- Select three videos from the list below.
- You must site them by name in your post.
- Analyze them according to the theories and approaches in chapter 1. (About a good paragraph)
- Do Indigenous religions fit within the parameters of “religion” as described in chapter 1? Explain your answer.
- What do you find unique about indigenous religions?
• 00:06:53 Navajo Medicineman Tells the Creation Story
Dec 23, 1974- Navajo medicineman Longsalt teaches his apprentice Buck the ancient stories of Creation in the Navajo religion.
• 00:08:13 Traditional Healing Rituals of the Navajo
Dec 23, 1974- NBC takes a look at the traditional healing rituals of the Navajo Indians.
• 00:04:35 A Look at American Indian Religions
Oct 25, 1988- Hundreds of Indian religions have similar ceremonies and rituals governing medicine, farming, and hunting.
• 00:04:09 Earth Images of Ancient Indians
Mar 15, 1983- Archaeologist Jay Von Werlhof explains his theories about ancient artistic images, including rock alignments, created by native Americans in southwest America.
• 00:06:28- Anthropologist Discusses Brazilian Religion Macumba
Anthropologist Peter Fry talks with NBC’s Bryant Gumbel about Macumba, a religion with roots in Africa brought over during the slave trade.
• 00:03:50 The Bushmen of Botswana
Feb 9,2004- Anthropologists and descendents of Africa’s bushmen tell the story of the history of mankind.