics of Information (20% of Grade)

– Recommend that you choose a narrowly focused subtopic instead of writing a general report on a broad topic; there is a list of sample topics at the end of this document

It should include the following sections/components:

Grading will be based on the following criteria

A. Executive Abstract (250 words) (5%)

B. Depth of Analysis (35% of Grade)

– Analyze different approaches/perspectives of key players in the given space

– Challenges (competitor, government regulation, ethical/social/legal impact)

– Implications for Competitors, Markets and Future of economies of information

– Discuss strategies for success in the given space

C. Economic Analysis (25% of Grade)

– Focus on data that can substantiate key points

– CBA, Break-even point, ROE, Seed money,

– Revenue generating mechanism, Uniqueness/ Novelty feature

D. Quality of Presentation (across Report, and Class Presentation formats) (10% of Grade)

– Present material in an organized way

– Be direct, concise and clear

– Use visual aids to help convey your points

E. Bibliography of sources (with web links as appropriate) (5% of Grade)

Sample Topic (However, you can come up with any idea as you deem fit for economies of Information):

– streaming content delivery (movie/music/book) over the internet

– revenue generating models for service industry

– ownership of consumer profile data and its use for recommending new purchases

– Health sector

– SCM/CRM/ERP solution

– web-based customer support system at a high-tech firm

– the adoption of new online banking/financial services

– the roll-out of RFID tracking system at a manufacturer or retailer

– knowledge-management system at a large consulting firm

– “paperless” electronic document management system

– in-store product recommendation kiosks

– creating a community of gamers around a new gaming platform

– identifying the next big opportunity for outsourcing of virtual work and its implications

– next generation recommender systems

– Location based services in mobile phones: the killer app


SAT solvers Computer Science Assignment Help

Write a program (python or java or c/c++) that solves 3-coloring using the MiniSat solver

  • Input: a graph to be 3-colored
  • Output: corresponding boolean formula (as explained in previous video)that can be fed into MiniSAT
  • Input FormatIn the input files, the graphs are represented with adjacency lists:Each row represents the list for a node: first row for node a, second row for node b etc….Example:b c
    a c d
    a b
    brepresents a graph where:1) Node a is connected to nodes b and c
    2) Node b is connected to nodes a, c, and d
    3) Node c is connected to nodes a and b
    4) Node d is connected to nodes b


I need a powerpoint created for the following information given Business Finance Assignment Help


According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the probability of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake in the Greater Bay Area is 63%, about 2 out of 3, in the next 30 years. In April 2008, scientists and engineers released a new earthquake forecast for the State of California called the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF).

As a junior analyst at the USGS, you are tasked to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between the magnitudes and depths from the earthquakes.The PowerPoint presentation you will create summarizing your findings and an excel document to show your work.

The attatched excel spreadsheet contains the following**

  • Magnitude measured on the Richter scale
  • Depth in km

Powerpoint must include**

  • Slide 1: Title slide
  • Slide 2: Introduce your scenario and data set including the variables provided.
  • Slide 3: Construct a scatterplot of the two variables provided in the spreadsheet. Include a description of what you see in the scatterplot.
  • Slide 4: Find the value of the linear correlation coefficient r and the critical value of r using α = 0.05. Include an explanation on how you found those values.
  • Slide 5: Determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between the magnitudes and the depths from the earthquakes. Explain.
  • Slide 6: Find the regression equation. Let the predictor (x) variable be the magnitude. Identify the slope and the y-intercept within your regression equation.
  • Slide 7: Is the equation a good model? Explain. What would be the best predicted depth of an earthquake with a magnitude of 2.0? Include the correct units.
  • Slide 8: Conclude by recapping your ideas by summarizing the information presented in context of the scenario.

Excel document to show all calculations



The outside of class speaker evaluation essay Writing Assignment Help

At some point during the semester, you will need to observe a live speaking evthat is outside of a classroom environment. The essay should be typed, doube entspaced and should be 2 pages in length(minimum). Focus your term paper on onespeakerThe essay you write on the speaking event should be arranged in the followingformat:

Part 1-Describe the event, the audience, who was speaking, where it was, andwhen it happened

Part 2- What did the speaker do to make a good impression? Use concepts learnedIn class to explain your ideas

Part 3- How could the speaker improve for future presentations? Use conceptslearned in class to explain your critique

The outside of class speaker evaluation essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Can you help me to write the essay ? Humanities Assignment Help

I need help to write the essay about the problems of immigrant children with use the book Voices from the Fields by Beth Atkin .First, I need to write a good title for the essay.Then, I want to write an introduction.

Secondly, Write a paragraph about the problems of staying in school with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Third, write a paragraph on the problem of poor living and working conditions with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Fourth, write a paragraph about separation of families with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Finally, write a paragraph on concluding that includes a summary of each par

Note, when using Voices from the Fields there are only four stories you need to write the essay are

1_la Fresa

2_Life in a Gang

3_Teen mother

4_you can

I will put some pictures may help you in writing the essay


Research Paper Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

The ABC Corporation executives enjoyed your presentations on how other companies implemented their ERM programs. They are now considering deploying one of their own with our help. However, they are concerned with problems and issues with implementing an ERM program. The executives want to understand how other companies addressed these issues and problems. An important aspect in the research is what practices worked and which ones didn’t. Also its important to know what practices they didn’t use and why.


As risk manager, you will be responsible for the new corporate ERM program. The board has tasked you and your team to create a research paper for the board. The research paper will become the basis for implementing the new ERM program at ABC. Now they have asked you to research several other company’s ERM programs to identify what the best practices are and the pitfalls in their implementation.

The research will involve reviewing the case study above. In the paper, the following will need to be discussed:

  • The problems or issues that were encountered by the company
  • Ways these were addressed
  • The practices that did not work and why
  • The practices that did work and the factors that influenced their success
  • Ways they could be applied in the ABC corporate ERM program
  • Research method(s) you used to analyze the case studies

The instructor will assign teams and the team will appoint their own leader. The team leader will be responsible for assigning tasks to each member and make sure all complete their tasks. The team leader will ensure that the final project paper is completed into one document. Failure to submit the paper will result in a zero grade.

The research paper will be a minimum 12 to 15-page, double-spaced document not including the coversheet, executive summary, reference page, literature review/annotated bibliography, figures, tables. Use Times New Roman 12 font throughout the paper. The paper will use standard APA research format. Use these statements to construct areas in the paper.

  • Provide an executive summary that is an overview of the paper and its purpose.
  • Discuss the problems with implementing an ERM.
  • Describe methods and practices others have tried and what happened.
  • Apply your analysis to identify and discuss what would work for the ABC Corporate ERM program.
  • Summarize any future work that may need to be done that was not covered in this analysis.
  • Include a literature review and annotated bibliography

It will be free of spelling, grammatical or APA errors and no evidence of plagiarism. Include a minimum of five (5) references that are not part of the ones being analyzed. Include the literature review as an attachment on the references used at the end of the paper. Post your paper to the assignment by the due date in the syllabus.


Case Education Writing Assignment Help

For those of you do not have access to an ESOL child – you are given the option to watch videos. The researcher who carried out this case study has provided these videos. So you have a description of the child, pre-assessment, visits with the ESOL children and post-assessment. Look through the modules and attach all scanned work with your description or in the appendix. For the pre-assessment and post-assessment use the rubric/matrix to indicate their levels. The parent interview and the teacher interview are not provided, but for the purpose of having these multiple sources – an interview with another teacher and an adult ELL learner is provided. You can also interview any teacher or adult ELL that you know.

Regardless of whether you are doing the case study with an actual ESOL learner or doing the virtual option – you are supposed to describe the activity and analyze the language development and be able to connect it with the theories, notions and the readings that we have read so far. For example – if one of the activity is Total Physical Response (TPR), after describing the activity you will discuss what you thought of this approach? Was this an effective way of learning? What does the theory say about it? Or say for example you used one of Ada and Campoy’s activity – did this activity really emanate a dialogue? What was the objective and did the activity meet its objective and so on.



Create a weather analysis system by implementing condition tree in python Computer Science Assignment Help

We want to create a project that can help people decide whether go outside or not. For example, if you want to a national park for camping and you are worried about the weather, humidity, or wind resistance. Do not worry, just type the questions on my project. Enter the information in an evaluate system and show you the weather temperature, wind resistance, and humidity. Then use the condition tree to intemperate the final answer of whether it is a good weather to go out or not. The data of the weather can be got on


– Analyze any selection from your textbook in a paper of at least 1,000 words.

– Plagiarism will result in an F.
– Students must follow MLA guidelines for headings, citations, Works Cited, etc.
See the REQUIRED READING in this module in Canvas for detailed information.

Choose ONE topic:

  1. Analyze or compare/contrast characters. Identify the protagonist and the antagonist. Why does the character do what he or she does? How does the character interact with others? Why? For this topic, you may need to choose characters from different short stories, poems, plays, etc.

EX: Comparing and contrasting the brothers in “Sonny’s Blues” ORthe The Misfit and Arnold Friend OR Connie and the grandmother

  1. Identify and explain the symbolism in a selection or similar symbols in different short stories, poems, etc. Why are the symbols important? Are they universal?
  1. Which type of work is the selection (dramatic monologue, initiation story, prose poetry, etc.)? What are the elements of the form, and does the selection work best in this format?
  1. Discuss the point of view. Why does the author write in first person, third person, using an omniscient narrator, using an unreliable narrator, etc.? How would the story change if the events were told from another point of view? How does the author control the mood with this point of view?
  1. Is the selection ironic? How so? Explain the function of irony. Identify which type of irony is used. Why does the author use irony in this selection? How would the selection change without the use of irony?
  1. Explain the purpose of the setting. Why does this selection take place when and where it does? How would the story change if moved to another setting? Explore the historical and/or geographical and/or cultural significance of the setting.
  1. What is the theme (the universal truth learned from the selection)? Explain. Where else have you seen this theme (other literary works, films, television, comics, video games, etc.)?
  1. You may choose to focus on a theoretical interpretation of a selection. See chapter 48 in your book. This is a great idea if you are stuck!

Analyze story Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Hello Please write a two page paper for below Programming Assignment Help

For this milestone, submit Sections A–D of the proposal portion of the final project (Part II).

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

A. Goals: What are the goals of this initiative? How do they align with the organizational mission? And how do you plan to measure success? Be sure
to consider the progress and pathway for data analytics projects of the type you chose to propose.

B. Data Analytics Life Cycle: Apply the data analytics life cycle to your proposed initiative, and walk your audience (management) through the life
cycle as it applies to the initiative.

C. Value of Life Cycle: Based on your application of the life cycle to the initiative, analyze how the life cycle will help you infer predictability,
performance, quality, and security of your initiative and its results.

D. Data: Evaluate the existing or desired data for its applicability to your proposed data analytics initiative. In other words, what are the benefits and
limitations of the current data for the use you have in mind, including potential collection and security implications?



Report on proposing a start-up Writing Assignment Help

Final Paper

Written Report on proposing a start-up (new business) utilizing the following technological revolution (IoT, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing & Big Data) and its relationship to economics of information concepts

(maximum 1500 words, 6 pages (Excluding Bibliography and charts/diagrams) in Word/PDF format.

Imp: Please save the file mentioning your last/first name (Ex: Final_Jesse)

Imp: Write your name & Course name/Number inside the document.

A. How interesting the topic area is in its application to the Economics of Information (20% of Grade)

– Recommend that you choose a narrowly focused subtopic instead of writing a general report on a broad topic; there is a list of sample topics at the end of this document

It should include the following sections/components:

Grading will be based on the following criteria

A. Executive Abstract (250 words) (5%)

B. Depth of Analysis (35% of Grade)

– Analyze different approaches/perspectives of key players in the given space

– Challenges (competitor, government regulation, ethical/social/legal impact)

– Implications for Competitors, Markets and Future of economies of information

– Discuss strategies for success in the given space

C. Economic Analysis (25% of Grade)

– Focus on data that can substantiate key points

– CBA, Break-even point, ROE, Seed money,

– Revenue generating mechanism, Uniqueness/ Novelty feature

D. Quality of Presentation (across Report, and Class Presentation formats) (10% of Grade)

– Present material in an organized way

– Be direct, concise and clear

– Use visual aids to help convey your points

E. Bibliography of sources (with web links as appropriate) (5% of Grade)

Sample Topic (However, you can come up with any idea as you deem fit for economies of Information):

– streaming content delivery (movie/music/book) over the internet

– revenue generating models for service industry

– ownership of consumer profile data and its use for recommending new purchases

– Health sector

– SCM/CRM/ERP solution

– web-based customer support system at a high-tech firm

– the adoption of new online banking/financial services

– the roll-out of RFID tracking system at a manufacturer or retailer

– knowledge-management system at a large consulting firm

– “paperless” electronic document management system

– in-store product recommendation kiosks

– creating a community of gamers around a new gaming platform

– identifying the next big opportunity for outsourcing of virtual work and its implications

– next generation recommender systems

– Location based services in mobile phones: the killer app


SAT solvers Computer Science Assignment Help

Write a program (python or java or c/c++) that solves 3-coloring using the MiniSat solver

  • Input: a graph to be 3-colored
  • Output: corresponding boolean formula (as explained in previous video)that can be fed into MiniSAT
  • Input FormatIn the input files, the graphs are represented with adjacency lists:Each row represents the list for a node: first row for node a, second row for node b etc….Example:b c
    a c d
    a b
    brepresents a graph where:1) Node a is connected to nodes b and c
    2) Node b is connected to nodes a, c, and d
    3) Node c is connected to nodes a and b
    4) Node d is connected to nodes b


I need a powerpoint created for the following information given Business Finance Assignment Help


According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the probability of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake in the Greater Bay Area is 63%, about 2 out of 3, in the next 30 years. In April 2008, scientists and engineers released a new earthquake forecast for the State of California called the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF).

As a junior analyst at the USGS, you are tasked to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between the magnitudes and depths from the earthquakes.The PowerPoint presentation you will create summarizing your findings and an excel document to show your work.

The attatched excel spreadsheet contains the following**

  • Magnitude measured on the Richter scale
  • Depth in km

Powerpoint must include**

  • Slide 1: Title slide
  • Slide 2: Introduce your scenario and data set including the variables provided.
  • Slide 3: Construct a scatterplot of the two variables provided in the spreadsheet. Include a description of what you see in the scatterplot.
  • Slide 4: Find the value of the linear correlation coefficient r and the critical value of r using α = 0.05. Include an explanation on how you found those values.
  • Slide 5: Determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between the magnitudes and the depths from the earthquakes. Explain.
  • Slide 6: Find the regression equation. Let the predictor (x) variable be the magnitude. Identify the slope and the y-intercept within your regression equation.
  • Slide 7: Is the equation a good model? Explain. What would be the best predicted depth of an earthquake with a magnitude of 2.0? Include the correct units.
  • Slide 8: Conclude by recapping your ideas by summarizing the information presented in context of the scenario.

Excel document to show all calculations



The outside of class speaker evaluation essay Writing Assignment Help

At some point during the semester, you will need to observe a live speaking evthat is outside of a classroom environment. The essay should be typed, doube entspaced and should be 2 pages in length(minimum). Focus your term paper on onespeakerThe essay you write on the speaking event should be arranged in the followingformat:

Part 1-Describe the event, the audience, who was speaking, where it was, andwhen it happened

Part 2- What did the speaker do to make a good impression? Use concepts learnedIn class to explain your ideas

Part 3- How could the speaker improve for future presentations? Use conceptslearned in class to explain your critique

The outside of class speaker evaluation essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Can you help me to write the essay ? Humanities Assignment Help

I need help to write the essay about the problems of immigrant children with use the book Voices from the Fields by Beth Atkin .First, I need to write a good title for the essay.Then, I want to write an introduction.

Secondly, Write a paragraph about the problems of staying in school with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Third, write a paragraph on the problem of poor living and working conditions with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Fourth, write a paragraph about separation of families with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Finally, write a paragraph on concluding that includes a summary of each par

Note, when using Voices from the Fields there are only four stories you need to write the essay are

1_la Fresa

2_Life in a Gang

3_Teen mother

4_you can

I will put some pictures may help you in writing the essay


Research Paper Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

The ABC Corporation executives enjoyed your presentations on how other companies implemented their ERM programs. They are now considering deploying one of their own with our help. However, they are concerned with problems and issues with implementing an ERM program. The executives want to understand how other companies addressed these issues and problems. An important aspect in the research is what practices worked and which ones didn’t. Also its important to know what practices they didn’t use and why.


As risk manager, you will be responsible for the new corporate ERM program. The board has tasked you and your team to create a research paper for the board. The research paper will become the basis for implementing the new ERM program at ABC. Now they have asked you to research several other company’s ERM programs to identify what the best practices are and the pitfalls in their implementation.

The research will involve reviewing the case study above. In the paper, the following will need to be discussed:

  • The problems or issues that were encountered by the company
  • Ways these were addressed
  • The practices that did not work and why
  • The practices that did work and the factors that influenced their success
  • Ways they could be applied in the ABC corporate ERM program
  • Research method(s) you used to analyze the case studies

The instructor will assign teams and the team will appoint their own leader. The team leader will be responsible for assigning tasks to each member and make sure all complete their tasks. The team leader will ensure that the final project paper is completed into one document. Failure to submit the paper will result in a zero grade.

The research paper will be a minimum 12 to 15-page, double-spaced document not including the coversheet, executive summary, reference page, literature review/annotated bibliography, figures, tables. Use Times New Roman 12 font throughout the paper. The paper will use standard APA research format. Use these statements to construct areas in the paper.

  • Provide an executive summary that is an overview of the paper and its purpose.
  • Discuss the problems with implementing an ERM.
  • Describe methods and practices others have tried and what happened.
  • Apply your analysis to identify and discuss what would work for the ABC Corporate ERM program.
  • Summarize any future work that may need to be done that was not covered in this analysis.
  • Include a literature review and annotated bibliography

It will be free of spelling, grammatical or APA errors and no evidence of plagiarism. Include a minimum of five (5) references that are not part of the ones being analyzed. Include the literature review as an attachment on the references used at the end of the paper. Post your paper to the assignment by the due date in the syllabus.


Case Education Writing Assignment Help

For those of you do not have access to an ESOL child – you are given the option to watch videos. The researcher who carried out this case study has provided these videos. So you have a description of the child, pre-assessment, visits with the ESOL children and post-assessment. Look through the modules and attach all scanned work with your description or in the appendix. For the pre-assessment and post-assessment use the rubric/matrix to indicate their levels. The parent interview and the teacher interview are not provided, but for the purpose of having these multiple sources – an interview with another teacher and an adult ELL learner is provided. You can also interview any teacher or adult ELL that you know.

Regardless of whether you are doing the case study with an actual ESOL learner or doing the virtual option – you are supposed to describe the activity and analyze the language development and be able to connect it with the theories, notions and the readings that we have read so far. For example – if one of the activity is Total Physical Response (TPR), after describing the activity you will discuss what you thought of this approach? Was this an effective way of learning? What does the theory say about it? Or say for example you used one of Ada and Campoy’s activity – did this activity really emanate a dialogue? What was the objective and did the activity meet its objective and so on.



Create a weather analysis system by implementing condition tree in python Computer Science Assignment Help

We want to create a project that can help people decide whether go outside or not. For example, if you want to a national park for camping and you are worried about the weather, humidity, or wind resistance. Do not worry, just type the questions on my project. Enter the information in an evaluate system and show you the weather temperature, wind resistance, and humidity. Then use the condition tree to intemperate the final answer of whether it is a good weather to go out or not. The data of the weather can be got on


– Analyze any selection from your textbook in a paper of at least 1,000 words.

– Plagiarism will result in an F.
– Students must follow MLA guidelines for headings, citations, Works Cited, etc.
See the REQUIRED READING in this module in Canvas for detailed information.

Choose ONE topic:

  1. Analyze or compare/contrast characters. Identify the protagonist and the antagonist. Why does the character do what he or she does? How does the character interact with others? Why? For this topic, you may need to choose characters from different short stories, poems, plays, etc.

EX: Comparing and contrasting the brothers in “Sonny’s Blues” ORthe The Misfit and Arnold Friend OR Connie and the grandmother

  1. Identify and explain the symbolism in a selection or similar symbols in different short stories, poems, etc. Why are the symbols important? Are they universal?
  1. Which type of work is the selection (dramatic monologue, initiation story, prose poetry, etc.)? What are the elements of the form, and does the selection work best in this format?
  1. Discuss the point of view. Why does the author write in first person, third person, using an omniscient narrator, using an unreliable narrator, etc.? How would the story change if the events were told from another point of view? How does the author control the mood with this point of view?
  1. Is the selection ironic? How so? Explain the function of irony. Identify which type of irony is used. Why does the author use irony in this selection? How would the selection change without the use of irony?
  1. Explain the purpose of the setting. Why does this selection take place when and where it does? How would the story change if moved to another setting? Explore the historical and/or geographical and/or cultural significance of the setting.
  1. What is the theme (the universal truth learned from the selection)? Explain. Where else have you seen this theme (other literary works, films, television, comics, video games, etc.)?
  1. You may choose to focus on a theoretical interpretation of a selection. See chapter 48 in your book. This is a great idea if you are stuck!

Analyze story Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Hello Please write a two page paper for below Programming Assignment Help

For this milestone, submit Sections A–D of the proposal portion of the final project (Part II).

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

A. Goals: What are the goals of this initiative? How do they align with the organizational mission? And how do you plan to measure success? Be sure
to consider the progress and pathway for data analytics projects of the type you chose to propose.

B. Data Analytics Life Cycle: Apply the data analytics life cycle to your proposed initiative, and walk your audience (management) through the life
cycle as it applies to the initiative.

C. Value of Life Cycle: Based on your application of the life cycle to the initiative, analyze how the life cycle will help you infer predictability,
performance, quality, and security of your initiative and its results.

D. Data: Evaluate the existing or desired data for its applicability to your proposed data analytics initiative. In other words, what are the benefits and
limitations of the current data for the use you have in mind, including potential collection and security implications?



Report on proposing a start-up Writing Assignment Help

Final Paper

Written Report on proposing a start-up (new business) utilizing the following technological revolution (IoT, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing & Big Data) and its relationship to economics of information concepts

(maximum 1500 words, 6 pages (Excluding Bibliography and charts/diagrams) in Word/PDF format.

Imp: Please save the file mentioning your last/first name (Ex: Final_Jesse)

Imp: Write your name & Course name/Number inside the document.

A. How interesting the topic area is in its application to the Economics of Information (20% of Grade)

– Recommend that you choose a narrowly focused subtopic instead of writing a general report on a broad topic; there is a list of sample topics at the end of this document

It should include the following sections/components:

Grading will be based on the following criteria

A. Executive Abstract (250 words) (5%)

B. Depth of Analysis (35% of Grade)

– Analyze different approaches/perspectives of key players in the given space

– Challenges (competitor, government regulation, ethical/social/legal impact)

– Implications for Competitors, Markets and Future of economies of information

– Discuss strategies for success in the given space

C. Economic Analysis (25% of Grade)

– Focus on data that can substantiate key points

– CBA, Break-even point, ROE, Seed money,

– Revenue generating mechanism, Uniqueness/ Novelty feature

D. Quality of Presentation (across Report, and Class Presentation formats) (10% of Grade)

– Present material in an organized way

– Be direct, concise and clear

– Use visual aids to help convey your points

E. Bibliography of sources (with web links as appropriate) (5% of Grade)

Sample Topic (However, you can come up with any idea as you deem fit for economies of Information):

– streaming content delivery (movie/music/book) over the internet

– revenue generating models for service industry

– ownership of consumer profile data and its use for recommending new purchases

– Health sector

– SCM/CRM/ERP solution

– web-based customer support system at a high-tech firm

– the adoption of new online banking/financial services

– the roll-out of RFID tracking system at a manufacturer or retailer

– knowledge-management system at a large consulting firm

– “paperless” electronic document management system

– in-store product recommendation kiosks

– creating a community of gamers around a new gaming platform

– identifying the next big opportunity for outsourcing of virtual work and its implications

– next generation recommender systems

– Location based services in mobile phones: the killer app


SAT solvers Computer Science Assignment Help

Write a program (python or java or c/c++) that solves 3-coloring using the MiniSat solver

  • Input: a graph to be 3-colored
  • Output: corresponding boolean formula (as explained in previous video)that can be fed into MiniSAT
  • Input FormatIn the input files, the graphs are represented with adjacency lists:Each row represents the list for a node: first row for node a, second row for node b etc….Example:b c
    a c d
    a b
    brepresents a graph where:1) Node a is connected to nodes b and c
    2) Node b is connected to nodes a, c, and d
    3) Node c is connected to nodes a and b
    4) Node d is connected to nodes b


I need a powerpoint created for the following information given Business Finance Assignment Help


According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the probability of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake in the Greater Bay Area is 63%, about 2 out of 3, in the next 30 years. In April 2008, scientists and engineers released a new earthquake forecast for the State of California called the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF).

As a junior analyst at the USGS, you are tasked to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between the magnitudes and depths from the earthquakes.The PowerPoint presentation you will create summarizing your findings and an excel document to show your work.

The attatched excel spreadsheet contains the following**

  • Magnitude measured on the Richter scale
  • Depth in km

Powerpoint must include**

  • Slide 1: Title slide
  • Slide 2: Introduce your scenario and data set including the variables provided.
  • Slide 3: Construct a scatterplot of the two variables provided in the spreadsheet. Include a description of what you see in the scatterplot.
  • Slide 4: Find the value of the linear correlation coefficient r and the critical value of r using α = 0.05. Include an explanation on how you found those values.
  • Slide 5: Determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between the magnitudes and the depths from the earthquakes. Explain.
  • Slide 6: Find the regression equation. Let the predictor (x) variable be the magnitude. Identify the slope and the y-intercept within your regression equation.
  • Slide 7: Is the equation a good model? Explain. What would be the best predicted depth of an earthquake with a magnitude of 2.0? Include the correct units.
  • Slide 8: Conclude by recapping your ideas by summarizing the information presented in context of the scenario.

Excel document to show all calculations



The outside of class speaker evaluation essay Writing Assignment Help

At some point during the semester, you will need to observe a live speaking evthat is outside of a classroom environment. The essay should be typed, doube entspaced and should be 2 pages in length(minimum). Focus your term paper on onespeakerThe essay you write on the speaking event should be arranged in the followingformat:

Part 1-Describe the event, the audience, who was speaking, where it was, andwhen it happened

Part 2- What did the speaker do to make a good impression? Use concepts learnedIn class to explain your ideas

Part 3- How could the speaker improve for future presentations? Use conceptslearned in class to explain your critique

The outside of class speaker evaluation essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Can you help me to write the essay ? Humanities Assignment Help

I need help to write the essay about the problems of immigrant children with use the book Voices from the Fields by Beth Atkin .First, I need to write a good title for the essay.Then, I want to write an introduction.

Secondly, Write a paragraph about the problems of staying in school with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Third, write a paragraph on the problem of poor living and working conditions with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Fourth, write a paragraph about separation of families with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Finally, write a paragraph on concluding that includes a summary of each par

Note, when using Voices from the Fields there are only four stories you need to write the essay are

1_la Fresa

2_Life in a Gang

3_Teen mother

4_you can

I will put some pictures may help you in writing the essay


Research Paper Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

The ABC Corporation executives enjoyed your presentations on how other companies implemented their ERM programs. They are now considering deploying one of their own with our help. However, they are concerned with problems and issues with implementing an ERM program. The executives want to understand how other companies addressed these issues and problems. An important aspect in the research is what practices worked and which ones didn’t. Also its important to know what practices they didn’t use and why.


As risk manager, you will be responsible for the new corporate ERM program. The board has tasked you and your team to create a research paper for the board. The research paper will become the basis for implementing the new ERM program at ABC. Now they have asked you to research several other company’s ERM programs to identify what the best practices are and the pitfalls in their implementation.

The research will involve reviewing the case study above. In the paper, the following will need to be discussed:

  • The problems or issues that were encountered by the company
  • Ways these were addressed
  • The practices that did not work and why
  • The practices that did work and the factors that influenced their success
  • Ways they could be applied in the ABC corporate ERM program
  • Research method(s) you used to analyze the case studies

The instructor will assign teams and the team will appoint their own leader. The team leader will be responsible for assigning tasks to each member and make sure all complete their tasks. The team leader will ensure that the final project paper is completed into one document. Failure to submit the paper will result in a zero grade.

The research paper will be a minimum 12 to 15-page, double-spaced document not including the coversheet, executive summary, reference page, literature review/annotated bibliography, figures, tables. Use Times New Roman 12 font throughout the paper. The paper will use standard APA research format. Use these statements to construct areas in the paper.

  • Provide an executive summary that is an overview of the paper and its purpose.
  • Discuss the problems with implementing an ERM.
  • Describe methods and practices others have tried and what happened.
  • Apply your analysis to identify and discuss what would work for the ABC Corporate ERM program.
  • Summarize any future work that may need to be done that was not covered in this analysis.
  • Include a literature review and annotated bibliography

It will be free of spelling, grammatical or APA errors and no evidence of plagiarism. Include a minimum of five (5) references that are not part of the ones being analyzed. Include the literature review as an attachment on the references used at the end of the paper. Post your paper to the assignment by the due date in the syllabus.


Case Education Writing Assignment Help

For those of you do not have access to an ESOL child – you are given the option to watch videos. The researcher who carried out this case study has provided these videos. So you have a description of the child, pre-assessment, visits with the ESOL children and post-assessment. Look through the modules and attach all scanned work with your description or in the appendix. For the pre-assessment and post-assessment use the rubric/matrix to indicate their levels. The parent interview and the teacher interview are not provided, but for the purpose of having these multiple sources – an interview with another teacher and an adult ELL learner is provided. You can also interview any teacher or adult ELL that you know.

Regardless of whether you are doing the case study with an actual ESOL learner or doing the virtual option – you are supposed to describe the activity and analyze the language development and be able to connect it with the theories, notions and the readings that we have read so far. For example – if one of the activity is Total Physical Response (TPR), after describing the activity you will discuss what you thought of this approach? Was this an effective way of learning? What does the theory say about it? Or say for example you used one of Ada and Campoy’s activity – did this activity really emanate a dialogue? What was the objective and did the activity meet its objective and so on.



Create a weather analysis system by implementing condition tree in python Computer Science Assignment Help

We want to create a project that can help people decide whether go outside or not. For example, if you want to a national park for camping and you are worried about the weather, humidity, or wind resistance. Do not worry, just type the questions on my project. Enter the information in an evaluate system and show you the weather temperature, wind resistance, and humidity. Then use the condition tree to intemperate the final answer of whether it is a good weather to go out or not. The data of the weather can be got on


– Analyze any selection from your textbook in a paper of at least 1,000 words.

– Plagiarism will result in an F.
– Students must follow MLA guidelines for headings, citations, Works Cited, etc.
See the REQUIRED READING in this module in Canvas for detailed information.

Choose ONE topic:

  1. Analyze or compare/contrast characters. Identify the protagonist and the antagonist. Why does the character do what he or she does? How does the character interact with others? Why? For this topic, you may need to choose characters from different short stories, poems, plays, etc.

EX: Comparing and contrasting the brothers in “Sonny’s Blues” ORthe The Misfit and Arnold Friend OR Connie and the grandmother

  1. Identify and explain the symbolism in a selection or similar symbols in different short stories, poems, etc. Why are the symbols important? Are they universal?
  1. Which type of work is the selection (dramatic monologue, initiation story, prose poetry, etc.)? What are the elements of the form, and does the selection work best in this format?
  1. Discuss the point of view. Why does the author write in first person, third person, using an omniscient narrator, using an unreliable narrator, etc.? How would the story change if the events were told from another point of view? How does the author control the mood with this point of view?
  1. Is the selection ironic? How so? Explain the function of irony. Identify which type of irony is used. Why does the author use irony in this selection? How would the selection change without the use of irony?
  1. Explain the purpose of the setting. Why does this selection take place when and where it does? How would the story change if moved to another setting? Explore the historical and/or geographical and/or cultural significance of the setting.
  1. What is the theme (the universal truth learned from the selection)? Explain. Where else have you seen this theme (other literary works, films, television, comics, video games, etc.)?
  1. You may choose to focus on a theoretical interpretation of a selection. See chapter 48 in your book. This is a great idea if you are stuck!

Analyze story Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Hello Please write a two page paper for below Programming Assignment Help

For this milestone, submit Sections A–D of the proposal portion of the final project (Part II).

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

A. Goals: What are the goals of this initiative? How do they align with the organizational mission? And how do you plan to measure success? Be sure
to consider the progress and pathway for data analytics projects of the type you chose to propose.

B. Data Analytics Life Cycle: Apply the data analytics life cycle to your proposed initiative, and walk your audience (management) through the life
cycle as it applies to the initiative.

C. Value of Life Cycle: Based on your application of the life cycle to the initiative, analyze how the life cycle will help you infer predictability,
performance, quality, and security of your initiative and its results.

D. Data: Evaluate the existing or desired data for its applicability to your proposed data analytics initiative. In other words, what are the benefits and
limitations of the current data for the use you have in mind, including potential collection and security implications?



Report on proposing a start-up Writing Assignment Help

Final Paper

Written Report on proposing a start-up (new business) utilizing the following technological revolution (IoT, Mobile Computing, Cloud Computing & Big Data) and its relationship to economics of information concepts

(maximum 1500 words, 6 pages (Excluding Bibliography and charts/diagrams) in Word/PDF format.

Imp: Please save the file mentioning your last/first name (Ex: Final_Jesse)

Imp: Write your name & Course name/Number inside the document.

A. How interesting the topic area is in its application to the Economics of Information (20% of Grade)

– Recommend that you choose a narrowly focused subtopic instead of writing a general report on a broad topic; there is a list of sample topics at the end of this document

It should include the following sections/components:

Grading will be based on the following criteria

A. Executive Abstract (250 words) (5%)

B. Depth of Analysis (35% of Grade)

– Analyze different approaches/perspectives of key players in the given space

– Challenges (competitor, government regulation, ethical/social/legal impact)

– Implications for Competitors, Markets and Future of economies of information

– Discuss strategies for success in the given space

C. Economic Analysis (25% of Grade)

– Focus on data that can substantiate key points

– CBA, Break-even point, ROE, Seed money,

– Revenue generating mechanism, Uniqueness/ Novelty feature

D. Quality of Presentation (across Report, and Class Presentation formats) (10% of Grade)

– Present material in an organized way

– Be direct, concise and clear

– Use visual aids to help convey your points

E. Bibliography of sources (with web links as appropriate) (5% of Grade)

Sample Topic (However, you can come up with any idea as you deem fit for economies of Information):

– streaming content delivery (movie/music/book) over the internet

– revenue generating models for service industry

– ownership of consumer profile data and its use for recommending new purchases

– Health sector

– SCM/CRM/ERP solution

– web-based customer support system at a high-tech firm

– the adoption of new online banking/financial services

– the roll-out of RFID tracking system at a manufacturer or retailer

– knowledge-management system at a large consulting firm

– “paperless” electronic document management system

– in-store product recommendation kiosks

– creating a community of gamers around a new gaming platform

– identifying the next big opportunity for outsourcing of virtual work and its implications

– next generation recommender systems

– Location based services in mobile phones: the killer app


SAT solvers Computer Science Assignment Help

Write a program (python or java or c/c++) that solves 3-coloring using the MiniSat solver

  • Input: a graph to be 3-colored
  • Output: corresponding boolean formula (as explained in previous video)that can be fed into MiniSAT
  • Input FormatIn the input files, the graphs are represented with adjacency lists:Each row represents the list for a node: first row for node a, second row for node b etc….Example:b c
    a c d
    a b
    brepresents a graph where:1) Node a is connected to nodes b and c
    2) Node b is connected to nodes a, c, and d
    3) Node c is connected to nodes a and b
    4) Node d is connected to nodes b


I need a powerpoint created for the following information given Business Finance Assignment Help


According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the probability of a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake in the Greater Bay Area is 63%, about 2 out of 3, in the next 30 years. In April 2008, scientists and engineers released a new earthquake forecast for the State of California called the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF).

As a junior analyst at the USGS, you are tasked to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between the magnitudes and depths from the earthquakes.The PowerPoint presentation you will create summarizing your findings and an excel document to show your work.

The attatched excel spreadsheet contains the following**

  • Magnitude measured on the Richter scale
  • Depth in km

Powerpoint must include**

  • Slide 1: Title slide
  • Slide 2: Introduce your scenario and data set including the variables provided.
  • Slide 3: Construct a scatterplot of the two variables provided in the spreadsheet. Include a description of what you see in the scatterplot.
  • Slide 4: Find the value of the linear correlation coefficient r and the critical value of r using α = 0.05. Include an explanation on how you found those values.
  • Slide 5: Determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support the claim of a linear correlation between the magnitudes and the depths from the earthquakes. Explain.
  • Slide 6: Find the regression equation. Let the predictor (x) variable be the magnitude. Identify the slope and the y-intercept within your regression equation.
  • Slide 7: Is the equation a good model? Explain. What would be the best predicted depth of an earthquake with a magnitude of 2.0? Include the correct units.
  • Slide 8: Conclude by recapping your ideas by summarizing the information presented in context of the scenario.

Excel document to show all calculations



The outside of class speaker evaluation essay Writing Assignment Help

At some point during the semester, you will need to observe a live speaking evthat is outside of a classroom environment. The essay should be typed, doube entspaced and should be 2 pages in length(minimum). Focus your term paper on onespeakerThe essay you write on the speaking event should be arranged in the followingformat:

Part 1-Describe the event, the audience, who was speaking, where it was, andwhen it happened

Part 2- What did the speaker do to make a good impression? Use concepts learnedIn class to explain your ideas

Part 3- How could the speaker improve for future presentations? Use conceptslearned in class to explain your critique

The outside of class speaker evaluation essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Can you help me to write the essay ? Humanities Assignment Help

I need help to write the essay about the problems of immigrant children with use the book Voices from the Fields by Beth Atkin .First, I need to write a good title for the essay.Then, I want to write an introduction.

Secondly, Write a paragraph about the problems of staying in school with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Third, write a paragraph on the problem of poor living and working conditions with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Fourth, write a paragraph about separation of families with two quotes and explain for each of them.

Finally, write a paragraph on concluding that includes a summary of each par

Note, when using Voices from the Fields there are only four stories you need to write the essay are

1_la Fresa

2_Life in a Gang

3_Teen mother

4_you can

I will put some pictures may help you in writing the essay


Research Paper Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help

The ABC Corporation executives enjoyed your presentations on how other companies implemented their ERM programs. They are now considering deploying one of their own with our help. However, they are concerned with problems and issues with implementing an ERM program. The executives want to understand how other companies addressed these issues and problems. An important aspect in the research is what practices worked and which ones didn’t. Also its important to know what practices they didn’t use and why.


As risk manager, you will be responsible for the new corporate ERM program. The board has tasked you and your team to create a research paper for the board. The research paper will become the basis for implementing the new ERM program at ABC. Now they have asked you to research several other company’s ERM programs to identify what the best practices are and the pitfalls in their implementation.

The research will involve reviewing the case study above. In the paper, the following will need to be discussed:

  • The problems or issues that were encountered by the company
  • Ways these were addressed
  • The practices that did not work and why
  • The practices that did work and the factors that influenced their success
  • Ways they could be applied in the ABC corporate ERM program
  • Research method(s) you used to analyze the case studies

The instructor will assign teams and the team will appoint their own leader. The team leader will be responsible for assigning tasks to each member and make sure all complete their tasks. The team leader will ensure that the final project paper is completed into one document. Failure to submit the paper will result in a zero grade.

The research paper will be a minimum 12 to 15-page, double-spaced document not including the coversheet, executive summary, reference page, literature review/annotated bibliography, figures, tables. Use Times New Roman 12 font throughout the paper. The paper will use standard APA research format. Use these statements to construct areas in the paper.

  • Provide an executive summary that is an overview of the paper and its purpose.
  • Discuss the problems with implementing an ERM.
  • Describe methods and practices others have tried and what happened.
  • Apply your analysis to identify and discuss what would work for the ABC Corporate ERM program.
  • Summarize any future work that may need to be done that was not covered in this analysis.
  • Include a literature review and annotated bibliography

It will be free of spelling, grammatical or APA errors and no evidence of plagiarism. Include a minimum of five (5) references that are not part of the ones being analyzed. Include the literature review as an attachment on the references used at the end of the paper. Post your paper to the assignment by the due date in the syllabus.


Case Education Writing Assignment Help

For those of you do not have access to an ESOL child – you are given the option to watch videos. The researcher who carried out this case study has provided these videos. So you have a description of the child, pre-assessment, visits with the ESOL children and post-assessment. Look through the modules and attach all scanned work with your description or in the appendix. For the pre-assessment and post-assessment use the rubric/matrix to indicate their levels. The parent interview and the teacher interview are not provided, but for the purpose of having these multiple sources – an interview with another teacher and an adult ELL learner is provided. You can also interview any teacher or adult ELL that you know.

Regardless of whether you are doing the case study with an actual ESOL learner or doing the virtual option – you are supposed to describe the activity and analyze the language development and be able to connect it with the theories, notions and the readings that we have read so far. For example – if one of the activity is Total Physical Response (TPR), after describing the activity you will discuss what you thought of this approach? Was this an effective way of learning? What does the theory say about it? Or say for example you used one of Ada and Campoy’s activity – did this activity really emanate a dialogue? What was the objective and did the activity meet its objective and so on.



Create a weather analysis system by implementing condition tree in python Computer Science Assignment Help

We want to create a project that can help people decide whether go outside or not. For example, if you want to a national park for camping and you are worried about the weather, humidity, or wind resistance. Do not worry, just type the questions on my project. Enter the information in an evaluate system and show you the weather temperature, wind resistance, and humidity. Then use the condition tree to intemperate the final answer of whether it is a good weather to go out or not. The data of the weather can be got on


Analyze story Humanities Assignment Help

Analyze story Humanities Assignment Help

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